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“When the Negro was in Vogue” by Langston Hughes (1940

“The 1920s were the years of Manhattan’s black Renaissance. . . .
White people began to come to Harlem in droves. For several years they packed the
expensive Cotton Club on Lenox Avenue. But I was never there, because the Cotton Club was a Jim
Crow club for gangsters and monied whites. They were not cordial to Negro patronage, unless you
were a celebrity like Bojangles. So Harlem Negroes did not like the Cotton Club and never
appreciated its Jim Crow policy in the very heart of their dark community. Nor did ordinary Negroes
like the growing influx of whites toward Harlem after sundown, flooding the little cabarets and bars
where formerly only colored people laughed and sang, and where now the strangers were given the
best ringside tables to sit and stare at the Negro customers—like amusing animals in a zoo.
The Negroes said: “We can’t go downtown and sit and stare at you in your clubs. You won’t
even let us in your clubs.” But they didn’t say it out loud—for Negroes are practically never rude to
white people. So thousands of whites came to Harlem night after night, thinking the Negroes loved
to have them there, and firmly believing that all Harlemites left their houses at sundown to sing and
dance in cabarets, because most of the whites saw nothing but the cabarets, not the houses. . . .
It was a period when, at almost every Harlem upper-crust dance or party, one would be
introduced to various distinguished white celebrities there as guests. It was a period when almost
any Harlem Negro of any social importance at all would be likely to say casually: “As I was remarking
the other day to Heywood—,” meaning Heywood Broun. Or: “As I said to George—,” referring to
George Gershwin. It was a period when local and visiting royalty were not at all uncommon in
Harlem. And when the parties of A’Lelia Walker, the Negro heiress, were filled with guests whose
names would turn any Nordic social climber green with envy. It was a period when Harold Jackman,
a handsome young Harlem schoolteacher of modest means, calmly announced one day that he was
sailing for the Riviera for a fortnight, to attend Princess Murat’s yachting party. It was a period
when Charleston preachers opened up shouting churches as sideshows for white tourists. It was a
period when at least one charming colored chorus girl, amber enough to pass for a Latin American,
was living in a penthouse, with all her bills paid by a gentleman whose name was banker’s magic on
Wall Street. It was a period when every season there was at least one hit play on Broadway acted
by a Negro cast. And when books by Negro authors were being published with much greater
frequency and much more publicity than ever before or since in history. It was a period when white
writers wrote about Negroes more successfully (commercially speaking) than Negroes did about
themselves. It was the period (God help us!) when Ethel Barrymore appeared in blackface in Scarlet
Sister Mary! It was the period when the Negro was in vogue.
I was there. I had a swell time while it lasted. But I thought it wouldn’t last long….for how
could a large and enthusiastic number of people be crazy about Negroes forever. But some
Harlemites thought the millennium had come. They thought the race problem had at last been
solved through Art plus Gladys Bentley. They were sure the New Negro would lead a new life from
then on in green pastures of tolerance created by Countee Cullen, Ethel Waters, Claude McKay,
Duke Ellington, Bojangles, and Alain Locke.
I don’t know what made any Negroes think that-except that were mostly intellectuals doing
the thinking. The ordinary Negroes hadn’t heard of the Negro Renaissance. And if they had, it
hadn’t raised their wages any….
Read the excerpt above and answer the following questions (10 points total):
1. What impressions of Harlem in the 1920s did you get from reading this essay? Write down
words and phrases describing your impression and draw a sketch of Harlem in the 1920s based
on your impression. (2 points)

2. Why do you think white America suddenly became fascinated by Harlem? To formulate your
response, think about the connotation of the word “vogue”, the different cultural attractions
that Hughes describes, the reason Hughes gives for the closing of many Jim Crow clubs, and the
state of race relations in the 1920s.

3. What irony do you see in the situation described in this essay?

4. Determine whether Hughes is objective in his writing or whether he seems sympathetic to

any particular group. Support your conclusion with evidence from the essay. (2 points)

5. How might the perspective of this essay be different if it had been written by one of the
whites who “came to Harlem night after night” rather than by Hughes?

6. How does Hughes’ use of the anaphora (“it was a period”) in the 3 rd paragraph reinforce the
idea that the “equality” of Harlem couldn’t last?

6. In this essay, Hughes mentions some of the African American cultural achievements and
celebrities of the Harlem Renaissance. What specific cultural achievement and important
celebrity might you include in an essay about African Americans today? Choose 1 each
(achievement & celebrity). make sure to justify your choices. (2 points)

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