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Description of error Account(s) affected Effect on Financial Assertion(s)

Statement Compromised
Ex The sales of Red Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Completeness
1 Supermarket with sales Receivable upon Sales. Sold, Gross Profit, Net
order number XXX was not And Cash and Accounts Income and Accounts
recorded in the general Receivable upon Cash Receivable are
ledger. Collection understated.
Ex The sales of Blue Sales and Office Sales, Gross Profit, and Classification
2 Supermarket on December Supplies Expense Office Supplies expense
5th with sales order number are understated.
YYY was recorded in the
Office Supplies account by
1 North The sales of North Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Occurrence
Supermarket Supermarket on December Receivable Sold, Gross Profit, Net
20 with sales order number Income and Accounts
201512947 that recorded in Receivable are
General ledger did not overstated.
really exist.
2 East The sales of East Sales and Payroll-Salary Sales, Gross Profit and Classification
Supermarket Supermarket with sales and Wages Payroll-Salary and
order number 201512917 Wages account are
was not recorded in the understated.
Sales accounts instead it
was recorded in the Payroll-
Salary and Wages account
by mistake.
3 East The sales of East Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Accuracy
Supermarket Supermarket with sales Receivable upon Sales Sold, Gross Profit, Net
order number 201512917 Income and Accounts
with item no. 7009 was Receivable are
inputted wrong unit price. understated.
4 East The sales of East Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Cut-off
Supermarket Supermarket with sales Receivable upon Sales; Sold, Gross Profit, Net
order number 201601963 and Cash and Accounts Income and Accounts
was erroneously recorded Receivable upon Cash Receivable are
at Dec. 2015 general ledger. Collection. overstated.
The sales is actually for
January 2016.
5 Big The sales of Big Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Cut-off
Supermarket Supermarket on December Receivable upon Sales Sold, Gross Profit, Net
26 with sales order number Income and Accounts
201601951 was actually Receivable are
sales on January 2016 but overstated.
recorded in December 2015
general ledger.
6 Near The sales of Near Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Completeness
Supermarket Supermarket with sales Receivable upon Sales. Sold, Gross Profit, Net
order number 201512937 And Cash and Accounts Income and Accounts
was not recorded in the Receivable upon Cash Receivable are
general ledger. Collection understated.
7 Far The sales of Far Sales and Rent expense Sales, Gross profit, Rent Classification
Supermarket Supermarket with sales expense are
order number 201512940 understated.
was recorded in the Rent
Expense account by
8 Blue The sales of Blue Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Occurrence
Supermarket Supermarket with sales Receivable Sold, Gross Profit, Net
order number 201512950 Income and Accounts
did not really exist. Receivable are
9 Red The sales of Red Sales and Accounts Sales, Cost of Goods Completeness
Supermarket Supermarket with sales Receivable upon Sales. Sold, Gross Profit, Net
order number 201512949 And Cash and Accounts Income and Accounts
was not recorded in the Receivable upon Cash Receivable are
general ledger. Collection understated.

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