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Coso vs. Fernandez Deza

Fourth. That upon payment of his lawful fees, the reg-

ister of deeds note said right of retention on the back of the
transfer certificate No. 526 issued in favor of Lizarraga
Hermanos, or of any other certificate standing in lieu
thereof, concerning the said building, which note will
remain in force until the payment of the aforesaid im-
provements is made as above ordered. Without pro-
nouncement as to costs in this instance, so ordered.

Araullo, C. J., Malcolm, Avanceña, Villamor, Ostrand,

and Johns, J J., concur.

Judgments modified.


[No. 16763. December 22, 1921]

PASCUAL COSO, petitioner and appellant, vs. FERMINA FER-
NANDEZ DEZA ET AL., objectors and appellees.

WILLS; UNDUE INFLUENCE.—In the absence of fraud or imposition, mere

affection, even if illegitimate, is not undue influence and does not
invalidate a will.

APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of

Manila. Concepcion, J.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
Eduardo Gutierrez Repide and Felix Sodas for appellant.
Jose Varela Calderon and Benito Jimenez Zoboli for

This is an appeal from a decision of the Court of First
Instance of Manila setting aside a will on the ground of
undue influence alleged to have been exerted over the mind
of a testator by one Rosario Lopez. The will gives the tercio
de libre disposicion to an illegitimate son had by the
testator with said. Rosario Lopez, and also provides for the
payment to her of nineteen hundred Spanish duros by way 1/4

of reimbursement for expenses incurred by her in taking

care of the testator in Barcelona during the years

VOL. 42, DECEMBER 22, 1921 597

Coso vs. Fernandez Deza

1909 to 1916, when he is alleged to have suffered from a

severe illness.
The evidence shows that the testator, a married man
and resident of the Philippine Islands, became acquainted
with Rosario Lopez in Spain in 1898 and that he had illicit
relations with her for many years thereafter. After his
return to the Philippines she followed him, arriving in
Manila in February, 1918, and remained in close commu-
nication with him until his death in February, 1919. There
is no doubt that she exercised some influence over him and
the only question for our determination is whether this in-
fluence was of such a character as to vitiate the will.
The English and American rule in regard to undue in-
fluence is thus stated in 40 Cyc, 1144-1149.

"Mere general or reasonable influence over a testator is not

sufficient to invalidate a will; to have that effect the influence
must be  'undue.' The rule as to what constitutes 'undue influence'
has been variously stated, but the substance of the different
statements is that, to be sufficient to avoid a will, the influence
exerted must be of a kind that so overpowers and subjugates the
mind of the testator as to destroy his free agency and make him
express the will of another, rather than his own.
"* * * such influence must be actually exerted on the mind
of the testator in regard to the execution of the will in question,
either at the time of the execution of the will, or so near thereto as
to be still operative, with the object of procuring a will in favor of
particular parties, and it must result in the making of
testamentary dispositions which the testator would not otherwise
have made *  * *
"* * * and while the same amount of influence may
become 'undue' when exercised by one occupying an improper and
adulterous relation to testator, the mere fact that some influence
is exercised by a person sustaining that relation does not
invalidate a will, unless it is further shown that the influence
destroys the testator's free agency."



Coso vs. Fernandez Deza

The burden is upon the parties challenging the will to

show that undue influence, in the sense above expressed,
existed at the time of its execution and we do not think that
this burden has been carried in the present case. While it is
shown that the testator entertained strong affections for
Rosario Lopez, it does not appear that her influence so
overpowered and subjugated his mind as to "destroy his
free agency and make him express the will of another
rather than his own." He was an intelligent man, a lawyer
by profession, appears to have known his own mind, and
may well have been actuated only by a legitimate sense of
duty in making provisions for the welfare of his illegitimate
son and by a proper feeling of gratitude in repaying Rosario
Lopez for the sacrifices she had made for him. Mere
affection, even if illegitimate, is not undue influence and
does not invalidate a will. No imposition or fraud has been
shown in the present case.

"Influence gained by kindness and affection will not be

regarded as 'undue,' if no imposition or fraud be practiced, even
though it induces the testator to make an unequal and unjust
disposition of his property in favor of those who have contributed
to his comfort and ministered to his wants, if such disposition is
voluntarily made." (Mackall vs. Mackal, 135 U. S., 167.)

It may be further observed that under the Civil Law the

right of a person with legal heirs to dispose of his property
by will is limited to only a portion of his estate, and that
under the law in force in these Islands before the
enactment of the Code of Civil Procedure, the only outside
influences affecting the validity of a will were duress,
deceit, and fraud. The present doctrine of undue influence
originated in a legal system where the right of the testator
to dispose of his property by will was nearly unlimited.
Manifestly, greater safeguards in. regard to execution of
wills may be warranted when the right to so dispose of
property is unlimited than when it is restricted to the
extent it is in this

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