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Accountancy, Business &

Management (ABM) Work
Immersion Program
Teachers’ Training Modul

2017 Edition
Business and
(ABM) Work
Teacher’s Training Module
Prepared By:



This module is dedicated to the work immersion students and teachers

who will undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to
their skills and knowledge in Accountancy, Business and Management to
enhance their competencies.

Throughout the process of writing this module, many individuals

from the Division of Negros Oriental have taken time out to help us out.
We would like to give a special thanks to the Division Education Program
Supervisors especially to Ma’am Erlinda N. Calumpang, the CID Chief,
for sharing our happiness when starting this module and following with
encouragement, excellent support and advice when it seemed too
difficult to be completed. We would have probably give up without their
support and example on what to do when we really want something. We
also wish to thank all our technical reviewers, Ma’am Esterlina B.
Paragoso, Dr. Renante S. Juanillo and Ma’am Rosela A. Abiera as well as
our different speakers, Dr. Nonale Q. Resoor, Ms. Katherine Y. Sedillo,
Ma’am Dae P. Habalo, and Dr. Antonio Baguio. All of their efforts helped
us make this module complete.

We appreciate that they believed in us to provide the leadership,

knowledge and skills to make this module a reality. In the end, I also
believed that the team of authors that was chosen provides the perfect
blend of knowledge and skills that went into writing this module.

The Writers


This Teachers’ Training Module for Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM) Work Immersion Program authored by
JASON S. BACOLOD & FLORAMAE T. SIOCO for the Division of Negros
Oriental has been reviewed by the Technical Panel and is hereby
recommended to be used by all Senior High Schools.
Technical Consultants:

Division Education Program Supervisor


Division Education Program Supervisor
Senior High School Coordinator

LRMDS Manager

Recommending Approval:


Chief, CID


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Approved by:


OIC, Office of the Assistant Regional Director
Concurrent, Schools Division Superintendent

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for

graduation. A Senior High School student has to undergo Work
Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s skills and
knowledge. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and
become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of
specialization to enhance their competencies.

On the other hand, the Teacher Training Program is important in

the success of the SHS Program. A Senior High School teacher has to
undergo teacher training in a business organization or establishment
whose work requirements are related to the specializations. Through
Teacher Training, the teachers are exposed to and become familiarized
with the work-related environment related to their field of specialization
making them more competent in cascading knowledge and skills to the

A. Goals

Specifically, the teachers and students are able to:

1. gain relevant and practical accountancy, business and
management skills under the guidance of industry experts and

2. develop business ethics and social responsibility;

3. enrich their skills in finance marketing;

4. enhance their business enterprise knowledge and skills; and

5. appreciate the importance and application of accountancy,

business and management principles and theories taught in
the school

Furthermore, the teachers are able to:

1. supplement the formal curriculum of the SHS program with special
inputs coming from industry experts and practitioners in order to
make the SHS program be aligned and consistent with industry

2. train and expose SHS teachers to the workplace and familiarize

them with industry standards, processes, and practices; and

3. provide the teachers the needed training and competencies for

them to be able to educate the students of the SHS program and
give them the skills that are relevant to the needs of the job
market in the area.

B. Group Size

For the Division of Negros Oriental particularly in the

Accountancy, Business and Management Strand, the class size ranges
from 20 to 50. If the class size is between 31 and 50 the desirable group
size for Work Immersion is ten (10) SHS students. On the other hand,
if it is thirty (30) and below it is desirable to send five (5) students per
batch per company/office/establishment/industry/LGU in the locality.
However, if there are more work immersion partners, the school has the
discretion to modify the group size whenever necessary.

Dateline and List of Activities

A. Time Requirement

The school shall offer the minimum number of hours, which is 80

hours as reflected in the Curriculum Guide for Work Immersion. If the
schools decided to do more work immersion hours, they have the option
to offer 160 continuous hours.

Schedule of Training
Activities Venue
A. Pre-Immersion
1. Send communication to LGU
1st week of
seeking support regarding
August 2017
Work Immersion Program

2. Coordination meeting with 2nd week of

LGU Office
the identified partners August 2017
3. Discuss the terms and
conditions of the 3rd week of
LGU Office
Memorandum of Agreement August 2017
(MOA) during SB session
4. Submit signed MOA to
4th week of
Division Legal officer for Division Office
August 2017
4th week of
5. Ceremonial MOA signing LGU Office
August 2017
6. Conduct Teacher’s Training
6.1 Conduct Self-Assessment
to students
6.2 Construct a Training
6.3 Orientation on the industry
profile and organizational
6.4 Orientation on company’s 1st week of Establishment
policies, rules and September 2017 /Industry
6.5 Familiarization of
company’s working
environment and facilities 6.6
Discussion on safety in the
workplace and workplace
rights and responsibilities
7. Documents Caravan 2nd week of
(Processing of Documents) September 2017
8. Avail of student’s group 3rd week of
Insurance September 2017
9. Meeting with Grade 12 3rd week of
students and parents October 2017
B. Immersion Proper
1. Educate students on industry 1st week of School/
house rules November 2017 Industry
2. Orient/discuss student’s daily 1st week of School/
Activities November 2017 Industry
3. Monitor/supervise student’s Industry/
Nov. 2017
performance Establishment
Weekly (Nov.Dec. Industry/
4. Brainstorming/Feedbacking
2017) Establishment
5. Documentation of daily Daily (Nov.-Dec. Industry/
Activities 2017) Establishment
C. Post Immersion

1st week of
1. Assess student’s performance School
January 2018
2. Validation of all required 1st week of
Documents February 2018
2nd week of
3. Portfolio exhibits School
February 2018
4. Glitz and Glamour 1st week of
(Culmination Program) March 2018

B. Physical Setting
The Work Immersion Program enables the students to be exposed
to and familiarized with the work-related environment such as the Local
Government Unit (LGU), and private business institutions.


The Work Immersion Partnership has the following objectives:

1. To supplement the formal curriculum of the SHS program with

special inputs coming from the LGU experts and practitioners in
order to make the SHS program aligned and consistent to work

2. To develop in the students of the SHS program the knowledge

and skills that are relevant to the needs of the job market in the
3. To provide SHS students relevant learning experiences by
exposing them to the actual workplace setting.

4. To form Work Immersion Partnership between the SCHOOL and

the LGU, allowing the students, faculty and staff of the schools
concerned the use of and access to the LGU workplace and
equipment as part of their Work Immersion Program.


1. Company

A. Joint Responsibilities

Both the SCHOOL and the COMPANY shall:

l. Create a joint working group that will prepare the action plan to
operationalize the partnership.

2. Form a joint steering committee to monitor the progress of the

partnership and to make sure that the provisions of this
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) are met.

3. Adhere to all laws, memoranda and circulars pertaining to child


4. Develop the students' Work Immersion module specifying goals

and objectives desired outcomes of the program and how these

outcomes will be achieved, also noting the specific knowledge,

skills, attitudes and competencies that the student should acquire
after completing the program.

5. Develop a Work Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities that will

be followed by the students during the whole duration of the
Work Immersion Program.
6. Formulate local school work immersion policies and guidelines
on selection; placement, monitoring, and assessment of
students (immersion participants), in order to ensure that each
student is assigned to an immersion partner matched to his/her
desired track, qualifications and aptitude.

B. Responsibilities of the School

The SCHOOL shall:

1. Identify and indicate the SHS track/s, strand/s, and/or
specialization/s which will be the subject of the partnership.

2. Make the needed adjustments to contextualize the SHS subjects

based on inputs coming from the COMPANY.

3. Designate a person who will be in-charge of coordinating with the

COMPANY and supervising the activities of the students for the
duration of the Work Immersion Program.

4. Continue to exercise its Special Parental Authority under the

Family Code over the Senior High School student under
immersion in the premises of the partner.

5. Monitor each student's progress throughout the duration of the

entire work immersion program so as to make sure that the
tasks assigned to each student are meaningful challenging,
and applicable to his/her particular programs and are able
to maximize the quality of the learning experience.

6. Provide the COMPANY an evaluation tool for the students'

immersion performance.

7. Issue a final grade to the student upon completion of the

requirements within a prescribed period.

8. Ensure that the student will adhere to the non- disclosure

policies of the COMPANY as agreed to by the School.
9. Provide signed Consent forms from the parents as applicable.

10. Provide the COMPANY a Certificate of Participation in the SHS

program for whatever purpose it may serve.

11. Execute a deed of acceptance as a way of recognizing and

acknowledging the donation/s received from the COMPANY.

12. Review, facilitate and endorse the application of the COMPANY

to avail of the tax incentives/exemption as specified in the

R.A. 8525 otherwise known as The Adopt-A School Act of


C. The Company shall:

1. Assign a competent Immersion Coordinator from the COMPANY

to liaise with {he School and supervise the students without
prejudice to the special parental authority of the school, its
administrators and teachers [Or the duration of the work
immersion program so as to ensure efficient implementation of
all stages of the program.

2. Provide inputs into the curriculum through the discussions or

workshops that DepEd will organize.

3. Lend its expertise by making available its resident resource

persons to provide training to the students.

4. Allow the students to be deployed to the different sections/

Departments/proiect sites of the COMPANY based on the Work
Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities.

5. Agree to the required number of hours of the immersion

program set under the DepEd SMS curriculum.

6. Provide immersion opportunities for <number of students>

students for School Year 2016-2017.
7. Provide students with an orientation about the COMPANY, its
line of business, and the work its employees do, and expose
them to the various stakeholders of the community in which
the COMPANY operates for the students to get a holistic
understanding of its business.

8. Similarly ensure that students undergo training related to their

course, and provide the students with work or activities that are
varied and applicable to their field of study.

9. Make its workplace and facilities available to students, and shall

similarly take all necessary action to ensure the safety of
students within their areas of operation at all times, which shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the provision for Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE's), if applicable. Ensure that the
students will not be exposed to hazardous materials and working
environment throughout the duration of the immersion;

10. Evaluate students' performance in the immersion venue by

accomplishing provided evaluation tool

11. Issue a Certificate of Completion to the student trainees upon

satisfactory compliance with all requirements of the program.

12. Execute a deed of donation in favor of DepEd for the completed

Work Immersion Partnership.

13. Submit to the Adopt-A-School Program Secretariat all pertinent

documents in support of the amount specified/claimed for the
tax exemption application of the COMPANY.

2. LGU


A. Joint Responsibilities

Both the SCHOOL and the LGU shall:

1. Create a joint working group that will prepare the action plan
to operationalize the partnership.

2. Form a joint steering committee to monitor the progress of the

partnership and to make sure that the provisions of this
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) are met.

3. Adhere to all laws, memoranda and circulars pertaining to child


4. Develop the students" Work Immersion module specifying goals

and objectives, desired outcomes of the program and how these
outcomes will be achieved, also noting the specific knowledge,
skills, attitudes and competencies that the student should acquire
after completing the program.

5. Develop a Work Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities that will

be followed by the student during the whole duration of the work
immersion inside the LGU.

6. Formulate local school work immersion policies and guidelines on

selection, placement, monitoring, and assessment of student
(immersion participants), in order to ensure that each student is
assigned to an immersion partner matched to his/her desired
track, qualifications and aptitude.

B. Responsibilities of the SCHOOL

The SCHOOL, shall:

1. Identify and indicate the SILS track/s, strand/s, and/or

specialization/s which will be the subject of the partnership.

2. Make the needed adjustments to contextualize the SHS subjects

based on inputs coming from the LGU.
3. Designate a person who will be in-charge of coordinating with the
LGU and supervising the activities of the students for the
duration of the work immersion program.

4. Continue to exercise its Special Parental Authority under the

Family Code over the Senior High School student under
immersion in the premises of the partner.

5. Monitor each student's progress throughout the duration of the

entire work immersion program so as to make sure that the
tasks assigned to each student are meaningful challenging, and
applicable to his/her particular programs and are able to
maximize the quality of the learning experience.

6. Provide the LGU evaluation tool for the students' immersion


7. Issue a final grade to the student upon completion of the

requirements within a prescribed period.

8. Ensure that the student will adhere to the non-disclosure policies

of the Municipality/City/Province as agreed to by the School.

9. Provide signed Consent forms from the parents as applicable.

10. Provide the LGU a Certificate of Participation in the SHS

Program for whatever purpose it may serve.

11. Execute a deed of acceptance as a way of recognizing and

acknowledging the donation/s received from the LGU.

C. The LGU shall:

1. Assign a competent Immersion Coordinator from the LGU to

liaise with the School and supervise the students without
prejudice to the special parental authority of the school, its
administrators and teachers for the duration of the work
immersion program so as to ensure efficient implementation of all
stages of the program.

2. Provide inputs into the curriculum through the discussions or

workshops that DepEd will organize.

3. Lend its expertise by making available its resident resource

persons to provide training to the students.

4. Allow the student to be deployed to the different

sections/departments/project sites of the LGU based on the
Work Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities.

5. Agree to the required number of hours of the immersion

program set under the DepEd SEIS curriculum.

6. Provide immersion opportunities for <number of students>

students for School Year 2016-2017.

7. Provide students with an orientation about the LGU, the job as

well as expose them to the various stakeholders of the
community in which it operates for the students to get a holistic
understanding of the LGU.

8. Similarly, ensure that students undergo training related to their

course, and provide the students with work or activities that are
varied and applicable to their field of study.

9. Make its workplace and facilities available to students, and shall

similarly take all necessary action to ensure the safety of
students within their areas of operation at all times, which shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the provision for Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE's), if applicable. Ensure that the
students will not be exposed to hazardous materials and working
environment throughout the duration of the immersion.

10. Evaluate students' performance in the immersion venue by

accomplishing provided evaluation tool.
11. Issue a Certificate of Completion to the student trainees upon
satisfactory compliance with all requirements of the program.

12. Execute a deed of donation in favor of DepEd for the completed

Work Immersion Partnership.

Note: Section 5, Paragraph 11 (a-k ) of DepEd Order No. 30,

s. 2017 shall be strictly observed during the conduct of
the Work Immersion

Learning Competency

This learning competency pertains to the expected

activities/learning skills that the immersion teacher would like to know
from the partner industry which are essentials in preparing the students
for this program.

• Business Transactions and Their Analysis as

Applied to the Accounting Cycle of a Service
• Accounting Cycle of a Merchandising Business
• Statement of Financial Position (SFP)
• Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI)
Units of • Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE)
Competency • Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
Covered: • Analysis and Interpretation of Financial
• Basic Documents and Transactions related to
Bank Deposits
• Bank Reconciliation Statement
• Income and business Taxation
• Basic Long-term Financial Concepts
Learning Competencies
1. Solve simple problems and exercises in the analyses of business
2. Records transaction of a service business in the general journal
3. Posts transactions in the general and subsidiary ledgers
4. Prepares a trial balance for a service and a merchandising
5. Prepares adjusting entries for a service and a merchandising
6. Complete the accounting cycle of a merchandising business
7. Records transactions of a merchandising business in the general
and special journals
8. Prepares the Statement of Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit
9. Prepare the Statement of Financial Position (SFP) of a single
10. Prepare a Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI) for a
service and merchandising business using single-step and
multistep approach
11. Prepare a Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE) for a single
12. Prepare a Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
13. Perform vertical and horizontal analyses of financial statements
of a single proprietorship
14. Compute and interpret financial ratios such as current ratio,
working capital, gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, receivable
turnover, inventory turnover, debt-to-equity ratio, and the like
15. Prepare bank deposit and withdrawal slips
16. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement
17. Prepare the list of sources of gross income from compensation
and gross income from business, and the corresponding
personal and additional deductions
18. Prepare the BIR forms
19. Compute the gross taxable income and tax due
20. Calculate future value and present value of money
21. Compute for the effective annual interest rate
22. Compute loan amortization using mathematical concepts and
the present value tables
Training Standards

This is a record of daily-weekly schedule that immersion students

will comply within the period of the immersion. This includes the
compliance of the learning competencies as stipulated in the Curriculum
Guide. Weekly Operational Schedule of students and holding of Weekly
Conference for feedbacking also includes here.
Unit of Learning Assessment
Methodology Duration
Competency Outcome Approach
1.1 Solve
and Small group
1. Analyze Written/
exercises Discussion 8 hrs.
Business Oral Test
Transactions in the
and Apply analyses of
Accounting business Hands-on
Cycle of a transaction
Service 1.2 Records Demonstra-
and Written
transaction tion
Merchandi- Report
of a
sing service Face-to-face
Services Oral 8 hrs.
business in
the Interview

1.3 Posts
in the
8 hrs.
general and
1.4 Prepares a
balance for
a service
and a 8 hrs.

1.5 Prepares
for a
4 hrs.
service and
1.6 Complete
4 hrs.
cycle of a
1.7 Records
of a
business in 8 hrs.
and special
1.8 Prepares
of Cost of
Goods 8 hrs.
Sold and
2. Prepare 2.1 Prepare
Statement the 8 hrs.
Statement Small group Written/

Financial of Discussion Oral Test

Position Financial
(SFP) Position Hands-on Performance
(SFP) of Test
a single Demonstra-
3.1 Prepare a tion Written
Statement Report
of Face-to-face
Comprehensive Oral
3. Prepare
Income Interview
(SCI) for a
of service and
8 hrs.
sive merchandising
4.1 Prepare a
4. Prepare
of Changes in
Changes 8 hrs.
in Equity
(SCE) for
a single
5.1 Prepare a
5. Prepare
Cash Flow
Flow 8 hrs.
6.1 Perform
6. Analyze analyses of 4 hrs.
and financial
Interpret statements
Financial of a single
Statements proprietorship
6.2 Compute
interpret 8 hrs.
such as
ratio, net
debt- to-
ratio, and
the like
7.1 Prepare
7. Prepare bank
Basic deposit and 4 hrs.
Documents withdrawal
and slips
related to 7.2 Prepare a
Bank bank
8 hrs.
Deposits reconciliation
8.1 Prepare
the list
of sources
of gross Small group Written/
Discussion Oral Test
8. Prepare compensation
Hands-on Performance
Income and gross
income Test
and 8 hrs.
from Demonstra-
Taxation business, tion Written
and the Report
corresponding Face-to-face
personal Oral
and Interview
8.2 Prepare
the BIR 8 hrs.
8.3 Compute
taxable 8 hrs.
and tax
9.1 Calculate
value and
8 hrs.
value of
9.2 Compute
for the
9. Compute 8 hrs.
Financial 9.3 Compute
Concepts loan
8 hrs.
and the

List of Materials/Equipment Needed

A. Credentials/Document Requirements of the Students

1. Barangay clearance
2. Police clearance
3. Mayor’s clearance
4. Medical certificate
5. Resume
6. Application Form
7. Copy of Insurance

B. Materials in the Preparation of Portfolios

1. Marker
2. Constructions papers
3. Bond papers (Short)
4. Pencils
5. Scrapbook/Drawing book
6. Clear folder
7. Photo papers
8. Coloring materials
9. Scissors
10. Glue/paste
11. Ballpen

C. Materials and Equipment Needed for Operations

C.1 Tools
1. Staplers
2. Calculators

C.2 Equipment
1. Computer/Laptop
2. LCD Projector
3. Teacher’s table and chair
4. Arm chairs
5. White Board

C.3 Materials
1. Pencils
2. Pencil erasers
3. Ballpens
4. Rulers
5. Journals (assorted columns)
6. Ledger
7. Worksheets (assorted)
8. Acetate
9. Marker
10. Diskettes/CD
11. Envelopes (Long)
12. Registration forms
13. Teacher’s Record Book
14. Marker ink
15. Staple wire


The Work Immersion Teacher and the Work Immersion Partner

Institution Supervisor will jointly assess the learners’ performance
following the DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program).

The Work Immersion Teacher shall then issue the Final Grade.

Evaluation Methodology

This pertains to the methods of assessment to be used in relation

to the program (pre-immersion, immersion proper, post immersion).
This methods include the following: Direct observation, Interview,
Written/oral examination, Performance Test, and Written report.

Monitoring and Evaluation Tool

These are instruments to be used in monitoring and evaluating

the whole program. The following documents are attached in the
appendices, namely:

1. M & E SHS Demographic- This includes the List of Partner

Institutions and their nature of business vs students’

2. Students Statement of Personal Goals- This expresses the

learner’s personal goals towards as well as his/her
competencies in response to partner institutions’ needs
3. Assessment for Identifying Partners for Senior High School-
This includes the names and nature of the possible partner

4. Work Immersion Monitoring and Evaluation Tool- This includes

the areas to be monitored and the required evidences.


Appendix A: Self-Assessment Guide

Appendix B: Assessment Tool for Identifying Industry Partners
for Senior High School
Appendix C: List of Partner Institutions and their nature of
business vs students’ specialization
Appendix D: List of offerings vs. community demographics
Appendix E: Students’ statement of Personal Goals in the Work
Appendix F: Work Immersion Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Negros Island Region
Capitol Area, Dumaguete City


• Business Transactions and Their Analysis as
Applied to the Accounting Cycle of a Service
• Accounting Cycle of a Merchandising
• Statement of Financial Position (SFP)
• Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI)
Units of Competency • Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE)
Covered: • Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
• Analysis and Interpretation of Financial
• Basic Documents and Transactions related to
Bank Deposits
• Bank Reconciliation Statement
• Income and business Taxation
• Basic Long-term Financial Concepts
• Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.
• Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question and
indicate your answer.
1. Solve simple problems and exercises in the analyses of
business transaction
2. Records transaction of a service business in the general
3. Posts transactions in the general and subsidiary ledgers
4. Prepares a trial balance for a service and a merchandising
5. Prepares adjusting entries for a service and a merchandising
6. Complete the accounting cycle of a merchandising business
7. Records transactions of a merchandising business in the
general and special journals
8. Prepares the Statement of Cost of Goods Sold and Gross
9. Prepare the Statement of Financial Position (SFP) of a single
10. Prepare a Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI) for a
service and merchandising business using single-step and
multistep approach
11. Prepare a Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE) for a
single proprietorship
12. Prepare a Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
13. Perform vertical and horizontal analyses of financial
statements of a single proprietorship
14. Compute and interpret financial ratios such as current ratio,
working capital, gross profit ratio, net profit ratio,
receivable turnover, inventory turnover, debt-to-equity
ratio, and the like
15. Prepare bank deposit and withdrawal slips
16. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement
17. Prepare the list of sources of gross income from
compensation and gross income from business, and the
corresponding personal and additional deductions
18. Prepare the BIR forms
19. Compute the gross taxable income and tax due
20. Calculate future value and present value of money
21. Compute for the effective annual interest rate
22. Compute loan amortization using mathematical concepts
and the present value tables

_____________________________________ _______________
Name and Signature of Student Date

Evaluated by:

Name and Signature of Work Immersion Teacher

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