SD BSBRKG601 Risk Assessment Template

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Extreme Very High Medium Low Extremely Low
Highly likely Severe Severe High Major Significant
Likely Severe High Major Significant Moderate
Possible High Major Significant Moderate Low
Unlikely Major Significant Moderate Low Minor
Rare Significant Moderate Low Minor Minor

 Operational performance would be compromised to the extent that the water authority is unable to
Extreme meet obligations and liabilities in core areas
 The water authority would:
o be dysfunctional
o incure major financial loss
o would not be able to meet reporting requirements
o may not be able to recover
 Public health may face life-threatening consequences and on-going disruption of water and or sewer
 Major adverse repercussions with stakeholders such as Councils, State Government and the serviceable

 Operational performance of one or more business areas or functions would be severely affected
Very High  The Water Authority would not be able to meet it all of its obligations and liabilities
 The water authority would not be able to meet major reporting requirements
 Recovering from the consequences would be costly and time consuming
 Public health would be severely affected
 Public reaction would result in permanent reputation damage and major disruption to water and or
sewer supply
 Stakeholders would be unable to pursue their rights and entitlements

 Operational performance would be compromised and revised planning would be required to overcome
Medium the situation to the business areas or functions
 The water authority would experience difficulty in complying with reporting requirements
 Recovery would be gradual and require detailed planning
 Stakeholders would experience considerable difficulty in pursing rights and entitlements
 Considerable adverse public reaction and some disruption to water and or sewer supply.

 Slight inconvenience or difficulty in operational performance of business area or function

Low  Would not affect the water authority's reporting requirements
 Consequences would be handled quickly and without the need to divert resources
 Minor effects on stakeholders
 Public perception would remain and without disruption to water and sewer supply.

 Operational performance would not be affected

Extremely low  The water authority would meet reporting requirements
 Stakeholder interest would not be affected
 Public perception and reputation would remain intact. No disruption to water and or sewer supply

Highly likely Is expected to occur in most situations
Likely Will probably occur in most situations
Possible Might occur at some time
Unlikely Could occur at some time
Rare May occur in exceptional situations

Priority Rating
Potential Risk Consequences
Risk Description Likelihood Potential Impact Level of risk (order to
Control Rating
For example: Possible If records are not able to Procedure and written Medium Significant A number from 1 to X
There is a high possibility be produced with the instruction developed
that a customer's fees The situation may arise Right to Information Act immediately Consequences may be
and charges will become in the next 12 months 2009 the water authority managed by
the subject of scrutiny will face financial Staff trained in their implementing
through the Right to penalty responsibilities in both recordkeeping controls
Information procedure recordkeeping and right as suggested
The failure to produce to information practices
documents will result
loss of stakeholder Regular internal desk
confidence and public audits to be scheduled

Services would continue

but recordkeeping
practices would need
urgent and immediate
review and corrective
measures implemented

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