The European Forum On The Transfer of Business On 3 and 4 February 1997 in Lille

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The European Forum on the Transfer of Business

on 3 and 4 February 1997 in Lille


The transfer of business is one of the key issues of the European Commission’s Enterprise
Policy. After the creation and growth of the business, the transfer is the third crucial phase
in the life-cycle of a business. Many jobs are at stake when the founder reaches his or her
retirement age and has to envisage the handing over of the business to the next
On 28 and 29 January 1993, a symposium was organized in Brussels with the aim of
finding out the situation in the different Member States and to define best practice in the
field of business transfers. This symposium was followed, in the course of 1994, by wide
consultation of all interested parties on the basis of a specific communication1. This
consultation led to the adoption, on 7 December 1994, of a formal recommendation
concerning the transfer of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which was
addressed by the European Commission to the Member States2.
After the period by which the Member States were invited to report on the progress made,
i.e. 31 December 1996, the European Commission organized the European forum on the
transfer of business on 3 and 4 February in Lille (France). The recommendations which
emerged from the Forum, in particular from the different workshops, are set out below.

Recommendations of the Forum

A. Legal measures facilitating the transfer of business

In some Member States, legal measures have been taken in recent years in order to
facilitate business transfers. Most of these measures concern civil and company law.
Progress has been made in some areas, but little in others and the improvements are
uneven across Member States. The following areas are of particular concern:

1. Transformation of businesses from a partnership into a private/public limited

company and vice-versa
As pointed out in art. 4 (a) of the recommendation, it is important that SMEs of all
Member States have the possibility of being transformed into another legal structure
without having to be wound up. The German Umwandlungsgesetz of 28.10.1994 allows
changes of legal form, mergers and divisions for both limited companies and partnerships
and was accompanied by the Umwandlungssteuergesetz providing for tax neutrality of
any transformation operation (see B.3 below). Both laws have turned out to be successful

O.J. n° C 204 of 23.7.1994.
O.J. n° L 385 and C 400 of 31.12.1994; hereinafter referred to as: the recommendation.

in practice. This experience should therefore be extended to the other Member States
where such changes are still not allowed or result in adverse tax consequences.
2. Introduction of a simplified public limited company into national law
Art. 4 (b) of the recommendation states that the concept of a simplified limited company
should be introduced into all Member States’ laws. This would give SMEs easier access
to this kind of company, which is more robust in the process of transfer while permitting
the distribution of shares among actual or future heirs, as required by inheritance law.
Such a simplified limited company has so far only been introduced in Germany, within
the Aktiengesetz, which provides for certain lower administrative burdens for small
companies. In France, the Société Anonyme Simplifiée (S.A.S.) was introduced in 1994.
However, this legal form aims at facilitating the cooperation between big companies and
is therefore not a suitable instrument for SMEs.
In all Member States, access to the limited company could be facilitated further, so that
this type of company would be more widely used by SMEs. This is currently being
envisaged in France in the report on the modernization of company law, which was
presented to the Prime Minister in 1996 by Senator Philippe Marini.

3. Introduction of a single-member public limited company into national law

The company law of all Member States should allow for the setting up of a public limited
company with a single member (art. 4 (c) of the recommendation). This is already
possible in Austria, Denmark, Germany (since 1994), Finland, Spain (since 1995), the
Netherlands and Sweden. The other Member States should therefore modify their
company law in this direction. This has recently been envisaged in France in the Rapport
Marini (see above). In Italy, such a company is so far only possible for private limited
companies and should be extended to public limited companies.

4. Increasing the continuity of businesses

As pointed out in art. 5 (a) of the recommendation, the continuity of partnerships as a
legal principle should be introduced into all national civil laws, in order to avoid the
unwarranted closure of SMEs. This principle exists already in Italy and Portugal, with
these countries representing best practice in this field. In Germany, this principle has been
introduced for partnerships in liberal professions (by virtue of the
Partnerschaftsgesellschaftengesetz of 25.7.1994). The introduction of this principle more
generally into German law has recently been envisaged in the 1996 draft proposal for the
revision of the Commercial Law (Handelsrechtsreformgesetz).
Other ways of achieving greater continuity of partnerships could be the introduction of a
right of the entrepreneur to transfer his or her trading authorization, even provisionally, to
a member of the family, in case of death, sickness or other permanent incapacity to
continue the business (as introduced for example in Luxembourg in the Loi réglementant
l’accès aux professions d’artisan, de commerçant, d’industriel ainsi qu’à certaines
professions libérales of 28.11.1988).
Partnerships, although very widespread among SMEs in continental Europe, are
inherently weak forms of association when it comes to resisting the tensions which often
arise in the course of a transfer. This is particularly true in cases where several heirs claim
their share in the enterprise and as a result the partnership is dissolved and the business
ceases, with a loss of economic activity and jobs. In order to protect partnerships from

being dissolved by heirs with conflicting interests, a number of Member States have
introduced a pre-emption right or another form of preferential attribution of shares in a
business to one of the heirs working in the business, coupled with the obligation to
compensate the other heirs (e.g. Luxembourg in art. 815-1 to 815-18 Code Civil, as
modified by the Loi relative à l’organisation de l’indivision et étendant l’attribution
préférentielle en cas de succession aux entreprises commerciales, industrielles et
artisanales of 8.4.1993; for agricultural businesses in Belgium by virtue of art. 41 of the
law of 7.11.1988).
The continuity of businesses could also be increased by introducing a form of certification
of shares into national law (as for instance the administratiekantoor of Dutch law, whose
introduction is being considered in Belgium). An even stronger instrument would be the
introduction of a form of trust, as is well known in English law, or of the fiducie, as
recently envisaged in Belgian and French law.
Another practical way to increase the continuity of the business is the use of so-called
business or family agreements (pacte d’entreprise, protocole familial). Especially in
family businesses, such agreements can be used in order to maintain a certain number of
management rules throughout the change of generations. They are already used to a
certain extent in France and Spain, so as to mitigate the consequences of the prohibition
of future succession pacts.
The wisdom of the prohibition of future sucession pacts can be questioned, because it
makes proper estate planning unnecessarily difficult in the countries concerned (Italy,
France, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg). Those Member States should therefore consider
allowing the conclusion of future succession pacts.

5. Administrative simplification
The administrative requirements of the transfer of businesses should be simplified in the
same way as for the setting up of companies, i.e. less formalities, shorter deadlines and
with a single contact point for the entrepreneur. At present, for example in Italy, the
entrepreneur often has to contact several offices and complete time-consuming
administrative procedures before the transfer can take place.

B. Tax measures facilitating the transfer of business

Since the publication of the Commission’s recommendation, a number of tax measures

has been taken in Member States to improve the tax treatment of business transfers. Most
of the measures concern inheritance or gift taxes. Like for legal measures, the general
picture is of progress in some areas, but little in others - and the improvements are uneven
across Member States. Capital gains tax, inheritance tax and (where it exists as a separate
tax) gift tax, sometimes at prohibitively high rates, continue to cause difficulties for the
transfer of business in almost all Member States, whether the transfer is by way of gift or
succession within the family, or to third parties.
In general, transfers of businesses should not be tax driven. The aim should be to ensure
that tax systems do not stand in the way of sound business preparations for transfer. The
clear objective of taxation policies concerning transfers should be the protection of

employment. Everyone, including the State, loses out when jobs are lost through
unsuccessful transfers. The following areas are of particular concern:

1. Gifts and successions

More needs to be done to reduce inheritance and gift taxes on the transfer of business
assets, in line with art. 6 (a) of the recommendation. In some countries, maximum
inheritance tax rates remain high (80% in Belgium, 70% in Finland, 68% in the
Netherlands, 65% in Greece, 64% in Denmark) and there are no or limited special rules
for business transfers. By contrast, the United Kingdom has a 100% exemption from
inheritance tax for business assets.
Spain now has a tax relief of 95% from inheritance tax for the transfer of business within
the family. However, the relief only applies to transfers in the event of death, and does not
apply to gifts. The relief should be widened to include gifts, and indeed a proposal on
these lines has been submitted to the Spanish Parliament. France has recently reduced tax
on gifts. However, a regime limited to gifts does not satisfactorily deal with unprepared
Reductions of the tax burden could be achieved by reducing the highest applicable rates
(as in Sweden, where inheritance tax is charged at 10% on amounts over 10,000 ECUs),
or by introducing exemptions or thresholds at levels which are likely to benefit SMEs (as
in Germany, which has a 500,000 DM business relief reduction, and a reduction of 25%
on the rest of the amount).

2. Sale to third parties

Regarding the transfer of businesses to third parties, capital gains tax exemptions or
reductions which exist in some Member States should become more widespread, in line
with art. 7 (a) of the recommendation. In particular, relief for the reinvestment of the sale
proceeds into a subsequent business (roll-over relief), which exists in Ireland and the
United Kingdom and to some extent in Germany, should be extended to other Member
States. Similarly, relief encouraging transfers from a certain age of the entrepreneur
(retirement reliefs), which exists in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands
and the United Kingdom, should be made available in other Member States.
Very few tax measures have been introduced so far to encourage transfers of businesses to
employees, as set out in art. 7 (b) of the recommendation. In the United Kingdom, there
are reliefs for businesses for example through the use of trusts and for employees on the
transfer of shares. Such reliefs, which have proved to be very popular, should become
more generally available so as to encourage the carrying on of the business by employees.

3. Change of legal form

Unwarranted tax charges can arise from the change of legal form of a business in
preparation for transfer (e.g. mergers, demergers, incorporation, disincorporation). Such
tax charges should be eliminated to promote successful transfers. In Germany, for
example, the tax measures adopted with the 1994 law on the conversion of businesses
(Umwandlungssteuergesetz) provided for tax neutrality for income tax and corporation
tax for all types of conversion, including forms of conversion not specifically covered by
the Umwandlungsgesetz. Other Member States should introduce such a system of
complete tax neutrality for all conversion operations.

4. Double taxation
There are at present very few double taxation treaties between Member States covering
inheritance and gift taxes. Double taxation can be a major problem for the transfer of
business assets other than land when the business operates with branches in more than
one Member State. Member States should eliminate all double taxation in this field by
completing the inheritance/gift tax treaty network, as they are required to do under article
220 of the EC Treaty.

5. Information and best practice

A system of advance rulings by the tax authorities, agreeing the tax consequences of a
business transfer before the operations take place, would provide greater certainty for all
parties involved. Moreover, clear and accessible information on tax law and practice
relating to business transfers needs to be provided, whether by public or private bodies.
Entrepreneurs need to “think tax” when preparing for the transfer of their business, right
from the start of the preparations. The Commission itself has a role to play in
disseminating up-to-date information and examples of best practices across Member

6. Tax reforms
These recommendations imply that tax systems need to evolve with changing business
practices and changing priorities. Ongoing tax reform in the area of business transfers,
tackling the most urgent obstacles first, should be pursued by Member States.

C. Support measures provided by private persons and public institutions

in order to facilitate the transfer of business

1. The role of financial institutions

SMEs frequently face difficulties in obtaining finance from financial institutions. Yet
business transfers often require high financial requirements, for example in order to fund
the acquisition costs. Moreover, a takeover often results in the need for a strategic
reorganization of the business which may require a considerable amount of additional
capital. A study carried out by the Deutsche Ausgleichsbank has shown that the capital
requirement for takeovers is 60% higher than for business start-ups (DM 400.000 for
takeovers against DM 250.000 for start-ups).

a) Existing measures to support the financing of the transfer of business

Existing support measures by banks include databases for the collection and delivery of
information on the calculation of risks, standard model contracts, a network for the active
search of partners for the matching of potential buyers and sellers of a business (including
cross-border information networks), a valuation service to determine the precise value of
the business, advice on the precise amount of required financial support, loan guarantee
funds as well as mutual guarantee funds.

In Belgium, a special fund for financing business transfers (Fonds de Transmission) has
been set up as part of the Fonds de participation at the Caisse Nationale du Crédit
Professionnel. The transfer fund offers preferential interest rates for loans facilitating
business transfers within the family or to third parties. The loan is granted for a minimum
period of 7 years and a maximum of 20 years. The interest rate is 3% during the first five
years, and rises by 0.25% points thereafter with an upper limit of 3.75%. No guarantee is
required to secure the loan.
Since 1990, the Deutsche Ausgleichsbank, a German public institution, has promoted the
transfer of businesses through its Eigenkapitalhilfeprogramm (equity capital assistance
programme). More than 20,000 business takeovers have been supported through
subordinated loans at very favorable interest rates. Almost 50% of the businesses taken
over belong to the craft sector, 25% to trade and 20% to the service sector. This
experience has shown that the default rate of loans granted for the transfer of business
was slightly higher than that for newly created enterprises (4.6% for transfers against
3.3% for start-ups), but could be kept within manageable proportions.
Similar schemes providing guarantees and loans at interesting rates for business takeovers
also exist in France (SOFARIS) and in Italy, through the public aid for the setting up of
worker cooperatives, which is granted by virtue of the Legge Marcora and distributed via
the Compagnia Finanziaria Industriale (CFI).
All of the abovementioned schemes have proved worthwhile and should also be
introduced in other Member States.

b) Priorities which financial institutions should take into account

The priorities which should be taken into account by financial institutions for the transfer
of business include a positive approach towards granting loans for SMEs, a long term
calculation of interest for loans, and the introduction of a quality assessment of the
business to be transferred. The financing of goodwill needs particular care, given the
difficulty of arriving at a precise valuation of intangible assets.
Furthermore, banks could adopt a more coherent internal strategy for transfers of SMEs.
Such a strategy could include preparation schemes for a successful transfer of business
with better and earlier information for entrepreneurs on the support measures available, as
well as transfer plans covering the value of the business, the profile of the person taking
over, ways to achieve the best price for the business, and ways to tackle legal and fiscal

2. The role of accountants and consultants

Since the transfer of a business covers accounting, taxation and legal questions, as well as
financial requirements, a wide range of professional services should be available to
entrepreneurs contemplating transferring or taking over a business. All of the options for
succession need to be considered by the professional advisers after careful consideration
of both the commercial circumstances of the business and the emotional relationships of
the family members.

a) Existing measures provided by professional advisers to support the transfer of
For the entrepreneur thinking about transferring the business, the main services provided
by accountants and consultants concern advice, studies, surveys, seminars,
communications, development of a network, and an enterprise check-up. For persons
seeking to take over a business, the main services concern the preparation and the
monitoring of the business before and after the takeover, notably through communication
with a wide public, setting up a network of enterprises which are ready for transfer, and
the development of business transfer plans.
Many firms and organizations are active in this field and many databases have been set up
either in a specific region or in a specific sector. However, the activities aimed at bringing
interested parties together generally have a limited range. There is no single activity
which fulfills the requirements of the entire group. In order to mediate effectively
between the parties, a larger database of supply and demand would therefore be
necessary, so that specific and selective contacts could be arranged. The fact that most of
the databases are not accessible for the public poses another problem, since entrepreneurs
are excluded from consulting the data available only to banks and accountants. These
databases should become more widely accessible.

b) Priorities which accountants and consultants should take into account

Professional advice is needed at a much earlier stage so that a business plan can be
prepared in time. Consultants need to check the criteria for a successful transfer of
business in three main areas: the future entrepreneur (e.g. training, experience, financial
situation etc.), the current entrepreneur (e.g. pensions, age, future interest, etc.), the
business itself (assets, investment, employees, financial situation, prospects etc.).
Consultants should develop an overall approach for the development of the business
transfer plan, involving all relevant persons such as accountants, tax advisors, lawyers,
etc. The services provided could fall into three main sectors: the stability of the enterprise
once transferred to the next generation, the pension arrangements for the retiring
entrepreneur and the opportunities for the new entrepreneur.
A structure, such as a family forum, should exist to allow a frank discussion of succession
issues before a succession plan is drafted. The succession plan should settle the
succession, the continuation of the business, as well as a timetable and mechanisms for
correcting any errors.

3. Conclusions
The transfer of business has to be accompanied in all its phases, since the entrepreneur
needs financial support (see art. 3 of the recommendation) and professional advice before,
during and after the transfer. The criteria for the best future development of the business
and the actions which have to be taken need to be clearly identified from the outset. A
cross-border network of potential buyers and sellers (as is already the case in the
Netherlands and Belgium) should be set up. The transfer of business has to be supported
on an equal basis as for the start-up of enterprises, especially concerning the financial
support measures (as it is already the case in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy).

D. Practical experience by entrepreneurs
having transferred or taken over a business

1. Preparation and Training

The clearest conclusion drawn by entrepreneurs is that the transfer of business is often
badly prepared. Generally, the problem is tackled too late, thus leading to options that are
more expensive as well as entailing greater risks. The results of a survey conducted
among transferors (i.e. the person transferring the business) and transferees (i.e. the
person taking over the business) can be summarized as follows:
Transferors mostly prefer the total transfer of the whole business. If this is not possible
then gradual transfer to a person within the family, followed by someone external to the
enterprise or an employee, is seen as desirable. Transferees consider the transfer primarily
as taking advantage of a good opportunity, and only to a lesser extent as ensuring the
continuity of the enterprise. They tended to opt for total or partial transfer. Other
possibilities such as leasing, donation or going public were not highly considered. The
two essential aspects for the successful transfer of business are : that the transferor
becomes aware of the need to prepare transfer in plenty of time, and that the transferee
becomes well acquainted with the enterprise’s structure.
The transfer of business is not usually seen as a central management activity. It is
therefore vital to start awareness raising programmes for entrepreneurs taking into
account that transfer is a sensitive matter regarding both emotional aspects and
confidentiality. One way of approaching this subject would be to start training measures
in businesses with a view to familiarizing entrepreneurs with the issue of transfer.

2. Valuation
No single method exists for the valuation of an enterprise. One can use methods based
upon the intrinsic value, the return on investment, cash-flow, market value, etc.. One can
also use a combination of the above with the aim of drawing up a plan for the transfer
As regards transfer by sale, the final result is determined by negotiations as well as the
financial capacities of the parties involved. In this respect one can only encourage
transferors or transferees to inform themselves as to the different methods of valuation.
Or if need be to make use of experts sufficiently early on in the process so that they can
assess an offer.
As regards transfer by succession, the valuation methods used by State administrations, in
particular relating to inheritance taxes, are often seen as being too rigid. It is, therefore,
important to allow enterprises the option of having an independent analysis carried out.
Moreover, as set out in art. 6 (c) of the recommendation, it is important to ensure that the
tax assessment of the business should take account of how the value of the business can
change after the death of the owner.

3. Using the experience of former entrepreneurs

Even in cases where there has been a sufficiently lengthy period of preparation and where
the transfer has been accomplished according to the agreed plan, it is still common that
the transferee has to face unexpected management situations. In such situations the

transferor could continue to help the new entrepreneur in decision-making, acting for
example as a consultant or part-time director or manager for a limited period of time after
the transfer. Good understanding between the transferor and the transferee is essential in
this respect. It could also be envisaged that an external adviser supports the transferor and
the person taking over in order to integrate the various audits (social, fiscal and financial)
into the transfer process. Furthermore, it would be advantageous if a dialogue was
initiated on advantages to be gained from greater understanding between different
generations of entrepreneurs.
For example, the concept of Business Angels3, which is relatively widespread in the USA
and the United Kingdom, consists of retired businessmen who are prepared to invest the
proceeds of the sale of their own business into one or several other small and medium-
sized businesses. The reinvestment of such proceeds has been made attractive for tax
purposes and could well facilitate a number of business transfers. The added value of this
scheme consists in the fact that the retired businessmen also offer advice to the companies
in which they invest, thus assisting them in avoiding problems encountered in the transfer
from one generation to the next.

See Commission Communication on the financial problems experienced by small and medium-sized
companies, COM(93) 528 of 10.11.1993, paragraph 29; Commission Communication on the
improvement of the fiscal environment of small and medium-sized enterprises, O.J. n° C 187 of
9.7.1994, page 5, paragraph 6.

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