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coaches share memories of their formative
Jul 9, 2020


We play and coach and watch and write about sports because we crave
those indescribable moments that can only occur in the heat of
competition; those moments that we’ll remember every detail of years
later. In some ways, that giddy nostalgia is what keeps us craving more
remarkable moments.

We’ve been craving them more than usual lately. When this pandemic
deprived us of sports in March, I started reminiscing. With no future in
sight for sports, I looked to my past. I smiled revisiting my favorite Little
League memory, when a 5-foot-2, eighth-grade version of myself
kangaroo-leaped into foul territory at rst base to snag a high throw,
landed on my butt and awkwardly stabbed the corner of the bag with my
foot just in time to save a game. Sheer grace, right? (It was in that
moment that I hit puberty.) The memory felt healthy, or it lled a hole, at
least. Then I started asking coaches in Columbia to reminisce with me.

I was shocked by what I heard. What I expected to be 15-minute

interviews spent grasping for faded details often turned into hour-long
nostalgia trips. People loved diving into the most meaningful moments
of their careers. Some told me they researched the game or dug through
old scrapbooks before our call. The power of memory seemed as
therapeutic for them as it was for me.

Almost always, the game of choice taught them something valuable

about coaching. Sometimes, it’s just that it was a freaking crazy game.
But they all had one thing in common: some sort of backstory. In this
series, I’ve tried to tell those stories as best  as possible. Hopefully,
reading these coaches’ memories will o er some insight into an
important piece of them. But I hope just as much that while reading, you
nd yourself searching for your own fondest sports memory. And I hope
you nd the nostalgia to be restorative.

Hickman football coach Cedric Alvis

His place on the purple line
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Missouri softball coach Larissa Anderson

Pitch protection and a prophetic batting practice
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Rock Bridge tennis coach Ben Loeb

The Miracle on ... Hardcourt
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Former Columbia College basketball coach Bob

Halftime ri s and all that jazz
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Rock Bridge girls basketball coach Jill Nagel

The elephants in the room
BENNETT DURANDO 5 min to read

Missouri wrestling coach Brian Smith

'Cradle' of history
BENNETT DURANDO 5 min to read

MU track associate head coach Natasha Kaiser-

The last 100 meters
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Missouri swimming coach Andrew Grevers

The splashy art of celebration
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Missouri men's basketball coach Cuonzo Martin

Close! (And there were cigars)
BENNETT DURANDO 6 min to read

Bennett Durando
Bennett Durando covers Mizzou football for the Missourian. Reach him with tips, story
ideas or Mizzou-induced rage at [email protected], or in the newsroom at 573-

Baseball and softball
postseason bans will
not carry over to 2021
BY MELANIE RAU restrictions.
[email protected] In March 2019, Missouri
officially appealed the NCAA’s
It was announced Monday
decision hoping it would be
that the NCAA will not carry
overturned. But in November,
the Missouri baseball and soft-
the NCAA announced that it
ball teams’ postseason bans
would uphold its decision.
over to the 2021 season.
The postseason ban was sup-
The NCAA found that the
posed to be for the 2020 sea-
Missouri football, baseball
son for the baseball and soft-
and softball teams were guilty
ball teams, who both had their
of academic misconduct in
seasons cut short because of
January 2019 after they found
the coronavirus.
out that former tutor Yolanda
It’s been up in the air since
Kumar completed coursework
March whether it would carry
for 12 student-athletes.
over to the 2021 season or not.
While none of the 12 was
In March, after it was
still at Missouri last January,
announced that the season
the NCAA still gave all three
was suspended until April 15,
teams postseason bans and
Missouri Athletic Director
other penalties like the loss of
scholarships and recruiting Please see NCAA, Page 2B

Hickman High School head football coach Cedric Alvis congratulates his players after they beat Pattonville 14-7 last August in their first home
game of the 2019 season. NWSL



How the Hickman Moment: Nov. 26, 2004 —

Hickman vs. Hazelwood MATTHEW BUSCH
coach’s final game as East Former Missouri soccer player Dominique Richardson passes the ball
during a 2011 game. Richardson has carved out a spot on Sky Blue FC’s
He needed the sky. He couldn’t
a player molded his feel ready for a game without it. roster for this summer’s NWSL Challenge Cup.
Hickman senior Cedric Alvis was
approach to leadership inside the Edward Jones Dome in
downtown St. Louis on Nov. 26,
MU soccer alum Domi
2004, and three things stood out as
ith the sports world on

Richardson finds her

he exited the tunnel and roamed
pause during a pan- toward the center of the football
demic, the Missourian field.
asked a number of The color. Every shade was mag-

form with Sky Blue FC

coaches in Columbia to share their nified. The turf was neon green.
memories from the most meaning- The seats were candy-apple-red.
ful game (or match, or race or event) The goal posts were a blinding hue
they have ever been a part of. Some of yellow. Alvis had a flashback to
chose formative coaching moments. freshman year when he was in the
Others preferred a highlight from school play. “It just made me feel BY OWEN KRUCOFF college career. There was no
their playing career. But each like I was on stage,” he says. Now [email protected] guarantee of a contract in New
memory left a powerful imprint on his nerves were magnified. Jersey, but the team was inter-
Domi Richardson flew
these coaches, informing how they The opponent. Hazelwood East ested in what she could offer.
across the country to New Jer-
lead today. In this series, titled ‘The entered from the other end of the She had to give it a shot.
sey with a backpack and a duf-
Moments That Shaped Them,’ the field, and Alvis felt himself shrink. Richardson’s journey around
fel bag, not knowing where she
Missourian tells their stories. He spotted Chris Brooks, the star the professional ranks stood
was going to sleep that night.
receiver Alvis was tasked with in stark contrast to her college
It was 2016, and Richardson
Coach: Cedric Alvis defending. Brooks was 6-foot-2. So years in Columbia, where
was on her way to the train-
why did he look 6-foot-7 right now? she started all 82 games the
ing camp of Sky Blue FC in
Same with the linemen: They were Tigers played from 2010-13
Title: Head coach, Hickman the National Women’s Soccer
and earned All-SEC First
football Please see ALVIS, Page 2B League. The former Missouri
Team honors as a junior. She
midfielder had been waived
had lettered in soccer in all
by two different clubs in two
years since finishing her Please see RICHARDSON, Page 2B


Kansas City, Mahomes agree to 10-year, $503 million extension that lasts until 2031
BY ROB MAADDI eral manager Brett Veach said this deal has
The Associated Press been a priority for quite a while and thanked
Mahomes’ agents, Chris Cabott and Leigh
The Kansas City Chiefs made sure they’ll
have Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes
Mahomes threw touchdown passes on
around as long as possible.
consecutive fourth-quarter drives in rally-
Mahomes agreed to a 10-year extension
ing the Chiefs to their first Super Bowl title
worth $503 million, according to his agen-
in 50 years and the first for coach Andy
cy, Steinberg Sports. The deal is worth
Reid. That comeback performance earned
$477 million in guarantee mechanisms and
Mahomes the Super Bowl MVP award and
includes a no-trade clause and opt-out claus-
only cemented his status as the face of the
es if guarantee mechanisms aren’t met.
Kansas City franchise.
It’s the richest contract in professional
Reid said the best part is that Mahomes is
sports history, surpassing Mike Trout’s
still early in his career. Mahomes won’t turn
$426.5 million deal with the Los Angeles
25 until Sept. 17.
The Chiefs traded up to select Mahomes
“Since he joined the Chiefs just a few
10th overall in the 2017 draft, and he spent
years ago, Patrick has developed into one of
one season learning the ropes under Alex
the most prolific athletes in all of sports,”
Smith before getting the starting job.
Chiefs chairman Clark Hunt said in a state-
Mahomes proceeded to shatter just about
ment about the quarterback who led them to
every franchise passing record while win-
their first championship in 50 years.
ning the league MVP award, and he had the
The Chiefs had the 2018 NFL MVP under
Chiefs within overtime of landing in the
contract for the next two seasons but that
Super Bowl that season. He also was The
wasn’t nearly enough.
Associated Press NFL Offensive Player of
“Here to stay,” Mahomes wrote on Twitter.
the Year.
The Chiefs already had picked up their
He dealt with numerous injuries this past
fifth-year option in April on Mahomes, who PATRICK SEMANSKY/The Associated Press
season, including a dislocated kneecap on
had been due to make $825,000 on the final Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes passes against the San Francisco 49ers during the Super Bowl
a seemingly innocent quarterback sneak
year of his rookie contract this season, to on Feb. 2 in Miami Gardens, Fla. The Chiefs have agreed to a 10-year contract extension with Super Bowl MVP
keep him around at least through 2021. Gen- Please see MAHOMES, Page 2B Mahomes, keeping him around through 2031.

All of Alvis’ emotions were heightened in the moment

ALVIS from Page 1B damned roof. punted. Confidence returned. injury. The Kewpies alter- moved to the sideline. The Hazelwood finished with only
Alvis could never play when After that first tackle, nated between the backup last two minutes of the game seven points, too: He locked
practically hitting their heads he was serious. He had to be Hazelwood kept Brooks away quarterback and Alvis; if the were winding down. His high down Brooks. On one play in
on the ceiling. “I don’t know if socializing or laughing to feel from Alvis. It became a game coach signaled an “A” with school career was ending, the second half, Brooks ran
it was the lights or the arena focused. He sensed everyone of tag. The receiver lined his hands while calling a play, and he had failed to score a a deep post route, and Alvis
or what,” Alvis says. Whatev- tensing up during player up on the side of the field Alvis took the snap. It was touchdown in the state cham- made an acrobatic leap to
er it was, he was on sensory introductions. As his name opposite Alvis. Alvis sprint- the wildcat formation before pionship. swipe the ball away. “Truth
overdrive. was announced, he searched ed across to be in position the wildcat formation became The score was 34-7, Hick- be told, I never saw the ball,”
The ceiling. Alvis wasn’t the crowd for his family and against Brooks. Hazelwood popular. man. As a team, the Kewpies he says. But it caught the
used to playing beneath a found them as he jogged started its snap count and Alvis took the snap between dominated. Hazelwood East attention of Missouri State’s
roof. He didn’t want to play to midfield. Their smiles sent Brooks in motion, back to Hazelwood’s two huge middle never had a chance.
beneath a roof. Every Fri- coaches, who told Alvis that it
reminded him of last night. It the side where Alvis began. linemen. They were like sky- Even though his team showed them he was a special
day night, during pregame was Thanksgiving, and Alvis That worked well with scrapers to Alvis, who was never trailed, the moments
stretches, he would lie on his player. He went on to have
went to bed early to rest up quick passes, but Alvis finally 5-foot-8, but size worked to his that consumed Alvis were a successful college career
back, look at the clouds and for the game, but he couldn’t caught Brooks on a third- advantage here. He squeaked his individual miscues. His
talk to his grandmother. She there.
sleep. His grandfather kept down late in the first half. through the tiny gap between little personal failures were Before he got the top job at
died in August before his noisily reprimanding the rest Brooks ran an out route, them and took off. Alvis had collectively outweighed by his
junior year. Warm-ups were Hickman, Alvis was an assis-
of the family: “You gotta be cutting toward the sideline to never been caught from ability to be part of a unified, tant coach for the new school
his time to check in with her, quiet. He’s got a game tomor- put space between him and behind on a run. “If I’m out ascendant team. “The game
to update her on his life, on in town. It was 10 years after
row!” Alvis laughed when he the defender. Alvis, still on in the open field, it’s a touch- I wanted to score the most he won the “holy grail” as a
his season. “When I’m indoors thought about that. “I didn’t the inside, read it perfectly. down.” He got arrogant this and do the most in, I can’t say
trying to do that,” Alvis says, player at Hickman. The Bat-
hear them,” he had joked with He saw the ball coming. It time. He wanted to watch I had a dominating perfor-
“I look up and see all these tle Spartans were in the 2014
his grandpa. “I just heard you moved in slow motion. He himself score on the jum- mance,” Alvis says. But all
bright-ass lights.” The roof state championship, a close
telling them to be quiet.” had the positioning. He and botron. The instant he looked 11 players on the field shared
was blocking his connection. game at halftime. In the lock-
Alvis finally felt relaxed his teammates had a name up, a defender tapped his heel a winning attitude. “Every-
Something wasn’t right about er room, Alvis told his players
as he teed up for the opening for this exact situation. They from behind. Alvis face-plant- one did their job; everyone
it in his stomach. He needed kickoff. State championship. called it a drive-by. Just step to envision a blue line. A blue
ed. He fell so hard that his did exactly what they were
the sky. Let’s do this. Alvis kicked, and in front of Brooks and into elbow pad rubbed against line that was just getting
supposed to do,” he says. “As
The future Hickman foot- the ball swung 30 yards to the the ball’s path. There was the turf and burned his arm. a player, you always think started tonight. “You have the
ball coach had finally made left, straight out of bounds, a no one between him and the Grandpa would make fun of it’s that one play that lost ability to be the first ones to
it to the state championship, glorious and pathetic shank. end zone. Intercept the pass him for that one later. It was you the game. Whatever you create this line,” he said, “to
in his final high school game. “And then the nerves come in stride, and it’s the easiest still a 60-something-yard run, didn’t do specifically. Pretty define what it means to be a
Hickman hadn’t won state in back,” he says. Great field touchdown ever — a textbook but Alvis couldn’t believe he selfish thought process. But Spartan.”
30 years. A coach had once position for Hazelwood. Alvis drive-by. gave up another easy touch- there’s that understanding as An hour later, while Battle’s
told Alvis to visualize a long lined up against Brooks, the Alvis reached his hands out. down. a coach: There’s always five players scrambled all over the
purple line representing receiver who seemed to loom The ball zipped through them The game moved quickly. or six opportunities.” Today, field celebrating a state title,
Hickman’s history. On that over him like a monster. and boinked off his facemask. On another memorable play, Alvis remembers that game Alvis stared up at the bright
line were all of the greats Hickman beat Hazelwood “Heartbreak,” he says. Alvis caught a pass near the to remember how a player lights on that same dome
who came before him. Was he East in the regular season, “This is probably why I try to goal line and tried to juke thinks. It makes him a better ceiling, and he thought about
going to be on that line? Alvis but Alvis had learned how forget a lot of that first half.” his way around a defender. coach. a decade earlier, when he
was a place-kicker, receiver, hard it is to defend Brooks, a His next key play was after Instead, “he picked me up like Alvis actually played a looked up at those lights after
occasional quarterback and, Nebraska commit. On Hazel- halftime. Alvis was lined up a paperweight and threw me pretty good game; those fail- the game and decided that it
most importantly, Hickman’s wood’s first play this time, he at quarterback, a position he out of bounds” at the 1-yard ures only existed as failures didn’t matter if he couldn’t
best cornerback. He felt the made a short catch, but Alvis had played semi-frequently line. The next play, the other inside his mind. After all, he see the sky. He was going to
weight of the world, which played contain coverage and that year after the starter quarterback scored. still ran 60 yards before he tell his grandmother he was a
is to say the weight of that made the tackle. Hazelwood suffered a season-ending Pretty soon, Alvis was fell down. There’s a reason champion anyway.

Resilient Richardson went through a lot before she signed with Sky Blue
RICHARDSON from Page 1B tating to happen two years in tional. When the COVID-19 days in the team’s hotel and at of playing since the tourna- and navigating a pandemic
a row,” Richardson said. “But pandemic made the NWSL’s the Herriman, Utah, facility ment began last weekend. for Richardson to get this far.
four years of high school in I knew that I wanted to keep usual six-month regular sea- where practices and games On Tuesday, she became the She was once unfamiliar with
Fullerton, California, as well. playing.” son impossible, the league are held. first former Missouri athlete the struggles of professional
Getting waived from rosters And so Richardson found planned the NWSL Challenge Players, coaches and staff to play professional sports in sports, but now knows that her
and traveling to seek opportu- herself in New Jersey. She Cup, a bubble tournament with must follow a list of rules the U.S. during the pandemic trials were an important part
nities was a new experience wound up staying in a hotel all nine teams gathering in that govern everything from when she started in midfield of her journey.
for her. room that night after flying in, the Salt Lake City area for a when to wear face coverings and played 60 minutes in a “I don’t think any career
After going unselected in and preseason began the next month to play with no fans in to which water temperature draw with OL Reign. She fea- comes without hardship,”
the 2014 NWSL Draft, Rich- day. As luck would have it, she attendance. settings to use when doing tured in the Sky Blue lineup Richardson said. “Even people
ardson attended open tryouts sprained her ankle that very With the NWSL being the laundry. Ever since the start again Saturday, this time who are at the peak of their
for three different clubs first day and was sidelined for first sports league in North of pre-tournament practices, going 85 minutes in a 1-0 loss
across the country, eventually careers, they’ve had to fight
a month. America to return to play teams have also been subject- to the Utah Royals. through a lot of things to be
earning a place on the Hous- “The coach at the time since the dawn of the pandem- ed to the infamous nasal swab Although Richardson is in
ton Dash in the club’s inaugu- where they’re at. I think it’s
(Christy Holly) let me stay, ic, there was some apprehen- test for COVID-19. her fifth year with Sky Blue, just character building that
ral season. She became the which was awesome,” Rich- sion as to whether players and “The first test that we had, she has not always been a
first player ever to score for entire way through.”
ardson said. “He said, ‘You’ve staff could truly be kept safe. I know a lot of people cried consistent starter, nor has she When Richardson thinks
the Dash in their first presea- already been with two other One team, the Orlando Pride, during it,” Richardson said. always been able to play in
son game, but only appeared back to her time at Missouri,
teams, so we want to give you dropped out of the tournament “The test is a nightmare at her natural midfield position.
in two regular season contests she recalls how Blitz and the
an opportunity.’” entirely when six of its players first, but I think you kind of Missouri soccer coach Bryan
before being waived. Tigers gave her one of the
That opportunity would tested positive for COVID-19 get used to it. And then since Blitz, who has kept an eye on
“I was really unsure if I finally be the one that stuck less than a week before kick- most important lessons in her
we’ve been here, we get tested Richardson throughout her
wanted to keep playing after for Richardson. She made just off. every three or four days.” career, said she seems to have tumultuous career.
that,” Richardson said. “Being two appearances that year for “I think initially, it is a little Now that she has had a hit a new peak in her long “I think the cheesy quote is,
at Missouri, I started and Sky Blue, but signed a full con- scary at first to come into chance to settle in, Richardson climb. ‘Hard work beats talent when
played every game since my tract before the 2017 season this because there’s a lot of said she is comfortable in the “This is the best I’ve seen talent doesn’t work hard,’”
freshman year, so that was and has been with the team unknowns,” Richardson said. controlled environment and her play,” Blitz said following Richardson said. “It’s true,
kind of like a shock to my sys- ever since. “But honestly, the NWSL has has been able to focus on the the game against OL Reign. and I think that at Mizzou, that
tem to be in that position.” “It was just always the inner done a great job of reassuring competition at hand. “Just her maturity and con- was kind of ingrained in me.”
A similar story unfolded the belief that I knew that I could us that it’s going to be clean “I think after you get over fidence level, and she just Sky Blue FC has two games
following year at FC Kansas do it,” Richardson, now 27, and sanitary.” the initial, ‘Oh, I’m a little feels at home in that spot in remaining in the NWSL Chal-
City, where she again scrapped said. “No matter what hap- It took some reassuring nervous to go out of my quar- the middle of the midfield. I lenge Cup preliminary round,
her way onto the roster only pens, I am just a pretty resil- from her mother, who works antine bubble that I’ve been in thought she had probably the beginning with a matchup
for injuries to keep her off the ient person, and I just believe as a nurse, but Richardson for three months now,’ you just best game I’ve seen her play at against the Houston Dash at
field once the regular season the best for other people and made the decision to join Sky want to play,” Richardson said. that level.” 9 p.m. CT on Wednesday at
began. She was let go three for myself.” Blue for the tournament. For “And at the end of the day, all It took traveling to open Zion Banks Stadium in Herri-
months into the season without This year is Richardson’s a little more than a week now, of us are keeping this league tryouts, getting waived by man, Utah. NWSL Challenge
ever seeing the field. seventh in the NWSL, and it she has been living within the alive because we want to play.” two different teams, fighting Cup matches can be seen on
“That was just really devas- is certainly the least conven- league’s bubble, spending her Richardson has done plenty through a slew of injuries CBS All Access.

Chiefs deal is Both teams started seasons MISSOURI FOOTBALL

MU wide receiver Thompson

the biggest in off well before the pandemic decides to enter transfer portal
the history of NCAA from Page 1B BY MAX BAKER

professional Jim Sterk said that they had already asked the
NCAA if the postseason ban would carry over
and were waiting to hear back.
[email protected]
Missouri wide receiv-
er Khmari Thompson

sports “I think it is appropriate that as we look at

the penalty, it’s for the 2020 season so that’s
what we think should happen and I would say
announced via Twitter that
he has entered the transfer
that’s appropriate,” Sterk said. Thompson spent two sea-
MAHOMES from Page 1B Both the baseball and softball teams were sons with the Tigers and
that left him sidelined for a having good starts to their seasons before did not have any receptions.
they were cut short and had a good chance He redshirted in his first
couple of games. He came
at making the postseason if they hadn‘t been year after playing in three
back to lead the Chiefs to
banned. KIT WIBERG/Missourian games and did not appear in
a long winning streak that The baseball team ended the season 11-5 Brooke Wilmes catches the ball during a game any action last year. He also
culminated with a series and were on a seven game winning streak. competed and ran with the
March 8 at the Mizzou Softball Complex. The team’s
of come-from-behind wins They had only played five home games, but Missouri track and field team
postseason ban will not carry over to next season.
in the playoffs, including managed to win every single one of them. in the offseason.
their second-half rally in the Conference play was just about to begin. was to reach the Women’s College World The Lawrenceville, Geor-
Super Bowl. “Our program is clearly pleased with Series. Now we can focus on our goal of bring- gia, product was a three-star
He is 24-7 as a starter, today’s news,” Missouri baseball head coach ing postseason softball back to Columbia, and prospect and initially chose INDIA GARRISH/Missourian
completing 65.9% of his Steve Bieser said in a press release. “Our Missouri over offers from Wide receiver Khmari Thompson
returning to the pinnacle of our sport.”
passes with 76 touchdowns players and coaching staff have faced great Kansas State and Purdue, runs through a drill during football
The softball team also shared a video on camp Aug. 16, 2018, in Columbia.
and only 18 interceptions. challenges on and off the field. Following the among others, in 2017.
their Twitter of Anderson speaking to her
Mahomes is 724 of 1,099 for shortened 2020 season and now the renewed
9,412 yards passing, aver- ability to compete in postseason play, we are
aging 303.6 yards per game eager to prepare for and contend in the 2021
“Everything that you guys came to Mizzou
to do and accomplish, that’s what we’re focus-
with a 108.9 career quarter- campaign.”
The softball team finished the season 19-7 ing on. Right there, baby,” Anderson said as Glasgow dedicating is set to create the statue that
back rating. He also has run she showed the outfield wall in Mizzou Soft- the town will unveil at a spe-
110 times for 500 yards with
and went on a nine game winning streak to field to Negro Leagues
start the season. They were 7- 1 at home. They ball Stadium that shows the team’s appearanc- cial ceremony.
four TDs. es in the Women’s College World Series. player John Donaldson The ceremony is planned
went 3-0 in conference play.
He has led the Chiefs to Missouri softball head coach Larissa Ander- “So get your mindset that we’re hosting The town of Glasgow, locat- to be held at 4 p.m. Sept. 4
back-to-back AFC champion- son shared a similar sentiment to Bieser’s in a from here on out. That’s our goal. That’s our ed northwest of Columbia, at the site of the new field at
ship games. In the postsea- post on the softball team’s Twitter. dream. That’s what we’re set out to do. So Top announced it will be dedi- Glasgow High School. The
son, Mahomes is 115 of 184 “After two years of overcoming adversity, 16 seed in the country, we got an opportunity cating a field and statue to town has dedicated the day as
for 1,474 yards with 13 TDs I’m excited we’re now able to turn he page and to host right there,” Anderson said as she Negro Leagues player John John Wesley Donaldson Stat-
and only two interceptions move forward,” Anderson said. “When our turned her camera around to show the rest of Donaldson, who grew up in ue and Field Dedication Day.
with a 106.6 rating. players chose to come to Mizzou, their dream the stadium. Glasgow. Sculptor Kwan Wu — Missourian staff



If you pitch for

MU’s softball coach, you don’t
tip your hand. Here’s why.
With the sports world on Title: Head coach,
pause during a pandemic, the Missouri softball
Missourian asked a number of
coaches in Columbia to share Moment: May 15, 2003
memories from the most — Hofstra vs. Nebraska
meaningful game (or match,
From her vantage point in
or race, or event) they have the outfield bullpen, Larissa
ever been a part of. Some Anderson couldn’t help but
chose formative coaching turn and marvel at the scene
moments. Others preferred a unfolding on the old practice
highlight from their playing field. Softballs arced through
career. But each memory the sky like bursts from
left a powerful imprint on Roman candles and landed
the coaches, informing how on the adjacent field, 250 feet
they lead today. In this series, away. “It was like the 4th of
titled ‘The Moments That July,” Anderson says. There
was no way for her opponents
Shaped Them,’ the Missouri-
to ignore the fireworks.
QINGHUI KONG/Missourian an tells their stories. Everyone on Hofstra’s roster
Missouri softball head coach Larissa Anderson communicates to the catcher during a game on April 23, 2019. Anderson coached at Hofstra for 17
seasons before coming to Missouri in May of 2018. She led the MU softball team to an NCAA regional appearance in her first season as head coach. Coach: Larissa Anderson Please see ANDERSON, Page 2B



DAVID J. PHILLIP/The Associated Press

Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes, left, celebrates after the Chiefs
defeated the 49ers in the 2020 Super Bowl on Feb. 2 in Miami Gardens, Fla.
Mahomes signed a 10-year contract extension with the Chiefs on Monday.

Mahomes’ big bet on

football pays off with
$503 million deal
The deal comes six They rewarded the 24-year-
ZEPHYRUS LI • Missourian years after spurning old Mahomes with $477
million in guarantee mecha-
Players from both Rock Bridge and Battle baseball lay a wreath during the break of a possible $1 million nisms, a no-trade clause and
payday to play baseball opt-out clauses if he doesn’t
the game Tuesday. The game served as a military appreciation night, with breaks hit those guarantees — claus-
occurring throughout to honor veterans. The Bruins beat the Spartans 19-4. BY MICHAEL MAROT
The Associated Press
es more commonly associated
with baseball contracts than
football deals.
Patrick Mahomes risked
But almost from the
everything when he opted for
moment Kansas City traded
football over baseball.
MLB Turns out, he got baseball
up to select the Texas Tech
star with the No. 10 overall
money anyway.

Safe at home? Off-field behavior will be decisive for league

pick in the 2017 draft, the
One day after the former
front office had been map-
two-sport star got a 10-year
ping out a strategy to keep
deal worth up to $503 million,
the richest contract in Amer-
All it could take is ‘one team TV, including the news, which rein- team sick, and then if a whole team “Going back to the first
ican sports history, the reign-
forced that it was wise to lay low with is sick, that could end the season for free agency I was part of
to mess it up for everybody’ as ing Super Bowl MVP repeat-
the coronavirus crisis worsening in everybody else.” in 2018, we had the idea of
edly insisted this deal was
Major League Baseball attempts Florida and much of the country. Multiple issues could sabotage about more than money. He
structuring deals with Pat
to salvage its 2020 season And as Major League Baseball in mind,” general manager
baseball’s relaunch. Some players wants to be the cornerstone
attempts to salvage the 2020 season, Brett Veach said.
— including David Price of the Los of a dynasty in Kansas City.
BY STEVEN WINE behavior away from the ballpark will “The one thing, as Pat’s
Angeles Dodgers and Ryan Zimmer- “That’s how I’ve always
The Associated Press help determine the outcome. Just like success kept going on, the
man of the Washington Nationals — been built — to follow my
on the field, success will depend on numbers kept getting bigger
MIAMI — Reliever Nick Vincent decided not to take part because of passions and do things to the
how many players are safe at home. and bigger. So it took off, and
the health risk, and testing glitches best of my ability,” the Chiefs
signed last week with the Miami “That’s going to be the biggest that was a good challenge to
further raised concerns. Positive tests quarterback said Tuesday on
Marlins and settled in for two days challenge for this game to move for- have. But I remember when
for four Atlanta Braves, including a Zoom call. “It’s never been
of quarantine in his hotel room while this first came out, (director
ward — the off-the-field stuff and four-time All-Star first baseman about money for me. I’m glad
awaiting clearance to join workouts. of football administration)
what guys do,” said Vincent, an eight- Freddie Freeman, underscored the we have this done and I can
“That was a little bit different,” he Brandt (Tilis) came to me and
year major league veteran. “It’s just fragility of MLB’s plan to navigate go out and be the same player
said. “In 48 hours, you’re definitely a said, ‘Pat’s going to be a base-
going to take one team to mess it up the pandemic. that I was and the same per- ball contract; he’s that good.’”
little stir-crazy.” for everybody. I hope everybody gets son that I was.”
Vincent spent a lot of time watching that. It’ll take five guys to get a whole Please see MLB, Page 2B The Chiefs are banking on it. Please see MAHOMES, Page 2B

Prophetic batting practice began Anderson’s first regional win

ANDERSON from Page 1B
was sending softballs over
the fence, not just one or two
power hitters. “I even hit home
runs, and I don’t hit home
runs,” says Adrienne Clark, a
pitcher on that 2003 team. It
was the best batting practice
the team ever had, and it was
right before an NCAA softball
Anderson, the second-year
pitching coach, was warming
up Hofstra’s starting pitcher
and was close enough to see
Nebraska’s coaches gather in
the middle of the landing zone.
As home run balls touched
down around them, they called
All-American pitcher Peach-
es James over to the huddle.
Nebraska’s second-best pitcher
had been warming up — it’s
just lowly Hofstra, after all;
better to save your ace for
when you need her — but then
Peaches started throwing.
“I truly believe they made a
pitching change right there,”
Anderson says, still imagining
what the conversation must
have been like: “‘We’re going
to have to throw our No. 1.’”
Anderson wandered to the
main field, where Hofstra
head coach Bill Edwards was
scouting the first game. She
told him what had happened,
still in disbelief. Hofstra had
intimidated Nebraska. It was
supposed to be the other way
around. Nebraska was the
top seed and host of the eight-
team regional. The president
of its booster club had even
greeted Hofstra at the airport.
“We’re like, ‘What the hell is
going on?’” Clark recalls.
They couldn’t believe they
were here, in Nebraska, in the COURTESY OF HOFSTRA ATHLETICS
NCAA Tournament. Before Larissa Anderson was hired from Hofstra to be MU’s softball coach on May 26, 2018. However, long before becoming a Tiger, Anderson had a pivotal moment with Hofstra, helping the team as
the bracket was unveiled, a second-year pitching coach in her first NCAA regional in Lincoln, Neb.
Anderson had asked Edwards
if they should get the team Back in Lincoln, Anderson changeup. being recruited as a utility stumped Nebraska, but she but the next fly ball stayed in
together to watch. He recalled told Edwards in the bleachers, Edwards tried shouting player. Edwards told her she dominated with variety and the park. Hofstra had beaten
gathering the players in 1994 “I don’t know who’s going to over the noise of the crowd, would never pitch, but injuries discipline; Nebraska had no Peaches James and top-seeded
only to learn that Hofstra win this ballgame, but that directing the batter to sit back opened opportunities. As the way to identify what type of Nebraska with just two hits.
had been snubbed. Edwards was the most impressive bat- on the pitch and wait for the starting pitcher handed her pitch was coming. Hallaway’s Clark’s save preceded All-Re-
knew the selection committee ting practice I’ve ever seen changeup. “Sit! SIT! SITTTT!” the ball and the fate of the three-run home run earlier gional honors for her eventual
didn’t respect small schools; in my entire life.” She was Peaches was clearly flustered. game, the intensity on their wouldn’t have happened if 14⅔ scoreless innings.
he didn’t want another watch amped. “Their coaching staff is pan- faces was captured in a photo Peaches hadn’t tipped her The real reward came three
party to end in heartbreak, Then Nebraska’s Amanda icking because no one’s ever that would hang in Anderson’s hand to Edwards. The Hofstra games later, when Nebraska
so the coaches went their Buccholz led off the first picked her changeup before,” office for years. head coach was a master at won the rematch in the double
separate ways. Clark and sev- inning with a home run. It Anderson says. Peaches, usu- Clark could throw a nasty noticing those small, reveal- elimination bracket to end
eral teammates secretly held was a mammoth fly ball over ally a consistent and poised drop ball, so Anderson told her ing details from a pitcher. Hofstra’s season. As the long-
their own watch party. Soon, the left field fence. She spun pitcher, walked two batters the goal was to keep the ball Anderson had learned from shots walked off the field, the
they would be stuffed in a car to face the home crowd and on four pitches. Up next was on the ground. No more home him not to let her pitchers tip home crowd honored their
driving along the turnpike, threw her arms in the air — a Amanda Hallaway, the best runs. That’s a lot to ask against their hand. She was militant Game 1 upset with a standing
their heads sticking out of the full pirouette. “It was more power hitter in a Hofstra line- a team like Nebraska. Clark about it. ovation.
sunroof and windows, scream- dramatic than any bat flip you up that lived or died on the remembered a corny gimmick “You will be very hard “I love being the underdog,”
ing “We’re going!” Ander- could ever possibly imagine,” home run. from the previous season. pressed to find someone who Anderson says. “When you
son, alone in her apartment, Edwards says. The place went Even after watching two When Edwards and Anderson Larissa worked with who ever play under the bright lights, it
refreshed her old desktop nuts. Anderson and Edwards walks, Hallaway took a big handed out the schedule, every tips a pitch,” Clark says. “We reveals the work you did in the
monitor every five seconds. could only watch and begrudg- right-handed swing at the game was against an imagi- worked on throwing out of the dark.”
Edwards almost didn’t bother ingly admire the antics. first pitch. She drove the ball nary school called “Bazooka same arm slot so that every- Perhaps that’s because she
checking. When Hofstra’s Both pitchers settled in and to left-center field. The wind State,” named for the bubble thing looks like the same thing has always thought of herself
name appeared on the screen, reached the top of the fourth pressed against it. No matter. gum. The purpose was simple: coming out of your hand. We as an underdog, even once she
he fell out of his chair. inning still 1-0. Peaches was It cleared the fence, barely. It It doesn’t matter who the oppo- worked on making sure that reached the SEC. Back when
So here they were, at living up to her All-Ameri- was no batting practice bottle nent is. your stride was similar on Anderson interviewed for the
Nebraska’s 2,500-seat Bowlin can title and shutting down rocket, but it was enough. Hof- Between every inning, Clark every pitch. If you were going Hofstra job with Edwards, he
Stadium, preparing to play Hofstra. But as she started stra led, 3-1. “I knew we were sat in a corner of the dugout, to change your grip, you had to told her he always wanted to
under the lights in the region- the fourth, Edwards noticed going to win after the two closed her eyes and took deep hide your grip.” know what she was thinking.
al opener. It was Anderson’s something from his coaching walks,” Anderson says. breaths. When she was on the Clark made it to the last “I’m thinking if you don’t
first-ever NCAA Tournament, box on the third-base line. The To ensure that, she made a mound, Anderson called the inning and got the first two hire me,” she answered, “I’m
an experience she would bring right-handed pitcher had a pitching change in the fifth pitches from the dugout. The outs. One to go. Nebraska hit a going to go somewhere else
to Missouri 16 years later. In slightly different grip on the inning, bringing in Clark to two had an inside joke: Make slow, meandering grounder to and come back and beat you.”
2019, she led MU to the region- ball between her ring finger protect the lead. The sopho- as many donuts as possible. second base, and it slid under That might be the last time
als in her first year as head and middle finger, indicating more Clark had transformed Each donut was a zero on the the fielder’s glove. The poten- Larissa Anderson ever tipped
coach. less speed and more control: a into an elite pitcher after scoreboard. Clark’s drop ball tial tying run was at the plate, her hand.

Mahomes: ‘This was where I For MLB relaunch to work,

wanted to spend my entire career’ everyone needs to be accountable
MAHOMES from Page 1B needed to see a long-time Tigers took him in the 14th MLB from Page 1B can’t be stupid.” is going to have the best
investment would be worth round. MLB has given players chance to compete,” Hous-
He certainly has been the There’s also worry regard- guidance regarding off-the- ton Astros general manager
every cent. That was the only sign ing what happens when play-
past two seasons. “I’m so happy for Pat, for Mahomes needed. field conduct during the pan- James Click said.
His strong arm, fleet feet ers are away from work and demic, discouraging the sort For a major leaguer, it’s
the Kansas City Chiefs orga- But he still found a way to beyond whatever bubble can
and uncanny ability to accu- nization and really for the cash in with a deal that sur- of after-the-game activities counterintuitive: Avoid
rately throw from different be created at the ballpark. that have been part of base-
city of Kansas City for hav- passes Mike Trout’s previous crowds.
angles already have made “Guys are 23, 24. They’re ball since before Babe Ruth
ing this opportunity to have record with the Los Angeles Teamwork can help play-
the 24-year-old into one of young. They’re in a sense toasted his first home run.
a true franchise quarterback Angels of $426.5 million. ers adopt an appropriately
the league’s big stars. His bullet-proof,” Marlins man- Or, as Chicago Cubs
here, one that was drafted Mahomes wanted even low-key lifestyle.
ager Don Mattingly said. manager David Ross put it:
humble, charming personal- here which hasn’t happened more from the Chiefs. “I just make Christian
“But if we’re going to run “We’re not going to be able
ity has resonated with fans for almost the duration of the By agreeing to a deal that Yelich get me everything,
around at night and do what- to go out to bars. That would
and teammates alike, and the Chiefs organization,” Reid would keep him in Kansas man,” Milwaukee Brewers
ever we want to do, we’re be an extremely selfish
resume is starting to fill up, said. City for 12 more years, outfielder Ryan Braun said.
going to put everybody’s move.”
too. “I think Brett did a phe- Mahomes wanted to make “That’s my strategy. I send
family at risk.” Potential repercussions
After throwing only 35 nomenal job of organizing sure the 62-year-old Reid Long lines of cars at the him text messages with my
passes as a rookie, Mahomes extend beyond any player grocery requests, all my
this. I joked that he and (for- would still be coaching and virus testing site at the Mar- seeking a thirst-quencher to
broke virtually every sin- mer general manager John) that the Chiefs had enough lins’ ballpark provide the food requests.”
gle-season franchise passing his family, teammates, oppo-
Dorsey wore me out about flexibility under the salary team with a daily reminder Braun was joking, of
nents and even the sport’s
record in 2018 when he was bringing Pat here, saying he cap to reward his teammates. of the hazards off the field. course, but Brewers manag-
ability to continue.
the league’s MVP, the Asso- was the best player they’d Once he checked those two Players broadly acknowl- er Craig Counsell said each
Part of the motivation for
ciated Press Offensive Player ever seen.” boxes, Mahomes was ready to edge they must police them- player must decide how seri-
good behavior might be the
of the Year and led the Chiefs And it almost never hap- sign for the half-billion dollar selves — and each other. same thing that drives most ously to take the virus.
to their first AFC champi- pened. paycheck. Dodgers ace Clayton Ker- things in baseball — wins “Everybody treats COVID
onship game in a quarter Mahomes was a top base- “I knew from the moment I shaw said he trusts his team- and losses. differently,” Counsell said.
century. ball prospect out of high stepped on Arrowhead Stadi- mates to act responsibly The defending NL East “Everyone has their own
Then, despite missing two school and might have fol- um field that this was where away from the ballpark, but champion Braves were viewpoint of it. In this case,
games with a dislocated lowed his father, Pat, and his I wanted to spend my entire he acknowledged it might be rocked at the start of camp we all have to understand
right kneecap last season, godfather, LaTroy Hawkins career,” Mahomes said. harder for players who are by the positive tests. Their what can happen if there’s a
Mahomes closed the regular to the big leagues if he had “I’ve always believed in the single or living in confined setback underscored the new number of positive tests —
season with six straight wins been selected earlier in the legacy thing and I think you spaces like apartments. weight of the annual presea- it’s not going to work. So, we
and capped the season by 2014 draft. see that with the whole entire “Everyone has to take son mantra, “If we can stay have to all do this together.
rallying Kansas City with two Some thought he was wor- team. They want to be a part accountability for being as healthy ... .” “It’s not something I’m
fourth-quarter touchdown thy of a $1 million deal. But of this culture and they want safe as possible, and I have “I think we all recognize going to have to plead with
passes to give the Chiefs their the fear of Mahomes spurn- to build a dynasty. That takes trust in that,” Kershaw that the team that is hit them about. They’re fully
first Super Bowl title in 50 ing the baseball world for a lot of work and I think we said. “If you want to see the the least hard by the virus, aware of it. They are the
years. football sent his draft stock have those guys in this locker season through, if you want that’s able to keep them- ones that are going to be
That’s all coach Andy Reid sliding, until the Detroit room.” to give it the best shot, you selves healthy out there, pleading with each other.”
SECTION B • Friday & Saturday, July 10-11, 2020 • COLUMBIAMISSOURIAN.COM


How jazz inspired a
minimalistic approach
that became the staple
of Burchard’s dynasty

W ith the sports world on pause during a

pandemic, the Missourian asked a number of
coaches in Columbia to share memories from
the most meaningful game (or match, or race,
or event) they have ever been a part of. Some
chose formative coaching moments. Others
preferred a highlight from their playing career.
But each memory left a powerful imprint on
the coaches, informing how they lead today. In
this series, titled ‘The Moments That Shaped
Them,’ the Missourian tells their stories.

Coach: Bob Burchard

Title: Former head coach, Columbia

College men’s basketball

Moment: March 7, 1990 — Columbia

vs. Drury
If it were 2019, Bob Burchard would know
what to say. It would be a situation he had faced
countless times in an illustrious 31-year career.
He might choose to handle the delicate balance
between hope and hopelessness with a little
more flair, or maybe a little less, but whatever
the coach would say in that halftime locker
room, you can bet it would be a product of his
ANGIE ALLEN/Missourian Archive
Bob Burchard takes orders for Columbia College season tickets, the season after the Cougars made the NAIA national tournament in this Missourian archive
photo from Nov. 6, 1990. Please see BURCHARD, Page 2B


MU, SEC stand pat amid changes in college football

BY ANDERSON KIMBALL ference counterparts. Arkansas, one of Missouri’s four bi-weekly calls with the other SEC schedule hasn’t been ruled out and
[email protected] Missouri athletic director Jim non-conference opponents in its ADs and they are working through could be a possible pivot for Sterk
Sterk said in a Zoom call with report- 12-game schedule. possible scenarios for the fall without and the SEC if they want to salvage
Thursday brought some drastic ers Thursday that Missouri and the “As we get closer towards the end any firm plans, but the biggest driv- their main revenue stream. The idea
changes to the college football land- SEC haven’t made any firm plans for of July, we’ll be coming up with plans ing force in MU and the SEC’s deci- of moving the season to the spring
scape. fall sports . that we can present to the chancel- sion making will be how the COVID- has not been discussed, Sterk said.
The Big Ten announced Thursday “We’re not there yet,” Sterk said. lors and presidents on what we think 19 pandemic develops. “Probably it’s a comfort level of
it will move to a conference-only Missouri and the SEC are still fall can look like,” Sterk said. “But “It continues to change daily how protocols are being enacted, how
schedule for fall sports. Later in the waiting out the coronavirus pandem- there’s a bunch of different models and weekly, and in a month, in two testing is done and then keeping it
afternoon, reports from The Athletic ic before they make any sweeping for football ... We’ll be prepared to months, I’m hopeful it’s a heck of a within that family if you will, it’s an
and Stadium have the Atlantic Coast changes as the clock ticks towards adjust if necessary to a schedule that lot better and things are better than expanded social circle or social pod,”
and Pacific 12 conferences following the fall semester. If Missouri were best accommodates what we’re hear- what we have,” Sterk said. “If not, Sterk said. “You might be able to con-
suit. to start its season on time, it would ing from the medical officials and then we have to pivot and adjust our trol things more that way, or feel like
For now, the beat will still go on for begin with fall camp before a Sept. campus officials at the time.” plans.”
Missouri and its Southeastern Con- 2 season opener against Central Sterk said that he is still having The idea of a conference-only Please see FOOTBALL, Page 2B


Big Ten to limit football to conference games St. Louis, MLB announce
The Big Ten Conference makes 2021 schedule before 2020
its announcement after the Ivy
League canceled all fall sports
due to concerns over the virus
season gets off the ground
BY JOHN ZENOR BY RICK HUMMEL each at Cincinnati and Miami
The Associated Press St. Louis Post-Dispatch from April 1-7.
Major League Baseball, two When Milwaukee and the
The Big Ten Conference announced Cardinals play here on April
Thursday it will not play nonconference weeks ahead of the start of
this long-delayed 2020 season, 10, 2021, in the season-opening
games in football and several other series at home, it will mark the
sports this fall, the most dramatic move announced its schedule for the
2021 season Thursday. 15th anniversary of the first
yet by a power conference because of
As this year, the Cardinals game played at Busch Stadium
the coronavirus pandemic.
will play all 20 of their inter- III, also against Milwaukee.
The league cited medical advice in
making its decision and added ominous- league games against the The Brewers and fellow
ly that the plan would be applied only American League Central National League Central
“if the conference is able to participate Division, but they also will Division rival Chicago Clubs
in fall sports.” play the other teams in the will provide the opposition
“As we continue to focus on how to National League in what is at Busch in the final week of
play this season in a safe and respon- slated to be a full 162-game the season from Sept. 28-Oct.
sible way, based on the best advice of schedule. 3. The Cardinals and Kansas
medical experts, we are also prepared
MICHAEL CONROY/The Associated Press The 2021 home opener will City will play back-to-back
not to play in order to ensure the Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren addresses the media March 12 in Indianapolis. The Big be on April 8 against Milwau- weekend series of three games
Ten is the first Power Five conference to make any indication to a change in sports schedules, kee after the Cardinals start
Please see CONFERENCE, Page 2B when it announced Thursday that schedules would be limited to conference games only. the season with three games Please see CARDINALS, Page 2B

Malone’s jazz phase key in Burchard’s memorable win

BURCHARD from Page 1B under control. “If you win, star guard, Thomas Roberts,
that’s not going to be a prob- rallied to tie the game with 13
Burchard retired after lem,” Faye said. “But if we minutes left. The lead traded
the 2018-19 season, leaving win, you’re going to have to hands until the last 16 seconds,
Columbia College as one of the keep me under control.” when the Cougars ended up
winningest college basketball At halftime, Drury with the ball in an 80-80 tie.
coaches of all time: 788-269 announced to the home crowd Burchard called timeout and
with 22 NAIA Tournament of 2,110 that tickets were on huddled his team. He didn’t
appearances. Before his arriv- sale in the lobby for the first call a set play. He just smiled.
al in 1988, the Cougars had round of the NAIA Tourna- “What we’re going to do is get
never had a winning season ment. Drury president John the ball in Marvin’s or Thom-
in program history. But there Moore was sitting next to as’s hands. And one of you
was a time when Burchard Columbia College president make some magic.”
didn’t know what to say, a time Don Ruthenberg. Moore told “I wasn’t about to pass it
when he still had to learn that Ruthenberg about the suite he anyway,” Malone laughs years
less is more. had already purchased for the later.
Thirty years later, he next game. The tickets were Malone received the inbound
believes no video evidence in his pocket. Drury students and dribbled in his right hand
exists of this particular lesson, hung a monstrous banner on the right wing, guarded by
now his fondest memory. But across the entire baseline, all-district senior Chuck Allen.
even after more than 1,000 listing fake opponents to mock Under 10 seconds. The 6-foot-4
games, the one on March 7, Columbia’s easy schedule: Allen swiped at the ball with
1990, lives on in legend. After School for the Blind, Little Sis- his right hand. Not a good time
all, it was the genesis of a ters of the Poor, so on. to try to steal from a crafty
Columbia coaching legend. Inside the locker room, point guard. Malone dribbled
The game was going just as Burchard made up his mind. between his legs into his left
expected: The Cougars trailed He turned to Malone, pok- hand as Allen stumbled. Now
Drury by 12 at halftime. er-faced, and said: “Just turn was his chance. Allen couldn’t
Burchard surveyed a silent that thing on.” regain his balance as all 5 feet,
locker room and pondered Malone was older than his 10 inches of Malone rose up,
what to say. His players’ heads teammates, and it showed in several feet behind the 3-point
were hanging. Burchard was his taste in music. The others line, to shoot his shot.
stressed, too. His mind was made fun of him for it — “’You As the buzzer sounded: a
blank, and he had a sense that know Marvin, he’s in charge, perfect swish. Bedlam.
this was the biggest test of his he’s old,’” Malone imitates — “The magic did happen,”
young career. but there was no doubt he was Malone says.
He looked to his star player, the team leader. Columbia fans exploded
Marvin Malone. A boombox “If Marvin liked it, every- onto the court in a frenzy
sat nearby. Burchard made up body had to like it,” Burchard as Burchard ran aimlessly
his mind. says. Around that time, through the mob, Jimmy
Burchard and Malone are Malone had taken an interest Valvano-style. Finally, he nav-
the key characters in the origin in smooth jazz. Burchard igated his way to the baseline.
story of the Columbia College knew the boombox in the cor- Burchard emphatically ripped
basketball dynasty. Malone ner of the locker room housed the giant banner down and left
was a five-year military man a Kenny G cassette tape. it on the ground for his rau-
who played on the U.S. Air “That was my thing,” cous students to trample.
Force’s all-Europe team. When Malone says. “The calming In the bleachers, Moore
he returned to the U.S. at 25, influence of jazz. Before pulled his suite tickets out of
he played a year at North games, I’m listening to jazz, his pocket and handed them
Georgia College then moved to visualizing shooting the ball, to Ruthenberg. The president
Columbia with his girlfriend, scoring, passing.” sat in that suite and watched
an MU student. Malone sent So, to hell with inspirational Columbia College win its
letters to colleges across the speeches. Burchard gave the first-ever NAIA Tournament
state to inquire if they needed order, and Malone played the game, 93-88 against Ohio’s
a point guard. He visited Cen- tape, and for 15 strange, sooth- Malone University; Columbia’s
tral Methodist, but the coach ing minutes, the Columbia Malone followed his 33-point
declined to offer a scholarship. College basketball team sat in performance at Drury with
Malone drove back to Colum- complete silence and listened another big game, prompting
bia, disappointed, and stopped MISSOURIAN ARCHIVE
to Kenny G’s soprano saxo- the headlines to read “Malone
at an old Zips burger joint. An In this Missourian file photo, Coach Bob Burchard directs his team Feb. 20, 1990, at Columbia College. His scowl
phone. beats Malone.” After the
employee was wearing Colum- appears to be directed at star guard Marvin Malone (13), whose shot three weeks later sent the Cougars to the
“You’re down 13 at half, game, Malone’s coach mailed
bia College sweats. NAIA national tournament.
that’s like game over,” Malone a Malone University
“Hey man, do they have on players, so he backgrounded nament. They awaited the NAIA Tournament, held every Burchard says. “Instead of jersey.
a basketball team?” Malone Malone and invited him to the winner of Central Methodist year in Kansas City, so that trying to light a fire under Columbia lost in the Sweet
asked. gym that night to see what he and Missouri Baptist, which students could go. them, I think it was most 16, but dethroning Drury put
“Oh, yeah, they aren’t any had. Malone was impressive. had already beaten Columbia By comparison, Columbia important to be relaxed, and Burchard’s Cougars on the
good,” the worker said. “They That first year, he was in all three meetings that year. College’s gym was too small that’s what we did. It was the map. Years later, Burchard
just got a new coach.” ineligible for a semester But Central Methodist pulled for NAIA district standards, best halftime ever.” was at a recruiting event in
He pointed Malone up the after transferring. Columbia the upset, and in turn, an so the CMU semifinal game When the Cougars returned Springfield with a new assis-
street toward campus. Malone was 4-9 when he played his enlivened Columbia beat CMU had to be played at a high for the second half, Burchard tant coach. They snuck into
grabbed his burger and went first game against Hannibal 89-88 in overtime to reach school instead. kept it simple: “OK, let’s see the old gym, which was no
to find Burchard in his office. LaGrange in January. The the final. Malone scored 17 Still, Columbia brought bus- if we can string some stops longer in use, and Burchard
As the saying goes: Shoot your team went 14-3 the rest of the second-half points against the loads of students to Springfield together and see what hap- showed him the spot where
shot. The athlete marched into season. team that refused to offer him for the final, where Drury’s pens.” They floated dream-like Malone launched his shot. As
the coach’s office and said In the second year, the Cou- a scholarship. classic rickety gym was into the roaring gym. It was Burchard re-enacted the play
he wanted to play basketball. gars made the semifinals of Up next: top-seeded Drury, packed to the brim. Burchard’s like going from elevator music in front of an empty arena,
Malone describes Burchard’s the NAIA district tournament, a perennial power with a 1979 wife, Faye, was Columbia’s into a Metallica concert. you could almost hear the
reaction: “He looks at me like, where a championship would national title. The school was dean of student affairs. Her Columbia held Drury score- echo of a soprano saxophone
‘So does every other 5-foot-10 earn them an automatic bid known to schedule spring Drury counterpart directed less for five-plus minutes and, through the eerie silence.
guy.’” But the coach was short to the 32-team national tour- break to coincide with the her to keep the Cougar fans led by Malone and another

Cross country, field hockey, Five of Missouri’s last 70 tests have

soccer and volleyball affected been positive to put total at 10 cases
CONFERENCE from Page 1B the virus outbreak is having ence matchups in the Big Ten FOOTBALL from Page 1B souri’s last 70 tests have five-day self-isolation period
on its budget. this season included Notre been positive, a rate of 7.1%. if a student-athlete leaves
health, safety and wellness you can anyway, versus the
There was no immediate Dame vs. Wisconsin on Oct. Missouri has been testing Columbia for a 12-24 hour
of our student-athletes should unknown of people coming
reaction from the other big 3 at Lambeau Field, home of athletes initially when they period.
the circumstances so dictate,” from outside of our 11 states
conferences, though the SEC, the NFL’s Green Bay Pack- arrived in waves to campus Sterk said another round of
the league said. that are our footprint of the
ACC, Big 12 and Pac-12 have ers. A handful of teams were for voluntary workouts, but testing is expected for foot-
Besides football, the sports all indicated they intend to SEC.”
affected include men’s and scheduled to play two Big Ten Missouri announced a student-athletes and staff ball players before presea-
play fall sports, anchored by opponents, including Bowling have only been tested again son camp starts on Aug. 7.
women’s cross country, field football, by far the biggest total of 10 positive cases
hockey, men’s and women’s Green, Central Michigan and Wednesday, but Sterk said if they develop symptoms of He also said the ticket office
moneymaker. Northern Illinois. the virus. Part of Missouri’s has 13 scenarios for seating
soccer, and women’s volley- Missouri athletic director that through contact trac-
ball. The Big Ten said it would ing, none of those cases return to campus protocol and ticketing this fall and
Jim Sterk was asked about release detailed schedules
“By limiting competition have come from the athlet- includes daily temperature the department is spending
the possible rationale for a
to other Big Ten institutions, later and continue to evalu- ic department’s voluntary and symptom checks. Other the most time on its model of
conference-only schedule.
the conference will have the ate other sports. The league workouts. The total positive procedures are in place, 50% capacity because it is
“Probably, it’s a comfort
greatest flexibility to adjust said its schools will honor rate is 2.6% but five of Mis- including a mandatory easier to adjust.
level of how protocols are
its own operations throughout being enacted, how testing scholarships for athletes who
the season and make quick is done and then keeping it choose not to compete in the
decisions in real-time based
on the most current evolving
medical advice and the fluid
within that family, if you will
— your expanded social cir-
cle or social pod,” said Sterk,
upcoming academic year
because of concerns about the
Cards host Milwaukee in ’21 home opener
nature of the pandemic,” the whose Tigers play in the Indiana athletic director
Scott Dolson said he and his CARDINALS from Page 1B 3-6: vs. New York Mets August
Big Ten said. SEC. “You might be able to
Big Ten colleagues “know 7-9: vs. Colorado 1: vs. Minnesota
The announcement came control things more that way, apiece in August. 18-19: vs. Pittsburgh 3-5: vs. Atlanta
a day after the Ivy League or feel like you can, anyway that there remain many
21-23 vs. Chicago Cubs 6-8: vs. Kansas City
called off fall sports and Stan- versus the unknown of people questions that still need to be 2021 Cardinals home June 17-19: vs. Milwaukee
ford announced it was cutting coming from outside our 11 answered, and we will work schedule 3-6: vs. Cincinnati 24-25: vs. Detroit
11 varsity sports as it strug- states.” toward finding those answers 8-9: vs. Cleveland September
gles with the financial impact The marquee nonconfer- in the coming weeks.” Game times TBA
14-16: vs. Miami 6-9: vs. Los Angeles Dodg-
April 24-27: vs. Pittsburgh ers
8, 10-11: vs. Milwaukee 28-30: vs. Arizona 10-12: vs. Cincinnati
IN BRIEF 12-14: vs. Washington July 17-19: vs. San Diego
23-25: vs. Cincinnati 16-18: vs. San Francisco 28-30 vs. Milwaukee
Missouri’s Pinson the NBA Draft this year MO Junior Amateur 26-29: vs. Philadelphia 19-22: vs. Chicago Cubs October
updates followers with without an agent, which Golf Championship to May 30-31: vs. Minnesota 1-3: vs. Chicago Cubs
cryptic message allows him to retain his tee off next week
college eligibility. It was
Missouri guard Xavier Pin- More than 150 golfers from
son took to Instagram Thurs-
reported in May that Pinson
across the Show-Me State LOCAL ROUNDUP
would likely return to the
day with a cryptic message will compete in the 37th
for his followers.
Pinson’s post, which was a
black & white photo edit of
Tigers next season, although
the guard never publicly con-
firmed reports.
Missouri Junior Amateur
Championship next week in
Warrensburg. Golfers ages
2020 Missouri Women’s Amateur concludes
himself, saw him wearing a A spokesperson told the eight to 18 will make up the
Missourian Thursday that BY MISSOURIAN STAFF Meek shot 70, 71 and 68 Michelle Butler, also from
basketball jersey with a ques- 157-person field. [email protected]
tion mark over the front. The Pinson had not entered the Those ages 13-18 will play in the 54-hole, three-round Columbia, came in second
post’s caption read, “Gotta transfer portal. August 3 is a 36-hole stroke play cham- Columbia’s Jess Meek took tournament, which kicked off in the Mid-Amateur Cham-
do what’s best for me...#De- the deadline for Pinson to pionship, and golfers ages first place in Missouri’s 2020 Monday. She finished second pionship, following up a first
cisions”. withdraw his name from the 8 and 9 will play an 18-hole Mid-Amateur Championship in the Amateur Champion- place finish in 2019. Butler
Pinson decided to test pro- NBA Draft and still maintain competition. on Wednesday in Camdenton ship, one stroke behind first scored a 213 overall, shooting
fessional waters and enter his collegiate eligibility. — Missourian staff with a score of 209. place. a 5-under in the final round.



John Hamilton, left, poses for a photograph with David Townsend
at the state championships in 1993 at Hickman.

Coach John
lessons extended
beyond MIKALA COMPTON/Missourian
Rock Bridge tennis coach Ben Loeb watches the Bruins boys team practice at Cosmo-Bethel Park in preparation for the Mid-Missouri

Invitational in April of 2016.

[email protected]
Coach John Hamilton wasn’t someone that could
be easily missed. His tall frame, broad shoulders and
booming voice commanded any room he entered. Sim-
ply put, Hamilton was larger than life.
Mr. Hamilton, who died June 22 at 69, coached both
the Rock Bridge and Hickman high school boys’ and
girls’ swim teams from 1977 to 2011. He had tremen-
dous success over the course of that 33-year career,
including numerous top-four finishes at the state cham-
pionships. But he eventually was asked to step down.
David Townsend swam for Hickman and Hamilton
from 1989 to 1993.
“You don’t have that much success for that long

The unknown story behind

unless you’re doing things right and really caring
about the people you’re working with and supporting,”
Townsend said.
As a coach, Hamilton was supportive, but tough. He
promoted hard work from all of his swimmers in the
form of focus, discipline and visualization.
“It didn’t matter if you were the fastest swimmer on
perhaps the most dramatic sports
the team or the slowest swimmer on the team, he want-
ed you to succeed, whatever that meant,” Townsend
said. “If that was winning state or if that was dropping
moment in Columbia’s history
two seconds from your time and improving from the
first practice to the last meet. Every swimmer mat-
Julia Alexander Mees, a Hickman girls swimmer BY BENNETT DURANDO • Missourian
from 1993-96, said Mr. Hamilton would talk his ath-
letes through their races so they could visualize every-

thing they needed to do to win: “the perfect stroke
technique, the perfect start, the perfect turn, the per- ith the sports world on pause ter Olympic upset of the Soviet Union shares
fect finish.” during a pandemic, the Missou- all the same hallmarks of what Loeb has
Although he expected hard work and everyone on rian asked a number of coaches definitively named the best tennis dual of
his respective teams to put forth their best, he did so in Columbia to share memories all time. The united team of rural upstarts
through gentle guidance that allowed swimmers to from the most meaningful game (or match, against a renowned collection of star play-
showcase the best version of themselves, Molly Critch- or race, or event) they have ever been a part ers that perpetually bullies its opponents.
low Liberto, Hickman girls swimmer from 1991-95, of. Some chose formative coaching moments. Themes of geographic and ideological pride.
said. Others preferred a highlight from their play- A comeback. A suspenseful climax. A satis-
“He was quiet. Rarely did he raise his voice, but he ing career. But each memory left a power- fying payoff.
respected us so completely that he had our complete ful imprint on the coaches, informing how Loeb stands on hallowed ground in 2020.
respect,” Liberto said. “He didn’t have to yell. He just they lead today. In this series, titled ‘The His teams have won 19 Missouri high school
loved and that’s how he was able to reach us and for us Moments That Shaped Them,’ the Missouri- state championships — his first at Hickman
to be such a successful team.” an tells their stories. in 1994, the other 18 at Rock Bridge — and
Mees agreed. over 1,000 duals. The Rock Bridge boys
“He had a quiet confidence... We knew that if we Coach: Ben Loeb have won the title eight times, including
trained hard all year that we would drop time and do each of the last four years. The girls have 10
well at state.” championships, including five straight from
Title: Head coach, Rock Bridge 2015-19. Loeb has carved a place for himself
“He instilled in his swimmers an inspirational belief tennis
that we could do great things if we worked hard,” Mees among the state’s all-time great coaches in
said. any sport.
Hamilton promoted teamwork and sportsmanship Moment: October 1999 — Rock “Hands down the best coach I ever had,”
in and out of the pool. He made sure everyone on the Bridge vs. St. Joseph’s Academy says Kristin Kornegay, a freshman on Loeb’s
team knew they were important. It is, quite simply, the greatest sporting 1999 team who admired him most for his
“A lot of people see swimming as an individual sport, emphasis on the mental aspects of the game.
event he has seen, or will ever see, in his life.
but I don’t think swimmers do, especially Coach Ham- Aside from coaching, Loeb teaches a sports
“That includes high school, college, pro, all
ilton’s swimmers,” Liberto said. “It was a team sport. psychology class. “As a high school boys and
of it,” Rock Bridge tennis coach Ben Loeb
No one on the team was allowed to not give their best, girls tennis coach,” Kornegay says, “he could
says. “Well, maybe the Miracle on Ice.”
and he encouraged the team to support one another, Indeed, the U.S. hockey team’s 1980 Win- Please see LOEB, Page 2B
Please see HAMILTON, Page 2B



Rock Bridge, Battle honor veterans 2020 Show-Me State Games canceled
for Military Appreciation Night because of health concerns from athletes
BY ANDERSON KIMBALL All athletes or teams who
BY CHRIS MARTUCCI do it?’, I hit the ground running,” she said. [email protected] registered will recieve a
[email protected] “I was going to make sure it happened no refund of their entry fees.
The 2020 Show-Me State
matter what.” “Our mission is to promote
The Rock Bridge and Battle baseball Games have been canceled
Three months later, the Bruins and health, fitness, family and
teams were supposed to grace the diamond this summer, according to a
Spartans got their chance. Tuesday night’s fun,” Dave Fox, Show-Me
for their Service Beyond Self Military release Wednesday.
game was also a celebration of those who State Games Executive
Appreciation exhibition game in April. But, The games were canceled
served their country. Tributes to military Director said in a news
due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it had to due to the coronavirus
members throughout the game were aplen- release. “While we are disap-
be canceled. However, the players insisted pandemic as well as the
ty, with a veteran throwing out a first pitch pointed that we won’t be able
the show go on.Tina DeClue, the organizer withdrawl of athletes due
before the game, and another throwing an to host our sporting events,
for the event and wife of Battle manager to health concerns and the and safety guidelines, but
honorary pitch at the start of the second we believe we are upholding
Doug Boyer, was determined to make that ablility to properly monitor now the whole competition
happen. social distancing at events. of around 40 events will be our mission by putting our
When the action did begin, it was a romp
“As soon as they said, ‘Tina, this is Twenty events were previ- on hold until next summer at participants and the commu-
important to us. Is there a way we can still Please see BASEBALL, Page 2B ouly canceled due to health the earliest. nity’s health first.”

1999 championship was the best win in Loeb’s career

LOEB from Page 1B to hit him with an accurate consists of nine matches. Each matches. Naturally, they all marveling at the scene, and “Of course, in tennis, you’re
serve. Daugherty was the team sends out its six varsity went three sets. realized he had completely supposed to immediately go up
run circles around coaches most inconsistent on the team, players, ranked with No. 1 First, there were Rock missed the sunset. Darkness and shake hands,” Kornegay
from any other level.” so she decided to whack it as being the best and competing Bridge’s top two players, had fallen, and the nearest
Loeb has seen a lot of wins, says. But not after a dual like
hard as possible and hope for against the opponent’s No. 1, Cheryl Hickey and Lindsay overhead light flickered. Kor- this. At the net, Daugherty
but nothing comes close to that the best. She didn’t miss. and so on. All six play against Gibson, trailing St. Joseph’s negay and Daugherty trailed
1999 girls championship, Rock dropped her second-string
“I’m thinking, this guy’s their counterpart in a best-of- 5-4 in games. Needing to win the final set 3 games to 1.
Bridge’s first in the sport. The willing to take shots from full three-set singles match, and the next game, they fell behind “As the match progresses, racket and tore off her shirt.
lights on the court from the blast tennis balls,” Daugherty the dual’s last three matches big, again. you hear the cheering from Her teammates followed suit.
deciding match still flicker in says, “because he wanted so are doubles, in which a team’s Triple championship point. other courts, but you don’t Daugherty jumped into Kor-
his memory. It’s his Miracle. bad for us to love this game No. 1 and No. 2 are partnered Hickey and Gibson fought know exactly what’s transpir- negay’s arms, and the rest col-
The Bruins were up against the way he does.” together, then Nos. 3 and 4, back to 40-30, and what fol- ing,” Kornegay says. “Then lapsed on top of them. Maybe
St. Joseph’s Academy from St. Before the Bruins boarded then Nos. 5 and 6. Winning lowed was the most dramatic slowly but surely we notice it wasn’t the World Cup, and
Louis in the state finals. St. the team bus to Springfield for five matches clinches the dual. rally of Loeb’s career. St. Joes’ people filter over, and we sort maybe there was no iconic
Joe’s was the five-time defend- the final, Loeb gathered them So when Rock Bridge fell No. 1 player lashed a powerful of figure out what’s going on.
ing state champion, aiming for footage of the moment, but to
in the Rock Bridge library for behind 4-1 in the singles por- volley from close to the net. A nail biter experience to say
a record sixth straight. The a ragtag team of Rock Bridge
a different kind of inspiration. tion, St. Joseph’s had all but Hickey was backed off from in the least.”
archetypal rivalry of public That summer in soccer, the won its sixth straight title. the net in defensive mode. The October chill added tennis players, that celebration
school versus private school U.S. Women’s National Team Especially when Daugherty, She reached her racket across to the tension. Rock Bridge was as legendary and sponta-
both bittered and emboldened won the World Cup in a dra- the Bruins’ No. 6, lost the first her body on pure reflex to teammates huddled and locked neous as any in the history of
the Bruins. “They can pick matic penalty shootout. Loeb set in her match. block what should have been a arms in a collective tight grip sports.
student-athletes from all over played the video of Brandi “We’re almost as far behind title-winning shot. It deflected while watching, like soccer “No one thought we would
the metropolitan area, unlike Chastain scoring the winning as you can possibly be,” Loeb over for a miraculous back- players waiting at midfield do it,” Daugherty says.
we can do,” Loeb says. “So it’s goal and ripping off her jersey says. “I try to block out any hand return. “It was a reaction during a penalty shootout. “Including us.”
kind of a David-Goliath situa- in an emphatic celebration thoughts of the situation we’re save, like a goaltender in hock- Kornegay, the more poised “I started believing back
tion. We’re the little guy out in that became an iconic feminist in and try to focus on keeping ey,” Loeb says. “It was a stick of the pair, sat back around the then to stay centered in the
central Missouri, and they’re moment. The coach pointed them upbeat.” save.” The Bruins won the baseline. Daugherty played
the powerhouse up in the big moment and keep competing
out the intensity on Chastain’s Daugherty’s teammate Elly point, won the game in a deuce up at the net. It made for lots
city.” face as she fell to her knees Swetz approached Daugherty’s and won the next two games of long rallies. After losing a in the moment,” Loeb says.
Loeb, who pocketed a mar- and shouted to the sky. court during the next set and for a 7-5 third-set win. frustrating point, Daugherty “Those girls had such a strong
keting degree and became a When everyone got off the gave her the news: “No pres- They were still alive, 4-3. smashed her racket and had to competitive spirit and grit to
teacher so he could coach ten- team bus later, Loeb managed sure, but we’ve lost four.” Swetz and Jenny Kingsbury borrow a teammate’s for the them, and they didn’t get down
nis, wanted his players to be to surprise them yet again. He “To be honest,” Daugh- matched their teammates with rest of the match. “Erin was about the predicament we
as passionate as he was. “Not told them plainly that he want- erty says now, “a part of me another 7-5 win in the third fiery,” Kornegay says, “which were in. The magnitude of the
all of us had that same level ed to win for his grandmother, thought, ‘Well, if I lose, four set. It was 4-4 with Kornegay was the perfect balance for comeback and the underdog
of passion,” says Erin Daugh- who had died that year. “It was other people lost, too, so it’s and Daugherty still playing. us.” The duo chipped away, status — it made it a miracle.”
erty, another 1999 player. “We the first time we’d ever really not like I blew it for us.’ I had A nervous buzz had spread winning three straight games
Public school dethroned
enjoyed the sport, but it’s hard seen an emotional, non-ten- nothing to lose.” throughout the line of courts before St. Joe’s evened it 4-4.
to have it at his level.” One day nis-related side to him,” Facing elimination twice in a by now, and everyone trickled Loeb leaped and loomed with private school. Columbia
that season, he introduced a Daugherty says. “I don’t think row, she won both sets to keep toward the one at the very end every point. Soon it was 5-4, dethroned St. Louis. And Ben
serving drill in which he got he realized how much we all Rock Bridge alive ... but still to watch. Most spectators sat and Rock Bridge had a match Loeb took his seat on a throne
on all fours in the service box took that to heart.” down 4-2 and needing to win on the patch of grass outside point. Kornegay’s shot ended he has rarely relinquished in
and gave everyone one chance A high school tennis dual all three best-of-three doubles the fence. Loeb looked around, it. the 20 years since.

Bruins dominated Spartans for four innings

BASEBALL from Page 1B pitcher John Crouse — a “God Bless America” and a of them have developed
last-ditch attempt to come bugle player played “Taps” relationships with some of
for Rock Bridge. The Bru- back from an insurmount- in honor of those who died the veterans that come out,
ins won by a score of 19-4 in able lead. while in service. otherwise they would never
a four-inning game.
Third baseman Kellen Boyer and Rock Bridge have met that serviceman
Third baseman Brett
Williamson hit an RBI triple coach Justin Towe present- or woman.”
Mooney had a huge night for
in the third inning to give ed a check for $1,840 to the DeClue usually plans the
the Bruins, as he went 3-for-
4 with five RBI and two the team some life. Second Central Missouri Honor next year’s event the day
triples. Right-fielder Cooper baseman Braydon Boyer Flight. The event also raised after that year’s game ends.
Greenwood also went 3-for- and Noah Fuller also drove $2,600 for WelcomeHome, When the pandemic hit in
4 with three RBI and two in runs before center fielder an assisted living communi- March, she had to start all
doubles.The Bruins scored Carson Fewell drove in a ty for veterans. over again.
nine runs in the fourth run on a fielder’s choice. Seniors from both teams “I was planning the event
inning after putting up six But this night was not then brought a cache yellow twice in one year, and that
in the first and four in the about victory or defeat. ribbon out to home plate to typically takes a year,”
second. The third inning After the fourth inning, show support for all the vet- DeClue said. “Once COVID
was the only inning in which both teams gathered along erans. This was a night that happened, I went into full
they did not score a run. the baselines to honor some none of them wanted to miss force because I know it’s
Battle fought its way back of the veterans that were in out on. had an impact, which is
in the third when it scored attendance for the night’s “They love hearing our what we want, on our young
CATALIN ABAGIU/Missourian three runs off Rock Bridge game. Bagpipers played stories,” said DeClue. “Some men.”
Linda Hamilton, left, and John Hamilton cheer on a Rock Bridge swimmer
together at a swim meet in January 2008.
Hamilton and his Ivy League suspends all fall sports because of coronavirus
wife, Linda, fostered a BY DOUG FEINBERG

supportive atmosphere The Associated Press

The Ivy League on
Wednesday became the
first Division I conference
HAMILTON from Page 1B Although many of Hamil- to suspend all fall sports,
ton’s swimmers have moved including football, because
and we did. We pushed each on from swimming, the les- of the coronavirus pandemic,
other in the pool and cheered sons they learned from him leaving open the possibility
for each other on the deck, and of moving some seasons to
have had a lifelong impact.
we also had a lot of fun.” the spring if the outbreak is
“When I look at the people
A hallmark of being coached better controlled by then.
by Hamilton was the oppor- that went through his swim
“We simply do not believe
tunity to see how he and his program, I see success across
we can create and maintain
wife, Linda Hamilton, worked the board in life, and I think an environment for intercol-
together. They fostered a sup- a lot of it started there with legiate athletic competition
portive atmosphere. the work ethic and the drive that meets our requirements
“She was Coach’s rock. She and the ability to overcome for safety and acceptable lev-
was truly an assistant coach, that they learned swimming els of risk,” the Ivy League
but also a team mom. She’s one for Coach,” Townsend said. Council of Presidents said in
of the most supportive people “Whether it be in business, a statement.
I have ever met, not only to medicine or with their fam- “We are entrusted to create
John, but the swimmers as ilies, there’s a lot of success and maintain an educational
well,” Townsend said. stories throughout.” environment that is guided
by health and safety consid-
erations. There can be no
MISSOURI ATHLETICS greater responsibility — and CHARLES KRUPA/The Associated Press
that is the basis for this diffi-
Harvard wide receiver Jack Cook (83) raises the ball after crossing the goal line for a touchdown against Yale

MU athletic department
cult decision.” during the second half of an NCAA football game Nov. 17, 2018, at Fenway Park in Boston. The Ivy League has
The decision affects not suspended all fall sports because of the coronavirus pandemic.
just football but soccer, field

announces 10 positive cases

hockey, volleyball and cross conferences have already deadline” for a decision. most of those states still ban
country, as well as the fall begun workouts for a season “Clearly, regardless of large gatherings; under the
portion of winter sports like that starts on Aug. 29, even what happens in the fall, Massachusetts reopening
basketball. The league said as their schools weigh wheth- sports are coming back even- plan, Harvard would not
BY MAX BAKER it has not yet determined er to open their campuses or tually,” he said. “So we want be allowed to have fans in
staff began in the first week of
[email protected] whether fall sports can be continue classes remotely. to make sure that whenever the stands until a vaccine is
June when athletes returned
moved to the spring. “There are important deci- that time (is) right to return
to campus for voluntary work- developed.
An additional five Missouri The conference noted in sions to be made in the com- to competition, that we have
outs. Testing was required a statement that its schools Harvard has already
student-athletes tested pos- ing weeks and by late July the infrastructure and the
itive for COVID-19, the ath- when athletes returned to are limiting gatherings, visi- announced that all classes
there should be more clarity recommendations in place to
letic department confirmed campus. tors and travel. about the fall season,” South- for both semesters will be
be able to do so safely for the
Wednesday afternoon. In total, Football, men’s basketball “As athletics is expected eastern Conference commis- student-athletes, staff, coach- held virtually; dorms will be
nine have tested positive since and women’s basketball play- to operate consistent with sioner Greg Sankey said. es, fans, students.” open only to freshmen and
the testing began. ers returned to campus June 8 campus policies, it will not But it was the Ivy League’s The Atlantic Coast Con- seniors. Yale said it would
One other person within the while cross country, women’s be possible for Ivy League March 10 decision to scuttle ference, which includes 14 limit its dorms to 60% capac-
athletic department has test- soccer and volleyball returned teams to participate in inter- its postseason basketball schools in nine states, said ity and said most classes
ed positive since the testing June 15. G{span}ymnastics, collegiate athletics compe- tournament that preceded a in a statement that decisions would be conducted remote-
began on June 8, bringing the men’s and women’s swim and tition prior to the end of the cascade of cancellations. All are being made by the indi- ly. Princeton will also do
total to 10 out of the 377 tests. dive, and wrestling returned fall semester,” the confer- major college and profession- vidual members with local most of its teaching online,
That is a positive test rate of to campus June 22. ence said. al sports were halted within conditions in mind.
A spokesperson in the athlet- with dorms at half capacity.
2.6%. Although the coalition days. “As it relates to the start of But while Ivy League
Boone County has reported ic department told the Missou- of eight academically elite “What’s happening in other the regular season, those dis-
rian in an email that “most all football remains a quaint
597 total cases as of Wednes- schools does not grant ath- conferences is clearly a cussions are in process,” the
day afternoon and 231 active had recovered.” letic scholarships or com- reflection of what’s happen- league said. extracurricular activity, the
cases. The university has not modi- pete for an NCAA football ing nationally and any deci- Ivy League schools are sport drives millions in reve-
The athletic department fied its policies because it said championship, the move sions are made within that spread across seven North- nues for Power Five schools.
announced June 25 that five these cases are developing could have ripple effects context,” said Dr. Chris Kra- eastern states that, as of According to USA Today, the
individuals tested positive out from normal activities in life throughout the big business tochvil, chair of the Big Ten’s mid-July, have seen some Longhorns football program
of 307 tests. Testing for ath- such as family events and of college sports. Football infectious disease task force, success at mitigating the brought Texas more than
letes and athletic department work. players in the Power Five adding that there is no “hard COVID-19 pandemic. But $144 million in 2018.


tells MU
fans to
mask up
[email protected]
Missouri football coach Eliah
Drinkwitz entered his video press
conference Wednesday wearing a
mask with the Missouri logo.
The first-year head coach’s attire
set the tone for his stance on Tiger
fans wearing masks.
“We need to mask up,” Drinkwitz
said, “and I know there’s a lot of
hot-topic opinions on it, but I choose
to wear my mask because I believe
that’s in the best interest of what
we’re trying to accomplish from a
public health standpoint.”
Drinkwitz offered a clear stance
PHOTO COURTESY OF MIZZOU ATHLETICS on an issue that has divided some
MU swimming coach Andrew Grevers congratulates Alex Walton. of Columbia. The city council voted
to implement a mask ordinance
July 7 that went into effect Friday.
“It’s got to the point where
there’s, supposedly on Twitter, you
got the coronabros and then you
got the guys that think it’s fake,
and now you’ve got both sides root-
ing against each other,” Drinkwitz
said. “I’m just rooting for the Unit-
ed States of America and I’m just

rooting for us to beat the disease. I
don’t care who’s right or wrong.”
Drinkwitz didn’t get into how
mask-wearing in Columbia could
affect Missouri’s football season,

but he acknowledged that wearing
a mask could prevent another stay-
at-home order in the city.
He also emphasized that Mis-
souri is preparing as if the season
will begin as scheduled on Sept.
5 against Central Arkansas in
Columbia. The Pac-12 and Big Ten
BY BENNETT DURANDO • Missourian have shifted to conference-only
schedules, and that outcome is one
of many possibilities for the South-

eastern Conference, which won’t
The young ith the sports world
on pause during a
Moment: Feb. 20, 2020 — decide on the status of its season
100 butterfly final, SEC until later in July. Drinkwitz hasn’t
Missouri swim pandemic, the Missou-
rian asked a number
Championships focused on that yet.
“If we play a conference-only
coach emphasizes of coaches in Columbia to share
memories from the most mean-
Politely knocking wasn’t going to
do the trick; the first attempt went
schedule, would Lou Saban or Nick
Saban be the head coach at Ala-
unnoticed. So freshman swimmer
celebrating ingful game (or match, or race, or
event) they have ever been a part Meredith Rees tried again, louder
this time — BANG. BANG. BANG.
bama?” Drinkwitz said.
Drinkwitz’s quip was about Pres-
of. Some chose formative coach- ident Donald Trump, who misiden-
one another’s ing moments. Others preferred a
highlight from their playing career.
— and inside his hotel room, Danny
Kovac bolted awake. The MU soph-
tified Alabama coach Nick Saban
as Lou Saban on a conference call
accomplishments But each memory left a powerful
imprint on the coaches, informing
omore checked the time. Oh, shit.
Kovac packed his suit, cap and
Monday, but reinforced the idea
that the first-year coach’s team still
how they lead today. In this series, goggles in a panic. Five minutes plans to be playing football this
titled ‘The Moments That Shaped after realizing he’d overslept, he fall.
Them,’ the Missourian tells their was on the team bus, on his way Drinkwitz didn’t have any com-
stories. back to Auburn’s Martin Aquatics ment on hypothetical scenarios for
Center for the nightcap at the 2020 the season. But he did unveil his ice
Coach: Andrew Grevers SEC Swimming and Diving Cham- cream preference.
pionships. “If I reacted to every single
Title: Head coach, Missouri The day had gone smoothly until Twitter chase, every suggestion
swimming Please see GREVERS, Page 2B Please see DRINKWITZ, Page 2B


Mets ace deGrom, Cubs star Prescott set for one-year franchise
Rizzo dealing with back issues tag without long-term Dallas deal
The National Football League’s Rookie of the Year earned slightly more
Losing either player for deadline for clubs to sign players than $4 million total in the four years of
a long period of time his rookie contract after being drafted in
given the franchise tag to multiyear the fourth round.
could be detrimental in deals was Wednesday afternoon The Cowboys and Prescott have been
shortened season working for more than a year on a long-
BY SCHUYLER DIXON term contract for a two-time Pro Bowler
BY JAY COHEN The Associated Press who has started every game of his career.
The Associated Press
Dak Prescott will play whatever Prescott replaced an injured Tony Romo
CHICAGO — Opening becomes of the 2020 season under the one- during the 2016 preseason and led a fran-
day is next week, and there year franchise tag after the Dallas Cow- chise-record 11-game winning streak that
is concern for New York boys and their star quarterback couldn’t carried the Cowboys to the top seed in the
Mets ace Jacob deGrom and agree on a long-term contract. NFC playoffs. Romo, a 10-year starter,
Chicago Cubs first baseman Clubs had until Wednesday afternoon to never got his job back.
Anthony Rizzo because of reach multiyear deals with players given Dallas owner Jerry Jones has said
back issues. the franchise tag. Of the 14 tagged in repeatedly he considers Prescott a fran-
The Mets sent deGrom for March, two have agreements, including chise quarterback for years to come. If
an MRI on Wednesday after so, his fate will be different than the other
NFL rushing leader Derrick Henry with
the right-hander pitched
KATHY WILLENS/The Associated Press two QBs who have played under the fran-
Tennessee just before the deadline.
just one inning in a summer New York Mets’ starting pitcher Jacob deGrom winds up while chise tag.
Two more — Cincinnati receiver A.J.
camp appearance due to
delivering a pitch during a simulated game as part of the Mets Drew Brees won a Super Bowl and
summer training camp workout July 9 at Citi Field in New York. Green and defensive end Yannick Ngakoue
back tightness. An MRI on became the NFL’s all-time passing leader
of Jacksonville — haven’t signed the one-
Rizzo on Tuesday showed in New Orleans after playing under the tag
how physically in shape I felt get back out there as fast year contract that goes with the tag. They
with San Diego in 2005. Kirk Cousins went
rib-head inflammation on like I was coming in,” Rizzo as I can.” can stay away from team activities without
to Minnesota after tagged seasons with
his left side that is causing said. “Just can’t control the The loss of deGrom or the risk of being fined. Ngakoue has said
Washington in 2016-17.
back spasms — a condition flareups. The MRI getting Rizzo for an extended he won’t play for the Jaguars and wants to
For now, the third $100 million-plus
he has dealt with before in kind of what we knew, just period would be a huge be traded. contract in Dallas history — Romo had
his career. confirming it. Just kind of Prescott signed his $31.4 million con-
“Frustrating, just because getting it to calm down and Please see MLB, Page 2B tract in June. The 2016 NFL Offensive Please see NFL, Page 2B

Grevers remembers the start of what is now Zou Style

GREVERS from Page 1B we have a really good time doing friend rather than the cold clock.
it.” Hayden tensed up, sort of like
then: Kovac swam in the 100-meter
When the bus delivered the team Kovac had. But this wasn’t pain. It
butterfly prelims and qualified for
to Auburn’s pool, Grevers’ Tigers was relief. It was exultation.
the finals that night. He returned to
arrived with the same confidence. The scoreboard showed Kovac’s
the hotel for lunch. He drank a lot
Kovac practiced his usual pre- time first, 45.29 seconds, then Gras-
of Pedialyte. He went to his room race routine, pulling from a senior si’s, 45.32. Grevers never looked.
to study and nap before the finals, teammate’s advice: “Don’t make the In the pool, Kovac threw up the
applying the crucial bird-by-bird meet bigger than it needs to be.” M, but his coach’s eyes skipped to
attitude he’d been taught by his That teammate is Daniel Hein, the opposite side. The swimmer in
coach, Andrew Grevers. who had also qualified for the 100 Lane 1 looked as if he had just won
Then Rees came knocking. butterfly finals. At the 2018 NCAAs the SEC championship. Hein imme-
Now, the unusual double-header: his sophomore year, Hein had a diately gave an animated scream
an SEC Championship race, then an disappointing meet. Afterward, he and smacked the water. He leaned
economics exam. sat in the hotel lobby with Grevers. over the rope between lanes and
The plan was for Kovac to be The assistant coach searched for took off his cap, using it to salute
escorted to Auburn’s proctored the right words, preparing to con- his teammate six lanes away. “I was
testing center after his event. It was sole Hein for individual mistakes. splashing the water in the lane next
stressful, almost overwhelming, but Hein didn’t want that. He asked to me, and the kid was like, ‘What
when it comes to the mental side of what went wrong for the team, not is this guy doing?’” Hein didn’t
the sport, there are few who prior- just himself. What was missing col- even know where he finished; he
itize it like Grevers, who was just lectively? Was there any disunity in was seventh place out of eight. He
finishing up his first full season as the team? Grevers was surprised. rushed to meet Kovac for a bear
Missouri’s head coach. The two of them launched into an hug.
Grevers has been on MU’s coach- examination of team dynamics and Grevers will never forget the
ing staff since 2010. He was made self-encouragement. Grevers told image of a senior role model cel-
interim head coach before the 2018- Hein he shouldn’t overlook every- ebrating a teammate’s triumph; it
19 season, and when the “interim” one’s accomplishments and jump transcended even victory for Gre-
tag was removed after MU’s 2019 to the failures. The healthiest way vers as a coach. “A perfect example
second-place SEC finish, he imple- to improve, he said, is to reflect on of everything I hope for in an ath-
mented weekly mental performance both. lete,” he says. “Everything I want
meetings with the athletic depart- “That (conversation) was kind my team culture to be, everything
ment’s sports psychologist. The of the start of ‘Zou Style’ in my you could ever dream of out of a
men’s and women’s teams spend 30 mind,” Grevers says. “There’s got leader — all came together in this
to 45 minutes in a classroom every to be a way to move past these one moment from these two ath-
Tuesday at 6 or 7 a.m., using pod- uncontrollables, these things that letes.”
casts and other materials to ana- can just tear an individual down or Kovac was swarmed by team-
lyze mental strategies. It’s part of tear a team down, because they get mates as he got out of the pool, cele-
Grevers’ “Zou Style” team culture so fixated on the results that they brating in true Zou Style. He found
initiative. In Grevers’ mind, swim- fail to acknowledge all the great EMILY JOHNSON/Mizzou Athletics and hugged his twin sister, CJ,
mers practice that culture just like things they have done.” Celebrating MU swimming coach Andrew Grevers speaks to one of his swimmers during the annual another MU swimmer. “That kind
any other stroke: freestyle, butter- became the core tenet. Show-Me Showdown on Oct. 5, 2018. of made me tear up a lot,” Kovac
fly, Zou Style. Neither Hein nor Kovac was fully says. “That was the greatest feeling
down and back, down and back. way: “This guy is one huge mus-
Perhaps the most valuable ele- rested for this SEC meet because in the world, just giving everyone
True to his word, Kovac swam an cle.” The coach could see Kovac’s
ment of Zou Style is the art of cel- they’d been training for NCAAs, hugs.”
impressive first 50 in Lane 6, keep- muscles tighten in agony during
ebration. When you win a race, you unaware of the incoming pandemic The moment has added meaning
cheer for yourself. You “throw up ing even with his Lane 7 counter- his last two strokes, laboring to
that would end the season early. part, Auburn’s Santiago Grassi, who reach the wall. He was still stroke for him now in the era of social
the M,” a hand gesture with three They had no way of knowing wheth- distancing, when it’s easier to real-
fingers pointed downward like the swam the 100 fly for Argentina in for stroke with Grassi. In that little
er their opponents were rested or in ize hugs are a commodity so many
Missouri ‘M.’ You throw up the M the 2016 Olympics. The two pulled in-between space before the wall,
the same boat. Either way, fatigue take for granted. But not that day,
for your teammates when they win, away from the pack in the next each had to make a decision. Kovac
was the most dangerous enemy. because when you swim for Andrew
too. “We have to celebrate anything 25 meters while Hein fell behind reached for the wall. Grassi took
So before the race, assistant coach Grevers, you celebrate properly.
and everything that could be con- Alec Hayden gave Kovac a plan: “I in Lane 1. Grevers’ eyes were on one last half stroke and splashed
Kovac was still processing the
sidered a success,” Kovac says. want you to take out that first 50 as Kovac as he entered the last turn. into it. emotions as he was crowned SEC
“I’ve never had a coach that makes fast as you can and pull away from Grevers tells his team the best Years of experience and instinct champion, still processing on the
me celebrate.” the pack.” It was a green light to go way to beat fatigue is to push off told Grevers to turn and look at the way to the testing center, still pro-
Under Grevers, the Tigers have full-speed and hope he could hang the wall at a substantial depth that scoreboard for the final results. cessing as he tried to focus on his
fun, and they make sure everyone on. allows strong underwater kicks. Never had he not immediately exam, still processing as he finally
sees it. Among their SEC opponents, When Kovac told Hein his plan in Kovac executed the turn perfectly. looked to the board. It’s just what saw his countless phone notifica-
they are known for their loud and the ready room, the senior’s eyes OK, he’s not going to give the race you do. But this time, Grevers tions on the ride back to the hotel.
proud team chemistry. They walk lit up. He wanted in. Like children away here, Grevers thought. This turned his eyes to Alec Hayden, a It was late at night when he got
around the pool deck like they own at recess, they eagerly agreed to guy’s in it. lifelong friend and groomsman at back, so he was unsurprised —
the place, often making random sprint the first 50, unaware it would Kovac expected pain in the last his wedding. Grevers still doesn’t proud, even — to find no one wait-
boisterous noises: whooping, bark- be one of their last schemes togeth- 25. He loves pain. “It’s kind of fun know why he did it. Maybe he sub- ing for him. Grevers wouldn’t have
ing, shouting fake orders. “We’re er. when you’re just dying at the end of consciously decided it would be eas- it any other way. Rest now. Cele-
very obnoxious,” Kovac says, “and The race is four pool lengths: a race,” he says. Grevers puts it this ier to take the news from a trusted brate again tomorrow.

Orioles OF Santander tests positive Drinkwitz excited about two

graduate transfer receivers
MLB from Page 1B and 100%,” Ross said. “I lost time. He is hoping to be
think the good news is he part of the starting lineup
blow for either of their understands where he’s at when Baltimore opens at
teams — especially in a with this back thing he’s got Boston on July 24.
shortened 60-game season. going on and dealing with it “Now I’m healthy and not
The 32-year-old deGrom DRINKWITZ from Page 1B “The fact that nobody asked help out Missouri’s new quar-
in the past. He doesn’t seem contagious. Happy to be
won his second consecutive worried. I think the main about Keke Chism on this terback this season.
back on the field with my or everything that went out,
NL Cy Young Award in 2019, thing is that we’re progress- phone call blows my mind “To be able to add him with
teammates,” Santander said I would have gray hair (and)
finishing with a 2.43 ERA ing in the right direction.” because that dude’s an abso- a young man like Damon
in a Zoom call Wednesday. less hair than I have,” Drink-
and NL-best 255 strikeouts “I’m looking forward to the lute freakin’ stud and a steal,” Hazelton on the outside, I
witz said. “I’d be eating Tiger
in 204 innings. Rizzo, who Returning to health season.” Drinkwitz said. “I couldn’t mean, our quarterbacks,
Streak Andy’s Custard three
is expected to bat second Santander said he tested be more excited about this whoever our quarterback is,
Baltimore Orioles outfield- times a day.”
in Chicago’s lineup, hit .293 positive when he reported to young man transferring into has added two tremendous
er Anthony Santander con-
with 27 homers and 94 RBIs our program and being just weapons that are going to be
firmed he missed the start camp early this month. He Drinkwitz points to two an unbelievable person, great
last year. of summer camp because he had been in Florida before new playmakers on tremendous,” Drinkwitz said.
Rizzo and deGrom are coming to Baltimore. character, former high school
tested positive for COVID-19. offense
considered day to day. If The Orioles have not dis- “This was something seri- quarterback that’s really Larry Rountree named
deGrom is unable to go on closed any positive tests ous,” he said. “Thank God I The lack of spring or sum- developed himself into a tre- to Doak Walker Award
opening day against Atlanta mer practices has meant less mendous player and potential
since opening camp on had only mild symptoms.”
time for Drinkwitz to see his NFL player.”
on July 24, Marcus Stroman July 3. Outfielder Dwight Outfielder Trey Mancini
or Steven Matz could get the new players and has slowed Chism is a 6-foot-4 wideout Another playmaker Drink-
Smith Jr. remains absent, will miss the entire season
ball. Chicago manager David the transition into the team’s who committed to Missouri witz will have at his disposal
and manager Brandon Hyde after undergoing colon can-
Ross mentioned Kris Bryant cer surgery in March, so new offense. on June 20 and was an all- is running back Larry Roun-
again refused Wednesday to
and Victor Caratini as pos- explain why. Santander is expected to be Drinkwitz said he still Lone Star Conference selec- tree, who was named to the
sible fill-ins for Rizzo if he Santander suited up for the a significant contributor. doesn’t have a great sense of tion in 2019 after hauling Doak Walker Award watchlist
has to begin the year on the first time Tuesday and went He played in 93 games last what he has yet because of in six touchdowns and 878 Monday.
injured list. through a rigorous workout season, batting .261 with 20 limited practice time, but he is receiving yards. The award goes to the top
“I want him to be healthy in an effort to make up for homers and 59 RBI. excited about Missouri’s two Chism joins Virginia Tech running back in the country
graduate transfer receivers, transfer Damon Hazelton each season. Rountree had a
especially Division II Angelo and returnees Jalen Knox in team-high 829 yards rushing

Henry signs multiyear deal with Titans State transfer Keke Chism. a group of receivers that can last season.

NFL from Page 1B Missouri track and field team adds veteran
throws coach Robert Weir to coaching staff
the first — will have to wait
until at least 2021, when the
Cowboys could put the fran-
chise tag on Prescott again
at nearly $38 million. BY MISSOURIAN STAFF ford. He also has coached “I have personally known
Henry and the Titans [email protected] for both the United Kingdom Robert for many years. His
agreed on a multiyear deal and the United States nation- accomplishments in the
a day after Kansas City Veteran throws coach Rob-
ert Weir is joining Missouri’s al teams. He’s a three-time sport are extraordinary, but
secured Pro Bowl defensive Olympian and 12-time Great his leadership and character
end Chris Jones on a four- track and field team, Tigers
head coach Brett Halter Britain national champion. rival anything he has done
year contract that could Former throws coach Ross in the sport. One would be
be worth up to $85 million. announced Wednesday.
Weir has more than 20 Richardson retired in June. hard pressed to find a more
Henry’s deal is reported to “We are thrilled to have genuine and caring human
years of college coaching
be at $50 million over four
experience, including the Coach Weir join our family,” being. Mizzou Nation got bet-
head coach position at Stan- Halter said in a news release. ter today.”
The Bengals used the $17.9
million tag on Green despite MICHAEL AINSWORTH/The Associated Press
the seven-time Pro Bowler
missing all of last season
Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott looks to throw in an NFL game
against the Los Angeles Rams on Dec. 15 in Arlington, Texas. Prescott will
with an ankle injury. The play the 2020 season under the one-year franchise tag.
move means Green is likely Missouri commit the 247Sports’ class of 2021 in the 247Sports rankings:
Tyler Macon earns big rankings. Macon, St. Louis defensive
gone after this season, when from the Jets in October for Network.
rankings bump Macon earned the extra end Travion Ford and North
he will be 32. two draft picks. He has 17½ Pass rushers Shaq Bar-
Leonard Williams of the star after a standout perfor- Carolina linebacker Dameon
sacks in five seasons, but rett of Tampa Bay and Bud Missouri commit and East
New York Giants is set to mance at the Elite 11 camp Wilson.
St. Louis senior Tyler Macon
play on the $16.1 million finished with a career-low Dupree of Pittsburgh are in early July, in Nashville, Those rankings are dif-
got a rankings bump from
tag for a defensive tackle, half sack last year. classified as linebackers a three-star to a four-star Tennessee. Macon finished ferent from the 247Sports
although the union has filed Matthew Judon of Balti- ($15.8 million), but the NFL prospect before his final col- in the top 11 of the 20 quar- composite rankings that
a grievance intended to clas- more is set to earn $16.8 mil- Network has reported that lege season got underway. terbacks at the camp. include an average of other
sify him as a defensive end lion as the midpoint between both have filed grievances Macon is now the No. 13 With the latest rankings rankings. In those, Ford is
earning $17.8 million. linebacker and defensive seeking the defensive end dual-threat quarterback improvment, Missouri now the only four-star commit.
Williams was acquired end, according to the NFL salary of $17.8 million. and No. 25 quarterback in has three four-star commits — Missourian staff




She usually kept

ith the sports world on
pause during a pandem-
ic, the Missourian asked
her head down a number of coaches
in Columbia to share memories

during races. When from the most meaningful game (or

match, or race, or event) they have
ever been a part of. Some chose
Natasha Kaiser formative coaching moments. Oth-
ers preferred a highlight from their

looked up with 100 playing career. But each memory left

a powerful imprint on the coaches,
informing how they lead today. In
meters left in this this series, titled ‘The Moments That
Shaped Them,’ the Missourian tells

one, she didn’t like their stories.

Coach: Natasha Kaiser-Brown

what she saw. Title: Associate head coach,
Missouri track and field

Moment: June 24, 1992 — 400-

meter U.S. Olympic Trials
Ten seconds passed after Natasha
Kaiser crossed the finish line. For
a sprinter, that’s an eternity; entire
races are completed in that time.
Natasha Kaiser-Brown learned from her Missouri coaches to take her 400-meter races one 100-meter stretch
at a time. Please see KAISER-BROWN, Page 2B


SEC postpones volleyball,

cross country and soccer
BY ANDERSON KIMBALL any games or meets that are affected
[email protected] by the postponement.
“The safety of our student-athletes
The Southeastern Conference post-
and coaching staff is the number one
poned all competition in volleyball,
priority,” MU volleyball coach Joshua
cross country and soccer until Aug. 31
Taylor said in a statement released
on Tuesday.
by the athletic department. “These
The conference’s delay was made
decisions are in the best interest of
to “provide additional time to prepare
everyone involved. We will continue to
for the safe return of competition on
adjust our preparation and training for
an adjusted timeline,” according to a
the 2020 season and will be ready to go
release by the conference.
when the opportunity arises.”
The delay in competition applies to
None of Missouri’s non-revenue teams
exhibition and non-conference games as
had announced an official fall schedule
well as games against league opponents.
before Tuesday, but soccer had already
Non-conference games will be
canceled plans to play in a tournament
allowed to be rescheduled by member
schools, meaning Missouri can make up Please see SEC, Page 2B

WNBA MATT LUDTKE/The Associated Press

Sophie Cunningham returns

Kansas City Chief’s defensive tackle Chris Jones is shown warming up before an Aug. 29 preseason game against
the Green Bay Packers in Green Bay, Wis. The Chiefs have agreed with Jones on a four-year, $85 million contract
extension that includes $60 million in guarantees.

after recovery from COVID-19 KC, Jones agree to four-year, $85M extension
BY DAVE MATTER out for the entire month. cise and get it inflamed it The Chiefs now have two approaches. ing the mandatory summer
The deal for Jones, which minicamp.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch “I was really fatigued, can be bad news.” stars on long-term deals, comes on the heels of a Jones returned in time for
sore throat, headache and Cunningham’s Phoenix with Patrick Mahomes
Sophie Cunningham record-setting 10-year exten- training camp, though, and
just didn’t feel good for Mercury play their first
took an unconventional
three or four days,” Cun- regular-season game in re-signing July 6 sion for quarterback Patrick his unique ability to rush the
approach before her second Mahomes, includes $60 million passer from the interior of
ningham told the Post-Dis- the league’s abbreviated BY DAVE SKRETTA
season in the WNBA: She in guarantees, a person famil- the defensive line was instru-
patch in a phone interview 22-game schedule July 25 The Associated Press
didn’t work out for a month. iar with the terms told The mental in helping Kansas City
Tuesday from her hotel at IMG Academy.
Doctor’s orders. Associated Press. The person beat the San Francisco 49ers
room in Bradenton, Fla., “I hear it’s beautiful KANSAS CITY — The Kan-
The former Missouri star spoke on the condition of ano- to win its first Super Bowl in
where she’s in isolation here, but we’re not allowed sas City Chiefs and Pro Bowl
tested positive for COVID- nymity because the Chiefs had 50 years.
through Thursday before to leave at all,” she said. defensive tackle Chris Jones
19 earlier this summer. not announced the extension. Jones said afterward that
she can enter the WNBA Cunningham isn’t sure agreed to a four-year contract
Cunningham, who turns The two sides had been he wanted to help the Chiefs
bubble. how she contracted the that could be worth up to $85
24 next month, has recov- working on an extension since establish a dynasty, but the
“I just had to chill and virus, but she first tested million Tuesday, the latest
ered after suffering symp- positive while living in last year. But they were never euphoria of that victory in
toms from the coronavirus. relax,” she said. “I haven’t in a lavish spending spree by very close, even when Jones
Springfield, Mo., where she Miami soon wore off. Contract
While in quarantine for 28 exercised for a month the Super Bowl champions as showed his displeasure by
was working out earlier negotiations continued to stall
days in Missouri, she was because there’s a muscle in they continue to lock up their skipping the entirety of the
prohibited from working your heart that if you exer- Please see WNBA, Page 2B core pieces as training camp offseason program — includ- Please see CHIEFS, Page 2B

Kaiser-Brown earned a silver medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics

KAISER-BROWN from Page 1B the first time. “Oh, shit,” he said
to himself. “Did I blow it?” Kaiser
Kaiser knew this race would have looked up. She usually doesn’t like
to be measured in hundredths of a to see how far away the finish line
second. She bent over and stared is, but now she was counting the
down at Lane 7 as thoughts raced bodies around her.
through her mind for those 10 sec- Seventh place entering the final
onds. First and foremost: I didn’t straight.
get completely blown out by any- “So I put my head down,” she
says, “and I started sprinting.”
Then the uncertainty set in. Had
Kendra Mackey was in first
the plan backfired? It really was
place, but she blew up and faded to
a photo finish, Kaiser thought. At
last. Kaiser looked up again. Fifty
least that was the best race I could
meters to go, top five now.
deliver. She looked up and saw a
Gatson looked up, too: “All of a
volunteer offering her something.
sudden, she’s running her butt off.”
No, she thought.
Kaiser set peripheral check-
Twenty-eight years after those
points every six feet or so. Run
10 seconds, Natasha Kaiser-Brown
through each point, then move
is an associate head coach for Mis-
her perspective another six feet
souri track and field. Eight years
before those 10 seconds, she was forward. As she approached the
a nine-time state champ in Des finish line, she could see every-
Moines, Iowa, with the pedigree body around her, including three in
to run college track wherever she front. One last burst.
wanted. There was a clear winner,
“When I made my first phone Rochelle Stevens.
call, I didn’t have a snowball’s “And then there was just this
chance,” former Missouri coach blanket of athletes,” Kaiser says.
Rick McGuire says. Kaiser’s dad, She bent over to catch her breath
a former track star, wasn’t pleased and waited. Then came the volun-
by her interest in an average pro- teer with an offering.
gram like MU. He refused to leave It was a small American flag.
his bedroom during McGuire’s “There’s no way you could deter-
home recruiting visit. That didn’t mine who made the team based on
stop Kaiser from following her gut this finish,” Kaiser told the volun-
to Missouri. teer.
Her rise from there to the inter- “No, you’re third.”
national sprinting stage is a tale of MISSOURIAN FILE PHOTO “No way.”
two coaches. Natasha Kaiser-Brown won nine state titles in high school before attending Missouri and becoming an Olympian. In an earlier round of 400-meter
Before Kaiser’s senior year at hurdles, Kaiser had watched some-
MU, McGuire hired a new sprint pic team. Gatson was an intense would always set the pace — and McGuire and Gatson did their one take the victory lap with her
coach who had experience running trainer who worked with Kaiser’s his pace was fast. The goal was to good-cop/bad-cop bit. McGuire told family, the flag held high, only to
the 400-meter dash. When Kaiser mechanics and endurance. “break them mentally.” Once she Kaiser to have fun. Gatson got in discover there’d been a mistake:
strolled into Darroll Gatson’s office After winning the 1989 national realized she could keep up long her face to hype her up. She was fourth.
to introduce herself, his first words title in the indoor 400, she had enough for Gatson to tire and quit, “My dumb ass gave her some That was all Kaiser could think
were: “Oh, so you’re Natasha Kai- to decide where to train for the she was the one pushing the pace. strategy I thought would work,” he about as she jogged her lap, afraid
ser. Yeah, you have never seen a 1992 Olympic Trials. Most run- In practices, Gatson would limit says. of what she might find at the finish
hard workout.” ners were moving to California the recovery time between sprints. The plan was to start conserva- line. But the results were official.
“I instantly did not like him,” she or Texas to train for Barcelona’s “Anyone can run a race when tive. Let the adrenaline consume Kaiser ran her fastest 400 of the
laughs now. Gatson wanted Kaiser warm climate. McGuire believed they’re fast,” Gatson says. “Can the other racers for the first 250 week: 50.42 seconds. Dannette
to stop treating competition as giving up familiarity would cost you run when you’re tired?” meters, then run the last 150 better Young took fourth place in 50.46.
though she was running with her them; he convinced Kaiser to stay McGuire taught Kaiser how to than anyone else. Four hundredths of a second
friends. Once, before a meet, she in Columbia, where she could train overcome the mental dread of After the gun, Kaiser launched slower, and Kaiser-Brown would
was stretching in the grass when around people who believed in her. running the 400. To cope with the into the race knowing she couldn’t not be the owner of an Olympic sil-
a few opponents passed by. Kaiser Kaiser’s shot at the Olympics was inevitability of pain, he trained her sprint an all-out 200 as fast as ver medal. She won it on the 4x400
called them over to chat. As they in the 400-meter dash, the quar- to break up the race by 100s and her opponents. Like Gatson said: relay team in Barcelona. (She fin-
approached, their faces turned ter-mile sprint she dominated in think about the strategy of each conservative. She was in Lane 7, ished sixth in her semifinal in the
wary. They awkwardly changed college. The only problem: “I hated portion. “When fatigue hits — and the second outermost lane, so the individual 400 meters, missing out
course and shuffled away. When to race that thing.” it always does — what are you staggered start placed her ahead on advancing to the final.)
Kaiser turned around a few min- Why would anyone hate doing the going to do with your body?” Kai- of Lanes 1-6. When she became a coach, she
utes later, she saw why. Gatson thing they’re best at? ser says. Take shorter steps, lift “You’re running not necessarily realized she wouldn’t have even
loomed behind her with his arms “Because it hurts,” Kaiser-Brown the knees more … Tactics became out of fear,” Kaiser says, “but with qualified for the Games without
crossed and a comically stoic says now. “It literally is an all-out her distraction. And a rewards sys- the knowledge that at some point, the coach who ticked her off by
expression, his eyes hidden behind sprint, where you know at some tem. Ice cream after practice is a those lanes will catch up.” saying she had never seen a hard
dark shades like a bodyguard. point your body is going to switch timeless motivator. Kaiser made it to the back curve. workout. It fired her up, just like
“It’s just like a boxer when he from one energy system to the Championship events are always This is where she would have to Gatson wanted, and that fire never
goes into the ring,” Gatson says. other. And when it does that, what high-stakes, but the Olympic Trials work the hardest to stay ahead. died, not even when she was in sev-
“He doesn’t go to his opponent and are you going to do? You’re willing are four years of training on the The one thing she could not allow enth place on the home stretch at
say, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ and your body to still move, and every- line with one shot to qualify for the to happen was to get passed on the the Trials.
have his hand around your back, thing about your body’s saying: Summer Games, the highest honor curve. If that happened, her advan- “That last 100 meters,” Gatson
does he?” ‘Don’t.’ There’s a lot that happens in sports. Four races, four days. tage would be gone entering the says. “No one ever ran 100 meters
McGuire and Gatson estab- in that last 100 meters. It’s terri- Kaiser won her heat and quarter- final straightaway. like that in their life.”
lished a good-cop/bad-cop routine. ble.” final races in New Orleans, then That’s exactly what happened. As Natasha Kaiser-Brown says,
McGuire was a laid-back sports To train Kaiser, Gatson would comfortably qualified for the final. Gatson, who had been shouting there’s a lot that happens in the
psychologist for the U.S. Olym- take her on three-mile runs. He Inside the tent before the race, encouragement, looked down for last 100 meters.

No decision has been Cunningham ‘playing catch-up’ after recovery

made about the SEC’s WNBA from Page 1B
this summer.
“I was training in a private
from people and be extra
Cunningham was supposed
pretty fast.”
That’s the expectation for
the Mercury. The franchise
She expects to be one of the
team’s most versatile defend-
ers and trusted 3-point shoot-

2020 football season

to arrive in Bradenton with went through a roster over- ers this year.
gym, and in gyms, people use
her Mercury teammates July haul this offseason, giving “This is a really big year
the same door handles and
6 but the setback kept her Cunningham and fellow for me,” she said. “It (stinks) I
use the same floor, which has
germs from the ball,” she in Columbia until this past second-year players Brianna had to take a month off before
said. “Who knows. I probably Sunday. Under league proto- Turner and Alanna Smith training camp, but they’re
SEC from Page 1B tion.” col, she was tested five times larger roles alongside All-Star very understandable. They
There still has been no got it from someone at the
gym, but I just don’t know.” before flying to Florida. veterans Diana Taurasi and know I’ll bounce back quick.
in California. Last season, decision made concerning
the volleyball team played After testing positive she “I’ve done every test you Brittney Griner Once I’m back I’ll have to put
the SEC’s football season. can possibly do,” she said. “Phoenix cleaned house for in extra effort, extra shooting
its Black and Gold game, quarantined for 14 days in
The Pac-12 and Big Ten “I’ve done the nasal test, the this year,” Cunningham said. every night. I’ve got my mind
one exhibition game and Springfield before returning
have decided on confer- throat swab, the blood test. “What I was told is (general right.
one non-conference game to her home in Columbia,
ence-games-only schedules, I’ve done it all. And I had manager) Jim (Pitman) and “A lot of people are not
in August. Cross country where the WNBA required
typically has had a sea- but the SEC hasn’t made to spit into a tube for the (coach) Sandy (Brondello) really liking the situation of
her to quarantine for another
son-opening home meet in any changes yet. All 14 SEC league.” brought in B.G. and Diana, being in the bubble. I get it.
14 days. For Cunningham,
late August. athletic directors met in who grew up in Columbia, What she couldn’t do is play and said, ‘You’re the leaders We’re not allowed to see fam-
“Our leadership has had Birmingham, Alabama, on won four state championships basketball. But after a rookie of the team. Who do you ily or friends for three to four
to make very difficult deci- Monday. at Rock Bridge High and set WNBA season followed by a want as your teammates?’ months. But I think right now
sions in regards to the 2020 Missouri’s football season Missouri’s career scoring professional season in Aus- They ended up keeping the where I’m at in my career,
season,” MU soccer coach is scheduled to begin Sept. 5 record, staying cooped up in tralia, Cunningham made the three rookies from last year. I think it’s the best thing
Bryan Blitz said in a state- against Central Arkansas at a town where she’s still wildly most of the rare time away That’s a real big deal. I don’t that could happen to me. I’m
ment. ”While this has been Faurot Field. popular was a new experi- from the court. think I fully understand it, taking this opportunity and
an ever-evolving situation, “We believe that late July ence. “That’s the first time in my but Phoenix does not keep embracing it.”
our top priority has always will provide the best clarity “I’m around my grand- whole life I haven’t worked rookies. They’re known as a While trapped in her hotel
been the safety of our stu- for making the important parents a lot and my dad’s a out in a month,” she said. veteran team, so for them to room, Cunningham is put-
dent-athletes and our com- decisions ahead of us,” SEC little older, so I just had to be “I kind of enjoyed it. It let keep us for two years in a row ting the final touches on her
munity. We will continue to comissioner Greg Sankey very cautious,” she said. “I’m my body heal. But now I’m means a lot and means they’re undergraduate degree, com-
move forward and prepare said in a news release Mon- around a lot of people. People playing catch-up. I’m still expecting a lot from us.” pleting a few courses as part
for our return to competi- day. come up to me all the time, confident in myself because As a rookie last season, of an internship for her sports
so I have had to be extra safe. this summer, before (testing Cunningham made five management major.
When I got back to Columbia, positive) I put in a lot of work starts but mostly came off “I’m getting so much home-
IN BRIEF I didn’t go out in public. I went and worked on a lot of skills the bench, averaging 3.1 work done,” she said, laugh-
to Hy-Vee once and wore my to get my craft right. My shot points while shooting 30.4 ing. “I wish I had this mindset
Central Methodist week by signing one athlete mask. I just tried to stay away and my touch will come back percent from 3-point range. in college.”
University announces Monday and two on Tuesday.
nine-game football The team announced the
addition of incoming grad-
Central Methodist Univer-
sity announced a nine game
uate transfer Nathan Hall
on Monday. Hall was a four-
time national championship
Jones’ deal comes after record extension for Patrick Mahomes
condensed schedule Tuesday qualifier in cross country at
that runs from Sept. 12 to Division II Southern Indiana CHIEFS from Page 1B done a nice job of getting seasons in the league. missing three games with
Nov. 14. and was a Great Lakes Valley and retaining our players,” The second-round pick injuries, putting himself in
The Eagles kick off the and the Chiefs had to buy Chiefs coach Andy Reid said in the 2016 draft started 11 an elite tier of interior pass
Conference champion in the
season at home against Grand time by placing the franchise recently. games and had two sacks as rushers that includes Rams
3,000 meter steeplechase.
View on Sept. 12 in Fayette. tag on Jones, and establish- The length of Jones’ con- a rookie, then bumped that standout Aaron Donald and
Mira Baccile and Rece
They have five away games ing a deadline of Wednesday tract works out for the Chiefs total to 6½ sacks in Year 2. the Eagles’ Fletcher Cox.
Rowan each signed Tuesday.
and four home games on the Rowan graduated from Pine for working out a deal. in that it expires before But it was the 15½ sacks that Jones hinted several weeks
schedule, with the season Creek in Colorado Springs And once the contract the big-money years begin he piled up while helping the ago about holding out all sea-
ending against MidAmerica this spring and is ranked 28th with Mahomes was done, for Mahomes, whose base- Chiefs to the AFC title game son if the sides were unable
Nazarene for Senior Day Nov. in the country in the discus. the Chiefs had a better idea ball-like contract could sur- in 2018 that really raised to agree to a long-term deal.
14 in Fayette. Baccile graduated from Dow- of their salary cap situation pass $500 million total over eyebrows, and put the Chiefs But his posts on social media
ling Catholic in Des Moines, and that allowed negotiations the 12 years that he is under in the position of trying to over the past week had
Missouri track and field Iowa and was a Drake Relays with Jones’ representatives contract. hammer out a long-term con- grown increasingly optimis-
signs three athletes champion in the 4x100 hurdle to pick up. Jones certainly has earned tract for him. tic and were taken by some
Missouri track and field relay in 2018. “Listen, I think (general his own impressive financial Jones had another nine as a sign that an extension
added to its roster early this — Missourian staff manager) Brett Veach has haul during his first four sacks last year despite was close.


St. Louis closer Jordan

Hicks opts out of the
2020 MLB season
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Already expected to miss the opening weeks of the
season as he continues the yearlong recovery from elbow
surgery, Cardinals closer Jordan Hicks notified the team
that he intends to opt out of the 2020 season.
Hicks, who has Type 1 Diabetes, has the right to opt out
of the season and still receive his full salary and service
time due to a preexisting condition. His recovery from
elbow surgery is also a consideration. That was part of the
agreement for the shortened season between the owners
and the Major League Baseball Players’ Association.
In a message he shared on social media, Hicks punc-
tuated the announcement that he would opt out with this
hashtag: “#DiabeticPhenom.”
“After much though and consideration I have decided to
opt out of the 2002 season,” Hicks wrote. “I’d like to thank
the Cardinals and my teammates for their support in my
decision. I look forward to being a part of winning a World
Series in 2021 for Cardinal Nation and using my platform
to create more awareness for the diabetic community.”
The Cardinals issued an announcement Monday after-
noon and included a statement from the team.
KAYLA WOLF/Missourian
“We respect and understand Jordan’s decision to opt
Missouri wrestling coach Brian Smith, center, and the Tigers’ bench celebrate after sophomore Willie Miklus won his match against out this season,” John Mozeliak, president of baseball
Kenny Courts of Ohio State University in December 2015 at The Hearnes Center. operations, said in a statement from the club. “We wish
him well as he continues his recovery from elbow sur-
gery, and we look forward to seeing Jordan back on the
mound for the 2021 season.”
The Cardinals purposefully added at least a month to
Hicks’ rehab schedule because doctors suggested they
did not know how Type 1 Diabetes would blood flow to
the rebuilt area and alter his recovery. Hicks said this
spring that he had no delays or setbacks in the healing
process, but that the added time allowed them to adjust
Please see CARDINALS, Page 2B


Missouri lands a top

in the class of 2021
[email protected]

Missouri added another defensive lineman to its 2021
Missouri ith the sports world
on pause during
Moment: Nov. 21, 2003 —
Missouri vs. Oklahoma
recruiting class Monday with the pledge of junior college
defensive end Daniel Robledo.
Robledo is the top-ranked junior college weak side
a pandemic, the
Missourian asked a
State defensive end in the 247Sports database and announced
number of coaches in Columbia his commitment via Twitter on Monday, picking the

2003 upset of
A wide-eyed 13-year-old was Tigers over Arizona, UCLA and Ole Miss, among others.
to share memories from the most
about to be recruited, though “I chose this university for many reasons, and one of
meaningful game (or match, or neither he nor his recruiter knew those reasons is they have a great coaching staff and

Oklahoma State
race, or event) they have ever it yet. It was warm in St. Louis, they’ve been there and loved me and supported me since
been a part of. Some chose forma- especially for November, but the Day 1,” Robledo said in his announcment video. “They’re
tive coaching moments. Others heat was cranked up anyway going to take me to the highest level of competition and

proved Smith’s preferred a highlight from their

playing career. But each memory
in Hazelwood Central’s gym.
Nathan McCormick sat in the top
bring me to my highest point as an athlete.”
Robledo had four sacks and nine tackles for loss as a
freshman at East Los Angeles College and played on the
program ‘could
left a powerful imprint on the row, squeezing into a sweltering
coaches, informing how they lead capacity crowd. same defensive line as Benjamin Key, a member of Mis-
souri’s 2020 class.
today. In this series, titled ‘The McCormick had two older
beat the giants’
The commitment makes Robledo the 18th commitment
Moments That Shaped Them,’ the brothers redshirting on the in Missouri’s 2021 class and the fifth defensive lineman.
Missourian tells their stories. Missouri wrestling team. The He’s also the second consecutive defensive end that Mis-
family drove in from Kansas City souri has landed, as the Tigers received a commitment
Coach: Brian Smith because Missouri had made an from Texas product Jonathan Jones two days ago.
extra effort to stir up excitement Based on 247’s rankings, Missouri’s 2021 class is No.
Title: Head coach, Missouri for this 2003 season opener. Usu- 23 in the country, although Robledo has yet to receive a
wrestling Please see SMITH, Page 2B ranking. Rival’s has Missouri’s 2021 class ranked No. 18
in the country.


Washington drops contentious ‘Redskins’ nickname after 87 years

Recent pressure from in the U.S. with the organization during
The team said it is “retir- and after the (name change)
sponsors and decades ing” the name and logo and process, should this name be
of criticism pushed that owner Dan Snyder adopted.”
franchise to consider and coach Ron Rivera are This will be the NFL’s first
working closely to develop name change since the late
BY STEPHEN WHYNO a new moniker and design. 1990s when the Tennessee
The Associated Press The announcement came on Oilers became the Titans
WASHINGTON — The the old letterhead with the two seasons after moving
Washington NFL franchise Redskins name because the from Houston.
announced Monday it is team technically retains it After President Donald
dropping the “Redskins” until a new one is approved. Trump last week criticized
name and Indian head logo, “As a kid who grew up in the Redskins and Major
bowing to recent pressure the (D.C. area), it’ll always League Baseball’s Cleveland
from sponsors and decades be #HTTR (fight song ‘Hail Indians for considering
of criticism that they are to the Redskins’) but looking name changes, White House
offensive to Native Ameri- forward to the future,” start- press secretary Kayleigh
cans. ing quarterback Dwayne McEnany said the president
A new name must still be Haskins tweeted. “believes that the Native
The “R” in “Hail to the American community would
selected for one of the old-
Redskins” could soon be very angry at this and
est and most storied teams
be replaced by Redtails, he does have polling to back
in the National Football
Redwolves or Redhawks. him up.” She cited a 2016
League, and it’s unclear how
Redtails or Red Tails — an Washington Post poll show-
soon that will happen. But
ing 90% of Native Ameri-
for now, arguably the most homage to the Tuskegee
cans aren’t offended by the
polarizing name in North Airmen from World War II
name, a survey that has
American professional — is the favorite on online NICK WASS/The Associated Press
since been discredited by
sports is gone at a time of sportsbook BetOnline, and The Washington Redskins logo is shown on the field before the start of an August 2009 preseason game against
reckoning over racial injus- the group said it “would be the New England Patriots in Landover, Md. The Washington NFL franchise announced Monday that it will drop the
tice, iconography and racism honored and pleased to work Please see NFL, Page 2B “Redskins” name and Indian head logo immediately.

Reese’s cradle soldified a victory that lasted generations

SMITH from Page 1B the unlucky partner held a so he couldn’t keep weight on,” ter-of-factly: “Well, he’s fired er Tyler had been Reese’s would just cry. These kids did
90-degree-angle squat. Smith says. “That’s kind of up! He’s either going to go out warm-up partner, and they this. They actually did this.
ally, a poster is made to pro- Then Smith’s history class the opposite of what wrestling there and get a quick pin, or spent the entire time practic- That wasn’t me. The 10 guys
mote the season. But that year, began. coaches are normally doing he’s going to lose pretty quick- ing the cradle Reese knew he that went out there that night
McCormick noticed a poster “He would start telling some with their athletes.” ly.” would use to pin Delk. did this amazing thing.”
just for that dual. story about General Patton Smith surveyed the crowd Turns out, Pritts was right. The Cowboys made one last Nine years later, Brian
That’s how MU’s sixth-year or Kennedy,” says Matt Pell. before the dual began. His Pell scored three takedowns, push, but 157-pound Kenny
wrestling coach Brian Smith Smith had an idea. He took
“Or giving some speech about parents were somewhere in then he pinned Rosholt for the Burleson protected an early his Missouri wrestlers on a
wanted it. The last two years, going to the moon.” there. They had traveled from upset. Suddenly the place was lead to win the penultimate
both winning seasons, had weekend camping trip in early
Pell was new to General Florida for the occasion. That’s going berserk because Missou- match. It was 21-14. A real- autumn, a preseason bonding
proved he was a good hire. Smith’s lectures in 2003. He one way to measure the impor- ri was ahead, 6-3. ization spread through the
This one was staging ground mission. Everyone sat around
was a promising freshman tance of a dual to Brian Smith: The dual only intensified crowd: Not even a pin could
for history. The Tigers were the fire and shared wrestling
but a backup at the 157-pound the presence of his parents. from there as MU clung to the save Oklahoma State. Soon it
0-24 against Oklahoma State weight class. That offseason, The leadoff match was the lead. was officially over, 21-17, and stories. Smith reminisced
all-time and 0-5 against the 184-pound All-American Scott college debut of future Mis- “You don’t notice things Smith was swept through a about the first time Missouri
Cowboys under Smith. The Barker had been kicked off souri legend Ben Askren. He around you,” Smith says. “It’s pack of delirious fans on the ever beat Oklahoma State.
combined score in those five the team for violating its rules. faced Chris Pendleton, who kind of like a blur; you’re into gym floor. Then one of the seniors spoke
losses was 165-22. An average Smith had a hole at 184. He would beat Askren in the the match so much.” “There were some older up. Nathan McCormick smiled
of 33-4. “They’re the biggest studied the roster and noticed national championship this Leading 12-10, Missouri gentlemen that were coming and shared that he attended
dynasty in college athletics,” Pell had height but lacked vol- season and next. But for now, sent 141-pound J.P. Reese up up and hugging me,” Smith that dual. Then a junior, Kyle
Smith says now. ume. A perfect combination. Askren held his own, leading against Ronnie Delk. says, “saying, ‘Thank you, I Bradley, jumped in: He was
Smith loves history. He used That’s how Pell spent the 6-1 after the first of three The second period started didn’t think I would see this there as a kid, too. McCormick
to teach it to high school stu- months leading up to his first periods. He nearly pinned with Reese on top of Delk. in my lifetime.’” Somewhere told the group that, in his
dents. By 2003, he was known college match: gaining almost Pendleton — if you get a pin, it It happened quickly. Reese in that mess, Smith found his 13-year-old mind, he commit-
to teach it to his wrestlers in 30 pounds, training to wrestle automatically wins the match pulled his left arm around dad, who had kept a scorecard ted after that meet: He would
the middle of rigorous training three weight classes heavier and earns your team six points Delk’s neck. At the same time, of the dual. Eighteen years wrestle at Missouri someday.
sessions. than the one he once knew. rather than the typical three his right arm slid behind later, it’s framed in Smith’s “It wasn’t just a win,” Smith
Smith’s Wednesday workout It came down to the wire. On — but Pendleton wrestled Delk’s right leg, his elbow basement. says. “It actually changed the
routine was called “stadiums.” the team bus from Columbia out of it and rallied to even latching onto the underside Sadly, Smith had a coaching mindset of a lot of young boys
Everyone ran up and down to St. Louis for the Oklahoma the score after three periods. of his opponent’s knee. Reese clinic in St. Louis the next in the state at that time.”
every staircase in Memorial State dual, Pell still wasn’t 184 On deck, the brand-new, 184- stretched until his hands were day, so he couldn’t ride back Smith has coached five
Stadium, first alone, then pounds. He guzzled a gallon of pound Pell was transfixed. interlocked, trapping Delk. to Columbia with his rejoicing national champions at Missou-
carrying a partner. One rainy water. At the pregame meal, Askren lost in sudden-death The move is called a “cradle” wrestlers. He went to his hotel
Wednesday, Smith had every- ri since that win, starting with
he downed two foot-long sand- overtime. The Cowboys led because it resembles holding room alone and reflected. He
one meet in the basement of a baby. Minus the gentleness. sat, then stood, then paced. Ben Askren. In fact, the Tigers
wiches from Subway. 3-0. The gym was shaking.
Hearnes Center. Instead of Then he was in the stuffy Missouri assistant coach Reese kept a struggling Delk “You hear of the impatience won that day even though two
stadiums, they climbed from gym, preparing to face Lee Pritts smacked Pell’s pinned on his back for two sec- of fans and sometimes admin- of the program’s most famous
the basement to the wrestling Oklahoma State’s four-time head gear. “He told me later, onds. Match over. The Tigers’ istrations,” Smith says. “And names lost: Askren and Tyron
offices on the fourth floor. All-American and future UFC ‘I just had to snap you out of it second pin gave them a late that (Missouri) stuck with Woodley. The Tigers have
After a two-hour session, fighter, Jake Rosholt, who was because you were so into the 18-10 lead. me for these six years … that beaten Oklahoma State seven
Smith had everyone find a more used to competing at 184 Askren match,’” Pell says. From the top row, Nathan moment when you’re walking times now. Nov. 21, 2003 was
partner and gather ’round. pounds. As he stepped onto the McCormick watched Reese’s around the hotel room, wow, the first.
One from each duo climbed “(Pell) had a metabolism mat, Pritts turned to the cradle in awe. Later that night, it was overwhelming at times. Makes for a pretty good his-
on the other’s back, and that went 1,000 miles per hour, other coaches and said mat- McCormick learned his broth- And there were times that I tory lecture.

Hicks to recieve full FedEx, Nike, Pepsi among sponsors that

season salary, had spoke out, boycotted for name change
preexisting condition NFL from Page 1B
The announcement came less than
The lease at FedEx Field expires in
2027, and dropping the name keeps
open various possibilities in Mary-
slur, but he hopes a “broader discus-
sion” can be had. He pointed out that
Florida State spoke with the Semi-
CARDINALS from Page 1B two weeks after Snyder, a boyhood land, Virginia and Washington for
3.47 ERA in 102 games. nole tribe about its name, the same
fan of the team who once declared the team’s new stadium and head-
This spring, Hicks explained thing a minor league baseball team in
if needed and for him to gain he would never get rid of the name, quarters. District of Columbia Mayor
how he was going to be cau- Spokane, Washington, did with local
strength, which he wanted. launched a “thorough review” amid Muriel Bowser has said the name was
tious, even conservative, when Native Americans.
With less than two weeks pressure from sponsors. FedEx, Nike, an “obstacle” to Snyder building on
it came to protecting himself Long removed from the glory days
before opening day against Pepsi and Bank of America all lined the old RFK Stadium site, which is
from the coronavirus. On the up against the name, which was given of winning Super Bowl titles in the
Pittsburgh at Busch Stadium, believed to be his preference. 1982, 1987 and 1991 seasons under
day the Cardinals’ spring train- to the franchise in 1933 when the team
the Cardinals have experi- Bowser said she welcomed the name coach Joe Gibbs, Washington’s NFL
ing facility officially closed, was still based in Boston.
enced multiple key losses from change but there were still obstacles team has just five playoff appearances
Hicks kept six feet of distance Native American advocates and to overcome before the team’s return
their bullpen. John Brebbia, in 21 years and no postseason victo-
from himself and a reporter as experts have long criticized the name from suburban Maryland became a
positioned to be a setup reliev- ries since 2005. The team has lacked
they spoke, and he explained they call a “dictionary-defined racial serious possibility.
er for the season, had elbow a nationally marketable player since
that was an example of how slur.” Over a dozen Native leaders “Yes, we want to change the name
surgery this past month and and organizations wrote to NFL Com- Robert Griffin III’s short-lived star-
will miss the entire year. careful he intended to be. and change the location,” she said. dom, and the 2020 schedule features
Hicks has advanced in his missioner Roger Goodell last week “The Washington football team should
Giovanny Gallegos, one of the demanding an immediate end to Wash- zero prime-time games for a franchise
most effective rookie relievers rehab program to throwing be playing in Washington.” that used to be a draw.
bullpens, and on one of the ington’s use of the name. Goodell, who At a Dick’s Sporting Goods store
in baseball a year ago, had a has fielded questions on the topic for Re-branding with a new name and
team’s first days of “Summer in the northeast part of the district, logo — and perhaps the same burgun-
chance to open the season as a years, said he supported the review. Redskins burgundy gear took up far
closer, but he has been unable Camp” at Busch Stadium, dy and gold colors — coupled with
“The NFL and Dan Snyder, we have less rack space Monday than that of
to travel from Mexico to Hicks was able to throw an to commend them on making the right turning football operations over to
extended bullpen for the the reigning MLB champion Nationals
attend to the team’s preseason call to change the name,” said Oneida Rivera could be a boon for Snyder on
and about as much as the NHL’s Cap-
workouts. pitching coaches. He declined Indian Nation Representative Ray and off the field. Even if a segment
itals. A store employee said the mer-
The Cardinals have not a request for an interview, Halbritter, leader of the “Change the of the fan base opposes the change in
chandise generally doesn’t sell very
given a precise reason for Gal- saying that he would comment Mascot” campaign. “Dan Snyder won well, crediting that to a combination of the name of tradition, winning would
legos’ absence due to the pitch- once he had a better idea of today because now he has a legacy the name, the move out of the district more than make up for those losses.
er’s request. It is unclear still his readiness. Manager Mike that will be different from the racial and years of professional mediocrity. Marty Conway, a Georgetown Uni-
Shildt said the next day that slur that was the team name. I know MLB’s Atlanta Braves and the versity adjunct professor of sports
when he’ll be able to travel, an
Hicks had recovered well. He that’s not an easy thing to do, but it NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks have said marketing and business, said that
official said Sunday.
added that the team was not was the right thing to do.” they have no inclination to make a while the NFL and team could pay
Hicks, 23, pitched in 29
looking for him to contribute Protests against the name predate change. Some advocates would like to tens of millions of dollars to buy back
games in 2019 before a old merchandise, the long-term ben-
ligament injury required in the first week of games, and Snyder buying the team in 1999, and, see all Native American names, mas-
until now, he had shown no willingness cots and imagery out of sports. efits are more lucrative with a new
reconstructive surgery. The that a mid-August return to
to consider a change. Strong words “Our fight continues,” Crystal Echo stadium naming rights deal and other
hard-throwing righthander the bullpen was possible.
from sponsors — including a company Hawk of the Native American advo- corporate sponsorships.
gave all of baseball more than Hicks will be able to con- “It’s a huge opportunity, certainly
run by a minority stakeholder of the cacy group IllumiNative said in a
three months to toss fastballs tinue his rehab with the team long overdue in terms of the time
team — changed the equation. statement. “We will not rest until the
harder than he did in 2019, and could find innings if the FedEx earlier this month became frame,” Conway said. “But I think
offensive use of Native imagery, logos
and no one topped his steady Cardinals are able to hold a the first sponsor to announce it had and names are eradicated from pro- there’s sort of an immediate oppor-
102-mph sinker. Hicks had 14 camp for prospects and other asked the organization to change the fessional, collegiate and (other school) tunity, which we’re seeing play out
saves at the time of the injury minor-league players in Jupi- name, particularly important because sports. The time is now to stand in every day, which is to reposition the
and was considered a candi- ter, Fla., later this fall. The CEO Frederick Smith owns part of the solidarity and declare that racism will franchise and in a step-by-step way
date for the All-Star Game. Cardinals expect Hicks to be team. FedEx paid $205 million for the not be tolerated.” away from the roots of its past and
In 102 games for the Cardi- full strength for spring train- long-term naming rights to the team’s Halbritter said it was important consistent with the change in time and
nals, he has 20 total saves and ing 2021. stadium in Landover, Maryland. to note those other names are not a social climate.”


As SEC leaders meet, Patriot League joins Ivy in punting on fall football season
BY RALPH D. RUSSO not in football. Florida State posted a video games — three involving Pac-
The Associated Press The Patriot League com- on social media of its team 12 teams — on Aug. 29, before
petes in Division I’s second hitting the field with players a full slate around Labor Day
The Patriot League joined
tier of college football (FCS) and coaches wearing face cov- weekend from Sept. 3-7.
the Ivy League on Monday,
like the Ivy League, which erings and shields to help stop The Patriot League has
punting on football and other announced a similar decision the spread of coronavirus. seven schools that play foot-
fall sports because of the pan- last week. Unlike the Ivy Pac-12 football teams will ball: Bucknell, Colgate, Lehigh,
demic while holding out hope League, the Patriot League have to wait. Last week, con- Lafayette, Holy Cross and
games can be made up. participates in the FCS play- ference presidents delayed affiliate members Georgetown
The Patriot League said its offs. mandatory team activities for and Fordham.
10 Division I schools will not Meanwhile, at the top of Pac-12 athletes, acknowledging Lehigh and Lafayette, locat-
compete in any fall sports, college sports, Southeastern it would likely delay the start ed 17 miles apart in Eastern
which include football, men’s Conference athletic directors of the fall sports seasons. Pennsylvania, started playing
and women’s soccer, women’s met in person in Birmingham, Iowa State athletic director in 1884, sometimes as many as
volleyball and field hockey. Alabama, to discuss how the Jamie Pollard in a letter to three times in a season. Only
The council of presidents said SEC can have a football sea- fans posted online said the in 1896 was the rivalry not
the league will consider mak- son as COVID-19 cases spike school is trying to balance the played since it began.
ing up those seasons in the throughout much of the South. health and safety of athletes Army and Navy play in col-
BILL KOSTROUN/The Associated Press
winter and spring if possible. No final decisions were with the drastic financial lege football’s highest tier of
The conference is mostly Lafayette wide receiver Matt Mrazek, left, catches a touchdown pass as
expected to be announced, but Lehigh cornerback Oliver Riguad defends during an NCAA football Patriot repercussions of not having a Division I and were exempt
comprised of private schools the meeting comes just days football season. from the Patriot League’s
League game Nov. 22, 2014, at Yankee Stadium in New York.
located in the Northeast that after the Big Ten and Pac-12 “If we are unable to play decision regarding other fall
offer limited athletic schol- said they would play confer- but the coronavirus pandemic even starting their football sports this fall, the athlet- sports. The Patriot League
arships. Pennsylvania rivals ence-only schedules this fall in forced all FBS conferences to seasons on time. Monday ics department would incur council said the service acade-
Lehigh and Lafayette have football and a number of other hold those events online this was the first day the NCAA approximately $40M in mies will be allowed to pursue
played 155 times, more than sports. year. Even some of those — allowed football players to unfunded expenses in the next competition in those sports in
any two opponents in college SEC football media days, for the SEC and ACC — are take part in mandatory team six months,” Pollard wrote. which they usually compete
football history. the unofficial start of the sea- now on hold. activities with coaches, includ- College football season within the conference, includ-
Army and Navy are also son for many fans, had been Some programs are taking ing unpadded walk-through was scheduled to start with ing soccer and volleyball, as
Patriot League members, but scheduled to begin this week, steps toward playing in and practices. a handful of nonconference the schools’ leaders see fit.
SECTION B • Sunday & Monday, July 12-13, 2020 • COLUMBIAMISSOURIAN.COM



QUINT SMITH/Missourian
Former Missouri guard Morgan Scott, shown here against Western
Illinois in December 2013, finished her career at Missouri with
367 3-pointers, the most in program history.

Former Tigers’ star

YEHYUN KIM/Missourian
Words of wisdom during a timeout: Rock Bridge head coach Jill Nagel talks to the team at the 2018 district championship game.

Scott brings new

culture to Kewpies


[email protected]
On June 12, Hickman High School brought Morgan
Scott back to Columbia as the head coach of its girls bas-
ketball team.
It’s a homecoming.

Formerly known as Morgan Eye (she married Michael
Scott after she graduated), Scott is most known for her
prestigious career as a sharpshooting guard for Missouri
from 2011-15.
With 367 3-pointers for the Tigers, Scott holds the pro-
gram record for career 3-pointers made. No other player
has more than 250. She also holds the program record for
season (112) and single-game (11) 3-pointers.

Before the Cunninghams made Rock Bridge

Scott ranks 14th in program history with 1,374 career
points and was named the SEC’s Co-Sixth Woman of the
Year in 2013.

girls basketball a dynasty, Jill Nagel led the The Missourian spoke to Scott in a phone interview
about her coaching style, what she’ll bring to the Kewpies
and her vision for the program.

Bruins to their first state title in 2008 “First off, just being able to balance all the different
unique personalities we’re going to have,” she said. “I’m
a relationship-driven coach and so I want to get to know
everyone and make sure I have strong relationships with
each individual. That’s what drives me as a coach, so to
make sure I can balance that will be very important.”
BY BENNETT DURANDO • Missourian Rekha Patterson, head coach of women’s basketball at
Southeast Missouri State, knows she means it. Scott

worked on Patterson’s staff as an assistant coach from
ith the sports world on Moment: March 8, 2008 — excavate a two-foot hole. They 2017-2019.
pause during a pan- Rock Bridge vs. Incarnate tossed the seven elephants into ”The number one thing is her heart,” Patterson said.
demic, the Missourian the crypt and solemnly replaced “When you’re teaching young people, you got to have
asked a number of
the dirt. the heart to do it. I think that’s really, really important.
coaches in Columbia to share The elephants didn’t do any- Nagel has a reputation for being I think her ability to communicate, her knowledge and
memories from the most mean- thing to deserve this. They were regimented. She’s a tough coach experience as a record-setting Division I basketball play-
cute plastic critters, about the size who earns the love of her play- er speaks volumes. It makes people buy in right away
ingful game (or match, or race, or
of your hand, but still too heavy ers with goal-oriented and rou- because she’s bought in.”
event) they have ever been a part to justify bringing them along for
of. Some chose formative coach- tine-based leadership. She likes When asked if her background as a sharpshooter fac-
the ride. So the elephants waited to choose a quote of the year for tors into her coaching philosophy, Scott shrugged it off.
ing moments. Others preferred in the bitter cold while the Bruins her team each season. In 2007-08, “We’ll definitely emphasize shooting, but it won’t be
a highlight from their playing dug them a grave. the mantra came from the his- the only thing we emphasize,” she said. “We want to run
career. But each memory left a Darkness had fallen on Rock toric general Hannibal: “We will a motion offense, and the biggest thing with a motion
powerful imprint on the coaches, Bridge High when the girls bas- either find a way or make one.” offense is it helps kids learn the game and why you do
informing how they lead today. In ketball team left the building. The Nagel told her team the story of certain things. I think that shows our kids that a lot of the
this series, titled ‘The Moments Bruins picked a patch of earth how Hannibal famously led an work has to be put in on their own, understanding if you
That Shaped Them,’ the Missouri- behind the gym, among the air army of elephants across the Alps want to be good versus being great. It’s going to take a lot
an tells their stories. conditioner units. Jill Nagel hadn’t in 218 B.C. during the Second of outside practice.”
considered the cold, though. Feb- Punic War. It was an improbable Randi Henderson, head women’s basketball coach at
ruary in mid-Missouri means the
Coach: Jill Nagel ground is stubborn. Tougher to
feat. So, it seemed, was winning a Washington University in St. Louis , pointed to Scott’s
district title for the Rock Bridge work ethic as one of the traits she brings to Hickman.
dig. Maybe this was a silly idea. Bruins. They hadn’t done it in 26 Scott was on the WUSTL staff from 2019-20.
Title: Head coach, Rock But the players shoveled into it Henderson said, “She’s got a good basketball mind
Bridge girls basketball anyway, taking 10 minutes to Please see NAGEL, Page 2B and she knows what hard work is. She has a good pulse
for team dynamic. For us, she did some video and film
Please see HICKMAN, Page 2B


Tigers add three-star Texas Commissioner on saving football

defensive end to 2021 class season: ‘We are running out of time’
BY DAVE MATTER offered a grim assessment advisory group together in
BY ADAM COLE announced his commitment the first day they recruited St. Louis Post-Dispatch on the season’s fate Satur- early April with the question
[email protected] to the Tigers. him, and noted a coaching day. of, ‘What do we have to do
In a two-minute video staff that’s “very good” at The Southeastern Confer- In an interview on ESPN’s
The 2021 class just keeps to get back to activity?’ and
Jones tweeted Saturday, building relationships with ence has yet to call an audi- “Marty and McGee” radio
growing for Eliah Drink- they’ve been a big part of
the McKinney High School its players. ble on its football schedules show, Sankey said he’s
witz and company. the conversation,” Sankey
product announced his “The way they run things for the coming season. But preparing to play the 2020
After a quiet start to July, told ESPN’s Marty Smith
commitment by donning a there, they’re so profes- the play clock is approach- season as scheduled but
Missouri was back to pick- and Ryan McGee. “But the
MU beanie at the 50-yard sional,” Jones said. “With ing zero. knows that the coronavirus direct reality is not good
ing up commitments Sat- line of his school’s $70 mil- While the Big Ten and will “guide us in that deci-
everything they do, I just and the notion that we’ve
urday in the head coach’s lion stadium. Pac-12 have already moved sion-making.” Sankey said
feel like if I go there, I can politicized medical guidance
inaugural class when Jon- Jones told the Missourian forward in canceling non- his concern for the 2020 sea-
better myself as a player.” of distancing, and breathing
athan Jones, a three-star Saturday that MU “really conference games, SEC son is “high to very high.”
defensive end from Texas, showed a lot of love” from Please see FOOTBALL, Page 2B commissioner Greg Sankey “We put a medical Please see SEC, Page 2B

The 2008 title was the start of a dynasty for Nagel and Rock Bridge
NAGEL from Page 1B ing ovations began. Harry huddled
her teammates on the bench to dis-
years. cuss how they should celebrate after
Some of their games late in the sea- the buzzer. They settled on a dog-pile.
son indicated that 26 might become But as they rushed the court, someone
27. They lost by 30 to McCluer tripped and caused a domino effect of
South-Berkeley. Then in the regular players falling on top of each other.
season finale before the district tour- “We’ll call it a more authentic dog-
nament, they barely topped the dis- pile,” Harry says, laughing.
trict’s No. 4 seed, Helias. The weekend Nagel’s defensive plan on short
between that game and the playoffs, notice was a masterpiece: Rock Bridge
Nagel went to the Walmart toy section won 50-35 for its first state champi-
to buy the seven symbolic elephants; onship. More importantly, the coach
one for each loss that season. Players experienced an epiphany that day that
wrote in the names of the schools they would shape her coaching philosophy
lost to on each elephant. for the the rest of her career.
“We buried the elephants so we “When they were playing the
could get rid of the weight of those music loud and I could see the smiles
losses and make it over the Alps,” on their faces, I learned sometimes
Nagel says. “If you lose after that, it’s best to let it go,” Nagel says. “It
you look pretty stupid. If you win, it was just a good lesson for me as a
makes a pretty funny story.” coach and as a leader to really make
Good thing they won. sure you’re in tune with your players
Rock Bridge defeated cross-town and the non-verbals, to take cues
rival Hickman for that long-sought- from that. Because the kids knew a
after district championship. Then the lot more than I did — that they were
Bruins kept winning. They won their in a really great spot mentally.”
sectional playoff game. They won the That night, Harry and other play-
state quarterfinal. They won the semi- ers were tipped off about a Rock
final against a perennial winner, St. Bridge faculty party where teachers
Joseph’s, at Mizzou Arena. Now they were celebrating the state title. They
had 24 hours to prepare for one more. showed up at the house to surprise
The state final matchup was an Nagel and briefly join the festivi-
introduction to the next era of Mis- ties. For several players, it was the
souri high school girls basketball. beginning of a close post-high-school
The changing of the guard began TIM TAI/Missourian friendship with Nagel. Schaeperkoet-
when Incarnate Word upset Kansas Once Jill Nagel’s 2008 Rock Bridge team won the state championship, the Bruins made the playoffs a regular occurrence. Here, Nagel ter, now Claire Zvosec, held her baby
City’s Hickman Mills in the semis. shouts to her team during a Class 5A Sectional game at State Fair Community College in Sedalia, Missouri. shower in Columbia this spring.
Incarnate would go on to win Class “Coach Nagel, on several occasions,
own team and not just focus on the was playing. Neither do the play- be more serious, but Coach Nagel let
5 state titles in 2010 and 2011. Then offered up the suggestion of naming
after moving to Class 4, it dominated other team. Can’t forget that we have ers. Maybe it’s best that it remains us roll a little bit with that energy.”
this kid Jill Nagel,” Zvosec says.
with two championship three-peats a really good team, too.” a mystery. But it was loud enough Nagel says that was the moment
After playing at DePaul, Harry
(2013-15 and 2017-19). Meanwhile, The Bruins had the advantage that Nagel couldn’t hear a thing. “It she knew she had a state champion-
rejoined Nagel’s staff as an assistant
Rock Bridge would eventually win of practicing at their own gym in was so loud your heart didn’t have ship team, and they didn’t disappoint. coach for a brief stint as Rock Bridge
the Class 5 state title four straight Columbia the next day, before the to pump, because the beat was doing The Bruins jumped out to an 8-0 ushered in the Lindsey and Sophie
years (2012-15). game. Nagel prefers to run even a it for you,” she says. She relied on lead that kept growing. Everything Cunningham era. “(Nagel) used to
“I just remember thinking how shoot-around with routine and struc- vision instead. What she saw first clicked. On one memorable play, be kind of a hard-ass on us,” Harry
wild it was that we were facing two ture. That day, she was coming from was a big, goofy grin: Schaeperkoet- the 5-foot-9 Scaeperkoetter soared says. “She’s lightened up a bit over the
St. Louis powerhouses in the Final a meeting when she heard music ter, who knew from four years of through the lane for an offensive years. But what’s special is she does a
Four,” says Claire Schaeperkoetter, blaring through the halls of Rock experience that the coach was not rebound and touch-pass to Harry great job motivating players and find-
who was a senior guard that season. Bridge. The sound was coming from one to condone loud music. all in the same motion. Harry laid ing out what works for each person.”
Watching Incarnate’s film that the gym, and it propelled her in that The scene was one of peak team in the easy put-back. “She looked In the 12 years since that first state
night, Nagel didn’t know how the direction, ready to demand her play- chemistry — smiling, laughing, at me like I was absolutely insane,” title, Rock Bridge has built a new
Bruins could possibly win. She ers lower the volume. singing, shooting. Nagel exchanged Schaeperkoetter says. wing where the old AC units used to
decided the best course of action “Usually, there was quiet music looks with an assistant coach. Then That turned out to be the only be. Nagel never heard any stories of
would be a man-to-man defense with on at the beginning,” says Katherine she smiled and strolled in to join her game of Schaeperkoetter’s high confused construction workers dig-
switches on all screens. “Sometimes Harry, who was a junior forward. players. The music rang. school career in which she didn’t ging up plastic elephants, so she likes
as a coach you tend to look at the “And quiet music on at the end. “How can you not be excited to be score. She made up for it with her to think they’re still buried down
opponent more than yourself,” Nagel That’s it.” playing for a state championship?” eight assists and sideline leadership. there.
says. “That game taught me a lot Nagel barged into the gym. She Schaeperkoetter says. “You could When Nagel subbed out the starters And anyway, like the forgotten
about making sure that I look at our still doesn’t remember what song construe that as maybe we needed to in the last minute, the hugs and stand- song blasting through the gym, some

Missouri’s non-conference football season looks to be in serious jeapordy

SEC from Page 1B in our region, in our nation, interview. “That’s why I don’t Central Arkansas $425,000 military or public authority.” said we can move the game
are not in the positive direc- feel any pressure because of for the Sept. 5 home opener, Otherwise, the team that down the road. We’re sched-
masks, and hand sanitization, tion for being able to have somebody else’s decisions. but according to the contract, cancels the agreement would uled pretty far out, so it’ll be
ventilation of being outside, normal experiences.” We’re trying to make the obtained by the Post-Dispatch have owed the other $900,000. a long time before we play
being careful where you are On Thursday, the Big Ten right decisions for us, for the this week, the two schools Missouri agreed to pay
in buildings. There’s some the game. There are some
announced plans to play only Southeastern Conference. It signed an amendment on Eastern Michigan $1.1 mil- options in that regard. Some
very clear advice about … conference contests for all does have an impact because June 18 that added a pan- lion for the Sept. 26 game.
you can’t mitigate and elim- have suggested if the oppo-
fall sports teams this fall, I’ve said publicly we’re all demic clause, saying they If either team breaches the
inate every risk, but how do nent you’re playing doesn’t
which wipes 42 nonconfer- linked nationally, so when will reschedule the game if contract it owes the other
you minimize the risk? ... We ence football games off the other people make decisions, “reasonably possible” if the school $1 million. Missouri have the testing level that the
are running out of time to schedule, including high-pro- yup, there’s an impact, but game can’t be played because and EMU have not added a Power 5 requires, the host
correct and get things right, file contests between Mich- also we’re going to look at of “weather conditions, labor pandemic clause to the con- institution can pay for the
and as a society we owe it to igan and Washington, Ohio our situation and make a strikes, wars, acts of God, tract. Neither have Missouri testing and it would come out
each other to be as healthy as State and Oregon and Wiscon- decision that’s appropriate for pandemic, public health cri- and Louisiana-Lafeyette. MU of the guarantee. That’s an
we can be.” sin and Notre Dame. By play- the Southeastern Conference sis, government restrictions/ is paying the Sun Belt Confer- option that’s been discussed.”
Sankey later tweeted: “I ing only conference games, and most importantly for the orders or other such emer- ence team $1.3 million for the Should the SEC drop its
want to provide the opportu- the Pac-12 will miss out on health of our student-ath- gencies.” Missouri’s general Nov. 21 game and would owe nonconference games, it’s
nity for college athletics to be games matching USC and letes.” counsel advised MU add a that same amount for break- unclear if the league will
part of the fall, but we need Alabama and Colorado and Missouri’s four nonconfer- pandemic clause to all four ing the contract. replace them with more SEC
to all consider our behavior to Texas A&M, among others. ence games include home nonconference game con- The Missouri-BYU contract games — that’s an option
make possible what right now The SEC has discussed contests against Central tracts. calls for a $1 million payment under consideration, Sterk
appears very difficult.” moving to conference-only Arkansas, Eastern Michigan The original Eastern Michi- if either team cancels the
said — or if the league will
Seven of the 11 states that schedules, Missouri athletics and Louisiana-Lafayette. The gan contract said both parties game set for Oct. 10 in Provo,
are home to SEC schools have would be relieved of any obli- Utah. scrap the entire schedule and
director Jim Sterk confirmed Tigers also play at Brigham
reported at least 40,000 cases Thursday, but Sankey said Young, the second matchup gations in the event of “fire, “The lawyers could become start from scratch. Missouri’s
of COVID-19, according to the league’s deadline for that in a two-game series that flood, hurricane, tornado, very busy depending on how current schedule includes
the Center for Disease Con- decision is late July. started with the 2015 game earthquake, epidemic, war, this all shakes out,” Missouri games with the other six
trol and Prevention. Sankey “That literally is playing at Kansas City’s Arrowhead invasion, hostilities, rebellion, deputy AD Nick Joos said. Eastern Division teams plus
added Saturday that, “The out in front of us every day,” Stadium. insurrection, confiscation by “One opponent didn’t neces- Western Division foes Missis-
reality right now is the trends Sankey said in Saturday’s Missouri agreed to pay order of the government or sarily like the language and sippi State and Arkansas.

Scott holds the MU program Missouri gets fourth defensive

record for 3-pointers made end commitment of 2021 class
FOOTBALL from Page 1B
HICKMAN from Page 1B have a positive, uplifting cul- floor just giving it their all.
ture where there’s trust and We’re having fun. We’re ener- Jones chose Columbia
breakdown, so she has a good respect but also with a strong getic. We’re high-fiving team- and the Tigers over his
understanding for the game. work ethic,” said Rubenstein. mates, and we’re picking each home state schools Texas
She was a great player and “I know Morgan is able to other up. We’re a next-play-men- and Baylor, as well as
her ability to be a great play- build that culture within the tality kind of team and that’s a Nebraska and Colorado.
er came directly from her program.” fun style to watch. Gabe Brooks, who cov-
hard work, so I think she just At the end of the interview, “That’s what I envision: Us ers Midlands scouting for
understands what it means to Scott was asked about her just going out there to battle 247Sports, said Jones is
be a good teammate and a part vision for the program. for one another. We’re locking “high-floor type of player.”
of a really good program.” “I think my vision for the arms, playing for each other “(He’s) active against the
Team dynamics was one of program is when people come and that’s a big thing for me. run with the physical tools
the major factors that led Jack to watch us, we’re the team that Not every girl might have the to expand his pass-rushing
Rubenstein, athletic director at nobody wants to play because same passion but I want to influence,” Brooks said.
Hickman, to pursue Scott as a we play so hard,” she said. help them be passionate for “His frame space should
head coach candidate. “We’re the first to the floor for one another because you’ll allow for significant bulk-
“We’ll look for her to build loose balls. We’re going to tire do amazing things when you ing in college if that’s
good relationships with the you out. We’re going to have know the girl next to you what Mizzou wants, and
kids. We want the girls to kids running up and down the would do the same for you.” that could eventually lead
to sliding inside in certain
personnel looks.
IN BRIEF “(He) faces Class 6A
competition in the (Dal-
Schweizer records Portland. han also broke her privious las-Fort Worth) Metroplex,
second-fastest 5K time Schweizer became the sec- mark with a blistering time of so the learning curve
ond women to run a 5K in 14:23.92. might not be as daunting
in American history under 14:30 when she finished Schweizer’s time was also for him as it is for some
Former Missouri distance just behind Shelby Houlihan the 14th fastest time in world kids.”
runner Karissa Schweizer at Bowerman Track Club’s history and is 18 seconds fast- Jones is also the fourth
continued an impressive start Portland Insarsquad meet er than her previous record at defensive lineman to com-
to her professional career by with a time of 14:26.34. Sch- October’s IAAF World Cham- mit to Missouri’s 2021 COURTESY OF JONATHAN JONES
recording the second fastest weizer’s time was faster than pionships, where Schweizer class, joining Travion Three-star defensive end Jonathan Jones committed to Missouri on
time in American history in Houlihan’s previous American finished ninth. Ford, Shemar Pearl and Saturday. Jones is the fourth defensive end in Missouri’s 2021 recruting
the women’s 5K Saturday in record of 14:34, but Houli- — Missourian staff Mekhi Wingo. class.
SECTION B • Sunday & Monday, July 19-20, 2020 • COLUMBIAMISSOURIAN.COM

Missouri head coach Cuonzo Martin yells to his players in a game against Auburn on Feb. 15 at Mizzou Arena. Martin’s most memorable moment features a coach who influenced some of Martin’s current coaching style.



The 3OT state
ith the sports world on pause Moment: March 19, 1989 — East St.
during a pandemic, the Missou- Louis Lincoln vs. Peoria Central
rian asked a number of coaches

championship game in Columbia to share memories

from the most meaningful game (or match,
or race, or event) they have ever been a part
Somewhere during the third overtime,
Cuonzo Martin thought to himself that he
deserved a cigar just for making it through

that doubled as
this game without leaving the court. Maybe
of. Some chose formative coaching moments. the boss would spare one. If they win, that is.
Others preferred a highlight from their play- It was the final game of 1989’s “basketball
ing career. But each memory left a power- season that didn’t want to end,” as the Illi-

Cuonzo Martin’s ful imprint on the coaches, informing how

they lead today. In this series, titled ‘The
Moments That Shaped Them,’ the Missouri-
nois High School Association broadcast had
dubbed it between overtimes. Both teams
were chasing history: Martin’s East St. Louis

coming-of-age story an tells their stories.

Coach: Cuonzo Martin

Lincoln could become the first team in IHSA
history to “three-peat” as boys basketball
state champions. Nationally ranked Peoria
Central (32-0) stood in the way, trying to
Title: Head coach, Missouri men’s complete a rare perfect season.
basketball Please see MARTIN, Page 2B


Team keeps tweaking roster as season nears

BY DAVE SKRETTA Hill to the San Diego
The Associated Press Padres late Thursday for
talented but injury prone
outfield prospect Franchy
Kansas City Royals had
Cordero and young right-
the entire offseason, all of
hander Ronald Bolanos.
spring training and, thanks
The move came after
to the coronavirus pandem-
the Royals decided their
ic putting sports on hold,
lousy bullpen from a year
much of the summer to
ago had been sufficiently
consider ways to tweak and
upgraded and with an eye
MICHAEL OWEN BAKER/The Associated Press improve their roster going
toward next season and
Dallas Cowboys practice at the NFL team’s training camp July 29 in forward.
beyond, when several of
Oxnard, Calif. The NFL has informed teams their training camps will open They were still mak-
their outfielders are due
on time, with rookies being the first to arrive at camp Tuesday. ing moves a week before
to become free agents or
their abbreviated 60-game
potentially retire.

League tells teams schedule was set to begin.

The team traded
left-handed reliever Tim
The 25-year-old Cordero
Please see ROYALS, Page 2B
CHARLIE RIEDEL/The Associated Press
Kansas City Royals second baseman Whit Merrifield watches from the
dugout during practice Thursday at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City.

training camps will

open Tuesday on time Canada barrs Blue Jays from playing games in Toronto
BY ROB MAADDI ing them rookies can report
The Associated Press by Tuesday, quarterbacks The team had been given request to play at Rogers Centre, con- proceeded with the regular-season
and injured players by firming what an official familiar with proposal of the MLB and the Jays
The NFL has informed
Thursday and all other play-
clearance by city and provincial the matter had told The Associated and therefore we concluded it was not
teams their training camps governments and were waiting in the national interest,” Mendicino
ers can arrive by July 28. Press ahead of the announcement.
will open on time.
League executive Troy
Rookies for Houston and on federal approval The team had been given clearance said. “I get that some people will dis-
Kansas City are set to report by city and provincial governments appointed but this decision can’t be
Vincent sent a memo to BY ROB GILLIES taken as a fan. It is taken on behalf of
Monday. to play in its home stadium and was
general managers and head The Associated Press the health and safety of Canadians.”
awaiting approval from Canada’s fed-
coaches on Saturday inform- Please see NFL, Page 2B eral government. The other 29 Major The Blue Jays were informed via a
TORONTO — The Blue Jays won’t
play their home games in Toronto this League Baseball teams plan to play phone call. The team’s alternate site
year because Canada’s government in their home ballparks, without spec- for home games is its training facility
doesn’t think it’s safe for players to tators, when the pandemic-shortened in Dunedin, Florida, which is among
the states that are virus hotspots.
CORRECTION travel back and forth from the United 60-game season begins on July 23.
Players have said they preferred to
States, one of the countries hit hardest Mendicino told The AP frequent
A story on Page B2 of Thursday’s Missourian incorrectly stated play in Toronto, and the team said it
by the coronavirus pandemic. travel to the U.S., where COVID-19
Missouri football recruit Tyler Macon’s educational status. Macon is in the process of finalizing a home
Immigration Minister Marco Men- cases are surging, was the biggest
will play his final season of high school, not college, football for dicino said Saturday the federal gov- issue. Please see MLB, Page 2B
East St. Louis this fall. ernment had denied the Blue Jays’ “There were serious risks if we

Martin all about team effort in championship game

MARTIN from Page 1B think I’ve ever seen him with- teammates if they wanted to onship game,” Martin says. ond half, Lincoln scored to tie to Martin. The double-team
out a cigar in his mouth. win the marathon game. “What really happened was it 46-46 with 50 seconds left left Sylvester open for a
Lincoln’s entire playoff run “And I’ve never seen him The players all grew up in we sprinted to the locker and set up a dramatic finish. go-ahead 3.
had featured high drama, and smoke it.” East St. Louis together, where room, and we were like, ‘Man, Peoria missed a floater in the “These were guys who,
now, by the third overtime, Lewis is Martin’s greatest they shared a common dream we can never do that again.’ final seconds but secured an you could tell, we had played
the finale seemed to reach coaching influence. In three of playing for Lincoln High. Really, we were just happy offensive rebound and called against each other since ele-
a state of never-ending cli- seasons as the Missouri men’s “That was a big deal,” Martin to survive because we didn’t a timeout. mentary school,” Martin says.
mactic suspense. Martin, the basketball coach, Martin has says. “That was our NBA, deserve to win that game Peoria inbounded the ball “I like to think I was always
6-foot-6 junior forward, knew tried to emulate the quietly so to speak.” The eight-team after hanging out all night.” to star Chris Reynolds at the a good teammate. I was the
he wasn’t coming out of the intense persona and cool state tournament was played At the time, that was Mar- top of the key, who spun and lead scorer, but I didn’t care
game. That was Benny Lewis’ leadership style of his men- at the University of Illinois’ tin’s most memorable game. leaned into a 3-point shot who made the shot.”
way. Lincoln’s 17th-year tor. Part of the Lewis way Assembly Hall in Champaign, It only held the title for a few while colliding with a defend- That was the lesson again
coach liked to stick with his entailed poking fun at players and the players stayed at a days. After Lincoln upset er. It could have been a three- after Peoria tied it at 57.
starting five. “I never left the when the situation called for team hotel. The first night, Chicago King (30-1) in a 60-57 shot foul. Instead, it was an Martin didn’t care who took
floor in high school,” Martin it. If you do it right, it can before the quarterfinal, they semifinal, the Peoria Central offensive foul call with two the last shot for Lincoln. As
says. “It was a mindset.” help team chemistry. stayed up until 5 a.m. “We’re clash was set. The Tigers still seconds left to force over- long as the shot went in. And
Benny “Boss” Lewis was Take Martin, who averaged just hanging out, having a felt like they had something time. Martin and his team- it did. Vincent Jackson took
equal parts coach and carica- 26 points per game that 1988- great time together, because to prove; their championships mates danced to the other end it from the top of the key,
ture. He pulled off the impos- 89 season. At a Christmas it’s rare that you’re able to the last two years had been of the floor. and this one swished at the
sible balance of being cocky tournament, East St. Louis stay in a hotel together as led by a local legend, future “Taking a charge will buzzer. East St. Louis had its
and humble all at once. When trailed 18-15 at halftime of teammates,” Martin says. NBA player LaPhonso Ellis. always be the highest energy third straight championship,
he addressed a player at prac- an ugly game. In the locker It almost cost them their Martin and his teammates play in basketball,” Martin 59-57, and the floor was filled
tice, he called him “Chief.” room, Lewis grabbed a stat season. The next day, tied felt like they had been writ- says. with March Madness scenes
He implored his team with sheet and marched up to 70-70 with Aurora East, Lin- ten off after Ellis graduated. The first overtime was of Peoria players collapsing
cool one-liners and sarcasm. Martin, removing a cigar coln had to defend against a “The other backdrop was even crazier. Peoria had to their knees as the Tigers
Under his leadership, East from the corner of his mouth potential last shot with 15 sec- that we felt like we never got the last shot, trailing 50-48. mobbed at mid-court. Martin
St. Louis’ players strutted and propping it between his onds left. As the clock ticked the respect we deserved at Reynolds missed two shots, led the way with 21 points.
into every gym knowing they fingers. Wait, when did he below 5, Martin stole the ball East St. Louis,” Martin says. but the second rebound took He only scored 2 in the three
were about to win. But they even get that cigar? “Damn, in the corner. He chucked it “We weren’t Chicago. We a weird bounce to the left, overtimes. He didn’t care.
did it silently, with subtle Chief!” Lewis said, biting the Hail Mary-style to the other weren’t one of the traditional where Peoria’s Mike Hughes “The theme was supporting
swagger and nonchalance. stogie again, “you’re messin’ end of the court. He had no programs.” released a high-arcing shot at your teammates’ success and
They all wanted to be like with your stats!” Martin has idea who was down there. Martin went through his the buzzer. It was perfect to loving when your teammates
Benny. a booming laugh, and that Luckily, Sharif Ford was a pregame ritual of choosing a tie the game. have success,” Martin says.
“He was one of the cool- story still produces it three receiver on the football team, random passage to read from By the third OT, Martin “I’ve always been blessed
est guys ever as far as the decades later. and he ran down the bounc- his pocket bible. He hyped had team chemistry on his to be around teams where it
demeanor and calmness to In the state championship ing ball at the free-throw line the team up before tipoff, mind as Lincoln trailed 55-54 doesn’t matter who led them.
him,” Martin says. game, Martin’s stats weren’t with a second left, staying in shouting “Three in a row!” with one minute left. His I just enjoy being part of a
And the cigars. They were the problem. He had 21 of stride while throwing up a He helped the Tigers to a 9-0 teammate, Rico Sylvester, team and having an opportu-
a part of him, a physical Lincoln’s 52 points enter- shot at the buzzer. lead. But as Peoria rallied for had the ball on the left wing. nity to win. I thank God I was
extension of Lewis’ arm. He ing the third overtime. But When it went in, the Lincoln a 26-23 halftime advantage, Martin knew what had to hap- never jealous of another guy’s
always had one in his hand. teamwork had been the key Tigers raced straight to the the broadcasters implored pen. He positioned himself success.”
“In practice, he would have a to Lincoln’s success all year, locker room without shaking Lincoln to “post Cuonzo on the left side to receive a In the middle of the swarm,
cigar,” Martin says. “I can’t and Martin couldn’t help but hands. Martin up more. That’s your pass and post up — bread and Martin shared a hug with
even recall a practice when think he would have to chan- “We sprinted off the floor bread and butter.” butter. Sylvester’s defender Bennie Lewis. It was way
he didn’t have one. I don’t nel that chemistry with his like that was the champi- After a back-and-forth sec- backed up to prevent the pass more satisfying than a cigar.

League and player’s Outfield set for this year, but next year’s free
association still can’t agency could present numerous holes to fill
agree on preseason ROYALS from Page 1B
was the big prize for Kansas
City. He only has played 79
Gordon signed a one-year
deal and could be playing
his final season, right field-
er Jorge Soler can become
that keeping Cordero on
the field will be crucial to
reaching his full potential.
“We’ve known Franchy for
and pitcher Daniel Tillo test-
ed positive for COVID-19 on
Moore said Cordero and
NFL from Page 1B exclusive right, just like big league games over parts a free agent after the 2021 a while, understand he has Bolanos will likely begin the
somebody who owns a plant, of three seasons thanks to a season, and outfielders an elite skill set in a number season at the Royals’ alter-
The league and the NFL regarding when it opens and slew of injuries, which last Bubba Starling and Brett of ways with what he can nate training site, though.
Players Association are still when it closes. They want year limited him to just nine Phillips are out of options do at the plate,” Matheny As for the bullpen, which
discussing testing for the training camps to open on games. But along with a .240 as they contend for a spot said. “A lot of it’s going to be was historically abysmal
coronavirus and other health time. The role of the union average, Cordero flashed on the 30-man roster. All of whether or not we can keep last season, the Royals
and safety protocols. Union is to hold them accountable power by belting 10 homers which leaves Hunter Dozier him healthy. That will be believe the depth they added
leadership expressed several about whether it’s safe to and scoring 36 runs in his as the only outfielder under up to the medical team and during the regular offsea-
concerns in a 90-minute con- open now.” relatively modest work load. long-term club control. strength-and-conditioning son coupled with the emer-
ference call with reporters The players union wants “I think all of our guys “Franchy is really one of guys to put a template in gence of some young power
Friday. players tested daily. A joint understand we have some the more tooled-out players place. How do we protect arms will allow them to bet-
However, under the collec- committee of doctors, train- talent in our outfield and that you’ll see,” Royals gen- him?” ter hold late-inning leads.
tive bargaining agreement, ers and strength coaches this is another player that’s eral manager Dayton Moore Matheny didn’t rule out “We do feel like we have
the NFL can impose report formed by the NFL and been on the horizon as a said. “He has unbelievable Cordero or Bolanos, who some quality left-handed
dates. The NFLPA could NFLPA recommended test- rising star,” Royals manager power from the left side. He made his big league debut arms,” Moore said. “I’m not
file a grievance to argue the ing every other day. Mike Matheny said, “so it’s has above average defensive last September, from help- going to say they’re more
league isn’t providing a safe Other outstanding issues going to be nice to watch skills. He has tremendous ing the Royals this season. accomplished than Timmy
work environment under the include number of presea- how he develops.” makeup. Unfortunately, for The unpredictable nature Hill at this point, but we
labor deal. son games. The league has The Royals appear set the last two years he hasn’t of the coronavirus coupled like the emergence of a lot
“The league is manage- planned to cut the exhibition in the outfield heading been able to stay on the field with expanded rosters puts of our power arms, and we
ment,” NFLPA executive schedule from four games into Friday night’s opener for whatever reason. He’s flexibility at a premium — think that we’re going to uti-
director DeMaurice Smith to two while the union wants against the Indians in Cleve- still very young.” a point driven home when lize them in some of those
said Friday. “They have the none. land. But left-fielder Alex Matheny acknowledged catching prospect Nick Dini more meaningful roles.”

Canadian officials don’t
League going with shorter games for Disney exhibition want to see curve rise
First exhibition game for
each team will feature
10-minute quarters
due to increased travel
instead of typical 12 MLB from Page 1B self-isolate for 14 days. The
BY TIM REYNOLDS U.S.-Canada border remains
The Associated Press
location for the season. closed to nonessential travel
“From the onset of dis-
until at least Aug. 21.
LAKE BUENA VISTA, cussions with league and
“In Canada you’ve seen us
Fla. — The first exhibition government officials, the
flatten the curve. You’ve seen
games of the NBA restart safety of the broader com-
will go a little more quickly that cases have decreased
munity — our fans — and the
than usual. significantly and that is
team remained the priority
The NBA is tweaking the largely attributable to the sac-
of everyone involved, and
rules for those initial match- rifices Canadians have made.
with that, the club completely
ups, going with 10-minute We can ill afford a step back,”
respects the federal govern-
quarters instead of the usual Mendicino said.
ment’s decision,” Blue Jays
12 minutes. The change is president Mark Shapiro said “We think this is the right
for several reasons — among in a statement. call and it is backed by the
them, not wanting to overly “Though our team will not evidence and advice of our
tax players’ bodies after they be playing home games at health experts. And fans who
went more than four months Rogers Centre this summer, still would like to see baseball
without games, and because our players will take the field will still be able to watch the
some teams do not have their for the 2020 season with the broadcast, just from a differ-
full rosters at Walt Disney same pride and passion repre- ent location.”
World yet because of corona- sentative of an entire nation. The NHL has received
virus and other issues. We cannot wait until the day an exemption for its restart
“This is a different situ- to the season, but that was
comes that we can play in
ation,” Dallas coach Rick a far simpler case because
NELL REDMOND/The Associated Press front of our fans again on
Carlisle said Saturday. “In the games are restricted to
Houston Rockets guard James Harden passes against the Charlotte Hornets during the second half of an NBA Canadian soil.”
all areas, really. ... I do think two hubs — Edmonton and
game March 7 in Charlotte, N.C. Teams will be seeing shorter exhibition games at Disney as the league decided The Blue Jays are sched-
that there’s some latitude to Toronto.
to play 10-minute quarters. uled to start the season July
do some different things.” The Blue Jays received an
Exhibitions start with a 24 at Tampa Bay. Their home
urday, were still planning to yet,” said Oklahoma City talking with the coaches of exemption for summer camp,
four-game slate Wednesday wear their usual regular-sea- guard Chris Paul, the presi- opener was set for five days
the teams the Heat will face later against Washington. during which the players
and continue through July son uniforms for all three of dent of the National Basket- — Sacramento’s Luke Walton Mendicino said the govern- agreed to isolate in the hotel
28. Each team will play three their exhibitions — the new ball Players Association. “So, and Utah’s Quin Snyder — to ment is open to considering attached to Rogers Centre
exhibitions, and the last two jerseys featuring social jus- I’ll find out.”
see if there are any specific future restart plans for the and create a quarantine
for each club will have the tice messaging will not debut The exhibitions will be
traditional 12-minute quar- situations those clubs want to postseason should the risk of environment. Players are not
until the seeding games that played like normal games —
ters. Plans call for all 33 count begin July 30. score and stats will be kept, work on in those games. virus transmission diminish. allowed to leave the stadium
exhibitions to be televised by Other changes for the exhi- and it will be a chance for “You have to fast-track so “We’ve committed to main- or hotel and violators face
some combination of local bition games may include the league’s stat crews that much before you get to that taining an open line of com- fines of up to $750,000 Cana-
TV, national TV, NBA TV or using more than three ref- were hired to work for three munication with both MLB dian ($551,000 U.S.) and up to
eight-game regular season.
NBA League Pass. erees in a rotating system, months at Disney to work out and the Toronto Blue Jays six months in jail.
... We’ll approach it that way
The league is still working though that also remains any kinks in the system. and we will reassess in due Toronto Mayor John Tory
and play probably everybody course,” he said. had lobbied the federal gov-
on some of the specifics for under discussion. Miami coach Erik Spoel-
the first games, even wheth- Players apparently had not stra said he’s taking a dif- available, but definitely work MLB needed an exemp- ernment to approve the plan
er to give teams the option of been told the first exhibitions ferent view than he does for on some things and do a little tion to a requirement that but said Saturday he under-
wearing uniforms or practice will go faster. typical preseason match- bit of evaluating as well,” anyone entering Canada for stands the decision given the
gear. Most teams, as of Sat- “I don’t know about that ups. For the first time, he’s Spoelstra said. nonessential reasons must situation in the U.S.

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