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21 LC 47 1032

House Bill 782

By: Representatives Mallow of the 163rd, Stephens of the 164th, Hitchens of the 161st, and
Petrea of the 166th


1 To amend an Act creating the Chatham Area Transit Authority, approved March 28, 1986
2 (Ga. L. 1986, p. 5082), as amended, particularly by an Act approved April 11, 2012
3 (Ga. L. 2012, p. 5296), so as to abolish the current authority memberships; to provide for
4 new board membership and staggered terms; to provide for related matters; to provide an
5 effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


8 An Act creating the Chatham Area Transit Authority, approved March 28, 1986
9 (Ga. L. 1986, p. 5082), as amended, particularly by an Act approved April 11, 2012
10 (Ga. L. 2012, p. 5296), is amended by revising Section 2.2 as follows:

11 "SECTION 2.2.
12 Membership and terms of office.

13 (a)(1) The authority membership in office on July 1, 2021, shall vacate their offices, and
14 such offices shall be abolished as of that date.

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15 (2) On July 1, 2021, the authority shall be governed by a new board that shall consist of
16 at least nine members as follows:
17 (A) One member of the Board of Commissioners of Chatham County appointed by
18 such board of commissioners, who shall serve for a term of office of two years;
19 (B) One member of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Savannah, appointed by such
20 board, who shall serve for a term of office of two years;
21 (C) One member of the governing authority of each municipality in Chatham County
22 other than the City of Savannah, receiving fixed route transit services, appointed by
23 such governing authority, who shall serve for a term of office of two years;
24 (D) One resident of Chatham County who shall be a person with a disability appointed
25 jointly by the board of commissioners of said county and the Board of Alderman of the
26 City of Savannah, who shall serve for a term of office of three years;
27 (E) Two residents of Chatham County who shall be appointed by the board of
28 commissioners of said county from a list of nominations made by the Chatham County
29 legislative delegation in the General Assembly. The board of commissioners shall
30 designate one of the initial members appointed pursuant to this subparagraph to serve
31 for an initial term of office of four years. The board of commissioners shall designate
32 the other initial member appointed pursuant to this subparagraph to serve for an initial
33 term of office of five years. Thereafter, all successors to the members appointed
34 pursuant to this subparagraph shall serve terms of office of three years;
35 (F) One resident of Chatham County who shall be appointed by the board of
36 commissioners of said county who shall be a representative of the Chatham County
37 business community, who shall serve for a term of office of three years.; and
38 (G) One resident of Chatham County who shall be appointed by the Board of
39 Aldermen of the City of Savannah who shall be a regular and recurring rider of fixed
40 route transit services, who shall serve for a term of office of three years.

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41 (3) The board established pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection shall in all matters
42 be the successor to the authority membership abolished in paragraph (1) of this
43 subsection.
44 (b) For the purposes of subsection (a) of this Section, the Chatham County legislative
45 delegation shall be composed of all senators and representatives in the General Assembly
46 whose districts are wholly or partially in Chatham County.
47 (c) Any member of the authority appointed pursuant to subparagraph (D), (E), or (F) of
48 paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this section shall serve the term of office provided in that
49 subparagraph and until the appointment and qualification of his or her successor.
50 (d) Any member of the authority who has served for two consecutive full terms of office,
51 including a full initial term of less than five years, shall not be eligible for reappointment
52 as a member of the authority until one full term of office has elapsed after such member
53 has vacated his or her seat on the authority.
54 (e)(1) A member's seat on the authority shall be forfeited if:
55 (A) The member lacks at any time the qualifications for membership on the authority
56 provided by this Act;
57 (B) The member is convicted of any felony or other crime involving moral turpitude,
58 regardless of the sentence imposed; or
59 (C) The member fails to attend, without being excused by the authority:
60 (i) Four consecutive regular meetings of the authority; or
61 (ii) Fifty percent of the regular and special called meetings of the authority in any one
62 fiscal year.
63 (2) If the seat of a member of the authority becomes vacant because of death, resignation,
64 or forfeiture as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, or for any other reason, such
65 vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner that an appointment is
66 made for a full term as provided in this section.

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67 (f) A majority of the members of the authority shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
68 of business. No vacancy on the authority shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all
69 the rights and perform all the duties of the authority.
70 (g) No member of the authority shall vote on any matter before the authority in which such
71 member has a direct or indirect financial interest. Except for compensation received as an
72 employee, no employee of the authority shall have any direct or indirect financial interest
73 in or profit or benefit from any contract, work, or business of the authority or in the sale,
74 lease, or purchase of any property to or from the authority.
75 (h) Members of the authority, including the chairperson, shall not be entitled to
76 compensation for their service on the board but shall be entitled to reimbursement for
77 actual and reasonable expenses incurred on authority business, provided such expenses
78 were authorized in advance of being incurred.
79 (i) The members of the authority shall elect from among the members appointed pursuant
80 to subparagraphs (D), (E), (F), or (G) of paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this section a
81 chairperson and a vice chairperson. The chairperson and vice chairperson shall each hold
82 such offices for a term of two years. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the
83 authority and shall only vote on matters before the authority in the event of a tied vote of
84 the other members. The vice chairperson shall act in the absence or inability of the
85 chairperson. Regular meetings of the authority shall be held monthly, with the time, place,
86 and notice of such meetings to be fixed by the authority. All meetings shall be conducted
87 in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, unless the authority adopts other rules. All
88 motions, resolutions, and all other proceedings of the authority and all documents in its
89 possession shall be public records and open to public inspection as provided in Article 4
90 of Chapter 18 of Title 50 of the O.C.G.A.
91 (j) The chairperson of the authority shall be entitled to vote on any matter coming before
92 the authority."

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94 This Act shall become effective on July 1, 2021.

96 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.

H. B. 782

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