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Key Idea Facts
Everyone is Different Happy, Engaged Employees
Putting yourself in your audience's shoes is the first Design thinking isn't just useful, it's fun. It
and most important step to design thinking. To encourages people to be creative, speak their minds,
effectively reach your end goal, you must know the and try out new things. All ideas are welcomed and
audience as a whole. You need to be aware of their nothing is immediately shot down as impossible or
needs, wants, hopes, challenges and perspectives. impractical.
This process requires solid research as well as
empathy, but it ultimately provides you with the Thinking Outside of the Box
awareness needed to meet your audience's unique It’s so common for businesses to stop trying to
needs. create and innovate and just go with the tried and
true method.
Clearly Define the Problem Here's the thing that's not always the best way
Think about where and how a client's product or forward. In the idea stage of design thinking,
service can fit into the customer's life and solve a everyone is encouraged to think outside of the box.
need. Focusing on this at the beginning sets a strong Putting forward an idea that might seem
foundation for the rest of the process. completely unrelated at first might actually become
the solution no one could see before.
Learn From Your Mistakes It's during this stage that teams often have
One of the main challenges of design thinking is their 'aha!' moment.
that the pathway to the goal is so undefined.
Endless Opportunity for Innovation
Have Fun With It Creating things we didn't know we needed is one
A finished product is much more rewarding when of the pillars of design thinking. It encourages
you enjoy it along the way. Having fun with a project people to think about what's possible instead of
will make you happier at work and therefore produce just adding basic improvements to what we
better results. When you allow your creative juices to already have. This offers endless opportunity for
flow it inspires great ideas. innovation in any field, from teaching to

Better Products
Design thinking incorporates user feedback from the
very beginning. By asking team members to
empathize with who they're designing for, they're
encouraged to go out and gather feedback before
even beginning the brainstorming stage. A simple
change leads to better products and faster
turnaround time.

A Competitive Advantage
Design thinking gives you an advantage in almost
every arena possible.
Helps in tackling creative challenges: Design thinking gives you an opportunity to take a look at problems
from a completely different perspective. The process of design thinking allows you to look at an existing
issue in a company using creativity.

Expand your knowledge with design thinking: The design process goes through multiple evaluations. The
process does not stop even after the deliverable is complete.

Helps in effectively meeting client requirements: As design thinking involves prototyping, all the products
at the MVP stage will go through multiple rounds of testing and customer feedback for assured quality.

Design Thinking eliminates the risk of ultimate failure by encouraging failure. Sound counter-
intuitive? The truth is, we learn far more from failure than we could ever learn without it.

What confuses me
A common argument against design thinking is that it dilutes design into a structured, linear, and
clean process. Critics argue that real design is messy, complex, and nonlinear, it isn't derived from a
stack of Post-It notes and a few brainstorming sessions.

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