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Poem Gandhi by Niranjan Mohanty is loaded with Gandhi’s self-less and

magnanimous patriotism. The poet has tried to give voice to Gandhi’s unsaid feelings and
thoughts that might have been suppressed with his assassination.

In the first stanza the poet speaking on behalf of Gandhi satirically complains that Gandhi
was ready to make many more sacrifices if they needed; but he had no idea how many
more they sacrifices they needed. He was ready to remain more silent for the sake of
egoistic people, but he did not know how much more silence was required of him.

In the second stanza the poet says Gandhi was willing to shed more tears for the sake of
the pride of his people, but they did not ask him to do so.

In the third stanza the poet says that Gandhi was willing to bear much more pain for the
sake of certain people of his country; but they did not tell him how much more pain they
wanted him to bear.

In the fourth stanza the poet says Gandhi gave his unconditional love to his countrymen. He
gave them his blood when they demanded it.
He concludes the poem by praying to God to save people of his countrymen from the path
of self-destruction.
Gandhi – Niranjan Mohanty
Gandhi – Niranjan Mohanty

They didn’t tell me

how much of my flesh and blood
they needed; how much of my silence
would have reared the weeds
of their votive ego,
I’d have given them much more.

They didn’t tell me

how much of my tears
they needed to hoist
a jungle of their pride;
surely, I’d have given them,
even much more.

They didn’t tell me

how much of my pains
they needed to quench their thirst;
I’d have given them.
surely, a sea of it
I’d have given them.

They only needed

my blood’s still breath;
and I flooded them
with my love.
O’ Lord of the universe
save them.


The father of our nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, is compared to
great saints of the world. His love for nation and exhibiting fearless and undaunted bravery in the freedom struggle
is known to every human being of the world. The ‘Truth’ and ‘Non-violence’ are the two invincible weapons with
him to fight against British Empire to secure freedom to the nation. In this poem titled ‘Gandhi’ Niranjan Mohanty
recounts Mahatma Gandhiji’s sacrifices and sufferings during India’s struggle for freedom. Gandhiji is ready to shed
tears, suffers pains and even give his life for the sake of the Nation.

The poet, Niranjan Mohanty imbibed with patriotic feelings of Gandhiji, has expressed Gandhiji’s through this
poem. “They” refers here the people of India who have been divided among themselves in the name of religion,
caste, creed, regionalism and language besides socio-economic challenges like ignorance, illiteracy, poverty and
untouchablity before Gandhiji to achieve unity among the people. He wanted to eradicate these votive egoistic self-
centered demonic people at the time of freedom struggle by sacrificing everything even his flesh and blood. Flesh
and blood is the rich and fertile manure for the growth of Liberty.

Gandhiji had sacrificed everything his personal possessions, wishes, joys, happiness and every possible good
moment for the sake of united India. He shed his tears, blood to satisfy the dirty monstrous selfish dividers of the
nation. Probably Gandhiji’s aims and ambitions for harmonious nation were supposed to be unwanted. Finally,
Gandhiji fell to the bullets of a haughty fanatic and his body is laid to rest as a martyr, honouring him as Mahatma
(the Great Soul) of the nation. Nobody was in a position to understand his great motivation to build a mighty nation.
“O’ Lord of the universe
Save them”

The last two lines of the poem reveal the magnanimity of the Mahatma who seems to say, as Jesus Christ actually
about his tormentors, “Forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”

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