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SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor

Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

1 Safe System of Work (e.g. PTW, Aware of the Working knowledge Able to Experience in Experience in
PPE program, Working on Roofs) different types of of the typical understand and developing various reviewing / defining
systems of work portfolio of systems monitor the more types of systems various types of
The ability to operate and develop / that are typically of work that are put critical elements of of work needed for systems of work
improve systems and procedures for put in place and in place at a typical workplace an operating unit. needed for an
the safe control of work in the their purpose. operating plant unit. systems of work. operating unit and
workplace involving different groups of Able to overseeing their
workers. Trained to follow Some experience Able to recognize competently audit implementation.
some systems of of using / managing where and how systems of work,
The ability to recognize the safety work and some systems of work in systems need to focusing on the Experience in
critical elements of workplace activities exposure to them an operating be improved. key system recognizing gaps in
and devise systems and procedures in operation. workplace requirements and systems of work
for their adequate control. environment. Able to conduct principles. arrangements and
compliance recommend
auditing of improvements to
systems of work. ensure proper
interface and
integration of the

2 Legal/Regulatory Requirements Aware of the Understand the Able to advise the Able to advise Participate or
(e.g. OSHA, FMA, AELA, etc.) safety related requirements of management of a management on contribute in the
legal and safety related OPU on new and the impact and development of
The ability to understand and regulatory legal/regulatory existing safety solutions to standards, good
recognize the requirements and requirements requirements at the related ensure full practice guidance
impacts of new or existing safety applicable at the place of works and legal/regulatory compliance to new and codes of
related acts, regulations, code of workplace. impact to the requirements to or existing safety practice at
practice etc. to the place of works and business. ensure full related industry/national
business operations. Received some compliance. legal/regulatory level.


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SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
awareness Able to deal with requirements in
The ability to carry out assessment to training on safety regulatory Able to assess the Malaysia to Experience in
ensure full compliance to safety related authorities on legal compliance status minimize potential networking with
related acts, regulations, code of legal/regulatory compliance issues. on safety related litigation to protect personnel in other
practice etc at place of works. requirements that legal/regulatory the reputation of countries where
are applicable to requirements at Company. Petronas operates
the workplace. place of work. over local legal
elsewhere. Able to
establish and lead
an international
network across
Petronas in
promoting a
approach to local
legal compliance.

Able to advise
management on
the impact and
solutions to ensure
full compliance to
new or existing
safety related
requirements in
Malaysia and
Operations to
minimize potential


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
litigation to protect
the reputation of

3 Activity / Task Risk Assessment Aware of the Able to explain the Able to carry out Experience in Experience in
importance of difference between more complex training others to devising novel
The ability to define and undertake activity / task risk hazard and risk. assessments carry out activity / approaches for the
assessment programmes / studies in assessment as a where, for task risk most time and
the most effective manner utilising means of Trained (e.g. in example, a multi- assessments. resource effective
relevant tools and techniques. clarifying relevant HEMP) and able to disciplined assessment of the
control / carry out assessment team Experience in risks associated
The ability to utilise activity / task risk preventive / assessments of may be overseeing and with tasks /
assessments as an important means protective / tasks / activities necessary. managing activity / activities, e.g. initial
of continuously improving safety emergency which are relatively task risk screening of the
management arrangements. measures. straight forward in Able to recognize assessment highest risk
nature and do not where generic arrangements as activities for more
Some entail consideration approaches can an integral part of in—depth
involvement in of complex be applied and safety assessment.
actual interactions. guide others management
assessments accordingly. improvement. This
sufficient to Able to articulate is with particular
understand the relevant control / regard to initiate
process followed. preventive / periodic reviews
protective / especially
emergency following
measures along accidents,
with appropriate incidents and
recommendations other learning
for improvement. events.


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

4 Incident Investigation Aware of the Trained (e.g. in Able to carry out Experience in Experience in
importance of TRIPOD) and able or facilitate the analyzing accident leading the most
The ability to conduct rigorous and accident and to carry out or carrying out of and incident serious (e.g. fatal)
effective investigations commensurate incident facilitate the more formal statistics to accident enquiries
with the “seriousness” / severity of the investigation as a carrying out of investigations identify the nature where the need for
accident / incident and the potential for means of investigations into where the issues of both their types a formal, rigorous
learning. identifying how to less serious are more complex and causes. This and structured
prevent accidents / and a multi- is with particular approach is
The ability to utilise accident / incident recurrence. incidents where the disciplined regard to initiating essential (esp. for
investigation as an important means of circumstances are investigation team reviews of relevant gathering
continuously improving safety Some not complex and may be risk assessments evidence).
management arrangements. involvement in the extraction of necessary. and building Experience in
actual learning is relatively relevant learning managing any
investigations straight forward. Able to articulate into broader HSE external interests /
sufficient to underlying and improvement involvement (e.g.
understand the Able to articulate contributing root plans. police and
process followed. the real root causes causes from the regulator) and
and obtain immediate causes Able to apply ensuring that the
agreement on the and use root various incident reported findings
learning and the cause analysis investigation tools can be presented in
recommendations where necessary e.g. tripod beta, a form that is
to prevent to bring out a fault tree, what-if, suitable for them.
recurrence. rigorous and clear fishbone analysis,
understanding. tap root.

Able to identify
instances where
there is learning of


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
beyond that
relating to the
prevention of the
accident / incident

5 Compliance Auditing Aware of the Trained in how to Experience in Experience of Experience of

function and carry out conducting com- leading more either devising and
The ability to carry out compliance purpose of compliance audits. pliance audits and complex implementing
auditing and use it to sustain and compliance agreeing compliance audits compliance audit
continuously improve operating audits as an Experience of improvement where expert programmes for an
compliance with safety management integral part of being involved in actions with knowledge needs operating plant or
procedures and working instructions. good safety some, either as an auditees / to be provided by alternatively
management auditor or auditee. managers. others within a reviewing the
The ability to devise and implement arrangements. multi-disciplinary frequency and the
compliance auditing programmes that Able to describe audit team. scope / content of
form an integral part of a structured Knowledge of some examples of established audit
management system framework that typical compliance programmes.
meets the requirements of ISO 9000 compliance improvement
and OHSAS18001. audits arising from own Able to describe
undertaken in audits. some examples of
own area. how an audit
programme has
been either
determined or else
improved based on
previous audit
findings and


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

6 Safety Critical Equipment Awareness of the Has broad Has working Fully understand Fully understand all
various types of knowledge of knowledge of the key interfaces aspects of safety
The ability to understand the safety critical safety critical Process between Process critical system and
importance of the identification of equipment in safe equipment in safe Safeguarding Control System equipment.
safety critical equipment and its execution of execution of work. System, and all and the
subsequent management and work. safety critical associated Able to advise on
protection. This is especially with Has broad components Process the arrangement to
regard to maintenance, inspection Awareness on knowledge of thereof. Safeguarding maintain and
and testing requirements to assure the various types Process System. ensure integrity of
reliability, availability and fitness for of safety critical Safeguarding Is knowledgeable safety critical
purpose. equipment in System, and its in understanding Fully understand equipment.
process plant critical component the sequential the interfaces
Safety Critical Equipment includes: operations. (both detection and effects of failure of between Process Able to set the
 PPE execution function). safety critical Safeguarding standard for risk
 Liferaft and TEMPSC Aware of the equipment. System and Fire assessments and
 Fire Water System, Sprinkler, importance of Has broad Protection drive
Deluge, Fire Monitor, Fire safety critical knowledge of Has knowledge of System. improvements,
Extinguisher equipment interface between the critical especially with
 Fire and Gas Detection (including aspect Process Control isolations, testing, Fully understand regard to setting
System of design and System, and the inspection and the differences tolerable risk levels.
 ELCB operational associated maintenance between
 HVAC System integrity) as a key safeguarding and requirements that instrumented and Able to lead
 Process Safeguarding aspect of power generation relate to safety mechanical HAZID/HAZOP
System (trips and interlock assuring safe system; and the critical equipment. protection system. assessments.
system, SDV, BDV, PSV, etc) execution of consequences of Experience in
 Process Relief System work/safe failure. Able to participate working with
(blowdown, vent, flare, etc) operations of Has an in HAZID/HAZOP relevant testing,
process plant. understanding of of process plant inspection and
typical testing and operations. maintenance
maintenance organizations to


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
programmes for define appropriate
some items of arrangements for
safety critical integrity
equipment. assurance.

Is able to
contribute fully in

7 Management of Change Aware of typical Broad Sound Based on a clear Able to define,
examples of understanding of understanding of understanding of oversee and
The ability to judge what constitutes a modifications and what constitutes a what constitutes the principles, able identify areas for
modification or change that needs to changes that are modification or an adequate to recognize even improvement in
be subjected to a formal control subjected to change, needing to assessment of a the more obscure change control
procedure. formal control seek advice / modification / modifications / procedure for an
procedures. guidance only in change. changes that operating unit.
The ability to exercise judgement over more obscure should be
what constitutes an adequate Some experience circumstances. Able to advise subjected to a Able to advise
assessment of the modification or of using sponsors on formal control Management in
change. modification / Able to differentiate appropriate control procedure and authorising and
change control different types of measures that prompt others to approving the most
The ability to ensure that all the procedures, changes should be do so. complex of
critical elements of the control probably in a (hardware, systems implemented for modifications /
procedure are adequately technical / / procedures and more simple Able to guide changes.
implemented. operations people / modifications / sponsors in and
support capacity. organizational changes that lead the
changes) and involve only one assessment and
determine safety technical implementation of
implications. discipline. the more complex


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
modifications /
Able to initiate the changes, usually
modification / multi-discipline in
change control nature.
procedure and
either take it Able to audit on
through to compliance to
completion, MOC system.
obtaining relevant
technical help and
support where
needed or else
guide others in
carrying out the

8 Management of Contractors & Awareness of Within a particular Able to set and Experience in Advising OPU’s /
Suppliers how the company area of contracted review standards advising on and the company
can be vulnerable operations for contractor establishing strategically on the
The ability to set standards for and to poor safety pertinent to an selection and processes for the safety issues
guide management in the selection practices by OPU (e.g. monitoring in at determination of relating to
and monitoring of all contractors and contractors both construction, least one area of relevant standards contractors and
suppliers with regard to safety up and down the maintenance work contracted and safe practices suppliers,
concerns that would be pertinent to supply chain. or equipment operations that is that are critical for especially with
preventing work activity related injury purchasing) is able well established. a new area of regard to the
/ harm. Understands how to understand the contracted greatest areas of
contractor safety critical Able to set up and operations being business
practices can aspects of oversee established. vulnerability.
impact both contractor selection arrangements for
directly and and performance benchmarking Able to carry out Guiding OPU’s /


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
indirectly on the for work activity different audit on contractor the company on
safety of the related injury / contractors in a safety important aspects
company’s own harm. particular area of management of safety risks in
operations and contracted system. considering
vice versa. Able to support operations as well contracted services
management in the as any learning / suppliers,
Some exposure contractor selection from accidents / sufficient for the
to contractor and process in the incidents and use OPU / company to
supplier same particular this as a means of be able to
management area of contracted promoting better determine either if
arrangements. operations to practices. or how the risks
ensure that the can be safely
selection criteria managed.
are met. Also able e.g. Producer of
to audit the same internal company
contractor for guidance.
compliance with
relevant safety Able to identify and
critical practices implement areas
and advise on for improvement in
improvements. managing
contractor HSE

9 Emergency Planning & Response Aware of Able to document Able to develop Able to oversee Able to liaise with
emergency plans emergency plans pre-incident and manage relevant external
and associated and procedures plan/emergency emergency services and
The ability to establish adequate and procedures and based on an response plan and planning Regulatory Bodies
fully comprehensive arrangements for how they understanding of relate the plans to arrangements as at a Senior /
handling all emergencies. comprise an what / who the all foreseeable an integral part of Strategic level to
essential element emergency can accident / incident safety ensure the most


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
of safety affect and how as scenarios, management effective and
The ability to manage links with management well as the especially those improvement. This efficient response
relevant Regulatory and Emergency arrangements in organisational arising from is with particular to emergencies.
Services that are essential for an ensuring that, as structure in place process hazard regard to initiating
effective and efficient response to all far as practically for responding to analyses and task periodic reviews Able to determine
emergencies. possible, the emergencies and / activity especially and advise on the
safety of people for dealing with assessments. following plant / organisational
both on and off external services. operational / arrangements that
site are Able to liaise with organisational are most effective
protected. Able to organise / relevant internal changes, periodic for dealing with /
coordinate and external hazard reviews managing both the
Some experience emergency emergency and accidents, emergencies on
of arranging exercises / training services at the incidents and site and the
emergency and review relevant operational level in other learning essential liaison
exercises, learning for order to enable events. with external
involving relevant procedural / them to provide an emergency
people / organisational appropriate Able to determine services and the
organisations on improvement. response to and advise on media.
and off site and emergencies. relevant
reviewing competencies
learning. needed for
handling / dealing
with emergencies.


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

10 Fire Detection and Control Aware of the Understanding of Able to define the In depth Knowledge of
Including the following items. different type of Fire detection type of fire knowledge of applicable
 Smoke detectors fire detection and principles and their detection & control basic systems. standards and
 Heat/rate of heat rise control systems application. system required Able to audit guidelines. Able to
detectors available. for specific system apply knowledge in
 UV/IR flame detectors applications. /installation. selection of fire
 Fusible detection elements detection and
 Manual alarm call points control systems
 Basic fire panels specification.
 Fire alarms and annunciators
Able to identify
potential pitfalls
and recommend
changes to

11 Chemical Management Aware of material Trained and able to Able to Able to advise Able to provide
/ chemical hazard use data sheets for understand and others on the expert advice and
The ability to understand the nature data sheets and chemical health risk interpret the hazardous support in advising
and scope of the safety information their purpose. assessments recommended properties of others on the
required for all chemicals / materials where the direct advice for safe chemical e.g. hazardous
used. Able to application of the handling, storage, reactivity, properties of
understand the data is sufficient. transportation and compatibility, chemical e.g.
The ability to interpret the safety technical terms disposal sufficient flammability etc. to reactivity,
information sufficiently to ensure that and information Understands where for the local ensure safe compatibility,
the associated hazards / risks can be provided on data and from whom to operating operation. flammability etc.
evaluated. This is so that all sheets. seek expert requirements. especially via
chemicals / materials can be safely interpretation of the external sources of
handled / processed, used, stored data and when it is Able to recognize information and in
and disposed of. needed. when the available circumstances data


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
data is inadequate from generically
and additional similar chemicals /
information is materials has to be
needed. used.

12 Human Factors Aware of how Trained in the Have experience Able to more Experienced in
human error and practical in considering rigorously analyse carrying human
The ability to recognize areas / risk-taking consideration of the human factors in human factors in factor assessments
instances where human factors can behaviour likelihood of risk- job / task design job/task design (for example in
influence safety and determine the features in most taking behaviour / and execution. and execution/ accordance with
means to assess them, especially causes of human error in circumstances in HS(G) 48).
where a detailed and in-depth accidents and activity / task areas where
approach is required based on a incidents and assessment. human factors are Has an established
selection of relevant specialist tools why it is safety critical. network of
and techniques. important to take Sufficient to be able Ideally professional
account of it in to recognize supplemented by contacts within
considering situation where more extensive regulators and
hazard potential. human factors operations industry sector
need to be experience in bodies and is able
Aware of factors considered on a dealing with to track the
relating to job / case basis. people and development of
task design and organisational- human factors
the organization related issues in thinking and
as well as the the safety of plant guidance and
individual that / process influence its
can affect and operations. development in an
contribute to the innovative manner
risk-taking that furthers /
behaviour. benefits the


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – BASE Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
Some exposure interests.
to people-related
issues in plant /


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – KEY Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

1 Production Operations Safety,

including Sub-Surface
Has a broad Has knowledge of Has detailed Fully understands Understands the
Understanding of the dynamics of understanding of process systems understanding of the concept of role of human error
onshore/offshore process methods oil/gas/water and isolation many process process in all process safety
and the control and containment of interfaces. procedures. operations and equipment activities.
same. their control. integrity and audit
Has a broad Understands the techniques. Understands
Understanding of the methods understanding of concepts and Is fully familiar methods for
deployed from a platform/rig/ basic inherent hazards with many aspects Is able to be a predicting and
FSU/FPSO operation. production/proce involved in of the fluid member of a reducing human
ss separation oil/gas/water management HAZOP/HAZID error. Able to lead
processes and separation. system. team. a HAZOP/HAZID.
management Has knowledge of Understands Fully understands
systems. process control and unique risks for chemical
management and example, high H2S treatment
Understands the how this impacts wells and heavy processes and
hazards of upon other sand deposits. their control.
containment and platform/rig activity.
non containment Understands vent
within a process Understands and flare systems
environment. emergency and hazardous
shutdown area
philosophy and classifications.
concurrent actions.


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – KEY Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

The ability to understand the unique Able to Understands the Has a wider Able to Would understand
hazards that sub-surface equipment understand arrangement/operat understanding of understand in fully a wide range
poses to the field/ platform and the broadly ion of SSSV’s and well control some detail of subsurface
control mechanisms. subsurface ESV’s and the systems. drilling/well activities and the
configurations. sequential impact operations/sub safety management
Understanding of the emergency to Has detailed surface interfaces of these activities.
shutdown philosophy and its Has broad production/drilling knowledge of well and the
subsequent impacts. understanding of activities. intervention safety associated control Would be sought
the primary procedures, in systems. out to contribute to
safety barriers. Understands the particular for wire the management of
hazards inherent in line and coiled Is able to fully such activities.
Has broad a range of well tubing operations. assess the
understanding of operations. sequential impacts
the Has a detailed to production and
drilling/subsurfac Understands the knowledge of process
e interfaces. impact of drilling emergency shut operations. Is able
operations in down systems. to produce
relation to well detailed risk
intervention. assessments and
control strategies
for well
operations, for
example primary
and secondary
control functions.


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – KEY Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

2 Geophysical Operations Safety Has a broad Has an Has a detailed Understands all Is sought out to
understanding of understanding of understanding of aspects of seismic plan and implement
Understanding of the different both onshore and the hazards most aspects of activities and the a seismic strategy
processes and inherent hazards with offshore seismic involved for onshore seismic impact/control of and associated
regard to both onshore and offshore activities. example, the use activities. the workforce. safety management
operations. and storage of systems.
Has broad flammable Understands the Is fully aware of
understanding of substances and the environmental environmental Is able to plan and
‘back of boat’ use and storage of challenges and impacts and is implement
offshore explosives. the impact on able to offer communications
operations and indigenous solutions to and evacuation
their subsequent communities. mitigate effects. procedures to
impact on field ensure the safety of
operations. Is able to seismic crews.
contribute to the
Is aware of planning and
environmental organization
impacts of both across a wide
onshore and range of activities.
offshore seismic


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – KEY Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

3 Drilling Safety Able to Understands Would have a Would be fully Would have a full
understand the specific hazards more detailed familiar with a understanding of all
Understanding of drilling technology primary hazards relating to drilling knowledge of a wide range of well control
and the inherent hazards both surface involved in drilling and work-over wider range of drilling activities systems.
and sub surface. operations. operations. activities including including
wire lining, perforating and Would understand
Understanding of the different well Is able to Has some workover and running casing. the wide range of
strategies and control methods. recognize derrick knowledge of trees coiled tubing drilling practices
and rig floor and control operations. Would understand and techniques.
hazards. systems. a range of well
Would be familiar logging activities
Has a broad Has some with emergency and the
understanding of knowledge of blow shutdown associated
the role of drilling out prevention protocols.. hazards.
and completion systems and their
fluids and management. For Able to Would understand
associated example, the understand drilling problems
chemical control of “well relationships and hazards for
substances. kicks”, the between drilling example, their
incidence of operations and causes, indicators,
Has a broad formation gas and well operations. implications,
understanding of other reservoir prevention and
rig shutdown related hazards. control.
processes and
associated Would understand
controls. fluid routing
systems and the
Is aware of the associated
hazards of pipe hazards.


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – KEY Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
systems. Would understand
the hazards
associated with rig
floor and wellhead

4 Process Safety Management Aware of the Understanding of Able to describe Able to facilitate Able to advise on
elements of a the link between the key the the implementation
The ability to define and implement a process safety process safety component of implementation of of elements of
process safety management system management management and process safety elements of process safety
that effectively matches legal, local, system and their HSE MS. elements. process safety management
OPU and PETRONAS’s operational purpose for management system.
requirements whilst ensuring that all enabling all Able to understand Able to recognize system.
aspects of the operations can be operational how site how these can be
safely undertaken and continuously activities to be procedures set out improved via Able to
improved. safely managed the means by learning from competently audit
and continuously which each area of periodic reviews of the process safety
The ability to audit and monitor the improved. operation meets process hazards, management
effectiveness of the management the respective audits, accidents system.
system and ensure it remains fit for requirements of and incidents.
purpose (i.e. relevant and covering process safety
the whole operations, enabling safe management. Able to audit
control and delivering continuous compliance of
improvement). Aware of the key local
elements of OSHA arrangements
29 CFR 1910.119 against their
for high hazard respective
plants / EC Seveso procedures.
II Directive for


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – KEY Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert
Major Hazard

5 Behavioural Safety Aware of the Understand various Able to facilitate Able to advise on Able to benchmark
importance of behavioural safety the the behavioural safety
The ability to develop behavioural workgroup / improvement implementation of implementation of programmes
safety improvement programmes and workplace techniques/tools behavioural safety behavioural safety across different
advise / guide management in their behaviour as an such as safety programme in programme in OPUs /organization
effective implementation for reducing effective means observation, step OPUs. OPUs. and use this to
workplace injuries and incidents. of avoiding back 5x5, SPSA, promote learning
accidents. UAUC etc. Able to analyse Able to audit on across the
The ability to track and influence the safety behavioural safety company.
developments / advancements/best Aware of some of Able to identify the observation data programme and
practices in behavioural safety the techniques safe/unsafe and propose propose areas of Able to track the
programme in OPUs. for promoting behaviour and able intervention plan. improvement. development of
improved to engage into behavioural safety
workgroup / positive interaction and advise
workplace with others. Management on its
behaviour based potential
on heightened application.
safety awareness
via workplace /
auditing /

Aware of many of
the symptoms of
unsafe conditions
and unsafe acts.


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SKG 18 – PACING Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

1 Inherent Safety Aware of the Understand the Able to lead / Able to train and Able to track and
concepts of application of undertake inherent coach others in advise
The ability to establish and implement inherent safety, inherent safety safety studies. the application of Management on
structured processes for considering i.e. eliminate / concepts and able inherent safety the development
inherent safety in substitute / to recognize ways Able to advise on concepts to and potential
design/project/process review. attenuate / in which inherently the application of designs. application of
separate, and safer designs can inherent safety in inherent safety
The ability to recognize opportunities aware also of be implemented. design, project thinking/concept.
for inherently safer designs and some examples and process
motivate/influence for their adoption / of each. Understands how review.
implementation. the scope for
Able to recognize applying inherent Understanding of
how one design safety concepts the application of
proposal may be reduces as the a structured
inherently safer design progresses. approach to
than another. considering
inherent safety at
different stages of
the design
process as


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – PACING Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

2 Managing Major Hazards Aware of the Understand the Advise Able to facilitate Able to interpret the
various risk various risk Management on risk assessment qualitative/quantitat
The ability to identify and assess risk assessment assessment the requirements exercise such as ive risk assessment
and ensure adequate preventive and methodologies methodologies and of CIMAH HAZOP, HAZID, and consequence
recovery measures are implemented and hazard hazard specific Regulations 1996. LOPA, FMEA, etc. modelling results
to manage major hazards. specific analysis. analysis. and advise
Able to participate Able to carry out Management on
Understand and able to interpret the Aware of the Understand the in risk assessment qualitative risk intervention plan.
intent of local regulatory requirements requirements of requirements of such as HAZOP, assessment and
e.g. CIMAH Regulations 1996. CIMAH CIMAH Regulations HAZID, LOPA, consequence
Regulations 1996. FMEA, etc. modelling to
Assistance to operations 1996. assess the impact
management in implementing local Able to review the of major hazards.
regulatory requirements as well as safety report /
ensuring that management HSE Case and Able to apply risk
arrangements are adequate. ensure its assessment
adequacy and approach in
fitness for equipment
purpose. criticality ranking.


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recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
SKG 18 – EMERGING Technology Competency Matrix / Descriptor
Discipline – Safety
Sub-discipline – E&P Safety
Awareness Knowledge Skill Advanced Expert

1 Deepwater Operations Safety

Has a broad Has an Detailed Fully familiar with Full understanding
Understanding of exploitation of understanding of understanding of understanding of the different risk of the key risk
deepwater offshore reserves and the deepwater the use of floating the extensive use profile associated associated with
extensive use of floating systems operations - systems such as of floating systems with floating deepwater
such as FPSOs, production barges deepwater drilling FPSO, Tension Leg in deepwater production operations.
and column structures, and their and deepwater Platform, Spar, operations. systems,
related mooring and riser systems. production Semi-Submersible, especially in Full understanding
system. Etc; and their Has detailed deepwater of where these
Understanding that whilst there are related mooring understanding of developments. risks can be
many similarities in the risks to which Has broad and the key risks, both primarily addressed
personnel and equipment are understanding of risers/completion to personnel and Fully familiar with through improved
exposed, there are some significant the use of floating system. equipment, the marine-related operational
differences in the risk profile systems such as associated with risks, for the procedures and
associated with deepwater FPSO, Tension Has an deepwater drilling various floating those risks which
developments. Leg Platform, understanding of and production system, require further
Spar, Semi- the key risks, both operations. throughout the life- technological
Submersible, Etc; to personnel and cycle of the development.
Floating System (FPSO, Tension Leg and their related equipment, installation, and
Platform, Spar, Semi-Submersible) mooring and associated with the options for Full understanding
risers/completion deepwater drilling mitigating these of the challenges
Completion System (Dry Tree System system. and production risks. posed by the
– Direct Vertical Access, Wet Tree operations. various floating
System – Non-Direct Vertical Access) system.


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