Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba Statement: Why I Am Seeking Re-Election

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Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba Statement: Why I am Seeking Re-


I believe if you’re reading this, you are among the many people who
care about Jackson and take an interest in what happens in our city. It
is our caring residents - parents, youth, entrepreneurs, service
agencies, and all of our neighbors throughout the city that have made it
truly my honor to serve as your Mayor.

I am seeking reelection because I am committed to continuing the

progress we’ve made together. Although we have had our setbacks -
floods, pandemic, deep freeze and more - we have been resourceful
and resilient in the face of these challenges. As I often say, Jackson’s
greatest resource is its people, and we have seen our residents show up
for one another time and time again.

I am seeking reelection because I know there is still suffering, and

difficulties that we must address. During my time as mayor, I have had
the privilege of working with many organizations, businesses, churches
as well as individual residents. I believe in our collective genius as a
city. In fact, it has been deep listening, cooperation, and bold action
that have moved us forward together - even in the face of adversity.

Together we have:

* Paved more miles of road in the last four years than the previous 10
years combined.
* Supported our neighbors in need by providing more than 100,000
meals through the Jackson Meals Matter and congregate meals
programs, organizing water distribution during the freeze, and created
a warmline to provide mental and emotional health support to
residents during the pandemic.

* Worked to meet the new challenges of the pandemic by convening a

COVID task force made up of experts from medicine, business, mental
health and more, creating the critical partnerships we needed to
initiate the most progressive response in the state - including
establishing a crisis line and symptoms tracker for the city, purchasing
thousands of COVID tests for residents, and providing safe space for
Jacksonians to quarantine.

* Strengthened our police force and police accountability through the

establishment of a real-time command center, graduating five Jackson
Police Department recruit classes, and implementing body cameras for

* Built new partnerships with business and philanthropy to generate

millions of dollars for city projects, minority enterprise and our public

* Secured the largest settlement in the city’s history from Siemens,

leveraged the 1% sales tax to raise $40 million, and improved the city’s
bond rating with both accrediting bodies (Moody’s and S&P) so that
Jackson is in a stronger position to raise the capital we need to address
our ailing systems and build the infrastructure our city deserves.

I am seeking reelection because, as grateful as we are for the progress

we’ve made, we are not satisfied.

I made a promise to you when I ran for office four years ago that we
would seek holistic, comprehensive approaches to crime and safety. I
am keeping that promise as we work to bolster our police department’s
capacity to respond to crimes committed by identifying better ways to
prevent crime and violence in the first place. There is so much more to
do. We grieve for the lives lost and for everyone whose lives have been
affected by violence. I know firsthand that pain and want to continue
our work to find real solutions that address these issues at the root.

We know that jobs and economic development are key, and I hope to
continue to grow our efforts in this area - especially as we move into a
new, less destructive phase of the pandemic and more of Jackson is
open for business.

I hope to build on the partnerships we have forged, to expand on the

significant progress we've seen over the last four years, and to continue
the work of building a “dignity economy” that supports and focuses on
the inherent dignity of every resident, where no resident is left behind.

Jackson needs a mayor who has been tested, who has shown up for our
city, who understands the process and, in spite of the challenges,
knows how to collaborate and get things done. I have endeavored to
be that kind of public servant, which is why I, Chokwe Antar Lumumba,
humbly ask for your vote on April 6. Let us continue to move forward

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