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Marek Fric a), b) , František Šram b), Jan G. Švec b), c)

Musical Acoustics Research Centre (MARC) Prague
Medical Healthcom Ltd., Centre for Communication Disorders, Prague
Groningen Voice Research Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Groningen, the Netherlands
[email protected]

Abstract: Videokymography is a high-speed optical method, which provides good presentation of irregular
vibration or fast events. Voice register is one of important characteristics of voice quality. Particularly we can
distinguish pulse, modal and falsetto register. All registers have characteristic videokymographical and acoustical
patterns. Modal voice presents itself in videokymography as regular vibration with large closed quotient whereas
falsetto exhibits a small closed quotient. Register break is a transition state between registers, often accompanied by
irregularities. On the other side, irregularities are typical for voice disorders. Examples of the register breaks and
irregular vibrations registered by videokymography are presented here and are compared to results from other
diagnostic methods.

1. Introduction component registers by the voice quality.

Production of voice registers could be described
Voice quality is a multidimensional problem. from acoustical or physiological point of view. In
There are many views and approaches, which particular we can distinguish three main factors
divide voice quality to different categories. influencing the voice register production:
Categorization and description of voice quality
depends an investigation method. In this paper we • configuration of larynx – phonatory settings
present vocal register properties as registered by (mechanism of oscillation of the vocal folds);
videokymography and irregular vocal fold • vocal tract resonance (formants setting
vibrations in the voice register transition and in influence resultant spectrum);
voice disorders.
• interaction of the subglottal and supraglottal
2. Vocal (voice) registers resonances with the vocal fold
Voice registers still remain to be a disputed and not oscillations .[6]
unified problem. A loanword nomenclature Phonatory settings involve mechanism of using of
“register” comes from a church pipe organ register, the laryngeal muscles. The main influencing
where register means integration of different organ factors are the vocal fold’s length, adduction and
pipes to create specific tone (acoustical timber). tension. The essential condition for vocal register
Literature most often quotes Hollien definition of production is participation of the body and/or the
vocal register: “...a totally laryngeal event; it cover of vocal folds in vibration.
consists of a series or a range of consecutive voice Vocal tract resonance influences the resulting
frequencies which can be produced with nearly acoustical spectrum, which affects voice quality
identical phonatory quality...“ Hollien further perception.
stated that “...the operational definition of a
register must depend on supporting perceptual, Interaction of the subglottal and supraglottal
acoustic, physiologic, and aerodynamic resonance with the vocal fold oscillations still
evidence.”[2, 9] requires research.

Titze defined the vocal registers as perceptually Vocal registers nomenclature is probably the most
distinct regions of vocal quality that can be controversial problem. In history, mainly voice
maintained over some ranges of pitch and pedagogues named the vocal registers, their
loudness.”[10] description was non-uniform and not objectively
documented. Different groups of pedagogues
Anyway, the vocal register is a perception described and divided vocal registers in different
category, which divides whole voice region in the
way, so that there could be different names for could observe period-doubling – a phenomenon
similar registers. characteristic for nonlinear systems. [1,6] In
spectrogram there are visible subharmonic
From literature [2,6,7,9,10] we can assume that
there are different registers for singing and speech.
In speech pulse (vocal fry); chest/modal; falsetto 2.1.3. Transition from falsetto to whistle
and whistle [9] registers are recognized (in register
ascending scale to pitch); in singing the chest;
This event is not so common and its
head and falsetto for males; and chest; middle and
characterization is difficult. In whistle usually only
head for females. Occasionally there is described
the front parts of vocal folds vibrate, therefore
the flageolet register. [6,9]
produce quite high frequencies, and may be
Objective characterization of vocal registers could described as a tiny voice quality. [9]
be done only by measurements of acoustical and
physiological properties of phonation, but our time 3. Material and methods
used methods are limited of their opportunities. In our paper we presents several cases of vocal
2.1. Transition between registers register transition between modal and falsetto
registers. The examples were selected from
Perception and presentation of different vocal database of over 8500 voice examinations using
registers are most pronounced when changing the the combination of stroboscopy, videokymography
voice quality in vocal register breaks. This change and electroglottography.
could be sudden – abrupt, or smooth. [1,6,9]
3.1. Videokymography
Smooth change is characteristic for classical
educated singers, who use mixing of adjacent Videokymography is an optical high-speed method
registers. The change is difficult to be perceived in for investigation of vibrations of vocal-fold
this case. vibrations. Special videokymographical camera is
able to work in two different modes: standard (50
Abrupt change occurs in non-singers, or modern interlaced fields per second) and high-speed (8000
style singers. Well-know examples of register line/s). [5,7]
breaks are vocal jumps in young men suffering
from voice mutation. 3.2. Electroglottography (EGG)
2.1.1. Transition from pulse to modal register Electroglottography is technique that monitors the
vocal fold contact area in phonation, is an easy and
Acoustical sign of this transition is perception of non-invasive way. Two electrodes are placed on
continuity of the neighboring pulses. Fundamental the neck of the subject, generating a high-
frequency for pulse register is very low and glottal frequency modulated current the admittance of
pulses are perceived separately. [1,6,9] There is which varies with the vibratory movements of the
broad band noise in the spectrogram. Modal glottis: it increases as the glottis closes. EGG
register is normal, which is mainly used in signal is related to the vocal folds contact area: the
spontaneous speech. Videokymography shows larger the contact surface, the larger the measured
doubling of periods for pulse register and normal admittance. [1]
periodical movement for modal.
2.1.2. Transition from modal to falsetto register
4. Results
This transition is generally the best known. In several cases we present videokymographical
Perceptually there is a marked change of voice slides and acoustical patterns of the voice registers
timber. Falsetto, unlike modal register is transitions.
characterized by thinner, softer voice quality (false 4.1. Case JJ, male, 22 year old, S31/83
voice) like female quality for men. Spectral
differentiation of registers is spectral slope: smaller The patient was suffering from prolongation of
for modal (-12 dB/oct.) and steeper for falsetto (- voice mutation. His voice was characterized as
18 dB/oct.). [4,6,9] In videokymography there unstable; with often occurring voice breaks from
occurs insufficiency of glottis in falsetto and modal to falsetto register and back.
normal closed phase (20-40%) in modal. [6,7]
Vibration of lower margin of vocal folds differs
between the modal and falsetto. In transition we
Figure 2. Transition from the falsetto to modal
vibration. A: Chain of kymographical slides during the
register change. Between the regular vibrations there
occurs a segment of irregular pattern with period
doubling. B: Electroglottographic (top) and acoustical
(bottom) signal of the transition between the blue and
red lines in (C). C: Spectrograms of EGG (top) and
acoustical (bottom) signals. The blue line depicts the
start of kymographical chain (A) in falsetto and the red
line ends in modal. D: EGG (top) and acoustical
(bottom) spectra of modal F0m ~ 204 Hz (blue) and
falsetto F0f ~ 416 Hz (red) register.

4.3. Case PK, female, 27 year old, S73/37

The patient was suffering from paresis m.
transversi after viral infection. Her voice was
characterized as weak. Instabilities occurred when
she wanted to increase the loudness of voice.

Figure 1. Register break from modal to falsetto

register. A: Chain of kymographical slides during the
register change. Between the modal and falsetto there
occurs a segment with period doubling.. B:
Electroglottographic (top) and acoustical (bottom)
signal of the register break between the blue and red
lines in (E,F). C,D: Acoustical (C) and EGG (D) spectra
of modal F0m ~ 136 Hz (blue) and falsetto F0f ~ 236 Hz
(red) register. E,F: Spectrograms of acoustical (E) an
EGG (F) signals. Blue line depicts the start of the
kymographical chain (A) in modal register and the red
line ends in falsetto.

4.2. Case WA, female, 77 year old, S62/69

The patient was suffering from aging voice. Her
voice was characterized as weak and unstable; with
often occurring voice breaks from falsetto to modal
Figure 3. Abrupt change from falsetto to modal
vibration. A: Chain of kymographical slides of register
change. B: Acoustical (top) and EGG (bottom) signal of
register break between the blue and red lines in (E,F).
C,D: Acoustical (C) and EGG (D) spectra of modal F0m
~ 147 Hz (blue) and falsetto F0f ~ 250 Hz (red) register.
E,F: Spectrograms of acoustical (E) an EGG (F) signals
show voice instability - several successive breaks. The
blue line depicts the start of the kymographical chain
(A) in modal and the red line ends in falsetto.
4.4. Case MM, female, 27 year old, S80/1
The patient was suffering from bilateral vocal fold
cysts. Her voice was unstable, weak and rough.
Often there occurred voice breaks from modal to
falsetto register and back.
The research was supported by the Ministry of
Education and Youth, Czech Republic (Project No.
1M6138498401 and EUREKA E! 2614
[1] Henrich N., Roubeau B., Castellengo M. (2003):
On the use of electroglottography for
characterisation of the laryngeal mechanisms, In
proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference
(SMAC 03), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2003.
[2] Hollien, H. (1974): On vocal registers, Journal of
Phonetics, 2,125-143.
[3] Švec, J. and Pešák, J. (1994): Vocal Breaks from
the Modal to the Falsetto Register, Folia Phoniatr.
Logop. 46, 97-103.
Figure 4. Transition from modal to falsetto vibration. [4] Švec, J.G., Schutte, H.K., and Miller, D.G., (1996):
A: Chain of kymographical slides during the register
A Subharmonic Vibratory Pattern in Normal Vocal
change. B: Spectrograms of acoustical signal shows
Folds, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,
voice instability - several successive breaks. The blue 39, 135-143.
line depicts the start of kymographical chain (A) in
modal and the red line ends in falsetto. C: Spectrum of [5] Švec JG, Schutte HK (1996): Videokymography:
acoustic signal, modal F0m ~ 225 Hz (blue) and falsetto High-Speed Line Scanning of Vocal Fold
F0f ~ 545 Hz (red) register. Vibration, Journal of Voice, 10(2): 201-205.
[6] Švec J. (1996): Studium mechanicko-akustických
5. Discussion vlastností zdroje lidského hlasu. [Studies of the
Mechanical-Acoustical Properties of the Human
Accurate, definite and general characterization of
Voice Source]. (Doctoral Dissertation, in Czech).
vocal registers is very difficult. An important issue Faculty of Natural Sciences, Palacký University,
is the methodology of investigation of the registers. Olomouc, the Czech Republic.
Various methods have been used, but many of
[7] Švec, J.G., Schutte, H.K., and Miller, D.G. (1999):
them are invasive and their use can introduce On pitch jumps between chest and falsetto registers
measurement errors by stimulating unnatural vocal in voice: Data from living and excised human
behavior. Furthermore the correspondence between larynxes, Journal of the Acoustical Society of
acoustical and optical methods is not America, 106 (3), 1523-1531.
straightforward. Here we presented specific [8] Horácek J., Švec J.G., Veselý J., Vilkman E.,
examples of register breaks. We found that breaks Klepácek I., Vetešník A. (2001): Measurement of
occur not only in mutation voices, but also in other the vocal-fold vibration behaviour in excised
voice disorders. A question arises whether the human larynges, In: Proceedings of the 2nd
vibration patterns of the vocal folds always International Workshop on Models and Analysis of
correspond to the standard voice registers. Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications.
Firenze, Italy, September 13 – 15.
6. Conclusion [9] Thurman L., Welch G., Theimer A., Klitzke C.
(2004): Addresing vocal register discrepancies: an
Presented cases showed distinct changes in the alernative, science-based theory of register
vibration behavior of the vocal folds. These phenomena. Second International Conference The
changes were perceived as vocal register breaks Physiology and Acoustics of Singing National
with abrupt jumps of pitch and abrupt changes of Center for Voice and Speech 6 – 9 October 2004
voice quality. In several cases there could be Denver, Colorado, USA.
observed transitions with sudden changes in [10] Titze, I.R. (1994): Principles of Voice Production.
vibration, in other cases there were progressive Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
changes with instability segments and period
doubling in videokymographical slides.

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