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WBCS Reasoning Speed Test-12

Max Marks-15 Max Time- 20 Min

Topic: Alpha Series

Directions (Qs. 1-5): In each of the following questions, a series of letters and number is given,the terms
of which follow certain definite pattern in groups. However, some terms in the series are missing, which
are given in the same order as one of the alternatives below the series.
Choose the correct alternative.
1. 2 3 B ___6 ___ F G __5 D __8 H 1
(a) C 7 4 E 9
(b) D 8 6 C 7
(c) E 8 7 D 9
(d) W 8 7 16
Exp: (a) Clearly we can understand that the alphabets are arranged according to their respective numbers.

2. Z__25 Y B 23 X C ___W __ 19__E 17

(a) A 21 D V
(b) A 27 C V
(c) X 21 C W
(d) X 27 F W

3. D__6 E G P__H J __12 K M B 15___

(a) E 7 J L
(b) F 8 M K
(c) G 9 I M
(d) J 9 V N

4. F__U 6 __9 I__T 7__20__4 D 23

(a) 11 G 16 K U
(b) 13 H 15 L M
(c) 17 J 19 R S
(d) 21 R 18 G W
5. X W C __ T S 20 __ P 12 __L 15 K__P__ G S 7
(a) 17 F I S T
(b) 19 E L R H
(c) 21 G L N F
(d) 23 H K O H

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WBCS Reasoning Speed Test-12
Max Marks-15 Max Time- 20 Min
Topic: Alpha Series

Directions (Qs. 6-10): Study the following information and answer the question that follow:-
All the vowels in the English Alphabet are retained in their original places and the remaining letters are written
in the reverse order. The new sequence looks like : A, Z, Y, X, E, W, ... … … …. Now each of the letters in
the new sequence represents the letter in the original sequence.

6. Which one of the following is a valid word in the new sequence?

(d) None of the above
Exp: (a) The valid word will be formed by PUNYT that will become MUNCH.

7. Which one of the following represents the name of a country?

(d) None of the above
Exp: (c) Here from the given options YTINA becomes CHINA which is a name of country.

8. Which one of the following is the name of a popular brand?

(d) None of the above
Exp: (c) From the given options AKIEQ represent „ARIEL‟ which is a a famous brand.

9. Which one of the following is not a valid word in the new sequence?
(d) None of the above
Exp: (d) In the rearrangement we can get the word MUSCIE, FLOOD, STINT (Which are meaningful) from
options (1), (2), (3) respectively.

10. In a certain code, the word CARTOON is written as BBQUNPM. Using this code, OSHNZSX will stand
for the word :
(d) None of the above


2 | ©VisionWBCS
WBCS Reasoning Speed Test-12
Max Marks-15 Max Time- 20 Min
Topic: Alpha Series

Directions (Qs. 11-15): Read the following carefullym and answer the question that follow:-

11. AZ, GI, MN, ?, YB which one of the following can replace the question mark?
(a) KF
(b) RX
(c) SH
(d) TS
Exp: (c) AZ, GT, MN,___ , YB
In this series letter contain AZ, second letter G. From this we can see that A to G increasing order but Z
to T decreasing order. 3rd letter also maintain same pattern respect to 2nd letter.
Now, we are considering position of each letter according to the alphabetical order.
A + 6 = G, G + 6 = M => M + 6 =S
Z – 6 = T, T – 6 = N =>N – 6 =H
So, fourth term will be = SH

12. J2Z, K4X, I7V, ?, H16R, M22P which one of the following can replace the question mark?
(a) I11T
(b) L11S
(c) L12T
(d) L11T
Exp: (d) J2Z, K4X, I7V, ___, H16R, M22P
Here first letter contain 2 letters and one numeric
1st term of each letter : J K I __ H M
Here j to k increasing order but k to I decreasing
order ,again h to k also increasing order.
Each step + 1, – 2, + 3, – 4……
J + 1 = K, K – 2 = I, I + 3 = L,
L – 4 = H, H + 5 = M,
2nd term also increases by + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5 order.
2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 3 = 7, 7 + 4 =11, 11 + 5 = 16,
16 + 6 = 22
3rd term decreases by 2 fixed order.
Z – 2 = X, X – 2 = V, V – 2 = T
Fourth letter will be L11T.

13. Fill up the blanks gfe _ ig _ eii_ fei _ gf _ ii

(a) eigfi
(b) ifgie
(c) figie
(d) ifige
Exp: (b) gfe ___ ig ___ eii ___ fei ___ gf ___ ii
Above series cannot be solve directly because some
alphabet repeated.
So, take each option individually and put it .
Among all 4 given options only option 2 satisfied the
series : gfeii/gfeii/….

3 | ©VisionWBCS
WBCS Reasoning Speed Test-12
Max Marks-15 Max Time- 20 Min
Topic: Alpha Series

14. if 18514 stands for AHEAD, what does 31385 stand for?
Exp: (d) 18514 denotes AHEAD
Means 1 → A, 8 → H According to the alphabetical
Same as 31385, 3→A, 1→C, 3 → C, 8 → H, 5 → E
31385 ⇒ CACHE.

15. Complete the sequence of numbers below:

1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ………
(a) 312211
(b) 311211
(c) 11133212
(d) 1223123

Exp: (a) Given sequence is

1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ………

Now analyse the terms –

1st term = 1
2nd term – It describes the 1st term that is has “one”
“one” or 11
3rd term It describes the 2nd term that it has “two”
“one” or 21
4th term It describe the 3rd term that it has “one””2”
and “one” “1” or 1211
5th term describes the 4th term that it has “one” “1”,
“one” “2” and “two” “1” or 111221
Hence the 6th term would be – “Three” “1”, “two”
“2” and “one” “1” or 312211

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