Fema - 2020 Nehrp Provisions - Part 3

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NEHRP Recommended

Seismic Provisions for

New Buildings and Other
Volume II: Part 3 Resource Papers
FEMA P-2082-2/ September 2020
2020 NEHRP Provisions

Veterans Administration Puget Sound Mental Health and Research Building located in Seattle,
Washington and opened in 2019. The six-story buckling restrained steel braced frame was designed as a
Risk Category IV structure.
Credit: © Benjamin Benschneider. Used with permission.

NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program)

Seismic Provisions
for New Buildings and Other Structures (FEMA P-2082-2)

2020 Edition

Volume II: Part 3 Resource Papers

Prepared for the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
By the Building Seismic Safety Council of the
National Institute of Building Sciences


A council of the National Institute of Building Sciences
Washington, D.C.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

NOTICE: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, neither FEMA
nor any of its employees make any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assume any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process included
in this publication.

The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) brings together members

of the building industry, labor and consumer interests, government
representatives, and regulatory agencies to identify and resolve problems and
potential problems around the construction of housing and commercial
buildings. NIBS is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization established by
Congress in 1974.
The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) was established in 1979 under
the auspices of NIBS as a forum-based mechanism for dealing with the
complex regulatory, technical, social, and economic issues involved in
developing and promulgating building earthquake hazard mitigation
regulatory provisions that are national in scope. By bringing together in the
BSSC all of the needed expertise and all relevant public and private interests,
it was believed that issues related to the seismic safety of the built environment
could be resolved and jurisdictional problems overcome through authoritative
guidance and assistance backed by a broad consensus.
The BSSC is an independent, voluntary membership body representing a wide
variety of building community interests. Its fundamental purpose is to enhance
public safety by providing a national forum that fosters improved seismic
safety provisions for use by the building community in the planning, design,
construction, regulation, and utilization of buildings.
This report was prepared under Contract HSFE60-15-D-0022 between the
Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Institute of
Building Sciences.
For further information on Building Seismic Safety Council activities and
products, see the Council’s website (https://www.nibs.org/page/bssc) or
contact the Building Seismic Safety Council, National Institute of Building
Sciences, 1090 Vermont, Avenue, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005;
phone 202-289-7800; fax 202-289-1092; e-mail [email protected].
This FEMA resource document can be obtained from the FEMA Publications
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downloaded in pdf form from the BSSC website at
The National Institute of Building Sciences and its Building Seismic Safety
Council caution users of this Provisions document to be alert to patent and
copyright concerns especially when applying prescriptive requirements.

2020 NEHRP Provisions




This part of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions consists of a series of Part 3 resource papers. They introduce new
concepts and procedures for trial use by the design community, researchers, and standards-development
and code-development organizations. They also represent Issue Team efforts on substantive proposals for
topics that require further consideration by the seismic design community and additional research before
being considered for Parts 1 and 2 provisions. In some cases, the resource papers provide additional
information and background for the recommended changes and commentary in Parts 1 and 2. Like Parts 1
and 2 of the provisions, these resource papers have been approved for inclusion in this volume by both the
2020 Provisions Update Committee and the BSSC member organizations. These resource papers are self-
contained and not written in standards language format. Feedback from these users is encouraged.

RP1-1 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................... 1
RP1-2 BACKGROUND AND CURRENT FEDERAL POLICY ............................................................. 1
RP1-3 KEY CONCEPTS .......................................................................................................................... 2
RP1-3.1 Resilience ....................................................................................................................... 2
RP1-3.2 Functional Recovery ....................................................................................................... 3
RP1-3.3 The role of codes and standards ...................................................................................... 4
RP1-3.4 The code-and-standard model ......................................................................................... 7
RP1-4.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 8
RP1-4.2 Demand ........................................................................................................................... 8
RP1-4.3 Capacity and Acceptability ............................................................................................ 9
RP1-5 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 12
RP1-6 APPENDIX: DEFINITIONS OF RESILIENCE .......................................................................... 14


CAPS .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
RP2-1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 16
RP2-2 DETERMINISTIC CAPS ............................................................................................................ 18
RP2-2.1 Application .................................................................................................................... 18
RP2-2.2 Argument in Favor of Deterministic Caps and Reasons for their Persistence ............... 19
RP2-2.3 Issues with Use of Deterministic Caps .......................................................................... 20
RP2-2.4 Impact of Applying Deterministic Caps ........................................................................ 21
RP2-3 ALTERNATIVE 1: MODIFIED UNIFORM RISK ..................................................................... 23
RP2-3.1 Earthquake Recurrence for Central and Eastern North America Sources ..................... 24
RP2-3.2 Suggested Framework for Developing Uniform National Risk Targets ....................... 26
RP2-3.3 Recommended Risk Target ........................................................................................... 26
RP2-4 ALTERNATIVE 2: SPECIFIED LEVELS OF NON-UNIFORM RISK .................................... 31
RP2-5 CONCLUSIONS AND PATH FORWARD ............................................................................... 32
RP2-6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 33


MASONRY, STRUCTURAL STEEL, COLD-FORMED STEEL AND WOOD ........................................... 35
PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................. 35
RP3-1.0 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 36
RP3-1.1 Seismic Force-Resisting Structural Systems ..................................................................... 36
RP3-1.2 Mechanics of Shear Walls ............................................................................................. 38
RP3-1.3 Design of Concrete Shear Walls ................................................................................... 38
RP3-1.4 Design of Masonry Shear Walls .................................................................................... 51
RP3-1.5 Design of Steel Plate Shear Walls ................................................................................. 54
RP3-1.6 Design of Composite Steel Plate Shear Walls ............................................................... 59
RP3-1.7 Cold-Formed Steel Shear Walls – Cardin ..................................................................... 65
RP3-1.8 Design of Wood Shear Walls – Cobeen/Line................................................................ 72

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP3-2 COUPLED SHEAR WALLS ...................................................................................................... 81

RP3-2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 81
RP3-2.1 Types of Coupling Beams ............................................................................................. 83
RP3-2.2 References ..................................................................................................................... 97
RP3-3 CONCRETE SHEAR WALLS .................................................................................................... 99
RP3-3.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 99
RP3-3.1 Wall Configurations ...................................................................................................... 99
RP3-3.2 Core wall configuration and seismic performance ...................................................... 101
RP3-3.3 Classification of RC shear walls ................................................................................. 104
RP3-3.4 Non-prestressed ........................................................................................................... 107
RP3-3.5 Wall Buildings with Irregularities ............................................................................... 112
RP3-3.6 Coupled Walls and Coupling Beams........................................................................... 121
RP3-3.7 Deformation and Force Demands in Slender Shear Wall Buildings ........................... 122
RP3-3.8 Shear Design of Shear Walls ....................................................................................... 123
RP3-3.9 Ductile Coupled Shear Walls FEMA P-695 Study ..................................................... 128
RP3-3.10 References ................................................................................................................... 131
RP3-4 MASONRY SHEAR WALLS – BENNETT ............................................................................. 133
RP3-4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 133
RP3-4.1 Partially grouted shear walls ....................................................................................... 133
RP3-4.2 Coupled masonry shear walls ...................................................................................... 139
RP3-4.3 References ................................................................................................................... 144
RP3-5 STEEL PLATE SHEAR WALLS .............................................................................................. 147
RP3-5.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 147
RP3-5.1 Special Steel Plate Shear Walls ................................................................................... 147
RP3-5.2 Special Coupled Steel Plate Shear Walls .................................................................... 147
RP3-5.3 References ................................................................................................................... 147
RP3-6 WOOD LIGHT-FRAME SHEAR WALLS ............................................................................... 150
RP3-6.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 150
RP3-6.1 Methods of Calculating Shear Wall Deflections - US versus Canadian Provisions .... 150
RP3-6.2 FEMA P-1100 Incorporation of Capacity Based Load Path Connections into
Seismic Retrofit Design .............................................................................................. 152
RP3-6.3 References ................................................................................................................... 153
RP3-APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................. 155
RP3-APPENDIX B .................................................................................................................................. 166

RESOURCE PAPER 4 SEISMIC LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ....................................................... 170

RP4-1 INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT......................................................................................... 170
RP4-2 CAUSES OF SEISMIC EARTH PRESSURES ......................................................................... 170
RP4-3 CONCEPTUAL FLAW IN CLASSICAL METHODS .............................................................. 171
RP4-4 ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC EARTH PRESSURES .................................................................... 172
RP4-4.1 Kinematic Seismic Earth Pressures ............................................................................. 172
RP4-4.2 Inertial Seismic Earth Pressures .................................................................................. 179
RP4-4.3 Limiting Earth Pressures Based on Soil Shear Failure ................................................ 180
RP4-5 VALIDATION .......................................................................................................................... 180
RP4-6 EXAMPLE PROBLEM ............................................................................................................. 186
RP4-7 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................... 189
RP4-8 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 191

AND NEEDED STUDIES .......................................................................................................................... 193
RP5-1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 193
RP5-2 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 193
RP5-3 CURRENT SEISMIC DESIGN PROVISIONS ......................................................................... 195
RP5-5 RECOMMENDED FURTHER STEPS ..................................................................................... 197
RP5-6 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 198


COMPOSITE CONCRETE ON METAL DECK DIAPHRAGMS .............................................................. 220
RP6-1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 220
RP6-4 COLLAPSE SIMULATIONS AND FEMA P695 ..................................................................... 225
RP6-5 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................... 226
RP6-6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 226


FACTORS, RS ........................................................................................................................................... 228
RP7-1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 228
RP7-2 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 228
RP7-2.1 Objective of Rs Factor ................................................................................................. 229
RP7-2.2 Interaction between Rs and R....................................................................................... 229
RP7-3.1 Precast Concrete Diaphragms ......................................................................................... 231
RP7-3.2 Cast-in-Place Concrete Diaphragms ............................................................................... 231
RP7-3.3 Wood Structural Panel Diaphragms ................................................................................ 232
RP7-3.4 Bare Steel Deck Diaphragms and Concrete-on-Metal Deck Diaphragms ...................... 233
RP7-4.1 FEMA P-695 Methodology ............................................................................................ 235
RP7-4.2 Component Ductility Method ......................................................................................... 236
RP7-4.3 Demonstrating Equivalence to an Approved Rs .............................................................. 238
RP7-5 RECOMMENDED NEXT STEPS ............................................................................................ 239
RP7-6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 239


LOADING .................................................................................................................................................. 241
RP8-1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 241
RP8-2 WHEN DIAPHRAGM DEFLECTION IS OF CONCERN ....................................................... 242
DIAPHRAGM DEFLECTIONS ................................................................................................ 242
RP8-4 TRADITIONAL DIAPHRAGM DESIGN APPROACH (ASCE 7 §12.10.1) ........................... 243
RP8-5 ALTERNATIVE DIAPHRAGM DESIGN PROVISIONS (ASCE 7 §12.10.3) ........................ 244

2020 NEHRP Provisions


RP8-7 CALCULATED FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM CONDITION ...................................................... 245
RP8-8 INTERIM RECOMMENDATIONS AND FURTHER STEPS ................................................. 245
RP8-8.1 Force Level for Calculation of Diaphragm Deflection ................................................ 245
RP8-8.2 Amplification of Diaphragm Deflection ..................................................................... 245
RP8-8.3 Patterns of Diaphragm Deflection ............................................................................... 246
RP8.8-4 Further Steps ............................................................................................................... 246
RP8-9 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 246


RP9-1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 248
RP9-2 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 248
RP9-3 ANALYTICAL EFFORT .......................................................................................................... 248
RP9-4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................... 264
RP9-5 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 265

APPENDIX RESOURCE PAPER PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................. 266

Part 3, Resource Paper 1


This paper addresses the potential relationship between future NEHRP Provisions and resilience-based
earthquake design, especially in the context of definitions and priorities established in federal law by the
2018 NEHRP reauthorization. It extends concepts proposed in Resource Paper 1 in Part 3 of the 2015
Provisions. Federal policy now calls for increasing earthquake resilience at the community scale and
identifies building codes and standards as tools for doing so. Resilience relies on the timely recovery of the
built environment. Building codes and standards can therefore serve a resilience goal, at any scale, by
providing design criteria based on functional recovery time. The current code-and-standard model is
adaptable to resilience-based design, with the standard providing technical definitions and design criteria,
and the code setting policy goals. The NEHRP Provisions can support resilience-based design by providing
source material for a functional recovery standard. Specific design strategies and criteria would be required
for different functional recovery times, much in the same way that the current Provisions set specific criteria
for different seismic design categories. While many questions remain to be answered through research, the
current Provisions suggest a set of requirements that might be used in the short term.


Federal policy now calls for increasing earthquake resilience at the community scale and identifies
building codes and standards as tools for doing so.
Resilience, especially at the community scale, is broad and complex. The NEHRP Provisions,
historically, address the design of new buildings and building-like structures for earthquake loads. Because
community resilience also involves existing buildings, infrastructure, and multiple hazards, as well as
societal issues tangential to performance of the built environment, the Provisions’ contribution to resilience
will be limited. The purpose of this paper, given both the opportunities and the limits, is to consider what
role the Provisions might play as stakeholders embrace concepts of community resilience.
Since the last edition of the NEHRP Provisions, the topic of earthquake resilience has emerged as newly
compelling, if not entirely new. Since 2015, government agencies at all levels, non-governmental
organizations, academia, and industry stakeholders have all published on the need for resilience, how to
identify or measure it, and how it might be achieved. While there is no industry-wide consensus on the
details, some basic concepts are now accepted widely enough to be referenced in federal policy (Public
Law 115-307, 2018; Thune, 2018).
Of particular interest is community resilience, now defined in federal regulations by the 2018 NEHRP
reauthorization as “the ability of a community to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more
successfully adapt to adverse seismic events” (42 U.S.C. 7703). With the NEHRP reauthorization act,
increasing community resilience is now a stated purpose of the program (42 U.S.C. 7702).
In addition, the act charges NIST to conduct research “to improve community resilience through
building codes and standards” (42 U.S.C. 7704(b)(5)), linking the holistic concept of resilience with the
specific subject of the NEHRP Provisions.
The link between community resilience and building codes and standards is not new. In 2016, a
presidential Executive Order encouraged federal agencies to go “beyond [current] codes and standards,”
noting that “to achieve true resilience against earthquakes, ... new and existing buildings may need to exceed
[current] codes and standards to ensure ... that the buildings can continue to perform their essential functions
following future earthquakes” (Federal Register, 2016). The White House later extended the idea to
privately owned and locally regulated buildings with a conference “to highlight the critical role of building

2020 NEHRP Provisions

codes in furthering community resilience and the importance of incorporating resilience ... in the codes and
standards development process” (The White House, 2016).
More recently, discussion of community resilience and earthquake design has begun to focus on the
merits of codes and standards based on a building’s functional recovery, as discussed in the next section.


A functional recovery standard is necessary for resilience-based earthquake design. Resilience relies
on the timely recovery of the built environment. Building codes and standards can therefore serve a
resilience goal by providing design criteria based on functional recovery time. The current code-and-
standard model is adaptable to resilience-based design, with the standard providing technical
definitions and design criteria, and the code setting policy goals.
To understand the potential relationship between future NEHRP Provisions and resilience, it is useful
to review key terms and concepts.

RP1-3.1 Resilience
Though now ubiquitous, the term resilience is still not consistently used or defined. The definition of
community resilience given above is necessary, but it is not sufficient for purposes of building code or
standard development, as it does not relate clearly to the tasks of seismic evaluation or design of buildings.
That said, a review of proposed definitions of resilience from the last ten years (see the Appendix) reveals
four common themes that should inform any efforts to develop a resilience-based code or standard:
• Resilience is an attribute of human organizations, not of physical buildings or structures.
Earthquake resilience thus makes sense for any organization – a region, a neighborhood, a
campus, a corporation, an industry, a business, or even a household – that comprises more than
just its physical assets. As noted above, however, the organization of interest to NEHRP is the
community, which is consistent with the role of a building code as public policy. This
fundamental idea, that resilience is an attribute of organizations, conveys its holistic nature, but it
also implies limits to what a building code or standard can achieve in resilience terms; this is
further discussed below.
• Resilience is about the preservation and recovery of functionality, not just safety. In the context
of building codes and standards, this means that resilience-based design criteria must consider not
only structural and nonstructural components, but also certain building contents and even some
externalities normally ignored by a code or standard, such as the functionality of infrastructure
systems, the availability of repair contractors, or the performance of other facilities supporting
related functions. Further, the focus on functionality suggests that resilience-based design criteria
should vary with a facility’s specific use and occupancy.
• Resilience incorporates an element of time. Unlike earthquake safety, which is gauged by the
immediate and direct effects of structural response, and unlike design of emergency facilities
already expected to be immediately functional, resilience-based design might contemplate the
return of any lost functionality over hours, days, weeks, or even months. In resilience-based
design, the emphasis is on the timely return to normal conditions, not just the performance during
the emergency phase (which current codes already consider).
• Resilience implies an event from which the organization must recover. For earthquake resilience,
the event is obvious. Outside the NEHRP context, the event might be another natural hazard, a
natural event exacerbated by human activity (such as climate change), a socio-economic event
related to natural causes (such as a power outage), or an entirely human-caused event (such as
Given these four themes, community resilience, even as defined above, can be related to the timely
post-earthquake recovery of certain community functions that rely on the built environment, such as

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

housing, healthcare, commerce, culture, or government services. This understanding has been developed
by NIST in its Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems, or CRPG
(NIST, 2016).
As noted, however, the concept of resilience is applied to smaller organizations as well. The resilience
of a business, for example, relies on the timely recovery of its essential parts, which might include a
workforce, supply chain, customer base, facilities, and community services. To the extent that a business
relies on its physical facilities, its resilience is linked to the functional recovery of buildings – even if only
a single structure.

RP1-3.2 Functional Recovery

Though resilience is not an attribute of physical buildings, it is related to building performance as measured
by the time it takes to recover basic functionality. This, too, is now reflected in the 2018 NEHRP
reauthorization, which charges NIST and FEMA to convene a committee of experts to “assess and
recommend options for improving the built environment and critical infrastructure to reflect performance
goals stated in terms of post-earthquake reoccupancy and functional recovery time” (42 U.S.C. 7705b). The
charge is to be completed with a report to Congress by June 30, 2020.
Functional recovery is not yet formally defined, though the term has been used informally in the context
of earthquake design (especially regarding infrastructure) since at least 1980. Unlike resilience, functional
recovery is widely understood to refer to the performance and capacity of a distinct piece of the built
environment, such as an individual building or infrastructure network.
Tentative definitions have been proposed to align with established concepts in earthquake engineering.1
On its face, functional recovery is related to the third major category of potential earthquake losses –
downtime – as used in FEMA P-58 and its source documents (ATC, 2018a, Section 1.5). Functional
recovery is also related to the ASCE 41 performance levels Immediate Occupancy, which involves a
structure safe enough to occupy with essentially no interruption, and Operational, which adds the
uninterrupted performance of critical nonstructural systems (ASCE, 2017b). Functional recovery is similar
to Operational performance, but as discussed below, with the allowance of a time delay and possibly with
a relaxed set of necessary functions.
SEAONC BRC (2015) described functional recovery to mean “the owners’ and tenants’ ability to
resume normal pre-earthquake operations, which can vary with occupancy,” positioning it as the second of
three post-earthquake milestones. Functional recovery comes after “reoccupancy, at which time the
building may be safely occupied,” if not usable, and before “full recovery, at which time even cosmetic
damage is repaired and even non-essential functions are restored.”
NIST (2018) also recognized multiple recovery milestones or functionality levels and, consistent with
the CRPG, tied functional recovery to a desired or acceptable time: “[When] developing criteria ..., multiple
functional levels that may differ in terms of the acceptable recovery time should be considered, depending
on the building’s role in the community, the services it provides, and the hazard level.”
As for functional recovery itself, NIST (2018) describes it as the state in which “damage to the
building’s structural system is controlled, limited, and repairable while the building remains safe to occupy.
The building’s ability to function at full or minimally reduced capacity is also affected by the damage state
of the non-structural systems of the building (e.g., building envelope, equipment, interior utilities), as well
as the infrastructure that connects the building to its surrounding community.”2

Precedents outside of earthquake engineering also exist but are not as specific as those cited in the text. For
example, NFPA (2018) includes a generic “Mission Continuity” objective involving “continued function” for
“buildings that provide a public welfare role for the community,” and ASCE (2019) contemplates an “Operational”
performance level, paired with relatively frequent wind loads, for design of new buildings.
NIST (2018) uses the term immediate occupancy, or IO, instead of functionality because of legislative language,

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Perhaps the most formal definition has been provided by a bill introduced to the California Legislature.
Anticipating the 2020 NIST-FEMA report, the bill defined a functional recovery standard as:
[A] set of enforceable building code provisions and regulations that provide specific
design and construction requirements intended to result in a building for which post-
earthquake structural and nonstructural capacity are maintained or can be restored to
support the basic intended functions of the building’s pre-earthquake use within an
acceptable time, where the maximum acceptable time may differ for various uses or
occupancies (Assembly Bill 393, 2019).
The definition, while it describes a design standard as opposed to a building condition, covers all of the
key ideas discussed above: consideration of structural and nonstructural performance, a focus on
functionality, and acceptability measured by recovery time, allowing different times for different building
uses. Importantly, designing for functional recovery does not imply that the building must recover
The AB 393 definition does two things. First, it describes a post-earthquake condition that might now
be taken as the definition of functional recovery:
Functional recovery is a post-earthquake state in which capacity is maintained or
restored to support the basic intended functions of the pre-earthquake use.
For a building, “capacity” means that of the structural and nonstructural systems, as in the AB
393 definition. But, as NIST (2018) notes, it should also mean the capacity of contents,
infrastructure, and even certain services external to the building, as needed “to support the basic
intended functions.”
Second, the AB 393 definition contemplates that “maximum acceptable” recovery times will
be assigned to different buildings. With these two ideas, the AB 393 definition is combining the
familiar roles of design standards (which establish objective technical criteria) and building codes
(which set policy regarding minimum requirements).

RP1-3.3 The role of codes and standards

If resilience is an attribute of the whole community, and if community resilience is only partly a function
of building design, how would the NEHRP Provisions contribute? After all, the Provisions are explicitly
about the design of individual buildings.
Figure 1 describes the broad scope of the resilience movement and illustrates how apparently disparate
ideas, documents, programs, etc. can all play a role. The “resilience field” is a two-dimensional space in
which any resilience-related concept can be located in terms of whether it addresses more technical topics
(like structural engineering) or more holistic ideas (like a company’s mission statement or the well-being
of a family) and in terms of whether it is meant to apply to an individual physical facility (like a typical
architectural commission) or to the whole organization in question.
Consider the definition of community resilience from the 2018 NEHRP reauthorization: “the ability of
a community to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse seismic
events.” The concept is explicitly about the whole organization – the community – and the broad tasks of
planning, preparing, recovering, and adapting go well beyond the technical design of its physical assets.
Thus the NEHRP concept of community resilience is located in the lower right quadrant of Figure 1.
By contrast, the Provisions, together with the codes and standards based on them, would be located in
the upper left quadrant of Figure 1. They are technical, packed with specialized terminology about physical

explaining, “The term IO is used for general reference to a potential range of functional levels for consistency with
the congressional language.”

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

components, and they are written with the understanding that they will be applied one building, structure,
or project at a time.
Though technical and applied to individual facilities, a building code can still be resilience-based,
serving holistic, organization-wide resilience goals. Indeed, a functional recovery standard (using the AB
393 definition above) is necessary, if not sufficient, for resilience-based earthquake design.3 The challenge
is to conceive, write, and implement the code so that when it is applied by technical experts to individual
facilities, it reflects the larger holistic goals of the community. Over time, as resilience-based codes and
policies are applied to individual new and existing buildings, the aggregate effect should improve
community resilience.
This idea, that technical provisions, narrowly applied, might improve an organization’s earthquake
resilience, is perhaps easier to grasp when applied to a smaller organization. It is not difficult to see, for
example, how a corporation might serve its shareholders by applying a careful seismic due diligence policy
to the office space it builds or leases. Similarly, by setting high design criteria, a campus can better protect
its research funding and serve its educational mission (Comerio, 2000). Resilience-based codes and
standards, written to address functional recovery time explicitly, will help such organizations.
(Figure 1 also shows how the NIST CRPG might provide a bridge between holistic thinking about
community resilience and technical design of individual buildings to support resilience goals. The CRPG
breaks the built environment into building “clusters” based on their use and occupancy, not their structural
systems or materials, and it contemplates recovery goals for whole groups, not for individual facilities.)

To be sure, a community could avoid the need for a separate functional recovery-based design standard by setting
very lax recovery goals (which the current safety-based code would already satisfy), by stipulating that certain
provisions of the current code are deemed to comply with various recovery goals (an approach that has been
suggested as an interim strategy), or by taking an entirely different approach to resilience and recovery, for example
through comprehensive insurance and planning schemes. The presumption of the NEHRP Provisions, however, is
that earthquake design involves engineering with defined, repeatable procedures, and for that approach to work, a
standard is needed.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


Provisions, ASCE
7, IBC

Community Resilience
Planning Guide (NIST, 2016)

Facility Organization

definition of


Figure 1 The Resilience Field (after Meister Consultants Group, 2017)

While a building code can be resilience-based, Figure 1 also confirms that there are important limits to
what a code or standard can do to affect an organization’s resilience. Because it is applied to individual
buildings, a code has little impact on its neighborhood (or its city) or even on its own functional cohort
(housing, schools, etc.) unless applied consistently over time. Even then, separate codes or mitigation
programs are generally needed to address resilience risks posed by the vast existing building stock. Separate
design standards and policies are also needed to address new and existing infrastructure, which the
Provisions do not address. Most significantly, a building code cannot address most socio-economic
externalities that affect community resilience.
Like the current building code, a functional recovery code would address the design of structural
systems and bracing for nonstructural components. The scope would likely be expanded to consider
contents bracing and adjacent buildings, two issues not far from the code’s traditional scope. To begin to
address socio-economic externalities, resilience-based codes and standards might be expanded further with
provisions that think of the building in a more holistic way. For example, on-site backup utilities,
reoccupancy plans, continuity of operations plans, retainers for repair contractors, and even insurance, while
not traditional building code topics, are strategies related to building design that might be considered for a
future resilience-based design standard, or at least for related building regulations (ATC, 2018d).
Ultimately, however, even if we rewrite our building codes as functional recovery standards, they
would contribute to community resilience only in the way that the current safety-based codes and standards
contribute to a holistic view of community safety and vitality. Our current codes limit collapse and fire –

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

two sources of earthquake deaths and injuries – but a building code does not consider broader questions
regarding the supply of clean water, food, sanitation, or medical services.

RP1-3.4 The code-and-standard model

To implement resilience-based earthquake design, we need a policy tool and a technical tool. The building
code is the policy tool, setting performance objectives by assigning buildings to risk categories based on
their use and the implications of damage. With a resilience-based code, each building would be assigned to
a category representing a desired functional recovery time. As discussed above, the assignments would be
made by considering the aggregate effect of applying the code over time.
Policy questions are normative; they consider desired outcomes, asking what the functional recovery
time of a given building should be. In the long term, these preferences, together with benefit-cost analysis,
should be informed by social science research linking objectively measurable recovery time to more holistic
measures of organizational resilience. In the short term, absent the critical research, these policy decisions
are likely to be influenced primarily by stakeholder estimates regarding perceived benefits and immediate
costs (NIST, 2016). In either case, the policy questions, which include a jurisdiction’s decision to adopt a
recovery-based code as mandatory, voluntary, or applicable only in certain cases, are outside the scope of
the Provisions.
The design standard (along with the Provisions as its resource document) is the technical tool. A
functional recovery standard would provide the definitions and criteria estimated to achieve a given
functional recovery time, independent of any policy about what time limit should be selected.
The code-and-standard model, familiar to users of the International Building Code and its adopted
standard, ASCE 7, should be adaptable to resilience-based earthquake design. With reference to the NIST-
FEMA committee charge, the code-and-standard model is one “option” for “improving the built
environment and critical infrastructure to reflect performance goals stated in terms of post-earthquake
reoccupancy and functional recovery time.”


The NEHRP Provisions can support resilience-based design by providing source material for a
functional recovery standard. Specific design strategies and criteria would be required for different
functional recovery times, much in the same way that the current Provisions set specific criteria for
different seismic design categories. While many questions remain to be answered through research,
the current Provisions suggest a set of requirements that might be used in the short term.
Using a code-and-standard model, the NEHRP Provisions would be the basis for a functional recovery
standard, which would then be cited by, or incorporated into, a resilience-based code. The code would
assign desired or target recovery times. As discussed above, the scope of the Provisions would likely need
to be expanded to cover topics like contents bracing and backup utilities.
The idea of adapting the Provisions to address functional recovery is not entirely new. In the 2015
Provisions, Resource Paper 1 built on work by NIST to propose assigning an explicit “function loss”
performance objective to Risk Category IV (BSSC, 2015; NEHRP CJV, 2012). Design criteria for Risk
Category IV had been assumed to deliver some measure of post-earthquake functionality, but the
expectation was never quantified or clearly stated (ASCE, 2017a, Sec. C1.3.3). Using the Operational
terminology of ASCE 41, the proposal would have aligned the criteria for Risk Category IV to provide a
10% probability of less-than-Operational performance in a Function-Level Earthquake, analogous to the
10% probability of collapse in a Maximum Considered Earthquake expected for buildings assigned to Risk
Category II.
There are two main differences between that 2015 proposal and the concept of functional recovery
presented here. With the 2015 proposal, functionality would only have been considered for buildings

2020 NEHRP Provisions

already assigned to Risk Category IV because of their “essential” nature, and meeting the objective would
mean the building remains functional “immediately following” the earthquake shaking (ASCE, 2017a).
That is, where functionality is considered important, immediate functionality (or Operational performance,
in ASCE 41 terms) would be sought; otherwise, no attention would be paid to functionality. Here, every
new building would be assigned a desired or target functional recovery time, and different building uses
would have different assignments, from hours to days to weeks to months, consistent with concepts from
The concept presented here would make functional recovery a supplemental (or perhaps primary) basis
for earthquake design of all buildings, as opposed to a special objective only for “essential” facilities. This
is not to say, however, that all buildings would need to be designed like hospitals and fire stations. On the
contrary, by allowing functional recovery times as long as weeks or months, it is likely that many buildings
would be designed and detailed just as they are now; the only difference would be that their estimated (or
desired) recovery time would be explicitly stated, providing transparency to all stakeholders and facilitating
resilience planning.

RP1-4.1 Definitions
As source material for a functional recovery standard, the Provisions would mostly address technical
questions regarding demand, capacity, detailing, and acceptability criteria. Before that, however, they
would also need to address questions inherent in the definition of functional recovery given above: What
are a given building’s “basic intended functions”?
The 2015 Provisions Resource Paper anticipated this question as well: “[A] framework is needed for
determining what constitutes functionality following the earthquake. ... Significant study and likely
additional provisions development is required to quantitatively define these performance states. ... [I]t is
not known what various stakeholders will deem tolerable damage and still be ‘functional’ (sic).”
A plain reading of the definition suggests that functional recovery could be achieved with cosmetic
damage still in place. Similarly, partial functional loss (for example, one restroom in a house with two), or
the loss of one use in a mixed-use building (for example, the parking levels in an office building or the
ground floor retail space in an apartment house) might be deemed acceptable. Beyond this, however, the
possibilities quickly get into questions of habitability and even law. Are boarded windows acceptable? Or
the loss of an accessible entry or an elevator in a low-rise building? Researchers have begun to study these
questions (NIST, 2018; Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning; Soga et al, 2019) but in
the short term the gaps will surely need to be filled by consensus judgment, perhaps starting with the current
building code’s nonstructural bracing scope for Risk Category IV as a benchmark.

RP1-4.2 Demand
Among the issues that will need to be resolved in the course of developing a functional recovery standard
is the selection of a design ground motion.
The 2015 Provisions, and NIST before it, defined a Function-Level Earthquake, FLER, analogous to
the risk-targeted MCER (NEHRP CJV, 2012). These new spectral acceleration values would be set to ensure
a uniform 10% probability of failing to achieve Operational performance. A similar approach could be
taken for the functional recovery concept described here, but at least two new considerations would be
needed. First, defining a risk-targeted ground motion this way presumes a known set of design criteria. But,
as the 2015 Provisions noted, “current story drift limits of Table 12.12-1 of ASCE/SEI 7-10 do not provide
adequate damage control to meet functional and/or economic loss objectives and would require substantial
revision.” Further, functional recovery is more closely tied to the performance of nonstructural components
than safety is, but design criteria relating nonstructural performance to recovery time are far from robust.
So if it is unclear what counts as functional (as discussed above), or what the acceptability criteria will be,
then the FLER cannot yet be defined.

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

Second, the FLER corresponds to a performance level achieved immediately after the earthquake. If
functional recovery is now going to be defined as a suite of target recovery times ranging from hours to
months, a separate map of ground motions will be needed for each limit state, complicating the normal
design procedures.
Adopting a risk-targeted demand for the functional recovery standard would help maintain at least
philosophical consistency within the Provisions. That said, the non-uniform variation between expected
FLER and MCER values is certain to cause some confusion. In the short term, and certainly until the
definitional questions are addressed, it might be preferable to use the MCER or the Design Earthquake (or
some specified fraction thereof) as the demand, if only to simplify the procedures. Though theoretically
incorrect, this simplification would be entirely consistent with current practice, which uses the DE even for
Risk Category IV facilities where functionality is expected to be preserved.
Complicating the issue further, if the functional recovery criteria are really meant to be linked to a
community-wide resilience goal, then the use of site-specific ground motion data might itself be incorrect.
For resilience planning, a scenario event is often more appropriate.

RP1-4.3 Capacity and Acceptability

In theory, the functional recovery design criteria would follow basic principles of performance-based
engineering. For the current safety-based Provisions, the criteria for a new building assigned to Risk
Category II should ensure that the probability of collapse is less than 10%, given the site-specific MCER
ground motion: P(Collapse) < 10%, given MCER.
By analogy, it should be simple to state the functional recovery objective. The probability of not
achieving functional recovery is small, say less than Y%, given the appropriate demand. With functional
recovery defined in terms of a target time, Ttarget, this would be stated as:
P(TFR > Ttarget) < Y%, given DFR,
• DFR is the ground motion deemed appropriate for functional recovery, discussed above.
• Y is tentatively set at 10%, matching the Risk Category II safety criteria, consistent with the
reasoning of the 2015 Provisions Resource Paper.
• Ttarget is the target recovery time for the building’s use and occupancy, assigned as a policy matter
by a resilience-based code.
• TFR is the estimated functional recovery time, given the building’s design and forthcoming
consensus regarding requirements for functional recovery.
Each of those four values deserves its own research program. The first three, however, can be set by
default or by consensus judgment. The last, TFR, can be estimated with the FEMA P-58 methodology.
FEMA P-58, however, predicts repair time, which is not the same as functional recovery time (ATC, 2018a,
Section 3.9.2; ATC, 2018c, Section The commentary to ASCE 7 acknowledges that “the fragilities
of structural systems to ensure function are not well established” (ASCE, 2017, Section C1.3.3). Most
important, the few studies that have been done show wide variation in repair or recovery times of code-
designed buildings as functions of the lateral system, Site Class, and other factors (ATC, 2018b; ATC
2018d, Part 3; Haselton et al., 2018). So until a consensus standard is available, FEMA P-58 might be
supplemented with user-defined inputs and appropriate adjustments of its repair time results.
Absent a consensus method of calculating TFR for a specific new building design, another approach
suitable to a first generation functional recovery standard might be to presume a value of TFR by reference
to a consensus checklist of design features or strategies associated with different recovery times. This
appears feasible (and perhaps no less reliable at this stage than a calculation) because the range of estimated
functional recovery times for a new code-designed building is already bounded in part by the nature of the

2020 NEHRP Provisions

current code. That is, the current building code (and the Provisions and ASCE 7) contains a set of design
strategies and requirements already associated with different risk categories and seismic design categories.
Criteria for a recovery-based design would likely use some or all of these available strategies, and in the
worst case, a building with no special recovery goal would still be subject to the current safety-based code.
Regardless of how TFR is determined, its value will certainly involve substantial uncertainty. Given our
current state of knowledge, factors including variability in ground motion, quality of design, quality of
construction, and post-construction use, alteration, and maintenance can be expected to add even more
uncertainty regarding recovery time than they do regarding safety. In addition, actual recovery time will be
influenced by the availability of skilled inspectors, repair contractors, and suppliers, regulatory decisions
accounting for conditions outside the building itself, the decisions of affected stakeholders, and other
Table 1 shows – in a hypothetical or conceptual way only – how current earthquake design requirements
could be adapted into a functional recovery standard by assigning them to target functional recovery times.
If one assumes that a building designed with the current code would reliably achieve functional recovery
within a month (given the recovery-based demand, discussed above), then few additional requirements
would be imposed for a building assigned a target functional recovery time of “1 Month” or longer. Where
a shorter recovery time is desired or assigned, additional design strategies or tighter acceptability criteria
would be “Required.”
The list of potential requirements could come from the current Provisions, specifically from the set of
design strategies and provisions already used for Risk Category IV. Supplemental requirements, shown in
concept at the bottom of Table 1, could introduce non-traditional strategies to address building contents,
backup utilities, and even reoccupancy or recovery planning. Building contents would be expected to affect
recovery of buildings or tenant spaces containing manufacturing, retail, broadcasting, out-patient medical
services and other uses involving specialty equipment. Reoccupancy and recovery planning is expected to
cut the functional recovery time significantly in large or complex buildings (ATC, 2018d, Part 3). However,
as shown at the bottom of the Figure, even these strategies might be ineffective, and therefore “Moot,”
where a very short target recovery time is assigned.
The designer would need to satisfy only the requirements indicated for the target functional recovery
time set by the resilience-based code, Ttarget. Requirements would continue to vary by structural system and
material if, for example, higher drifts are deemed repairable within a given time for some systems but not
for others. All of the table entries would be subject to adjustment as new research and reconnaissance data
becomes available, but the broad categories of target times – 1 Day v. 1 Week, as opposed to 24 hours v.
48 hours, for example – will help keep the provisions stable and are appropriate to our current level of
Of course, the challenge lies in deriving consensus regarding the set of requirements to be associated
with each value of Ttarget, without defaulting to the most conservative recommendations in every case.

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

Table 1 Hypothetical prescriptive design requirements for a range of functional recovery


Functional Recovery Design Target Functional Recovery Time, Ttarget

1 Hour 1 Day 1 Week 1 Month
Limits on lateral system selection Required Required Required –
Limits on drift Required Required Required –
Factor on required strength Required Required – –
etc. ... ... ... ...
Increased bracing scope Required Required Required –
Reliability factors on design strength Required Required – –
Ruggedness certification Required Required – –
etc. ... ... ... ...
Recovery-critical contents
To be determined by user groups Required Required ... ...
etc. ... ... ... ...
Utility service
Electricity backup Required Required Required –
Potable water backup Required Required Required Required
Wastewater alternative Required – – –
Telecommunications Required – – –
etc. ... ... ... ...
Reoccupancy and recovery planning
Repair services on retainer Moot Required Required –
Pre-determined safety evaluation Moot Required – –
Business continuity plan Required Required – –
Pre-defined permit application Moot Required Required –
etc. ... ... ... ...

2020 NEHRP Provisions

ASCE, 2017a. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
[ASCE/SEI 7-16]. American Society of Civil Engineers.

ASCE, 2017b. Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings [ASCE/SEI 41-17]. American Society
of Civil Engineers

ASCE, 2019. Prestandard for Performance-Based Wind Design. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Assembly Bill 393, 2019. “An act to add Section 18941.11 to the Health and Safety Code, relating to
building standards.” California Legislature – 2019-20 Regular Session. Introduced by Assembly Member
Nazarian, February 6; Amended in Assembly, March 21.

ATC, 2018a. Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 1 – Methodology [FEMA P-58-1].
Federal Emergency Management Agency, December.

ATC, 2018b. Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 5 – Expected Seismic Performance of
Code-Conforming Buildings [FEMA P-58-5]. Federal Emergency Management Agency, December.

ATC, 2018c. Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Buildings [FEMA P-58-6]. Federal
Emergency Management Agency, December.

ATC, 2018d. San Francisco Tall Buildings Study. City and County of San Francisco, Office of Resilience
and Capital Planning, December.

Bonowitz, 2018. “Performance-Based Design for Community Resilience: Obstacles and Opportunities.”
Presentation to the PEER 2018 Annual Meeting, Berkeley, January 18.

Bonowitz, 2018. “Designing for Resilience: The Role of the Structural Engineer.” ICC-SKGA, May 1.

BSSC, 2015. “Resource Paper 1: New Performance Basis for the Provisions,” in NEHRP Recommended
Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures, Volume II: Part 3 Resource Papers [FEMA P-
1050-2]. Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington.

Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning. http://resilience.colostate.edu/index.shtml

Comerio, M., 2000. “The Economic Benefits of a Disaster Resistant University: Earthquake Loss
Estimation for UC Berkeley.” Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Federal Register, 2016. “Executive Order 13717 of February 2, 2016: Establishing a Federal Earthquake
Risk Management Standard.” V.84, n.24, February 5.

Haselton, C., Hamburger, R., and Baker, J., 2018. “Resilient Design and Risk Assessment using FEMA P-
58 Analysis,” in Structure Magazine, March.

Meister Consultants Group, 2017. Voluntary Resilience Standards: An Assessment of the Emerging Market
for Resilience in the Built Environment. Energy, Kresge and Barr Foundations, May.

MitFLG, 2019. National Mitigation Investment Strategy. Prepared by the Mitigation Framework
Leadership Group and published by the Department of Homeland Security, August.

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

NEHRP CJV, 2012. Tentative Framework for Development of Advanced Seismic Design Criteria for New
Buildings [NIST GCR 12-917-20]. National Institute of Standards and Technology, November.

NFPA, 2000. NFPA 5000: Building Construction and Safety Code. National Fire Protection Association.

NIST, 2016. Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems [NIST
Special Publication 1190]. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,

NIST, 2017. Implementation Guidelines for Executive Order 13717: Establishing a Federal Earthquake
Risk Management Standard [ICSSC Recommended Practice (RP) 9]. U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, January.

NIST, 2018. Research Needs to Support Immediate Occupancy Building Performance Objective Following
Natural Hazards Events [NIST Special Publication 1224]. U.S. Department of Commerce, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, August.

Public Law 115-307, 2018. “National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Reauthorization Act of
2018” [132 Stat. 4408]. December 11.

SEAONC BRC, 2015. Earthquake Performance Rating System: User’s Guide. Structural Engineers
Association of Northern California, Building Ratings Committee, February 2.

Soga, K., et al., 2019. “City-scale Multi-infrastructure Network Resilience Simulation Tool.”

Thune, J., 2018. “National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Reauthorization Act of 2017: Report
of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S.1768 [Report 115-336].” U.S.
Government Publishing Office, September 6.

White House, The, 2013. “Presidential Policy Directive – Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
[PPD-21].” The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, February 12.

White House, The, 2016. “Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces Public and Private Sector Efforts
to Increase Community Resilience through Building Codes and Standards.” The White House, Office of
the Press Secretary, May 10.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


There is no standard (i.e. formal, consensus) definition of resilience. Recent federal law charges FEMA
with defining the term “resilient” by April 2020 for purposes of implementing disaster assistance programs
(42 U.S.C. 5172(e)). Meanwhile, the following working definitions from other groups are useful because
they have common themes, as shown by the underlining:
• UNISDR (2009): The ability of a system, community or
society exposed to hazards to resist,
absorb, accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner,
including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions.
• FEMA NDRF (2011): Ability to adapt to changing conditions and withstand and rapidly recover
from disruption due to emergencies.
• NRC (2011): A disaster-resilient nation is one in which its communities, through mitigation and
pre-disaster preparation, develop the adaptive capacity to maintain important community
functions and recover quickly when major disasters occur.
• National Academies (2012): The ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, or more
successfully adapt to actual or potential adverse events.
• Presidential Policy Directive 21 (The White House, 2013; cited similarly in NIST, 2016, Section
1.3, and MitFLG, 2019, Appendix B): The ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions
and to withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions. Resilience includes the ability to withstand
and recover from deliberate attacks, accidents, or naturally occurring threats or incidents.
• US GAO (2014): The term resilience refers to the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover
from, and more successfully adapt to actual or potential adverse events.
• 100 Resilient Cities: Urban resilience is the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions,
businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic
stresses and acute shocks they experience.
• AIA NRI (2016): Resilience is achieved when systems remain adaptable and functioning when
faced with major disruptions.
The new definition of community resilience provided in the 2018 NEHRP reauthorization is nearly
identical to the National Academies and GAO definitions.
Comparing these definitions reveals four common themes:
• Resilience is an attribute of human organizations, not of physical buildings or structures. Key
words from the foregoing definitions include institutions, businesses, communities, city, nation,
society. One might add household, campus, corporation, etc. The organization of interest depends
on one’s perspective. For the practicing engineer, the organization of interest might be that of the
client. From the perspective of the building code, which represents public policy, the key
organization is probably the entire jurisdiction, perhaps even the region if the building code is
linked to policy like a local hazard mitigation plan (LHMP).
• Resilience is primarily about recovery of functionality, not safety. Key words include basic
functions, important functions, institutions, businesses, systems. From the terminology of our
current codes and standards, one might add use, occupancy, habitability, operational, essential
• With its emphasis on recovery, resilience incorporates an element of time. Key words include
timely and efficient, quickly, rapidly. One might add immediate.
• Resilience implies an event from which the organization must recover. Key words include
hazard, emergency, disaster, adverse event, attacks, accidents, incidents, acute shocks, major
disruptions. One might add current code categories of design load such as earthquake, wind,
snow, rain, flood. The focus is mostly, but not exclusively, on natural hazards characterized by
discrete events. An earthquake is a perfect example. More generally, however, the broader

Part 3, Resource Paper 1

precedents consider a wider range of shocks, and even what the 100 Resilient Cities program calls
stressors. Shocks or events considered by some resilience initiatives have included:
o Natural hazard events not considered in the building code: Wildfire, drought, heat,
o Natural hazard events exacerbated by humans: Climate change, species extinction, urban
heat, wildland-urban interface fire, urban flooding.
o Socio-economic events related to natural causes: Famine, power outage, dam failure,
o Human-made events: Terrorism, war.
o Human-made stressors, as opposed to shocks: Poverty, sprawl, blight, economic
The themes suggest some definitions that might be useful from the perspective of building codes and
standards. Each definition proposed here is certain to require elaboration as needed to cover specific
situations. Traditionally, that specificity is provided through a standards process.
• Resilience is the ability of an organization to recover its essential functionality in a timely fashion
after a potentially damaging natural hazard event.
• A resilience objective is, for an organization, a combination of a desired or acceptable recovery
time with a presumed hazard level.
o The pairing of a resilience level with a hazard is borrowed from performance-based
earthquake design.
• Resilience-based design is any design process or method intended to satisfy a specified
resilience objective.
o The emphasis is on having the elements of a defined objective, not on the methodology or
even the discipline (architecture, engineering, financial planning, etc.).
o Thus, a resilience-based code or standard is simply one that explicitly references the
elements of a resilience objective. Consistent with the idea that resilience-based design is
multi-disciplinary, a resilience-based design methodology can be one that deals with any
aspect of the organization in question.
• Resilience-based structural engineering is the intersection of structural engineering with
resilience-based design.
o Similarly, resilience-based earthquake design is the intersection of earthquake design (or
structural engineering considering earthquake loading) with resilience-based design.
With resilience and related terms defined, other concepts used in building evaluation, design, and
regulation can be distinguished from resilience-related work. Importantly, not every good idea needs to be
about resilience, and resilience need not encompass every good idea. In particular, the following practices
and priorities are all valuable, though their relationship to resilience-based design is often at most tangential:
• Performance-based design, especially of individual projects or structures
• Building code adoption and enforcement
• Reduced property losses and repair costs (including “PML” analysis)
• Retrofit, especially safety-based retrofit
• Building rating
• New or advanced materials, systems, or analysis techniques
• Sustainability
• Economic recovery
• Baseline community functionality.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


Structures designed according to modern building codes are targeted to have a low probability of collapse
when strong earthquakes occur. If seismic design provisions are targeted to a goal of zero probability of
collapse, construction costs could be so high as to discourage development. If design forces are too low,
strong earthquakes would cause large number of collapses with appurtenant loss of life and resources, which
is also clearly unacceptable. A critical function of committees that draft procedures used in seismic design
codes is finding a middle ground between these conflicting considerations. There are no clear ground rules
for this.
The expected level of seismic performance for most (Risk Level I and II) buildings designed according
to the ASCE 7-16 standard is that if the maximum considered ground motion were to occur, the probability
of collapse should not exceed 10%. This expectation has its origins in the ATC-63 project (FEMA 2009),
which was conducted to derive procedures to establish design coefficients for structural systems. This
project included extensive reliability analyses of then code-conforming structural systems and determined
that for the ground motion levels then defined (2% in 50-year probability of exceedance), only the best
performing structural systems then permitted by code could be shown to provide this level of reliability. A
higher reliability might have been selected if it could have been demonstrated for common structural types
without extensive revision of contemporary design procedures and requirements.
This performance expectation directly informs the process by which design ground motions are
computed, which follows a risk-based framework (Luco et al. 2007). The concept behind this framework
is illustrated in Figure 1. Part (a) shows a ground motion hazard curve, which expresses the time rates with
which ground motions of different amplitudes (i.e., variable intensity measures - IMs) are exceeded, 𝜈𝐼𝑀 .
Part (b) of the Figure depicts a collapse fragility curve for the structure, which represents the dependence
of collapse probability on ground motion amplitude IM. A risk integral is used to combine the hazard and
fragility curves to compute the time rate of structural collapse.
Since the 2010 version of the ASCE 7 standard, the primary objective of seismic design for buildings
has been based on a uniform risk target of 1% probability of collapse in 50 years. The horizontal position
of the fragility curve is adjusted in an iterative manner until the target risk level is achieved. As shown in
Figure 1(b), the ground motion for design, which in turn controls the strength of the structure, is then
established from the value of IM at a 10% collapse probability, per the aforementioned performance
expectation. The ground motion established using this process is referred to as a probabilistic risk-targeted
maximum considered earthquake ground motion (MCER). The actual design ground motion is reduced from
MCER using a two-thirds factor that was introduced in Project 97 for reasons described subsequently
(Leyendecker et al. 2000; BSSC 1997).

Part 3, Resource Paper 2





Figure 1 (a) Schematic ground motion hazard curve; (b) schematic structure fragility
curve showing how structural strength is established at the 10% collapse probability
The target risk level of 1% probability of collapse in 50 years was established by the Project 07 team,
as approximately representing the risk level that could be demonstrated for code-conforming structures
designed to the requirements of the 2003 NEHRP Provisions. This target was recently revisited in Project
17 (BSSC 2018) and reconfirmed as appropriate, given considerations of cost, safety, and our ability to
adequately characterize collapse safety.
The costs associated with increases in seismic demands were an important consideration in Project 17
and other review bodies. The costs associated with providing additional resistance for seismic loads has
been investigated for the Memphis area (ATC 2013). An approximate 50% increase in seismic resistance
was shown to increase the total construction cost by about 1%. However, four of the six buildings studied
had inherently strong lateral force systems as a result of their architecture (the walls provided the resistance,
rather than building columns), thus the added cost in those buildings was mainly in details of connections.
The cost increase was substantially greater for buildings in which the lateral force resistance did not come
from walls. Furthermore, the level of seismic demand, even with the 50% increase, was moderate. This
increase in cost cannot be extrapolated pro rata to higher levels of seismic demand. For example, demands
on foundations begin to influence the cost. As a result, the cost increases associated with increases in
seismic resistance in higher seismic regions (like coastal California), while not formally studied in the
manner undertaken for Memphis, are known to be higher.
Regarding the target seismic risk level (1% probability of exceedance in 50 years), it should be
recognized that this target is more than one order of magnitude higher than what is used for other common
loadings, including wind, snow, and occupancy live loads for Risk Category II (ordinary occupancy)

2020 NEHRP Provisions

structures (ASCE 2016). The large discrepancy between target risk targets has its roots in the different
committees and processes used to develop criteria for the different loads, the large demand created by strong
ground motions, and, at least in part, the cost of providing higher resistance to strong ground motion.
This NEHRP Part 3 paper addresses the use of deterministic caps on the ground motions used in seismic
design. Where they are applied, deterministic caps produce ground motions that increase risk. The following
section will describe how these caps are applied in current practice, the rationale for their use, and the issues
generated by their incorporation into design ground motion maps. As part of Project 17, two alternative
procedures were developed that would allow for the elimination of deterministic caps. These procedures
are described in subsequent sections. This paper is concluded by presenting the outcomes of Project 17
deliberations, describing the rationales for not supporting alternatives to deterministic caps, and discussing
a path forward for future code cycles.


RP2-2.1 Application
Risk-targeted ground motions are used in most of the United States, but exceptions are applied near highly
active faults, which are mostly located in California, where deterministic caps are applied to limit the ground
motions to the 84th percentile level, given the occurrence of a characteristic earthquake on nearby active
fault. Deterministic caps were introduced in Project 97 and the 1997 NEHRP Provisions (Leyendecker et
al. 2000; BSSC 1997), at which time the general basis for design ground motions was uniform hazard
ground motions computed using probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA). The practice has continued
since then for reasons described here, but was reconsidered in Project 17, as described in subsequent
To compute deterministic ground motions, the PUC defines rules for what constitutes an active fault,
what magnitude should be considered for a particular fault (which is taken as the characteristic magnitude),
and what ground motion level should be applied when the specified earthquake occurs. Lowering (or not
raising) of design ground motions is ensured by comparing deterministic ground motions to probabilistic
MCER ground motions, and taking the lower of the two spectral ordinates. Figure 2 schematically depicts
this process. Part (a) of the Figure shows a case where deterministic ground motions are lower than
probabilistic MCER at all periods, whereas Part (b) shows a case where deterministic motions are lower
only for a certain period range. The selected spectrum envelopes the lowest ordinates in both cases (referred
to subsequently as the “site MCER spectrum”).

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

Figure 2 Schematics showing probabilistic risk-targeted response spectra (MCER),

spectral ordinates computed using deterministic procedures, and selected site MCER
spectrum, which is taken as the lower of the two for cases of: (a) deterministic spectra
control of design spectra at all periods and (b) hybrid of deterministic ordinates and
probabilistic MCER control for different period ranges.
A procedure introduced in Project 97 that has continued stipulates that deterministic spectral
ordinates computed as 84th percentile ground motions from selected deterministic events are compared to
the deterministic lower limit spectrum, and the larger of the two is used for comparison to the probabilistic
MCER spectrum. The deterministic lower limit spectrum is defined, since 1997, as the 1994 Uniform
Building Code Zone 4 design response spectrum × 1.5. The rationale for application of the deterministic
lower limit spectrum at the time was that it served as a convenient transition from the probabilistic MCER
to the 84th percentile deterministic response spectrum in the near field.

RP2-2.2 Argument in Favor of Deterministic Caps and Reasons for their Persistence
During Project 17 deliberations, the rationale put forward in support of deterministic caps was:
• Deterministic caps are only used for faults that produce frequent, large magnitude earthquakes,
which can be readily identified (e.g., San Andreas and Hayward faults).
• These faults have been the subject of extensive investigation and the characteristic magnitude of
future large (i.e., full segment rupturing) earthquakes can be established with reasonable certainty.
• Under the assumption that the specified characteristic event occurs, we can ensure that site MCER
ground motions are large enough to avoid catastrophic consequences by taking deterministic
spectral ordinates at the 84th percentile (meaning that if the event occurs, there is an 84% chance
that the actual ground motions at a particular site, and for a given period, will be smaller than the
deterministic ordinate).
Logic gaps in the above arguments are elaborated on in Section 2.3. Because these gaps are well
understood, it is difficult for many earthquake professionals to understand why the use of deterministic caps
has persisted since 1997. To help understand their persistence, it is useful to recognize (1) the circumstances
under which deterministic caps were introduced and (2) the inherent conservatism of code writing
committees, meaning that substantive changes in design ground motions over time tend to be avoided unless
there is overwhelming justification, and hence once procedures are incorporated into seismic provisions,
they are more likely to persist than to be changed.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Before the 1997 NEHRP Provisions (BSSC 1997), design ground motions were based on uniform
hazard spectra from PSHA. The return period of design-basis uniform hazard spectra was taken as 475
years and deterministic caps were not applied. Starting in 1997, the return period was increased to 2475
years for reasons elaborated on in Section 3. This increase in the return period increased ground motions in
active regions like California where seismic loads are controlling in structural design. In keeping with the
conservative posture of code writing committees, this increase was considered problematic.
In parallel with discussions to increase return period, the PUC considered the question – In the event of
a design-level earthquake on a known fault, how much larger can the shaking be at the location of a code-
conforming building before we would anticipate a significant likelihood of collapse? The collective
judgment of the PUC at that time was 1.5, meaning that design ground motions could be increased by 1.5
to obtain MCE ground motions. The two-thirds factor (inverse of 1.5) was thus created to scale MCE ground
motions to design motions. It was fortuitous, and perhaps not accidental, that the two-thirds factor
approximately retained pre-1997 design ground motions in active regions like California.
Deterministic caps were also introduced in 1997 in combination with the return period increase and
introduction of the two-thirds factor. The motivation for introducing deterministic caps was that two-thirds
of probabilistically derived ground motions was considered impractical and unjustifiably costly for
engineering design near active faults. As indicated previously (Section 1), the cost implications of ground
motion increase (from potentially removing deterministic caps, while retaining the current risk targets) are
anticipated to be higher in high-seismic regions like California than a similar increase in lower seismicity
regions (ATC 2013).

RP2-2.3 Issues with Use of Deterministic Caps

The rationale put forward in support of deterministic caps does not account for challenges that are faced in
specifying the attributes of future earthquakes. In particular:
• The identification of major active faults is non-trivial
• The magnitude of future earthquakes on ‘deterministic’ sources has a significant degree of
• Ground motions from future earthquake will have a wide range of intensities, including realizations
beyond the 84th percentile.
These points are elaborated below.
Identification of faults: While the San Andreas and Hayward faults clearly belong in this category, the
situation is less clear for active but lower slip-rate faults such as the Concord and Santa Monica faults. This
requires the PUC to exercise judgment on which faults to include in use of deterministic caps, usually
relying on fault dimensions and slip rates. There is necessarily a certain degree arbitrariness in how these
choices are made.
Magnitude of earthquakes: The San Andreas fault is often cited by proponents of deterministic methods
as having “known” characteristic magnitudes. Figure 3 shows the probability mass function of earthquake
magnitudes for a site in San Bernardino, a few kilometers from the San Andreas fault. The probable
magnitude range is approximately 7.5 to 8.4 (established from disaggregation of hazard using at 2475-year
return period). While it may be tempting to assume that the next earthquake will match the last one (M 7.8
in 1680 in this case4), that outcome, while certainly possible, is in fact unlikely. As an analogy, if a dice
roll produces a particular outcome (e.g., 4), the next roll could again be 4 but that specific outcome is
improbable. Moreover, the choice of a deterministic event within the range is consequential. For 1 sec

The last great earthquake on the southern San Andreas fault was the M  7.9 1857 Ft. Tejon earthquake (Sieh,
1978). The southern terminus of this rupture was near Wrightwood. The 1680 earthquake is the last event to have
ruptured past San Bernardino (Sieh et al. 1989).

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

spectral acceleration, the expected change in ground motion over the 7.5 to 8.4 magnitude range in Figure
3 is about a factor of 1.5 (becomes about 3.0 for 3 sec spectral acceleration). Compounding these difficulties
is that whereas this example of a site near the San Andreas fault is relatively ‘easy’, selection of a
characteristic magnitude becomes even more challenging for sources that are relatively poorly understood.
Ground motions: Earthquakes produce ground motions with a high degree of variability, which is
quantified by standard deviation terms. The deterministic procedure specifies the ground motion at a fixed
84th percentile (one standard deviation above the mean). This assumption is one of many that could be
made, and ground motions at higher percentiles are routinely observed in well-recorded earthquakes.
The San Bernardino example shows that selection of the deterministic event and ground motion is non-
trivial, will necessarily require specific judgements to be made within seismic source and ground motion
models, and has significant consequence for design ground motions. PSHA procedures were developed in
the 1960s – 1970s to overcome these issues, by considering all known seismic sources, a wide range of
future earthquakes along with their relatively likelihoods of occurring, and the full range of possible shaking
intensities for each earthquake realization.

Figure 3 Relative contribution of earthquakes of different magnitudes to ground motion

hazard for 1.0 sec spectral acceleration at a 2475-year return period for a site in San
Bernardino. The controlling magnitudes in the range of 7.5 to 8.4 are mostly from
earthquakes on the San Andreas fault (the San Jacinto fault also contributes to a lesser

RP2-2.4 Impact of Applying Deterministic Caps

Figure 4 shows the risk level that corresponds with site MCER ground motions in California and Nevada.
For most of the mapped region, and the remainder of the United States outside the limits of the Figure, the
risk level is 1% probability of exceedance in 50 years, consistent with the probabilistic MCER definition
(Luco et al. 2017).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

120°W 115°W

0.93% - 1.05%
1.05% - 2.00%
2.00% - 3.00%
3.00% - 4.00%
40°N 4.00% - 5.00%
5.00% - 9.45%


Figure 4 Risk levels provided by site MCER ground motions, expressed as a probability
of structural collapse in 50 years. Regions with risk levels elevated from 1% are affected
by deterministic caps. From Luco et al. (2017)

Near major active faults in California, the risk level is higher by factors ranging from approximately 1
to 10. The amount of surface area in the conterminous United States subject to capped design motions is
1%, but it contains about 11-12 million people (3.6% of the US population), including major urban
centers. The reason for these different risk levels is fundamentally related to the lack of consideration of
earthquake and ground motion exceedance rates in deterministically capped zones, and basing ground
motions on those rates outside of deterministic zones.
Because the basis for the deterministic ground motions has several elements for which judgment must
be exercised (assumed segment ruptures, magnitude, and realized ground motion) and the rate of the
characteristic earthquake is not considered, the levels of risk that are produced are not controlled and are
highly spatially variable, as shown in Figure 4. Deterministic capped ground motions are problematic for
three basic reasons:
• The non-uniform risk that results is not understood by the public, and is difficult to explain to
building owners. While design professionals can state that the design of a building within a
deterministically capped zone is ‘for a particular earthquake’, questions such as Why was that
particular earthquake selected?; Why was that particular ground motion selected?; or What level
of performance will my building have? are difficult to answer. In contrast, when a risk level is
targeted, these source and ground motion modelling decisions are not required. While any specific
risk target could also be considered as arbitrary, risk is a more effective means by which the PUC
(and the public) can quantify performance expectations for code-designed buildings.
• An outcome of non-uniform risk is that different levels of seismic protection are enforced in the
design process for different regions. For example, short period (0.2 sec) structures on a reference
site condition (site class B/C boundary) in San Jose CA, Reno NV, and Salt Lake City UT all have
site MCER ground motions of about 1.5 g, but different risk levels of 3% probability of collapse in
50 years in San Jose and 1% in the other locations. Engineers outside of California, who were
consulted during Project 17 deliberations, raised concerns regarding the inconsistency of these
different seismic requirements.

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

• Deterministically capped ground motions increase risk by an unspecified amount, and hence there
is a lack of transparency in the level of seismic protection provided by design ground motions in
capped areas.
An objective of Project 17 was to revisit the risk levels provided by design ground motions. As part of
that assessment, we identified options to the current use of deterministic caps. Two such options were
identified as described in the following sections.


As described in Section 2.4, current procedures for evaluating design ground motions (ASCE 7-16) provide
spatially non-uniform levels of seismic protection. Figure 4 illustrates this in the form of elevated collapse
risk probabilities in zones where deterministic caps are applied. This section describes procedures
developed in Project 17 to provide uniform risk levels, while also approximately preserving design ground
motions at the regional level.
To understand the rationale for the proposed procedures, it is useful to consider the ground motion
hazard levels that are provided by the site MCER design ground motions currently in use. Figure 5 shows
a map of these hazard levels in the form of return periods for 0.2 sec spectral acceleration for the contiguous
United States. In the 99% of the country with uniform risk, ground motion return periods range from about
1500 to 2500 years. Much lower return periods (as low as 200 years) occur in the deterministically capped

Figure 5 Map of ground motion return period associated with site MCER ground motions
provided by risk-based and deterministic procedure, based on procedures in the 2015
NEHRP Provisions. The scale bar indicates return period in years.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP2-3.1 Earthquake Recurrence for Central and Eastern North America Sources
At the time of Project 97 and the 1997 NEHRP Provisions, the return period of large earthquakes in the
New Madrid seismic zone was taken as approximately 1000 years in the contemporaneous seismic hazard
maps published by the US Geological Survey (Frankel et al. 1996). As arguably the most significant seismic
source in central and eastern North America, this return period significantly influenced selection of the
2475 year ground motion return period that was adopted.
To understand why the ground motion return period exceeds the earthquake return period, consider the
relationship between the corresponding rates for the case of a single source,
𝜈𝐼𝑀 = 𝜆𝑃 (1)
where 𝜈𝐼𝑀 is the rate of exceedance of a ground motion intensity level, 𝜆 is the rate of earthquakes on the
fault (if the problem is simplified such than only large-magnitude, or characteristic, earthquakes are
considered, 𝜆 would be the rate of those events), and P is the probability of exceeding the selected ground
motion intensity level when an earthquake occurs. Eq. (1) indicates that ground motion return period 1⁄𝜈𝐼𝑀
exceeds earthquake return period 1⁄𝜆, with a factor of 2 being required for a median conditional ground
motion (P = 0.5). Accordingly, the ground motion return period of 2475 years that was selected in 1997
can be recognized as providing reasonable assurance that when the characteristic New Madrid event occurs,
the resulting ground motions are likely to be somewhat less than the design-basis ground motion used to
set structural strength.
Since the late 1990s, additional work on seismic sources in central and eastern North America has
generally shown lower earthquake return periods than was used to develop the 1996 maps. Figure 6 shows
faults and seismic source zones, which act in combination with background seismicity to produce
earthquakes in recent USGS models (e.g., Petersen et al. 2015). Table 1 lists earthquake return periods
(1⁄𝜆) used in the 2014 USGS source models for the source zones in Figure 6. Since 1997, the New Madrid
return period has shortened by approximately a factor of 2, and the Charleston return period has also been
reduced (from about 650 years to 530 years). Following the logic applied in 1997, these changes allow for
reduced ground motion return periods in central and eastern North America, which is discussed next.

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

Figure 6 Faults and source zones in central and eastern North America considered in
USGS seismic hazard modeling (Petersen et al. 2015).

Table 1 Approximate maximum magnitudes and corresponding earthquake return periods for faults
and source zones in Figure 6 (Petersen et al. 2014).

Fault or Source Maximum Return Period,

Zone Magnitude 1/ (yrs)

New Madrid 7.5 500

Charleston 7.1 530

Charlevoix 7 730

Meers 6.9 2100

Wabash 7.5 5900

Cheraw 7 9500

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP2-3.2 Suggested Framework for Developing Uniform National Risk Targets

The process of selecting a target rate of structural collapse for buildings designed using code-derived
strengths can be undertaken with these steps:
1. Select seismic sources from tectonically stable regions (central and eastern US) that exert a critical
influence on seismic demands in population centers. Evaluate return periods of large characteristic
earthquakes on those sources.
2. Select target ground motion hazard levels (i.e., return periods) that adequately exceed the
earthquake rates from (1).
3. Define an initial risk level that provides a spatial pattern of ground motion that is roughly consistent
with the target hazard levels from (2).
4. Disaggregate the hazard for critical locations at the hazard levels provided by the initial risk levels
from (3). Judge the effectiveness of the risk levels on the basis of the percentile levels of ground
motion that are provided.
5. Adjust the factor applied to probabilistic MCER ground motions if it is desired to minimize changes
in design ground motions from a previous code cycle. While there were multiple motivations
behind development of the current two-thirds factor, its effect is to scale MCER ground motions in
this manner, and it was originally developed through collective judgment of the PUC. Judgement
could similarly be exercised again. If the risk target was increased (i.e., higher collapse probability),
the resulting decreases in ground motions could be mitigated for a target region by increasing the
These steps are intended to facilitate the exercising of informed judgment in a systematic manner by
decision-making bodies like the PUC. As demonstrated in Section 3.3 below, application of this process
with contemporary earthquake rates results in an increased risk target, decreasing ground motions. As a
result, the perceived need for deterministic capping in active regions is reduced.
In Step 4, the disaggregation of hazard provides the earthquake magnitudes, site-to-source distances,
and ground motion epsilon () levels that contribute most strongly to the hazard. Epsilon is defined as:
𝜀= (2)

where IM is a ground motion intensity measure (in this case, corresponding to the selected hazard level),
and 𝜇𝑙𝑛 and 𝜎𝑙𝑛 are the natural log mean and standard deviation of IM from ground motion prediction
equations for a given magnitude, distance, and other parameters. As a result,  provides information on how
rare is the ground motion controlling the hazard. A median ground motion corresponds to  = 0, and an 84th
percentile ground motion corresponds to  = 1.

RP2-3.3 Recommended Risk Target

The approach in Section 3.2 was preliminarily implemented in Project 17, although the final steps were not
completed due to lack of support from Project 17. Here we describe this preliminary development of a
proposal for uniform risk across the US, which represents the first of two alternative methods developed in
Project 17.
For Step 1, we focused mainly on the New Madrid and Charleston source zones, due to their
proximity to major population centers (e.g., Memphis, Charleston). We also considered Charlevoix. In the
case of the other source zones shown in Table 1, hazard in their vicinity is mostly is low and is mostly
controlled by background seismicity. Per Table 1, the event return periods for these sources range from
500-700 years. Accordingly, in Step 2, target ground motion return periods should be approximately 1000
to 1500 years to maintain a minimum  of zero.

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

For Step 3, we initially considered two approaches to define alternate risk levels:
• Same performance expectation (10% probability of collapse if maximum considered earthquake
ground motion occurs), but different risk target
• Different performance expectation ( 10%), generally consistent with recent studies of the seismic
performance of code-conforming buildings (e.g., Goulet et al. 2007), and same risk target
We ultimately chose the first approach, so as to maintain the precedent of 10% collapse probability
given the probabilistic MCER ground motion, per ASCE 7-10 and 7-16. Following some iteration, we found
that a risk target of 1.5% probability of collapse in 50 years, with the 10% collapse probability, provides
ground motion return periods reasonably consistent with those of Step 2. This is shown in Figure 7 for the
case of 0.2 sec spectral acceleration as the intensity measure; return periods are approximately 1500 years
in most of the US, with lower values (about 1100 years) in the most active regions (California and the New
Madrid seismic zone). These are consistent with the 1000-1500 year targets.

Figure 7 National map of ground motion return period (0.2 sec spectral acceleration) for
risk-targeted maximum considered earthquake ground motion computed using a 1.5%
probability of collapse in 50 years target risk level. The scale bar indicates return period
in years.
For Step 4, disaggregation was performed for 29 locations in the western US (details in Table 1 of
Petersen et al. 2014), and five central and eastern US locations (Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, New York,
St. Louis). Figure 8 plots the variation of  with the risk target probability for 0.2 sec and 1.0 sec spectral
accelerations. For the western US, at a 1.5% risk target,  averages about 1.0, corresponding to about an
84th percentile ground motion. For most central and eastern US locations, the same 1.5% risk target provides
an  of approximately 0.5 (69th percentile). This includes areas, such as Chicago, with strong contributions
from background seismicity relative to contributions from specific fault sources. For a few locations (New
York and Charleston),  is approximately zero (50th percentile). Some Project 17 members expressed
concern that the modified risk target would provide inadequate seismic protection for such locations. To
address this concern, there was discussion of possibly implementing a deterministic floor, which would

2020 NEHRP Provisions

consist of a source, magnitude and  for a given region, to define levels of ground motion that maximum
considered ground motions should not fall below.
Figure 9 shows the impact on deterministically capped regions if the modified risk target were adopted.
The maps in the Figure shade only those regions where deterministic caps apply, using the current
framework in which deterministic ground motions are adopted if they are less than probabilistic MCE R
ground motions. The shading indicates the ground motion return period as marked in the legend. The left
and right sides of the Figure show the capped regions under the current and modified risk targets,
respectively. The modification reduces significantly the area subject to caps, but does not eliminate it. Caps
are eliminated in several important locations, including most of Los Angeles and surrounding urbanized
areas, the San Francisco peninsula, and most of Silicon Valley. Most of the areas where deterministic caps
would remain under current ‘rules’ are sparsely populated (an exception being portions of the east San
Francisco Bay Area; approximately Fremont to Oakland). As a result, were this proposal to be adopted,
deterministic caps would no longer be needed to reduce ground motions for most populated areas, and
therefore could likely be eliminated.
If the risk target were increased in a manner similar to what is described here, deterministic caps were
eliminated, and the two-thirds factor was retained, there would be several impacts:
• The levels of seismic protection provided for code-designed structures would be uniform nation-
wide, increasing transparency.
• Ground motions would be lowered in areas not previously governed by deterministic caps. Luco
et al. (2017) (their Figure 4) show the lowering of 0.2 sec MCER ground motions for different risk
target levels at 34 locations across the U.S. -- at a 1.5% risk target, reductions range from about 12
to 24% relative to current levels, with the largest reductions in central and eastern North America
and the intermountain west.
• For engineers who wish to describe the earthquake controlling design ground motions in a
deterministic manner (i.e., specific fault, magnitude, and distance), this information would no
longer be pre-determined by PUC ‘rules’. Instead, it would be derived using disaggregation that is
specific to a site location and the selected ground motion parameter (i.e., spectral acceleration for
a given period).

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

Figure 8 Variation of mean epsilon as a function of risk target percentage (1% being the default, current value) for 0.2 and
1.0 sec spectral accelerations at various locations in the western and central/eastern US.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Current MCER (1% prob. collapse in 50 yr.) Modified MCER (1.5% prob. collapse in 50 yr.)

Figure 9 Shading of deterministically capped regions in California according to ground motion return period provided by
current and modified risk targets. The scale bar indicates return period in years. The ground motion parameter is 0.2 sec
spectral acceleration.

Part 3, Resource Paper 2


Current procedures for deriving site MCER ground motions provide spatially non-uniform levels of risk in
areas near major active faults (Figure 4). For most deterministically capped regions, Figure 4 shows that
risk levels currently provided range from about 1% to 4% probability of collapse in 50 years. However, for
some locations (e.g., Parkfield), the risk level is almost 10% collapse probability. Hence, risk levels in
California vary by up to a factor of 10.
While Alternative 1 (Section 3.3) removes this spatial non-uniformity, in the course of
deliberations, it became evident that such non-uniformity is considered to be acceptable to some Project 17
team members in order to reduce design ground motions near active faults (Section 2.2). Viewed from this
perspective, the problem with current procedures is not that the risk is non-uniform, but that levels of non-
uniform risk in deterministically capped zones are substantial and uncontrolled.
The premise of Alternative 2 is that while non-uniform risk is established practice in California,
levels of elevated risk near active faults should be specified. Figure 10 illustrates the concept. Part (a) shows
that beyond some fault distance, the risk target is unchanged (1% probability of collapse in 50 years). Parts
(b) and (c) show that within a zone of uniform width along the fault, one or more elevated collapse
probabilities are used. Ground motions within the elevated risk zones are computed in the same manner as
done currently for the probabilistic MCER, but with the elevated risk targets in lieu of 1%.
Implementation of Alternative 2 requires answers to three questions:
1. What faults would be subject to elevated risk?
2. What zone width would be used around faults?
3. What levels of elevated risk would be applied?

Figure 10 Schematic illustration of Alternative 2 risk targets as function of position

relative to active fault. (a) standard 1% probability of collapse (PC) in 50 years, which
applies beyond some fault distance (indicated by dotted lines); (b) single zone of
elevated risk near active fault; (c) two zones of elevated risk, with risk target increasing
at closer fault distances

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Answers to these questions were not developed in Project 17 deliberations. However, presumably the
targeted faults would be the same as those used currently for deterministic caps. A specific recommendation
for zone width was not developed, but it would likely be nominally less than the width of deterministically
capped zones, which is generally about 50 km for major strike-slip faults. Based on Figure 4, if elevated
target risk levels of about 2-3% collapse probability were selected, design ground motions in urban areas
would not change appreciably from current levels. Because avoiding change of design ground motions over
time influences PUC decision making (Section 2.2), risk levels in the range of 2-3% collapse probability
would likely be used if Alternative 2 were implemented. A similar alternative that selects elevated risk
targets based only on the levels of hazard, such that locations of higher hazard use higher risk targets, was
proposed in Luco et al. (2017).
If near-fault elevated risk targets were to be implemented, there would be several impacts:
• Deterministic procedures would no longer be used to derive design ground motions.
• Regions near large, active faults in California would have elevated risk levels, but those levels
would be specified in the NEHRP Provisions. Moreover, by applying elevated risk targets in a
uniform manner, the uncontrolled risk levels provided currently in deterministically capped zones
would be eliminated.
• While design ground motions would change at individual sites, when viewed more broadly at
regional scales, the changes could be made to be minimal relative to current levels.


This Part 3 paper describes the application of deterministic caps in the derivation of design ground motions,
issues associated with the use of such caps, and two alternative procedures for deriving ground motions that
were developed in Project 17. Both alternative procedures allow elimination of deterministic methods.
Alternative 1 increases the risk target at a national level. Alternative 2 maintains the current national risk
target, but elevates risk targets near large, active faults in California.
Adoption of either option would require substantive deliberation and judgment by the PUC. The central
issue that would face the PUC for either option is the appropriate level of collapse risk that should be used
in the derivation of design ground motions. While we recognize the difficulty and significance of
developing such recommendations, this matter is fundamental to PUC’s charge. What adoption of either
option would replace is the exercise of judgment by the PUC in the application of seismic source and ground
motion models. As a deliberative body, the PUC is arguably better equipped to apply judgement that is
quantified in the form of collapse risk than judgment quantified with respect to details of seismological
The topics addressed in this paper, including the two alternative procedures, were discussed in detail
as part of Project 17 (BSSC, 2018). Both alternatives were rejected. The primary reasons for rejection were:
• Alternative 1: Some Project 17 members were not willing to adopt changes to the design ground
motions that would result from changes to the risk target. Potential changes to the two-thirds factor
to mitigate changes to design ground motions were not discussed. Because changes in design
ground motions over time tend to be avoided (Section 2.2), this caused Alternative 1 to not be
supported. It was not balloted.
• Alternative 2: There was discomfort with clearly delineating non-uniform levels of risk for sites
near major, active faults in California. The preference of some Project 17 members was to exercise
judgement not at the risk level, but at the level of seismic source and ground motion models, and
for elevated risk in these regions to be a relatively opaque outcome of deterministic calculations.
Alternative 2 was balloted and failed with a slight majority of Project 17 members.

Part 3, Resource Paper 2

By rejecting these alternatives, Project 17 endorsed continued use of deterministic capping of design
ground motions. Some adjustments in the means by which deterministic faults are selected and earthquake
magnitudes are chosen have been made, which brings somewhat more rigor and computational efficiency
to the process. These changes are described in the 2020 NEHRP Commentary.
It is possible that PUCs formed for future code cycles might revisit this topic. Given the significance
of this issue, a systematic, consensus-building approach is needed. Such an approach could include the
following steps:
1. Form an issue team (IT) to address this issue, composed of ground motion and risk experts,
practicing structural and geotechnical engineers, and building department officials;
2. IT undertakes work, ideally starting prior to the start of the next code cycle, to move towards
consensus on the following points:
a. Is a uniform risk framework (Alternative 1) or specified non-uniform risk framework
(Alternative 2) preferred?
b. For Alternative 1, what risk target should be selected? What modification of the resulting
ground motions, if any, is most appropriate? Should the two-thirds factor be adjusted to
mitigate changes in design ground motions in targeted regions?
c. For Alternative 2, answers to the three questions posed in Section 4 could be developed.
3. Sensitivities to different answers would be documented prior to, or in the early stages of, the next
cycle so that the IT has sufficient time to work out the final details with the PUC.

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considered earthquake ground motion maps. Earthquake Spectra, 16 (1), 21-40.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Luco, N., Ellingwood, B. R., Hamburger, R. O., Hooper, J. D., Kimball, J. K., and Kircher, C. A., 2007.
Risk-targeted versus current seismic design maps for the conterminous United States, Proc. Struct.
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maximum considered earthquake ground motion maps. Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile.
Petersen, M.D., Moschetti, M.P., Powers, P.M., Mueller, C.S., Haller, K.M., Frankel, A.D.,, Zeng, Y.,
Rezaeian, S., Harmsen, S.C., Boyd, O.S., Field, E., Chen, R., Rukstales, K.S., Luco, N., Wheeler, R.L.,
Williams, R.A., and Olsen, A.H., 2015. The 2014 United States National Seismic Hazard Model.
Earthquake Spectra, 31 (S1), S1-S30.
Sieh, K.E., 1978. Slip along the San Andreas fault associated with the great 1857 earthquake, Bull. Seismol.
Soc. Am., 68 (5), 1421–1448.
Sieh, K.E., Stuiver, M., and Brillinger, D., 1989. A more precise chronology of earthquakes produced by
the San Andreas fault in southern California. J. Geophy. Res.: Solid Earth, 94(B1), 603-623.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3


IT4 was formed with the broad mandate of identifying possible areas of improvement in current design
practices for shear walls of concrete, masonry, steel, and wood, and of formulating specific improvements.
IT4 developed two Part 1 proposals for modifications to ASCE 7-16 Table 12.2-1 (ASCE 2016). The first
one adds line items on Bearing Wall Systems, Building Frame Systems, and Dual Systems (with Special
Moment Frames) featuring Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Shear Walls. The second proposal adds
line items on Building Frame Systems and Dual Systems (with Special Moment Frames) featuring Steel
and Concrete Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls. In addition, IT4 developed this Part 3 Resource Paper.
This Resource Paper was developed to help practitioners understand how the design of shear walls of
various materials is approached; what the common elements are, and what the differences are.
This Resources Paper also discusses topics of particular concern to practitioners dealing with the design of
shear walls of a particular material or construction. Some of this topical discussion goes beyond current
building code provisions and provides guidance on issues facing the practitioner. This resource paper also
provides technical background to the two Part 1 proposals developed by IT4. One of the proposals on
reinforced concrete ductile coupled shear walls utilized changes in shear wall design and detailing made in
ACI 318-19. The background to these changes is explained.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


RP3-1.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses seismic force-resisting systems featuring shear wall types that are addressed in
ASCE 7. Seismic design forces for shear walls, as given in ASCE 7, depend on response modification
factors, R, listed in ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1. This chapter deals with the strength and ductility of shear
walls. Included is a general treatment of issues regarding shear walls.
This chapter addresses basic behavior modes and design principles for shear walls of a wide range of
materials. Included for each material are: shear wall system (construction) description; preferred energy-
dissipation mechanisms; design concepts, methods, and details; and approaches to analytical modeling.
Detailed discussions of shear walls of various materials follow in later chapters.

RP3-1.1 Seismic Force-Resisting Structural Systems

The basic structural systems that may be used to resist earthquake forces are listed in ASCE 7 Table 12.2-
1 (ASCE 2016). Included in the table are the response modification factors R to be used in determining
the base shear V, the overstrength factor Ωo to be used in determining maximum element design forces,
and the deflection amplification factor Cd to be used in determining design story drift. Also given in the
table are height limits for the various structural systems, which depend on the Seismic Design Category
(SDC). It is the height limits portion of the table that indicates that when it comes to concrete moment
frames, for instance, ordinary detailing is permitted only for SDC B (and, of course, A); intermediate or
special detailing is required for SDC C; and special detailing is the minimum requirement for SDC D, E,
or F. Also included in Table 12.2-1 is a column that lists ASCE 7 sections where detailing requirements
for the various structural systems are specified. This column is not particularly useful because most of the
references are to ASCE 7 Chapter 14 section numbers. For all reinforced concrete systems, reference is
made to ASCE 7-16 Section 14.2. That section references ACI 318-14 (ACI 2014), which is where the
actual detailing requirements are found. A general description of each major category of seismic force-
resisting systems featuring shear walls is given below.
For structural members within a building assigned to SDC D, E, or F that are not proportioned to
resist forces induced by earthquake motions, the deformation compatibility requirements of ASCE 7-16
Section 12.12.5 must be satisfied. In short, every structural component not included in the seismic force-
resisting system in the direction under consideration must be designed to be adequate for vertical load-
carrying capacity and the induced bending moments and shear forces resulting from the design story drift.
Note that reinforced concrete frame members not designed as part of the seismic force-resisting system
are deemed to satisfy deformation compatibility requirements if they comply with Section 18.14 of ACI

RP3-1.1.1 Bearing wall systems

The moment-resisting frame system, shown in Figure 1.1-1(a), is not discussed here because it does not
contain shear walls. The bearing wall system depicted in Figure 1.1-1(b) is a structural system without an
essentially complete space frame that provides support for the gravity loads. Bearing walls provide
support for all or most of the gravity loads. Resistance to lateral forces is provided by the same bearing
walls acting as shear walls. See ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 Row A for bearing wall systems of various
materials specifically recognized by ASCE 7-16.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 1.1-1: Seismic force-resisting structural systems

RP3-1.1.2 Dual Systems

A dual system, depicted in Figure 1.1-1(c), is a structural system with the following essential features:
1. An essentially complete space frame provides support for gravity loads;
2. Resistance to lateral forces is provided by moment-resisting frames capable of resisting at least
25% of the design base shear and by shear walls or braced frames (ASCE 7-16 Section;
3. The two subsystems (moment-resisting frames and shear walls) are designed to resist the design
base shear in proportion to their relative rigidities (ASCE 7-16 Section
ASCE 7-16 separately recognizes dual systems in which the moment-resisting frame consists of special
moment frames (ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 Row D) and dual systems in which the moment-resisting frame
consists of intermediate moment frames (ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 Row E).
The concept of the dual system loses its validity in buildings assigned to SDC A and B, since it is
questionable whether the moment frames, which are required to have only ordinary detailing, can act as a
back-up to the ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls (the inelastic deformability of both systems are
comparable). In areas of low seismicity, utilizing a Shear Wall-Frame Interactive System (ASCE 7 Table
12.2-1 Row F) is more logical. In this system, defined in ASCE 7-16 Section, the shear walls and
frames resist the lateral forces in proportion to their rigidities, considering interaction between the two
subsystems at all levels. In addition, the shear strength of the shear walls must be at least 75% of the design
story shear at each story. The frames of the shear wall-frame interactive system must be capable of resisting
at least 25% of the design story shear in every story.

RP3-1.1.3 Building Frame Systems

A building frame system is depicted in Figure 1.1-1(d). This is a structural system with an essentially
complete space frame that supports the gravity loads. Resistance to lateral forces is provided by shear
walls or braced frames. No interaction between the shear walls or braced frames and the moment frames

2020 NEHRP Provisions

is considered in the lateral load analysis; all of the lateral forces are allocated to the walls. Deformation
compatibility between the gravity frame and the seismic force-resisting shear walls or braced frames must
be maintained.
Similar to dual systems, the concept of the building frame system loses its appeal for structures assigned
to SDC A or B, since there is little to be gained from assigning the entire lateral resistance to the shear walls
in the absence of any special detailing requirements for the frames. As noted above, a Shear Wall-Frame
Interactive System may be more practical and economical in such cases.

RP3-1.1.4 Undefined Structural Systems

ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 also defines Cantilever Column Systems and Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed
for Seismic Resistance. These systems are not discussed here. Undefined structural systems are any systems
not listed in ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1. ASCE 7 Section provides for alternative structural systems.

RP3-1.2 Mechanics of Shear Walls

Shear walls provide resistance to horizontal accelerations of the building mass through shear forces and
overturning moments that are transmitted to the building foundation. The internal mechanisms for
resisting the shear and moment differ between shear wall types, configurations, materials, and
construction. The shear forces may be resisted in elements idealized to be in pure shear (as in plywood
shear walls), in a compression strut (concrete and masonry shear walls), or in a diagonal tension field
(thin-web steel-plate shear walls).
The overturning moments similarly are resisted by different elements or mechanisms in different wall
types. Wood shear walls typically have posts at each end that resist the overturning moment as a force
couple, with special hardware providing tension splices and uplift restraint. Concrete shear walls may
have designated wall-end boundary elements working in both tension and compression, or may resist
overturning moments without special boundary element over the entire wall length at lower strains. The
compression component of the overturning moment in concrete walls is not completely distinct from the
diagonal compression that resists shear. Additionally, wall “flanges” (typically large segments of
perpendicular walls) may provide overturning resistance. Masonry shear walls are similar to concrete
shear walls, although masonry walls rarely have special boundary elements and the overturning moment
is resisted over the entire wall length at lower strains. In steel-plate shear walls the overturning moment is
resisted by means of compression in one of the columns and tension in the other (combined with the
diagonal web tension that resists shear).
The preferred yielding mechanism for each type of wall is the one that provides the most reliable
inelastic drift capacity. For wood shear walls it is shear deformation, provided largely through bending of
nails and deformation of nail holes. For concrete and masonry shear walls it is flexural yielding of the
under-reinforced section, with crack formation and elongation of the vertical reinforcement. In steel-plate
shear walls it is tension yielding of the steel web plate. Design provisions for these systems generally
require proportioning such that the preferred yield mechanism is ensured or made more likely to occur.

RP3-1.3 Design of Concrete Shear Walls

RP3-1.3.1 Cast-in-Place, Non-Prestressed

RP3- Ordinary and Special

Cast-in-place shear walls can be designed and detailed as ordinary shear walls by Chapter 11 of ACI 318
(ACI 2014) or as special shear walls by Section 18.10 of ACI 318. There are no intermediate shear walls
of cast-in-place concrete. Ordinary shear walls are permitted in buildings assigned to Seismic Design
Categories up to C. Special shear walls are required to be used in buildings assigned to SDC D, E, or F.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

RP3- Squat versus Slender

As clearly indicated in NIST Tech Brief No.6 (Moehle et al. 2011, Revised 2012), “Expected behavior of
walls depends partly on wall aspect ratio. Slender walls (hw/łw ≥ 2.0) tend to behave much like flexural
cantilevers. The preferred inelastic behavior mode of slender walls is ductile flexural yielding, without
shear failure. In contrast, walls with very low aspect ratios (hw/ łw ≤ 0.5) tend to resist lateral forces through
a diagonal strut mechanism in which concrete and distributed horizontal and vertical reinforcement resist
shear. Wall behavior transitions between these extremes for intermediate aspect ratios. Shear yielding of
slender walls generally is considered unacceptable because it reduces inelastic deformation capacity below
expected values. Shear yielding of very squat walls is often accepted because such walls tend to have high
inherent strength and low ductility demands.”
Special shear walls need to be slender, because flexural yielding preceding shear failure is anticipated.
That does not necessarily require hw/łw ≥ 2.0. hw/łw ≥ 1.5 is typically sufficient. To have flexural yielding
preceding shear failure becomes more and more of a challenge for lower height to horizontal length ratios.

RP3- Design for Shear

A shear wall is designed first for shear and then for combined flexure and axial load. Shear design is
essentially the same for ordinary as well as special shear walls, but a couple of important details are
different. The required shear strength, Vu, for both ordinary and special shear walls is equal to the factored
shear at the critical section, typically at the base of the shear wall (wall-foundation interface) obtained from
elastic analysis of the structure containing the shear wall under code-prescribed seismic forces. This has
changed drastically for special shear walls in ACI 318-19 (ACI 2019), as indicated in Sections RP3-3.8.2
and RP3-3.8.5.
For ordinary shear walls, the shear-resisting area is the web thickness, h, times be effective depth, which
can be taken equal to 0.8łw where łw is the total horizontal length of the shear wall. For special shear walls,
the shear resisting area is the web thickness bw times the total length łw. In both ordinary and special shear
walls, the shear is resisted partly by concrete and partly by horizontal shear reinforcement. In an ordinary
shear wall, the concrete contribution, Vc, can be taken equal to 2√fc’hd for walls subject to axial compression
or can be calculated by Table, where Vc is dependent on the axial compression or tension on the
wall. In a special shear wall, Vc is 2√fc’bwd for hw/łw ≥ 2.0, it is 3√fc’bwd for hw/ łw ≤ 1.5, and is linearly
interpolated between 3√fc’bwd and 2√fc’bwd for hw/ łw between 2.0 and 1.5.

RP3- Design for Flexure and Axial Loads

The basic design for flexure and axial loads is the same for ordinary as well as special shear walls. A shear
wall cross-section is designed like a column section, with the entire cross-section being effective. The (Pu,
Mu) demands from various load combinations must be within the design strength interaction diagram.

RP3- Detailing
For ordinary shear walls, detailing the requirements are fairly minimal and are given in ACI 318-14 Sections
11.6 and 11.7.
In a special shear wall, those parts of the shear wall cross-section that are in significant compression
must be specially confined. There are two ways of determining whether any part of a shear wall is under
significant compression. There is a displacement-based approach for cantilever shear walls hinging at the
base, with hw/łw ≥ 2.0. Under this approach, the neutral axis depth, c, under the axial load Pu from the
counteractive seismic load combination and the corresponding φVn, is compared against a critical neutral
axis depth ccr. If the calculated neutral axis depth is larger than or equal to ccr, the length of specially
confined boundary zone at each end must be equal to c/2 or c - 0.1łw, whichever is larger. The vertical
extent of the confined boundary zone above the critical section must be łw or Mu/4Pu, whichever is larger.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Where the displacement based approach is not applicable, if the stress Pu/Ag + (Mu/Ig)(łw/2) at the critical
section exceeds 0.2fc’, a length equal to c/2 or c – 0.1łw, as in the displacement based approach, must be
specially confined. The specially confined boundary zone can be discontinued at the height about the critical
section where the above stress falls below 0.15 fc’.
Where special confinement is not required, if the local reinforcement ratio at the ends of a shear wall
exceeds 400/fy, non-special confinement, as specified in ACI 318-14 Section (a) must be
ACI 318-14 also has provisions to prevent out-of-plane buckling of shear walls under significant
compression in Sections (b) and (c).

RP3- References for RP3-1.3.1

ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Commentary
(ACI 318R-14), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.

Moehle, J., Ghodsi, T., Hooper, J., Fields, D., and Gedhada, R. (2011, Revised 2012)). Seismic Design of
Cast-in-Place Concrete Special Structural Walls and Coupling Beams: A Guide for Practicing Engineers,
NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief 6, NIST GCR 11-917-11REV-1, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

RP3-1.3.2 Cast-in-Place, Post-tensioned

Extensive research since the 1990s has shown that the use of unbonded post-tensioning (PT) can result in
highly-ductile primary seismic force-resisting structural systems with large self-centering capability and
reduced damage. In comparison with precast concrete shear walls (discussed in the following section),
previous research on the application of unbonded PT in monolithic cast-in-place (CIP) concrete walls has
been limited. An especially successful configuration for high seismic performance has been the special
“hybrid” shear wall system where elastic unbonded PT steel for self-centering is combined with yielding
mild-steel reinforcement for energy dissipation. Through an analytical investigation, Srivastava (2013)
developed closed-form expressions for estimating the lateral load behavior of hybrid-CIP concrete walls
with bonded or debonded longitudinal mild steel reinforcement and investigated the effects of design
parameters on the lateral load behavior of the walls. Pakiding et al. (2015) conducted a subsequent
experimental study on two walls with different amounts of PT strands and mild steel bars crossing the
critical base joint with the foundation. The experimental results, which were compared with numerical
models, demonstrated the self-centering, energy dissipation, and lateral displacement capacity of the walls.
Case studies, real-world applications, conceptual background, and basic guidelines for the design and
construction of hybrid-CIP concrete walls for seismic resistance can be found in Panian et al. (2007a,b) and
Stevenson et al. (2008). Most recently, Xilin et al. (2017) tested 8 walls with different amounts of mild steel
and PT steel crossing the base joint. Different from the other previous studies, these walls utilized steel
plates over a predetermined length of the base joint to facilitate the development of a crack, and therefore
concentrated rotations, at this location, so as to reduce cracking over the wall height.

RP3- References for RP3-1.3.2

Pakiding, L., Pessiki, S., Sause, and Rivera, M. (2015). “Lateral load response of unbonded post-tensioned
cast-in-place concrete walls,” Proceedings, Structures Congress 2015, pp. 1891–1902, Portland, Oregon,

Panian, L., Steyer, M., and Tipping, S. (2007a). “An innovative approach to earthquake safety and concrete
construction in buildings.” Journal Post-Tensioning Institute, 5(1), 7–16.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Panian, L.; Steyer, M.; Tipping, S., “Post-Tensioned Shotcrete Shearwalls,” Concrete International,
October 2007b, Vol. 29, number 10, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan.

Srivastava, S., Sause, R., Pessiki, S. (2003). “Analytical Lateral Load Response of Unbonded Post-
Tensioned Cast-in-Place Concrete Special Structural Walls with Bonded or Debonded Longitudinal Mild
Steel Reinforcement,” Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem,

Stevenson, M., Panian, L., Korolyk,M., and Mar, D. (2008). “Post-tensioned concrete walls and frames for
seismic-resistance: A case study of the David Brower Center.” Proceedings, SEAOC Annual Convention,
SEAOC, Sacramento, CA.

Xilin, L., Xiangliang, D., Jiang, Q., Ying, Z. (2017). “Experimental Study of Self-Centering Shear Walls
with Horizontal Bottom Slits,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume: 143.

RP3-1.3.3 Precast

Precast concrete shear walls can be constructed using single or multiple rectangular wall panels with
“emulative” or “jointed” connections. Emulative connections are detailed to result in a precast wall with
lateral strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation similar to those of an equivalent monolithic cast-in-place
special reinforced concrete wall (Ericson and Warnes 1990). These connections can be designed to undergo
flexural yielding (i.e., “ductile” connections) or remain elastic (“i.e., “strong” connections). Walls with
ductile connections develop plastic hinges in the connections, while walls with strong connections develop
plastic hinges away from the connections. In either case, capacity-design principles are used to ensure that
locations other than the selected plastic hinges remain essentially linear-elastic.

According to ACI 318-14 Section, special emulative precast walls are required to satisfy ACI
318-14 Sections 18.10 and 18.5.2. 2018 IBC (ICC 2017) Section 1905.1.3 imposes additional requirements
to ensure adequate lateral displacement capacity. Emulative precast walls can be constructed by stacking
the wall panels on top of each other, with the necessary connections made using deformed reinforcing bars,
bonded prestressing steel, or mechanical connectors. Early studies investigated “platform-type” horizontal
strong connections (Martin and Korkosz 1982; ACI 550R-96 2001; Oliva et al. 1989, 1990; Armouti 1993),
where the floor slab is placed in between the wall panels above and below. Systems where the wall panels
directly support each other without the floor slab in between result in simpler horizontal connections (ACI
550R-96 2001; CAE 1999; Park 1995; Seifi et al. 2016) than the platform-type system. Both systems require
the use of concrete confinement reinforcement or other special detailing at the wall toes (similar to that
used in cast-in-place monolithic wall construction) to ensure that the large compressive strain demands can
be sustained in these regions under seismic loading.

In contrast with emulative systems, jointed precast walls are intended to behave differently from
monolithic cast-in-place special reinforced concrete walls under lateral loads by allowing the opening of a
large concentrated gap at the base joint with the foundation. This gap opening behavior results in rocking-
type concentrated rotations of the wall at the base. However, previous research has shown that jointed walls
with solely mild steel reinforcing bars grouted across the base joint (Crisafulli et al. 2002; Smith et al. 2013)
can suffer from excessive uplift, shear slip, and lateral strength and stiffness degradation due to the
accumulation of residual tensile strains in the connection reinforcement under reversed-cyclic loading. In
comparison, extremely ductile behavior with large self-centering capability but little energy dissipation
develops in the case of walls with solely unbonded PT steel crossing the base joint (Kurama et al. 1999a,b,
2002; Galusha 1999; Allen and Kurama 2002a,b; Holden et al. 2003; Perez et al. 2007, 2013; Erkmen and
Schultz 2009; Henry et al. 2012; Belleri et al. 2014a). Practical real-world applications of unbonded PT-

2020 NEHRP Provisions

precast concrete walls can be found in the Dominican Republic, New Zealand and Chile (Pampanin et al.
2011; Ghosh and Cleland 2012).

Due to the low energy dissipation capacity associated with unbonded PT connections, a number of
researchers have investigated the use of supplemental energy dissipation components in precast concrete
walls (Kurama 2000, 2001; Ajrab et al. 2004; Restrepo and Rahman 2007; Marriott et al. 2008). The most
successful jointed precast shear wall system to-date is the “hybrid” system, where unbonded PT steel is
supplemented with mild steel reinforcement crossing the base joint, as applied to hybrid precast concrete
moment frames in Priestley et al. (1999) and Nakaki et al. (1999). The unbonded PT steel is designed to
remain elastic and provide self-centering capability while the mild steel reinforcement is designed to yield
and provide energy dissipation, resulting in a superior “special” reinforced concrete shear wall system.
Hybrid-precast concrete shear walls have been investigated extensively (Rahman and Restrepo 2000;
Holden et al. 2001, 2003; Kurama 2002, 2005; Restrepo 2003). Importantly, the system has been shown to
satisfy ACI 318-14 Section based on validation testing (Smith et al. 2011, 2013, 2015) according
to ACI ITG 5.1-07 (2007) and accompanying design guidelines in ACI ITG 5.2-09 (2009). Full seismic
design and detailing recommendations can be found in Smith and Kurama (2014) to ensure that the walls
satisfy ACI 318-14 and ACI ITG 5.1-07 requirements for special RC structural walls.

RP3- Design of Precast Concrete Walls

Precast concrete shear walls can be designed and constructed as efficient and high-performing primary
seismic force-resisting elements in building structures. Individual wall panels are produced (prefabricated)
in a manufacturing facility, transported to the building site, and erected and connected in the field, resulting
in cost-effective, rapid, and high-quality construction. The following sections provide a general overview
of the types of precast wall configurations, as well as their construction, behavior, design, and analysis.

RP3- Shear Wall System Description, Construction, and Performance

Precast concrete shear walls can be constructed using single or multiple rectangular (uniform-thickness)
wall panels. Possible wall configurations are shown in Figure 1.3-1. Walls can be uncoupled or coupled,
with each pier consisting of single or multiple panels connected along horizontal joints. Coupling of piers
can be developed using connectors along vertical joints or coupling beams at floor levels.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 1.3-1 Precast walls (reinforcement note shown): (a) single panel wall; (b) multi
panel wall; (c) coupled wall with vertical joint; (d) coupled wall with coupling beams

The regions of a wall where adjacent precast panels are erected against each other or against the
foundation are generally referred to as “joints,” while the term “connection” generally refers to the hardware
and reinforcement components that provide stiffness and strength across a joint. A small construction space
is incorporated at each joint to allow for tolerances and alignment of the panel; this space is then filled with
non-shrink fiber-reinforced grout. Connections between the precast panels and between the base panel and
the foundation are the most critical components of a precast concrete shear wall and require special attention
to detailing for load path, strength, stiffness, and ductility. Connections are typically completed in the field
during erection; and thus, quality control during the erection process is also of utmost importance. Bolted
or welded embedded mechanical hardware (e.g., steel plates and proprietary inserts), embedded or grouted
deformed steel bars, and/or bonded or unbonded post-tensioning steel (PCI 2010; PTI 2006) are typical
components used in the connections of different types of precast concrete shear walls.

Precast shear walls can be detailed and constructed as “emulative” or “jointed” walls. Emulative walls
are designed to have lateral strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation similar to those of an equivalent
monolithic cast-in-place special reinforced concrete shear wall (Ericson and Warnes 1990), as depicted in
Figure 1.3-2. As such, the nonlinear lateral load behavior of an emulative precast wall occurs through the
yielding of the reinforcement and associated extensive cracking of the concrete. The axial-flexural
nonlinear behavior can be designed as plastic hinges at the panel-to-panel and panel-to-foundation
horizontal connections. These connections are referred to as “ductile” connections. Conversely, in the case
of “strong” connections, the connections remain essentially linear-elastic while the plastic hinging occurs
adjacent to or away from the joints. Connections for emulative walls are typically made using deformed
steel reinforcing bars, bonded post-tensioning steel, and/or mechanical hardware, with specific details that
can be found in ACI 550R-96 (ACI 2001). While early studies investigated emulative walls using
“platform-type” strong horizontal connections (Martin and Korkosz 1982; ACI 550R-96 2001; Oliva et al.
1989, 1990; Armouti 1993), where the floor slab is placed in between the wall panels above and below,

2020 NEHRP Provisions

systems where the wall panels are directly stacked without the floor slab in between result in simpler details
(ACI 550R-96 2001; CAE 1999; Park 1995; Seifi et al. 2016).

Figure 1.3-2 Lateral load behaviors: (a) monolithic cast-in-place wall; (b) unbonded post-
tensioned jointed (rocking) wall; (c) hybrid jointed (rocking) wall

Jointed precast walls (also referred to as “non-emulative” walls) are designed to behave differently than
emulative precast walls, and therefore differently than monolithic cast-in-place special reinforced concrete
shear walls. Specifically, in jointed precast walls, most of the nonlinear axial-flexural deformations are
concentrated through a controlled rocking mechanism (i.e., concentrated rotational mechanism) at a
selected critical joint (usually the base joint above the foundation). This rocking behavior develops by the
opening (during lateral loading) and subsequent closing (upon unloading) of a gap at the selected joint,
taking advantage of the unique discrete nature of precast construction. As a major advantage, the
concentrated gap opening rotations allow the wall to undergo large nonlinear lateral displacements with
little damage to the precast panels.

The critical gap opening joint in a jointed wall needs to be reinforced using a ductile connection for
adequate lateral strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation. Tests of jointed walls with only deformed steel
reinforcing bars across the gap opening joint (Crisafulli et al. 2002; Smith et al. 2013) have shown large
energy dissipation, like that of an emulative wall, but premature failure can occur from excessive uplift,

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

shear slip, and lateral strength and stiffness degradation of the wall due to the accumulation of residual
tensile strains in the bars under reversed-cyclic lateral loading. Conversely, fully post-tensioned jointed
walls (Kurama et al. 1999a,b, 2002; Galusha 1999; Allen and Kurama 2002a,b; Holden et al. 2003; Perez
et al. 2007, 2013; Erkmen and Schultz 2009; Henry et al. 2012; Belleri et al. 2014a) with only unbonded
post-tensioning (PT) steel (usually in the form of multi-strand tendons) have extremely ductile, nearly
nonlinear-elastic behavior (Figure 1.3-2b) with little or no damage to the wall panels or yielding of the PT
steel. However, as a major disadvantage, the hysteretic energy dissipation of a fully post-tensioned wall is
low, which may result in increased seismic displacement demands (Priestley and Tao 1993; Farrow and
Kurama 2003; Seo and Sause 2005).

Thus, to satisfy the energy dissipation requirements of current building design codes, jointed precast
concrete shear walls need to be designed with supplemental energy dissipation components (Kurama 2000,
2001; Ajrab et al. 2004; Restrepo and Rahman 2007; Marriott et al. 2008). Out of the jointed precast walls
tested to-date, the “hybrid” system has been the most successful (Rahman and Restrepo 2000; Holden et al.
2001, 2003; Kurama 2002, 2005; Restrepo 2003), where unbonded multi-strand PT tendons are
supplemented with deformed steel reinforcing bars crossing the critical gap opening joint. The unbonded
PT steel is designed to remain elastic and provide self-centering (restoring) capability to the wall, while the
deformed steel reinforcement is designed to yield and provide energy dissipation, resulting in a superior
system with an efficient combination of large energy dissipation and large self-centering capability (Figure
1.3-2c). As a critical detail, a predetermined length of each energy dissipation (ED) bar is unbonded from
the concrete (by wrapping the bar inside a plastic sleeve) to ensure that the maximum tension strains of the
steel remain within an allowable range.

The deliberate unbonding of the PT steel in jointed walls allows the steel to remain linear-elastic by
distributing the elongations of the steel (upon gap opening) uniformly over the entire unbonded length
(often over the entire wall height), rather than being concentrated at the rocking joint. As an added benefit,
no significant tension stresses are transferred to the concrete from the elongation of the PT steel during gap
opening, thereby reducing the cracking of the concrete. Up until the initiation of gap opening (which occurs
when the lateral load moment at the joint overcomes the precompression from the PT force and gravity
loads), the initial lateral stiffness of a jointed wall is similar to that of a comparable emulative wall. Stiffness
reduction (and thereby nonlinear behavior) is initiated and dominated by the opening of a discrete gap,
which reduces the wall cross-section in contact at the joint and provides geometry-based (rather than
material yielding-based) nonlinearity. Upon unloading, the PT and gravity forces provide a restoring (self-
centering) effect that pulls the wall back to its original undisplaced position, closing the gap and reducing
the residual (i.e., plastic) lateral displacements. By keeping the PT steel elastic, the initial prestress force is
maintained when the wall returns to zero lateral displacement after being subjected to large nonlinear cyclic

RP3- Shear Wall Design

Governing design requirements for precast concrete shear walls are given by the 2018 IBC (ICC 2017),
ASCE/SEI 7-16 (ASCE 2016), and ACI 318-14 (ACI 2014). Additional important resource documents for
wall design are the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Provisions (BSSC 2015),
PCI Design Handbook (PCI 2010), and PCI Seismic Design Manual (Cleland and Ghosh 2012).
In general, the design of emulative special precast concrete shear walls is subject to the following
• According to ACI 318-14 Section, emulative special precast concrete shear walls shall
satisfy all requirements of ACI 318-14 Section 18.10 for special monolithic cast-in-place reinforced
concrete shear walls.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

• In general, capacity-design principles shall be used to ensure that strong connections and locations
other than the selected plastic hinges remain essentially linear-elastic.
• There shall be compliance with ACI Section 18.5.2, where yielding in the connections is restricted
to steel components or reinforcement, and connection components that are not intended to yield are
designed for at least 1.5 times the strength of the yielding components (based on capacity design
• The design of connection components shall include adequate anchorage to concrete according to
Chapter 17 of ACI 318-14.
• According to the 2018 IBC (ICC 2017) Section 1905.1.3, “connections that are designed to yield
shall be capable of maintaining 80% of their design strength at the deformation induced by the
design displacement or shall use Type 2 mechanical splices.” ACI 318-14 Section requires
Type 2 splices to be “capable of developing the specified tensile strength of the spliced bars”, and
according to Section of ACI 318-14, Type 2 splices are permitted at any location of a wall,
including yielding regions. However, Type 2 grouted splices of ED bars in jointed precast walls
have experienced failure due to bond pullout of the bars under cyclic loading (Smith and Kurama
2014) tested according to ACI ITG 5.1-07 (2007). Thus, Type 2 grouted splices should not be used
for the ED bars, including yielding bars in plastic hinges of emulative special precast concrete shear
Seismic provisions for jointed special precast concrete shear walls are given in ACI 318-14 Section, which specifies acceptance criteria based on satisfactory validation testing subjected to a
prescribed displacement procedure and validation drift amplitude according to ACI ITG 5.1-07 (ACI 2007).
Additionally, the commentary to ACI 318-14 Section refers to ACI ITG 5.2-09 (ACI 2009), which
provides design requirements for wall satisfying ACI ITG-5.1. Based on testing according to ACI ITG 5.1-
07 (2007), the hybrid precast wall system has been validated as a special reinforced concrete shear wall
system (Smith et al. 2011, 2013, 2015). Seismic design and detailing recommendations can be found in
Smith and Kurama (2014) to ensure that the walls satisfy ACI ITG 5.1-07 performance requirements as
• Capacity-design principles shall be used to ensure that no significant gap opening or nonlinear
material behavior occurs at joints other than the critical gap opening joint.
• There shall be adequate restoring force from post-tensioning and gravity loads to ensure that the
gap at the critical joint fully closes upon unloading. Prestress losses from cycling of the wall at the
validation drift shall be considered when determining the available restoring force.
• There shall be no significant shear slip at the horizontal joints.
• The post-tensioning steel shall be in the essentially linear-elastic range, with strains not exceeding
0.01 mm/mm through the validation drift.
• The energy-dissipating bars shall undergo significant yielding to satisfy the minimum energy-
dissipation requirements of ACI ITG 5.1-07 (2007), but shall not fracture through cycling of the
wall up to the validation drift.
• Adequate concrete confinement reinforcement shall be designed adjacent to the gap opening joint
to prevent crushing of the confined concrete through cycling of the wall up to the validation drift.
• The PT tendons and the energy dissipation bars shall be adequately anchored to the concrete.
• The wall panels shall be adequately reinforced and detailed for the maximum moment and shear
demands at the validation drift. Additionally, reinforcement shall be placed along the edge of the
panel undergoing the concentrated gap opening rotation.

RP3- Shear Wall Analytical Modeling

Because of comparable wall behavior and mechanisms, the analytical modeling of emulative walls
generally follows similar procedures as the modeling of monolithic cast-in-place reinforced concrete shear
walls. In comparison, modeling of jointed walls require special techniques necessary to analyze the effects
of the concentrated gap opening. Three different modeling tools, as depicted in Figure 1.3-3, that can be

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

used in the seismic design and analysis of hybrid precast concrete shear walls can be found in Smith and
Kurama (2012): (1) a linear-elastic effective stiffness model; (2) a simplified nonlinear finite element
model; and (3) a fiber element model. These analytical models intentionally incorporate several simplifying
assumptions appropriate for the design office and have been validated based on the results from the
experimental program.

The linear-elastic effective stiffness model can be used as part of the equivalent lateral force procedure
in ASCE 7 (2016). Some of the important model features are:

• The effective flexural stiffness of the wall after gap opening but before significant material
nonlinearity can be modeled using an effective moment of inertia of the wall cross-section that
accounts for the extent of gap opening.
• Shear deformations are incorporated using an effective shear area. For perforated walls, the
effective shear area is significantly reduced.

The finite element model is a simplified tool intended for the design of panels with perforations as well
as to conduct nonlinear pushover analyses. Some of the important model features are:

▪ “Hard contact” surfaces are used at the horizontal joints to model for gap opening. These surfaces
are defined with “rough” friction, which prevents joint slip when the surfaces are in contact.
▪ The wall panel concrete is modeled using linear-elastic properties in tension. The reinforcement
contained within each panel is not modeled explicitly. This major simplification is possible because
the tension deformations of the wall are concentrated as gap opening, with little cracking in the
▪ Elements modeling the ED bars are partitioned into bonded and unbonded regions.

Figure 1.3-3 Analytical modeling of hybrid walls: (a) linear-elastic effective stiffness
model; (b) nonlinear finite element model; (c) fiber element model

2020 NEHRP Provisions

The fiber element model is an effective tool to conduct nonlinear reversed-cyclic and dynamic response
history analyses of hybrid walls under seismic loading. The goal is to accurately reproduce the hysteretic
behavior of the structure including gap opening/closing at the horizontal joints and hysteretic stress-strain
behaviors for the materials. Some of the important model features are:
▪ Fiber beam-column elements are used to represent the axial-flexural behavior of the precast wall
panels. The shear stiffness of the panels is assumed to remain constant at the effective stiffness
given by the linear-elastic effective stiffness model.
▪ To simulate the effect of gap opening, the tension strength of the concrete fibers at the bottom of
the panel undergoing gap opening rotation is set to zero over a critical height.
▪ Outside the gap-opening joint region, the wall panel concrete is modeled as linear-elastic in tension
(i.e., similar to the finite element model, the cracking of the concrete is ignored and the deformed
steel reinforcement contained within each wall panel is not modeled explicitly).
• The bonded lengths of the ED bars are not modeled explicitly but represented through kinematic
constraints to corresponding fiber element nodes for the wall panels at the same elevation (the
actual bonded lengths of the ED bars are not modeled).
• The unbonded lengths of the ED bars are modeled using discrete steel elements separate from the
fiber beam-column elements modeling the wall panels.
• The deformed steel bars across joints designed not to open a significant gap can be modeled using
linear-elastic steel fibers over a short height of the fiber elements modeling the wall panels. The
effect of any gap opening (albeit small) in these regions can be modeled by using “compression-
only” material properties for the concrete fibers (i.e., the tension strength of the concrete is taken
as zero), similar to the critical gap opening joint. Concrete with linear-elastic tension properties is
used to model the remaining height of each wall panel.
• The stiffness of the PT steel should be reduced to account for the localized concrete and anchorage
deformations at the tendon ends, since these local deformations cannot be captured by the fiber
elements modeling the wall panels.
The finite element and fiber element models also share the following common features:
▪ The total unbonded length of the ED bars includes an additional length of “debonding,” which is
assumed to occur as a result of cyclic loading. This increased unbonded length is assumed to remain
constant throughout the analysis.
▪ The concrete confinement reinforcement in the wall panels is not modeled explicitly but rather
represented by incorporating the effect of the confinement on the nonlinear stress-strain
relationship of the concrete in compression.
▪ The grout pads at the horizontal joints are not modeled explicitly. Instead, the grout thickness is
modeled as part of the wall panels assuming that the grout and panel concrete behave similarly.
▪ In modeling the hysteretic behavior of the ED bars crossing the gap opening joint, Bauschinger
effect of the steel should be included so as not to over-estimate the energy dissipation of the wall.

Shear Wall System Additional Resources: Extensive research conducted since the 1980s has led to the
development of the precast concrete shear wall systems described above. An overview of the state of the
art of these advances, including code developments and practical applications, can be found in Kurama et
al. (2018).

RP3- References for RP3-1.3.3

ACI (American Concrete Institute). (2001). “Design recommendations for precast concrete structures
(reapproved 2001).” ACI 550R-96, Farmington Hills, MI.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

ACI (American Concrete Institute). (2007). “Acceptance criteria for special unbonded post-tensioned
precast structural walls based on validation testing and commentary.” ACI ITG 5.1-07, Farmington Hills,
ACI (American Concrete Institute). (2009). “Requirements for design of a special unbonded post-tensioned
precast shear wall satisfying ACI ITG-5.1 and commentary.” ACI ITG 5.2-09, Farmington Hills, MI.
ACI (American Concrete Institute). (2014). “Building code requirements for structural concrete and
commentary.” ACI Committee 318-14, Farmington Hills, MI.
Ajrab, J., Pekcan, G., and Mander, J. (2004). “Rocking wall-frame structures with supplemental tendon
systems.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 130(6), 895–903.
Allen, M., and Kurama, Y. (2002a). “Design of rectangular openings in precast walls under combined
vertical and lateral loads.” PCI Journal, 47(2), 58–83.
Allen, M., and Kurama, Y. (2002b). “Design of rectangular openings in precast walls under vertical loads.”
PCI Journal, 47(1), 50–67.
Armouti, N. (1993). “Seismic performance of precast concrete structural walls.” Ph.D. dissertation, Lehigh
Univ., Bethlehem, PA.
ASCE. (2010). “Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures.” ASCE/SEI 7-10, Reston, VA.
Belleri, A., Brunesi, E., Nascimbene, R., Pagani, M., and Riva, P. (2014a). “Seismic performance of precast
industrial facilities following major earthquakes in the Italian territory.” Journal of Performance of
Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 29(5).
BSSC (Building Seismic Safety Council). (2015). NEHRP recommended seismic provisions for new
buildings and other structures, Washington, DC.
CAE (Centre for Advanced Engineering). (1999). Guidelines for the use of structural precast concrete in
buildings, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Cleland, N. and Ghosh, S. K. (2012). Seismic design of precast/prestressed concrete structures (MNL-140-
12), Second Edition, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL.
Crisafulli, F. J., Restrepo, J. I., and Park, R. (2002). “Seismic design of lightly reinforced precast concrete
rectangular wall panels.” PCI Journal, 47(4), 104–121.
Ericson, A. C., and Warnes, C. E. (1990). Seismic technology for precast concrete systems, Concrete
Industry Board, Inc., Kew Gardens, NY.
Erkmen, B., and Schultz, A. E. (2009). “Self-centering behavior of unbonded, post-tensioned precast
concrete shear walls.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 13(7), 1047–1064.
Farrow, K. T., and Kurama, Y. C. (2003). “SDOF demand index relationships for performance-based
seismic design.” Earthquake Spectra, 19(4), 799–838.
Galusha, J. G. (1999). “Precast, post-tensioned concrete walls designed to rock.” M.S.C.E. thesis, Univ. of
Washington, Seattle.
Henry, R. S., Brooke, N. J., Sritharan, S., and Ingham, J. M. (2012). “Defining concrete compressive strain
in unbonded post-tensioned walls.” ACI Structural Journal, 109(1), 101–112.
Holden, T., Restrepo, J., and Mander, J. (2001). “A comparison of the seismic performance of precast wall
construction: Emulation and hybrid approaches.” Report No. 2001-4, Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand.
Holden, T., Restrepo, J., and Mander, J. B. (2003). “Seismic performance of precast reinforced and
prestressed concrete walls.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 129(3), 286–296.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

IBC (International Building Code). (2015). “2015 international building code.” IBC-15, International Code
Council, Country Club Hills, IL.
Kurama, Y. (2000). “Seismic design of unbonded post-tensioned precast walls with supplemental viscous
damping.” ACI Structural Journal, 97(4), 648–658.
Kurama, Y. (2001). “Simplified seismic design approach for friction-damped unbonded post-tensioned
precast walls.” ACI Structural Journal, 98(5), 705–716.
Kurama, Y. (2002). “Hybrid post-tensioned precast concrete walls for use in seismic regions.” PCI Journal,
47(5), 36–59.
Kurama, Y. (2005). “Seismic design of partially post-tensioned precast concrete walls.” PCI Journal, 50(4),
Kurama, Y., Pessiki, S., Sause, R., and Lu, L. W. (1999a). “Seismic behavior and design of unbonded post-
tensioned precast concrete walls.” PCI Journal, 44(3), 72–89.
Kurama, Y., Sause, R., Pessiki, S., and Lu, L. W. (1999b). “Lateral load behavior and seismic design of
unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete walls.” ACI Structural Journal, 96(4), 622–632.
Kurama, Y., Sause, R., Pessiki, S., and Lu, L.W. (2002). “Seismic response evaluation of unbonded post-
tensioned precast walls.” ACI Structural Journal, 99(5), 641–651.
Kurama, Y., Sritharan, S., Fleischman, R., Restrepo, J., Henry, R., Cleland, N., Ghosh, S.K., and Bonelli,
P. (2018). “Seismic-Resistant Precast Concrete Structures: State of the Art,” Journal of Structural
Engineering, ASCE, 144(4).
Marriott, D., Pampanin, S., Bull, D., and Palermo, A. (2008). “Dynamic testing of precast, post-tensioned
rocking wall systems with alternative dissipating solutions.” Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for
Earthquake Engineering, 41(2), 90–103.
Martin, L., and Korkosz, W. (1982). “Connections of precast prestressed concrete buildings, including
earthquake resistance.” Technical Report No. 2, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago.
Oliva, M., Clough, R., and Malhas, F. (1989). “Seismic behavior of large panel precast concrete walls:
Analysis and experiment.” PCI Journal, 34(5), 42–66.
Park, R. (1995). “A perspective on the seismic design of precast concrete structures in New Zealand.” PCI
Journal, 40(3), 40–60.
PCI (Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute). (2010). PCI design handbook, 7th Ed., Chicago.
Perez, F. J., Pessiki, S., and Sause, R. (2013). “Experimental lateral load response of unbonded post-
tensioned precast concrete walls.” ACI Structural Journal, 110(6), 1045–1055.
Perez, F. J., Sause, R., and Pessiki, S. (2007). “Analytical and experimental lateral load behavior of
unbonded posttensioned precast concrete walls.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 133(11), 1531–
Priestley, M., and Tao, J. (1993). “Seismic response of precast prestressed concrete frames with partially
debonded tendons.” PCI Journal, 38(1), 58–69.
PTI (Post-Tensioning Institute). (2006). Post-tensioning manual, 6th Ed., Farmington Hills, MI.
Rahman, A., and Restrepo, J. (2000). “Earthquake resistant precast concrete buildings: Seismic
performance of cantilever walls prestressed using unbonded tendons.” Report No. 2000-5, Univ. of
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Restrepo, J. I. (2003). “Self-centering precast post-tensioned cantilever walls: Theory and experimental
work.” Structures Congress, ASCE, Seattle.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Restrepo, J. I., and Rahman, A. (2007). “Seismic performance of self-centering structural walls
incorporating energy dissipators.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 133(11), 1560–1570.
Seifi, P., Henry, R. S., and Ingham, J. M. (2016). “Panel connection details in existing New Zealand precast
concrete buildings.” Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 49(2), 190–199.
Seo, C., and Sause, R. (2005). “Ductility demands on self-centering systems under earthquake loading.”
ACI Structural Journal, 102(2), 275–285.
Smith, B. J., and Kurama, Y. C. (2012). “Seismic Design Guidelines for Special Hybrid Precast Concrete
Shear Walls.” Research report NDSE-2012-02, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN,, 88 pp.
Smith, B., and Kurama, Y. (2014). “Seismic design guidelines for solid and perforated hybrid precast
concrete shear walls.” PCI Journal, 59(3), 43–59.
Smith, B., Kurama, Y., and McGinnis, M. (2011). “Design and measured behavior of a hybrid precast
concrete wall specimen for seismic regions.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 137(10), 1052–
Smith, B., Kurama, Y., and McGinnis, M. (2013). “Behavior of precast concrete shear walls for seismic
regions: Comparison of hybrid and emulative specimens.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,
139(11), 1917–1927.
Smith, B., Kurama, Y., and McGinnis, M. (2013). “Behavior of precast concrete shear walls for seismic
regions: Comparison of hybrid and emulative specimens.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,
139(11), 1917–1927.
Smith, B., Kurama, Y., and McGinnis, M. (2015). “Perforated hybrid precast shear walls for seismic
regions.” ACI Structural Journal, 112(3), 359–370.

RP3-1.4 Design of Masonry Shear Walls

RP3-1.4.1 Introduction
Masonry shear walls provide the lateral force resisting system for masonry buildings. Unreinforced
masonry shear walls can be used in low seismic areas, Seismic Design Categories A and B. Reinforced
masonry shear walls are required in Seismic Design Category C and higher, with special reinforced masonry
shear walls required in Seismic Design Category D and higher. The focus of the topics in this Resource
Paper will be on reinforced masonry shear walls.
There are two types of reinforced masonry shear walls, partially grouted and solidly grouted. In
partially grouted construction, only the vertical cells and horizontal courses containing reinforcement are
grouted. The advantage of partial grouting is that it saves on material, and a partially grouted wall has a
mass of approximately half that of a solidly grouted wall, thus reducing the seismic demand, particularly
for out-of-plane loads.
The overturning moment in a reinforced masonry shear wall is resisted by vertical reinforcement. Shear
is resisted by a combination of masonry and shear reinforcement. Shear reinforcement in a masonry shear
wall is horizontal reinforcement that is placed in bond beams.

RP3-1.4.2 Design Methods

The current TMS 402 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 2016) has two methods
for the design of reinforced masonry shear walls: allowable stress design and strength design. Three failure
modes need to be considered, which are overturning (combination of flexural and axial load), shear, and

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Strength design results in much more efficient designs for overturning for walls with distributed
reinforcement. This is due to almost all of the intermediate reinforcement having yielded at the nominal
strength, while in allowable stress design, the behavior is considered to be linear elastic and intermediate
reinforcement is at lower stress than the outermost, or jamb, reinforcement. Figure 1.4-1 provides a
comparison of the interaction diagrams for two 16 ft long masonry shear walls, one designed by allowable
stress design and one by strength design. The shear wall designed using strength design has No. 4 bars at
48 inches, for a total of five No. 4 bars. The shear wall designed using allowable stress design has No. 5
bars with a spacing at the end of 32 inches, and an intermediate spacing of 40 inches, for a total of six No.
5 bars. For comparison, the strength design interaction diagram is reduced to an allowable stress level by
multiplying the nominal strength by the strength reduction factor, and multiplying by the allowable stress
seismic load factor of 0.7. As can be seen, allowable stress design requires almost twice the reinforcement
as strength design to give the same capacity.

Figure 1.4-1 Comparison of Shear Wall Designed by Allowable Stress and Strength

The allowable shear stresses for masonry shear walls were recalibrated in the 2011 TMS 402 masonry
standard (TMS 2011). The strength design provisions were converted to allowable stress provisions by
dividing by area to go from nominal strength to stress and using a factor of safety of approximately 2. Thus,
allowable stress and strength design will give approximately the same design. The shear strength is
determined as the sum of the shear strength due to the masonry and the shear strength due to shear
Shear walls that have a low axial compressive load and a low shear-span ratio are vulnerable to shear
sliding, which normally occurs at the base. To account for this, shear friction provisions were added in the
2016 TMS 402 masonry standard (TMS 2016). The provisions were developed so that allowable stress
design and strength design give approximately the same design.
Two sources for information on the design of masonry shear walls are the Reinforced Masonry
Engineering Handbook (2017) and the Masonry Designers Guide (2016).

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

RP3-1.4.3 Seismic Design

With respect to seismic design, there are three types of reinforced masonry shear walls: ordinary
reinforced shear walls, intermediate reinforced shear walls, and special reinforced shear walls. Special
reinforced shear walls are required in Seismic Design Category D and higher. The prescriptive
reinforcement requirements for ordinary reinforced shear walls and intermediate reinforced shear walls are
similar, with reinforcement being required around openings, at the corners and ends of the wall, at control
joints, at diaphragm levels and at the top of the wall. The only difference in prescriptive reinforcement for
an ordinary reinforced masonry shear wall and an intermediate reinforced masonry shear wall is that vertical
reinforcing bars have to be at a maximum of 4 ft with intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls, but can
have a spacing of up to 10 ft with ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls.
There are four requirements for special reinforced masonry shear walls. First, there is a minimum
reinforcement ratio of 0.0007 in each direction and the sum of the vertical and horizontal reinforcement
ratios has to be at least 0.002. This prescriptive reinforcement is often sufficient to provide the needed
flexural and shear strength of the shear wall. The second requirement is a limitation on spacing of the
reinforcement. The third requirement is a maximum reinforcement limitation to prevent toe crushing, and
is discussed later. The fourth requirement is a capacity design requirement for shear. In both allowable
stress design and strength design, the requirements effectively amount to the design shear being
approximately doubled to prevent a brittle shear failure of the wall, and promote the formation of a ductile
plastic hinge.
The maximum reinforcement requirements for special reinforced shear walls designed using allowable
stress design are not very stringent, and typically do not control the design. The maximum reinforcement
requirements in strength design can be met by either using boundary elements, or limiting the
reinforcement. Boundary element provisions are not fully developed for masonry and are typically not used
except that for low axial loads and low shear demand, the boundary element requirements are waived, thus
allowing any amount of reinforcement to be used. For higher axial loads and/or higher shear demands, the
reinforcement is limited based on a strain gradient of the maximum useable compressive strain in the
extreme compression fiber of the masonry and a strain in the reinforcement of four times the yield strain.
If the shear span ratio (factored moment divided by a quantity equal to the factored shear times the length
of the wall) is less than one, which is a squat wall, the strain gradient is based on a strain in the reinforcement
of 1.5 times the yield strain.
A final method of design is a limit design method, which was added as an appendix in the 2013 TMS
402 masonry standard (TMS 2013). This method is based on a yielding mechanism, and requires checking
not only the mechanism strength but also the mechanism deformation. The limit design method does not
have any maximum reinforcement limitations and is useful for shear walls with openings.
A source of information specific to special reinforced masonry shears walls is Seismic Design of
Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls, A Guide for Practicing Engineers (2009).

RP3-1.4.4 References for RP3-1.4

Kingsley, G.R., Shing, P.B., and Gangel, T. (2014). Seismic Design of Special Reinforced Shear Walls,
A Guide for Practicing Engineers, NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 9, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD..
MIA (2017). Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook, 8th edition, Masonry Institute of America,
Torrance, CA.
TMS (2011). Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402-11/ACI 530-11/ASCE
5-11). The Masonry Society, Longmont, CO.
TMS (2013). Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402-13/ACI 530-13/ASCE
5-13). The Masonry Society, Longmont, CO.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

TMS (2016). Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402-16). The Masonry Society,
Longmont, CO.
TMS (2016). Masonry Designers Guide, The Masonry Society, Longmont, CO.

RP3-1.5 Design of Steel Plate Shear Walls

RP3-1.5.1 Basic terminology, behavior, and modeling

Steel plate shear walls used as modern seismic force-resisting systems in the U.S., and denoted Special
Plate Shear Walls (SPSWs) in AISC 341-16 (note that this summary will refer largely to the 2016 version
of the AISC Seismic Provisions for Steel Building, AISC 341-16) (AISC 2016), consist of a moment frame
of beams and columns infilled with thin steel plates as illustrated in Figure 1.5-1. AISC 341 refers to infill
plates as web plates, columns as vertical boundary elements (VBEs) and beams as horizontal boundary
elements (HBEs). SPSWs are assigned a seismic force modification factor, R, of 7 in ASCE 7-16 (ASCE

Figure 1.5-1 Special Plate Shear Wall (Berman and Bruneau, 2004)
Steel plate shear walls have been used around the world with both stiffened and unstiffened web plates.
Sabelli and Bruneau (2006) provide an excellent summary of the research and thinking that went into the
first development of the AISC 341 provisions for SPSW design which appeared in 2005. In the U.S., and
specifically in AISC 341, unstiffened web plates that resist the design shear forces through the development
of a post-buckling diagonal tension field are required as they have been found to have superior ductility.
Figure 1.5-2 shows diagonal tension field action occurring in a test of a thin web plate. SPSWs can be
thought of as analogous to vertically cantilevered plate girders, where the VBEs act as the flanges and carry
the overturning moment while the web plates carry the story shear forces and the HBEs act as intermediate
web stiffeners. A key difference is that the VBEs in SPSWs provide considerable stiffness and help develop

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

a complete tension field in the web plate as opposed to the partial tension field that occurs in plate girders.

Figure 1.5-2 Diagonal Tension Field in Thin Web Plate (Webster, 2013)
The thin web plates used in SPSWs have small buckling capacity, and the lateral force-deformation
behavior of the web plate alone under cyclic lateral loading is pinched as shown in Figure 1.5-3 and not
unlike tension-only braces. Thus, to meet the requirements for SPSW in AISC 341, the thin web plates must
be used inside a moment resisting frame meeting selected requirements for ordinary, intermediate, and
special moment frames (OMF, IMF, and SMF). Figure 1.5-4 shows the hysteretic behavior of a steel plate
shear test specimen with fully restrained HBE-to-VBE connections (in this case RBS connections were
used). Note the maximum story drift obtained was nearly 5% before the HBE-to-VBE connection failed,
illustrating the exceptional deformation capacity of the SPSW system. Considering the full system response,
there are three sources of yielding and ductility in SPSWs: the web plates in tension field action, the HBEs
in flexure, and the VBEs in flexure. Note that the HBEs and VBEs can have large axial and shear forces in
addition to moment.

Figure 1.5-3 Pinched Lateral Force- Figure 1.5-4 Lateral Force-Deformation

Deformation Behavior Typical of Thin Web Behavior of Typical SPSW with Fully
Plates (Webster, 2013) Restrained Frame Connections (Li et al.,

Several methods for computationally modeling SPSWs are available in the literature. However, the
most widely used method is to model the tension field action of the web plate using inclined tension-only

2020 NEHRP Provisions

truss elements as illustrated in Figure 1.5-5. A minimum of 10 elements is generally recommended for
representing the web plate and web plate tension field yielding can be easily modeled through the material
properties applied to the inclined truss elements. The surrounding HBEs and VBEs can be modeled with
typical beam-column elements with the potential for yielding included for nonlinear analyses. Notably,
shear deformations may be significant in HBEs or VBEs and caution should be used to select appropriately
formulated elements.

Figure 1.5-5 Typical Model for SPSWs with Truss Elements Representing Tension Field
Action (Berman and Bruneau, 2003)

RP3-1.5.2 Design philosophy and concepts

The design philosophy for SPSWs in AISC 341 follows the capacity design principles used for most other
ductile steel seismic force-resisting systems. The primary yield mechanism is the tension field yielding of
the web plate with secondary yielding allowed at the ends of HBEs and at the base of VBEs. Figure 1.5-6
shows a steel plate shear wall after testing to nearly 5% drift where the tension field of the web plate and
yielding of the HBEs and VBEs is evident. To accomplish the intended yield hierarchy, the web plate is
designed for the full story shear force. Then, the HBEs and VBEs are designed for forces and moments at
tension field yield of the web plate. Calculating the corresponding forces for design of the HBEs and VBEs
is difficult as they have forces and moments from tension field action of the web plate, frame action, and
overturning. The commentary of AISC 341 describes several methods for this calculation, the most accurate
and conceptually simple of those methods is to use nonlinear pushover analysis. Note that the HBEs at story
levels have tension field action acting on them from the stories above and below, which generally counteract
each other, resulting in HBE demands that are due to the difference in web plate thickness above and below
the story HBEs and frame action. At the roof, the HBE demands can be very large as it has to anchor the
tension field action over the full width of the wall.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 1.5-6 SPSW After Testing to Nearly 5% Drift (Li et al., 2009)

In order to properly develop the tension field yielding of the web plates it is not sufficient that the HBEs
and VBEs have the required strength; they also must have sufficient stiffness. This is particularly important
for VBEs and the HBE at the roof level. Insufficient stiffness at these locations has been shown in
experiments to result in large VBE or HBE deformations, P-Delta buckling of the VBEs, and failure to
develop the full web plate tension field strength. Figure 1.5-7 shows a schematic of the deformed shape of
a SPSW with insufficient VBE stiffness from Sabelli and Bruneau (2006).

Figure 1.5-7 Schematic of HBE and VBE Deformations (Sabelli and Bruneau, 2006)

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP3-1.5.3 Detailed design requirements

Many of the detailed design requirements for SPSWs in AISC 341 are intended to ensure the desired yield
hierarchy and that the web plate can fully develop tension field action. Some of the key points are listed
• The web plates must be designed to resist 100% of the design story shear and the HBEs and VBEs
alone must be able to resist at least 25% of the design story shear.
• HBEs, VBEs and connections should be designed for forces corresponding to the expected yield
stress of the web plates, assuming full tension field development, and the expected flexural strength
of the HBEs, assuming development of plastic hinges at their ends.
• HBEs and VBEs must satisfy requirements for minimum moments of inertia that are functions of
the web plate thickness attached to those elements.
• At HBE and VBE intersections the moment capacity ratio for special moment resisting frames must
be met to guard against the development of soft-story mechanisms.
• Panel zones at HBE and VBE intersections must meet the requirements for special moment resisting
frames, which allows only limited panel zone yielding.
• Web plate perforations are allowed to weaken the web plates (they often have larger strength than
necessary due to limitations in available plate thickness) or allow pass-through of utilities. Means
of calculating effective web plate strength and effective expected tension stress for capacity design
are provided.
• Requirements for allowing and reinforcing corner cutouts in SPSW web plates are also provided.

Following the requirements of AISC 341 has generally been shown to produce SPSWs with ductile
response but may also produce somewhat conservative designs in terms of overall steel weight.

RP3-1.5.4 References for RP3-1.5

AISC (2016). Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings. ANSI/AISC 341-16. American Institute of
Steel Construction. Chicago, IL.
ASCE (2016), Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
(ASCE/SEI 7-16)
Berman, J. and Bruneau, M. (2003). “Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Plate Shear Walls.” Journal of
Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 11, pp. 1148-1156.
Berman, J.W. and Bruneau, M. (2004). “Steel Plate Shear Walls are Not Plate Girders,” Engineering
Journal, AISC, Vol.41, No.3, pp.95-106.
Li C., Tsai K., Lin C., Tsai C., Chen P. (2009). “Cyclic tests of four two-story narrow steel plate shear
walls. Part 2: Experimental results and design implications”. Earthquake Engineering and Structural
Dynamics, No. 39, 801-826.
Sabelli, R., Bruneau, M. (2006). Steel Design Guide 20: Steel Plate Shear Walls. American Institute of
Steel Construction, Inc., Chicago, IL.
Webster, D. (2013). “The Inelastic Seismic Response of Steel Plate Shear Wall Web Plates and Their
Interaction with the Vertical Boundary Members.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle,

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

RP3-1.6 Design of Composite Steel Plate Shear Walls

RP3-1.6.1 Introduction
ASCE 7-16 refers to “Composite Plate Shear Walls” (C-PSW) as seismic-force resisting systems whose
detailing requirements are specified in AISC 341-16 Sections H6 and H7. The scope of H6 in AISC 341
addresses walls having steel plates with reinforced concrete encasement on one or both sides of the plate,
termed “Composite Plate Shear Walls—Concrete Encased (C-PSW/CE)”, while H7 is for walls having steel
plates on both sides of reinforced concrete infill, called “Composite Plate Shear Walls—Concrete Filled
(C-PSW/CF)”. This section provides an overview of the latter system, including a description of the system
and construction, system design, and anticipated seismic behavior. Additional guidance on behavior and
design of C-PSW/CF has been provided in the extensive commentary included in Part 2 of the 2020 NEHRP
Also included in the section is a brief introduction to coupled composite plate shear walls. Additional
guidance on behavior and design of CC-PSW/CF has also been provided in the extensive commentary
included in Part 2 of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions.

RP3-1.6.2 Shear Wall System and Construction

In concrete filled composite plate shear walls, the steel faceplates are connected to each other using tie bars
that are embedded in the concrete infill (and, in some instances, additional steel headed stud anchors), as
shown in Figure 1.6-1. The tie bars also provide stability during transportation and construction activities.
After casting, the tie bars become embedded in the concrete infill and provide composite action between
the steel and concrete. The steel faceplates serve as the primary reinforcement for the concrete infill, and
they also serve as stay-in-place formwork during construction. The concrete infill prevents the inwards
local buckling of the steel faceplates thus improving their stability. C-PSW/CF are assigned a seismic force
modification factor, R, of 6.5 in ASCE 7-16.
The appeal of C-PSW/CF is that they are highly ductile, redundant, of high strength, and easy and rapid
to construct (overcoming the congestion of reinforcement details that can be encountered in ordinary
reinforced concrete walls, and because the steel shell can be used as formwork). In a 58-story high-rise
where this structural system is being implemented, construction time is reduced by many months compared
to a traditional design (AISC 2018, ENR 2019).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 1.6-1 Components of C-PSW/CF

RP3-1.6.3 Shear Wall System Design

AISC 341-16 H7 currently provides design requirements for flexural walls having circular or semi-circular
boundary elements, with resulting cross-sections as shown in Figure 1.6-2. These walls are detailed to be
able to develop their plastic moment, which can be calculated as schematically illustrated in Figure 1.6-2,
by yielding of the entire skin plate and the concrete attaining its compressive strength. On the strength of
recent experimental results (Shafaei et al. 2019), it is foreseen that AISC-341 H7 will be expanded to also
include planar (rectangular) cross-sections.
The detailed design requirements for C-SPW/CF in AISC 341 are intended to ensure development of
the desired flexural ductile composite behavior described above. Some of the key requirements are
summarized below:
• A maximum spacing between the ties, and slenderness limit for the circular elements are provided
to ensure yielding of the steel prior to the development of local bucking.
• Design requirements are provided to ensure that the ties will not fail prior to development of the
wall ductile flexural behavior.
• Per capacity design principles, the connection between the wall and its foundation is required to be
to transfer the base shear force and the axial force acting together with an overturning moment
corresponding to 1.1 times the plastic composite flexural strength of the wall.
• A shear strength equation is provided to verify that shear yielding is not the controlling limit state.

RP3-1.6.4 Shear Wall System Performance and Mechanisms

The ductile behavior of a C-PSW/CF is developed by flexural yielding of the wall; bucking of the faceplates
between one or multiple levels of ties eventually develops, and more significantly in a localized location.
Ultimately, fracture will initiate and progressively propagate across the cross-section, with a corresponding

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

reduction in flexural capacity. Note that the shear strength of C-PSW/CF is quite high, due to the presence
of steel faceplates, and is generally not a governing design factor.

Bhardwaj and Varma (2017) provide an excellent summary of the research and thinking that went into
the development this structural system (although this document was written for nuclear facilities). C-
PSW/CF have been the subject of extensive research over the past few decades, with an emphasis on their
potential application in nuclear power plants or high-rises (e.g., Oduyemi and Wright 1989, Wright et al.
1991a, b; Xie and Chapman 2006; Eom et al. 2009; Ramesh 2013; Zhang et al. 2014; Sener and Varma
2014; Varma et al. 2014; Epackachi et al. 2014; Sener et al. 2015; Epackachi et al. 2015; Booth et al. 2015;
Kurt et al. 2016; Seo et al. 2016; Alzeni and Bruneau 2014, 2017; Polat and Bruneau, 2017). Experimental
research has demonstrated that CFSSP-Walls can be highly ductile in flexure (e.g., Eom et al. 2009; Alzeni
and Bruneau, 2014), as long as the ties that connect the steel plates are properly designed (Bowerman et al.
1999; Ramesh 2013) and plate yielding occurs before local buckling and does not hinder the development
of plastic moment.

In well-designed C-PSW/CF walls with circular or semi-circular boundary elements, buckling initiates
during the 2Δy cycles, fracture initiates at 2.5% drift, and flexural strength degradation by 20% from peak
values (due to fracture propagation) occurs at approximately 3.5% drift (Alzeni and Bruneau 2014, 2017).
Typical hysteretic response of such a C-PSW/CF designed per AISC-341 H7 is shown in Figure 1.6-3.

In well-designed C-PSW/CF rectangular (planar) walls with closure plates: (i) yielding of the closure
plates occurs during the 1Δy cycles, (ii) local buckling of the closure plates initiated during the 2Δy cycles,
(iii) maximum lateral load is reached during the 3Δy cycles, (iv) local buckling of the web plates occurs
during the 4Δy cycles, and (v) fracture failure occurs in the 5 to 6Δy cycles depending on axial load ratio.
Typical hysteretic response of such a specimen is shown in Figure 1.6-4.

Figure 1.6-2 C-SPW/CF cross-sections and schematic diagram for stress distribution
used to calculate Mp

2020 NEHRP Provisions


(c) CFSSP-B1 (d) CFSSP-B2

Figure 1.6-3 Force displacement relationships of tested specimens (Alzeni and Bruneau

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 1.6-4 Force-displacement relationships of tested specimens (Shafaei et al. 2019)

RP3-1.6.5 Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls(CC-PSW)

A coupled composite plate shear wall - concrete-filled (CC-PSW/CF) is a coupled-wall system comprised
of composite walls and composite coupling beams, for which both walls and beams consists of a concrete
core sandwiched between two steel plates. CC-PSW/CF are foreseen to become an efficient option in high-
rise buildings having a core-wall system with coupled beams. Coupled C-PSW/CFs can also be beneficial
in lower-rise buildings. In coupled walls, hysteretic energy dissipation of the coupled beams adds to the
overall ability of the structural system to dissipate seismic energy. As such, coupled systems are more
ductile and have more redundancy. ASCE currently does not assign them higher R-factors, but a research
study co-funded by the AISC and the Charles Pankow Foundation has used the FEMA P-695 methodology
to substantiate the use of an R-factor equal to 8 for such Coupled-C-PSW/CF structures (Kizilarslan et al.

RP3-1.6.6 References for RP3-1.6

AISC (2015), Specification for Safety-Related Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities, including Supplement
No. 1, ANSI/AISC N690-12 and ANSI/AISC N690s1-15, American Institute of Steel Construction,
Chicago, IL.
AISC (2016). AISC-341 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Building, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Chicago, Illinois.
AISC (2018). “Rainier Square Tower Uses Revolutionary Composite Steel Frame”, Modern Steel
Construction news, retrieved 1/18/2018 from

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Alzeni, Y., and Bruneau, M. (2014). Cyclic Inelastic Behavior of Concrete Filled Sandwich Panel Walls
Subjected to In-Plane Flexure, Technical Report MCEER-14-0009, Multidisciplinary Center for
Earthquake Engineering Research. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Alzeni, Y., and Bruneau, M. (2017). "In-plane Cyclic Testing of Concrete Filled Sandwich Steel Panel
Walls with and Without Boundary Elements." Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (9).
Bhardwaj, S.R, Varma, A.H., (2017). AISC design guide Design Guide 32: Design of Modular Steel-Plate
Composite Walls for Safety-Related Nuclear Facilities, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago,
Il, 150p.
Booth, P. N., Varma, A. H., Sener, K. C., and Malushte, S. R. (2015). "Flexural behavior and design of
steel-plate composite (SC) walls for accident thermal loading." Nuclear Engineering and Design, 295, 817-
Bowerman, H., Gough, M., and King, C. (1999). Bi-Steel design and construction guide, British Steel Ltd,
Scunthorpe, U.K..
Epackachi, S., Nguyen, N.H.,Whittaker, A.S.,and Varma, A.H.(2014).”In-plane seismic behavior of
rectangular steel-plate composite wall piers” Journal of Structural Engineering, 141 (7).
Epackachi, S., Whittaker, A. S., Varma, A. H., and Kurt, E. G. (2015). "Finite element modeling of steel-
plate concrete composite wall piers." Engineering Structures, 100, 369-384.
Eom, T.-S., Park, H.-G., Lee, C.-H., Kim, J.-H., and Chang, I.-H. (2009). "Behavior of double skin
composite wall subjected to in-plane cyclic loading." Journal of Structural Engineering, 135(10), 1239-
Kizilarslan, E., Seo, J., Broberg, M., Shafaei, S., Varma, A.H., Bruneau., M., (2019). Seismic Design
Coefficients and Factors for Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls—Concrete Filled (Coupled-C-
PSW/CF), Final Report, Charles Pankow Foundation (to be published).
Kurt, E. G., Varma, A. H., Booth, P., and Whittaker, A. S. (2016). "In-Plane Behavior and Design of
Rectangular SC Wall Piers without Boundary Elements." Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(6).
Oduyemi, T., and Wright, H. (1989). "An Experimental Investigation into the Behavior of double-Skin
Sandwich Beams." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 14(3), 197-220.
Polat, E., and Bruneau, M. (2017). " Modeling Cyclic Inelastic In-Plane Flexural Behavior of Concrete
Filled Sandwich Steel Panel Walls." Engineering Structures, Vol.148, pp.63-80,
Post, N, (2019). “Erector proves speed prediction for radical steel frame of Seattle’s Rainier Square Tower”,
Engineering News Record, January 14, 2019.
Ramesh, S. (2013). Behavior and design of earthquake-resistant dual-plate composite shear wall systems.
P.hd. Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Sener, K., and Varma, A.H. (2014). "Steel-Plate Composite SC Walls: Experimental Database and Design
for Out-of-Plane Shear." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier Science, Vol. 100, pp. 197-
Sener, K., Varma, A.H., and Ayhan, D. (2015). "Steel-Plate Composite SC Walls: Experimental Database
and Design for Out-of-Plane Flexure." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 108, May, pp. 46-
59, Elsevier Science.
Shafaei, S., Varma, A.H., Seo, J., and Morgen, B. (2019) “In-Plane Flexural Behavior of Planar Composite
Plate Shear Walls.” Journal of Structural Engineering, (in preparation for submission).

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Seo, J., Varma, A. H., Sener, K., and Ayhan, D. (2016). "Steel-plate composite (SC) walls: In-plane shear
behavior, database, and design." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 119, 202-215.
Varma, A. H., Malushte, S. R., Sener, K. C., and Lai, Z. (2014). "Steel-plate composite (SC) walls for safety
related nuclear facilities: Design for in-plane forces and out-of-plane moments." Nuclear Engineering and
Design, 269, 240-249.
Wright, H., et al. (1991a). "The design of double skin composite elements." Journal of Constructional Steel
Research 19(2): 111-132.
Wright, H., Oduyemi, T., and Evans, H. (1991b). "The experimental behaviour of double skin composite
elements." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 19(2), 97-110.
Xie, M., and Chapman, J. (2006). "Developments in Sandwich Construction." Journal of Constructional
Steel Research, 62(11), 1123-1133.
Zhang, K., Varma, A. H., Malushte, S. R., and Gallocher, S. (2014). "Effect of Shear Connectors on Local
Buckling and Composite Action in Steel Concrete Composite Walls." Nuclear Engineering and Design,
269, 231-239.

RP3-1.7 Cold-Formed Steel Shear Walls – Cardin

RP3-1.7.1 Introduction
The purpose of Section RP3-1.7 is to provide a discussion of cold-formed steel framed shear wall
assemblies used to resist wind and seismic forces, with the intent is to help facilitate the understanding of
shear wall design. This discussion is limited to steel sheet and wood structural panel (plywood or OSB)
sheathed shear wall assemblies. This section provides a general introduction to this shear wall type. The
shear wall system and construction are introduced, and an overview is provided of: design concepts,
methods, and details; system seismic performance and intended energy-dissipating mechanisms; and
approaches to analytical modeling.
The following discussion on cold-formed steel light-frame construction includes discussion drawn from
Chapter 1 of AISI D113-19 (AISI, 2019), Cold-Formed Steel Shear Wall Design Guide. Printed in 2019,
the design guide provides background on cold-formed steel light-frame shear wall design along with
examples illustrating the use of the provisions to determine the shear wall strength in accordance with AISI
S240-15, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing and AISI S400-15w/S-16,
North American Standard for Seismic Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural System with Supplement 1.

RP3-1.7.2 Shear Wall System Description and Construction

A typical light-frame shear wall resists lateral loads in the plane of the wall through sheathing that is
attached with mechanical fasteners to the framing members. The in-plane shear loads are transferred from
the shear wall to the floor framing or foundation below with connections along the length of the bottom
horizontal member (bottom track). The induced overturning forces are transferred through the vertical
boundary members (chord studs) and overturning restraint system (hold-downs) at the ends of the wall
(Figure 1.7-1).

RP3-1.7.3 Shear Wall System Design

Design of steel sheet and wood structural panel sheathed, cold-formed steel framed shear walls is based
upon the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) (ICC 2018), AISI S240-15, North American Standard
for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing (AISI 2015) and AISI S400-15w/S1-16, North American
Standard for Seismic Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Systems with Supplement 1 (AISI 2016). The
2018 IBC Section 2211 (ICC 2018) requires that the design of light-frame cold-formed shear walls be in
accordance with AISI S240-15 and AISI S400-15w/S1-16. Previous editions of the IBC, including 2012

2020 NEHRP Provisions

(ICC 2012) and 2015 (ICC 2015), referenced AISI S213-07w/S1-09, North American Standard for Cold-
Formed Steel Framing —Lateral Design with Supplement 1, (AISI 2009). However, the current editions of
AISI S400-15w/S1-16 and AISI S240-15 are used here.
For seismic design, there are additional requirements beyond what is typical for wind design. For
example, capacity-protected components must be designed to ensure that shear walls can dissipate energy
without sudden failure. Capacity-protected components pertinent to shear wall design include collectors,
chord studs, hold-downs and anchorage, and all other components and connections that are not part of the
designated energy-dissipating mechanism. AISI S400 (AISI 2016) defines the designated energy
dissipating mechanism for cold-formed steel shear walls sheathed with wood structural panels or steel sheet
sheathing as “The structural member-to-sheathing connection and the wood structural panel sheathing

Figure 1.7-1 Typical Type I CFS Framed Shear Walls

RP3- Shear Wall Types

AISI S240 (AISI 2015) and AISI S400 (AISI 2016) recognize two basic types of cold-formed steel-framed
shear walls: Type I and Type II. A Type I shear wall is defined as a “wall designed to resist in-plane lateral
forces that is fully sheathed and that is provided with hold-downs at each end of the wall segment.” Type
I shear walls sheathed with steel sheet sheathing or wood structural panels are permitted to have openings
where details are provided to account for force transfer around openings [AISI S400, B5.2.1].

Both AISI S240 and AISI S400 limit the aspect ratio (the shear wall height, h, divided by shear wall
width, w) of Type I shear walls to 2:1 or 4:1, depending on the limits of testing for the particular assembly.

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For some assemblies, when the aspect ratio exceeds 2:1, a strength reduction of 2w/h is required. In AISI
S240, nominal shear strength and aspect ratio limits for steel sheet sheathed and wood structural panel shear
walls are provided in Tables B5.2.2.3-1 and B5.2.2.3-2, respectively. In AISI S400, nominal shear strength
and aspect ratio limits for wood structural panel shear walls are in Table E1.3-1, while these values for steel
sheet sheathed shear walls are found in Table E2.3-1.

A Type II shear wall is defined as a “wall designed to resist in-plane lateral forces that is sheathed with
wood structural panels or steel sheet sheathing that contains openings, but which has not been specifically
designed and detailed for force transfer around wall openings. Hold-downs and anchorage for Type II shear
walls are only required at the ends of the wall.”

The nominal shear strength of Type II shear walls is based on the tabulated strength for Type I shear
walls reduced by a shear resistance adjustment factor, Ca. The shear resistance factor, Ca, is tabulated in
AISI S240 and AISI S400 based on the percent of full-height sheathing and the maximum opening height
ratio. Additional limitations are imposed on Type II shear walls in AISI S240 and AISI S400. Figure 1.7-2
illustrates Type I shear walls with and without force transfer around openings, and a Type II shear wall.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Type I Shear Wall with Detailing for Force Transfer Around Openings

Typical Type II Shear Wall

Figure 1.7-2 Figures from AISI S240-C

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

RP3-1-7.3.2 Sheathing Attachment to Framing

Fastener spacing and minimum sheathing screw size are specified in the nominal shear strength tables of
AISI S400 and AISI S240. These tables do not specify the placement of screws for conditions where
multiple (e.g. boxed or back-to-back) chord studs are used. Research at the University of North Texas (Yu,
2007) has found that when back-to-back chord studs are specified, a slight increase in shear wall strength
and a reduction in boundary stud damage are observed when the sheathing fasteners at the chord studs are
distributed evenly between the two chord members.

RP3- Chord Studs

The required axial strength of chord studs can be determined based on principles of mechanics using the
shear wall loads from the applicable building code and the shear wall geometry in combination with other
applicable axial forces such as dead and live loads. Chord studs may also be subject to bending moments
from wind, seismic or eccentric gravity forces. For seismic designs based on AISI S400, the required
strength of chord studs is based on the expected strength of the shear wall but need not exceed the seismic
load effects determined from the applicable load combinations including overstrength. Basic combinations
with seismic load effects including overstrength or expected strength are given in ASCE 7-16, Minimum
Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, (ASCE 2016), Section 2.4.5.

RP3- Overturning Restraint and Shear Transfer

AISI S240 and S400 require that hold-downs and anchorage be used at each end of Type I shear walls and
at the ends of Type II shear walls. For designs based on AISI S400, the required strength of hold-downs
and anchorage is based on the expected strength of the shear wall but need not exceed the seismic load
effect determined from the applicable load combinations including overstrength. The available strength of
the hold-downs and anchorage must be greater than or equal to the required strength.
For Type II shear walls, in addition to designing for the concentrated uplift forces at the ends of the
shear wall, AISI S240 and AISI S400 require that bottom tracks at full-height sheathing locations be
anchored for a uniform uplift force equal to the unit shear force in the wall. For designs based on AISI
S400, these forces are required to be increased to expected strength or overstrength level forces.
While dead load may be used to resist uplift forces at Type I and Type II shear wall ends with the
appropriate load combination factors, care should be taken to not overestimate the dead load that is capable
of contributing to uplift resistance. It is not appropriate to assume that a Type II shear wall is a rigid body
and use dead load away from the ends of the wall to reduce the overturning forces at the wall ends. FEMA
451 (FEMA 2006) entitled “NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples” Section
states: “… calculations involving seismic overturning and counter-balancing moments are assumed not to
be applicable for perforated shear walls, as they are not expected to act as rigid bodies resisting global
Adequate load paths to transfer shear from diaphragms to collectors and ultimately into shear walls
must also be provided. For seismic design in accordance with AISI S400, the required strength of collectors
and connections is based on the expected strength of the shear wall but need not exceed the seismic load
effects determined from the applicable load combinations including overstrength. The available strength of
the collectors and connections must be greater than or equal to the required strength.
Adequate connectors to transfer shear forces into lower level diaphragms or foundations must also be
provided. For seismic design, these connectors are a critical connection that is not part of the designated
energy-dissipating mechanism. Accordingly, the required strength of the connectors is based on the
expected strength of the shear wall but need not exceed the seismic load effect determined from the
applicable load combinations including overstrength.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP3- Deflection
Consideration of horizontal deflection of the top of shear walls is important whether the design is governed
by wind or seismic forces. Excessive deflection can lead to damage such as cracking in finish materials
(e.g., stucco, gypsum board, windows, etc.). It can also result in member or assembly failure or collapse.
Currently, there is no code drift limit for walls resisting in-plane wind loads. However, ASCE 7-16,
non-mandatory Appendix C, Section C2.2, states “Lateral deflection or drift of structures and deformation
of horizontal diaphragms and bracing systems caused by wind effects shall not impair the serviceability of
the structure.” ICC-ES acceptance criteria AC322 (ICC 2016) has adopted an in-plane drift limit for wind
of H/180 where H equals the height of the tested shear wall assembly.
For seismic design ASCE 7-16, Table 12.12-1 provides allowable story drift limits based on structure
type and Risk Category. The drift limits vary from a maximum of 0.025hsx for non-masonry structures four
stories or less in Risk Category I or II to a minimum of 0.010hsx for other non-masonry structures in Risk
Category IV, where hsx is defined as the story height below level x. For example, a three-story CFS structure
using shear walls sheathed with steel sheet sheathing or wood structural panels in Risk Category I or II with
a story height of 10 feet has an allowable story drift of 0.025(10 ft)(12 ft/in) = 3.0 inches.
Seismic design story drift (Δ) is determined as the difference of the deflections at the centers of mass
at the top and bottom of the story under consideration where the deflection at level x, δx, is calculated as
the anticipated inelastic drift per ASCE 7-16, Section 12.8.6 based on LRFD level seismic forces.
The deflection equation estimates the top of the wall horizontal deflection of a Type I shear wall without
openings on a rigid base. It does not consider other components that may contribute to deflection. Examples
of items that may result in additional deflections include raised floors, wood sills or beams beneath the
shear wall (see AISI S240 Commentary Section B5.2.5 and AISI S400 Commentary Section E1.4.1.4-1).
Multi-story shear walls should also consider the effect of the deformations of shear walls above and
below to determine the total deformation. For example, the upper shear wall of a two-story stacked shear
wall assembly will experience additional deflection due to axial shortening of the compression chords and
lengthening of the tension chords as well as hold-down deformation of the lower level shear wall.
The deflection of perforated shear walls, in accordance with AISI S240 and AISI S400, must be
determined by principles of mechanics considering the deformation of the sheathing and its attachment,
chord studs and hold-downs. While AISI S240 and S400 do not provide specific recommendations on the
application of the principles of mechanics to perforated shear walls, the American Wood Council’s Special
Design Provisions for Wind & Seismic, 2015 edition (AWC SDPWS) (ANSI/AWC 2015) recommends that
deflection of perforated shear walls be determined using the provisions for non-perforated shear walls by
taking the unit shear, v, as the shear force in the perforated wall divided by the shear capacity adjustment
factor and the sum of the perforated shear wall segment lengths including adjustment for segments with
aspect ratios greater than 2:1. This method could be useful in estimating the deflection of perforated CFS
shear walls as well.

RP3-1.7.4 Special Seismic Requirements

For seismic design of light-frame bearing wall systems using ASCE 7-16, Table 12.2-1, the Response
Modification Coefficient, R, is 6.5 for light-frame (cold-formed steel) walls sheathed with either wood
structural panels rated for shear resistance or steel sheets. In Seismic Design Category D, E or F, the height
of these structures is limited to 65 feet. No height limitation is imposed on structures in Seismic Design
Category B or C. The relatively high R factor assigned to these shear wall systems implies that ductility, as
opposed to strength alone, is how these structures survive large earthquakes. Accordingly, the codes and
standards provide special design and detailing requirements to ensure ductile behavior of the lateral force-
resisting system (LFRS). AISI S400 was developed, in part, to provide a straightforward, consistent
approach to applying these requirements.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

RP3- Design for Seismic Design Categories A through C

In Seismic Design Category A, or in Seismic Design Categories B or C when the response modification
factor R is taken equal to 3, as a “Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed for Seismic Resistance, excluding
Cantilever Column Systems” (Line H in ASCE 7-16 Table 12.2-1), the special seismic requirements of
AISI S400 do not apply. For these cases, the LFRS for both wind and seismic forces can be designed in
accordance with AISI S240. The designer still must multiply the tabulated nominal shear values by the
appropriate resistance factor, ϕ, or divide by the appropriate safety factor, , to obtain the available strength
of the shear wall for LRFD or ASD, respectively.

RP3-1.7.5 Shear Wall System Performance and Mechanisms

Light-frame cold-formed shear walls have been used as lateral force-resisting elements for many years.
There has been a considerable amount of testing performed on these systems, including monotonic, cyclic,
and shake table testing, in addition to nonlinear time history analyses. Typically, the available strengths of
shear wall assemblies used to resist wind loads are determined through monotonic tests in accordance with
ASTM E564, Standard Practice for Static Load Test for Shear Resistance of Framed Walls for Buildings
(ASTM 2006). Another monotonic test standard that is used to determine sheathing strength only is ASTM
E72, Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction (ASTM
The LFRS encompasses all of the parts of the seismic load path including diaphragms, chords,
collectors and the SFRS. The designated energy-dissipating mechanism, sometimes called the “fuse”, is the
specific part of the SFRS that will dissipate seismic energy. AISI S400 defines the designated energy
dissipating mechanism for each SFRS. For steel sheet and wood structural panel sheathed shear walls, the
designated energy-dissipating mechanism is the structural member-to-sheathing connection and the
sheathing itself.
AISI S400, Sections E1.4.1.2 (wood structural panel shear walls) and E2.4.1.2 (steel sheet sheathed
shear walls) specify that the required strength of collectors, chord studs, other vertical boundary elements,
hold-downs and anchorage connected thereto, and all other components and connections of the shear wall
that are not part of the designated energy-dissipating mechanism, be determined from the expected strength
of the shear wall, but need not exceed the seismic load effect determined from the applicable load
combinations including overstrength. The available strength of each of these components must be greater
than or equal to the required strength. In the U.S. and Mexico, foundations are not required to be designed
for the seismic load effect including overstrength.

RP3-1.7.6 Shear Wall System Additional Resources

AISI S240, Section D3.1.1 provides Quality Control and Quality Assurance provisions for lateral force-
resisting systems, including shear walls.
Determination of the wind or seismic force transmitted to the shear wall assembly and its components
and determination of the shear wall assembly’s available strength are illustrated in AISI D113-19 (AISI
2019) for five different shear wall and design load conditions. Detailed shear wall component design is
performed for several examples.

RP3-1.7.7 References for Section RP3-1.7

ASCE, 2016. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 2016
edition, (ASCE/SEI 7-16). ASCE, Reston, Virginia.

AISI (2009), North American Specification for Cold-Formed Steel Framing – Lateral Design with
Supplement 1, 2009 Edition (AISI S213-07w/S1-09).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

AISI (2012), North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, 2012
Edition (AISI S100-12).

AISI (2015), North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing, 2015 Edition (AISI

AISI (2016), North American Standard for Seismic Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Systems with
Supplement 1, 2016 Edition (AISI S400-15/S1-16).

AISI (2016), Cold-Formed Steel Design Guide, 2016 Edition (AISI D110-16).

AISI (2019), Cold-Formed Steel Shear Wall Design Guide, 2019 Edition (AISI D113-19).

ANSI/AWC (2015), Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS-2015).

ASTM (2006), Standard Practice for Static Load Test for Shear Resistance of Framed Walls for Buildings
(ASTM E564-06(2018)).

ASTM (2015), Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction
(ASTM E72-15).

FEMA (2006), NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples (FEMA 451).

ICC (2012), 2012 International Building Code.

ICC (2015), 2015 International Building Code.

ICC (2018), 2018 International Building Code.

ICC (2016), AC322, Prefabricated, Cold-formed Steel, Lateral-force-resisting Vertical Assemblies.

Yu, C. (2007), Steel Sheet Sheathing Options for Cold-Formed Framed Shear Wall Assemblies Providing
Shear Resistance.

RP3-1.8 Design of Wood Shear Walls – Cobeen/Line

RP3-1.8.1 Introduction
The majority of wood light-frame structures with engineered seismic force-resisting systems are braced
with wood-frame shear walls with wood structural panel sheathing (plywood or OSB). This section provides
a general introduction to this shear wall type. The shear wall system and construction are introduced, and
an overview is provided of: design concepts, methods, and details; system seismic performance; intended
energy-dissipating mechanisms; and approaches to analytical modeling.

RP3-1.8.2 Shear Wall System Description and Construction

The primary elements of wood-frame shear walls include minimum 2x nominal studs at 16 or 24 inches on
center, wood structural panel sheathing, and nails attaching the sheathing to the framing (Figure 1.8-1). For
purposes of design, the sheathing is considered to act exclusively in shear. Also part of the shear wall system
are the shear load path (Figure 1.8-2) and the overturning load path (Figure 1.8-3). The shear load path
includes transfer of load into the top of and out of the bottom of each shear wall at each story level. The
overturning load path uses a tension and compression couple to resolve overturning moment (Figure 1.8-
3), with the compression carried in wood framing members that are often posts or groups of studs. Tension

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

is carried in either steel rods continuous over the multi-story wall height, or wood framing (posts or studs)
acting in tension with through-floor tension connections. Most of the devices used for tension load path
connections are proprietary. Figures 1.8-1 and 1.8-3 illustrate the later method, using posts or studs and
through-floor connections. Shear and overturning load paths are required to have continuity over the multi-
story height of the shear wall structure.

RP3-1.8.3 Shear Wall System Design

Design of wood light-frame shear walls is primarily governed by the Special Design Provisions for Wind
and Seismic (SDPWS) (AWC, 2015), with some details of design also relying upon the National Design
Specification for Wood Construction (NDS) (AWC, 2018). These wood design standards are used in
combination with the requirements of ASCE/SEI 7 (ASCE, 2016). In general, each shear wall is designed
for in-plane shear, a shear load path, and an overturning load path, as previously introduced. Also included
in the design process are drift checks, as required by ASCE/SEI 7.

Details of shear wall design differ somewhat among three types of shear walls addressed in SDPWS:
individual full height wall segments (segmented shear walls), perforated shear walls, and shear walls
designed for force transfer (continuity) around openings (Figure 1.8-4). Segmented shear walls can be
visualized as a series of isolated walls, each extending one story in height and cantilevered up from their
base. Each shear wall is sheathed for the full story clear height, and the sheathed dimensions of the wall
must meet minimum aspect ratio requirements (Figure 1.8-5). All other sheathed portions of a wall line
including full height sheathed wall areas not meeting aspect ratio requirements and sheathed wall areas
above and below openings are ignored for the purposes of determining the design strength and stiffness.
Lateral forces are distributed to the cantilevered shear walls in a line based on the relative stiffnesses of the
cantilevered wall elements; the stiffness is determined using a SDPWS equation for shear wall deflection
or simplified distribution assumptions provided in SDPWS. Shear load paths are provided for load into and
out of each cantilevered wall element at each story level. Similarly, overturning load paths are provided by
tension and compression chord elements at each end of each cantilevered shear wall segment and a
continuous load path to the foundation.

Shear walls designed for force transfer (continuity) around the openings use rational methods to
incorporate door and window openings within the shear wall. This design method makes use of the sheathed
areas above and below openings in a manner similar to coupling beams, linking the individual full-height
walls together to mobilize overturning of the wall as a whole. This method of design develops high unit
shear stresses in the wall areas above and below the openings and in wall piers next to window openings.
SDPWS requires that a rational analysis be provided to determine these shears. Detailing commensurate
with the rational analysis must be provided. Several methods of rational analysis for this wall type are
published (SEAOC, 2016) (Diekmann, 1998). Lateral forces are distributed to the force-transfer shear walls
in a line based on the relative stiffness of the walls. The reference capacity and in-plane shear stiffness of
the wall is based on the requirements for individual full-height shear walls with adjustments to account for
the details of the force-transfer design.

Perforated shear wall design also incorporates door and window openings within the shear wall, but
rather than using special detailing as used in the force transfer walls, take advantage of the inherent
continuity and coupling effect provided by typical shear wall detailing. The capacity and stiffness reduction
factor, C0, applicable to design of this wall type, has been derived through wall testing. This factor is a
function of the portion of the wall length having full height sheathing, and the height of openings relative
to the wall clear height. Lateral forces are distributed to perforated shear walls in a line based on the relative
stiffness of the perforated shear walls. The reference capacity and stiffness of the perforated shear wall is
based on requirements for individual full-height shear walls, reduced by the application of the C0 factor to
account for the presence of openings. SDPWS provides a series of specific design limitations and detailing
requirements for this wall type in order to align the design requirements with the underlying testing. The

2020 NEHRP Provisions

continuity and capacity of this wall type is thought to be provided by a combination of fully and partially
restrained cantilevered walls, partially fixed coupling beams, and tension and compression struts above and
below windows.

An important aspect of the design of wood-frame shear wall systems, deserving of emphasis, is that
analytical modeling for seismic design almost always incorporates significant simplifications. First and
most important is that only the strength and stiffness provided by the wood structural panel shear wall
system is included; not included are the very significant strength and stiffness effects of the finish materials
(stucco, plaster, gypsum wallboard, etc.) that are installed both on the shear walls and on other interior and
exterior walls not designated as shear walls. Another simplification is the neglecting in the design model of
strength and stiffness that is provided by wood structural panel sheathing above and below openings or not
meeting aspect ratios. These design simplifications comes about because the design standards either
prohibit consideration of the contributions to strength and stiffness, or greatly penalize inclusion through
increased seismic demands. This simplified design approach is believed to provide a structure that will meet
the collapse prevention seismic performance targeted by ASCE/SEI 7 and building code seismic design
provisions. On the other hand, the simplified model that is used in design is known to provide poor estimates
of the actual seismic performance of the structure, because the model does not properly reflect the strength
and stiffness of the constructed building.

Recent projects conducting testing and numerical modeling of wood light structures have moved
towards inclusion of finish materials in order to be able to investigate structure performance. The inclusion
of finish materials considerably increases the complexity of modeling because of the wide range of
materials that are used in construction, and the wide variability of strength and stiffness properties within
any one material type. One outcome of recent numerical studies with finish materials included is an
observed increase in the tendency for drifts in multistory light-frame buildings to be concentrated in the
lowest story which has the highest seismic demands.

Design and detailing of the shear and overturning load paths and their fasteners and connections is
performed using simple free-body diagrams. Design of the load path is performed at either an ASD or
LRFD force level, and does not include consideration of overstrength factors except in cases where this is
triggered by the irregularity provisions of ASCE/SEI 7. Because this approach is taken, it has not been
necessary to separately define ordinary, intermediate, and special shear wall systems for wood-frame shear
walls. The standard detailing used across all seismic design categories is understood to provide the
equivalent of special detailing due to inherent ductility.

ASCE/SEI 7 requires that the design story drift, , be less than a specified allowable story drift. The
design story drift is determined using shear wall deflection equations provided in SDPWS and a
deflection amplification factor given in ASCE/SEI 7. This is compared to the allowable story drift defined
by ASCE 7. In multi-story wood light frame buildings, this drift limit can in some cases force the use of
stronger and stiffer walls than would be required by the load requirements alone. A number of other drift-
related provisions in ASCE/SEI 7 might be applicable to design of wood light-frame structures.

RP3-1.8.4 Shear Wall System Performance and Mechanisms

Laboratory shake table testing and observed building performance to date indicate that the primary seismic
response of light-frame wood structural panel shear wall buildings is the in-plane racking displacement of
the wall elements while the deformation demand on floor and roof diaphragms remains small. The few
recorded instances of damage to diaphragms in light-frame buildings have involved irregularly shaped
diaphragms with re-entrant corners (CUREE, 2001a; Christovasilis et al., 2007). Consequently, the walls
are understood to be the structural elements that determine the seismic response characteristics of light-

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frame shear wall buildings. Note that wood-frame diaphragms can have a significant influence on the
seismic behavior of concrete and masonry shear wall buildings, which are beyond the scope of this section.
Testing of wood light-frame shear walls has demonstrated that the load-deflection performance under
both cyclic and monotonic loading is primarily influenced by yield behavior in bending of the nails
attaching the sheathing to the framing (sheathing-to-framing nails), combined with associated wood bearing
deformations under the nail shank and head. This is the typical and preferred mechanism for energy
dissipation and ductility in wood structural panel shear walls. At higher levels of displacement, the primary
failure mechanisms also involve the sheathing-to-framing nailing, with nail withdrawal from the framing,
nail tear out at the side of the sheathing panel, and nail head pull through being commonly seen.
In general, tests have shown that shear and overturning load paths designed in accordance with SDPWS
are able to support the development of the sheathing-to-framing nailing as the weak link. Some exceptions
to this behavior have been seen in the laboratory and following earthquakes. When other weak links have
been observed, design provisions have generally been revised to delay the formation of or avoid these weak
links. Included are splitting of foundation sill plates when loaded in cross-grain tension (caused by uplift of
the sheathing during typical wall racking behavior); steel plate washers are required on anchor bolts to help
delay this behavior. Tie-down brackets bolted to tie-down posts have been seen to result in splitting failure
of the posts along the bolt line; there has since been a move away from use of tie-down brackets that bolt
to tie-down posts. Splitting of studs in shear walls with closely spaced nailing has been seen; requirements
for 3x framing at abutting panel edges and staggering of sheathing nails into two rows have been required
to delay this behavior.

RP3-1.8.5 Shear Wall System Analytical Modeling

In order to evaluate the distribution of design forces and drifts, a building analytical model in accordance
with ASCE/SEI 7 Section 12.7.3, is needed. Generally, the analysis uses the equivalent lateral force
procedure (ASCE/SEI 7, Section 12.8). The primary analysis model includes only those elements
designated as structural shear walls, and considers only the strength and stiffness effects of the wood
structural panel sheathing. Analysis is often performed using spreadsheet tools developed within individual
design offices, but some software is commercially available.
Vertical distribution of forces is required to be in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7, which dictates a
triangular (first mode) distribution for short period buildings under the equivalent lateral force procedure.
Horizontal distribution of forces is required to be in accordance with one of three scenarios identified in
ASCE/SEI 7: diaphragms that are clearly very flexible relative to the vertical elements, diaphragms that are
clearly very rigid relative to the vertical elements, and everything else. For “everything else,” it is required
that a semi-rigid diaphragm model be used for distribution of horizontal seismic forces. ASCE/SEI 7 also
includes an exception permitting light frame structures with diaphragms of wood structural panel or
untopped steel decking to be categorized as flexible.
Other buildings braced by wood light-frame shear walls fall into the “everything else” category. For
these other buildings, one approach to meeting the semi-rigid diaphragm requirement is evaluating force
distribution using both rigid and flexible diaphragm models and designing each shear wall and diaphragm
for the worst-case force. For this approach, the flexible diaphragm model should be analyzed first, followed
by an iterative rigid diaphragm distribution analysis.
Where non-uniform distribution of finish materials might trigger significant torsional behavior in the
structure, additional analytical studies including the effects of finish materials are not explicitly required,
but should be considered.

RP3-1.8.6 Shear Wall System Additional Resources

Additional resources for those interested in design of wood light-frame shear walls include:

2020 NEHRP Provisions

2015 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples (FEMA P-1051) (FEMA, 2016).
FEMA P-1052 2015 NEHRP Provisions: Training and Instructional Materials (FEMA P-1052) (FEMA,
NEHRP Provisions, 2009 Edition: “Resource Paper 13: Light-Frame Wall Systems with Wood Structural
Panel Sheathing,” (FEMA, 2009).
SDPWS Commentary (AWC, 2015).

Figure 1.8-1 Segmented shear wall with studs, sheathing, and posts and tie-down
connectors at each end (Figure credit: FEMA P-1052)

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Figure 1.8-2 Shear load path for shear walls (Figure credit: FEMA P-1052).

Figure 1.8-3 Overturning load path for shear walls (Figure credit: FEMA P-1052)

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 1.8-4 Three types of wood light-frame shear walls (Figure Credit: K. Cobeen).

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Figure 1.8-5 Aspect ratio requirements for the three types of wood light-frame shear walls
(Figure Credit: SDPWS).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP3-1.8.7 References for RP3-1.8

ANSI/AWC (2018), National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS-2015), American Wood
council, Washington, D.C.

ANSI/AWC (2015). Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS), 2015 edition, American
Wood council, Washington, D.C.

ASCE, 2016. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 2016
edition, (ASCE/SEI 7-16). ASCE, Reston, Virginia.

Christovasilis, I.P.,Filiatrault, A.and Wanitkorkul, A., (2007). Seismic Testing of a Full-Scale Two-Story
Light-FrameWood Building: NEESWood Benchmark Test, NEESWood Report NW-01, November.

Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering. 2001a. Woodframe Project Case
Studies, CUREE W-04. CUREE, Richmond, California.

Diekmann, 1998. Diekmann, Edward, F. “Diaphragms and shear Walls,“ Wood Construction and
Engineering Handbook, 3rd. Ed., K.F. Faherty and T.G. Williamson, eds., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

FEMA, 2009. NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions, 2009 Edition (FEMA P-750), Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.

FEMA, 2016. 2015 NEHRP Provisions: Training and Instructional Materials (FEMA P-1052). Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3


RP3-2.0 Introduction
This chapter explains the concept of coupled shear walls and how they differ from isolated shear walls. It
is pointed out that part of the overturning moment is resisted by the couple due to the compression and
tension forces induced in the walls by the coupling beams. This chapter also draws a distinction between
coupled shear wall systems in general and ductile coupled reinforced shear walls as defined in ACI 318-19.
Further, the different types of coupling beams that are used to connect shear walls are listed. Three types
of coupling beams are described in detail.
Some shear wall systems can incorporate coupling beams, which work in shear and bending to convert
a portion of the overturning moment into a vertical-force couple between two proximate walls (Figure 2.0-
1). Coupling beams are typically repeated at every story between two walls, such that the beams essentially
work in parallel to transfer overturning forces between the walls, to the extent that walls rotate as rigid
bodies at the base. The deformation of the coupling beam is related to lateral drift and to vertical
deformations of the wall boundaries (one in tension and the other in compression); deformations may be
small at lower levels, limiting the participation of those beams. The coupling beam flexural reinforcement
must be fully developed at the wall faces and the coupling beam shear reinforcement must also be fully
anchored for the coupling beams to be fully effective.
The coupling beam vertical component (shear) gets transferred to the wall or wall pier as axial force.
A subset of coupled wall systems have been defined as ductile coupled shear walls, discussed in this
Chapter and Chapter 3.
The high compression due to coupling may control design. The coupling ratio or degree of coupling,
defined as the ratio of the overturning moment resisted by the tension-compression couple to the total
overturning moment, has been used as an index of how coupled a system is. This can range from high
coupling where combined walls act like a single wall, to low coupling. Degree of coupling loses meaning
when inelastic deformations develop in the coupling beams. Degree of coupling can vary significantly over
the course of nonlinear response history analysis (NLRHA). In Figure 2.0-2, the step-by-step degree of
coupling during NLRHA is shown for a variety of coupling beam depths in systems subject to large
displacements. In the elastic range one might compare degree of coupling, but in the inelastic range the
degree of energy dissipation is the correct indicator of coupled wall response.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 2.0-1 NLRHA Varying degrees of coupling at large displacements during nonlinear
response history analysis [Courtesy: Magnusson Klemencic Associates]

Figure 2.0-2 (a) Overall free-body diagram of coupled shear wall system, (b) Free-body
diagrams of individual coupled walls, (c) Free-body diagram of an individual coupling

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RP3-2.1 Types of Coupling Beams

Wood light frame shear walls do not formally recognize the term coupled shear walls, but do include two
shear wall design methods by which partial or full coupling of walls in recognized to occur. These are the
perforated shear wall design method and design for continuity around openings, respectively. Both methods
include dimensional limits on the coupled wall piers and extensive design requirements. Neither method
imposes dimensional limits on the coupling beams. See Chapter RP3-6 of this Resource Paper.
Masonry coupling beams are considered not to be viable. See Chapter RP3-4 of this Resource Paper.
All the different types of coupling beams discussed below are used between concrete cast-in-place
concrete shear walls. Precast shear walls and their coupling are discussed in Section RP3-1.3.2 of this
Resource Paper. Steel coupling beams are used between steel plate shear walls. Encased steel composite
coupling beams are used between composite steel plate shear walls.
In a recently published Structure magazine paper, Liao and Pimentel (2019) have stated: “As one of the
most critical members in RC buildings, coupling beams should exhibit excellent energy dissipation capacity
with only modest stiffness and strength degradation under cyclic loading. Good ductile hysteretic
performance is usually achieved by providing sophisticated detailing, which induces construction
difficulties. By varying rebar layout schemes and exploring different materials, various types of coupling
beams are considered in searching for a balance between ductile hysteretic performance and construction
According to Liao and Piementel, there are five commonly-used types of coupling beams that are
currently adopted by building codes and the design industry:

• Conventionally reinforced concrete coupling beams

• Diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams
• Steel coupling beams
• Encased steel composite coupling beams (Figure 2.1-1)
• Embedded steel plate composite coupling beams (Figure 2.1-2)

Two other types of concrete coupling beams need to be added to the list:

• Unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete coupling beams

• Steel-fiber-reinforced concrete coupling beams

Conventionally and diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams are discussed in detail in
Section RP3-2.1.1 below.
Steel coupling beams and encased steel composite coupling beams are used as viable alternatives to
avoid the construction difficulties inherent in diagonally-reinforced concrete coupling beams. The steel
members for the two coupling beam types are implicitly wide-flange steel members, although steel tubes
were also used in early research (Figure 2.1-1). Extensive experiments indicate that both steel coupling
beams and encased steel composite coupling beams can provide excellent ductility and energy dissipation
capacities, which are comparable to those of diagonally-reinforced concrete coupling beams. These
coupling beams are discussed in more detail in Section RP3-2.1.2 of this Resource Paper.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 2.1-1 Encased steel composite coupling beams (Source: Liao and Pimentel 2019)

To alleviate the conflict between steel members and shear wall reinforcement, designers can consider
the use of embedded steel plate composite coupling beams. As shown in Figure 2.1-2, headed studs are
welded to both vertical faces of the steel plate in a typical embedded steel plate composite coupling beam
and pose much less disturbance to shear wall vertical reinforcement, although special detailing is still
needed for the horizontal/confinement rebars. The headed studs are necessary to provide appropriate
anchorage and transfer forces between the concrete portion and the steel plate. Research indicates that the
presence of the steel plates can effectively hinder the development of diagonal cracks and prevent brittle
failures of concrete coupling beams, and the embedded steel plate composite coupling beam exhibits much
better ductile performance and deformability than comparable conventional RC coupling beams. Similar to
the encased steel composite coupling beam, proper embedment design of the steel plate is critical to ensure
good ductile performance of this type of coupling beam.

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Figure 2.1-2 Embedded steel plate composite coupling beams (Source: Liao and Pimentel

Unbonded post-tensioned coupling beams offer many advantages including reduced damage to the
overall structure, significant self-centering capability, and simpler design and construction for the beams
and the wall piers. Different from conventional systems that use monolithic cast-in-place reinforced
concrete coupling beams or embedded steel coupling beams, the nonlinear behavior of post-tensioned
precast concrete coupling beams is governed by the opening of gaps at the beam ends. Steel top and seat
angles are used at the beam-to -wall connections to yield and dissipate energy in the event of a large
earthquake. Analytical results show that the coupling beams have stable behavior through large rotations,
significant self-centering capability due to the post-tensioning force, and significant energy dissipation due
to the yielding of the top and seat angles provided at the beam-to -wall connections. Different from
conventional systems with monolithic cast-in -place reinforced concrete coupling beams, the lateral
resistance of unbonded post-tensioned precast concrete coupling beams develops through the formation of
a diagonal compression strut along the span, upon the opening of gaps at the beam-to -wall interfaces. As
a result of these gaps, the tensile stresses in the beam and the wall piers remain relatively small even under
large nonlinear displacements, thus, significantly reducing the amount of bonded mild steel reinforcement
needed inside the beam.
Steel-fiber-reinforced concrete coupling beams are discussed in detail in Section RP3-2.1.3.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 2.1-3 Coupled wall system – (a) multi-story wall; (b) subassembly; (c) deformed
shape; (d) coupling forces

RP3-2.1.1 Cast-in-place concrete coupling beams

ACI 318, for many editions now, has specific detailing rules for coupling beams linking special (specially
detailed) shear walls that are permitted to part of the seismic force-resisting systems of buildings assigned
to SDC D, E, or F.
ACI 318-19 (ACI 2019) requires that coupling beams with clear span to total depth ratio łn/h ≥ 4 be designed
and detailed as beams of special moment frames in compliance with Section 18.6, with the wall boundary
considered to be a column.
Coupling beams with łn/h < 2 and Vu > 4√fcAcw, are required to be reinforced with two intersecting groups
of diagonally placed bars symmetrical about midspan.
Coupling beams that do not fall in either of the above groups can be diagonally reinforced as indicated
above or can be deigned and detailed like beams of special moment frames in accordance with Sections
18.6.3 through 18.6.5, with the wall boundary considered to be a column.
Through ACI 318-05, the two groups of diagonal bars had to be individually confined basically like
reinforcing bars in a special moment frame column (Figure 2.1-4). From 318-08 onwards, a second option
is also available. Instead of confining the two groups diagonal bars individually, the entire coupling beam
can be confined as shown in Figure 2.1-5. When the first option (confinement of individual diagonals) is
chosen, the requirements illustrated in Figure 2.1-6 must be followed.

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Figure 2.1-4 Diagonally reinforced coupling beam, with diagonals confined individually
(Source: http://nees.seas.ucla.edu/pankow)

2020 NEHRP Provisions

(a) (b)
Figure 2.1-5 Diagonally reinforced coupling beam, with entire coupling beam confined
(Source: http://nees.seas.ucla.edu/pankow)

Avd = total area of bars in the group of

bars forming one diagonal (min. 4 bars)
Trans. reinf. per

b /2

b /5

Bars to be developed
 Min. per
for tension of 1.25×fy
Min. per

Figure 2.1-6 Detailing requirements for individually confined groups of diagonal bars in a
coupling beam (ACI 318-19 Section [Figure Credit: S. K. Ghosh Associates

ACI 318-19 detailing requirements for coupling beams linking special shear walls are illustrated in
Figure 2.1-7, adapted from NIST Tech Brief (Moehle et al. 2012). Note that the use of strut and tie models
for beams of very low span-to-depth ratios is optional, not mandatory. Please note also that, according to
ACI 318-19 Section,  for diagonally reinforced coupling beams is 0.85.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 2.1-7 Summary of ACI 318-19 detailing requirements for reinforced concrete
coupling beams (Source: Moehle et al. 2012)

A diagonally reinforced coupling beam complying with ACI 318 detailing requirements is shown in
Figure 2.1-8.

Figure 2.1-8 A diagonally reinforced coupling beam

(Source: http://nees.seas.ucla.edu/pankow)

RP3-2.1.2 Concrete encased steel composite coupling beams

The use of steel coupling beams within a concrete shear wall lateral system has gained momentum in recent
years as a viable alternative to concrete coupling beams. Research by Motter et al. (2014) has demonstrated

2020 NEHRP Provisions

that appropriately proportioned beams and properly detailed embedment regions result in wall coupling that
provides high strength and large ductility.
The design philosophy for steel coupling beams originated from embedded steel bracket connections
first published in the 1971 PCI Design Handbook (PCI 1971). Known as corbels per current terminology,
these cantilever elements generally carry high shears and low moments, and transfer forces to a concrete
support via opposing vertical compression forces (Figure 2.1-9).

Figure 2.1-9 Steel bracket to supporting concrete element connection

In the 1980’s, research by Marcakis and Mitchell (1980) as well as Mattock and Gafar (1982) sought
to establish a rational analytical model for the design of these elements based on physical experimental
results. The effects of beam-to-wall width ratio, wall vertical reinforcement ratio, wall vertical strain, and
vertically welded flange reinforcement were all studied. The resulting design equations, focusing primarily
on the length of the embedment region, have remained largely unchanged by subsequent research results.
Work by Harries, K.A., Gong, B., and Shahrooz, B.M. (2000) in the 1990’s extended these concepts
from brackets to coupling beams. The behavior and transfer of forces from a steel bracket to a concrete
support are effectively the same as for a coupling beam considered on one side of its center inflection point.
Tests were conducted with concrete-encased steel wide-flange sections subject to multi-cycle plastic
deformations (Figure 2.1-10).

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Figure 2.1-10 Tests of concrete-encased steel wide-flange sections

These tests validated the ability to achieve stable hysteretic behavior, determined the effective point of
fixity, studied the effect of wall confinement, and generally quantified the contribution of the encasement
to beam strength and stiffness. Their findings largely serve as the basis for the subsequent AISC Seismic
Provisions (AISC 2016) for composite steel coupling beams.
Current AISC 341-10 (AISC 2010) provisions also include design requirements for bare steel coupling
beams used in Composite special Shear Walls (C-SSW). Examples of bare steel coupling beams are
unknown. Such an application would require the beam to be fireproofed and architecturally enclosed
anyway. The form closure where the bare beam enters the concrete or composite shear wall also presents
a challenge. A bare steel coupling beam will have notably reduced stiffness as compared to a composite
steel coupling beam. For slender coupled shear wall systems, coupling beam stiffness contributes
significantly to overall system stiffness. Lastly, bare steel coupling beams were not included in Motter’s
testing of large-scale high-ductility elements. Although coupling beam ductility is not expected to be
compromised by the absence of concrete encasement (given proper lateral bracing), the full hysteretic
behavior of such beams, including embedment region effects, is not currently known. This presents
additional uncertainty in non-linear modeling.
While steel coupling beams have been included in a material reference standard since the early 2000’s,
they have not been regularly used in design. Concerns regarding constructability, particularly in
challenging detailing requirements and overlap between the concrete and steel trades, have limited the use
of steel coupling beams.
In the early 2010’s, a testing program was conducted by Motter et al. (2013) to address these existing
obstacles to widespread use. Vertical flange bars were eliminated, wall boundary confinement was
preserved by means of through-rods and face plates, and beam sections were twice as deep as those tested
previously (approximating two-thirds scale).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 2.1-11 Large-scale tests of concrete-encased steel wide-flange sections

Primary variables studied were 1) embedment length of the beam into the wall support and 2) wall
confinement density above and below the embedment region. The experimental results and related findings
establish requirements for embedment and confinement necessary to achieve “special” behavior equivalent
to that of special concrete coupling beams. Somewhat pinched hysteretic behavior and lower ductility
capacity were found for tests not satisfying these requirements; the details used in these tests were deemed
appropriate for use in an “ordinary” lateral system. Backbone modeling parameters, for use in non-linear
evaluations, were also published in this study (Figure 2.1-12).
. While the recommendations of Motter et al. (2017) are not adopted by the concrete reference standard,
ACI 318, Performance Based Seismic Design methodologies are commonly used to design and detail steel
coupling beams.

RP3-2.1.3 Design of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams

RP3- Background, behavior, and research

Reinforcement congestion has long been the bane of concrete construction in high seismic regions. Some
of the most difficult and congested reinforcement is found in shear wall coupling beams. Traditionally,
diagonal bars are used to reinforce these coupling beams, combined with tightly spaced stirrups and ties
(Figure 2.1-13). This creates significant congestion and conflict between the diagonal bars and adjacent
shear wall boundary element reinforcement.

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Figure 2.1-12 Backbone modeling and load-displacement response of concrete-encased

steel coupling beams (Motter et al. 2013)

Figure 2.1-13 Diagonally reinforced and steel-fiber-reinforced coupling beams with

similar capacity [Figure Credit: CKC Structural Engineers]

While steel fibers are commonly used in tunnel linings, industrial floors, and other applications where
high toughness is required, their use in building structures has thus far been limited. After more than a
decade of research and development, SFRC (steel-fiber-reinforced concrete) for use in shear wall coupling
beams is now available. It involves mixing high-strength steel fibers into the concrete used to construct
coupling beams (Figure 2.1-14). SFRC can be used for designs in regions of high seismicity, providing

2020 NEHRP Provisions

improved strength and added ductility. Further, this innovation saves significant labor and material, because
steel fibers replace the tedious process of placing and tying much of the rebar in what are typically very
heavily congested zones. Discussions with general contractors have indicated that the removal of the
diagonal bars can save up to a full day per floor in the construction schedule. The added cost of the steel
fibers in the concrete and the crane time needed to bucket the SFRC were overcome by the savings in
reinforcement quantity and placing labor as determined by the contractor’s pricing studies.

Figure 2.1-14 SFRC Coupling Beam [Figure Credit: CKC Structural Engineers]

The added steel fibers benefit the design of coupling beams in a number of ways. Typically, in regions
of high seismicity, the concrete is assumed to have no contribution to the shear strength of the coupling
beam. However, testing has shown that the addition of the steel fibers can contribute up 60% of the total
shear strength of the beam, as well as up to 15% of the flexural strength of the coupling beam. Essentially,
coupling beam strengths can be maintained, or even enhanced, by adding steel fibers and reducing the
quantity of traditional reinforcement.
The value of the fibers extends beyond strength considerations and they can increase the durability and
ductility of the coupling beam (Figure 2.1-15). At higher levels of rotation, the SFRC beams tend to develop
many small cracks that are distributed over larger areas of the concrete. In a side-by-side test (Figure 2.1-
16), a coupling beam without added steel fibers was shown to exhibit high levels of localized damage and
concrete spalling, while a similarly reinforced SFRC beam at the same rotation held together better as a
single unit and had less damage distributed over larger areas of the beam. This can be partly attributed to
the ability of the steel fibers to increase the tensile strength of the concrete, raising the force threshold at
which spalling occurs.
The study of SFRC coupling beams started at the University of Michigan with financial support from
the National Science Foundation. Further research was funded by the National Science Foundation Network
for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES), and Bekaert, a Belgium-based global supplier of steel
fibers, as well as the Charles Pankow Foundation.

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Figure 2.1-15 Example SFRC coupling beam hysteresis loops [Figure Credit: Setkit, 2012]

Figure 2.1-16 Comparative Testing [Figure Credit: Lequesne, 2011]

RP3- Design Philosophy

Similarly to conventionally reinforced coupling beams designed per ACI 318-19, SFRC coupling beams
follow capacity design principles. Tensile yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement at or near the ends of
the beam is the primary mechanism by which seismic energy is dissipated. For adequate spread of plasticity,

2020 NEHRP Provisions

dowel reinforcement, typically U-shaped, is provided at each end of the coupling beam. The dowel
reinforcement has been proven effective with embedded lengths on the order of 6 to 9 dowel reinforcement
bar diameters from the face of the joint into the coupling beam (Perez-Irizarry and Para-Montesinos 2016).
Flexural strength is evaluated at two critical sections: at the extreme end of the beam, where the longitudinal
reinforcement and dowel reinforcement contribute to flexural strength; and at the termination of the dowel
reinforcement, where flexural strength is determined assuming tensile contribution from both the
longitudinal reinforcement and the SFRC itself. Beam is designed to resist the shear associated with the
probable flexural strength of the beam. Both transverse reinforcement and contribution of the SFRC are
considered for determination of the beam shear strength. Full volumetric confinement per ACI 318-19 is
provided at each end of the beam, where flexural yielding is likely to occur. Laboratory testing has been
performed with beam span-to-depth ratios from 2.0 to 3.3. SFRC coupling beams are ideally used where
relatively high shear stress demands exist at these aspect ratios (see shaded region in Figure 2.1-17).

Figure 2.1-17 Coupling beam design space with SFRC region (Adapted from Moehle et al.

RP3- Design procedure recommendation

A proposed design procedure as developed from the initial research at the University of Michigan and early
project implementation of SFRC coupling beams is as follows:

• Calculate the required flexural strength of the SFRC coupling beam at the face of wall, with no
assumed SFRC contribution to flexural strength.
• Design the dowel reinforcement to resist approximately 20% to 30% of the total flexural demand at
the face of the coupling beam.
• Design the longitudinal reinforcement to resist the remaining flexural demand at the face of the
coupling beam.
• Determine the shear associated with the probable flexural strength at the ends of the dowel
reinforcement and the shear corresponding to the probable flexural strength at the beam ends. The
use of dowel reinforcement embedded 6 to 9 bar diameters into the coupling beam has proven to
be effective in contributing to flexural strength at the beam-to-wall interface and in attaining the

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desired spread of inelasticity, when the ratio of aforementioned shears associated with the two
probable flexural strengths is less than 1.1.
• Determine the amount of transverse shear reinforcement required near beam mid-span. The design
shear for this determination should envelope the analytical shear demand, - the shear associated
with the probable flexural strength at the beam ends, and the shear associated with the probable
flexural strength at the termination of the dowel reinforcement. A contribution of up to 4Acv√f’c can
be provided by the SFRC when a steel fiber volume fraction of 1.5% is used (smaller shear
contributions are associated with SFRC when the 1.5% volume fraction is reduced, see Perez-
Irizarry and Parra-Montesinos, 2016). This contribution of the SFRC to the shear strength of the
coupling beam should be limited such that the SFRC contributes no more than 60% of the total
shear strength. Thus, no less than 40% of the shear strength of the coupling beam must come from
the contribution of transverse reinforcement.
• Provide transverse confinement reinforcement, similar to what is required per ACI 318-19 at
potential plastic hinge regions of columns of Special Moment Frames, over a length of half the
beam depth from the wall face at each end of the coupling beam. The amount of transverse
reinforcement provided for confinement at the beam ends should not be less than the transverse
reinforcement required for contribution to shear strength.
• Check that adequate shear friction strength is provided at the wall-beam interface for force transfer.
Contributions to the shear friction capacity from the longitudinal reinforcement, dowel
reinforcement, and adequately developed skin reinforcement (if present) may be assumed.

RP3-2.2 References
ACI Committee 318 (2019). Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and
Commentary (ACI 318R-19). American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.

ASCE Committee 7 (2017). Minimum design loads and associated criteria for buildings and other
structures, ASCE/SEI 7-16. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.

ASCE Committee 41 (2014). ASCE Standard, ASCE/SEI 41-13: Seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing
buildings. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.

Harries, K.A., Gong, B., and Shahrooz, B.M. (2000), “Behavior and Design of Reinforced Concrete, Steel,
and Steel‐Concrete Coupling Beams,” Earthquake Spectra, November 2000, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 775-799.

Moehle, J., Ghodsi, T., Hooper, J., Fields, D., and Gedhada, R. (2011, Revised 2012)). Seismic Design of
Cast-in-Place Concrete Special Structural Walls and Coupling Beams: A Guide for Practicing Engineers,
NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief 6, NIST GCR 11-917-11REV-1. National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

Motter, C.J., Fields, D.C., Hooper, J.D., Klemencic, R., and Wallace, J.W. (2013), “Large-Scale Testing of
Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Coupling Beams Embedded into Reinforced Concrete Structural walls,”
UCLA SGEL Research Report, University of California, Los Angeles.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Motter, C.J., Fields, D.C., Hooper, J.D., Klemencic, R., and Wallace, J.W. (2017), “Steel-Reinforced
Concrete Coupling Beams II: Modeling,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.143 (3).

Paulay, T. and Priestley, M. J. N. (1992). Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.

Liao, S., and Pimentel, B. (1919). “Coupling Beam Types,” Structure, January, pp. 8-12.

Parra-Montesinos, G. J., Wight, J.K., Kopczynski, C., Lequesne, R., Setkit, M., Conforti, A., and Ferzli, J.
(2014). “High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams: From Research to Practice,”
Proceedings, Tenth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, AK.

Lequesne, R. D., Parra-Montesinos, G. J. and Wight, J. K. (2009), “Test of a Coupled Wall with High
Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams,” Thomas T. C. Hsu Symposium: Shear and
Torsion of Concrete Structures, SP-265, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
Perez-Irizarry, A. and Parra-Montesinos, G. J. (2016). Evaluation of Seismic Behavior of Coupling Beams
with Various Types of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete. The University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Lequesne, R. D. (2011). Behavior and Design of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Coupling

Beams and Coupled-Wall Systems. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Marcakis K. and Mitchell D. (1980), “Precast concrete connections with embedded steel members,”
Prestressed Concrete Institute Journal, 25 (4), 88-116

Mattock A. H. and Gaafar G. H. (1982), “Strength of embedded steel sections as brackets,” ACI Journal,
79 (2).

Setkit, M. (2012). Seismic Behavior of Slender Coupling Beams Constructed with High-Performance
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Weldon, B. and Kurama, Y. (2012). “Analytical Modeling and Design Validation of Posttensioned Precast
Concrete Coupling Beams for Seismic Regions,” J. of Structural Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 2, February,
pp. 224-234.

Weldon, B. and Kurama, Y. (2010). “Experimental Evaluation of Post-Tensioned Precast Concrete

Coupling Beams,” J. of Structural Engineering, Vol. 136, No. 9, September, pp. 1066-1077.

Weldon, B. and Kurama, Y. (2007). “Nonlinear Behavior of Precast Concrete Coupling Beams,” J. of
Structural Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 11, November, pp. 1571-1581

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RP3-3.0 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to present a systematic treatment of one of the most common types of seismic
force-resisting elements: concrete shear walls. This summary is intended to provide information that is not
commonly available. Different wall configurations are discussed. The influence of core wall configuration
on the seismic performance of buildings is explained. A discussion of wall buildings with irregularities is
included. The definition of ductile coupled reinforced concrete shear walls is introduced. The distribution
of lateral deformations along the heights of multi-story core wall buildings is described; it is pointed out
that there is typically very little yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement anywhere along the height of a
structurally regular multi-story building. Various aspects of the shear design of reinforced concrete shear
walls are discussed in depth. A very important ACI 318-19 change amplifying the design shear force for
special reinforced concrete shear walls is described, and background given. Several important changes
made in ACI 318-19 concerning the detailing requirements of slender special reinforced concrete shear
walls are enumerated. Finally, through work done by IT-4, separate line items featuring ductile coupled
reinforced concrete shear walls are expected to be introduced in Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-22. The FEMA
P695 study that supplied the justification for this important change is briefly described in this chapter.

RP3-3.1 Wall Configurations

Concrete shear wall configurations are numerous and are dependent on the building functional
requirements, lateral demands and architectural constraints (Figure 3.1-1). These walls will be subject to
axial, lateral and torsional forces depending on their geometric configuration, orientation, and location
within the building plan. This section describes common concrete wall shapes and provides general
guidelines concerning favorable wall layouts in buildings.

Figure 3.1-1 Wall Cross Sections [Figure Credit: NIST Tech Brief 6]

Planar walls with rectangular cross sections are commonly used in buildings due to the ease of design
and construction as well as the ability to integrate the wall within the architectural layout. Planar walls have
reduced lateral stability about the week axis of the wall and rely on additional perpendicular walls to resist
out of plane forces. Figure 3.1-2 illustrates stable and unstable planar wall systems. Planar wall application

2020 NEHRP Provisions

is common in buildings of moderate height, where building drift is limited and added lateral stiffness is not

Figure 3.1-2 Torsional Stability of Planar Wall Systems [Figure Credit: Paulay and

Shear walls can be conFigured in numerous ways (Figure 3.1-1). Rectangular walls are common, but
very thin walls can have performance problems and should be avoided. Barbell walls have boundary
columns that contain longitudinal reinforcement for moment resistance, improve wall stability, and provide
an element to anchor beams framing into the wall. The boundary columns, however, might be
architecturally undesirable and might increase forming costs. Intersecting wall segments can be combined
to create flanged walls, including T, L, C, U, H, and I configurations. Core walls enclose elevators,
stairways, and similar vertical spaces, with coupling beams often connecting wall components over
Research results suggest the best earthquake performance is achieved when a symmetric configuration,
in which lateral loading activates similarly sized and similarly reinforced compression and tension regions,
is employed (Birely 2012). Examples of symmetric wall configurations include symmetrically reinforced
rectangular (i.e. planar), barbell, H-shaped and I-shaped walls as well as coupled C-shaped walls, as shown
in Figure 3.1-1.
In contrast to symmetric walls, asymmetric walls exhibit poorer seismic performance. Consider the T-
shaped wall in Figure 3.1-1. When the flange is in tension, the base of the web is in compression. Clearly,
the tension capacity of the flange greatly exceeds the compressive capacity, and this results in the wall
experiencing large compressive demands, which ultimately results in the wall experiencing a relatively non-
ductile compression-controlled failure.
This phenomenon and the potential for asymmetric walls to exhibit poor seismic performance have
been demonstrated by research and recent earthquake damage in the Chilean Earthquake of 2010. Figure
3.1-3 shows fragility curves dependent on cross-sectional shape from a test database with over 50 ductile
walls. The symmetric flanged (e.g., I-shaped cross section) walls have significantly more drift capacity than
asymmetric flanged walls (e.g., T-shaped cross section). A review of buildings exposed to the 2010 Chilean
earthquake concluded that wall configuration contributed to localization and accumulation of damage;

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although for Chilean buildings wall configurations were typically complex and damage was typically
associated with floor-to-floor changes in wall configuration rather than asymmetry.

Likelihood of Failure

Asymmetric Flanged

Symmetric Flanged

Effective Drift, %

Figure 3.1-3 Probabilistic drift capacity models for rectangular and asymmetric and
symmetric flanged walls.

RP3-3.2 Core wall configuration and seismic performance

Concrete walls are commonly applied in buildings as coupled walls that form a core wall system. These
core wall systems are the predominant seismic force-resisting system for tall concrete buildings in high
seismic regions along the west coast. Core wall systems consist of a combination of wall piers that are solid
or connected with coupling beams with various span to depth ratios. Figure 3.2-1 illustrates an example
core wall system for a 40-story tower with basement levels.

Figure 3.2-1 Example Core Wall System in 40-Story Tower [Figure Credit: CKC Structural

2020 NEHRP Provisions

The lateral response of the coupled wall system is mainly impacted by two factors: the ground motions
and the geometry of the seismic force-resisting system, where the structural engineer can have the most
influence on the overall behavior of the building. A seismic force-resisting system with low energy
dissipation leads to higher shear, flexural, and diaphragm demands. The seismic energy generated by
ground motions is dissipated in the core walls through two mechanisms; elastic deformation and plastic
hinging. Relying primarily on elastic deformations to resist lateral loads leads to much larger force demands
on the entire seismic force-resisting system. Seismic energy is more efficiently dissipated via flexural
yielding and the formation of plastic hinges, typically at or near the base of the shear wall core. This
response allows the vertical reinforcement to yield and undergo inelastic deformations. This is a well-
established method and the current building code has specific requirements for reinforcement detailing at
the potential hinge regions.
Rather than only considering plastic hinging of the shear walls near the base of the structure, a proven
and efficient way to dissipate seismic energy is to introduce a series of coupling beams throughout the shear
wall core. These structural fuses are detailed to accommodate large inelastic deformations while
maintaining adequate strength. The internal forces generated in the system, such as core wall moment and
shear, can be significantly reduced while increasing the system ductility. The introduction of coupling
beams increases the redundancy of plastic hinging mechanisms in a core wall system. This redundancy can
improve the building response during a seismic event and mitigate the damage to the vertical elements of
the seismic force-resisting system such as the shear wall piers.

Figure 3.2-2 Couple Core Wall Configurations [Figure Credit: CKC Structural Engineers]

To better understand the impact of coupling beams in wall configurations, a series of sensitivity studies
was conducted to evaluate core shear and inter-story drift with and without additional openings and
coupling beams being introduced into solid shear walls. It was observed that the shear demands in the
system could be significantly reduced, both in the shear walls and at the transfer diaphragms, without
excessive impact on the seismic drift of the building by the addition of coupling beams at targeted locations.
Figure 3.2-2 illustrates a variety of core wall layouts subjected to high seismic ground motions
representative of the West Coast of the United States. These four core wall configurations utilized a special
reinforced concrete shear wall seismic force-resisting system and were 400 ft (122 m) to 500 ft (152 m)
tall. Nonlinear models were generated using PERFORM-3D software and each model was subjected to at
least seven pairs of scaled, maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motions. As indicated in Figure

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3.2-2, coupling beams with span to depth ratios varying between 2.5 and 4.77 were located at every floor
level. The coupling beams were designed and detailed using a combination of diagonal and horizontal
Core wall A represents the seismic force-resisting system of a 42-story tower with 5 levels below grade.
A nonlinear model was used to verify the acceptability of the special reinforced concrete shear wall seismic
force-resisting system. The core wall is comprised of four coupling beams with diagonal reinforcement per
ACI 318 in one direction, and solid concrete piers in the orthogonal direction. The span to depth ratios of
the coupling beams are all in the range of 2.7 to 3.6. This core configuration illustrates the effect that
coupled shear walls can have on energy dissipation. While the overall shape of the shear wall core is
relatively square, the shear response of the building varied significantly. In the solid wall direction, the peak
core shear forces were approximately 12,000 kips (53,378 KN) near the base. In the coupled wall direction,
the peak core shear forces were approximately 4,500 kips (20,000 KN) near the base (Figure 3.2-3). The
difference in core shear between the two orthogonal directions can be directly attributed to the geometries
of the coupled and solid wall layout.

Figure 3.2-3 Core Wall A Shear Results [Figure Credit: CKC Structural Engineers]

The effect of the coupling beams on the shear core demand is exemplified in the Core Wall B
configuration study. Core Wall B is two-celled and represents a 31-story tower that is 450 ft (137 m) tall.
All coupling beams have a span-to-depth ratio of 3.0. A parametric study was completed where the number
of coupling beams was varied in the short direction of the core and compared to solid wall piers. The results
were quite dramatic.
With only one coupled wall and two solid walls, the peak core shear forces were approximately 22,000
kips (97,860 KN) at the base. When all three walls in the same direction where coupled with steel fiber-
reinforced coupling beams, the peak core shear forces reduced to 12,500 kips (55,602 KN). This
corresponds to a 45% drop in shear demand at the base of the core wall system, by simply introducing
coupling beams.
Core Wall D configuration shown in Figure 3.2-2 had a similar response to Core Wall A configuration.
Even though coupling beams were introduced in the direction where solid walls are shown, the shear

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resistance in the solid wall direction was provided mostly by the solid walls. Limited contribution to the
lateral force resistance was made by the coupled walls parallel to the solid walls.
Core Wall C in Figure 3.2-2 is the perfect example of increasing ductility in core wall systems by
introducing coupling beams. Coupling beams were introduced on all sides of the core that helped mitigate
shear demands. While some of these openings were required by the architectural layout, several openings
were added to introduce distributed ductility and additional energy dissipation through coupling beams in
the seismic force-resisting system.
The results of these studies clearly indicate that coupled wall systems are sensitive to the location and
combination of wall piers and coupling beams. To develop a ductile response, it is recommended to provide
coupling beams on all walls. It is also recommended to place coupling beams in a symmetric configuration
away from intersecting wall piers.

RP3-3.3 Classification of RC shear walls

This section discusses classification of shear walls based on detailing (ordinary, intermediate, or special),
based on coupling between walls (coupled versus uncoupled), and based on mode of seismic response,
which is to a large degree dependent on the wall aspect (hw/w) ratio.

RP3-3.3.1 Ordinary, Intermediate, and Special Walls

Shear walls are classified as ordinary, intermediate, or special depending upon how they are detailed. A
specially detailed shear wall has high inelastic deformation capacity, while an ordinary shear wall has
relatively low inelastic deformation capacity. The inelastic deformation capacity of an intermediate wall is
between those of an ordinary and a special shear wall. An ordinary shear wall can be cast-in-place or precast.
A special shear wall can also be cast-in-place or precast. However, an intermediate shear wall can only be
precast; ACI 318 does not recognize intermediate cast-in-place shear walls.
Ordinary shear walls are designed and detailed in compliance with ACI 318 (ACI, 2019) Chapter 11.
Intermediate (precast) shear walls are detailed in accordance with ACI 318 Section 18.5. Special cast-in-
place shear walls are detailed in accordance with ACI 318 Section 18.10. A special precast shear wall must
comply with the requirements for a special cast-in-place shear wall (ACI 318 Sec. 18.10) and also the
requirements for an intermediate precast shear walls (ACI 318 Sec. 18.5).
In buildings assigned to Seismic Design Category B, ordinary, intermediate, and special shear walls are
allowed to be used as part of the seismic force-resisting system. In a buildings assigned to SDC C, ordinary
shear walls are not allowed to be part of the seismic force-resisting system; the shear walls must have
intermediate or special detailing. In a building assigned to SDC D, E or F, only special shear walls are
allowed to be part of the seismic force-resisting system.

RP3-3.3.2 Coupled vs. Uncoupled Shear Walls

Functional and often structural requirements make the use of shear walls desirable in many buildings. More
often than not, such walls are pierced by numerous openings for windows, doors, and other purposes. Two
or more walls separated by vertical rows of openings, with beams at every floor level between the vertically
arranged openings, are referred to as coupled shear walls. When a coupled shear wall system is subject to
lateral loads due to wind or earthquake forces, shear forces generated at the ends of the coupling beams
accumulate into a tensile force in one of the coupled wall piers and into a compression forces in the other
wall pier. The couple due to these tension and compression forces resists a part of the overturning moment
at the base of the wall system, with the remainder of the overturning moment being resisted by the wall
piers themselves (Figure 3.3-1). The ratio of the overturning moment resisted by the tension-compression
couple to the total overturning moment at the base of the coupled wall system is often referred to as the

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degree of coupling. The shorter and deeper the coupling beams, the higher the degree of coupling. When
the degree of coupling is very low, the two wall piers tend to behave like isolated walls, and when the
degree of coupling is very high, the entire coupled wall system tends to behave like a shear wall with
openings. It should be noted, however, that as and when inelastic displacements develop in the coupling
beams, the degree of coupling tends to lose its significance.






Figure 3.3-1 Coupled shear walls (from Fortney, not published)

RP3-3.3.3 Slender Versus Squat Shear Walls

Expected behavior of walls depends partly on wall aspect ratio. Slender walls (hw/w ≥ 2.0) tend to behave
much like flexural cantilevers. The preferred inelastic behavior mode of slender walls is ductile flexural
yielding, without shear failure. In contrast, walls with very low aspect ratios (hw/w ≤ 0.5) tend to resist
lateral forces through a diagonal strut mechanism in which concrete and distributed horizontal and vertical
reinforcement resist shear. Wall behavior transitions between these extremes for intermediate aspect ratios.
Shear yielding of slender walls generally is considered unacceptable because it reduces inelastic
deformation capacity below expected values. Shear yielding of very squat walls is often accepted because
such walls tend to have high inherent strength and low ductility demands.
The slender walls, with their seismic response dominated by flexure, have sometimes been referred to
as flexural walls, but this terminology has not caught on. The flexure-dominated slender walls, the shear-
dominated squat walls, and all the walls in between are referred to as shear walls. The following text,
reproduced from NIST Tech Brief 6 (NIST, 2011) succinctly describes the flexure-dominated behavior of
slender walls, the shear dominated behavior of squat walls, and the corresponding design considerations.

RP3- Slender Walls

For slender walls, the design should aim to achieve ductile flexural yielding at the base of the wall. For
slender coupled walls, the target mechanism should include ductile yielding of coupling beams over the

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height of the wall plus ductile flexural yielding at the base of the walls. Wall shear failure and failure of
diaphragms and foundations generally should be avoided.
Where the design intent is to have a single critical section for flexure and axial force, the designer should
provide a distribution of strength over wall height that inhibits yielding at other critical sections. One
approach is to design the selected critical section to have strength in flexure and axial force closely matching
the required strength, with some overstrength provided at other locations.

In some cases, alternative mechanisms have to be accepted. In very tall buildings, higher-mode response
may cause some wall flexural yielding in intermediate stories in addition to the primary yielding
mechanism. In highly irregular walls, including walls with irregular openings, it can be difficult to precisely
identify and control the yielding mechanism. Some conservatism in the design of these systems can help
achieve the desired performance.

RP3- Squat Walls

Squat walls tend to have high inherent flexural strength and thus are prone to inelastic response in shear
rather than flexural yielding. Unlike in slender walls, such behavior can provide sufficient post-yield
stiffness and deformation capacity.

Squat walls are prone to two types of shear failure. “Shear yielding” within the wall web involves
development of inclined cracks (Figure 3.3-2). Horizontal force equilibrium of segment cde requires
distributed horizontal reinforcement resisting force Fh. Moment equilibrium of segment cde about e, or
segment ab about b, requires distributed vertical reinforcement providing force Fv. Thus, ACI 318 requires
both vertical and horizontal reinforcement to resist shear in squat walls. “Shear sliding” tends to occur at
construction joints, including the wall-foundation interface. Axial force Nu and distributed vertical
reinforcement Avf (including added dowels) provide a clamping force across the interface that resists sliding.
Reinforcement Avf is most effective if distributed. Thus, it may be preferred to distribute the flexural
reinforcement uniformly without concentrated boundary elements. Reinforcement Avf is more effective in
resisting sliding if oriented at an angle of ±45°, although this creates a constructability challenge. When
concrete is placed against previously hardened concrete at this interface, ACI 318 requires the surface be
clean and free of laitance.

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Figure 3.3-2 Shear yielding and shear sliding in a squat wall. [Figure credit: NIST Tech Brief

RP3-3.4 Non-prestressed
This section addresses modeling and performance assessment for flexure-controlled reinforced concrete
walls; walls that are controlled by shear capacity and exhibit a shear failure are not covered. In most cases,
squat walls are more likely to be shear controlled.

In current seismic code-compliant design, more slender walls are sized and detailed to ensure flexural
loading. Typically, flexure-controlled walls have shear demands that do not exceed shear strength
calculated by the current version of ACI 318 and are slender with effective height-to-length ratio that
exceeds 1.5-2.0 (ACI uses 2.0; research shows 1.5 is appropriate). In addition, walls designed by prior to
current codes also exhibit flexural behavior. This chapter provides an overview of the behavior,
performance and modeling of flexural walls.

Under lateral loading, flexure-controlled walls develop a flexural yield mechanism at the critical
section(s), with loss of lateral load carrying capacity caused by buckling and subsequent tensile rupture of
longitudinal reinforcement, simultaneous concrete crushing and buckling of compression reinforcement or,
for walls with high shear demands and large cross-sectional aspect ratios (ratio of wall length to thickness),
simultaneous crushing of concrete at the both ends of the compression region.

Wall cross section is largely a function of architectural layout. Mid to high-rise buildings typically have
a central elevator core; these buildings have a core wall as indicated in Figure 3.4-1. Typically, the core
walls are C or L in shape and coupled with coupling beams; the openings for the elevator are formed with
the wall edges and coupling beams (Figure 3.4-1a). In lower rise buildings or other buildings without a
central elevator core, it is more common to have walls distributed throughout the floor plate; the location
and shape of the walls is typically constrained by the architectural layout. In many cases, asymmetric wall
shapes are used (the most common asymmetric section is in the shape of an “L”) as well as planar walls
(Figure 3.4-1b).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

(a) Core Wall (b) Distributed Planar and Flanged Walls

Figure 3.4-1 Core vs. Distributed Planar Walls

In the case of isolated walls, wall demands include shear, bending moment and axial force; these are
idealized in Figure 3.4-2. In current design, wall section geometry, in particular wall thickness, is
determined to meet shear strength and stiffness requirements. Thin walls may be susceptible to large shear
or premature compression failure (Wallace 2015). Design of flexural concrete walls includes: (1)
determination of reinforcement required for flexural demand; typically this reinforcement is concentrated
at the ends of the walls in regions referred to as boundary elements, (2) detailing of the confinement
reinforcement and (3) design of the horizontal reinforcement to meet the amplified shear demand resulting
from seismic excitation. Note that the unamplified seismic demand is calculated using equivalent lateral
forces (ELF), as shown in Figure 3.4-2a, or modal response spectrum analysis (MRSA); additional
information on determining seismic demand may be found in ASCE 7-16 (ASCE 2016).

Figure 3.4-2 shows typical vertical and confining reinforcement layouts for ductile [this term is thrown
in all of a sudden] walls. In buildings assigned to high seismic design categories, large volumes of confining
reinforcement are required in “boundary element” regions of shear walls that are expected to experience
high compression demands under earthquake loading (Figure 3.4-2c). For planar walls and some flanged
walls, an efficient design for strength results from placement of a large volume of longitudinal
reinforcement in the boundary elements of the wall (Figs. 3.4-2b, c and d). For nonplanar walls that resist
loading in orthogonal directions, longitudinal reinforcement may be uniformly distributed; walls with
uniformly distributed reinforcement typically require heavily confined boundary elements but may require
confinement of the entire cross section. The ACI Code allows longitudinal reinforcement to be spliced at
the base of the wall where the maximum flexural demand typically occurs; since splicing reinforcement at
this location facilitates construction, splices are common at the base of the wall.

In contrast to the boundary elements, the interior of the wall web or flange, as indicated in Figure 3.4-
2b, is lightly reinforced, with reinforcement ratios equal to or just larger than 0.25% being common.

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This interior section of the wall is expected to sustain large shear strains through diagonal cracking and
straining of the interior steel (Figure 3.4-2a). In flanged walls it is not uncommon for wall webs to sustain
significant spalling and crushing of the concrete; however, most walls are not confined in this region.

RP3-3.4.1 Behavior of flexural concrete walls under lateral and gravity loading
This section focuses on reinforced concrete walls with height-to-length ratios exceeding 1.5, which sustain
shear demands less than the shear strength given by ACI 318 (2014), and therefore exhibit flexure-
controlled response. Table 3.4.1 describes response of various flexural walls.




(a)Equivalent (b) Wall eleva on
Lateral forces (ELF) with reac ons

(a) EFL Demands on Individual Wall or (b) Flanged Wall


(c) Planar Wall (d) Wall Reinforcement

Figure 3.4-2 Demands on and Reinforcement Configuration of Wall Cross Sections

Symmetric Flanged Wall Asymmetric Flanged Wall Planar Wall
(Mock 2014) (Breuggen 2009) (Lowes et al.2012)
2020 NEHRP Provisions

Table Response of and Damage to Flexural Walls

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(Lehman et al. 2013)

Coupled Wall

Table 3.4.1 shows measured load versus drift response histories for the four types of concrete walls: i)
planar, ii) asymmetric flanged, iii) symmetric flanged, and iv) coupled. The measured response indicates
the following characteristics: i) a flexural strength that is accurately estimated using standard methods (e.g.
plane-section analysis), ii) minimal hardening under increasing drift demand (i.e. final strength is
approximately the nominal moment strength Mn computed using expected strengths), iii) minimal strength
deterioration under multiple cycles to the same drift demand, and iv) relatively rapid strength loss with
increasing drift demand after development of a failure mode.

As shown in the images in Table 3.4.1, wall failure mechanisms (Birely 2012, Whitman 2015) results from
either: i) simultaneous concrete crushing and buckling of longitudinal reinforcement in the extreme
compression region of the wall (compression-buckling, CB, failure) ii) rupture of previously buckled
longitudinal reinforcement (buckling-rupture, BR, failure), or iii) concrete crushing across a large portion
of the compression-region due to the combined compression demands resulting from flexural and shear
loading. As shown in Table 3.4.1, failure typically results in severe damage to the web and boundary
element concrete, which can result in failure of the wall.

Structural concrete walls are one of the most common seismic force-resisting systems. Yet recent
earthquakes and experimental testing have demonstrated that walls and wall buildings are vulnerable to

RP3-3.4.2 Design of reinforced concrete walls for flexure-dominated response

The design of slender concrete walls is governed by the current versions of the International Building Code
(ICC 2018), ACI 318 (2014) and ASCE/SEI 7i. In some jurisdictions, additional requirements apply for the
design of shear walls in tall buildings; these additional requirements typically include peer review. Research
conducted to date suggests that slender walls of varying height that are designed to meet code requirements
may not achieve the intended earthquake performance. Specifically, performance objectives related to
damage resistance and drift capacity might not be realized. Walls designed to meet code requirements may
exhibit i) shear failure prior to flexural yielding, ii) flexural yielding at multiple locations over the height
of the wall, iii) premature compression damage and failure, and iv) undesirable collapse probabilities for
design and maximum considered earthquake demand levels.

The design recommendations presented here are based on the results of experimental testing and

2020 NEHRP Provisions

numerical simulation and are intended to result in walls that achieve ductile response, including a tension-
controlled flexural response mechanism, flexural yielding confined to locations identified by the engineer,
and the desired low collapse probabilities for design and maximum considered earthquake demand levels.

The general design process is as follows:

1. Provide the layout of walls throughout the building floor plan.

2. Determine wall cross-sectional configurations.
3. Estimate lateral forces for use in design of the system. Note that these forces depend on the ASCE
7 response modification factor (R), which may depend on the wall design and expected response.
4. Estimate wall thickness based on shear demand, using lower-bound estimate of shear strength.
5. Using initial estimates of wall layout, configuration, and size (thickness), conduct demand analysis.
Typically, the initial (and perhaps final) demand analysis will be an elastic modal response
spectrum analysis. This type of analysis uses elastic elements for the wall (either line elements or
shell elements, depending on the type of software) and requires an effective stiffness for those
6. Design flexural reinforcement.
7. Repeat demand analyses as required. In some cases, nonlinear analyses are conducted to provide a
more accurate estimate of the time-dependent and maximum deformations as well as demands
resulting from ductile yielding of wall components.
8. Size and detail web reinforcement to meet shear demands resulting from a capacity-design
approach. If resizing of wall is required, steps 5-8 must be repeated.
9. Size and detail confining reinforcement to meet codified procedures in current version of ACI 318.
10. If required, conduct performance-based design using linear or nonlinear analysis results.
Additional information on wall design can be found in the following resource documents: TBI (2018)
and Lowes et al. (2014) [Pankow document].

RP3-3.5 Wall Buildings with Irregularities

Irregularities in concrete shear wall buildings can have a significant effect on performance. The following
discusses commonly occurring vertical and horizontal irregularities, and effects observed in earthquake
performance, laboratory testing and numerical modeling studies.

RP3-3.5.1 Earthquake Response of Concrete Walls with Vertical Irregularities

The impact of vertical irregularities caused by openings in a wall or walled building was studied three ways:
(1) investigating damage patterns in buildings damaged in recent earthquakes, (2) conducting finite element
analyses of individual walls to investigate the stress distribution and damage pattern and (3) conducting
nonlinear response history analyses (NLRHA) of walled buildings to determine the impact of
discontinuities on collapse probabilities. A summary of the findings for each study is presented below. The
findings indicated that:

• Discontinuities in the lower stories are most impactful. In particular, removing part of the
compression region present in the upper stories will increase damage and reduce the drift capacity
of the wall.

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• Walls with openings present modeling and detailing challenges. It is important to increase the
confining reinforcement and horizontal reinforcement around the openings. However, it is not
necessary nor desirable to increase the vertical (longitudinal) reinforcement around openings
because it will increase the flexural strength and therefore increase the shear demand. The
combination of shear and compression stress can result in premature strength loss, especially if the
compression region is reduced because of the opening.

• In the studied buildings, openings increased the collapse probability by about 25%. Note that in
most cases, collapse of the building results from loss of the gravity system and therefore a reduction
in deformation capacity does not translate to an equivalent increase in the probability of collapse.

RP3- Damage in Earthquakes

Damage to walled buildings during recent earthquakes demonstrates the potential for vertical irregularities
to impact earthquake performance as well as suggests vertical irregularities that are highly correlated with
damage and particularly detrimental to building performance. For example, evaluation of buildings
damaged during the 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake identified a number of building system design and
configuration issues that could be expected to result in poor earthquake performance. Many of the walled
buildings damaged during the Maule earthquake were observed to have significant vertical discontinuities
in walls that were primary elements of the seismic force-resisting system. Figures 3.5-1 and Figure
3.5Error! Reference source not found.-2 show vertical discontinuities due to a significant wall length
reduction from an upper to a lower story.

Figure 3.5-1 Coupled walls in upper stories do not continue to lower story (Plaza del Rio
Building, Concepcion, Chile)

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 3.5-2 A change in the wall section from the upper to lower story (circled) results in
a loss of wall area and localization of flexural yielding (Plaza del Rio Building,
Concepcion, Chile)

A vertical discontinuity arises also when coupled walls terminate in a solid wall panel either below or
above the coupled region, or both, as shown in Figs. 3.5-3a and 3.5-3b. The solid panel constitutes a
discontinuity region that can be subjected to large shear stresses when the coupled walls are loaded laterally.
Figure 3.5-3b shows a typical damage pattern observed following the Maule earthquake. Figure 3.5-4 shows
similar damage patterns in a wall system with a similar discontinuity observed following the Loma Prieta

Figure 3.5-3 (a) Coupled wall with stack of openings terminating in a solid wall and (b)
Damage map along a grid line of the Alto Rio Building in Concepción, Chile following
the 2010 earthquake.

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Figure 3.5-4 Damage to building sustained during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
(image from Moehle 2012)

The 2016 M 6.7 Meinong Earthquake in Southern Taiwan resulted in severe damage to reinforced
concrete buildings. The majority of the damaged buildings utilized moment-resisting frames as the primary
seismic force-resisting system. However, a couple of high-rise buildings with reinforced concrete walls and
frames were damaged. Figure 3.5-5 shows an example of a reinforced concrete wall with openings. As
shown in the Figure, the primary damage was to a “column” at the exterior of the wall. It is likely that the
large axial force on the column resulted in the compression damage.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 3.5-5 Damage to “Column” at Wall Discontinuity in 20-Story High-Rise Building

(2016 Meinong Earthquake)

Based on review of earthquake damage following the 2010 Maule earthquake, and supported by damage
data presented above, primary findings with respect to the impact of wall configuration on earthquake
performance are as follows:

• Damaged walls often did not have a clearly defined location where a plastic hinge could form.

• Lateral load can be transferred through severe vertical discontinuities in a wall. However, this
requires adequate detailing around the discontinuity in the individual wall and/or adequate detailing
and strength for the components (beams or slab) that contribute to the load transfer.

• Damage consistent with wall coupling, such as crushing of wall concrete due to high compressive
loads and cracking and crushing of concrete in coupling beams and slabs, was observed; however,
the extent of coupling requires further evaluation.

• Buildings that were essentially undamaged typically had a thick, well-reinforced mat foundation
and a continuous core.

Investigation of Impact of Vertical Discontinuities Using Nonlinear Continuum Analysis

Nonlinear continuum-type analysis was used to investigate the impact on wall performance of the
horizontal location of an opening introduced in the bottom story of a midrise wall. Continuum analyses use
solid elements and 3D constitutive models for the concrete. Reinforcement can be modeled as smeared or
discrete bars or a combination of the two. To capture bar buckling, a discrete bar modelling approach is
preferred using beam-column elements. To simulate the response at the bar-concrete interface, elements

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capable of simulating movement at the interface (e.g., surface or discrete spring elements) are used with
calibrated bond-slip constitutive models. This modeling approach is computationally intensive and
therefore rarely used to model a full building. Instead it is used to understand response and validate simpler
modeling approaches including multilayer shell element and line element models. Four opening locations
were considered: no opening and openings at the center of the wall, on the right side of the wall and on the
left side of the wall. A monotonically increasing lateral load was applied pushing the wall to the right such
that an opening on the right side interrupted the compression region.

An 8-story wall (30 ft long by 2 ft thick by 106 ft tall) with uniformly distributed vertical and horizontal
reinforcement was used in the study. Figure 3.5-6 shows this reference wall configuration with openings
(7.5 ft long by 10 ft tall) introduced and supplemental horizontal reinforcement added above the opening
to prevent damage directly above the opening. Figure 3.5-7 shows base shear, normalized by √𝑓𝑐′ 𝐴𝑔 with
𝑓𝑐′ = 6500 psi and 𝐴𝑔 equal to the area of the reference wall (𝐴𝑔 = 60 ft2), versus drift at the point of the
applied load. Figure 3.5-8 shows concrete minimum principal stress at onset of strength loss for the different
wall configurations. These data show also a very different stress field for the wall with the opening on the
right; this is consistent with the reduced strength and deformation capacity of this wall.

The data in Figs. 3.5-7 and 3.5-8 show that:

Introducing an opening at the middle of the wall has minimal impact on the stiffness, strength and
deformation capacity of the wall,

Introducing an opening in the tension region of the wall (left side) reduces stiffness and strength slightly,
as it reduces the volume of longitudinal reinforcement activated to resist lateral loading, and increases
deformation capacity, as it reduces compression demands and thereby delays onset of compression failure,
which triggers overall strength loss.

Introducing an opening in the compression region of the wall (right side) significantly reduces strength
and deformation capacity, as it reduces capacity of the flexural compression region resulting in early onset
of compression failure, and thus early onset of overall strength loss.

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Figure 3.5-6 Wall configurations and designs used for ATENA analyses to investigate the
impact of opening location

Figure 3.5-7 Normalized base shear stress (𝑽𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 ⁄(𝑨𝒄𝒗 √𝒇′𝒄 ) 𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒔𝒊) versus drift at the
effective height.

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Opening in Center Opening in Tension Region Opening in Compression Region

Figure 3.5-8 Minimum Principal Stress at Compression Failure for Walls with and
without Openings

Collapse Assessment using NLRHA of Walled Buildings

This section summarizes the analytical studies of reinforced concrete (RC) wall buildings that were
designed per ASCE/SEI 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other
Structures (ASCE, 2017a). For walls with discontinuities, ACI 318 requires an adequate load path around
the discontinuity (ACI, 2014) and placement of reinforcing steel to resist loads and ensure capacity through
multiple load cycles.

To investigate the impact of vertical irregularities on the earthquake performance of mid-rise reinforced
concrete wall buildings, a series of reinforced concrete wall buildings were designed without openings and
then with openings located at the 1st, 1st and 2nd, and an upper story. Design of the baseline 8-story reinforced
concrete wall building resulted in walls 30 ft long by 2 ft thick, with 6 ft long boundary elements having
2.5% longitudinal reinforcement, and longitudinal and horizontal reinforcement of 0.25% in the web region.
Opening length was determined to achieve a stiffness for the stories with the openings that was either 50%
or 75% of the corresponding stiffness in the baseline building. Wall demands were determined using the
ASCE/SEI 7-16 ELF procedure (ASCE, 2017a). Figure 3.5-9 shows elevation views for the 8-story
reinforced concrete wall buildings with an opening of (i) 2.5 ft to create a story stiffness equal to 75% of
the stiffness of the baseline building and (ii) an opening of 7.5 ft to create a story stiffness equal to 50% of
the story stiffness of the baseline building.

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3.5-9 Idealized building elevations (a) without openings; (b) with openings in 1st
story; (c) with openings in 1st and 2nd stories; and (d) with openings in upper stories.

The FEMA P695 methodology was used to assess the collapse risk posed by the 8- and 12-story
reinforced concrete wall building designs. Nonlinear dynamic analyses were conducted using the OpenSees
analysis platform. For each building archetype, collapse risk was computed using the suite of nonlinear
analysis results, for two different definitions of collapse: (1) collapse due to failure of the gravity system at
a maximum story drift of 5%; and (2) collapse due to a sidesway mechanism characterized by a maximum
story drift in excess of 10%. Results show that collapse risks for reinforced concrete wall structures, with
and without introduction of openings in lower stories, is relatively low (less than 4%). For 8- and 12-story
reinforced concrete wall buildings designed for the Dmax spectrum and considering collapse associated with
failure of the gravity system at a maximum interstory drift of 5%, the collapse probability of the solid wall
system is low (0.5% to 1.2%). The introduction of a vertical stiffness irregularity increases collapse risk
and reduces the collapse margin ratio by less than 25%. Additional information about this study can be
found in the ATC 123 report (project is ongoing at the time of publication).

RP3-3.5.2 Horizontal Irregularities [Coupled walls and coupling beams]

Coupled core wall systems have several configurations as described in Section RP3-3.2. Core wall location
on plan is critical to minimizing torsional eccentricities. Figs 3.5-10 (a) and (b) illustrate a concentric and
an eccentric core, respectively, relative to the floor plan.

Figure 3.5-10 Core Wall systems plan location [Figure Credit: Paulay and Priestley]

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Figure 3.5-10 (b) creates significant torsional imbalance that will lead to unfavorable core wall
performance and should be avoided if possible. In addition to the unbalanced loading due to the horizontal
offset of the core to one side of the plan, diaphragm load transfer to core wall elements located outside the
floor footprint or not connected to the diaphragm will be challenging. In addition to the core wall location,
the horizontal regularity and symmetric placement of wall piers and coupling beams is critical to the overall
performance and ductility of the coupled core wall system. For instance, Figure 3.5-10 (a) shows a
concentric core wall, however, the addition of the baffle walls within the core develops horizontal
irregularities and leads to unfavorable response. It is preferable in this case to eliminate the interior walls
or transform them to non-structural walls that do not participate in the seismic force-resisting system. If
additional stiffness is required to reduce building drift, it might be prudent to increase the thickness of the
outside symmetrically placed wall piers instead of adding baffle walls that may cause horizontal

The importance of horizontally regular core wall configuration to core performance is discussed in
Section RP3-3.2. Figure 3.2-2 illustrates four core wall configurations with different horizontal wall pier
and coupling beam placement. Core wall configuration C is perfectly symmetric in both directions. This
horizontal regularity in addition to concentrically locating the core wall to the floor plan would produce the
most favorable seismic response of all four core wall configurations shown.

RP3-3.6 Coupled Walls and Coupling Beams

The prevalent seismic force-resisting system used for modern high-rise concrete buildings in high seismic
regions is the reinforced concrete core wall system. Current design practice uses the provisions of ACI 318
for special structural walls (Chapter 18) and the seismic design coefficients from ASCE 7 (R = 5 or 6, for
example). The special reinforced concrete shear wall has historically included all shear wall variations.
Differentiation in behavior is not recognized between slender and squat walls, flanged versus blade
(rectangular) walls, and coupled versus cantilever walls. As of the 2019 edition of ACI 318, a new system
definition has been created to recognize the Ductile Coupled Structural Wall (DCSW).

The performance objective of the ductile coupled shear wall system is for the majority of energy
dissipation to occur in the coupling beams. This is analogous to strong column weak beam behavior in
moment frames. Studies were conducted (see Appendix A) to identify system characteristics that lead to
coupling beam energy dissipation of no less than 80% of total system energy dissipation under MCE ground
motions. In these studies, non-linear response history analyses were conducted using spectrally matched
ground motion records on a variety of coupled shear wall archetypes. Archetypes ranged from 5 to 50
stories in height, and considered a range of longitudinal reinforcement ratios in the coupling beams as well
as the shear walls. Results of these analyses are presented in Figure 3.6-1. The x-axis represents the aspect
ratio (clear span to total depth) of the coupling beams, with D designating a diagonal reinforcement design
and M designating a moment frame beam design. The y-axis is the percentage of total system energy
dissipation that occurs in the coupling beams alone. The resulting trend shows an energy “dome” with
coupling beams dissipating the majority of system energy between aspect ratios of 2 and 5.

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Figure 3.6-1 Energy dissipation in coupling beams.

The primary characteristics of such a system are geometry based. Squat walls were found to be too stiff
to allow sufficient story drift for coupling beams to become inelastic. For this reason, shear walls in the
DCSW system need to have total height to length aspect ratio of no less than 2.0. Squat coupling beams
were found to over-couple the seismic force-resisting system, and lead to significant energy dissipation in
the shear walls. As such, coupling beams in DCSW systems need to have length to total depth aspect ratio
of no less than 2.0 in all cases. Very slender coupling beams, designated as having aspect ratio greater than
5.0, are too weak to contribute sufficient hysteretic energy dissipation, and are allowed in no more than
10% of the levels of the building. Lastly, coupling beams conforming to these geometric constraints are
required to be present at all levels and are required to develop 1.25fy at each end in order to dissipate the
intended amount of energy. This last requirement is intended to preclude the use of fixed-pinned coupling
beams that have been utilized where insufficient length exists to develop the coupling beam reinforcement
into the adjacent shear wall.

The requirements of the Ductile Coupled Structural Wall system are in addition to those required for
Special Structural Walls and Coupling Beams. The final language of the DCSW definition in ACI 318-19
reflects the input of ACI 318 Subcommittee H as well as BSSC Issue Team 4.

RP3-3.7 Deformation and Force Demands in Slender Shear Wall Buildings

Analysis of buildings in high seismic regions is presumed and allowed to be conducted with an elastic

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procedure per ASCE 7-10 Table 12.6-1. Elastic analysis procedures (and associated seismic design
coefficients) have been calibrated primarily for the determination of story shear and roof displacement.
However, non-linear response history analysis (NLRHA) provides a much more comprehensive and
accurate view of the deformation demands at the element level.

See Appendix B for global and element deformation demands as determined by NLRHA for a 40-
story concrete tower analyzed in a high seismic region.

RP3-3.8 Shear Design of Shear Walls

RP3-3.8.1 ACI determination of required shear strength

ACI 318 requires beam and column sections of special moment frames to be designed for the largest shear
Ve that can develop at such a beam or column section (ACI 318-19 Sections and,
respectively). In no case can Ve be smaller than the factored shear obtained at that section from an analysis
of the structure comprising the beams and the columns under code-prescribed seismic forces.
A special shear wall section, however, is designed for the factored shear Vu obtained at the section from
analysis of the structure that includes the shear wall under code-prescribed seismic forces. No attempt is
made to determine the largest shear that can develop at the shear wall section. This has now changed in
ACI 318-19, as indicated in Section RP3-3.8.4 of this Resource Paper.

RP3-3.8.2 Φ-factor used in shear design of shear walls

To compensate in part for the lack of realism in determining required shear strength, the strength reduction
factor φ for shear must be 0.60, rather than 0.75, for a shear wall (or any structural member) designed to
resist earthquake effects if its nominal shear strength is less than the shear corresponding to the development
of the nominal flexural strength of the member. This is typically applicable to low-rise shear walls.
As a rule of thumb, walls with hw/łw ratios smaller than or equal to one will fail in shear before they
have a chance to fail in flexure. Walls with hw/łw ratios of two or more, on the other hand, will have flexural
failure preceding shear failure, as long as they are designed in compliance with ACI 318 requirements.
Walls with hw/łw ratios larger than one and smaller than two may have flexural failure preceding shear
failure or shear failure preceding flexural failure, depending upon a number of factors. Thus, there is no
reason to use a φ of 0.6 in the shear design of shear walls wait hw/łw of two or more. To be overly
conservative, one could take the threshold as 2.5, rather than 2.0. In any case, it is not productive to design
a shear wall with a hw/łw ratio of 5, for instance, using a φ of 0.6. That way, money would be wasted
providing unnecessary shear reinforcement, without adding to safety in any way.
ACI 318-19 requires cross-sections of a special shear wall to be designed for the Vu obtained from analysis
of the structure under code-prescribed seismic forces amplified by an overstrength factor Ω [Ωv in ACI 318-
19) and a dynamic amplification factor ωv, as indicated in Section RP3-3.8.4 of this Resource Paper. The
requirement to use ϕ = 0.6 in the shear design of shear-governed shear walls remains.

RP3-3.8.3 Flexural overstrength – Lowes

For flexure-controlled walls, flexural overstrength reduces collapse risk and may improve performance;
however, also for flexure-controlled walls exhibiting nonlinear response, shear demand is determined in
part by flexural strength. Thus, flexural overstrength contributes to increased shear demand and is
considered in defining shear demand used in design [ACI 318-19]. The question arises what is the flexural
overstrength of concrete walls? Flexural overstrength refers to Mpr > Mn > Mu/ϕ where Mn is the nominal

2020 NEHRP Provisions

flexure strength per ACI 318-19 computed using specified material strengths, Mpr is the probable flexural
strength computed using expected material strengths including a reinforcing steel strength of at least 1.25fy,
Mu is the moment demand computed using demands defined in ASCE 7-16, and ϕ the strength reduction
factor per ACI 318-19. Specifically, flexural overstrength, Ω, is defined as follows:

Ω=Mpr/Mu =Mpr/(ϕMn) (1)

Here it should be noted that flexural overstrength results from 1/ϕ > 1 and Mpr/Mn > 1 due to strain
hardening of reinforcing steel, as suggested by Eq. 1, as well as additional longitudinal reinforcement
required to meet construction constraints or other design requirements.

Multiple studies have investigated flexural overstrength with the objective of determining typical
overstrength values for inclusion in design requirements to account for shear amplification. These studies
have typically employed idealized building designs that likely employ a minimum volume of “additional
longitudinal reinforcement required to meet construction or other design requirements”. An example of one
such study is Pugh et al. (2015, which shows that for idealized planar and coupled wall building designs
ranging in height from 6 to 20 stories Ω = 1.4 to 1.6, with Ω = 1.5 recommended for use in design.

Multiple design codes, standards and guides around the world specify flexural overstrength to be used
in design. Examples include the following:

CSA A23.3 (2014) specifies Ω = 1.25/ϕ not less than 1.3

Eurocode 8 specifies Ω = 1.5 for moderate-ductility walls, where amplification of shear demand in walls
is not affected by dynamic amplification.

RP3-3.8.4 Dynamic amplification

Multiple studies have investigated and multiple design codes, standards and guides around the world specify
dynamic amplification of shear demand in concrete walls. Typically, dynamic shear amplification is
characterized by the following equation:
Vu' = ωv ΩVu (2)

where Vu' is the maximum shear demand experienced by a concrete wall that exhibits nonlinear
response under design-level earthquake loading, ωv is the dynamic amplification factor, Ω is the flexural
overstrength factor discussed in the preceding section, and Vu is the design base shear demand as specified
by ASCE 7.
Research by Pugh et al. (2017) showed, using nonlinear dynamic analysis of idealized walled buildings
ranging in height from 6 to 24 stories, that the dynamic amplification factor, ωv, can range from 1.1 to 2.5.
Multiple design codes, design recommendations and researchers around the world provide guidance on
calculation of dynamic amplification of wall shear demand. The simplest approaches quantify dynamic
amplification on the basis of building height. For example the New Zealand design code (NZ3101) employs
equations proposed by Paulay and Priestly (1992):
ωv = 0.9 + n/10 for n ≤ 6 (3a)

ωv = 1.3 + n/30 ≤1.8 for n > 6 (3b)

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

where n is the number of stories, and SEAOC (2008) recommends

ωv = 1.2 + n/50 > 1.5 (4)

again, with n equal to the number of stories. More sophisticated approaches define dynamic
amplification as a function of parameters that better characterize the dynamic response of the walled
building. For example, Priestley et al. (2007) recommended:
ωv = 1 + μ/Ω C(2,T) (5a)

C(2,T) = 0.067 + 0.4(Ti - 0.05) ≤ 1.15 (5b)

where μ is the ductility demand and Ti is the fundamental period of the wall building using elastic
material properties. Eibl and Keintzel (1988) defined

𝑉𝑢′ = √𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥,1 + 𝑉22 + 𝑉32 + ⋯ + 𝑉𝑛2 (6)

where V(max,1)2 is the maximum base shear for Mode 1 response, which is determined by ΩMn, and V2
through Vn are the unreduced shear demands associated with response Modes 2 through n. Pugh et al.
(2017) modified the relationship proposed by Eibl and Keintzel to better represent data for walled buildings
ranging in height from 6 to 24 stories:
𝑉 2
𝜔𝑣 𝑉𝑢 = √( 1 ) + 𝑉22 + 𝑉32 + ⋯ + 𝑉𝑛2 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑉1 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑉2 , 𝑉3 , … 𝑉𝑛 ) (7a)

𝑉 2
𝜔𝑣 𝑉𝑢 = √𝑉12 + ( 2) + 𝑉32 + ⋯ + 𝑉𝑛2 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑉2 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑉1 , 𝑉3 , … 𝑉𝑛 ) (7b)

where Vi is the unreduced shear demand for response Mode i and R is the ASCE 7 response modification

Pugh et al. (2017) showed that dynamic amplification of shear demand in walled buildings, as observed
from nonlinear analyses data, is best represented by equations 7a and 7b. Pugh et al. showed also that
dynamic amplification equations included in the New Zealand design code (Eq 3a and 3b) as well as those
recommended by SEAOC (Eq. 4), both of which define dynamic amplification on the basis of building
height, provide fairly consistent, modest underprediction of dynamic amplification (ratio of predicted to
observed ranges from 0.75 to 0.9 for buildings designed using current ASCE 7 response modification

RP3-3.8.5 Dynamic Amplification in ACI 318-19

As indicated in Section RP3-3.8.2 of this Resource Paper, ACI 318-19 requires cross-sections of a special
shear wall to be designed for an amplified shear 𝑉𝑢′ (Ve in ACI 318-19) equal to the Vu obtained from
analysis of the structure under code-prescribed seismic forces, amplified by an overstrength factor Ω [Ωv in
ACI 318-19) and a dynamic amplification factor ωv
𝑉𝑢′ = 𝜔𝑣 Ω𝑉𝑢 (2)
≤ 3𝑉𝑢

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Per ACI 318-19 Section, Ω = Mpr/Mu for the load combination producing the largest value
of Ω ≥ 1.5, as long as hw/w (hwcs/w in ACI 318-19) > 1.5. Ω = 1 for hw/w ≤ 1.5.

For hw/ w < 2.0, 𝜔𝑣 = 1.0. 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠, ACI 318-19 requires dynamic application defined by
Eq. 3:
𝜔𝑣 = 0.9 + 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑛 ≤ 6 (3a)
𝜔𝑣 = 1.3 + ≤ 1.8 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑛 > 6 (3b)

where n (ns in ACI 318-19) is the number of stories.

RP3-3.8.6 Shear strength of concrete under high rate of loading, and effects of flanges
Only limited material has been found supporting the notion of a shear strength increase in shear walls due
to high rate of loading. A paper from Kajima Corporation, Japan, (Mizuno et al., 1994) reported on
experimental as well as analytical studies on the effects of loading rate on the shear strength-deformation
relationships of RC shear walls. They concluded as follows. (1) For the inelastic behavior of reinforced
concrete shear walls under rapidly induced lateral loads such as severe earthquake load and impact load,
the shear strength of shear walls increases significantly due to increases in concrete and reinforcement
strength. The shear strain at the maximum load increases as the loading rate increases, as well. (2) Taking
into account the dynamic properties of concrete and reinforcement as a function of strain rate, the inelastic
behavior of shear walls such as load-deformation relationships and the shear strength under high speed
loading are well simulated by finite element analyses.

RP3-3.8.7 Effect of compressive stress on shear strength

Only limited material has been found supporting the concept of a shear strength increase in shear walls due
to increased compressive loading. In a study (Yuen and Kuang, 2014) devoted primarily to the effect of
axial compression on the ductility of reinforced concrete shear walls, the authors found that the shear
strength of shear walls increased significantly under higher axial compression.

RP3-3.8.8 Shear migration to compression pier and shear-compression interaction in

a coupled shear wall system
To meet architectural constraints, including elevator, stair and doorway openings, common configurations
include walls coupled together with heavily reinforced, low-aspect-ratio coupling beams. Coupled walls
are typically used in mid to high-rise construction, where the walls are coupled together with beams. Under
lateral loading, the coupling beams are subjected to double curvature and are intended to yield. The resulting
shear demands in the beams are transferred to the wall piers as axial tension and compression loads. The
coupling of these axial forces provide resisting base moment which is additive with the moments at the base
of each pier, resulting in a large flexural resistance and high axial forces.

Previous experimental tests of coupled walls were reviewed to establish understanding of coupled wall
performance as well as to identify previously studied parameters, geometries and design characteristics.
Taken as a whole, the prior tests demonstrated that:

1. A coupled wall with diagonally reinforced coupling beams exhibits significantly greater drift
capacity than a nominally identical coupled wall with conventionally (i.e. horizontally) reinforced
coupling beams (Santhakumar 1974).

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

2. During cycles to large drift demands, the compression wall pier carries most of the base shear, which
can determine the performance of a coupled wall system (Santhakumar 1974, Shiu et al. 1981,
Ozselcuk 1989, Lequesne 2009, Lehman et al. 2013).

3. Drift capacity of coupled walls for which the coupling beams are well-detailed and a significant
(more than 30%) portion of the base moment results from coupling of axial forces in the wall piers
is determined by failure of the compression wall pier (Santhakumar 1974, Shiu et al. 1981,
Ozselcuk 1989).

4. Wall pier stiffness is significantly affected by axial demand (Ozselcuk 1989).

These results are demonstrated considering testing on a large-scale coupled wall specimen (Lehma et
al. 2013). The full-scale wall had 365.8 cm (12.0 ft.) story heights, a 914.4 cm (30.0 ft.) total wall length,
45.7 cm (18.0 in.) thick walls and coupling beams, 365.8 cm (12.0 ft.) long wall piers, and 182.9 cm (6.0
ft.) long by 91.4 cm (3.0 ft.) deep coupling beams with an aspect ratio (i.e. the span-to-depth ratio) of 2.0.
The geometry of Specimen was one-third of the full-scale dimensions described above, resulting in a total
wall length of 304.8 cm (10.0 ft) (two 121.9 cm (4.0 ft) piers and 61.0 cm (2.0 ft) long coupling beams)
and thickness of 15.2 cm (6.0 in.). Coupling beam heights were 30.5 cm (1.0 ft) resulting in a coupling
beam aspect ratio of 2.0. Each floor was 121.9 cm (4.0 ft.) high. The constructed specimen was the bottom
three stories of a ten-story wall; loads developed in the upper stories of the wall system were applied to the
specimen using the load and boundary condition boxes (LBCBs) available at the UIUC NEES facility. The
ten-story wall dimensions were used for design. The coupled wall reinforcement was designed following
appropriate design documents and a target degree of coupling of less than 55%, as recommended by Harries

The measured base shear verses third floor drift response of CW1 and the final damage state of the
compression pier are shown in Figure 3.8-1. At a third floor drift of 2.27%, the base shear decreased
suddenly from the peak by 55%. Upon reverse loading at a maximum negative drift of -2.25%, the base
shear dropped to 52% of the maximum peak base shear, resulting from compression failure of the
compression pier.

Figure 3.8-1 Response of and Damage Sustained by Coupled Wall with Ductile Detailing

2020 NEHRP Provisions

The wall carried a maximum base shear of 778.4 kN (175 kips), which corresponds to an average shear
stress demand of 0.33√𝑓𝑐 MPa (4.0√𝑓𝑐 psi) averaged over both wall piers. However, considering the shear
demand in the compression pier, the average shear stress was 0.9√𝑓𝑐 MPa (10.8√𝑓𝑐 psi), or an approximate
increase of 3. The maximum axial stress in the compression pier increased from 0.1 to approximately
0.4𝐴𝑔 𝑓’𝑐 (Figure 3.8-2). This increase in axial stress increases the moment capacity of the pier, and
therefore the shear demand.

Figure 3.8-2 Normalized Axial Stress Demands in Compression Pier

The results indicate very large compressive stresses in the boundary region; most importantly the
stresses exceed the compressive strength of the concrete for the area corresponding to cover spalling, which
may have contributed directly to the observed failure mode. The computed ratios were 90% and 10% of the
total base shear in the compression and tensions wall piers, respectively. This is consistent with the results
of previous research (Santhakumar 1974, Shiu et al. 1981) which demonstrated that shear carried by the
compression wall pier was substantially larger than that carried by the tension pier. In cases that use an area
within the compression pier, the local shear stress demands are very high. It is likely that the high shear
stress demands interacting with the high compressive stresses contributed to the observed failure. The
principal stresses in the wall piers resulted from the interaction of the vertical compressive and shear
stresses; thus compression-shear interaction is important. The large local stresses resulted in an explosive,
sudden failure of the compression wall pier; thus, these local stresses must be limited to prevent this failure

RP3-3.9 Ductile Coupled Shear Walls FEMA P-695 Study

As noted in Section RP3-3.6 of this Resource Paper, a Ductile Coupled Structural Wall system of reinforced
concrete has now been defined in ACI 318-19. IT-4 developed a proposal, now approved, to add three line
items to ASCE 7-16 Table 12.2-1, Design Coefficients and Factors for Seismic Force-Resisting Systems,
featuring the ductile coupled structural or shear wall system of reinforced concrete. The line items will be
under: A. Bearing Wall Systems, B. Building Frame Systems, D. Dual Systems with Special Moment

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Frames. Based on a FEMA P-695 study, R = 8, Cd = 8, and Ωo = 2.5 have been proposed in all the line
items. The height limits are the same as for corresponding uncoupled isolated wall systems. A minimum
height limit of 60 ft has been imposed on seismic force-resisting systems featuring the ductile coupled
walls. Several changes made in ACI 318-19 for the design and detailing of special structural walls were
implemented in the design of the prototypes for the FEMA P-695 study.

The proposed response modification factors for seismic force-resisting systems featuring the ductile
coupled shear walls of reinforced concrete were validated using the FEMA P695 methodology. A series of
forty-one coupled wall archetype buildings were designed for Seismic Design Category D (Dmax as defined
in FEMA P695) in conformance with the most recent provisions of ASCE 7-16 and ACI 318-19. The
archetypes considered addressed a range of variables expected to influence the collapse margin ratio, with
the primary variables being building height (i.e., 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, and 30 stories), wall cross section (i.e.,
planar and flanged walls), coupling beam aspect ratio (łn/h) ranging from 2.0 to 5.0, and coupling beam
reinforcement arrangement (diagonally and conventionally reinforced). The range of variables was chosen
considering those used to define a ductile coupled structural wall system in ACI 318-19. The archetypes
were optimally designed to have the minimum wall area (length and thickness), which is governed by shear
amplification and the requirement that the nominal shear stress in walls sharing a common shear force not
exceed a value of 8√𝑓′𝑐 𝐴𝑐𝑣 . Typical floor plans and a wall elevation view are presented in Figure 3.9-1.

(a) Planar Walls (6, 8, 12 Story) (b) Flanged Walls (18, 24, 30 Story) (c) Elevation View

Figure 3.9-1 Archetype floor plans and typical wall elevation view

Important design considerations adopted in the FEMA P695 study included four ACI 318-19 changes.
The wall piers were designed per ACI 318-19 Section 18.10.3 considering wall shear force amplification
as described in Section RP3-3.8.4 of this Resource Paper, in an effort to reduce the likelihood of shear
failure preceding flexural failure. Moreover, the wall drift capacity was checked per ACI 318-19 Section, to verify that wall piers have sufficient drift capacity to resist Design Earthquake (DE) demands
with a low (roughly 10%) probability of strength loss. Other implemented ACI 318-19 changes include
ACI 318-19 Section, which requires improved wall boundary and wall web detailing (i.e,
overlapping hoops if the boundary zone aspect ratio exceeds 2:1, crossties with 135-135 hooks on both
ends, and 135-135 crossties on web vertical bars) as well as ACI 318-19 Section 18.10.2, which requires

2020 NEHRP Provisions

minimum wall boundary longitudinal reinforcement in order to limit the potential of brittle tension failures
in walls that are lightly reinforced.
Following the design, two-dimensional nonlinear models were created for each archetype with the
OpenSees computational platform in which fiber elements with uniaxial material relations and linear shear
springs were used to model the wall piers, while beam-column elements and nonlinear shear springs were
used to model the coupling beams. Seismic weights were assigned at the element nodes at each story level,
while gravity loads tributary to the wall were assigned at the same nodes. P-delta effects were considered
by using a column with zero lateral stiffness. The modeling approaches used for the structural elements
have been validated with experimental data from isolated wall tests, isolated coupling beam tests, and from
a 12-story coupled wall test performed at the Building Research Institute facility in Japan.
To assess collapse, three primary failure modes were considered to capture lateral strength loss and
failure, i.e., 1) flexural failure (crushing of concrete, buckling of reinforcing bar, tensile fracture of
longitudinal reinforcement) was assessed using a statistical drift capacity model developed based on an
extensive database of wall tests, 2) shear failure (diagonal tension/compression) assessment was based on
the relationship between wall shear force and tensile strain of wall longitudinal reinforcement, following
Los Angeles Tall Buildings Seismic Design Council or LATBSDC (2017) recommendations, and 3) axial
failure was estimated using a shear friction model. For the study, collapse was defined as being associated
with either flexure or shear, meaning that the axial failure model did not govern because the lateral drift
values at axial failure generally exceeded 5%; the axial failure model also has not been verified (although
collapse of buildings with reinforced concrete walls has rarely been reported following strong earthquakes).
Because amplified wall shear demands were used in design, shear failures were mostly suppressed, and
flexure-related collapse was typically defined by the drift capacity model for most archetypes. Overall, the
criteria used for collapse assessment in the study were conservative, since the failure models predict the
onset of strength loss (a 20% drop in lateral strength) and not necessarily collapse. The approach is
conservative because loss of axial load carrying capacity typically does not occur until lateral strength drops
to near zero. In some studies, axial failure has been assumed to occur at a specified roof drift ratio, which
has been typically defined as 4 to 5% (NIST GCR-10-917-8), whereas, in this study, the conservative
approach used resulted in drift ratios at failure that were typically about 3%.
Nonlinear static pushover (NSP) analyses and incremental dynamic analyses (IDA) using the 44 far-
field ground motion records defined in Appendix A.9 of FEMA P695 were conducted for each Archetype.
The pushover analyses were used to obtain an estimate of the system overstrength factor (Ωo) and system
ductility (μT), whereas IDA results were used to determine the median collapse intensity and collapse
margin ratio for each Archetype. Uncertainties associated with ground motion records (βRTR=0.4), code
design requirements (βDR=0.2), available test data (βTD=0.2), and computational modeling approaches
(βMDL=0.2) were estimated to determine a total system uncertainty value of about 0.525 per FEMA P695
Table 7.2a. Based on this total system uncertainty value of 0.525, the acceptable adjusted collapse margin
ratios as specified in FEMA P695 Table 7-3 were determined as 1.56 for each archetype and 1.96 for the
mean of each performance group.
As a result of the FEMA P695 study, a system overstrength factor of Ωo = 2.5 was proposed based on
nonlinear static pushover analysis results indicating that mean overstrength values of the performance
groups ranged from 1.3 and 2.2. The proposed response modification factor R = 8 was validated based on
incremental dynamic analysis results indicating that mean Adjusted Collapse Margin Ratio values of the
performance groups ranged from 2.1 to 2.9, corresponding to collapse probabilities of less than 10%, based

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

on using a conservative definition of collapse as noted in the prior paragraph. A deflection amplification
factor of Cd = 8 was proposed based on damping considerations and the assessment of median roof drift
responses from design earthquake level shaking compared to design roof drifts. A minimum height limit of
60 ft is recommended for ductile coupled wall systems, with the proposed seismic response parameters to
be adopted in ASCE 7, because coupled walls are generally not efficient seismic force-resisting systems
for shorter buildings. Overall, the results of this study suggest that an overstrength factor of Ωo = 2.5, a
response modification factor R = 8, and a deflection amplification factor of Cd = 8 were appropriate seismic
design parameters for RC Ductile Coupled Wall systems that are designed per ASCE 7-16 and ACI 318-19
A report summarizing the FEMA P-695 study on Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Walls is
available (Tauberg et al, 2019).

RP3-3.10 References
ACI Committee 318. (2019). Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and
Commentary (ACI 318R-19), American Concrete Institute, Committee 318, Farmington Hills, MI, 2019.

Birely, A.C. (2012), Seismic Performance of Slender Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Washington, WA.

CSA Group (2014). Design of Concrete Structures, CSA A23.3-14, Canadian Standards Association,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Eibl, J. and E. Keintzel (1990). “Seismic design shear forces in RC cantilever shear wall structures,”
European Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 7–16.

Harries, K. A. (2001). “Ductility and deformability of coupling beams in reinforced concrete coupled wall.”
Earthquake Spectra, EERI, 17(3):457-478.

Kircher, C. A., Deierlein, G. D., Hooper, J. D., Krawinkler, H., Mahin, S. A., Shing, B., Wallace, J.
W.(2010). Evaluation of the FEMA P-695 Methodology for Quantification of Building Seismic Performance
Factors, Report NIST GCR-10-917-8, 268 pp.

Lehman, D. E., Lowes, L. N., Turgeon, J., Birely, A., Kuchma, D. A., Marley, K. P., and Hart, C. (2013)
“Seismic Behavior of Modern Coupled Walls”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 139, SPECIAL
ISSUE: NEES 2: Advances in Earthquake Engineering, 1371–1381, July.

Lequesne, R. D., Wight, J. K., and Parra-Montesinos, G. J. (2010). “Seismic detailing and behavior of
coupled-wall systems with high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete.” Proceedings of the 9th U.S.
National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lowes, L. N., Lehman, D. E., Kuchma, D. A., Behroozi, A, Mock, A. (2014). “Large Scale Testing of C‐
Shaped Reinforced Concrete Walls,” A Report to the Charles Pankow Foundation on Grant , 78p.

Marley, K. P. (2011). Evaluation of Concrete Compressive Models Applied to Large-Scale Structural

Walls.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL.

Massone, L. M., Bonelli, P., Lagos, R., Lüders, C., Moehle, J. P., and Wallace, J. W. (2012). “Seismic
Design and Construction Practices for RC Structural Wall Buildings,” Earthquake Spectra , Vol. 28, No.
S1, pp. S245-S256.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Mizuno, J., Matsuo, I., Suzuki, A., Morikawa, H., Ishida, M., Koiso, T., Kasai, Y., Nakamura, N.,

and Ohno, T. (1999). “Effects of Loading Rate on Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls, Part 3, High Speed
Loading Tests of Reinforced Concrete Shearwalls and FE Simulation Analyses,” Transactions on the Built
Environment, Vol. 38, WIT Press, Southampton, UK.

Moehle, J. P., Ghodsi, T., Hooper, J. D., Fields, D. C., and Gedhada, R. (2011). Seismic design of cast-in-
place concrete special structural walls and coupling beams: A guide for practicing engineers,” NEHRP
Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 6, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

Standards New Zealand (2006). Concrete Structures Standard, Part 1: The Design of Concrete Structures:
Part 2: Commentary on the Design of Concrete Structures, NZS 3103, Wellington, New Zealand.

Ozselcuk, A. R. (1989). Experimental and Analytical Studies of Coupled Wall Structures. Ph.D. Thesis,
University of California, Berkeley, CA.

Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) (2017). Tall Building Initiative (TBI) Guidelines
for Performance-Based Seismic, PEER Report 2017/06, University of California, Berkeley.

Paulay, T. and Priestley, M. (1992), Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, Willey
Interscience, Ed. United States of America: ISBN 0-471-54915-0, 1992.

Pugh, J. (2012). Numerical Simulation of Walls and Seismic Design Recommendations for Walled
Buildings,” Ph.D. Thesis. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Pugh, J.S., Lowes, L.N., Lehman, D.E. (2017) “Accurate Methods for Elastic Seismic Demand Analysis of
Reinforced Concrete Walled Buildings” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(8).

Santhakumar, A. R. (1974). The Ductility of Coupled Shear Walls.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand.

Structural Engineers Association of California (2008). “Reinforced concrete structures,” Tech. Rep. Article
9.01.010, Sacramento, CA.

Shiu, K. N., Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. D., Barney, G. B., Fiorato, A. E., and Corley, W. G. (1981). Earthquake
resistant structural walls – coupled wall tests. Report to National Science Foundation, Construction
Technology Laboratories, A Division of Portland Cement Association, Stokie, IL.

Tauberg, N., Kolozvari, K, Wallace, J.W. (2019). Ductile Reinforced Concrete Coupled Walls: FEMA P695
Study, Final Report, July, 145 pp.

Turgeon, J. A. (2011). The Seismic Performance of Coupled Reinforced Concrete Walls. Master’s Thesis,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Yuen, Y.P. and Kuang, J.S., “Axial Compression Effect on Ductility Design of Reinforced Concrete
Structural Walls,” Proceedings, Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology,
Istanbul, 2014.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3


RP3-4.0 Introduction
Two masonry-related topics are discussed in this chapter. The first is partially grouted masonry shear walls
which are primarily used in buildings assigned to moderate seismic design categories. The shear strength
of these walls is discussed with background and it is recommended that attention should be focused on
measures to improve the ductility of these shear walls. The second topic is coupled reinforced masonry
shear walls. It is pointed out that masonry shear walls more often than not are inherently coupled by the
floor slabs, although such coupling is not intended. This coupling may enhance the flexural strength of the
shear wall core; since normally the shear strength of the core will not be increased, this may result in non-
ductile shear failure.

RP3-4.1 Partially grouted shear walls

Partially grouted masonry shear walls are masonry shear walls in which only the vertical cells and horizontal
courses that contain reinforcement are grouted. An elevation and cross-section view of a partially grouted
masonry shear wall is shown in Figure 4.1-1. The advantage of a partially grouted shear wall is the cost
savings on grout and a partially grouted shear wall typically has only 50-60% of the mass of a fully grouted
shear wall. In higher seismic areas, the vertical and horizontal reinforcement will become closer spaced,
which often leads to fully grouting the wall.

Figure 4.1-1 Partially grouted masonry shear wall

Several concerns have been raised with respect to partially grouted masonry shear walls. These relate
to the appropriateness of the design equations for the shear strength of the wall, and the seismic behavior
of partially grouted shear walls. This paper addresses both issues.

RP3-4.1.1 Brief History of Shear Strength Provisions in TMS 402

In 2002 strength design provisions were added to the TMS 402 code. Most of the provisions were based
on research conducted as part of the Technical Coordinating Committee for Masonry Research (TCCMaR)
program. This research program resulted in 63 research reports from 1985-1992. The shear strength
provisions for masonry shear walls were very different from the existing allowable stress design provisions.
The shear strength provisions were based on Shing et al. (1990a, 1990b).

One notable difference between strength design and allowable stress design was that allowable stress
design did not permit the strength from the masonry and the strength from shear reinforcement to be added;

2020 NEHRP Provisions

either the masonry had to be designed to carry all the shear or the reinforcement had to be designed to carry
all of the shear. The strength provisions allowed the shear strength of the masonry and the shear strength
of the reinforcement to be added.

In the 2011 edition of the TMS 402 standard, there was a major change to allowable stress design. All
of the allowable stresses were recalibrated as a result of the removal of the one-third stress increase
provision. As part of the recalibration effort, the shear strength provisions were reexamined. Based on
work by Davis et al. (2010), the TMS 402 strength design provisions were chosen to also be used for
allowable stress design, with the nominal strength equations converted to allowable stress equations by
dividing by the area and using a factor of safety of approximately two (Bennett et al., 2011). Davis et al.
(2010) had examined 56 tests of masonry walls failing in in-plane shear. The average ratio of the test
strength to the calculated strength was 1.17 with a standard deviation of 0.17, and a coefficient of variation
of 0.15. The standard deviation of 0.17 was the lowest of any of the eight shear strength methods examined,
with the next lowest standard deviation being 0.22. Although the test data encompassed both concrete
masonry walls and clay masonry walls, all of the walls were fully grouted; no partially grouted walls were
included in the database.

Several Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC) members had raised concerns about the shear
strength provisions being unconservative for partially grouted shear walls. During the Fall 2011 meetings,
Bennett proposed a reduction factor of 0.75 for the shear strength of partially grouted shear walls. The
basis of the 0.75 reduction factor was comparing the work of Davis et al. (2010) to that of Minaie et al.
(2010). Minaie et al. (2010) compared the experimental strength of 64 partially grouted shear wall tests to
seven different shear strength methods. For the TMS 402 Code equation, the ratio of the test strength to
the calculated strength was 0.90 with a standard deviation of 0.26. The standard deviation of 0.26 was the
second lowest, with Anderson and Priestley (1992) having a standard deviation of 0.21. All of the other
methods had a standard deviation of greater than 0.4. Thus, the TMS 402 equation had a reasonable random
error (standard deviation), but was overestimating the strength systematically. By comparing the average
ratio of experimental to predicted strength of fully grouted walls to partially grouted walls, a value of
0.90/1.17 = 0.77 was obtained. This was rounded down to 0.75 to account for the higher variability with
partially grouted walls. The effect of the modification on the scatter was to lower the standard deviation,
but to keep the coefficient of variation the same. This proposal was adopted in the 2013 TMS 402 standard,
which introduced a partially grouted shear wall factor of 0.75 for partially grouted shear walls, and 1.0

Perhaps the most comprehensive analysis of shear wall experimental data was conducted by Dillon
(2015). Dillon conducted a meta-analysis and included 172 tests of fully grouted shear walls and 181 tests
of partially grouted shear walls. For fully grouted walls, Dillon (2015) found a mean ratio of experimental
strength to predicted strength of 0.97 with a standard deviation of 0.23 (coefficient of variation of 0.23).
For partially grouted walls, the mean ratio was 0.73 with a standard deviation of 0.22 (coefficient of
variation of 0.30). Dillon (2016) recommends one of two methods to improve the TMS 402 shear equations.
One method is to decrease the partially grouted shear wall factor from 0.75 to 0.70. The second method is
to keep the partially grouted shear wall factor as 0.75, but reduce the strength-reduction factor for partially
grouted walls from 0.80 (for all shear) to 0.75. The advantage of the second method is that the partially
grouted shear wall factor accounts for differences between the mean shear strengths of fully grouted and
partially grouted walls, while the different strength-reduction factor accounts for different variability for
the two wall types.

Dillon (2015) analyzed the performance of 14 shear strength models, including a proposed new model,
in terms of the root-mean-square-error, 𝑟 2 , and the residuals of a plot of the predicted strength vs. the
experimental strength. The current TMS 402 model out-performed all models except for Dillon’s proposed
model. The current TMS 402 model had 𝑟 2 = 0.94 for fully grouted walls and 𝑟 2 = 0.90 for partially

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grouted walls. Dillon’s proposed model had 𝑟 2 = 0.96 for fully grouted walls and 𝑟 2 = 0.94 for partially
grouted walls.

RP3-4.1.2 Summary and Code Recommendations: Shear Strength of Partially Grouted

Shear Walls
Since introducing the partially grouted shear wall factor of 0.75 in the 2013 TMS 402 code there has been
scrutiny and criticism. The partially grouted shear wall factor was developed in a short period of time and
was meant to be a stop-gap measure. Although the current design equation is based on fully grouted walls
with a simple empirical adjustment for partial grout, and does not capture the actual behavior of the partially
grouted wall, the equations still work well. The TMS 402 method still has one of the lowest variabilities
in predicting experimental strength, is simple, and is easy to use in design. Therefore no major
modifications are suggested for predicting the shear strength of partially grouted walls. One minor
adjustment is to consider a slightly lower strength-reduction factor (0.75 vs. 0.80) for partially grouted shear
walls to account for the higher variability when compared to fully grouted shear walls.

RP3-4.1.3 Seismic Behavior

There has been much less research related to the behavior of partially grouted masonry walls under seismic
loading than for fully grouted walls. As the seismic loading, and hence the reinforcement, increases, it is
often more economical to fully grout the wall. However, partially grouted masonry shear walls are used in
some locations that are in Seismic Design Category D and above, and masonry construction in Seismic
Design Category C and below is almost entirely partially grouted construction. A review of some of the
recent work related to seismic behavior is given in the following.
Minaie et al. (2010) examined the displacement ductility of partially grouted shear walls with shear
dominated behavior. They defined displacement ductility as the ratio of the displacement at failure to the
displacement at yield using an elasto-plastic response with equal energy compared to the backbone curve.
The average displacement ductility for 10 walls that they examined was 3.7 with a standard deviation of
2.0. Three of the walls did not conform to the TMS 402 requirements for special reinforced shear walls. If
those walls are taken out of the data set, the average displacement ductility falls slightly to 3.5 with a
standard deviation of 2.3. They comment that these displacement ductilities may be unconservative for
R=5. However, they also point out the R=5 is not intended to represent the response of special reinforced
shear walls that fail in shear. There are capacity design provisions within TMS 402 that require the design
shear strength to exceed the shear corresponding to the development of 1.25 times the nominal flexural
strength, except that the nominal shear strength need not exceed 2.5 times required shear strength.
Kasparik et al. (2014) performed shake table tests on five different one-third scale partially grouted
piers with reinforcement ratios of 0.0007, 0.010, and 0.012. All of the piers were flexurally controlled.
The piers were meant to be representative of construction in low to moderate seismic regions and did not
meet the requirements for special shear walls. Due to shake table limitations, none of the walls reached
their ultimate load. The average displacement ductility was 3.0 with a standard deviation of 0.57. The
authors state that these can be considered lower bound displacement ductilities, since the ultimate load was
not reached.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Bolhassani et al. (2016b; 2016c) tested three

partially grouted walls. The walls were detailed
according to the ordinary reinforced masonry wall
requirements of TMS 402, and hence would only be
allowed in Seismic Design Category C and below.
The first wall, labeled SR, had single cell vertical
reinforcement and a single course bond beam. The
second wall, labeled DR, had double cells for all
reinforcement and a two course bond beam. The
reinforcement ratio for the SR and DR wall were
approximately the same; smaller bars were used in the
DR wall. The purpose of the double reinforcement
was to increase the strength of the connection between
the bond beam and the vertical grouted cell so the
connection would be able to carry more moment, and
the grouted elements behave similarly to reinforced
concrete elements. The third wall, labeled DR-JR,
had double cell vertical reinforcement, a single course
bond beam, and W1.7 (9 gauge) joint reinforcement
every course. It was hypothesized that the bed joint
reinforcement in the hollow cells allows for better
stress transfer between the grouted elements and more
ductile behavior. The wall specimens are shown in
Figure 4.1-2, which is a reproduction of Figure 1 in
Bolhassani et al. (2016b).
The ultimate strengths of the three walls were
similar, being 81 kips for SR, 85 kips for DR, and 86
kips for DR-JR. The displacement ductilities were
quite different. Bolhassani et al. (2016c) report
significantly different displacement ductilities than
Bolhassani et al. (2016b). Values reported in the
paper are from Bolhassani et al. (2016b), as that paper Figure 4.1-2 Wall configurations: (a)
provides a more comprehensive analysis and better single reinforcement (SR); (b) double
background. Wall SR had a displacement ductility of reinforcement (DR); (c) DR with joint
3.1, wall DR had a displacement ductility of 5.0, and
wall DR-JR had a displacement ductility of 28.0. reinforcement (DR-JR) [reproduction of
Figure 1 from Bolhassani et al., 2016b]
Bolhassani et al. (2016b) also performed a FEMA
P695 type analysis on the three walls to determine if
an R=2 was acceptable. A summary of the results is shown in Table 4.1.1, which is a reproduction of Table
5 in Bolhassani et al. (2016b). The SR wall failed, but was close, having an adjusted collapse margin ratio
(ACMR) of 88% of that required. The other two walls easily passed, with wall DR having an ACMR 1.84
times that required and wall DR-JR having an ACRM 2.02 times that required. The authors caution that
the FEMA P695 methodology needs to be performed for different building categories (i.e., different stories
and dimensions) in order to make overall decisions about the behavior of a partially grouted masonry shear
wall systems. The work does suggest that small detailing changes could greatly improve the seismic
behavior of partially grouted masonry shear walls.
Table 4.1.1 Summary of Incremental Dynamic Analyses, Collapse Margins, and Comparison to
Acceptance Criteria [Table reproduced from Bolhassani et al., 2016b]

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Archetype SMT(T) Accept

SCT(T) (g) CMR SSF ACMR Pass/Fail
Identifier (g) ACMR

SR 0.75 1 1.33 1.08 1.43 1.62 Fail

DR 0.75 2 2.67 1.12 2.99 1.62 Pass

DR-JR 0.75 2.2 2.93 1.12 3.28 1.62 Pass

Johnson and Schultz (2019) tested two walls that were similar to Bolhassani et al (2016b). The walls
tested by Johnson and Schultz (2019) had a central opening and flanges on the end of the walls. One wall
was traditional reinforcing with vertical reinforcement in single grouted cells and single course bond beams.
The second specimen had double reinforced grouted cells for vertical reinforcement. W2.8 (three-sixteenth
inch) joint reinforcement was used in every other course above and below the opening, and in every course
in the piers beside the opening. The capacities were similar, with the second specimen being 10% stronger
than the first specimen. However, the displacement ductility was 8.6 for the second specimen, as opposed
to 3.6 for the first specimen.

The above research shows that there are potentially promising details that could significantly enhance
the seismic performance of partially grouted masonry shear walls. However, due to the limited testing, it
is impossible to isolate the effects of the double vertical reinforcement vs. the joint reinforcement.

Koutras, A., and Shing, P.B. (2017) tested a one-story partially grouted masonry building on a shake
table. The building was symmetric and had a window and door opening in each of the two walls that were
in the direction of shaking. The building was designed as an ordinary reinforced masonry shear wall (R=2).
Vertical reinforcement was approximately #4 @ 72 inches and horizontal reinforcement was approximately
#4 @ 48 inches. The horizontal reinforcement was a result of required prescriptive stopping at 24 inches
beyond the opening as allowed by TMS 402. The design base shear was 102 kips, which was determined
using the largest permissible SDS in Seismic Design Category C. An elastic analysis was used to determine
the forces in the piers.

The initial failure was sliding at the base (TMS 402 did add shear friction design provisions in the 2016
edition). Concrete stoppers were then cast to prevent the sliding. The final failure was a brittle shear failure
in the piers between the openings. The maximum load was a base shear of 277 kips, or 2.7 times the design
base shear, and occurred at about 0.5% drift. The capacity was close to the capacity obtained if the
calculated shear strength of all the piers was simply added, which was 310 kips. A finite element analysis
was conducted. The authors concluded: “The analysis shown (sic) that the code formula for the shear
strength is sufficiently accurate for the structure tested. However, the base-shear capacity of the structure
cannot be calculated as a simple sum of the shear strengths of the contributing piers because of the disparity
in the stiffness and the brittle behavior of the piers.”

RP3-4.1.4 Summary and Code Recommendations: Seismic Behavior of Partially

Grouted Shear Walls
The amount of research and data on seismic behavior of partially grouted shear walls is limited. Based on
the work that is available, partially grouted walls seem to perform reasonably well. There may be some
minor changes in prescriptive requirements to enhance the ductility of partially grouted shear walls that
could be relatively easily implemented.
One detail that is not currently required in TMS 402 prescriptive requirements is to anchor the end

2020 NEHRP Provisions

vertical bars (jamb steel) into the top bond beam with a 90° hook. This seems to improve the behavior, and
has been shown by others to improve the wall behavior (e.g. Baenziger and Porter, 2011). Two possible
methods to construct the detail are to have a 90° hook on the end of the bond beam reinforcement, or to
have a short 90° bar that is lap spliced with the vertical reinforcement and also the bond beam reinforcement.
The double vertical bars proposed by Bolhassani need further investigation. Having two cells
reinforced and grouted at the ends of shear walls may not be a significant issue. If all vertical bars are
required to have double cells, designers may place bars at much wider spacings (e.g. if the design requires
#5@48 inch, and double cells are required, the designer may choose to place 2-#5, one in each of the double
cells, at 96 inch). This could potentially negate any benefits of double cells. Further study and testing are
required before any recommendation can be made.
There seems to be significant benefit to joint reinforcement in terms of ductility. This makes sense as
smaller distributed reinforcement generally performs better than larger concentrated reinforcement.
Currently, TMS 402 requires three-sixteenth inch joint reinforcement if the joint reinforcement is to be used
for shear reinforcement in strength design. No such restriction exists in allowable stress design. 9-gage
joint reinforcement is the most common and can be used for prescriptive seismic reinforcement. Also, joint
reinforcement is not currently allowed for Special Reinforced Masonry Walls, as there is a requirement that
the horizontal reinforcement must be “embedded in grout”. The TMS 402 committee is working on
resolving these conflicts.
Most masonry walls in low to moderate seismic zones are built with 9-gage joint reinforcement at 16
inches. Intermediate bond beams are rarely used. It is unfortunate that the testing of Bolhassani did not
include this configuration. Additional research to quantify the positive effects of joint reinforcement on
ductility is needed.

RP3-4.1.5 Conclusions
Recently, there has been a lot of concern over partially grouted shear walls, both in terms of their shear
strength and seismic behavior. Most of these concerns seem to be overstated. Major revisions to the TMS
402 partially grouted shear wall provisions are not needed. Some minor modifications may be in order as
part of the normal code improvement process.
The code needs to be written so that all walls have an adequate safety level. However, several things
need to be kept in mind. One is that most masonry walls are overdesigned for shear. Out-of-plane loads
usually control, and generally there is much more shear wall than needed. Deflection limits can also control
the design, rather than shear resistance. In fact, masonry shear walls in big box type structures may have
5-10 times the shear capacity that is needed. The code committee should also consider if all the prescriptive
reinforcement needed for special walls is needed if the wall is only stressed to 10% of their shear capacity.
A second thing to keep in mind is that there are many things to consider when designing a masonry
shear wall, and often something besides the shear strength controls the shear reinforcement. This could be
spacing limits, prescriptive reinforcement, shear capacity design, or a variety of other things. Huston (2011)
has shown that there are five things that need to be considered for ordinary reinforced shear walls, and ten
things that need to be considered for special reinforced shear walls. Often it is something else besides the
shear strength that controls the required horizontal reinforcement.
There likely has been sufficient research on the shear strength of partially grouted masonry shear walls.
We know all the flaws of current TMS 402 shear provisions, but yet the TMS 402 equations continue to be
one of the best methods, and the current equations are easy to use in design. Most proposed modifications
would require iteration as parameters that are not known in design are used in the equations.
Future research should focus primarily on ductility, and simple means to increase ductility of partially
grouted masonry shear walls. Specific recommendations are:
1. Examine the effects of double vertical grouted cells. This includes just having double grouted end

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cells, wider spacing if double grouted cells are used, and long walls where there would be multiple
control joints.
2. Examine the effects of joint reinforcement. This includes the size of the joint reinforcement (W1.7
vs. W2.8) and the spacing of joint reinforcement (every course vs. every other course). Although
joint reinforcement may not contribute significantly to the strength of the wall, it could contribute
significantly to the ductility of the wall.
3. Examine the effects of openings. Some preliminary unpublished research has shown that
continuous bond beams above and below openings enhances the behavior, rather than terminating
the bond beam 24 inches beyond the opening, as is permitted in TMS 402.
4. Examine whole building behavior. Preliminary research has shown that whole building behavior is
quite different that the individual shear wall behavior. Although partially grouted shear walls have
not always performed the best when tested individually, there is some indication that a whole
building acting as a system may have good performance. Studies need to be conducted that
examine entire building behavior.

RP3-4.2 Coupled masonry shear walls

Coupled masonry shear walls are rare. Most masonry buildings are single story. For multi-story masonry
buildings, it is difficult to construct coupling beams since shear capacity design provisions generally create
unrealistic levels of reinforcement. TMS 402 doesn’t have explicit provisions for the design of masonry
coupling beams, and the modular nature of masonry makes reinforcement patterns of diagonal bars, such
as are sometimes used in concrete coupling beams, difficult to place.
ASCE 7-16 Chapter 14 does have additional provisions for masonry coupling beams. The coupling
beam between shear walls is required to be designed to reach the moment or shear nominal strength before
either shear wall reaches its moment or shear nominal strength. The design shear strength, ϕ𝑉𝑛 , of coupling
beams is required to satisfy the following criterion:
1.25(𝑀1 + 𝑀2 )
𝜙𝑉𝑛 ≥ + 1.4𝑉𝑔
where 𝑀1 and 𝑀2 = nominal moment strength at the ends of the beam, 𝐿𝑐 = length of the beam between
the shear walls; and 𝑉𝑔 = unfactored shear force caused by gravity loads. The calculation of the nominal
flexural moment is required to include the reinforcement in reinforced concrete roof and floor systems. The
width of the reinforced concrete used for calculations of reinforcement is specified as six times the floor or
roof slab thickness.
In spite of coupling beams being rare in masonry, there is coupling between masonry shear walls that
occurs in multi-story masonry/reinforced concrete slab buildings. This coupling and the effects of this
coupling, are examined.

RP3-4.2.1 Shake Table Tests

Stavridis et al. (2016) report on the shake table test of a three-story masonry building that had hollow-core
plank aligned in the direction of shaking with a 3 inch concrete topping. There were two flanged shear
walls connected by a lintel. The lintel had control joints on both sides and the bars were debonded past the
control joints in an attempt to isolate the lintel and not have coupling. The configuration of the test structure
is shown in Figure 4.2-1, which is a reproduction of Figure 1 in Stavridis et al. (2016).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 4.2-1 Configuration of shake table test structure (Reproduction of Figure 1 from
Stavridis et al., 2016)
The ratio of the base-shear capacity developed by the structure to the seismic weight considered in the
design was 1.35, while the design base-shear coefficient (CS) was only 0.2, or an overstrength of 6.75. The
authors attribute the significant over-strength to the coupling action of the horizontal diaphragms and the
lintels. Even though there were control joints and the horizontal reinforcing bars in the lintels were
debonded, the lintels were still able to cause a diagonal strut action and some coupling.
The hysteretic behavior and calculated base-shear capacities are shown in Figure 4.2-2, which is a
reproduction of Figure 14(b) of Stavridis et al. (2016). The experimental capacity far exceeds the flexural
capacity calculated for cantilever walls, and the resistance developed in the negative direction exceeds that
calculated with the fixed-fixed end conditions (rigid coupling element assumption) by 26%. The
overstrength can be partly attributed to the coupling action, and partly attributed to the out-of-plane walls.
The out-of-plane walls exerted a restraining effect on the rocking of the in-plane walls. The strain-gauge
data indicate that the vertical reinforcement in the out-of-plane walls yielded very early and developed high
tensile strains throughout the tests. The tension in the out-of-plane walls exerted an axial compression on
the in-plane walls through the stiff horizontal diaphragm. The additional axial compression increased the
flexural resistance of the in-plane walls.
A coupled wall system will have additional axial forces introduced in the wall elements. However, the
authors ignored the influence of the axial forces on the moment capacity of the walls because the axial
compression introduced in one of the two outer walls will approximately offset the effect of the axial tension
introduced in the other.
Mavros et al (2016) observed similar behavior in the shake table test of a two-story reinforced masonry
structure. The axial compression exerted by the out-of-plane walls through the horizontal diaphragms and
lintels could increase the base shear capacity of the structure by about 50%.

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Figure 4.2-2 Hysteretic behavior and strength of masonry shear walls (Reproduction of
Figure 14 (b) in Stavridis et al, 2016)

RP3-4.2.2 Slab-coupled Masonry Shear Walls: Component Behavior

Siyan et al. (2016a) tested six different one-third scale masonry walls: one rectangular, one flanged, two
slab-coupled walls, and two rectangular walls representing the individual components of the slab-coupled
wall systems. The wall systems are shown in Figure 4.2-3, which is a reproduction of Figure 1 of Siyan et
al. (2016a). Theoretical degree of coupling was 51 and 37% for Walls W3 and W4.

Figure 4.2-3 Wall system component tests (Reproduction of Figure 1 in Siyan et al, 2016a)
The backbone curves for the coupled walls vs. twice the individual segments, or the sum of the two
individual walls in the coupled walls, are shown in Figure 4.2-4, which is a reproduction of Figure 8(c) in
Siyan et al. (2016a). The slab coupling effects increased the yield strength by approximately 60% and the
ultimate strength approximately 45%, while approximately doubling the stiffness. Thus, even though no
special reinforcement detailing of the slabs was adopted, the slabs provided significant wall coupling that
altered the strength and stiffness. This in turn indicates that ignoring slab-coupling in the design of masonry
shear walls may lead to inaccurate estimation of the design lateral shear capacity, stiffness, and period. A
study of seismic design parameters (Siyan et al., 2016b) indicated that in general slab-coupled walls
demonstrated a better performance in terms of ultimate drifts capacities reached, period elongation and

2020 NEHRP Provisions

equivalent viscous damping when compared with the rectangular and the flanged walls.

Figure 4.2-4 Backbone curves for coupled and non-coupled walls (Reproduction of
Figure 8(c) in Siyan et al, 2016a)

RP3-4.2.3 Slab-coupled Masonry Shear Walls: Building Behavior

Ashour et al. (2016a) describe a three-phase testing program: phase 1 was individual components as
described above, phase 2 was a one-third scale two-story building with coupling prevented by having hinges
in the slabs, and phase 3 was the same two-story building but with coupling. A layout of the first floor is
shown in Figure 4.2-5, which is a reproduction of Figure 3(c) in Ashour et al. (2016a). Shaking was in the
north-south direction.

Figure 4.2-5 First floor of masonry shear wall building (Reproduction of Figure 3(c) in
Ashour et al., 2016a)
Building II (uncoupled walls) reached its ultimate strength of 236 kN in the south direction and −245
kN in the north direction at 0.9% drift, whereas Building III (coupled walls) reached its ultimate strength
of 384 kN in the south direction and −372 kN in the north direction at the same drift level. The capacity of
Building III was on average 50% higher than Building II. Following the 0.9% drift level, both buildings
exhibited strength and stiffness degradation where the toes of the in-plane wall started to crush and almost
all the outer bars yielded. At 1.45% drift, Building III lost 20% of its capacity while Building II lost only
5% of its capacity. The capacity of Building II was reasonably well predicted by simply adding the
capacities of the individual shear walls. Hysteresis curves for the uncoupled and coupled shear wall
buildings are shown in Figure 4.2-6, which is a reproduction of Figure 12 in Ashour et al. (2016). A
comparison of the load-deflection behavior of the two buildings and the individual shear wall segments is
shown in Figure 4.2-7, which is a reproduction of Figure 3 in Ashour and El-Dakhakhni (2016b).

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 4.2-6 Hysteresis curves for coupled and non-coupled walls (Reproduction of
Figure 12 in Ashour et al., 2016a)

Figuer 4.2-7 Load-deflection curves for buildings and individual shear wall segments
(Reproduction of Figure 3 in Ashour and El-Dakhakhni, 2016b).
Ashour and El-Dakhakhni (2016b) developed a simplified analysis technique for coupled walls that
seemed to work quite well. The model was based on assuming full coupling until ultimate, but no coupling
after ultimate to develop the descending portion of the load-displacement curve. Empirical parameters of
0.6 and 0.2 were used to relate the stiffness at ultimate and the stiffness on the descending branch at 80%
of ultimate to the stiffness at yield. The authors admit the model would be affected by the degree of
coupling, but it does provide a start to a modeling approach that could be used in routine design.

The response analysis of Building III, compared with that of Building II, showed that the orthogonal
shear walls acted as tension ties, which introduced a coupling moment to the shear walls aligned along the
loading direction through the diaphragm’s out-of-plane stiffness. As a result, the wall boundary conditions
introduced double curvature, and the system stiffness, and flexural and shear strength increased. The tension
force in the walls aligned orthogonal to the loading direction was in equilibrium with the compression axial
forces that acted on the walls aligned along the loading direction, which in turn resulted in increasing the

2020 NEHRP Provisions

flexural and shear capacities of the latter walls. However, this resulted in reducing the differences between
the system’s flexural and shear capacities. The impact of this reduction was also observed in the reported
combined shear and flexural damage as Building III approached its ultimate strength. As such, despite the
enhancement to the building strength, the influence of the diaphragm’s out-of-plane stiffness, and
subsequently the wall-diaphragm coupling, has the potential to result in unexpected brittle failure modes.

If a masonry shear wall building with significant floor diaphragm stiffness and strength are designed
as individual cantilevers, the building’s stiffness will be underestimated, and subsequently its natural period
will be overestimated. This may result in designing the building to resist significantly less seismic shear
force than what it would actually experience within a coupled wall system, although for moderate height
buildings (several stories) this may not be an issue. Ashour and El-Dakhakhni (2016b) state that it might
be argued that the diaphragm coupling influence is an analysis issue, and does not need to be explicitly
addressed in seismic design codes. However, they believe that the significance of the diaphragm influences
on the system-level response should at least be highlighted in current force-based design codes and must
be accounted for in the development of future displacement- and performance-based seismic design

RP3-4.2.4 Summary
Designing a true coupled masonry shear wall building is difficult. The high shear forces in the coupling
beam and the lack of the ability to easily incorporate diagonal bars often make for coupling beams that
cannot be constructed. It thus is not recommended that coupled masonry systems be pursued. However,
coupling can occur due to slab stiffness and diagonal strut action even in lintels designed with control joints
and debonded steel. This will in general increase the stiffness and strength of the system. However, an
issue with coupled walls is that if not accounted for, the failure could shift to a brittle shear failure.

RP3-4.2.5 Code Recommendations

Two code recommendations are made.
The coupling provisions of Chapter 14 of ASCE 7 should be moved to TMS 402. Although coupling
beams in masonry buildings are rare, these are appropriate provisions for when there are coupling beams.
However, a careful definition of a coupling beam would be needed so this provision would only apply
where appropriate. For example, all beams over openings are not coupling beams. Rather it is just a shear
wall with openings.
Commentary should be added to the TMS 402 provisions to alert the designer to the difficulty of
designing coupling beams in masonry, but that coupling can occur even when not designed for. Ashour
and El-Dakhakhni (2016b) can be referenced as providing a simplified means for analyzing slab-coupled
buildings. The designer should also be cautioned that coupling can increase the flexural capacity, but will
not proportionately increase the shear capacity. Hence, it is possible that unintended/unaccounted for
coupling can change the failure mode of a masonry building from a ductile flexural failure to a brittle shear

RP3-4.3 References
Anderson, D. L., and Priestley, M. J. N. (1992). “In-Plane Shear Strength of Masonry Walls,” Proceedings,
6th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Saskatchewan, Canada, 223–234.

Ashour, A., El-Dakhakhni, W. and Shedid, M. (2016a). “Experimental Evaluation of the System-Level
Seismic Performance and Robustness of an Asymmetrical Reinforced Concrete Block Building.” J.
Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142(10).

Ashour, A. and El-Dakhakhni, W. (2016b). “Influence of Floor Diaphragm–Wall Coupling on the System-

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Level Seismic Performance of an Asymmetrical Reinforced Concrete Block Building.” J. Structural

Engineering, ASCE, 142(10).

Baenziger, G. P., Porter, M. L. (2011). “Joint Reinforcement for Masonry Shear Walls,”, 11th North
American Masonry Conference, Minneapolis, MN, The Masonry Society, Paper No. 51.

Bennett, R.M., Huston, E.T., McLean, D.I., and Throop, D.B. (2011). “Allowable Stress Recalibration in
the 2011 TMS 402 Code.” 11th North American Masonry Conference, Minneapolis, MN, The Masonry
Society, Paper 33.

Bolhassani, M., Hamid, A., Johnson, C.A. and Schultz, A.E. (2016a). “Shear Strength Expression for
Partially Grouted Masonry Walls,” Engineering Structures, 127, 475–494.

Bolhassani, M., Hamid, A.A., Johnson, C., Moon, F.L. and Schultz, A.E. (2016b). “New Design Detail to
Enhance the Seismic Performance of Ordinary Reinforced Partially Grouted Masonry Structures,” J.
Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142(12).

Bolhassani, M., Hamid, A.A. and Moon, F.L. (2016c). “Enhancement of Lateral In-Plane Capacity of
Partially Grouted Concrete Masonry Shear Walls,” Engineering Structures, 108, 59–76.

Davis, C.L., McLean, D.I., and Ingham, J.M. (2010). “Evaluation of Design Provisions for In-Plane Shear
in Masonry Walls,” TMS Journal, The Masonry Society, 28(2), 41-59.

Dillon, P. (2015). Shear Strength Prediction Methods for Grouted Masonry Shear Walls. PhD Dissertation,
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.

Elmapruk, J.H. (2010). Shear Strength of Partially Grouted Squat Masonry Shear Walls. Master of Science
Thesis, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.

Huston, E. (2011). “Harmonization of Shear Design Between ASD and SD - What Really Controls the
Horizontal Reinforcement in a Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall?” 11th North American Masonry
Conference, Minneapolis, MN, The Masonry Society.

Johnson, C.A., and Schultz, A. (2019). “Seismic Resistance Mechanisms in Partially Grouted Shear Walls
with New Design Details,” Proceedings, 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, UT,
pp. 1274-1286,

Kasparik, T., Tait, M.J. and El-Dakhakhni, W.W. (2014). “Seismic Performance Assessment of Partially
Grouted, Nominally Reinforced Concrete-Masonry Structural Walls Using Shake Table Testing,” J.
Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 28(2), 216-227.

Koutras, A., and Shing, P.B. (2017). “Shake-Table Testing and Performance Assessment of a Partially
Grouted Reinforced Masonry Building,” Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures,
Springer International Publishing AG, 2018.

Mavros, M., Ahmadi, F., Shing, P.B., Klingner, R.E., McLean, D., and Stavridis, A. (2016). “Shake-Table
Tests of a Full-Scale Two-Story Shear-Dominated Reinforced Masonry Wall Structure,” J. Structural
Engineering, ASCE, 142(10).

Minaie, M., Mota, M., Moon, F.L., and Hamid, A.A. (2010). “In-Plane Behavior of Partially Grouted
Reinforced Concrete Masonry Shear Walls,” J. Structural Engineering, ASCE, 136(9), 1089-1097.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Nolph, S.M. (2010). In-Plane Shear Performance of Partially Grouted Masonry Shear Walls. Master of
Science Thesis, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.

Nolph, S.M., and ElGawady, M.A. (2012). “Static Cyclic Response of Partially Grouted Masonry Shear
Walls.” J. Structural Engineering, ASCE 138(7), 864-879.

Shing, P.B., Schuller, M.P., Hoskere, V.S., and Carter, E. (1990a). "Flexural and Shear Response of
Reinforced Masonry Walls," Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, 87(6), 646-656.

Shing, P.B., Schuller, M.P., and Hoskere, V.S. (1990b). "In-Plane Resistance of Reinforced Masonry Shear
Walls," J. Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 116(3), 619-640.

Siyam, M.A., El-Dakhakhni, W., Shedid, M.T and Robert G. Drysdale, R.G. (2016a). “Seismic Response
Evaluation of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Block Structural Walls. I: Experimental Results and Force-
Based Design Parameters.” J. Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 30(4).

Siyam, M.A., El-Dakhakhni, W., Banting, B.R. and Drysdale, R.G. (2016). “Seismic Response Evaluation
of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Block Structural Walls. II: Displacement and Performance–Based Design
Parameters.” J. Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 30(4).

Stavridis, A., Ahmadi, F., Mavros, M., Shing, P.B., Klingner, R.E., and McLean, D. (2016). “Shake-Table
Tests of a Full-Scale Three-Story Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Structure.” J. Structural Engineering,
ASCE, 142(10).

Part 3, Resource Paper 3


RP3-5.0 Introduction
This chapter briefly discusses Special Steel Plate Shear Walls and Special Coupled Steel Plate Shear
Walls. An extensive list of references is provided.

RP3-5.1 Special Steel Plate Shear Walls

As described in the Commentary to AISC 341-16, Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings
(AISC 2016), a special plate shear wall (SPSW) comprises a boundary frame with slender unstiffened
steel web plates. The boundary frame that consists of horizontal boundary elements (HBEs) and vertical
boundary elements (VBEs) is capacity designed so that the web plates yield and develop large ductility
during an earthquake. HBEs are connected to VBEs with moment-resisting connections that are capable
of developing the plastic moment capacity of the HBE. Extensive experimental and numerical research
has demonstrated the robust ductile behavior of the SPSW system (e.g., Thorburn et al., 1983; Timler and
Kulak, 1983; Tromposch and Kulak, 1987; Roberts and Sabouri-Ghomi, 1992; Caccese et al., 1993;
Driver et al., 1997; Elgaaly, 1998; Rezai, 1999; Lubell et al., 2000; Grondin and Behbahannidard, 2001;
Berman and Bruneau, 2003a; Zhao and Astaneh-Asl, 2004; Berman and Bruneau, 2005b; Sabouri-Ghomi
et al., 2005; Deng et al., 2008; Lee and Tsai, 2008; Qu et al., 2008; Choi and Park, 2009; Qu and
Bruneau, 2009; Vian et al., 2009a; Sabouri-Ghomi and Roberts, 1992; Elgaaly et al., 1993; Elgaaly and
Liu, 1997; Driver et al., 1997; Dastfan and Driver, 2008; Bhowmick et al., 2009; Purba and Bruneau,
2009; Shishkin et al., 2009; Vian et al., 2009b; Qu and Bruneau, 2011; Purba and Bruneau, 2014a).

RP3-5.2 Special Coupled Steel Plate Shear Walls

The coupled SPSW system is an extension of the standard SPSW system that links a pair of SPSWs with
coupling beams at the floor levels. Coupled SPSWs offer potential for greater economy, efficiency and
architectural flexibility while offering comparable or enhanced performance compared to standard
SPSWs. Studies of coupled SPSWs are more limited than those considering standard SPSWs, but several
large-scale testing programs have demonstrated the robust cyclic behavior than can be realized with the
coupled SPSW configuration (Zhao and Astaneh-Asl, 2004; Li et al., 2012; Borello and Fahnestock,
2017). Similar to eccentrically braced frame (EBF) links, coupling beams joining SPSWs can be
designed to yield and dissipate energy in flexure or shear (Borello and Fahnestock, 2012 and 2013). The
degree-of-coupling (DC) concept that is commonly used in coupled concrete walls is also adopted for
coupled SPSW. Design studies indicate that economical designs fall in the range of DC = 0.4 to 0.6, and
DC = 0.5 is recommended as a good target for preliminary design (Borello and Fahnestock, 2012). Simple
analytical expressions based on plastic analysis allow a designer to determine DC without needing to use
detailed nonlinear analysis. Coupled SPSW designs in the optimal range of DC also demonstrate good
performance when evaluated using nonlinear response history analysis (Borello and Fahnestock, 2013;
Wang et al., 2017). Coupled SPSWs designed using system parameters and typical procedures used for
standard SPSWs exhibit acceptable seismic response (Borello and Fahnestock, 2013; Wang et al., 2017).

RP3-5.3 References
Zhao, Q., and Astaneh-Asl, A. (2004). “Cyclic behavior of traditional and innovative composite shear
walls.” J. Struct. Eng., 130(2), 271–284.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Li, C.-H., Tsai, K.-C., Chang, J.-T., Lin, C.-H., Chen, J.-C., Lin, T.-H., and Chen, P.-C. (2012). “Cyclic
test of a coupled steel plate shear wall substructure.” Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dynam., 41(9), 1277–1299.

Borello, D. J., and Fahnestock, L. A. (2012). “Behavior and mechanisms of steel plate shear walls with
coupling. ” J. Constr. Steel Res., 74, 8–16.

Borello D.J., and Fahnestock L.A. (2013) Seismic design and analysis of steel plate shear walls with
coupling. Journal of Structural Engineering 139: 1263–1273.

Borello D.J., and Fahnestock, L.A. (2017) Large-scale cyclic testing of steel plate shear walls with coupling.
Journal of Structural Engineering 2017, 143 (10): 040171333.

Wang, M., Borello, D.J and Fahnestock, L.A. (2017) Boundary frame contribution in coupled and
uncoupled steel plate shear walls. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46: 2355-2380.

AISC (2016). " AISC-341 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings." American Institute of Steel
Construction, Chicago, Illinois.

AISC (2018). “Rainier Square Tower Uses Revolutionary Composite Steel Frame”, Modern Steel
Construction news, retrieved 1/18/2018 from

Alzeni, Y., and Bruneau, M. (2014). "Cyclic Inelastic Behavior of Concrete Filled Sandwich Panel Walls
Subjected to In-Plane Flexure." Technical Report MCEER-14-0009, Multidisciplinary Center for
Earthquake Engineering Research. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.

Alzeni, Y., and Bruneau, M. (2017). "In-plane Cyclic Testing of Concrete Filled Sandwich Steel Panel
Walls with and Without Boundary Elements." Journal of Structural Engineering, Under Review

Booth, P. N., Varma, A. H., Sener, K. C., and Malushte, S. R. (2015). "Flexural behavior and design of
steel-plate composite (SC) walls for accident thermal loading." Nuclear Engineering and Design, 295, 817-

Bowerman, H., Gough, M., and King, C. (1999). "Bi-Steel design and construction guide." British Steel
Ltd, Scunthorpe (London).

Epackachi, S., Nguyen, N.H.,Whittaker, A.S.,and Varma, A.H.(2014).”In-plane seismic behavior of

rectangular steel-plate composite wall piers” Journal of Structural Engineering, 04014176(9), 1-9.

Epackachi, S., Whittaker, A. S., Varma, A. H., and Kurt, E. G. (2015). "Finite element modeling of steel-
plate concrete composite wall piers." Engineering Structures, 100, 369-384.

Eom, T.-S., Park, H.-G., Lee, C.-H., Kim, J.-H., and Chang, I.-H. (2009). "Behavior of double skin
composite wall subjected to in-plane cyclic loading." Journal of structural engineering, 135(10), 1239-1249.

Kurt, E. G., Varma, A. H., Booth, P., and Whittaker, A. S. (2016). "In-Plane Behavior and Design of

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Rectangular SC Wall Piers without Boundary Elements." Journal of Structural Engineering, 04016026.

Oduyemi, T., and Wright, H. (1989). "An experimental investigation into the behaviour of double-skin
sandwich beams." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 14(3), 197-220.

Polat, E., and Bruneau, M. (2017). " Modeling Cyclic Inelastic In-Plane Flexural Behavior of Concrete
Filled Sandwich Steel Panel Walls." Engineering Structures, Vol.148, pp.63-80,

Ramesh, S. (2013). "Behavior and design of earthquake-resistant dual-plate composite shear wall systems."
Purdue University.

Sener, K., and Varma, A.H. (2014). "Steel-Plate Composite SC Walls: Experimental Database and Design
for Out-of-Plane Shear." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier Science, Vol. 100, pp. 197-210.

Sener, K., Varma, A.H., and Ayhan, D. (2015). "Steel-Plate Composite SC Walls: Experimental Database
and Design for Out-of-Plane Flexure." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 108, May, pp. 46-59,
Elsevier Science.

Seo, J., Varma, A. H., Sener, K., and Ayhan, D. (2016). "Steel-plate composite (SC) walls: In-plane shear
behavior, database, and design." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 119, 202-215.

Varma, A. H., Malushte, S. R., Sener, K. C., and Lai, Z. (2014). "Steel-plate composite (SC) walls for safety
related nuclear facilities: Design for in-plane forces and out-of-plane moments." Nuclear Engineering and
Design, 269, 240-249.

Wright, H., et al. (1991a). "The design of double skin composite elements." Journal of Constructional Steel
Research 19(2): 111-132.

Wright, H., Oduyemi, T., and Evans, H. (1991b). "The experimental behaviour of double skin composite
elements." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 19(2), 97-110.

Xie, M., and Chapman, J. (2006). "Developments in sandwich construction." Journal of Constructional
Steel Research, 62(11), 1123-1133.

Zhang, K., Varma, A. H., Malushte, S. R., and Gallocher, S. (2014). "Effect of shear connectors on local
buckling and composite action in steel concrete composite walls." Nuclear Engineering and Design, 269,

2020 NEHRP Provisions


RP3-6.0 Introduction
This chapter introduces a series of technical topics of current interest to designers of wood shear walls.
These topics are driven by the trend towards four- and five-story wood structures, particularly urban infill:
this includes anchorage of hold-downs to podium slabs, and the amplification of design forces for these
anchors. Discuss current trends in Canadian practice for deflection computations, and compare with U.S.
practice. Finally, a discussion of applying capacity-based concepts to detailing of load paths in wood
shear wall elements.

RP3-6.1 Methods of Calculating Shear Wall Deflections - US versus Canadian Provisions

A methodology for calculating deflection of shear walls sheathed with wood structural panels has been
provided in US codes since 1970 (ICBO, various), and in the Special Design Provision for Wind and
Seismic (SDPWS) (AWC, various) since its first edition dated 2005. While there have been some modest
changes to the presentation of the deflection equation, the basis and intent of the equation has remained
the same over time. Starting with the 2008 edition of SDPWS, the deflection equation was expanded to
other sheathing materials for which the standard provides capacity information.

The US deflection equation provides an estimate of the deflection of a shear wall under either ASD or
LRFD design forces. This deflection is most representative of the deflection expected from an individual
single-story shear wall element without finish materials. This is typically evaluated using hand calculations
or spreadsheet-based tools, and the shear wall deflection is evaluated individually at each story level,
without consideration of interaction between levels. Recent comparisons to results of nonlinear response
history analyses or NLRHA (ATC, 2017) indicate that this method tends to notably overestimate seismic
story drifts.

The calculated deflection is used within SDPWS to assign a relative stiffness to shear walls, so that
wind and seismic forces can be distributed to wall lines and to shear wall elements within a wall line. It also
may be used to calculate a building period for purposes of seismic design. In addition, there are a number
of ASCE 7 provisions that relate to deflection or drift. Included are overall limits on permitted story drifts
at the center of mass, requirements to demonstrate that gravity systems are capable of withstanding the
estimated drift of the lateral force-resisting system, requirements for building separations, etc.

Recent discussion and development of deflection equations in US codes has focused on identifying the
many contributors to deformation at the tension and compression boundary members of the shear wall. This
includes identification of a number of locations of deformation in compression perpendicular to grain within
the boundary member load path. Discussion of this in ongoing within the AWC standards committee.

A recent development in Canadian wood design standards has started with a similar derivation of drift
on a story by story basis, but has added to it a rigid-body rotation at the base of each shear wall, starting at
the second story and proceeding upwards. This rigid-body rotation is derived from the deflection of the
shear wall below, and is cumulative at each upper story. This method is being called a “rational method”
by the Canadian standards.

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

At this time the Canadian approach does not appear to be needed or of benefit for US designers. The
method results in building periods that are many times larger than those available from US research
(CUREE, 2004) and analytical studies (ATC, 2017). Use of the Canadian approach could result in
significantly underestimating design forces. Use of the approach would also lead to significant penalties for
the various ASCE 7 limits, thereby reducing the scope of buildings that can be of wood light-frame
construction. The Canadian method has a lesser impact on longer walls and a greater impact on narrow
walls. It is thought to result in narrow walls carrying less load, thereby requiring that more capacity be
provided to resist a given level of base shear.

At this time the Canadian approach does not appear to be needed or appropriate for users of US design
standards. The method results in building periods that are many times larger than those available from US
research (Camelo et. Al., 2002) (CUREE, 2004) and analytical studies (ATC, 2017). There does not
currently appear to be any available testing data validating the deflection or drifts estimated by the Canadian

Mixing of the Canadian method with US design standards could result in significant underestimating
of seismic design forces. Use of the approach could also lead to significant penalties in order to conform to
ASCE 7 drift-related requirements. For example it could:
• Significantly increase the story drift estimated to be experienced by the gravity system, requiring
that the design engineer demonstrate acceptability of the gravity system at larger seismic drift
• Significantly increase seismic separations between adjacent buildings, increasing the size of
required seismic joint cover devices beyond those currently available,
• Reduce the number of stories permitted in buildings as lower stories exceed permitted drift levels.

There is currently no plan for incorporation of the Canadian method into US design standards.

Figure 6.1-1 Conceptual illustration of SDPWS and Canadian “Mechanics-Based”

approaches for calculation of shear wall deflections.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

RP3-6.2 FEMA P-1100 Incorporation of Capacity Based Load Path Connections into
Seismic Retrofit Design
Recently published FEMA P-1100 (Vulnerability-Based Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of One- and Two-
Family Dwellings, FEMA, 2018) provides minimum criteria for vulnerability-based assessment and retrofit
of one- and two-family detached wood light-frame dwellings. The specific seismic vulnerabilities addressed
by this prestandard include crawlspace dwelling anchorage to foundation and cripple wall bracing, living-
space-over-garage dwelling ground story bracing, and hillside dwelling anchorage to the uphill foundation.

FEMA P-1100 has incorporated in its retrofit design procedures the use of an overstrength factor for
design of the load path into and out of the retrofit elements (i.e., connections). This is intended to help
ensure that the peak capacity of the retrofit elements can be developed without the load path acting as a
weak link. Use of an overstrength factor for load path connections is an additional step beyond current
design practice for new light-frame structures. The choice to use this approach was driven by two concepts.
First, the determination of seismic retrofit design R-factors was based on FEMA P-695 methods using state
of the art numerical study tools to estimate probability of collapse. In order to be consistent with the
analytical predictions of collapse, it was necessary that the peak capacity of the retrofit and the story shear
could be developed eliminating the load path as a weak link; if not, the probabilities of collapse would be
under-predicted. Second, it was recognized that while retrofit design focused on additional capacity
provided by new bracing walls, some bracing capacity would be provided by existing finish materials, and
this bracing capacity might also contribute load to the new load path connections. The extent and capacity
of contributing finish materials was recognized to be variable in the existing building stock.

An overstrength factor, Ω0, of 1.5 is specified by FEMA P-1100 for use with ASCE/SEI 7 ASD or
LRFD load combinations. The derivation of the factor, however, is different than would be commonly used
for ASCE 7 seismic design parameters. The overstrength factor has been back-calculated from numerical
study estimations of peak story shears, and comparison of those to peak capacities of the cripple walls,
anchor bolts, and shear clips available from testing. The low value of 1.5 is influenced by the significant
overstrength seen in available tests of the anchor bolts, shear clips, etc. Further information will be available
in FEMA P-1100 Volume III.

It does not at this time appear that a similar change in practice is needed for seismic design of all wood
light-frame structures. It is recommended, however, that thought be given to the balance of peak anticipated
demands and available capacity of load path connections in the development of bracing systems and design

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

Figure 6.2-1 Egmented shear wall with studs, sheathing, and posts and tie-down
connectors at each end.

Figure 6-3 Shear load path for shear walls

RP3-6.3 References
ATC (2017). Developing Solution to the Short-Period Building Performance paradox: Study for Wood
Light-Frame Buildings, Workshop Review Draft, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, CA.

AWC (various). Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic, American Wood Council, Washington,

2020 NEHRP Provisions

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2020 NEHRP Provisions

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2020 NEHRP Provisions

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

2020 NEHRP Provisions

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2020 NEHRP Provisions


Part 3, Resource Paper 3

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Part 3, Resource Paper 3

2020 NEHRP Provisions


Paragraph 1 of Section 11.8.3 in the 2009 Provisions requires that seismic lateral pressures on basement
walls and retaining walls be determined for Seismic Design Category D, E, and F structures but does not
specify the methods for calculating these pressures. NEHRP Part 3 Resource Paper 12 (BSSC, 2009)
summarizes classical methods for analysis of seismic earth pressures, based primarily on the concept of a
pseudo-static acceleration applied to a mass of the retained soil assumed to be at a failure state. Recent
research has shown that the underlying concepts behind these classical methods have fundamental flaws,
which is confirmed by a significant and growing body of experimental studies showing that classical
methods tend to overestimate earth pressures.
This NEHRP Part 3 Resource Paper presents an alternative method that better accounts for the
physical mechanisms that produce seismic earth pressures. The proposed method is applicable to free-
standing retaining walls or restrained walls such as basement walls integrally connected to the lateral force
resisting system of a structure. The procedures given here pertain to the seismic increment of earth pressure,
not to the pre-seismic (static) pressure. The seismic increment of earth pressure is additive to static


Classical earth pressure theory shows that the direction and amount of relative displacement between the
wall and the retained soil has a profound effect on static lateral earth pressures. The difference between
active pressure, where the wall moves away from the retained soil by an amount that induces soil failure,
and passive pressure, where the wall moves toward the retained soil and induces failure, typically spans
more than an order-of-magnitude. Seismic earth pressures can be understood in the same context, but with
the additional complexity that both the wall and the free-field soil are displacing as a result of earthquake
shaking. At any point in time when the wall displaces away from the backfill, earth pressures drop from the
static condition (if not already in a minimum active state). Conversely, and more importantly for
engineering application, at any point in time when the wall displaces towards the backfill, earth pressures
will rise relative to the static condition. Since earthquake loading is transient, both rises and drops in earth
pressure are to be expected at different times over the duration of shaking; engineering procedures focus
on the maximum values for practical application.
Mechanisms that can produce relative wall-soil displacements during earthquakes include: (1) different
levels of transient displacement of a foundation system relative to the free-field (neglecting relative
displacements caused by inertia of structures connected to the foundation); (2) free-field permanent ground
displacements arising from soil strength loss (e.g., liquefaction, cyclic softening, etc.); and (3) force
demands applied to a wall/foundation system from attached vibrating structures, which in turn produce
relative foundation/free-field displacements independent from those in (1). Mechanism (1) is a kinematic
soil-structure interaction problem having some similarity to the analysis of foundation input motions as
described in Chapter 19 of the 2015 Provisions. Mechanism (2) is a ground failure problem, and is not
discussed further here (further information provided in Resource Paper 12). Mechanism (3) is an inertial
soil-structure interaction problem that requires analysis of the response of a structure connected to a suitable
foundation system using either direct or substructure methods of analysis. Such procedures are provided
in NIST (2012) and Chapter 19 of the 2015 Provisions.
The following sections describe the conceptual flaws in classical methods for analysis of seismic earth
pressure that are based on acceleration of a soil wedge, present alternative procedures that account for
kinematic and inertial sources of seismic earth pressure, and describe validation of alternate procedures for
analysis of seismic earth pressures.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4


As described in Resource Paper 12, classical methods of analysis for seismic earth pressures on retaining
walls use a pseudo-static framework in which accelerations are applied to backfill materials, the soil is
assumed to be in a state of active failure, and resulting wall demands are analyzed. Figure 1 illustrates the
concept for the case of an active soil wedge with horizontal acceleration of khg and vertical acceleration kvg
(where g is acceleration of gravity), which produce horizontal and vertical inertial forces in the backfill.
The force polygon in Figure 1b illustrates how these inertial forces increase the wall soil interaction force
by amount PE above the static force, PA (assuming active conditions prior to the earthquake). By solving
the equilibrium problem in Figure 1b for a variety of acceleration levels, a model for the combined thrust
PA + PE can be developed.

Figure 1 (a) Retaining wall with horizontal and vertical pseudo-accelerations applied to
backfill wedge; (b) force polygon showing the effect of inertial forces from pseudo-
acceleration on the wall-soil interaction force.

Pseudo-static methods of this type for the active case originate in the classical work by Okabe (1924)
and Mononobe and Matsuo (1929) [widely known as the “Mononobe-Okabe” (M-O) method] with modest
modification by Seed and Whitman (1970) and later Mylonakis et al. (2007). More accurate variants on the
classical approach using non-planar failure surfaces (Chen, 1975; Chen and Liu, 1990) and accounting for
the phasing of inertial demands within the wedge (Steedman and Zeng, 1990) are conceptually alike and
provide similar results for the active case. Additional formulations consider the effects of cohesion on PE
(Xu et al., 2015), the seismic increment for non-yielding walls having initial at-rest earth pressures (Wood,
1973), and seismic displacements of walls as analyzed using Newmark-type procedures (Richards and
Elms, 1979).
The conceptual framework behind this previous large body of work relies on an implicit assumption
that seismic earth pressures are related to acceleration rather than to relative displacement between the wall
and soil. This assumption is flawed, however, because there is no fundamental relationship between surface
acceleration and seismic earth pressure. If both the backfill and wall are moving with comparable, in-phase
displacement amplitudes, no appreciable seismic earth pressure will develop, despite the fact that the
ground motion in the backfill has a finite acceleration.
Not surprisingly, when seismic earth pressures have been computed from direct analyses or measured
experimentally, they seldom conform to predictions from M-O type procedures. Analytical procedures
involving rigid walls retaining elastic soil resting on a rigid base produced pressures that exceed M-O
predictions (e.g., Ostadan, 2005; Veletsos and Younan, 1994), while experiments involving flexible

2020 NEHRP Provisions

retaining walls with a compliant base produced earth pressures that typically fall below M-O predictions
(e.g., Al Atik and Sitar, 2010; Hushmand et al. 2016). These discrepancies result from the M-O
methodology not representing the problem physics properly; as a result, alternatives to pseudo-acceleration
based (M-O type) methods are needed.
The following sections present alternative methods for estimating seismic earth pressures. The critical
conceptual distinction between the methods proposed below and M-O is that here seismic earth pressures
are computed from relative foundation-ground displacements. Certain assumptions about the seismic waves
exciting these structures, the soil properties, and the structural properties are made with the aim of
representing commonly encountered conditions in a reasonable manner while maintaining simplicity in
application. As a result of these simplifying assumptions, it could be argued that the proposed methods also
do not represent the problem physics accurately (i.e., “all models are wrong…”; Box, 1976). However, our
supposition is that emphasizing relative displacement as the source of seismic earth pressures leads to better
outcomes than methods based on a pseudo-static acceleration (which is related to the second part of Box’s
quote: “… but some (models) are useful.”). The degree to which this is realized can be judged through
validation, as presented below. Limitations of the proposed method are provide in the Conclusions section.


Analysis procedures for seismic earth pressures should consider soil-structure interaction involving the
wall, the supporting and retained soil, and any attached superstructures. As with other soil-structure
interaction problems, both kinematic and inertial components can be significant. This section presents a
unified and simple framework for computing seismic earth pressures that accounts for these effects.

RP4-4.1 Kinematic Seismic Earth Pressures

Kinematic seismic earth pressures are produced by the combined seismic excitation of shallow layers of
soil at a site and a wall system embedded within those soils. Figure 2 illustrates the problem for the case of
a free-standing wall.
In the kinematic problem the wall itself is assumed to have a certain flexural stiffness (but no mass)
and to be connected to the soil but not to any structure. The ground motions producing the excitation occur
over a wide frequency range, typically from about 0.1 to 10 Hz. If these waves can reasonably be assumed
as propagating vertically near the ground surface (such that the site response is controlled by 1D ground
response), they produce waves of wavelength  = VS/f with a maximum amplitude at the ground surface
(Figure 2a). Accordingly, at each frequency, and at a given point in time, the horizontal ground motion
varies with depth. When this variation is small (i.e., for low frequencies with long wavelengths), the motion
of the wall system nearly matches that of the free-field soil, relative wall-soil displacements are small
(Figure 2b), and seismic earth pressures are low (Brandenberg et al. 2015). Conversely, as shown in Figure
2c, short wavelengths can produce motions that decrease significantly with depth over the height of the
wall. Under such conditions, the relatively stiff wall must displace differently from the free-field soil, and
the differences in displacement produce potentially large seismic earth pressures. For these short
wavelength conditions, the flexibility of the wall system, the distribution of soil stiffness with depth, and
the ability of the wall and soil to yield also affect seismic earth pressures.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

Figure 2 Schematic illustration of free-standing retaining wall subjected to seismic waves

with different wavelengths. Displacement uFIM applies at the foundation level of the wall,
and qFIM represents the rotation of a rigid wall-footing system.
The kinematic problem can be solved using direct analysis in which the ground response and SSI are
solved for simultaneously in finite element or finite difference simulations. Simplified methods are useful
to help conceptualize the physics of the problem and for applications where more approximate solutions
suffice. Figure 3 shows conditions amenable to solution with simplified models, in which a rigid wall and
foundation is excited by a single-frequency wave of angular frequency  and surface amplitude ug0. The
foundation is compliant (finite stiffness) and the backfill is uniform in stiffness with depth. For the special
case of rigid foundation support (Ky and Kxx → ), the amplitude of seismic earth pressure resultant PE
(normalized to remove dimensions) is given by:

|𝑃𝐸 | sin (𝑘𝐻)

𝑖𝑢 𝐻 = − 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑘𝐻) (1)
𝑘𝑦 𝑔0 𝑘𝐻

where k is the wavenumber (/VS) and H is wall height (Figure 3). The product kH is related to wavelength
 as 𝑘𝐻 = 2𝜋𝐻⁄𝜆. The normal stress on the wall is described by the product of relative wall-soil
displacement and stiffness intensity 𝑘𝑦𝑖 . The normalized height of resultant h/H, where h is measured up to
result from base of foundation, is given for the same conditions as:

ℎ 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑘𝐻)−1+(𝑘𝐻)2
= (𝑘𝐻)2 (2)
𝐻 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑘𝐻)−(𝑘𝐻)𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑘𝐻)

Eq. (2) gives h/H = five-eighths for 𝜆⁄𝐻 = 2𝜋⁄(𝑘𝐻) > ~4. Stiffness intensity is defined as
translational stiffness (in conventional units of force/length) divided by area. Stiffness intensity for vertical
walls supported by rigid foundations can be computed as (Kloukinas et al., 2012):
𝜋 𝐺 2
𝑘𝑦𝑖 = √1 − (4𝐻) (3)
√(1−𝜈)(2−𝜈) 𝐻 𝜆

2020 NEHRP Provisions

where G and  are the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the backfill, respectively.

Figure 3 Rigid wall and foundation systems subjected to vertically propagating shear
waves, with wall-soil interaction represented by various stiffness terms. (a) U-shaped
wall (modified from Brandenberg et al. 2015) and (b) cantilever-type single wall.
For the conditions where Eqs. (1-3) apply (rigid foundation, rigid wall, and uniform backfill),
Figure 4 shows the variation of the normalized force amplitude |𝑃𝐸 |⁄(𝑘𝑦𝑖 𝑢𝑔0 𝐻), and its normalized point
of application h/H, with the ratio of wavelength to wall height, /H. The portion of this curve for /H > 
2.7 is of special interest because it typically contains the frequency range of engineering interest. Kinematic
pressures are high near the plateau at 2.7 due to large relative displacements of wall and soil. For smaller
/H, changes in frequency strongly affect the amplitude and sign of PE due to tensile and compressive
stresses that act on different portions of the wall height; this complex behavior is simplified to a straight
line as shown in Figure 4. As /H increases beyond 2.7, PE decreases rapidly. In the limiting case where
/H → ∞, the deformed shape of the free-field soil profile becomes vertical, conforming to the shape of the
rigid wall and producing zero kinematic interaction. For a given value of /H, the normalization of force
accounts for the effects of soil stiffness and shaking amplitude on seismic earth pressures. Normalized
resultant height has little variation with /H beyond 4.0.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

Figure 4 Variation with normalized wavelength λ/H of (a) normalized amplitude of PE and
(b) its point of application above the foundation. These results are for a rigid wall
founded on rigid base and retaining uniform backfill. Dotted lines at low λ/H are
approximations of exact solution.
Figure 5 shows the effects of wall flexibility, which is parameterized as (Novak, 1974):

4 𝑖
𝛽=√ (4)

where E is Young’s modulus of the wall material and I is the moment of inertia for the wall section (the
product represents the wall flexural stiffness).  has units of 1/length, and is multiplied by H to remove
dimensions. The product 𝛽𝐻 represents a ratio of backfill soil-to-wall stiffness (for a rigid wall, 𝛽𝐻→0).
As shown in Figure 5a, PE decreases substantially as wall stiffness decreases (increased 𝛽𝐻) because the
wall is better able to conform with free-field ground motions when it is not rigid. Wall flexibility also affects
resultant height (Figure 5b), with the resultant lowered appreciably for 𝛽𝐻 > 1.5. A condition of 𝛽𝐻 < 0.5
corresponds essentially to a rigid wall. Many practical cases fall within the range of 𝛽𝐻 = 1 − 4.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 5 Effect of wall flexibility on (a) normalized wall resultant and (b) its point of
application above the foundation. These results are for a rigid base and uniform backfill
and were derived from finite element simulations.
Non-uniform backfill conditions have been investigated for cases in which the same time-averaged
shear wave velocity within the backfill soil is used for cases having different velocity gradients (Vrettos et
al 2016; Brandenberg et al. 2017). For the rigid wall case, backfill non-uniformity reduces |𝑃𝐸 | and its
resultant height, however, these effects become small for modest levels of wall flexibility. Accordingly, for
simplified analysis, an equivalent uniform time-averaged velocity for the backfill is used, 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 .
Similarly, non-rigid (i.e., compliant) foundation conditions have been shown to strongly reduce
|𝑃𝐸 | for rigid walls (Brandenberg et al. 2015), but to have a more modest effect for flexible walls. The
simplified analysis procedure is formulated considering wall flexibility effects but neglecting foundation
flexibility, which introduces some conservatism. The significance of this conservatism is assessed through
validation against test data (next section).
The following simplified procedure provides estimates of |𝑃𝐸 | (resultant of seismic earth pressures)
and h (point of application) in consideration of the most critical effects (ratio of wavelength to wall height
and relative soil-wall stiffness):
1. Perform seismic hazard analysis (probabilistic or deterministic) to estimate PGV for the site.
2. If the estimation of PGV is based on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, deaggregate the hazard
at the return period of interest to obtain the controlling magnitude and distance. Estimate mean
period, Tm, for this condition (Figure 6). If PGV is derived using deterministic methods, use the
selected magnitude and distance for the estimation of mean period. Compute the corresponding
angular frequency for this condition, 𝜔𝑚 = 2𝜋⁄𝑇𝑚 .
3. Develop a shear wave velocity profile for the backfill soil. Compute the average shear wave
velocity, VS,av, as the ratio of wall height, H, to shear wave travel time through the backfill.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

4. Estimate the ground surface displacement as 𝑢𝑔0 = 𝑓𝑢 𝑃𝐺𝑉⁄𝜔𝑚 . Adjustment factor fu is given as a
function of 𝜆⁄𝐻 in Figure 7. This factor has been calibrated to match the results of single-frequency
analyses to more complete Fourier series analyses.
5. Estimate 𝑘𝑦𝑖 as its static counterpart (𝑘𝑦0 ) with following approximate expression:
𝑖 𝜋 𝜌𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣
𝑘𝑦𝑖 ≈ 𝑘𝑦0 = (5)
√(1−𝜈)(2−𝜈) 𝐻

Eq. (5) is modified from Eq. (3) by removing the frequency-dependent term (justified through
validation in next section) and by taking 𝐺 = 𝜌𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 , where  is backfill mass density.
6. Estimate 𝛽𝐻 from the relative soil-to-wall stiffness (Eq. 4) and wall height H. In cases where 𝛽𝐻
is unknown because wall section sizes are undetermined, an initial estimate in the range of 1-2 can
be applied and will often be conservative.
7. Compute normalized force amplitude |𝑃𝐸 |⁄(𝑘𝑦𝑖 𝑢𝑔0 𝐻) and resultant height h/H. These quantities
are obtained for rigid walls using Eqs. (1-2). The effects of wall flexibility can be incorporated
using Figure 8 or the following expressions (which describe the change of resultant amplitude and
its height with 𝛽𝐻):
|𝑃𝐸 |
1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (1 − ) 𝛽𝐻 < 1
|𝑃𝐸 |𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙
=𝜉={ 1.43 0.34
𝑠𝑖𝑛 (−0.45 + ) + 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (1.22 + ) 𝛽𝐻 > 1
𝛽𝐻 𝛽𝐻

0.6 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (−0.12 − ) 𝛽𝐻 < 1
ℎ 𝛽𝐻
={ 1.5 1.92
𝑠𝑖𝑛 (1.68 + ) + 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (2.87 − ) 𝛽𝐻 > 1
𝛽𝐻 𝛽𝐻

The relations in Eqs. (6 and 7) and Figure 8 are curve-fits to finite element simulation results
(updated from Durante et al. 2018).
8. De-normalize to compute |𝑃𝐸 |. Moment can be computed as |𝑀| = ℎ|𝑃𝐸 |.

Figure 6 Variation of median values of mean period (Tm) with magnitude, distance, and
site condition. Rathje et al. (2004) ground motion model.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 7. Ground motion amplitude adjustment factor for use with simplified method for
evaluation of amplitude of seismic earth pressure resultant force, PE.

Figure 8 Effect of soil-to-wall stiffness ratio (𝜷𝑯) on (a) normalized resultant force and (b)
normalized resultant height.
Steps 3 and 5 in the simplified procedure use small-strain shear wave velocity parameter, 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 . Many
problems will involve shaking that produces nonlinear soil responses. The effects of nonlinearity are to
reduce seismic velocities and 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 , producing two effects: (i) wavelength is reduced (since 𝜆 = 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 𝑇𝑚 ),
which reduces 𝜆⁄𝐻 and hence increases normalized force; and (ii) 𝑘𝑦0 is reduced per Eq. (5), which reduces
𝑃𝐸 following de-normalization. These effects largely offset each other for most applications, hence the
additional complexity that is required to consider nonlinear effects was not considered to be justified.
However, for users who would like to account for nonlinearity in an approximate manner that does not
require a ground response analysis, the following procedure can be applied:
a. Compute a first estimate of displacement amplitude at depth H as:
𝑢𝑔 (𝐻) = 𝑢𝑔0 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( ) (8)
𝑇𝑚 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣

b. Compute a first estimate of average shear strain over the backfill height as:
𝑢𝑔0 −𝑢𝑔 (𝐻)
𝛾𝑎𝑣 = (9)

c. Compute effective shear strain as 𝛾𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 𝛾𝑎𝑣 (𝐌 − 1)⁄10 (Idriss and Sun, 1992).

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d. Use an appropriate modulus reduction relationship with strain eff to estimate the modulus reduction
for the backfill, (𝐺 ⁄𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 )𝑎𝑣 .
e. Compute a reduced average shear wave velocity to reflect modulus reduction effects as:

𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣,𝑟 = 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 √(𝐺⁄𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 )𝑎𝑣 (10)

f. Use VS,av,r with Tm to update ug(H), av, and eff (Steps a-c). Use the updated eff to re-evaluate
(𝐺⁄𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 )𝑎𝑣 (Step d). Repeat until modulus reduction estimates do not change appreciably
between iterations.
g. Using the final value of VS,av,r derived through the iterative process to compute wavelength and
stiffness intensity.
In addition to these nonlinear effects on the soil-wall response, nonlinear site response also affects the
seismic hazard at the site, as represented by intensity measure PGV. This source of nonlinearity is accounted
for in the ground motion models used in seismic hazard analyses.

RP4-4.2 Inertial Seismic Earth Pressures

Inertial seismic earth pressures are typically most significant when structures are connected to a foundation
system containing basement walls (Figure 9). Under these conditions, the base shear and moment from the
vibrating structure cause the foundation to displace horizontally and rotate, producing wall reaction stresses.
Analysis of this problem does not require specialized procedures – direct or substructure approaches to the
SSI problem can be employed (NIST 2012; Chapter 19 of NEHRP Provisions). If wall-soil interaction
elements are included in the SSI model, reaction stresses against walls are a natural outcome of the analysis.

Figure 9 Structure with foundation that includes retaining walls that are connected to the
lateral force resisting system and hence contribute to the transmission of base shear and
moment to the soil.
An important consideration in the analysis of inertial effects on subterranean walls is the degree to
which they participate in the below-ground lateral force resisting system. Figure 10 shows a building in
which lateral loads are resisted by a central core of shear walls that extend directly to the foundation mat.
If the foundation for the core walls is not connected to the foundations for the surrounding podium (as in
Figure 10), the basement walls may see little of the inertial loading. In such cases, the loading of basement
walls is likely to be controlled by kinematic mechanisms.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Peak kinematic and inertial seismic demands on basement walls are unlikely to coincide in time.
When both effects are expected, load combination rules such as SRSS should be applied.

Figure 10 Structure with lateral loads resisted by central core of shear walls supported
on a mat foundation that is distinct from the foundations for basement walls. In such
cases, basement walls are not likely to be significantly affected by inertial interaction
effects, and kinematic mechanisms are more likely dominant.

RP4-4.3 Limiting Earth Pressures Based on Soil Shear Failure

Both the proposed kinematic and inertial models represent soil-wall interaction with springs that have
elastic stiffnesses. In principle, such springs have no upper limit on the forces they can develop. In reality,
soil pressures are limited by the soil shear strength. As a result, it is good practice to check whether limit
equilibrium state is reached under a particular loading condition.
One could utilize the M-O method to estimate the limit equilibrium upper bound pressures, as has
been routine practice for many decades. However, a number of unrealistic assumptions render this
procedure inaccurate, even for limit state pressures. First, M-O assumes that the peak lateral earth pressure
occurs under active loading conditions (wall deflection away from backfill). In reality, peak lateral earth
pressures occur when the direction of relative displacement is the opposite (i.e., when the free-field soil
moves toward the wall). Second, there is no fundamental relationship between peak surface acceleration
and earth pressure, as previously established in this document. Third, the M-O procedures fail to produce a
physically meaningful solution when the ground shaking intensity exceeds a certain threshold value, which
is often lower than design ground motions for retaining structures in seismically active regions.
Validation studies in the next section show that the proposed kinematic model is reasonably
accurate even under strong shaking conditions, which suggests that a state of limiting equilibrium may not
be reached for realistic conditions encountered in the field. Further, the validation study also demonstrates
use of a reduced soil shear modulus to account for nonlinearity in the soil response at strain levels leading
up to failure. Nevertheless, an upper bound check based on limit equilibrium principles is advisable.

The proposed kinematic model is validated against some of the available test data and direct analysis results
that are available in the literature. The validation considers two studies in which various wall specimens
were tested using centrifuge modeling (Al Atik and Sitar 2009, 2010; Hushmand et al. 2016) and
simulations in which a direct SSI analysis was performed (Ostadan 2005). As shown in Table 1, the selected
studies encompass a range of conditions with respect to base fixity, wall flexibility, and ground motion
amplitude (producing different levels of soil nonlinearity). Some recent centrifuge modeling studies have

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

produced additional data that has not yet been considered in the validation (e.g., Wagner and Sitar
Table 1. Summary of studies considered in validation exercise

Test Type Pressure Foundation H Excitation Reference

Measurement Condition range

Centrifuge Direct, bending Flexible & 1.0-3.2 Sinusoidal, Hushmand et al 2016

fixed broadband

Centrifuge Direct, bending Flexible 2.0-3.2 Broadband Al Atik & Sitar 2009,

Simulation Direct Fixed 0 Broadband Ostadan 2005

The centrifuge models considered by Al Atik and Sitar (2009, 2010) and a subset of those
considered by Hushmand et al. (2016) have a soil layer beneath the wall foundation. Fixed base conditions
were used in other Hushmand et al. (2016) specimens, and in the simulations of Ostadan (2005). While
rigid wall conditions were used by Ostadan (2005), the wall specimens in the centrifuge tests have varying
soil-to-wall relative stiffnesses, ranging from 𝛽𝐻 = 1.0 to 3.2.
Each of the centrifuge models consisted of a U-shaped wall that retained sand backfill. As such,
the backfill stiffness is non-uniform with depth. A time-averaged shear wave velocity (𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 ) was used in
the validation analyses, which was calibrated to match observed soil column fundamental frequencies.
Analyses were performed both for the case of small-strain velocities (elastic conditions) and strain-reduced
average velocities (nonlinear conditions).
In both centrifuge modeling studies, lateral earth pressures were measured as a function of depth
directly using different types of tactile sensors. Such sensors are known to produce noisy data and to require
careful calibration (e.g., Palmer et al. 2009). As a result of these data quality concerns, Al Atik and Sitar
(2009, 2010) also measured bending strains in wall specimens, which provide bending moment profiles.
Such profiles can be differentiated once with respect to depth to obtain shear profiles, and a second time to
estimate lateral reaction loads, which are related to earth pressures. This double-differentiation process
provides an independent measure of earth pressures, but is again noisy due to sensitivity of the numerical
differentiation process to small amounts of noise in the bending data. Different researchers used different
methods of data interpretation; for the present application we used pressures presented by the original
authors. After subtracting static earth pressure, the seismic increments of earth pressure were derived for
comparison to model predictions.
Model predictions require four main inputs:
• Mean period Tm, which was obtained using standard procedures (Rathje et al. 2004) in which the
centroid (on a period axis) of the measured surface motion Fourier amplitude spectrum is computed.
• Backfill surface displacement amplitude 𝑢𝑔0 , which is obtained from the peak velocity and Tm as
𝑢𝑔0 = 𝑓𝑢 𝑃𝐺𝑉⁄𝜔𝑚 (fu taken from Figure 7).
• 𝑖
Backfill stiffness intensity 𝑘𝑦0 , which is obtained from Eq. (5) using 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 and 𝜈=0.3.
• Soil-to-wall flexibility ratio 𝛽𝐻, which is obtained from Eq. (4) using wall section properties and
𝑘𝑦0 .

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 11 shows aggregated data-model comparisons for the default analysis procedure in which 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣
is used without reduction, while Figure 12 shows similar results but with 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 reduced for nonlinearity
using the proposed optional procedure. In both Figures, normalized forces are shown along with force
residuals computed as 𝑙𝑛(𝑃𝐸−𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠 ) − 𝑙𝑛(𝑃𝐸−𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑 ). PE-meas is the resultant force from measured seismic
earth pressures, while PE-pred is the predicted peak force.
The results in Figure 11 (interpretation using small-strain VS) span a range of 𝜆⁄𝐻 of about 5 to 27 and
demonstrate a decrease in normalized force amplitude as 𝜆⁄𝐻 increases, as anticipated from the kinematic
model. Some of the highest normalized forces are from Hushmand et al. (2016) Test 2, which has a fixed-
base condition. All other tests have flexible-base conditions, and among those tests, some effects of soil-
to-wall flexibility (𝛽𝐻) are apparent. In particular, Test 3A has the highest normalized forces among the
flexible base tests and the stiffest walls (𝛽𝐻 = 1.0-1.1), while Tests 1A and 4A have lower normalized
forces and relatively flexible walls (𝛽𝐻 = 1.5-3). The Ostadan (2005) simulations provide normalized
forces that lie above the test data, as expected for rigid walls and fixed-base conditions, and follow the
decreasing trend with 𝜆⁄𝐻. The standard deviation of the residuals for the Hushmand et al. (2016) tests is
high, which is likely significantly influenced by uncertainty in the tactile pressure sensor measurements. Al
Atik and Sitar (2009, 2010) utilized strain gauges to estimate lateral earth pressure resultants, which
produces a less variable, albeit indirect, measure of earth pressure.
Application of the nonlinear procedure (Figure 12) lowers wavelengths and hence 𝜆⁄𝐻 such that the
applicable data range becomes 2.5-11. The trend of normalized forces decreasing with 𝜆⁄𝐻 becomes much
more apparent as the data ‘climb’ towards the plateau of the kinematic relationship. Despite these dramatic
increases in normalized forces, de-normalized forces are not appreciably affected, due to corresponding
decreases in 𝑘𝑦0 for the nonlinear case. This is best shown by residuals, whereby the overall mean is
approximately −0.2 in both cases (indicating an average over-prediction of about 20%). The standard
deviation of residuals, 𝜎𝑙𝑛 is approximately 0.3-0.4 in both cases. While there is a reduction in dispersion
from including nonlinear effects, the effect is small. These findings motivated making the nonlinear steps
in the procedure optional.
The average over-prediction of seismic earth pressures provided by the kinematic model likely has two
principle causes:
• Omission of the frequency-dependent term in 𝑘𝑦𝑖 (i.e., √1 − (4𝐻⁄𝜆)2 in Eq. 4). Had this term been
included, it would reduce resultant forces.
• Neglecting the effects of base flexibility in model formulation, which if included, would reduce
resultant forces.
The conservative bias is considered appropriate for a simplified procedure in NEHRP documents. More
advanced procedures are encouraged for critical projects. General scatter in results, reflected by standard
deviation terms, is expected because of the simplification of complex seismic waveforms using the intensity
measures of PGV and Tm, the representation of soil-wall interaction with linear or equivalent-linear springs,
as well as data quality issues.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

Small-strain VS Strain-Reduced VS

Figure 11 Data-model comparison of normalized Figure 12 Data-model comparison of normalized

seismic earth pressure resultant forces (bottom) and seismic earth pressure resultant forces (bottom) and
force residuals (top). Model applied using small-strain force residuals (top). Model applied using strain-reduced
shear wave velocities shear wave velocities.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

For context, it is useful to compare the results in Figures 11-12 with residuals obtained using a pseudo-
static approach. For this comparison, M-O analyses were performed as presented in Koseki et al. (1998).
Sand friction angles of 35 degrees were used with the peak acceleration of the recorded backfill surface
motion (PGA) and 65% of that value. Figure 13 shows the resulting residuals. In many cases, the peak
surface acceleration is large enough that ground failure is predicted along a horizontal surface at the base
of the wall. The M-O method fails to predict a physically meaningful solution for earth pressure under this
condition, and residuals cannot be computed (although it can be stated that they are negative and very large
in amplitude). For those cases where residuals can be computed, summary statistics (mean and standard
deviation of residuals) are provided in the Figure. The results show a much stronger overprediction bias of
test data for both PGA levels, especially if the large negative residuals (which are not used in the mean or
standard deviation calculations) are considered. Standard deviation terms are also much larger than with
the proposed method, which is expected because of the lack of consideration of the principle physical
factors that produce earth pressure. In contrast, the simulation results from Ostadan are underpredicted,
which is due to a combination of relatively high normalized forces (associated with the fixed base condition
and rigid walls) and the relatively stiff backfill materials (producing high de-normalized resultants); these
effects are not considered in the Mononobe-Okabe method.

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Figure 13 Residuals of predicted seismic earth pressure resultants computed using

Mononobe-Okabe method as given by Koseki et al. (1998) with backfill accelerations
taken using PGA and 0.65 PGA. Values marked with the arrow symbol have undefined
(but very large and negative) resultant force predictions from the analysis.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


To illustrate application of the proposed kinematic method, consider a free-standing wall of height H = 9
m retaining sand backfill soil with a relative density of about 50% (approximately 90% relative compaction
from modified Proctor standard) and unit weight of 18 kN/m3. For the purpose of defining the seismic
hazard, location is taken as a site in downtown Los Angeles, CA.
The example problem follows the eight steps in the proposed method, which are described below:
Step 1 (seismic hazard): Seismic hazard analysis is performed using the UCERF3 source model-Poisson
branch (Field et al. 2014) and the NGA-West2 ground motion models that have site terms for soil site
conditions. We use the site location given in the heading of Figure 14, VS30 = 400 m/s, and default basin
conditions. Hazard is computed using OpenSHA. The resulting mean hazard for PGV is shown in Figure
14. ASCE 7-16 uses risk-targeted maximum considered earthquake ground motions, which are defined for
response spectral accelerations. Because risk-targeting procedures are not defined for the PGV intensity
measure, we select the maximum considered earthquake (MCE) hazard level that preceded risk targeting,
which is 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The resulting MCE PGV is 105 cm/s. If reduced by
two-thirds for a design ground motion, the design PGV is 70 cm/s. This value is used in the example.

Figure 14 PGV mean hazard curve and selected MCE ground motion for hazard level of
2% probability of exceedance in 50 years
Step 2 (disaggregation and mean period): Seismic hazard is disaggregated at the MCE hazard level to
identify controlling sources and the event magnitude and distance ranges that contribute most strongly to
the computed ground motions. Results are shown in Figure 15, which also show epsilon () levels that
control hazard (i.e., the number of standard deviations above the mean). The mode of the distribution in
Figure 15 is M 7.0 events in the 0-10 km rupture distance range, for which  exceeds 0.5.

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Figure 15 Disaggregation of PGV hazard at the MCE level.

Using M 7.0, Rrup = 5 km, and VS30 = 400 m/s, the median estimate of mean period (Figure 6; Rathje et
al. 2004) is Tm = 0.49 sec, which is equivalent to angular frequency m = 12.9 rad/sec.
Step 3 (VS profile): We assume shear wave velocity has not been measured in the backfill. We use the
VS estimation procedure in Section C20.3 for sand (ASCE 7-22, proposed commentary; adapted from
Brandenberg et al. 2010). We assume an equivalent overburden corrected blow count of (𝑁1 )60 = 15
blows/ft for sand backfill, which is roughly equivalent to 90% modified Proctor relative compaction. We
convert to non-overburden corrected blow count using a total soil unit weight of 18 kN/m3. The resulting
mean VS profile, and the time-averaged velocity for a 9 m backfill height, are shown in Figure 16.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 16. Shear wave velocity profile for 9 m backfill height and time-averaged value
of 𝑽𝑺,𝒂𝒗 = 182 m/s.

Step 4 (ground motion amplitude): Wavelength-to-height ratio is computed as 𝑉𝑆,𝑎𝑣 𝑇𝑚 ⁄𝐻= 9.8,
from which amplitude factor 𝑓𝑢 = 0.77 (Figure 7). Ground surface displacement amplitude is then estimated
as 𝑢𝑔0 = 𝑓𝑢 𝑃𝐺𝑉⁄𝜔𝑚 = 0.042 m. The design-level PGV of 70 cm/s is used in this calculation.
Step 5 (stiffness intensity): Static stiffness intensity 𝑘𝑦0 is computed using Eq. (5) as 2.0 × 104
kN/m2/m, using a mass density of 1830 kg/m3 and sand Poisson’s ratio  = 0.3.
Step 6 (𝛽𝐻): Dimensionless soil-to-wall stiffness ratio 𝛽𝐻 is taken as 1, 2, and 4 for this example
calculation. For an application involving a specific wall cross section,  would be computed using Eq. (4).
Step 7 (Normalized force and resultant height): Using the wavelength-to-height ratio from Step 4
and the relative stiffness from Step 6, normalized forces and reaction heights for rigid walls (Eqs 1-2),
flexibility modifiers (Eqs. 6-7), and normalized forces and reaction heights that account for wall flexibility
are given in Table 2.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

Table 2 Normalized forces and resultant heights for example problem with different wall flexibility
Rigid 𝜷𝑯=1 𝜷𝑯=2 𝜷𝑯=4
Normalized force 0.13 0.11 0.058 0.022
Wall flexibility factor,  1.0 0.84 0.44 0.17
Normalized resultant height, h/H 0.625 0.54 0.32 0.15

Step 8 (De-normalize): De-normalization of wall reaction forces is applied by multiplying normalized

forces by the product 𝑢𝑔0 𝑘𝑦𝑖0 𝐻. Results for the various cases of wall flexibility are shown in Table 3.
Dimensional results are shown, as are ratios of |𝑃𝐸 | to 0.5𝛾𝐻2 .
Table 3 De-normalized seismic reaction forces, and ratios of seismic to static forces, for example
problem with different wall flexibility effects.
Rigid 𝜷𝑯=1 𝜷𝑯=2 𝜷𝑯=4
De-normalized force, |𝑃𝐸 | (kN/m) 965 810 430 160
|𝑃𝐸 |⁄(0.5𝛾𝐻2 ) 1.32 1.11 0.58 0.23
M-O pressure resultants can be compared to the results in Table 3. The MCE hazard for the example
site is 0.95g, which provides a design ground motion of 0.63g. For backfill friction angles of 30 and 40 deg,
respectively, M-O analyses as presented in Koseki et al. (1998) provide resultant dimensionless forces that
are undetermined for a 30 deg friction angle and about 0.8 for a 36 deg friction angle.

Seismic earth pressures develop to varying degrees on retaining walls and other embedded structures
depending on the amount of relative wall-soil displacement. Such relative displacements can develop as a
result of kinematic or inertial soil-structure interaction mechanisms. This paper presents analysis methods
that can be used to predict seismic earth pressures that are based on soil-structure interaction principles.
These methods represent a substantial break from past practice in which earth pressures were derived using
a pseudo-static horizontal force acting on a backfill soil wedge assumed to be at a failure state.
An engineer wishing to apply the proposed methods must first assess the degree to which external
forces are likely to act on the wall. If such forces are likely, because the wall is integral to the lateral force
resisting system of a structure, inertial interaction is likely to be the dominant mechanism, and such
procedures should be used. If external forces are not expected, the problem can be analyzed using the
kinematic method presented here. That method requires as input the results of seismic hazard analysis for
peak velocity, deaggregation of the hazard, wall dimensions, and a measured or estimated shear wave
velocity profile for the backfill materials.
The proposed inertial and kinematic interaction procedures have limitations. Among these are:
• The seismic excitation is simplified to a single frequency and amplitude.
• Soil layering is not considered (no strong impedance contrasts within the backfill)
• A simple planar wall is considered, without tiebacks or soil nails.
• A limit state based on soil shear failure is not explicitly included, but can be checked in an
approximate manner.
Despite these limitations, the proposed method captures the principle mechanisms that produce
kinematic seismic earth pressures, which are related to frequency content of input motions and the
flexibility of the walls. The available experimental and simulation-based evidence demonstrate the

2020 NEHRP Provisions

significance of those physical considerations, and the applicability of the proposed method for the
conditions considered in the tests. Significantly, the proposed approach produces far better comparisons to
observation than the M-O method.

Part 3, Resource Paper 4

Al Atik, L and N Sitar, 2009. Experimental and analytical study of the seismic performance of retaining
structures. Rpt. No. PEER-2008/104, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, UC Berkeley.
Al Atik, L and N Sitar, 2010. Seismic earth pressures on cantilever retaining structures, J. Geotech. &
Geoenv. Eng., 136 (10), 1324-1333.
Box, GEP, 1976, Science and statistics, J American Statistical Association, 71, 791–799.
Brandenberg, SJ, N Bellana, and T Shantz, 2010. Shear wave velocity as function of standard penetration
test resistance and vertical effective stress at California bridge sites, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, 30(10), 1026-1035.
Brandenberg SJ, G Mylonakis, JP Stewart, 2015. Kinematic framework for evaluating seismic earth
pressures on retaining walls. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 141(7), 04015031.
Brandenberg, SJ, G Mylonakis, JP Stewart, 2017. Approximate solution for seismic earth pressures on rigid
walls retaining inhomogeneous elastic soil, Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 97, 468–477.
Chen, WF, 1975. Limit analysis and soil plasticity. Developments in geotechnical engineering. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Chen, WF and XL Liu, 1990. Limit analysis in soil mechanics. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Durante, MG, SJ Brandenberg, JP Stewart, G Mylonakis, 2018. Winkler stiffness intensity for flexible walls
retaining inhomogeneous soil, in Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Numerical Modeling
and Soil Structure Interaction, June 10-13, 2018, Austin, TX, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.
292, S.J. Brandenberg and M.T. Manzari (eds.), pp 473-482.
Field, EH, RJ Arrowsmith, GP Biasi, P Bird, TE Dawson, KR Felzer, DD Jackson, KM Johnson, TH Jordan,
C Madden, AJ Michael, KR Milner, MT Page, T Parsons, PM Powers, BE Shaw, WR Thatcher, RJ Weldon
II, and Y Zeng (2014). Uniform California earthquake rupture forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3)—The time-
independent model, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 104, 1122–1180.
Hushmand, A, S Dashti, C Davis, JS McCartney, B Hushmand, 2016. A centrifuge study of the influence
of site response, relative stiffness, and kinematic constraints on the seismic performance of buried reservoir
structures. Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng. 88: 427-438.
Idriss, IM and JI Sun, 1992. SHAKE91: A computer program for conducting equivalent linear seismic
response analyses of horizontally layered soil deposits, Users Guide, UC Davis.
Koseki, J, F Tatsuoka, Y Munaf, M Tateyama, and K Kojima, 1998. A modified procedure to evaluate
active earth pressure at high seismic loads, Soils and Foundations, Special Issue, 209-216.
Mononobe, N and M Matsuo, 1929. On the determination of earth pressures during earthquakes. Proc.
World Engrg. Congress, 9, 179–187.
Mylonakis, G, P Kloukinas, and C Papantonopoulos, 2007. An alternative to the Mononobe–Okabe
equations for seismic earth pressures, Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 27, 957-969.
NIST, 2012. Soil-structure interaction for building structures, Report No. NIST GCR 12-917-21, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington
Novak, M, 1974. Dynamic stiffness and damping of piles, Can. Geotech. J., 11, 574-598.
Okabe, S 1926. General theory of earth pressure and seismic stability of retaining wall and dam. J. Japanese
Society of Civil Engineering, 12 (4), 34-41.
Ostadan F, 2005, Seismic soil pressure for building walls – an updated approach, Soil Dyn. Earthquake
Eng., 25, 785-793.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Palmer, MC, TD O'Rourke, NA Olson, and T Abdoun, 2009. Tactile pressure sensors for soil-structure
interaction assessment, J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 135(11), 1638-1645.
Rathje, EM, F Faraj, S Russell, and JD Bray, 2004. Empirical relationships for frequency content
parameters of earthquake ground motions, Earthquake Spectra, 20 (1), 119-144.
Richardt, R and D Elms, 1979. Seismic behavior of gravity retaining walls, J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE,
105(4), 449-464.
Seed, HB and RV Whitman, 1970. Design of earth retaining structures for dynamic loads. Proc., ASCE
Specialty Conf. on Lateral Stresses in the Ground and Design of Earth Retaining Structures, Vol. 1, pp.
103-147, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.
Steedman, RS and X Zeng, 1990. The influence of phase on the calculation of pseudo-static earth pressure
on a retaining wall. Geotechnique, 40(1), 103-112.
Veletsos AS and AH Younan, 1994. Dynamic soil pressures on rigid retaining walls. Earthquake Eng.
Struct. Dyn., 23 (3), 275-301.
Vrettos C, DE Beskos, T Triantafyllidis, 2016. Seismic pressures on rigid cantilever walls retaining elastic
continuously non-homogeneous soil: An exact solution. Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng, 82, 142-153.
Wagner, N and N Sitar, 2016. On seismic response of stiff and flexible retaining structures. Soil Dyn.
Earthquake Eng. 91, 284-293.
Wood, JH, 1973. Earthquake induced soil pressures on structures, Report No. EERL 73-05, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.
Xu, SY, A Shamsabadi, E Taciroglu, 2015. Evaluation of active and passive seismic earth pressures
considering internal friction and cohesion, Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 70, 30-47.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5


During the 2020 NEHRP update cycle, a series of proposals was considered by the Provisions Update
Committee, intending to revise ASCE 7 (ASCE, 2017) methods for calculating design story drift. These
proposals would have required that drifts calculated at strength level seismic forces be amplified by the
ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 R-factor for the applicable system, rather than the Cd factor. This concept was
incorporated into a series of change proposals, each addressing a different ASCE 7 limitation related to
design story drift; the provisions that would have been affected are discussed in Section RP5-3 of this paper.
During discussion of these proposals the question arose as to whether or not current ASCE 7 provisions and
Cd factors reasonably estimate design story drift (at design earthquake, two-thirds MCER). This question in
turn led to an effort to collect available information from numerical studies and testing. During this process
it was realized that definitively answering this question was a larger and more complicated effort than could
be achieved within the NEHRP Provisions update cycle.
This resource paper has been developed by a sub-group of Issue Team 2 with the intent to document
the questions that arose regarding calculation of design story drift, relevant background information, and
analysis and testing information found to be available during the update cycle. In addition and most
importantly, this resource paper recommends further steps needed in order to determine whether a change
in calculation of design story drift is warranted. Section RP5-2 of this resource paper provides background,
including a brief history of calculation of design story drift, viewpoints on this issue, and resulting
questions. Section RP5-3 of this resource paper summarizes current ASCE 7 provisions addressing
estimation of drift and drift limits. Section RP5-4 of this resource paper discusses the sources of information
identified, initial indications from this data, and identified limitations to the data. Section RP5-5 of this
resource paper contains recommended next steps. This documentation is being provided to support future
studies in this area.

The calculation of the current ASCE 7 design story drifts was first introduced in the Tentative Provisions
for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings (ATC 3-10/ NBS 510/ NSF 78-8) (ATC, 1978).
This publication introduced the Cd deflection amplification factor and provided both R and Cd factors for
each listed seismic force-resisting system, very similar to the current ASCE 7. The commentary to this
document, however, does not provide background on the development of listed Cd factors. The inclusion of
Cd factors continued in the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations
for New Buildings (FEMA, various) that evolved from ATC 3-06.
The same concept of amplifying the design level drift was first brought into the Uniform Building Code
(UBC) (ICBO, 1997) in the 1997 Edition as part of a correlation effort between the UBC seismic provisions
and the most current NEHRP Provisions. This replaced calculation of drift at ASD or strength level design
forces without amplification, required in previous UBC editions. Commentary documenting inclusion of
deflection amplification factors in the UBC can be found in Sections 105.9 and C105.9 of the 1999 SEAOC
Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary (SEAOC, 1999). Similar to the 1997 UBC
recognition of anticipated seismic forces using 0 factors, the intent was to require explicit determination
of the anticipated building drift. The story drift at design level seismic forces was calculated as the drift at
design level seismic forces times 0.7R. The equation is noted in the SEAOC publication to provide “…a
reasonable approximation of the maximum inelastic response displacement for regular buildings. This
relation is based on the accumulated research of the past 30 years and on the intent (for the present time) to
maintain parity with previous drift limitation requirements.” The SEAOC publication goes on to cite studies

2020 NEHRP Provisions

by Miranda and Bertero (1994) that indicate a range of inelastic drifts can be expected, varying by building
type. It notes that the valued 0.7R was selected as an average representation of the inelastic drift.
The International Building Code (IBC) included the Cd parameter, rather than the 0.7R factor used
in the UBC. For several of the listed seismic force-resisting systems, the Cd and 0.7R values are
approximately equal, while for several others Cd is close to or equal to 1.0R. Since the development of the
1997 UBC, additional testing and analytical studies have become available and have emphasized the
approximate nature of this calculation method, and the many characteristics of buildings that can cause
The impetus for the 2020 NEHRP update cycle proposed changes from currently tabulated C d
factors to factors equal to R is rooted in the widely recognized “equal displacement rule,” (or Newmark
Rule) whereby, for elastic-plastic (bi-linear or tri-linear) single degree of freedom models, the peak inelastic
drift can roughly be expected to equal the computed elastic drift multiplied by the reduction factor used to
compute the design forces for linear analysis (the R-factor). Studies such as FEMA 440 (FEMA, 2005) and
NIST GCR 12-917-20 (NIST, 2012) have demonstrated that peak drift computed from a nonlinear analysis
of a multi-degree of freedom system is not dependent on a single factor for each type of structural system.
Instead it depends on the fundamental period of the structure, type of structural system, higher mode effects,
the inherent damping of the seismic force resisting system and non-structural components (e.g. cladding),
site conditions, the response of the foundation system including soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects, the
characteristics of the ground motion (i.e. spectral intensity, duration), and in-cycle degradation of the
seismic force resisting system. Taken collectively, the amplification factors derived in these studies suggest
that Cd should at least equal R for long period structures and greater than R for short period structures. The
results of these studies collectively suggest that the Cd factors found in ASCE 7 underestimate true peak
inelastic displacements, as shown in Figure 1 (FEMA P695 Figure 1.1), and should be modified to provide
a better estimate of inelastic displacements.

FIGURE 1 Illustration of seismic performance factors (R, 0, Cd) as defined in the
Commentary to the NEHRP Recommended Provisions (FEMA P695).
An alternate viewpoint looks at the methods by which design earthquake drifts are actually calculated
across different materials and representative layouts of seismic force-resisting systems. This viewpoint
recognizes that studies like FEMA 440 are primarily founded on analyses of single and multi-degree-of-
freedom systems where the hysteretic behavior of the system is modeled to be bi or tri-linear. “Real”
structural behavior, particularly with respect to when the structural system “yields”, is much more
complicated than these models assume. This view point also recognizes that while the Newmark Rule was

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

based on amplification of an elastic drift, current material design standard methods for calculating story
drift at strength level seismic forces are based on elastic response for some materials (e.g. steel structures),
but incorporate inelastic response for other materials (e.g. light-frame shear wall systems and concrete
From the data collected, as discussed in Section RP5-4, it can be seen that modeled non-linear
displacements of representative structural designs and full scale shake table tests are widely varying and
not consistent with Figure 1. In this case, the question of whether ASCE 7 provisions are currently
adequately estimating design story drift is best determined by comparing estimates of drift from design
calculations with available predictions of drift from nonlinear response-history analysis (NLRHA) and
Another related point of discussion is whether it is most appropriate to be imposing drift limitations
at the design earthquake (DE, two-thirds MCER), or if MCER is the real seismic level of interest.
Contributing to this question is a concern that the drift increase between DE and MCER might be
significantly larger than the factor of 1.5 increase in force level because significant degradation can occur
in some seismic force-resisting systems at MCER level ground motions. This has led to an interest in
studying mean drift levels at MCER, in addition to DE, in order to better quantify their relationship.
Another point of discussion that came up during the process of collecting data is whether it might
be appropriate to vary the Cd factor by story level. This was in part due to a repeated pattern of drift ratio
variation over the height of a building.


Thirty-two ASCE 7 seismic design provisions were identified as addressing either determination of design
story drift or related limitations imposed in the process of seismic design. Full details of the 32 provisions
can be found in Table A-1. While the approximate nature of calculated seismic deflections and design story
drifts is understood, the impact of significantly under-estimating or over-estimating of drifts can vary.
Of most significant and understandable concern is the calculation of displacement demand on
bridges and other structural elements that span between structures. These elements could lose gravity
support and fall if design story drifts are significantly underestimated. Section 12.12.4 of ASCE 7-16
requires that drifts be magnified by 1.5 to account for the difference between the DE and MCE R, and requires
that the drifts be further amplified by R/Cd.
Also of significant concern is the comparison of design story drifts with the ability of gravity
systems to carry gravity load at those drifts; underestimation of design story drifts could lead to partial or
global collapse.
The level of concern is less clear for calculation of building separations required for independent
response of adjoining buildings, as pounding is not always an adverse behavior. As a result, the level of
concern in exceeding the ASCE 7 Table 12.12-1 allowable story drifts is not clear. Given all of the other
checks on drift that occur in ASCE 7 at this time, the purpose served by these limits is not clear.
A number of additional provisions address design of various nonstructural components in
structures. With the range of drift-based requirements, and the significant concern for several of them, it
may seem best to err on the conservative side and plan to overestimate design story drifts. Overestimation
could have a significant affect, however, on the ability to build with the systems that currently have seismic
design controlled by drift (i.e. design needs to be increased above minimum strength requirements in order
to meet drift requirements), as well as broadening the groups of systems and structures that would be drift
controlled. The range of permitted sizes and configurations of structures could be significantly reduced
from current practice, and designers using such systems will look for confirmation that further limits are
necessary. One of the systems types that is likely to be affected is light frame construction (wood or cold-

2020 NEHRP Provisions

formed steel) where lower stories in multi-story buildings are often drift controlled. For this reason,
adequate study of the need for revision to current design story drift requirements is suggested.

Data sets that were identified as being available during the 2020 update cycle included the following:
• Numerical studies using NLRHA of one- to four-story wood light-frame shear wall buildings, as
part of analytical studies of wood-frame structures for the ATC project titled “Solutions to the
Issues of Short-Period Building Seismic Performance” (ATC-116 Project) (ATC,2017).
• NLRHA models developed by Magnusson Klemencic Associates for design of new structures:
o Composite BRBF, 240 feet
o Composite SMF, 240 feet
o BRBF, 240 feet
o Concrete Shear wall, 400 feet
• NLRHA models developed by Degenkolb Engineers for design of new buildings:
o Concrete Shear Wall
• NLRHA numerical studies of steel special moment frame structures conducted by NIST as part of
a study to benchmark ASCE 41 performance-based design methodologies against code provisions
used for design of new buildings (NIST Technical Notes 1863-1, 1863-2, 2015):
o SMF, ELF, 8 stories
o SMF, RSA, 8 stories
• Testing of a cold-formed steel structure conducted by Ben Schafer et al. as part of the NEES funded
CFS-NEES project titled “Advancing Cold-Formed Steel Earthquake Engineering.”
o CFS shear wall building, 2 stories
• NLRHA numerical studies of steel concentric braced frames from Hsiao, Lehman and Roeder
o SCBF, 3 stories
o SCBF, 9 stories
o SCBF, 20 stories
• NLRHA numerical studies of reinforced concrete shear wall structures featuring new modeling
methods to capture strength losses (Lehman, Lowes and Marifi, publication pending).
o 6, 8 and 12 stories
• NLRHA numerical studies of ductile coupled concrete shear wall structures (Tauberg et al., 2019).
• NLRHA numerical studies of special coupled steel plate shear wall structures (Kizilarslan et al.,
2018, 2019).
Information available varied in type and level of detail, and the modeling approaches and assumptions
were not scrutinized. For these reasons it was decided to not draw more than very initial observations from
the data group. Instead, a more detailed study is recommended. Selected portions of information collected
are summarized in spread sheet form in Tables B-1 to B-4.
The initial observations indicated no clear trend from the data collected. The data from the steel
moment frame and steel concentrically braced frame examples (NIST 2015a, 2015b) generally suggests
that the peak inelastic displacements should be larger than computed based on elastic displacement and
currently defined Cd factors. However, these results need to be viewed with the qualification that many of
these models recorded very high drifts and had experienced significant damage and degradation suggesting

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

that they were near or beyond collapse. As a result, further review of these models is needed before
conclusions are drawn from them.
Light framed structures generally demonstrated the opposite (based on data from ATC, 2017), and
suggest that the peak non-linear displacements should be substantially smaller than the computed design
story drift. One rationale for this observation is that these types of structures are highly non-linear at very
low levels of displacement. The strength-level displacement that is computed involves factors like nail slip
that are inherently non-linear at small displacements; such that calculation of an elastic stiffness is not
possible. Because of this, design story drifts calculated using a secant stiffness and then amplified by Cd
can significantly over estimate those seen in analytical studies. Also to be considered in wood light-frame
studies is the significant difference in reported peak drifts between analytical models that include exterior
and interior wall finish materials (gypsum wallboard, stucco, etc.) and those that do not.


It is recommended that a definitive set of data be collected by which the adequacy of current ASCE 7
provisions for estimation of design story drift can be judged. Once the data is collected, this can serve as a
technical basis from which to evaluate whether or not there is a driving need to change to the way drifts are
estimated using current code procedures. The exact basis of such decisions will need to be made by those
conducting the further study and based on knowledge gained from the collected data.
NLRHA data remains the most widely available source of information, supplemented by data from a
limited number of full-scale tests. For each structure for which data will be used, sufficient information is
needed to review in some detail the design process and resulting estimation of drift and the NLRHA or test
data in order to verify it is appropriate to include in the data set. Further, it is found that most NLRHA
studies available were focused on behavior at MCER more than DE. As a result, it is believed that additional
post-processing of data will be needed to extract DE information in addition to MCER. Further, the data
sets available did not necessarily have individual story data. In some cases roof drifts were the only data
point available. It would be of value in these cases to collect individual story drift in addition to roof drift.
The following are identified as information to be collected:
General Information
Seismic Force Resisting System
Number of stories
Roof height above base
Seismic Design Information
Response Modification Factor, R
Base Shear and analysis approach (ELF, MRSA, etc.)
Base Shear Coefficient
Strength level calculated story drifts (per story)
Design Story Drift using Cd

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Numerical Model Information

Model Period X and Y direction
Model Period Type (initial or effective at DE)
DE predicted mean story drifts
DE predicted mean roof drift
MCER predicted mean story drifts
MCER predicted roof drift
It is understood that fully detailed outputs of NLRHA results are not commonly retained due to the
large volume of the data. For this reason it is anticipated that future data collection will entail rerunning of
analyses using the already developed models and extracting of relevant data.
Data from instrumented buildings that experienced ground shaking at levels near DE or higher would
also provide valuable information.
In the process of studying these changes, consideration might potentially also be given to other
fundamental changes that are suggested by studies such as NIST GCR 12-917-20, including explicit
analysis at the MCER versus the DE, period-dependent R-factors, and recalibration of the R-factors and
height limits in ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1.

ATC, 1978. Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings (ATC 3-06,
NBS 510, NSF 78-8), Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, CA.
ASCE, 2017. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, 2016
Edition (ASCE7-16), American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
ATC, 2017. Developing Solutions to the Short-Period building Performance Paradox: Study for Wood
Light-Frame Buildings, Workshop Draft - 2017, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, CA.
FEMA, 2005. Improvement of Nonlinear Static Seismic Analysis Procedures (FEMA 440). Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
FEMA, 2009. Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors (FEMA P-695), Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, DC.
Hsiao, Lehman and Roeder, 2013. “Evaluation of the response modification coefficient and collapse
potential of special concentrically braced frames,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
(42:1547-1564), International Association of Earthquake Engineering, X, X.
Kizilarslan, E., Seo, J., Broberg, M., Shafaei, S., Varma, A.H., Bruneau, M., (2018). ―R-Factors for
Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls—Concrete Filled (Coupled-C-PSW/CF), Interim Project Report #2,
Submitted to the Charles Pankow Foundation for CPF research grant #06-16.
Kizilarslan, E., Seo, J., Broberg, M., Shafaei, S., Varma, A.H., Bruneau, M., (2019). ―Seismic Design
Coefficients and Factors for Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls—Concrete Filled (Coupled-C-
PSW/CF), to be published.
NIST, 2012. Tentative Framework for Development of Advanced Seismic Design Criteria for New
Buildings (NIST GCR 12-917-20), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
NIST, 2015a. Assessment of First Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Methodologies for New
Steel Buildings, Volume 1: Special Moment Frames (Technical Note 1863-1), National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

NIST, 2015b. Assessment of First Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Methodologies for New
Steel Buildings, Volume 1: Special Concentrically Braced Frames (Technical Note 1863-2), National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
ICBO, 1997. Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, International Conference of Building Officials,
Whittier, CA.
SEAOC, 1999. Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary, 1999 Edition (SEAOC
Bluebook), Structural Engineers Association of California, Sacramento, CA.
Miranda and Bertero, 1994. “Evolution of Strength Reduction Factors for Earthquake-Resistant Design,”
Earthquake Spectra, Vol 10, No.2, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, Ca.
Tauberg, N.A., Kolozvari, K., and Wallace, J.W. (2019). “Ductile Reinforced Concrete Coupled Walls:
P695 Study”. Draft Final Report (90%), Report No. SEERL 2019-XX, University of California, Los
Angeles, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 106pp.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Table A-1 Seismic Design Story Drift Related Provisions in ASCE 7-16
Section Topic Provision Comments

2.12.1 Story Drift The design story drift () as If Cd were modified without modifying
Limit determined in Sections 12.8.6, 12.9.1, Table 12.12-1, drift controlled systems
or 12.9.2 shall not exceed the would be required to be designed with a
allowable story drift (a) as obtained higher effective base shear.
from Table 12.12-1 for any story.

12.12.3 Structural All portions of the structure shall be The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Separation designed and constructed to act as an to increase the structural separation and
integral unit in resisting seismic require larger offsets from property lines
forces unless separated structurally by in buildings comprised of many seismic
a distance sufficient to avoid force-resisting systems. There are
damaging contact as set forth in this inherent inconsistencies with regard to the
section. purpose of the building code in this
Separations shall allow for the structural separation provision. For one,
maximum inelastic response this provision provides more reliability
displacement (M). M shall be against a building drifting beyond the
determined at critical locations with property line than it does for protecting
consideration for translational and adjacent buildings from pounding by
torsional displacements of the allowing the sum root square on
structure including torsional displacements for adjacent buildings.
amplifications, where applicable, From the perspective of safety and
using the following equation: collapse reliability, there is no rational
𝐶 𝛿 reason to allow the sum root square on
𝛿𝑀 = 𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑥 (12.12-1)
𝐼𝑒 displacement. Furthermore, this provision
where max = maximum elastic protects buildings from contacting one
displacement at the critical location. another in the design basis earthquake and
Adjacent structures on the same not the MCER. If we are to believe that
property shall be separated by at least building pounding is a collapse hazard and
MT, determined as follows: are to believe that the intent of the code is
𝛿𝑀𝑇 = √(𝛿𝑀1 ) + (𝛿𝑀2 ) 2 to prevent collapse at the MCER, then the
MCER drifts should be considered
(12.12-2) explicitly.
where M1 and M2 are the maximum
inelastic response displacements of The reality is that building pounding is not
the adjacent structures at their necessarily a collapse hazard, and quite
adjacent edges. often is not a significant concern. It would
Where a structure adjoins a property be entirely possible to compile a list of
line not common to a public way, the prescriptive requirements that would
structure shall be set back from the exempt buildings from the offset
property line by at least the requirements. However, given how
displacement M of that structure. political this issue would be, to suggest a
EXCEPTION: Smaller separations or code change proposal without research
property line setbacks are permitted would be imprudent. This important issue
where justified by rational analysis warrants further study. However, in the
based on inelastic response to design interim, there is no rational reason why we
ground motions. should be providing significantly more
reliability of buildings with certain
systems from pounding (those with Cd/R
ratios near 1), than others. Consequently,
while the effect of making Cd = R with
respect to structural separations is

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

significant, it would be warranted if and
where supported by collected data.

12.12.4 Members Gravity connections or supports for This provision currently requires that Cd
Spanning members spanning between equal R and requires that the building drift
Between structures or seismically separate be multiplied by the ratio of R/Cd. This
Structures portions of structures shall be provision also recognizes that the code
designed for the maximum intends to protect against collapse at the
anticipated relative displacements. MCER by requiring the drifts be
These displacements shall be multiplied by 1.5. Consequently, this
calculated as follows: provision would be modified should Cd be
set equal to R by simply not requiring
1. Using the deflection calculated
drifts be multiplied by R/Cd.The
at the locations of support, per Eq.
implication of this provision is that
(12.8-15) multiplied by 1.5R/Cd,
members spanning between adjacent
2. Considering additional structures do not have (or are not
deflection caused by diaphragm connected in a way that possesses) any
rotation including the torsional reliable inherent ductility, and recognizes
amplification factor calculated per the consequence of these elements failing.
Section where either This provision is an important point of
structure is torsionally irregular, comparison with respect to other
provisions that are affected by building
3. Considering diaphragm drift.
deformations, and
4. Assuming that the two
structures are moving in opposite
directions and using the absolute sum
of the displacements.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

12.12.5 Deformation For structures assigned to Seismic The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Compatibility Design Category D, E, or F, every to increase the drift at which deformation
for Seismic structural component not included in compatibility is checked in buildings
Design the seismic force-resisting system in comprised of many seismic force-resisting
Categories D
through F
the direction under consideration systems. Because elements not designed
shall be designed to be adequate for as part of the seismic force-resisting
the gravity load effects and the system are largely designed independently
seismic forces resulting from of the seismic force-resisting system, there
displacement caused by the design is no rational reason why, should collected
story drift () as determined in data warrant assignment of Cd = R, these
accordance with Section 12.8.6 (see elements and connections would be
also Section 12.12.1). designed with more reliability in buildings
EXCEPTION: Reinforced concrete with systems with Cd/R ratios close to 1
frame members not designed as part than in other buildings
of the seismic force-resisting system Given that deformation compatibility is
shall comply with Section 18.14 of not assessed at the MCER, the implication
ACI 318. of this provision is that components that
Where determining the moments and are not part of the seismic force-resisting
shears induced in components that are system possess inherent ductility. While
not included in the seismic force- this is certainly almost always the case,
resisting system in the direction under especially for elements and connections
consideration, the stiffening effects of detailed to today’s material standards, this
adjoining rigid structural and is an important point of comparison with
nonstructural elements shall be respect to other provisions that are
considered, and a rational value of affected by building drift.
member and restraint stiffness shall
be used.

13.1.7 Reference Where a reference document provides The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Documents a basis for the earthquake-resistant to increase the drift at which interactions
design of a particular type of discussed in Item 2 are checked
nonstructural component, that
document is permitted to be used,
subject to the approval of the
Authority Having Jurisdiction and the
following conditions:
1. The design earthquake forces shall
not be less than those determined in
accordance with Section 13.3.1.
2. Each nonstructural component’s
seismic interactions with all other
connected components and with the
supporting structure shall be
accounted for in the design. The
component shall accommodate drifts,
deflections, and relative
displacements determined in
accordance with the applicable

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

seismic requirements of this standard.
3. Nonstructural component
anchorage requirements shall not be
less than those specified in Section

13.1.8 Reference The component shall also The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Documents accommodate the relative to increase the seismic relative
Using displacements specified in displacement in most cases, assuming the
Allowable Section 13.3.2. drift limits are revised to reflect the higher
Stress Design
design drifts.

13.3.2 Seismic Procedures for determining seismic The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Relative relative displacements, Dp, within and to increase the seismic relative
Displacements between structures. Dp is a function displacement in most cases, assuming the
of either the design story drift, which drift limits are revised to reflect the higher
is a function of Cd, or the story drift design drifts.
limit, which is not.

13.5.2 Forces and Architectural components that could The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Displacements pose a life-safety hazard shall be to increase the seismic relative
(Architectural designed to accommodate the seismic displacement in most cases, assuming the
Components) relative displacement requirements of drift limits are revised to reflect the higher
Section 13.3.2. Architectural design drifts.
components shall be designed
considering vertical deflection caused
by joint rotation of cantilever
structural members.

13.5.3 Exterior Exterior nonstructural wall panels or The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Nonstructural elements that are attached to or to increase the seismic relative
Wall Elements enclose the structure shall be designed displacement in most cases, assuming the
and to accommodate the seismic relative drift limits are revised to reflect the higher
displacements defined in Section design drifts since designers have the
13.3.2 and movements caused by option to design to the drift limits rather
temperature changes. Such elements than the design drift.
shall be supported by means of
positive and direct structural supports
or by mechanical connections and
fasteners in accordance with the
following requirements:
1. Connections and panel joints shall
allow for the story drift caused by
relative seismic displacements (Dpl)
determined in Section 13.3.2, or 0.5
in. (13 mm), whichever is greater.
2. Connections accommodating story
drift through sliding mechanisms or

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

bending of threaded steel rods shall
satisfy the following:
a. Threaded rods or bolts shall be
fabricated of low-carbon or stainless
steel. Where cold-worked carbon
steel threaded rods are used, the rods
as fabricated shall meet or exceed the
reduction of area, elongation, and
tensile strength requirements of
ASTM F1554, Grade 36. Grade 55
rods shall also be permitted provided
that they meet the requirements of
Supplement 1; and
b. Where threaded rods connecting
the panel to the supports are used in
connections using slotted or oversize
holes, the rods shall have length to
diameter ratios of 4 or less, where the
length is the clear distance between
the nuts or threaded plates. The slots
or oversized holes shall be
proportioned to accommodate the full
in-plane design story drift in each
direction, the nuts shall be installed
finger-tight, and a positive means to
prevent the nut from backing off shall
be used; and
c. Connections that accommodate
story drift by bending of threaded
rods shall satisfy Eq. (13.5-1):
(L/d)/Dpl > 6.0 [1/in.]

13.5.4 Glass Glass in glazed curtain walls and The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
storefronts shall be designed and to increase the seismic relative
installed to accommodate without displacement in most cases, assuming the
breakage or dislodgement the relative drift limits are revised to reflect the higher
displacement requirement of Section design drifts since designers have the
13.5.9. option to design to the drift limits rather
Where glass is secured to the window than the design drift.
system framing by means of structural
sealant glazing, the requirements
contained in the reference standards
listed in Table 13.5-2 shall also apply.

13.5.5 Out-of-Plane Transverse or out-of-plane bending or Depending on the configuration of the

Bending deformation of a component or component, the effect of the Cd = R
(Architectural system that is subjected to forces as proposal would be to increase the seismic
Components) determined in Section 13.5.2 shall not relative displacement, assuming the drift
exceed the deflection capability of the limits are revised to reflect the higher
component or system. design drifts since designers have the
option to design to the drift limits rather
than the design drift.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

13.5.9 Glass in Glass in glazed curtain walls, glazed The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Glazed storefronts, and glazed partitions shall to increase the seismic relative
Curtain meet the relative displacement displacement in most cases, assuming the
Walls, requirement of Eq. (13.5-2): drift limits are revised to reflect the higher
Glazed design drifts since designers have the
Storefronts, fallout > 1.25 Dpl option to design to the drift limits rather
and Glazed than the design drift.

13.5.10 Egress Stairs Egress stairs and ramps not part of the This provision requires that Cd be closer to
and Ramps seismic force-resisting system of the R and requires that the building drift be
structure to which they are attached multiplied by 1.5 for certain types of
shall be detailed to accommodate the connections. It requires ductile
seismic relative displacements, Dpl, connections to the structure or increased
defined in Section 13.3.2 including bearing lengths for stairs, and increases
diaphragm deformation. The net lateral forces for stairs that are not
relative displacement shall be provided with ductile or sliding
assumed to occur in any horizontal connections by a factor of at least 2.5.
direction. Such elements shall be
supported by means of positive and
direct structural supports or by
mechanical connections and fasteners
in accordance with the following
a. Sliding connections with slotted or
oversize holes, sliding bearing
supports with keeper assemblies or
end stops, and connections that permit
movement by deformation of metal
attachments, shall accommodate a
displacement , but not less than 0.5 in.
(13 mm), without loss of vertical
support or inducement of
displacement-related compression
forces in the stair.
b. Sliding bearing supports without
keeper assemblies or end stops shall
be designed to accommodate a
displacement, but not less than 1.0 in.
(25 mm) without loss of vertical
support. Breakaway restraints are
permitted if their failure does not lead
to loss of vertical support.
c. Metal supports shall be designed
with rotation capacity to
accommodate seismic relative
displacements as defined in item b.
The strength of such metal supports
shall not be limited by bolt shear,
weld fracture, or other brittle modes.
d. All fasteners and attachments such
as bolts, inserts, welds, dowels, and
anchors shall be designed for the

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

seismic design forces determined in
accordance with Section 13.3.1 with
Rp, ap, and 0 as given in Table 13.5-
EXCEPTION: If sliding or ductile
connections are not provided to
accommodate seismic relative
displacements, the stiffness and
strength of the stair or ramp structure
shall be included in the building
structural model of Section 12.7.3,
and the stair shall be designed with
0 corresponding to the seismic
force-resisting system but not less
than 2-one-half.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

13.6.2 Mechanical HVACR ductwork shall meet the The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Components requirements of Section 13.6.6. to increase the seismic relative
Piping systems shall meet the displacement for components with Ip
requirements of Section 13.6.7. greater than 1.0, assuming the drift limits
Boilers and vessels shall meet the are revised to reflect the higher design
requirements of Section 13.6.10. drifts since designers have the option to
Elevators shall meet the requirements design to the drift limits rather than the
of Section 13.6.11. All other design drift.
mechanical components shall meet
the requirements of Section 13.6.13.
Mechanical components with Ip
greater than 1.0 shall be designed for
the seismic forces and relative
displacements defined in Sections
13.3.1 and 13.3.2 and shall satisfy the
following additional requirements:
Provision shall be made to eliminate
seismic impact for components
vulnerable to impact, for components
constructed of nonductile materials,
and in cases where material ductility
will be reduced because of service
conditions (e.g., low-temperature
applications).The possibility of loads
imposed on components by attached
utility or service lines, caused by
differential movement of support
points on separate structures, shall be
evaluated.Where piping or HVACR
ductwork components are attached to
structures that could displace relative
to one another and for isolated
structures where such components
cross the isolation interface, the
components shall be designed to
accommodate the seismic relative
displacements defined in Section

13.6.3 Electrical Conduit, cable tray and raceways The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Components shall meet the requirements of Section to increase the seismic relative
13.6.5. Utility and service lines shall displacement for components with Ip
meet the requirements of Section greater than 1.0, assuming the drift limits
13.6.9. Other electrical components are revised to reflect the higher design
shall meet the requirements of Section drifts since designers have the option to
13.6.13. All electrical components design to the drift limits rather than the
with Ip greater than 1.0 shall be design drift.
designed for the seismic forces and
relative displacements defined in
Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2 and shall
satisfy the following additional
requirements ... Where conduit, cable
trays, or similar electrical distribution

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

components are attached to structures
that could displace relative to one
another and for isolated structures
where such components cross the
isolation interface, the components
shall be designed to accommodate the
seismic relative displacements
defined in Section 13.3.2

13.6.4 Component Mechanical and electrical component The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Supports supports (including those with Ip=1.0) to increase the seismic relative
and the means by which they are displacement for components, assuming
attached to the component shall be the drift limits are revised to reflect the
designed for the forces and higher design drifts since designers have
displacements determined in Sections the option to design to the drift limits
13.3.1 and 13.3.2. Such supports rather than the design drift.
include structural members, braces,
frames, skirts, legs, saddles,
pedestals, cables, guys, stays,
snubbers, tethers, and elements
forged or cast as a part of the
mechanical or electrical component.

13.6.5 Distribution Cable trays and raceways shall be The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Systems: designed for seismic forces and to increase the seismic relative
Conduit, seismic relative displacements as displacement for components, assuming
Cable Tray, required in Section 13.3. the drift limits are revised to reflect the
and higher design drifts since designers have
Raceways. the option to design to the drift limits
rather than the design drift. There are
however a number of exceptions for
conduit, cable trays and raceways based
on size and geometry.

13.6.6 Distribution HVACR and other duct systems shall The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Systems: be designed for seismic forces and to increase the seismic relative
Duct Systems seismic relative displacements as displacement for components, assuming
required in Section 13.3. the drift limits are revised to reflect the
higher design drifts since designers have
the option to design to the drift limits
rather than the design drift. There are
however a number of exceptions for duct
systems based on size and geometry.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

13.6.7 Distribution Unless otherwise noted in this The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Systems: section, piping and tubing systems to increase the seismic relative
Piping and shall be designed for the seismic displacement for components, assuming
Tubing forces and seismic relative the drift limits are revised to reflect the
Systems. displacements of Section 13.3. ASME higher design drifts since designers have
pressure piping systems shall satisfy the option to design to the drift limits
the requirements of Section rather than the design drift. There are
Fire protection sprinkler piping shall however a number of exceptions for
satisfy the requirements of Section piping and tubing systems based on size, Elevator system piping shall geometry, and the nature of the
satisfy the requirements of Section connections to equipment.

13.6.10 Boilers and Boilers or pressure vessels designed The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Pressure and constructed in accordance with to increase the seismic relative
Vessels ASME BPVC shall be deemed to displacement for components, assuming
meet the force, displacement, and the drift limits are revised to reflect the
other requirements of this section. In higher design drifts since designers have
lieu of the specific force and the option to design to the drift limits
displacement requirements provided rather than the design drift.
in ASME BPVC, the force and
displacement requirements of
Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2 shall be
used. Materials that meet the
toughness requirements of ASME
BPVC shall be considered high-
deformability materials. Other boilers
and pressure vessels designated as
having an Ip = 1.5, but not designed
and constructed in accordance with
the requirements of ASME BPVC,
shall comply with the requirements of
Section 13.6.13.

13.6.11 Elevator and Elevators and escalators designed in The effect of the Cd = R proposal would be
Escalator accordance with the seismic to increase the seismic relative
Design requirements of ASME A17.1 shall displacement for components, assuming
Requirements be deemed to meet the seismic force the drift limits are revised to reflect the
requirements of this section, except as higher design drifts since designers have
modified in the following text. The the option to design to the drift limits
exceptions of Section shall rather than the design drift.
not apply to elevator piping. Escalators, Elevators, and
Hoistway Structural Systems.
Escalators, elevators, and hoistway
structural systems shall be designed to
meet the force and displacement
requirements of Sections 13.3.1 and
13.3.2. Elevator Equipment and
Controller Supports and Attachments.
Elevator equipment and controller
supports and attachments shall be

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

designed to meet the force and
displacement requirements of
Sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.2.

13.6.12 Rooftop Solar Rooftop solar panels and their Due to the nature of roof top panel
Panels attachments shall be designed for the installations, the change of Cd=R will have
forces and displacements determined little effect. In addition, most arrays are
in Section 13.3. designed using an exception that permits
the use of ballasted, unanchored arrays.

15.4.5 Drift Limit The drift limit of Section 12.12.1 need The effect of setting Cd = R would be to
not apply to nonbuilding structures if increase the drift at which P-delta is
a rational analysis indicates that they accounted for in nonbuilding structures.
can be exceeded without adversely This implication seems minor.
affecting structural stability or
attached or interconnected
components and elements such as
walkways and piping. P-delta effects
shall be considered where they are
critical to the function or stability of
the structure. P-delta effects, when
considered, shall be based on
displacements determined by an
elastic analysis multiplied by using
the appropriate value from Tables
12.2-1, 15.4-1, or 15.4-2.

15.4.7 Drift, Drift, deflection, and structure The impact to related provisions such as
Deflection, separation calculated using strength separation would have a similar impact as
and Structure level seismic forces shall be the Structural Provisions in Chapter 12.
Separation determined in accordance with this
standard unless specifically amended
in Chapter 15.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

15.5.2 Pipe Racks In addition to the requirements of Pipe racks are explicitly required to be
Section 15.5.1, pipe racks supported designed for interaction effects. The
at the base of the structure shall be effect of making Cd = R would be to
designed to meet the force effectively increase the separation
requirements of Section 12.8 or between pipe racks constructed using
12.9.1. Displacements of the pipe certain seismic systems. Most
rack and potential for interaction cantilevered rack systems per table 15.4-1
effects (pounding of the piping contain ordinary detailing whereby Cd is
system) shall be considered using the already equal to R. Consequently, there
amplified deflections obtained from would be no net effect for most racks.
the following equation:
x = Cd se / Ie (15.5-1)
Cd = deflection amplification factor
in Table 15.4-1;
se = deflections determined using the
prescribed seismic design forces of
this standard; and
Ie = Importance Factor determined in
accordance with Section
See Section 13.6.2 for the design of
piping systems and their attachments.
Friction resulting from gravity loads
shall not be considered to provide
resistance to seismic forces.

15.5.5 Structural c. Seismic displacements of the tank These provisions clarifies that the
Towers for and vessel shall consider the deformation of the support structure needs
Tanks and deformation of the support structure to be considered when calculating the
Vessels where determining P-delta effects or displacement of the tank/vessel. The
evaluating required clearances to effect of making Cd = R is discussed in the
prevent pounding of the tank on the P-delta provision and Tank and Vessel
structure. P-delta effects shall be Provision.
based on displacements determined
by an elastic analysis multiplied by
Cd/Ie using the appropriate Cd value
from Table 15.4-2.
Tanks and vessels supported by
structural towers that are integral to
the tank or vessel shall be designed
according to Section

15.6.2 Chimneys Chimneys and stacks are permitted to Chimneys and stacks are required to be
and Stacks be either lined or unlined and shall be designed for structural separation. The
constructed from concrete, steel, or effects of making Cd = R would be to
masonry. Steel stacks, concrete effectively increase the separation
stacks, steel chimneys, concrete between stacks constructed using certain
chimneys, and liners shall be seismic systems.
designed to resist seismic lateral
forces determined from a
substantiated analysis using reference
documents. Interaction of the stack or
chimney with the liners shall be

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

considered. A minimum separation
shall be provided between the liner
and chimney equal to Cd times the
calculated differential lateral drift.

15.7.4 Flexibility of Design of piping systems connected Seismic interaction effects are required to
Piping to tanks and vessels shall consider the be considered for the attachment of piping
Attachments potential movement of the connection to tanks and vessels. Because the support
points during earthquakes and structures for tanks and vessels could be
provide sufficient flexibility to avoid comprised of special type detailing where
release of the product by failure of the currently Cd < R, the effect of changing Cd
piping system. The piping system and = R could require larger deformations to
supports shall be designed so as not to be considered when designing tanks and
impart significant mechanical loading vessels.
on the attachment to the tank or vessel
shell. Mechanical devices that add
flexibility, such as bellows, expansion
joints, and other flexible apparatus,
are permitted to be used where they
are designed for seismic
displacements and defined operating
pressure. Unless otherwise
calculated, the minimum
displacements in Table 15.7-1 shall
be assumed. For attachment points
located above the support or
foundation elevation, the
displacements in Table 15.7-1 shall
be increased to account for drift of the
tank or vessel relative to the base of
support. The piping system and tank
connection shall also be designed to
tolerate Cd times the displacements
given in Table 15.7-1 without rupture,
although permanent deformations and
inelastic behavior in the piping
supports and tank shell are permitted.
For attachment points located above
the support or foundation elevation,
the displacements in Table 15.7-1
shall be increased to account for drift
of the tank or vessel. The values given
in Table 15.7-1 do not include the
influence of relative movements of
the foundation and piping anchorage
points caused by foundation
movements (e.g., settlement or
seismic displacements). The effects of

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

the foundation movements shall be
included in the piping system design,
including the determination of the
mechanical loading on the tank or
vessel, and the total displacement
capacity of the mechanical devices
intended to add flexibility. P-Delta The lateral drift of the elevated tank Elevated tanks and vessels are required to
Effects shall be considered as follows: be designed considering P-Delta effects.
a. The design drift, as determined by Because the support structures for tanks
an elastic analysis, shall be increased and vessels could be comprised of special
by the factor for evaluating the type detailing where currently Cd < R, the
additional load in the support effect of changing Cd = R could require
structure. larger deformations to be considered for P-
b. The base of the tank shall be Delta effects when designing tanks and
assumed to be fixed rotationally and vessels.
c. Deflections caused by bending,
axial tension, or compression shall be
considered. For pedestal tanks with a
height-to-diameter ratio less than 5,
shear deformations of the pedestal
shall be considered.
d. The dead load effects of roof-
mounted equipment or platforms shall
be included in the analysis.
e. If constructed within the plumbness
tolerances specified by the reference
document, initial tilt need not be
considered in the P-delta analysis.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Section Topic Provision Comments

16.1.2 Linear In addition to nonlinear response The drift limits do not apply to the linear
Analysis history analysis, a linear analysis in analysis that is required when using the
accordance with one of the applicable nonlinear analysis provisions.
procedures of Chapter 12 shall also be Consequently the effect of having Cd = R
performed. The structure’s design would have no implications on non-linear
shall meet all applicable criteria of analysis in Chapter 16.
Chapter 12. Where soil–structure
interaction in accordance with
Chapter 19 is used in the nonlinear
analysis, it shall be permitted to also
use the corresponding spectral
adjustment in the linear
1. For Risk Category I, II, and III
structures, Sections 12.12.1 and
12.12.5 do not apply to the linear
analysis. Where mean computed
drifts from the nonlinear analyses
exceed 150% of the permissible story
drifts per Section 12.12.1,
deformation-sensitive nonstructural
components shall be designed for
two-thirds of these mean drifts.
2. The overstrength factor, 0, is
permitted to be taken as 1.0 for the
seismic load effects of Section 12.4.3.
3. The redundancy factor, , is
permitted to be taken as 1.0.
4. Where accidental torsion is
explicitly modeled in the nonlinear
analysis, it shall be permitted to take
the value of Ax as unity in the Chapter
12 analysis.

17.5.6 Drift Limits The maximum story drift of the For linear analysis of isolated systems, Cd
structure above the isolation system is set equal to R in ASCE 7-16.
shall not exceed. The drift shall be Consequently the effect of having Cd = R
calculated by Eq. (12.8-15) with Cd would have no implications on the design
for the isolated structure equal to Rl as of base isolated structures in Chapter 17.
defined in Section Seismic The seismic force-resisting system Where linear procedures are used to
Force- shall satisfy the requirements of design structures with damping systems,
Resisting Section 12.2.1 using seismic base the deformations are computed using
System shear and design forces determined in pseudo displacements based of the
accordance with Section or dynamics of the structure. To keep the requirements consistent with Chapter 12,
The design story drift, D, as Chapter 18 of ASCE 7-16 increases the
determined in either Section drift limits of table 12.12.1 by R/Cd. or shall not
exceed (R/Cd) times the allowable

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Section Topic Provision Comments

story drift, as obtained from Table Setting R = Cd would have no net effect on
12.12-1, considering the effects of Chapter 18 linear design.
torsion as required in Section 12.12.1.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Table B-1 Preliminary Drift Data from Analysis and Testing

Structure Structure Design Estimated NLRHA Underestimated by
Model Type Roof Drift - ASCE 7-16 Average Peak ASCE 7-16?
Roof Drift DE

Drift Ratio Drift Ratio Ratio
Drift (in) Percent (in) Percent Est./NLRHA Yes/No

ATC-116 Wood Shear 5 to 8 1.0 to 1.6 4.15 0.9

MFD3B (1) Wall KC
Calc 1.1 to 1.8 No

Wood Shear 7.8 1.6 4.15 0.9

Wall JH Calc 1.88 No

MKA1 NS (2) Composite 81.10 4.1 33.7 1.7

BRBF 2.41 No

MKA1 EW (2) Composite 49.40 2.5 25.7 1.3

SMF 1.92 No

MKA2 NS (2) BRBF 37.80 1.9 19.4 1.0 1.95 No

MKA2 EW (2) BRBF 50.50 2.5 21.8 1.1 2.32 No

MKA3 NS (2) Concrete SW 37.80 1.1 39.8 1.2 0.95 No

MKA3 EW (2) Concrete SW 50.50 1.5 31.0 0.9 1.63 No

(1) NLRHA numerical studies conducted as part of the “Solutions to the Issues of Short-Period Building
Seismic Performance,” ATC-116 Project.
(2) NLRHA models developed by Magnusson Klemencic Associates for design of new structures.

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Table B-2 Preliminary Drift Data from Analysis and Testing

Structure Model Structure 1.5 *DE Estimated Story NLRHA Average Underestimated by
Type Drift - ASCE 7-16 Peak Story Drift ASCE 7-16?

(in) % (in) Ratio Yes/ No


Degenkolb1EW SMRF Roof 1.29% 1.37% 0.94 No

(3) (Sideplate)
5th 1.61% 1.60% 1.01 No

4th 1.60% 1.57% 1.01 No

3rd 1.52% 1.56% 0.97 No

2nd 1.02% 1.25% 0.82 Yes

Degenkolb1NS (3) BRBF Roof 1.22% 1.11% 1.10 No

5th 1.26% 1.31% 0.96 No

4th 1.16% 1.41% 0.82 Yes

3rd 1.11% 1.45% 0.76 Yes

2nd 0.87% 1.10% 0.79 Yes

Roof 2.12% 2.24% 0.94 Yes

Level 6 2.06% 2.14% 0.96 No

Level 5 1.95% 1.99% 0.98 No

Degenkolb #2 (3)
Shear Wall
Level 4 1.76% 1.79% 0.98 No

Level 3 1.34% 1.48% 0.90 Yes

Level 2 0.57% 0.92% 0.62 Yes

(3) NLRHA models developed by Degenkolb Engineers for design of new buildings.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Table B-3 Preliminary Drift Data from Analysis and Testing

Structure Structure Story Design Estimated NLRHA Underestimated
Model Type Story Drift - ASCE 7- Average Peak by ASCE 7-16?
16 Story Drift at DE

(in) % (in) % Est./NL Yes/No


NIST 1863-1 Steel Moment 8 2.25 1.3 2.3 0.56 Yes

MC8 ELF Frame
Design (4) 7 2.83 1.7 2.3 0.74 Yes

6 2.81 1.7 2.2 0.77 Yes

5 3.00 1.8 2.2 0.82 Yes

4 3.06 1.8 2.3 0.78 Yes

3 3.11 1.9 2.4 0.79 Yes

2 2.96 1.8 2.4 0.75 Yes

1 2.93 1.4 2.2 0.63 Yes

NIST 1863-1 Steel Moment 8 1.84 1.1 3 0.37 Yes

MC8 RSA Frame
Design (4) 7 2.38 1.4 3 0.46 Yes

6 2.75 1.6 3 0.53 Yes

5 2.92 1.7 4 0.42 Yes

4 2.90 1.7 6 0.28 Yes

3 2.99 1.8 8 0.22 Yes

2 2.86 1.7 8 0.21 Yes

1 2.84 1.3 8 0.16 Yes

(4) NLRHA numerical studies of steel special moment frame structures conducted by NIST as part of a
study to benchmark ASCE 41 performance-based design methodologies against code provisions used for
design of new buildings (NIST Technical Notes 1863-1, 1863-2, 2015)

Part 3, Resource Paper 5

Table B-4 Preliminary Drift Data from Analysis and Testing

Structure Structure Condition Story Design Shake Underestimated
Model Type Estimated Roof Table Test by ASCE 7-16?
Drift - ASCE 7-16 Peak Story

Drift Drift
Ratio Drift Ratio Ratio
Drift (in) Percent (in) Percent Est./Test Yes/No

CFS- CFS Shear DE no 2 1.2 0.8 1.5 No

NEES (5) Wall finishes
1 2.4 1.2 2.0 No

DE with 2 1.2 0.25 4.8 No

1 2.4 0.5 4.8 No

MCE 2 1.2 0.7 1.7 No

w/ finishes
1 2.4 0.7 3.4 No

(5) Testing of a cold-formed steel structure conducted by Ben Schafer et al. as part of the NEES funded
CFS-NEES project titled “Advancing Cold-Formed Steel Earthquake Engineering.”

2020 NEHRP Provisions


The diaphragm design force reduction factor, Rs, is an integral part of the alternative diaphragm design
procedure in ASCE 7 (2016). In the alternative diaphragm design procedure, diaphragm force demands are
calculated using a series of equations intended to predict the elastic diaphragm design force which is then
divided by the Rs factor. The Rs factor is dependent on the material and construction of the diaphragm
system and accounts for the overstrength and inelastic displacement capacity (ductility) that these systems
possess. Diaphragm design force reduction factors have been defined for several types of diaphragm
systems using a range of approaches. This resource paper brings forward, for the benefit of the users of the
NEHRP Provisions, the evidence to support the selection of an Rs factor for composite concrete on metal
deck diaphragms and a discussion of steel deck diaphragm research nearing completion.
Three approaches for defining the Rs factor will be described: (a) the use of past test data on composite
concrete on metal deck diaphragms to quantify ductility and overstrength and then apply this information
to estimate Rs; (b) application of the identical approach employed in the development of Rs for cast-in-place
concrete diaphragm systems; and finally (c) validation/estimation of Rs based on an extension of the FEMA
P695 (FEMA 2009) methodology wherein a large suite of nonlinear computational building models are
used to assess system performance. Current progress toward this computational verification will be


The commentary to ASCE 7 (ASCE 2016) Section C12.10.3.5 describes a method for calculating the
diaphragm design force reduction factor, Rs, based on measured ductility and overstrength obtained from
test data. That method is the same as described in ATC 19 (ATC 1995). In this method, the Rs factor is
made up of two components: the first is associated with the expected overstrength of the diaphragm, RΩ,
and the second is associated with the ductility, Rµ, as provided in Eq. (1). The overstrength component (Eq.
(2)) is the ratio of the measured (maximum) strength of the diaphragm, Smax, to the predicted (design)
strength, Sd.
The ductility component, Rµ, as given in Eq. (3) is dependent on whether the structure has a medium or
long period. The limits on period given in Eq. (3) come from ATC 19 (not specified in the ASCE 7
Commentary) and ATC 19 states that Rµ should be interpolated between values from Eq. (3a) and (3b) for
periods between 0.5 sec and 1.0 sec. Specifying the ductility component as period dependent in this way
recognizes that while long period structures generally follow an equal displacement rule (peak
displacements of an inelastic system are approximately the same as an elastic system), medium period
structures follow more of an equal energy rule (the inelastic system displaces more than the elastic system
such that the area under their load-displacement curves is equal) (see Newmark and Hall 1982).
Rs = R R (1)

S max
R = (2)
R = 2sys − 1 for 0.12 sec < T < 0.5 sec (3a)

R = sys for T > 1.0 sec (3b)

Part 3, Resource Paper 6

The equation for Rµ is a function of the diaphragm system ductility, µsys, not the ductility of a cantilever
diaphragm test. O’Brien et al. (2017) identified that a diaphragm span has a linearly varying shear demand
and as such, it is only the end regions of the span that reach their shear strength, become inelastic, and fail.
Since much of the diaphragm span remains elastic, the ductility (measured as the ultimate displacement
divided by the yield displacement) of the diaphragm span is smaller than the ductility of a cantilever
diaphragm specimen. O’Brien et al. (2017) derived a relationship between the ductility of a cantilever
diaphragm test, µsub, and the expected ductility of an entire diaphragm span, µsys, as given in Eq. (4). To use
this equation, it is necessary to estimate the ratio of the length of the inelastic end region of the diaphragm
span, Lp, to the total length of the diaphragm span, L. Based on a review of the literature, O’Brien et al.
(2017) suggested a value of Lp/L=0.1.
 sys = 1 + 4 (  sub − 1) (4)
This approach for calculating Rs is applied here to a set of 16 cantilever diaphragm tests on composite
concrete on metal deck specimens. There are several additional assumptions made in these calculations:
1. The predicted strength of the concrete on metal deck diaphragm (Sd) is calculated using expressions
currently being balloted for inclusion in the next edition of AISI S310 (see O’Brien et al. 2017 for
more details). The strength prediction equation that currently exists in AISI 310-16 results in
significantly smaller predicted strength and thus would result in greater overstrength (R ) and larger
Rs .
2. A value of Lp/L equal to 0.1 is assumed.
3. The overstrength factor, RΩ, is calculated as the measured shear strength divided by the predicted
shear strength and does not include the resistance factor ( ). It is noted that the resistance factor
for concrete on metal deck diaphragms (AISI S310-16) is currently 0.5; however a value of 0.8 is
currently under ballot for use in future AISI S310 editions based on the available data under the
limit state of diagonal tension cracking. If the resistance factor is considered in the calculation of
overstrength, the resulting Rs factor would be larger.

Sixteen specimens were selected as described in Table 6-1 including 13 cantilever diaphragm tests
conducted by Porter and Easterling (1988) and three specimens recently tested by Avellaneda et al. (2019).
This set of tests includes 13 specimens that were reported to have experienced diagonal tension cracking
and 3 specimens that experienced perimeter fastener failure. In terms of perimeter fasteners to the supports,
7 specimens used arc spot welds, 6 specimens used a combination of welds and shear studs, and 3 specimens
used only shear studs.
The failure mode listed in Table 6-1 was reported by the original authors. The value of stiffness, G’,
was calculated as the secant stiffness through a point at 40% of the peak load, which is consistent with AISI
S310. The shear strength, Smax, is the maximum shear load measured during the test divided by the specimen
length. The shear angle at yield, γy, is calculated per Eq. (5). The ultimate shear angle, γult, is obtained as
the shear angle when the shear force drops below 80% of the maximum shear strength. The subassemblage
ductility, µsub, is calculated according to Eq. (6).

y = (5)
 ult
 sub = (6)

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Table 6-1 Calculation of Subassemblage Ductility from Test Data

Yield Ultimate
Measured Measured Shear Shear
Perimeter Failure Stiffness, G’ Strength, Smax Angle, γy Angle, γult Specimen
Specimen Connection3 Mode4 (kip/in) (k/ft) (rad) (rad) Ductility, µsub
121 W DT 1710 12.1 0.590 2.30 3.90
13 W DT 2020 16.8 0.693 2.23 3.22
161 W DT 920 8.0 0.726 2.39 3.29
18 W DT 1580 10.7 0.564 2.27 4.02
19 W DT 930 9.8 0.877 2.26 2.58
221 W DT 1650 10.5 0.530 2.09 3.94
24 W DT 1660 11.2 0.562 2.37 4.22
25 W+SS DT 1730 12.0 0.578 2.26 3.91
261 W+SS DT 1590 5.8 0.304 1.35 4.44
27 W+SS P 1750 6.1 0.289 1.38 4.77
28 W+SS P 1580 8.0 0.421 1.41 3.35
291 W+SS DT 1890 9.0 0.397 1.24 3.12
30 W+SS P 1540 7.7 0.416 1.37 3.29
3/6.25-4-L- SS DT 1615 9.3 0.478 5.67 11.87
3/7/5-4-N- SS DT 1798 15.3 0.709 1.66 2.34
2/4-4-L-NF- SS DT 1080 8.9 0.689 5.18 7.52
1 2
from Porter and Easterling (1988) from Avellaneda et al. (2019)
W = arc spot welds only, W+SS = welds and shear studs, SS = shear studs only
DT = concrete diagonal tension cracking, P = perimeter fastener failure; as reported by the author

Table 6-2 presents the resulting values for diaphragm system ductility, the ductility and overstrength
components of Rs, and the computed Rs factors. The following gives example calculations for the first row
of Table 6-2 which is Specimen 12 from Porter and Easterling (1988).
1. Calculate the expected system level ductility using Eq. (4) based on the ductility of the specimen:
sys = 1 + 4 ( sub − 1) p = 1 + 4 ( 3.90 − 1) 0.1 = 2.16
2. Calculate the system overstrength, RΩ, using Eq. (2). The predicted strength was calculated using
the equations under ballot for inclusion in AISI S310 to be Sd = 9.7 k/ft.
S 12.1 k/ft
R = max = = 1.25
Sd 9.7 k/ft

Part 3, Resource Paper 6

3. The system ductility factor is calculated using either the equal energy rule (Eq. (3a)), or the equal
displacement rule (Eq. (3b)):
R = 2  sys − 1 = 2 ( 2.16 ) − 1 = 1.82 Medium Period

R = sys = 2.16 Long Period

4. The Rs factor is then given by the following which was rounded down to Rs=2.0 for flexure-
controlled cast-in-place concrete diaphragms:
Rs = R R = (1.25 )(1.82 ) = 2.28 Medium Period

Rs = R R = (1.25 )( 2.16 ) = 2.70 Long Period

Table 6-2 Calculation of Diaphragm Design Force Reduction Factor

Over- Rs Rs
Diaphragm Predicted strength Ductility Ductility Factor Factor
System Strength, Sd Factor, Factor Long Factor Med. for for
Specimen Ductility, µsys (k/ft) RΩ T, Rµ T, Rµ Long T Med. T
12 2.16 9.7 1.25 2.16 1.82 2.70 2.28

13 1.89 14.2 1.18 1.89 1.67 2.23 1.97

16 1.92 7.8 1.02 1.92 1.68 1.96 1.72

18 2.21 9.2 1.17 2.21 1.85 2.58 2.16

19 1.63 9.4 1.05 1.63 1.50 1.71 1.57

22 2.18 9.8 1.08 2.18 1.83 2.34 1.97

24 2.29 11.0 1.02 2.29 1.89 2.33 1.92

25 2.16 11.5 1.04 2.16 1.82 2.26 1.90

26 2.38 7.2 0.81 2.38 1.94 1.92 1.56

27 2.51 2.5 2.48 2.51 2.00 6.22 4.97

28 1.94 10.8 0.74 1.94 1.70 1.43 1.25

29 1.85 8.9 1.02 1.85 1.64 1.88 1.67

30 1.92 10.1 0.76 1.92 1.68 1.46 1.28

3/6.25-4-L- 5.35 9.1 1.02 5.35 3.11 5.46 3.18

3/7/5-4-N- 1.54 15.1 1.02 1.54 1.44 1.56 1.46

2020 NEHRP Provisions

two-fourths- 3.61 5.7 1.56 3.61 2.49 5.62 3.88

Average 2.34 9.5 1.14 2.34 1.88 2.73 2.17

Standard 0.93 3.0 0.41 0.93 0.41 1.56 1.01


If the result for medium period structures is conservatively chosen over the long period value, the
average result is Rs=2.17. This may be rounded down to a value of Rs=2.0.
The selected value of Rs pertains to a shear-controlled limit state. It is assumed that composite concrete
on metal deck diaphragms do not readily experience a flexure-controlled failure mechanism because even
if the chords are inadequate, there is often steel framing (i.e. beams) that add to the flexural strength of the
diaphragm system.


In some ways, a concrete on metal deck diaphragm is similar to a cast-in-place concrete diaphragm, so it is
instructive to examine the related Rs factors. In this section, the methodology for obtaining Rs factors for
cast-in-place concrete diaphragms is summarized and then applied to concrete on metal deck diaphragms.
ASCE 7-16 Commentary Section C12.10.3.5 describes that since there were no test results for cast-in-
place concrete diaphragms, the data from reinforced concrete shear walls subjected to cyclic testing was
used. The procedure for calculating the Rs factor was as follows (the variable names used here match the
previous section, not ASCE 7):
1. Based on data from shear wall tests, a diaphragm system ductility of µsys=3.0 was estimated.
2. The design ductility was taken as two-thirds of the estimated system ductility, so µsys=2.0.
3. The equal energy rule (Eq. (3a)) was used to get:
R = 2 sys − 1 = 1.73

4. It was assumed that the actual strength of the diaphragm is Smax = 1.1 Sd, and the resistance factor
is included in the calculation of overstrength such that:
S 1.1S d
R = max = = 1.22
 S d 0.9 S d
5. The Rs factor is therefore given by the following which was rounded down to Rs=2.0 for flexure-
controlled cast-in-place concrete diaphragms:
Rs = R R = (1.22 )(1.73) = 2.11

For shear-controlled cast-in-place concrete diaphragms, it is assumed that the diaphragm will have an
overstrength, RΩ =1.5 and the ductility part is taken as Rµ = 1.0 in an effort to keep the diaphragm near-
elastic. The result is Rs=1.5 for shear-controlled cast-in-place concrete diaphragms.
The same procedure can be applied to composite concrete on metal deck diaphragms. In this case, test
data does exist to quantify the ductility and overstrength parts, so measured values will be used. Also, since
composite concrete on metal deck diaphragms fail in a shear-controlled mechanism, no flexure-controlled
value is calculated. The following applies the same five steps as those used for cast-in-place diaphragms:
1. Based on the test data provided in Table 6-2, the average diaphragm system ductility is found to be
µsys = 2.34.
2. The design ductility is taken as two-thirds of the estimated system ductility, so µsys=1.56.

Part 3, Resource Paper 6

3. Eq. 3a is used to calculate the ductility component:

R = 2sys − 1 = 1.56 − 1 = 1.46

4. Based on the test data provided in Table 2, the overstrength component is calculated as:
Smax Sd 1.14
R = = = = 1.43
 Sd  0.8
Note, Sd and  are based on strength prediction expressions currently under ballot for AISI S310.
If AISI S310-16 is employed Sd is lower and  higher, resulting in a larger R.
5. The Rs factor is therefore given by the following for shear-controlled composite concrete on metal
deck diaphragms:

Rs = R R = (1.43)(1.46 ) = 2.09

Based on this calculation procedure, after rounding, Rs=2.0.


FEMA P695 is an approach for defining and validating response modification factors, R, for buildings
based on computational simulations to determine probability of collapse. The objective is to limit the
probability of collapse at the maximum considered earthquake to 10% on average for a group of archetype
buildings or 20% for any individual archetype building. Conceptually, the FEMA P695 approach could be
extended to evaluate horizontal Seismic Force Resisting Systems (SFRS) in addition to its traditional use
to evaluate vertical SFRSs. To apply this methodology to validate the selection of a diaphragm design force
reduction factor, Rs, entails several steps:
1. Establish a design procedure, detailing requirements, and a trial value for Rs.
2. Define a set of archetype buildings, preferably a set that creates reasonably large demand to
capacity ratios in the diaphragm.
3. Develop nonlinear computational building models. Nonlinear models of the diaphragm must be
consistent with the established detailing requirements and thus experimental data is typically
4. Conduct nonlinear response history building analyses with scaled ground motions.
5. Determine the ground motion scaling that causes 50% of the records to cause collapse. Define the
ratio of this ground motion scaling to the MCE ground motion scaling as the collapse margin ratio.
6. Modify the collapse margin ratio based on spectral shape, record to record uncertainty, quality of
design requirements, quality of test data, and quality of modeling to establish an Adjusted Collapse
Margin Ratio (ACMR).
7. Determine whether the ACMR is sufficient to limit probably of collapse at MCE to 10% for the
group of buildings or 20% for an individual archetype building. If so, then the established design
procedure, detailing requirements and Rs value are validated. If not, something about the design
procedure, detailing or Rs must be changed and the process restarted.
Beyond the obvious challenges of creating and running a large number of 3D nonlinear computational
models, there are several challenges / considerations associated with applying the FEMA P695
methodology to the validation of Rs factors (See 2020 NEHRP Provisions Resource Paper X, “Next Steps
Towards the Development of Diaphragm Design Force Reduction (Rs) Factors”). A few are listed here:
1. FEMA P695 was developed and has been used exclusively for evaluating vertical SFRS.
Considering diaphragm inelasticity in computational models typically leads to more collapses
because the larger drifts (caused by a combination of elastic and inelastic deformations in both the
vertical SFRS and the diaphragm) creates larger destabilizing P-Delta forces. Although diaphragm

2020 NEHRP Provisions

inelasticity can sometimes reduce the force demands in the vertical SFRS, it has been found that
the effect of larger drifts and P-Delta lead to more collapses in computational models. Applying
the same criteria for collapse probabilities whether diaphragm inelasticity is considered or not, may
lead to inconsistent results. It may be prudent to include a factor in future versions of FEMA P695,
similar to the factor in FEMA P695 that relaxes the criteria when 3D analysis is used.
2. There is an interaction between inelasticity in the vertical SFRS and the diaphragm. Inelasticity in
the vertical SFRS reduces force demands in the diaphragm. To accurately capture all possible
combinations of vertical SFRS and diaphragm would require many archetype buildings – many
more than a typical P695 analysis because of this added variable of vertical SFRS.

A FEMA P695 type of study is currently being conducted for buildings with concrete on metal deck
floor diaphragms and bare steel deck roof diaphragms. See Wei et al. (2019), and Foroughi et al. (2019) for
a description of some of the initial models. The study includes eight 3D archetype buildings with vertical
SFRS consisting of buckling restrained braced frames and special concentrically braced frames to evaluate
the effect of a high ductility and lower ductility vertical SRFS on collapse probabilities. Four building
heights are considered: 1-story, 4-story, 8-story, and 12-story buildings. A design procedure with detailing
requirements has been developed with an assumed value of Rs=2.5 for the bare deck diaphragms at the roof
(with special seismic detailing), and Rs=2.0 for the composite concrete on metal deck diaphragms in the
floors. The computational study is underway and its final results and related documentation is expected to
be complete in 2020.

The value of the diaphragm design force reduction factor, Rs, for concrete on metal deck diaphragms
was investigated using three approaches including (a) using past test data to quantify ductility and
overstrength, (b) application of the same approach used for cast-in-place concrete diaphragm systems, and
(c) validation of the selected Rs using the FEMA P695 methodology. Approaches (a) and (b) resulted in a
shear-controlled Rs=2.0, and approach (c) is currently underway to verify this value. A flexure-controlled
Rs value is not calculated and not considered applicable for concrete on metal deck diaphragms.

AISI (2016) North American standard for the design of profiled steel diaphragm panels, AISI S310-16,
American Iron and Steel Institute.
ASCE (2016) ASCE 7-16: Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, American Society of
Civil Engineers
ATC (1995) ATC-19: Structural response modification factors, Applied Technology Council.
Avellaneda, R.E., Easterling, W.S., Schafer, B.W., Hajjar, J.F., and Eatherton, M.R. (2019) Cyclic Testing
of Composite Concrete on Metal Deck Diaphragms Undergoing Diagonal Tension Cracking, 12th Canadian
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Quebec QC, June 17-20.
FEMA (2009) Quantification of building seismic performance factors, FEMA P695. Applied Technology
Council, Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Foroughi, H., Wei, G., Torabian, S., Eatherton, M.R., and Schafer, B.W. (2019) Seismic Demands on Steel
Diaphragms for 3D Archetype Buildings with Concentric Braced Frames, 12th Canadian Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Quebec QC, June 17-20.
Newmark, N.M., and Hall, W.J. (1982) Earthquake Spectra and Design, Monograph Series, Earthquake
Engineering Research Institute.

Part 3, Resource Paper 6

O’Brien, P., Eatherton, M.R., and Easterling, W.S. (2017) Characterizing the Load-Deformation Behavior
of Steel Deck Diaphragms using Past Test Data, Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Report Series,
CFSRC R-2017-02.
Porter, M., and Easterling, W. (1988) Behavior, analysis, and design of steel-deck-reinforced concrete
diaphragms, Report No. ISU-ERI-Ames-88305 Project 1636, Iowa State University.
Wei, G., Foroughi, H., Torabian, S., Schafer, B.W., and Eatherton, M.R. (2019) Evaluating Different
Diaphragm Design Procedures Using Nonlinear 3D Computational Models, 12th Canadian Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Quebec QC, June 17-20.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


Diaphragm design force reduction factors (Rs factors) were first introduced in the 2015 NEHRP Provisions
(FEMA, 2015), and are currently included as part of an alternative diaphragm design procedure in ASCE 7
(ASCE, 2017) Section 12.10.3 and Table 12.10-1. Prior to inclusion of Rs factors in ASCE 7, design force
demands on diaphragms were exclusively derived as a function of the R-factor of the vertical seismic force-
resisting system, with upper and lower bounds imposed. The Rs factor is part of alternative diaphragm
design provisions that directly recognize the effect of diaphragm overstrength and displacement capacity
on diaphragm design forces. The alternative diaphragm design provisions have two basic parts. One part
provides new formulas to better estimate seismic design forces for diaphragms exhibiting near elastic
behavior. The second part provides reduction of this near-elastic force through the Rs factor.
The objective of this white paper is to recommend next steps towards the development of Rs factors for
diaphragm systems not yet addressed. Rs factors are currently published in ASCE 7 for precast concrete
diaphragms, cast-in-place concrete diaphragms, and wood structural panel diaphragms on wood framing.
Rs factors have just been developed for bare steel deck diaphragms, which are intended to be included in
the 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE 7-22. Studies are currently under way to address concrete topped
metal deck diaphragms. Not yet addressed are a few common diaphragm systems such as wood structural
panel diaphragms on cold-formed steel (CFS) framing, wood structural panel diaphragms stapled to wood
framing, steel truss diaphragms, and cross-laminated timber (CLT) diaphragms. Also not yet addressed are
a wide range of proprietary diaphragms for which development of Rs factors may be desired. This white
paper summarizes background information, identifies methods used for development of the Rs factors
already available, discusses considerations important for future development of Rs factors, and makes
recommendations for next steps.
Since the alternative diaphragm design procedure includes explicit consideration of diaphragm ductility
through the Rs factor, inelastic diaphragm deformations may be expected during the design earthquake for
some diaphragm systems. In some cases (e.g. seismic separation), it may be desirable to calculate total
diaphragm deflection including inelastic deformations. However, approaches for calculating total
diaphragm deflection (i.e. Cd factors), for use with the alternative diaphragm design procedure are not
currently available in ASCE 7 or the NEHRP Provisions. This issue is discussed in the section on
recommended next steps.

The following general discussion of the alternative diaphragm design provisions is largely taken from the
commentary to the 2015 NEHRP Provisions, Section C12.10.3.5 Diaphragm Design Force Reduction
Despite the fact that analytical and shake table studies indicate higher diaphragm accelerations than
currently used in diaphragm design, many commonly used diaphragm systems, including diaphragms
designed under a number of U.S. building codes and editions, have a history of excellent earthquake
performance. With limited exceptions, diaphragms have not been reported to have performed below the
life-safety intent of building code seismic design provisions in past earthquakes. It is noted, however, that
in some cases, failure of other parts of the building (e.g. wall anchorage) may have occurred which protected
the diaphragm from experiencing larger demands.
Based on this history, it is felt that, for many diaphragm systems, no broad revision is required to the
balance between demand and capacity used for design of diaphragms under current ASCE 7 provisions. In
view of this observation, it was recognized that the analytical studies and diaphragm testing from which the

Part 3, Resource Paper 7

higher accelerations and design forces were being estimated used diaphragms that were elastic or near-
elastic in their response. Commonly used diaphragm systems are recognized to have a wide range of
overstrength, and inelastic displacement capacity (ductility). In ASCE 7 Section 12.10.3, alternative design
provision for diaphragms, the diaphragm overstrength and inelastic displacement capacity are recognized
through the use of the diaphragm force reduction factor, Rs. This factor is most directly based on the global
ductility capacity of the diaphragm system; however, the derivation of the global ductility capacity
inherently also captures the effect of diaphragm overstrength.
For diaphragm systems with inelastic deformation capacity sufficient to permit inelastic response under
the design earthquake, the diaphragm design force reduction factor, Rs, is typically greater than 1.0, so that
the design force demand, Fpx, is reduced relative to the force demand for a diaphragm that remains linear
elastic under the design earthquake. For diaphragm systems that do not have sufficient inelastic deformation
capacity or overstrength, Rs should be less than 1.0, or even two-thirds (assumed factor between the design
earthquake (DE) and maximum considered earthquake (MCE)), so that linear-elastic force-deformation
response can be expected at the MCE.

RP7-2.1 Objective of Rs Factor

The objective of the Rs factor is to produce diaphragm design forces that will lead to acceptable seismic
performance of the structure. In considering the development of Rs factors, the simplified nature of methods
currently used to develop seismic design forces and to model diaphragm behavior need to be taken into
account. For this reason, it is desired to confirm that the design resulting from Rs factors and simplified
design tools can be demonstrated to result in adequate performance.

RP7-2.2 Interaction between Rs and R

Although the design approach using a response modification factor, R, for the vertical seismic system and
a separate diaphragm design force reduction factor, Rs, for the horizontal seismic system implicitly treats
the vertical and horizontal systems as acting independently in terms of dynamic behavior and inelastic
deformation demands, both systems act together as one building system. A parametric computational study
was recently conducted using an assembly of simplified elastic-plastic springs as shown in Figure 1(a) to
represent a building with vertical seismic force resisting system (stiffness Kh) and diaphragm system
(stiffness Kd)(Fisher and Schafer 2018). The yield strength of the elastic-plastic springs was set equal to the
maximum force experienced in the springs during response history analysis when the springs were elastic,
divided by a ductility factor, Rd, for the springs in the vertical seismic force resisting system and a ductility
factor, Rsd, for the springs in the diaphragm system.
Figure 1(b) through 1(e) show average results from a set of 22 ground motions for a number of
variations in the ductility factor, Rd, for the vertical springs and the ductility factor, Rsd, for the horizontal
springs. The vertical axis in these plots is the average peak force in the spring normalized by the total
elastic inertial force expected in the short-period region (short period spectral acceleration used in ground
motion scaling multiplied by the total mass). Some key observations include:
• When both the vertical and horizontal systems are kept elastic, as shown in Figure 1(b), the vertical
system experiences forces consistent with the elastic response spectrum that was used for ground
motion scaling. The horizontal system can experience similar force levels if the diaphragm is
extremely stiff relative to the vertical system (i.e. see the Td /Th=0.5 line in Figure 1(b)), or
substantially smaller forces if the diaphragm is relatively flexible (i.e. see the Td /Th=10 line in
Figure 1(b) and definition of Td and Th in Figure 1(a)).
• Figure 1(c) shows that inelasticity in the vertical system not only caps the forces the vertical system
can experience, but also leads to a significant reduction in the forces in the horizontal system (i.e.
see the Td /Th=0.5 line and the Td /Th=10 line in Figure 1(c)).
• However, the inverse is not as true; Figure 1(d) shows that inelasticity in the horizontal system caps

2020 NEHRP Provisions

the forces the diaphragm can experience, but the forces in the vertical system are not reduced as
• Finally, Figure 1(e) shows that inelasticity in both the vertical and horizontal systems leads to
further reduction in diaphragm forces, especially when the diaphragm is flexible compared to the
vertical system (i.e see the Td /Th=10 line in Figure 1(e)).
Two conclusions from this study include 1) inelasticity in the vertical system is better at reducing the
diaphragm forces than inelasticity in the diaphragm is at reducing forces in the vertical system, and 2) there
is an interaction between inelasticity in the vertical and horizontal systems that can lead to further reduction
in diaphragm forces. The implications of these conclusions for the analytical calculation or validation of Rs
factors can be summarized as follows:
1. For justification of an Rs factor, the most conservative validation check would involve use of the
lowest applicable vertical system R factor and highest vertical system overstrength (least amount
of inelasticity in the vertical system), as illustrated in Figure 1(b) and 7-1(d), combined with the
lowest ratio of diaphragm to vertical system periods, as seen in the Td /Th=0.5 data in Figure 1(d).
2. The calculation of Rs factors that would lead to the most economical structures would be specific
to the amount of ductility provided by each type of vertical seismic force resisting system (SFRS).
3. It would be conservative to assume the vertical system is elastic in the determination of an Rs factor
as evidenced by larger diaphragm forces in Figure 1(d) as compared to those in Figure 1(e). In
some cases, this may be an overly conservative assumption, but in others (e.g. low-rise shear wall
buildings) there may be significant overstrength leading to elastic response of the vertical SFRS.

Figure 1 Interaction between inelasticity in the vertical SFRS and the diaphragm [from
(Fischer et al. 2018)]

Part 3, Resource Paper 7

The alternative diaphragm design provisions of Section 12.10.4 of the NEHRP Provisions and Section
12.10.3 of ASCE 7 included Rs factors for precast concrete diaphragms, cast-in-place concrete diaphragms,
and wood structural panel diaphragms on wood framing. These Rs factors were drawn from the best
available information at the time, and the methods used to derive them varied between the materials.
Detailed discussion of the basis is provided in the commentaries to both the NEHRP Provisions and ASCE
7. This section provides a very brief overview of the methods used.

RP7-3.1 Precast Concrete Diaphragms

The diaphragm force reduction factor, Rs, in ASCE 7 Table 12.10-1 for precast concrete diaphragms was
established based on the results of analytical earthquake simulation studies conducted within a multi-
university project: Development of a Seismic Design Methodology (DSDM) for Precast Concrete
Diaphragms (Fleischman et al. 2013). In this research effort, diaphragm design force levels have been
aligned with the diaphragm deformation capacities specifically for precast concrete diaphragms. Three
different design options were proposed according to different design performance targets, as indicated in
ASCE 7 Table C12.10-1. The relationships between diaphragm design force levels and diaphragm
local/global ductility demands have been established in the DSDM research project. These relationships
have been used to derive the Rs factors for precast concrete diaphragms in Table 12.10-1.
Extensive analytical studies have been performed (Fleischman et al. 2013) to develop the relationship
of Rdia-μglobal-μlocal. Rdia is the diaphragm force reduction factor (similar to the Rs in Table 12.10-1) measured
from the required elastic diaphragm design force at MCE level. μglobal is the diaphragm global ductility
demand and μlocal is the diaphragm local connector ductility demand measured at MCE level. ASCE 7 Figure
C12.10-9 shows the μglobal-μlocal and Rdia-μglobal analytical results for different diaphragm aspect ratios and
proposed linear equations fit to the data. Then, using the local ductility for three types of connectors (low,
moderate, and high deformability), associated global ductility and Rs factors were calculated using the linear

RP7-3.2 Cast-in-Place Concrete Diaphragms

The following provides an overview of the method used to develop Rs factors for cast-in-place concrete
diaphragms, as included in ASCE 7. Flexural yielding is the preferred yield mechanism for a reinforced
concrete diaphragm because flexure is a more ductile limit state for reinforced concrete than shear. There
are many circumstances, however, where the development of a well-defined flexural yielding mechanism
is not possible due to diaphragm geometry (aspect ratio or complex diaphragm configuration), in which
case, an additional designation as a shear-controlled diaphragm and use of a lower Rs factor is required.
Test results for cast-in-place reinforced concrete diaphragms are not available in the literature. Test
results for reinforced concrete shear walls subjected to cyclic lateral loading were considered to provide the
best available guidance for determination of an Rs factor. The critical regions of shear wall test specimens
usually have high levels of shear force and moment while being subjected to drift demands; high levels of
shear force have been shown to degrade the flexural ductility capacity. The flexural ductility capacity of
shear wall test specimens subjected to cyclic lateral loading was used to estimate the flexural ductility
capacity of reinforced concrete diaphragms, using the method described in Section RP 1-4.2 of this
document based on Newmark and Hall (1982), and illustrated in Figure 2.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 2. Diaphragm inelastic response model for a diaphragm system that exhibits a
distinct yield point [Figure credit: 2015 NEHRP Provisions].
Based on shear wall test results, the global flexural ductility capacity of a reinforced concrete diaphragm
has been estimated to be 3. Based on judgement the design ductility capacity is taken as two-thirds of the
estimated global ductility capacity, so the design ductility capacity (μD- cap) is 2.
Setting the ductility demand (μdem) equal to the design ductility capacity (μD- cap) and using the equal
energy rule, the ductility part of the force reduction factor Rμ is: Rμ = (2μdem – 1)0.5 = 1.73.
Rs is set equal to Rμ multiplied by the ratio FY-eff /ϕFn. FY-eff is taken equal to FY-actual which is assumed
to be 1.1Fn and ϕ equals 0.9[symbols FY-eff, FY-actual, and Fn need to be explained]. Therefore Rs = 2.11,
which is rounded to be 2 for flexure-controlled cast-in-place reinforced concrete diaphragms.
Due to the geometric characteristics of a building, or other factors such as minimum reinforcement
requirements, it will not be possible to design some reinforced concrete diaphragms to yield in flexure.
Such diaphragms are termed as “shear-controlled” to indicate that they are expected to yield in shear. Since
test data are not available to prove otherwise, the ductility of shear-controlled reinforced concrete
diaphragms is taken as 1.0.
For shear-controlled reinforced concrete diaphragms, Rs has been specified as 1.5 because of expected
overstrength. ACI-318 specifies a resistance factor, ϕ of 0.75 or 0.6 for diaphragm shear strength and limits
the concrete contribution to the shear strength to only 2(f’c)0.5. The ratio FY-eff /ϕFn for a reinforced concrete
diaphragm, where FY-eff is taken equal to FY-actual, is expected to exceed 1.5, which is the rationale for Rs =
1.5, even though μdem is assumed to be 1 for the design earthquake.

RP7-3.3 Wood Structural Panel Diaphragms

Wood-sheathed diaphragms are shear-controlled, with design strength determined in accordance with the
Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) (AWC, 2015) and the shear behavior based
primarily on the sheathing-to-framing fastening. Wood diaphragm chord members are unlikely to form
flexural mechanisms (ductile or otherwise), due to the overstrength inherent in axially loaded members
designed in accordance with applicable standards.

Part 3, Resource Paper 7

The wood structural panel diaphragm Rs factor was derived using nonlinear response history analysis
(NRHA) studies of a group of archetype light-frame buildings, conducted by Zhang and Cobeen (2014).
The archetype buildings were braced with wood structural panel shear walls and had diaphragm spans
ranging from 24 to 64 feet. Seismic design was provided in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-10 (ASCE, 2010).
The NRHA used a suite of ten earthquake ground motions. Pinching and degrading hysteretic models of
the shear wall and diaphragm systems were developed. The model properties for the diaphragms addressed
nine groups of diaphragm types for which seismic testing data were available, including consideration of:
rated sheathing and Structural I sheathing, blocked and unblocked diaphragms, diaphragms with openings
and high-load diaphragms with multiple lines of edge fastening. At both design earthquake (DE) and MCE
ground motion levels, the NRHA considered Rs factors of 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5 to develop a relationship
between Rs and the required global diaphragm ductility, dia. In the case of wood structural panel
diaphragms, it was determined that local ductility need not be specifically investigated, as the local ductility
was seen to be consistently adequate to develop the global diaphragm ductility. Next, these data were
compared to the available global diaphragm ductility justified by available test data for each diaphragm
group. At DE ground motions, the lowest available global ductility was identified to be approximately 2.3
for high load nailed diaphragms; this was identified to correspond to Rs = 3.5. The highest available global
ductility factor was identified to be approximately 6 for unblocked rated sheathing diaphragms,
corresponding to Rs >5. Rs =3 was selected to be included in ASCE 7 Table 12.10-1. This value was selected
to be conservative relative to data for the nine diaphragm groups. This was noted to typically result in
diaphragm forces greater than or equal to those determined in accordance with the provisions of ASCE 7
Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2.

RP7-3.4 Bare Steel Deck Diaphragms and Concrete-on-Metal Deck Diaphragms

The Rs factors for bare steel deck diaphragms proposed in Part 1 of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions were
developed using a multistep approach as described in the following paragraphs. First, past experimental
data were collected and mined to evaluate ductility and overstrength of the diaphragm sub assemblages.
Since these sub assemblage test specimens represent a small part of a diaphragm span, a method was
developed to convert sub assemblage ductility into an estimated diaphragm system level ductility. The
system level ductility and overstrength were then used to estimate an Rs value. The Rs value was then
validated using NRHA on archetype buildings.
A database of past cantilever diaphragm experiments was assembled (O’Brien et al., 2017) including
671 bare steel deck diaphragm specimens and 82 diaphragm specimens that had some type of concrete fill
on the metal deck. Of this set of 753 total past test specimens, 108 were found to provide sufficient
information and include load-displacement data extending past the point of peak load, to allow evaluation
of ductility and overstrength. This set of 108 included 20 concrete-on-metal deck diaphragm specimens
and 88 bare steel deck diaphragm specimens. The bare steel deck diaphragm specimens were further
subdivided into groups based on the types of support and sidelap fasteners.
As summarized in O’Brien et al. (2017), ductility and overstrength were obtained for each specimen.
Ductility was defined as the ratio of shear angle associated with a 20% loss of strength relative to peak
strength (consistent with FEMA P695 definition) to the shear angle associated with yield (calculated as the
peak strength divided by the initial stiffness). Overstrength was calculated as the measured peak strength
divided by the predicted strength using AISI S310 (AISI 2016) equations and nominal geometric and
material properties.
The measured sub-assemblage ductility was then converted into a diaphragm system ductility (O’Brien
et al. 2017). A diaphragm span experiences seismic loads as a distributed load such that the shear demands
near the ends of the diaphragm span are considerably larger than those at midspan. Large portions of the
diaphragm span may remain elastic during seismic loading, so the ultimate displacement of the diaphragm
(for use in calculating diaphragm system ductility) can be assumed equal to elastic deformations plus
inelastic deformations of a plastic zone near the ends of the diaphragm span. Results from cantilever

2020 NEHRP Provisions

diaphragm specimens represent the load-deformation behavior of a small piece of the diaphragm in this
plastic zone and thus can be used to determine the amount of inelastic deformations that can be expected in
the plastic zone. An equation was developed to calculate diaphragm system ductility as a function of
cantilever specimen (sub-assemblage) ductility.
Methods for calculating the response modification factor (i.e. R factors) based on the ductility and
overstrength of the system have been proposed in the past (ATC 19 1995). This approach, which is
described below in Section 4.2, was used to estimate the Rs factors. For bare steel deck diaphragms, it was
determined that diaphragms with mechanical fasteners that comply with a certain set of detailing
requirements (referred to here as “special detailing”), produce higher ductility and resulting Rs factor. For
that reason, two values of Rs were proposed for bare steel deck diaphragms, a larger value of Rs=2.5 for
those satisfying the special detailing requirements and a value of Rs=1.0 for all others. The special detailing
requirements necessary to use a value of Rs>1.0 are being proposed for inclusion in future editions of AISI
S400. A computational study involving NRHA of one-story archetype buildings that were part of the
development of design procedures for rigid wall-flexible diaphragm structures was used to support the
resulting values of Rs.
A similar approach was used to determine an Rs factor for composite concrete-on-metal deck
diaphragms. Test data from a set of 16 cantilever diaphragm tests was used to quantify the ductility and
overstrength of concrete-on-metal deck diaphragm subassemblies. Global diaphragm system ductility was
then computed from subassembly ductility using the derived equation described above. The component
ductility method as described in Section rp7-4.2 and, separately, the approach and assumptions used in
determining the Rs factor for cast-in-place reinforced concrete diaphragms were applied to concrete-on-
metal deck diaphragms. Both approaches resulted in Rs=2.0. A FEMA P695 type study is underway to
verify the collapse resistance of buildings designed using the proposed Rs values (Wei et al. 2019, Foroughi
et al. 2019). A detailed description of the approach for determining Rs for concrete-on-metal deck
diaphragms and associated results are included in a white paper in Part 3 of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions.


It is recognized that there are a number of methods by which diaphragm design force reduction factors, Rs,
might be developed for diaphragm systems not already addressed. In all cases, physical testing on full
diaphragm systems, subassemblies of diaphragms, diaphragm components, or assemblies that represent
construction similar to the diaphragm is required. In some cases, tests directly provide the global
deformation capacity, but more often, tests provide only the local response, including the strength and
deformation capacity of diaphragm subassemblies, components and connections.
It is also necessary to determine the deformation demands associated with some seismic performance
criteria. The mapped spectral response accelerations in ASCE 7-16 are intended to provide a target risk of
structural collapse equal to 1% in 50 years based upon a generic structural fragility. FEMA P695 similarly
defines acceptable response modification factors based on structural collapse. It is therefore deemed
appropriate to consider structural collapse performance criteria similar to those in these two documents,
when determining the deformation demands on diaphragm systems and diaphragm components.
In some cases, the hysteretic behavior of the diaphragm components obtained from experimental testing
can be used directly in NRHA computational simulations to evaluate whether the designed diaphragm leads
to acceptable seismic performance (i.e. sufficiently small probability of structural collapse). In other cases,
computational simulation may be used to determine the deformation demands in diaphragm components
which can then be compared to the deformation capacity obtained from experiments. A third option uses
period-based deformation demands based on Newmark and Hall (1982) to define the required system level
ductility demand (See Section RP 7-4.2). However, this last approach does not explicitly control probability
of collapse (which is a function of more than just the yield strength), and therefore may be more appropriate

Part 3, Resource Paper 7

just for initial estimates of Rs. This section describes approaches thought to provide acceptable performance
and some of the challenges that should be considered for each approach.

RP7-4.1 FEMA P-695 Methodology

FEMA P695 is a methodology for quantifying design factors such as the response modification factor, R,
overstrength factor, Ωo, and deflection amplification factor, Cd, for seismic force resisting systems to
produce a probability of collapse less than 10% during the MCE. The approach consists of the following
general steps: 1) define detailed design procedures and detailing for the seismic system, 2) calibrate
nonlinear computational models to fit experimental behavior of the system or components that follow the
defined design procedures and detailing, 3) define a set of archetype buildings and create nonlinear
computational models of each, 4) conduct NRHA of the buildings with increasing scale factor on the ground
motions until 50% of the building models collapse, and 5) evaluate whether there was a sufficiently large
scale factor compared to the MCE and if not, change the design procedures / detailing and start over.
It is noted that FEMA P695 represents the best available approach for explicitly satisfying seismic
performance goals related to collapse prevention of buildings. The approach is widely accepted and applied
in the assessment of design procedures for existing seismic force resisting systems and development of
design factors for new seismic systems.
However, FEMA P695 is typically applied using two-dimensional models of the vertical seismic force
resisting system, and in the rare cases where three-dimensional models are used, the diaphragm has been
considered rigid or elastic. To apply the FEMA P695 methodology in the development of diaphragm force
reduction factors, Rs, there are a number of issues that should be considered:
• A full FEMA P695 study to determine an Rs factor requires a substantial amount of effort and
computational time. Compared to a typical FEMA P695 analysis, additional archetype buildings
may be required (see discussion in following items), the models need to be three-dimensional,
models are generally more complex, and more elements have nonlinear behavior. Because of added
complexity and nonlinearity, achieving convergence in nonlinear solution algorithms for these
structural models is typically more difficult.
• The set of archetype buildings should span the intended design space for the vertical seismic system
and diaphragm system. FEMA P695 identifies configuration variables that can affect system
behavior such as: 1) occupancy and use, 2) elevation and plan configuration, 3) building height, 4)
structural component type, 5) seismic design category and 6) gravity load intensity. In addition to
these configuration variables, additional variables that can affect diaphragm system behavior
include: 7) type of vertical seismic system 8) diaphragm span and aspect ratio and 9) diaphragm
shape and openings. Since the list of configuration variables is longer than the list for vertical
SFRS (1- 6 vs. 1- 9), a larger number of archetype buildings may be necessary for the evaluation
of Rs. As stated in FEMA P695: “While index archetype configurations are not intended to
represent every conceivable combination of design parameters, the archetype configurations must
encompass the full design space permitted by the design requirements.”
• Interaction between the vertical seismic system and diaphragm system should be considered. Three
approaches are identified here:
1. The set of archetypes could include a range of vertical seismic systems with varying plan
and height in combination with a range of diaphragm spans and aspect ratios.
2. To reduce the number of archetype buildings, the configurations could use a vertical
seismic system with the lowest applicable R factor, largest expected overstrength in the
vertical system, and lowest ratio of diaphragm to vertical system periods (see Section 2.2
for definition of these periods). As discussed in Section 2.2, this combination should result
in the largest diaphragm demands. Like this approach.]
3. It would be conservative to assume the vertical seismic system is elastic in the
determination of an Rs factor. In this case, the computational models would use elastic

2020 NEHRP Provisions

material behavior for the vertical system, and nonlinear material behavior for the
diaphragm only.
• FEMA P695 was not created explicitly for diaphragm inelasticity or development of Rs factors.
Use of NRHA on three-dimensional models and IDAs to estimate collapse resistance of combined
vertical and horizontal seismic force resisting systems is a new undertaking, and as such is still
under development. Further understanding of modeling of mechanisms, implications of scaling of
earthquake, and other aspects of the methodology are still needed and little or no validation of
results with full building behavior is available.
• When inelastic diaphragm behavior is considered in computational models, collapse probabilities
get larger than with models that only consider the vertical seismic system. The lateral drift of the
vertical seismic system and the deformations of the diaphragm lead to larger P-Delta forces which
tends to destabilize the building faster. Also, there are more modes (i.e. shapes) of instability. It
does not make sense to have the same acceptable collapse margin ratio for 2D models of the vertical
system and 3D models that also capture diaphragm inelasticity. The acceptability criteria should
be reviewed for these types of models.
Because of the challenges listed above, FEMA P695 has not been applied for any of the Rs factors
defined in Chapter 3. One example of the application of the FEMA P695 methodology for diaphragms was
for the development of the RWFD design methodology documented in FEMA P1026.
A modified approach employed in the definition of Rs for some diaphragm systems described in Section
3 used NRHA to determine ductility demands (either global diaphragm ductility demands, or local ductility
demands) which were in turn compared to ductility capacity of diaphragm assemblies or components. This
approach could be used to satisfy the intent of FEMA P695, if the hazard level (ground motion scale factor)
is chosen in accordance with FEMA P695 Appendix F and the ductility demands are taken as the median
demand obtained from a set of response history analyses.

RP7-4.2 Component Ductility Method

The component ductility method is based on the work of Newmark & Hall (1982) and ATC 19 (ATC 1995)
and is an approach for determining the Rs factor as a function of the ductility and overstrength of the
diaphragm system. Figure 3 shows schematically the force-deformation (Fdia vs. Δdia) response of a
diaphragm spanning between two vertical elements of the seismic force resisting system (e.g. shear walls,
braced frames, etc.).
It is noted, that the diagrams shown in Figure 3 are for global deformation behavior of a diaphragm
span, which is not the same as the deformation behavior from a cantilever diaphragm test or a test on
diaphragm components. To use this approach for calculating Rs factors, it is necessary to either
experimentally obtain global diaphragm system behavior or to convert test data on subassemblies /
components to the expected global behavior of a full diaphragm span. When tests provide only the local
deformation behavior, typical diaphragms should be analyzed to estimate the associated global deformation
behavior. These analyses should consider: (1) the specified yield mechanism, (2) the local force-
deformation response data from tests, (3) the typical distributions of design strength and internal force
demands across the diaphragm, and (4) the potential for localization of yielding (such as concentration of
inelastic deformations at the ends of the diaphragm span) and any other factors that may cause concentrated
local inelastic deformations to occur when the intended yield mechanism forms.

Part 3, Resource Paper 7

Fdia Fdia
Span Δdia

Fpeak Fpeak
0.8Fpeak 0.8Fpeak
FY-eff=ϕFn FY-eff

Δdia Δdia
ΔY-eff Δpeak Δ80%peak ΔY-eff Δpeak Δ80%peak
Figure 3. Diaphragm load vs. deformation response for (a) diaphragm system that does
not exhibit a distinct yield point and (b) diaphragm system that does exhibit a distinct
yield point.
Figure 3(a) shows the response of a diaphragm that does not exhibit a distinct yield point. In this case,
the stiffness is defined by the secant stiffness through a point corresponding to 40% of the peak strength,
Fpeak, and the effective yield point is defined as the intersection of the secant stiffness and the design
strength, ϕFn. This effective yield point is used to define the effective yield strength, FY-eff =ϕFn, and the
effective yield displacement, ΔY-eff. Figure 3(b) shows schematically the force-deformation (Fdia vs. Δdia)
response of a diaphragm with a well-defined yield point. For this type of a diaphragm system, the effective
yield point is defined by the observed yield strength, FY-eff, and the yield displacement, ΔY-eff. In this case,
the yield strength, FY-eff may be larger than the design strength ϕFn.
Next, the design deformation capacity, ΔD-cap, is determined. The ultimate deformation capacity can be
taken as the displacement associated with peak load, Δpeak, or for some diaphragm systems it may be
acceptable to use the displacement corresponding to 80% of the peak load Δ80%peak. However, only a portion
of the deformation capacity of a diaphragm should be utilized for the design earthquake in recognition of
two concerns: (1) the diaphragm must perform adequately under the MCE, which has a design response
spectrum 50% more intense than the design earthquake response spectrum, (2) significant inelastic
deformation under the design earthquake may result in undesirable damage to the diaphragm. As a rough
estimate, the diaphragm deformation capacity for use with the design earthquake, ΔD-cap, should be limited
to approximately one-half to two-thirds of the ultimate deformation capacity. The global ductility capacity,
μcap, can then be computed using Eq. (1). In Eq. (1), an example expression is given for the diaphragm
deformation capacity, ΔD-cap, as two-thirds the displacement corresponding to 80% of the peak load.
Previous work has shown that both ductility and overstrength contribute to the response modification
factor (e.g. see ATC 1995). The contribution of ductility, Rμ, to the force reduction factor, Rs, is ideally
derived from system-specific studies. Where such studies are unavailable, however, some guidance on the
conversion from global ductility to force reduction is available from past investigations. Expressions that
provide the ductility part of the force reduction factor, Rμ, for the seismic force-resisting system of a
building corresponding to an expected ductility (μcap) have been proposed by numerous research teams (e.g.
ATC 1995). Two such expressions, which are based on elasto-plastic force-deformation response under
cyclic loading (Newmark & Hall, 1982), are given in Eq. (2). Eq. 2(a) for medium period structures is
sometimes referred to as the equal energy rule and according to ATC (1995) is applicable for the period
range 0.12 sec < T < 0.5 sec. Eq. 2(b) for long period structures is often called the equal displacement rule
and ATC (1995) suggests that it is applicable for periods, T > 1.0 sec.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Overstrength can also contribute to the Rs factor. Eq. (3) defines the overstrength component, RΩ, as
the ratio of the diaphragm effective yield force to the diaphragm design strength, ϕFn. For a diaphragm
system without a distinct yield point, such as shown in Figure 3(a), the overstrength component is taken as
RΩ=1.0 because the effective yield force was assumed equal to the design strength. Finally, the diaphragm
response modification factor can be calculated using Eq. (4) as the product of the ductility and overstrength
 D − cap
cap =  D −cap =
80% peak
Y −eff 3
( for example) (1)
R = 2  dem − 1
valid for “medium” period systems (2a)
R = dem
valid for “long” period systems (2b)
FY −eff
R =
 Fn (=1.0 for diaphragms that use FY-eff=ϕFn) (3)

Rs = R R
The procedure for using the component ductility method to define an Rs factor is summarized as
1. Obtain the global diaphragm behavior from tests on full diaphragm spans or by converting test data
from experiments on subassemblies or components to global diaphragm behavior.
2. Find the effective yield displacement, ΔY-eff, as shown in Figure 3, and the design deformation
capacity, ΔD-cap, as described above.
3. Calculate the diaphragm ductility capacity, μcap, using Eq. (1).
4. Calculate the ductility component, Rμ, of the response modification factor through system specific
study or using Eq. (2).
5. Calculate the overstrength component, RΩ, of the response modification factor using Eq. (3).
6. Calculate the response modification factor, Rs, using Eq. (4).

RP7-4.3 Demonstrating Equivalence to an Approved Rs

In the future, it may be desirable to develop new diaphragm connectors or diaphragm systems with similar
behavior as conventional connectors or systems. As such, it may not be reasonable to conduct a large
experimental or computational simulation program for every variation in a diaphragm system. It is
therefore useful to create a framework whereby new diaphragm components or systems can be shown to
have performance nominally equivalent to that of systems with an already approved Rs value. FEMA P795
(FEMA 2011) may be such a framework or the basis of a framework for diaphragm equivalency, but the
method has not yet been applied to diaphragms and the associated challenges have not been determined.
Experience with the development of Rs values for conventional diaphragm systems has shown that there
are several key aspects of the diaphragm load deformation response that affect building seismic behavior.
To show that new diaphragm components or systems are equivalent to existing systems, it is necessary to
show the following:
1. The new diaphragm system should have the same deformation mode, failure mechanism, and
distribution of inelasticity through the diaphragm as the conventional system. For instance, if the
strength and ductility of the conventional diaphragm system is associated with connectors between
elastic panels (e.g. precast concrete or wood sheathed diaphragms), the new system needs to have

Part 3, Resource Paper 7

the same size and layout of panels and force the same failure mechanism in the connectors. This is
important to keep the ductility demands similar between the new and conventional systems.
2. The new diaphragm system or diaphragm connectors need to demonstrate equal or better initial
stiffness, strength, and ductility as the corresponding conventional system or connectors.
3. Other hysteretic parameters may also be important. For instance, severe pinching in the cyclic
load-deformation response may lead to larger displacement demands.
Examples of this approach are available for precast concrete diaphragms, with testing standards
referenced from ACI 318 (ACI 2019). Similarly, qualification testing for bare steel deck diaphragm
connectors is being developed by AISI, and is anticipated to be included in AISI S400 with specified
performance requirements for structural and sidelap connections.


The following recommendations are made relative to the development of an accepted procedure for defining
diaphragm response modification factors, Rs:
1. It is recommended that future editions of FEMA P695 and FEMA P795 be expanded to address
diaphragm systems and the development of diaphragm seismic design parameters such as Rs.
Alternatively, a similar effort could be pursued in separate documents, but regardless, resources
will likely be required beyond a typical code committee.
2. As part of development of procedures to determine performance factors for diaphragms,
consideration should be given to the interaction between the vertical and horizontal systems.
3. The specification of diaphragm deflection amplification factors or overstrength factors are absent
from ASCE 7 and the 2020 NEHRP Provisions. Future development of diaphragm response
modification factors, Rs, and the procedures to obtain Rs, should include these factors.
A more formalized procedure for computing diaphragm design factors or proving equivalence to
existing diaphragm systems is needed. It is anticipated that these procedures will be used for either industry
driven systems or proprietary systems through an evaluation service process.

ACI (2019) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19), American Concrete
ACI (2014) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14), American Concrete
ACI (2013) Design Guide for Connections in Precast Jointed Systems (ACI 550.2R-13), American
Concrete Institute
AISI (2015) AISI S400-15 North American Standard for Seismic Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
Systems, American Iron and Steel Institute
AISI (2016) AISI S310-16 North American Standard for Design of Profiled Steel Diaphragm Panels,
American Iron and Steel Institute.ASCE/SEI, 2010. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, 2010 edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Va.
ASCE/SEI, 2017. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, 2016
edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Applied Technology Council. (1995). ATC-19: Structural response modification factors. Applied
Technology Council, Redwood City, California.
AWC, 2015. Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS), American Wood Council,
Leesburg, VA

2020 NEHRP Provisions

FEMA, 2009. Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors (FEMA P-695), Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, DC.
FEMA, 2011. Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors: Component Equivalency Method
(FEMA P-795), Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
FEMA, 2015. NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for Buildings and Other Structures, 2015 Edition
(FEMA P-1050), Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
Fischer, A.W., and Schafer, B.W. (2018) “Inelastic Time History Response of Lumped Parameter Wall and
Diaphragm Building”, Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angles, June
Fleischman, R.B., Restrepo, J.I., Naito, C.J., Sause, R., Zhang, D., and Schoettler, M. (2013) “Integrated
Analytical and Experimental Research to Develop a New Seismic Design Methodology for Precast
Concrete Diaphragms” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 7, pp. 1192-1204.
Foroughi, H., Wei, G., Torabian, S., Eatherton, M.R., and Schafer, B.W. (2019) “Seismic Demands on Steel
Diaphragms for 3D Archetype Buildings with Concentric Braced Frames”, 12th Canadian Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Chateau Frontenac Quebec, QC, June 17-20.
Newmark, N.M, and Hall, W.J., (1982) Earthquake Spectra and Design, published by the Earthquake
Engineering Research Institute
O’Brien, P., Eatherton, M.R., Easterling, W.S., Schafer, B.W., Hajjar, J.F. (2017) “Steel Deck Diaphragm
Test Database v1.0.” CFSRC Report R-2017-03, permanent link: jhir.library.jhu.edu/handle/1774.2/40634
Wei, G., Foroughi, H., Torabian, S., Schafer, B.W., and Eatherton, M.R. (2019) “Evaluating Different
Diaphragm Design Procedures Using nonlinear 3d Computational Models”, 12th Canadian Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Chateau Frontenac Quebec, QC, June 17-20.
Zhang, D. and Cobeen, K. (2014) “Nonlinear Response History Analyses of Light-Frame Timber
Buildings”, BSSC PUC Issue Team 6 (IT6) committee communications

Part 3, Resource Paper 7


In ASCE 7-16, requirements relating to seismic deflection and drift limitations can be found in six locations
in Chapter 12 and approximately 30 locations in Chapters 13 through 18. The 2020 NEHRP Provisions
update proposal RS-1 has moved these provisions towards uniform terminology in order to provide
increased clarity. Even with this increased clarity, questions have arisen regarding calculation of diaphragm
deflections for use in the ASCE 7 provisions.
During the 2015 and 2020 NEHRP update cycles, a number of proposals relating to diaphragm seismic
design forces were developed by the Provisions Update Committee’s issue teams, resulting in the addition
of two alternatives to the basic diaphragm seismic design force provisions of ASCE 7 Sections 12.10.1 and
12.10.2. New Section 12.10.3 provides an alternative seismic design procedure for diaphragms, chords and
collectors using a diaphragm design force reduction factor, Rs. Section 12.10.4 provides an alternative
seismic design procedure for flexible diaphragms in one-story rigid-vertical element, flexible-diaphragm
structures. Sections 12.10.1, 12.10.2 and 12.10.3 are silent on determination of diaphragm deflections,
deferring to other provisions in ASCE 7. Section 12.10.4 specifically identifies a Cd-diaph factor for
amplification of diaphragm deflections, consistent with the FEMA P-695 method that was used to develop
the provisions.
Of the six ASCE 7-16 requirements relating to seismic deflection and drift, 2020 NEHRP proposal RS-
1 has eliminated one (Section 12.12.2) and identified two (the second-order effect of Section 12.8.7 and the
drift limits of Section 12.12.1), for which inclusion of diaphragm deflection is not required; as a result,
these provisions are not considered further in this resource paper. The remaining three provisions for which
diaphragm deflection must be considered are Section 12.12.3 structural separation, Section 12.12.4
members spanning between structures, and Section 12.12.5 deformation compatibility. Looking at these
three and the Section 12.10 provisions as a group, IT9 has become aware that there is a significant lack of
clarity as to how diaphragm deflections should be calculated and incorporated into building deflections and
drifts. This includes both the force level at which deflections should be calculated, and the amplification of
calculated deflections. Proposal RS-1 by Rafael Sabelli (Sabelli, 2019) provides clarity of intent for a
number of aspects of earthquake displacement and drift calculations, but leaves determination of
amplification of diaphragm deflection to the judgement of the designer.
This resource paper has been developed to document the questions that have arisen regarding
calculation of design diaphragm deflections, relevant background information, and recommended further
steps needed in order to provide clarification within the ASCE 7 provisions or commentary. This resource
paper begins with Section RP8-2 discussion of structure types for which diaphragm deflection is of concern.
Section RP8-3 discusses the need for clarity as to which force levels and amplification factors may be
appropriate for the computation. Greater detail related to each of ASCE 7’s three diaphragm design methods
is provided in Section RP8-4 for the traditional diaphragm force procedure (ASCE 7 Section 12.10.1 and
12.10.2), Section RP8-5 for the alternative design provisions for diaphragms (ASCE 7 Section 12.10.3),
and Section RP8-6 for the alternative seismic design procedure for flexible diaphragms in one-story
buildings with rigid-vertical elements (ASCE 7 Section 12.10.4). Section RP8-7 discusses possible similar
questions related to the Section calculated flexible diaphragm condition. Finally, Section RP8-8 of
this resource paper contains interim recommendations for designers and recommended next steps. This
documentation has been developed to provide interim guidance to designers and with the hope that at a
future time recommendations for next steps will be pursued in research or guideline development.
Background information relating to development of Cd factors can the found in a separate 2020 NEHRP
Provisions resource paper titled “Seismic Design Story Drift Provisions: Current Questions and Needed

2020 NEHRP Provisions


Diaphragm deflections can vary from near negligible in some diaphragm systems to very large in others. A
few examples of diaphragm systems for which the deflection can be large and therefore potentially have a
significant impact on design include:
• Rigid wall-flexible diaphragm (RWFD) structures with long-span wood structural panel or bare
steel deck diaphragms. These are most often one-story structures, but can also be of two or three
• Structures with long-span untopped precast concrete diaphragms, such as parking garages. These
are commonly two and three story structures.
• Commercial or office buildings with long-span bare steel deck diaphragms. These structures are
generally low rise, with the flexible diaphragm generally occurring at one or more roof levels.
While long spans are the predominant feature resulting in high deflection, span to depth ratios can also
be contributors. Although these particularly stand out as requiring attention, the deflection in other
diaphragm systems could potentially be critical for design. For this reason, the discussion of this resource
paper is intended to apply to all diaphragm systems.


ASCE 7-16, Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 provided seismic force levels for diaphragm design (Fpx) forces.
While some changes to the force level derivation have occurred, the provisions have been conceptually
consistent over many editions of the ASCE 7 standard. These provisions do not make mention of
calculations of seismic deflections. Provisions regarding determination of story drift are found in Sections
12.8.6, 12.9.1 and 12.9.2. These indicate use of Fx forces that are amplified by the Cd associated with the
vertical seismic force-resisting system (SFRS). The structural separation, members spanning between
structures and deformation compatibility provisions of Sections 12.12.3, 12.12.4, and 12.12.5 refer back to
these sections and equations, suggesting use of Fx forces and tabulated Cd factors. When added into ASCE
7-16, Section 12.10.3 similarly incorporated provisions for diaphragm seismic forces without specifically
addressing calculation of diaphragm deflections.
When further consideration is given to the intent of the calculated deflections, a reasonable argument
can be made for using Fpx forces for determining diaphragm deflections. The Fpx forces are intended to
identify the most critical diaphragm design forces that might occur over the duration of a design level
ground motion, while the Fx forces are intended to identify the most critical shears and moments in the
vertical elements. If the deflection of the diaphragm is of concern, it would best be evaluated using the F px
forces representing the most critical seismic forces to the diaphragm.
At this time there is thought to be a range of practice in the design community regarding force levels
used for calculation of diaphragm deflections for both single-story and multi-story buildings. It appears
desirable to provide recommendations or design provisions to narrow the range of practice.
In multi-story buildings the potential differential deflection between two adjacent stories adds further
complexity that is of concern and interest. Several different patterns of loading could potentially be applied:
• The worst case scenario would have diaphragms at adjacent stories completely out of phase. In
talking to designers, this is not currently perceived as a necessary design case.
• A second scenario would have one diaphragm deflect while diaphragms above and below have no
• A third scenario would have each diaphragm over the height of the building deflecting at F x or Fpx
level forces, resulting in significant differential deflections between ground and second floor
diaphragm, but little to no differential deflection for stories above.

Part 3, Resource Paper 8

The third scenario is likely what is most often implemented in design. This third scenario is important
to consider in all structure designs, as it should capture the most critical relative displacement between the
ground and second floor, which is often the highest drift demand in the structure. There may, however, be
building configurations where a more detailed consideration of deflection patterns over the height of the
structure is appropriate.
Similarly, consideration is needed regarding appropriate amplification of diaphragm deflections. With
the development of Section 12.10.4 provisions based on the FEMA P-695 methodology, a Cd-diaph factor for
amplification of diaphragm deflections was specifically derived. This in turn brought up the question of
what amplification might be applied to diaphragms using forces from Sections 12.10.1, 12.10.2 and 12.10.3.
When the question of diaphragm deflection amplification is considered, it is logical that the deflection
amplification should be a function of the diaphragm system, rather than the vertical elements of the SFRS.


Calculation of diaphragm design forces in accordance with ASCE 7 Section 12.10.1 has been the typical
approach for many decades. The diaphragm design force Fpx is derived from the story force Fi which is
derived from the base shear V=CsW (with applicable upper and lower bounds). Embedded within Cs and
thus Fpx is the SFRS’s response modification coefficient, R, which reduces forces down to design levels.
As such, to compute the SFRS’s maximum inelastic displacements, it would generally be anticipated that
design force level displacements computed based on Cs would be amplified by the deflection amplification
factor Cd to obtain inelastic displacements. In a broad sense, R reduces the building’s expected seismic
forces down to a reasonable design level with considerations for ductility and overstrength, and C d brings
the displacements computed with those design forces back up to an expected inelastic level. Lacking other
specific direction from the ASCE 7 provisions, it might be anticipated that this is a commonly used approach
for calculating deflections for diaphragms as well as vertical elements of the SFRS.
Where the deflection of a diaphragm is to be calculated, Chapter 12 provisions do not currently have
requirements other than implied use of Fx forces amplified by the Cd of the vertical SFRS. An important
question is whether the deflection amplification factors Cd in ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 should be used to
amplify the computed design force level diaphragm deflections up to inelastic levels for the purpose of
evaluating building separations, property line setbacks, structural integrity, and deformation compatibility.
The use of the SFRS’s Cd to obtain maximum inelastic diaphragm deflections has been illustrated in
published seismic design examples (SEAOC, 2016; Lawson, 2013).
If a designer uses Fx forces amplified by Cd, some concerns are created. The deflection amplification
factor Cd is used to partially offset the response modification coefficient’s force reduction, however both R
and Cd are related to the expect performance of the SFRS, not the diaphragm. An example that suggests
that this approach is not appropriate is the comparison of two RWFD buildings with identical diaphragms:
One building is comprised of a Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall system (R=5, Cd=5) and the other
building is comprised of a Special Masonry Shear Wall system (R=5, Cd=3.5). Assuming similar building
mass, both have identical base shears and identical diaphragm loading and thus diaphragm construction;
however, their Cd’s would seemingly predict very different inelastic diaphragm deflections.
This discussion suggests that the deflection amplification factors corresponding to the response
modification coefficients of the SFRS vertical elements found in ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 may not provide the
most rational approach to computation of inelastic diaphragm deflections. An alternative approach is not
currently provided by ASCE 7 when using the diaphragm design procedure in Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2.
Development of more specific direction to the designer is recommended; interim recommendations can be
found in Section RP8-8.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 introduced an alternate design procedure for diaphragms; this procedure
provides unique diaphragm design force reduction factors, Rs, as specified in Table 12.10-1. Unlike the
SFRS response modification coefficients R in Table 12.2-1, Rs factors are directly related to the expected
performance of the diaphragm design and construction. This alternative procedure, however, does not
currently have requirements for calculation of diaphragm deflection other than use of Fx forces amplified
by the Cd of the vertical SFRS.
If a designer uses Fx forces amplified by Cd, some concerns are created. To illustrate this, consider the
design of a 1-story building that incorporates an intermediate precast concrete shear wall system with
flexible wood structural panel diaphragm designed for SDS = 1.0). For this example building, the building
base shear V and story force Fx is 0.25W, but the diaphragm design force Fpx is 0.208wx, reflecting the two
different approaches taken for the building design and diaphragm design. As discussed in Section RP10-3,
some suggest that Fx force levels are appropriate for the diaphragm deflection design instead of Fpx which
is used for diaphragm strength. However, in this example that approach results in 20-percent higher forces
for diaphragm deflection analysis; calculation of deflections at this force level imply overstress in the wood
structural panel nailing because the nail-slip shear forces exceed those permitted for diaphragm deflection
computations by AWC SDPWS Table C4.2.2D.
There are no unique deflection amplification factors corresponding to Rs provided. In order to have a
broader view of the alternative diaphragm design procedure’s development of design forces, consider a
one-story building. The diaphragm design forces are computed by starting with the actual anticipated
building force levels, reduced by the SFRS’s R, then increased by the SFRS’s Ωo, then reduced by the
diaphragm’s Rs. This process can be generalized as follows for this specific one-story building example:
1 1
𝐹𝑝𝑥 ≈ 𝑆𝐷𝑆 𝐼𝑒 [ × Ω𝑜 × ] 𝑤𝑝𝑥
𝑅 𝑅𝑠
It is evident that a deflection amplification factor Cd that corresponds to the SFRS and R is not
necessarily appropriate for the diaphragm design based on Rs. To compute the maximum expected
diaphragm deflections δx, considering inelastic behavior, a deflection amplification factor Cd is not provided
in the alternative design procedure; but it is likely appropriate to use Cd = Rs. Development of more specific
direction to the designer is recommended; interim recommendations can be found in Section RP8-8.


Newly introduced ASCE 7 Section 12.10.4 provides a design methodology that considers the seismic
behavior, performance, and inelastic deflection of both the SFRS and diaphragm for one-story RWFD
buildings. This procedure’s development is outlined in FEMA P-1026 as well as in a previous NEHRP Part
3 resource paper (NEHRP, 2015). In this alternate design procedure, a separate response modification
coefficient Rdiaph and deflection amplification factor Cd-diaph are provided for the diaphragm design through
a two-stage analysis procedure. For diaphragms using wood structural panels fastened with nails, R diaph is
equal to 4.5, with a 10% wide perimeter band strengthened 1.5x to encourage distributive yielding (Koliou
et al., 2016). A corresponding Cd diaph = 4.5 is specified for wood structural panel diaphragms. The
development of Rdiaph and Cd-diaph followed the procedure described in FEMA P-695 (FEMA, 2009), but are
only valid when the alternative design procedure with perimeter strengthening is employed. The decision
to select Cd diaph = Rdiaph was based on recommendations within FEMA P-695, based on the “Newmark
Rule.” FEMA P-695 states, “In general, inherent damping may be assumed to be 5% of critical…. Thus,
for most systems the value of Cd will be equal to the value of R.”

Part 3, Resource Paper 8

Chapter 6 of FEMA P-1026 illustrates a design example on a 400-ft x 200-ft tilt-up concrete building
with wood structural panel diaphragm in Seismic Design Category Dmax and computes an elastic diaphragm
deflection of 6.48-inches using a simplistic standard approach. Estimating the inelastic diaphragm response
with Cd-diaph = 4.5, maximum inelastic deflection is reported at 29.1-inches. However, as outlined in Lawson
(2019), this deflection is based on very conservative assumptions, and a separate analysis using more
refined assumptions with the same Cd-diaph factor indicates an inelastic diaphragm deflection less than 12-
An update to FEMA P-1026 is underway to include untopped steel deck diaphragms with unique Rdiaph
and Cd diaph parameters for design based on research work by Schafer (2019).


While some designers may be concerned that a similar consideration of forces and deflection
amplification is needed in order to use the calculated flexible diaphragm condition provisions of Section, such consideration is not necessary. Section is intended as a relative check of deflection
between the diaphragm and supporting vertical elements, with both δMDD and ΔADVE at similar design force
levels. Thus, this comparison is calculated at Fx design level forces, with no consideration of amplification
of either the diaphragm or the vertical element deflections.
Some confusion may still exist because loading from Section 12.8 is explicitly indicated, and Section
12.8.6 defines the design story drift, Δ, as determined using the building deflections amplified by Cd.
Amplification of deflections when using Section is not intended.


The current ASCE 7 Chapter 12 provisions do not appear to give the designer adequate direction regarding
calculation of diaphragm deflections. The following are put forward as interim recommendations.

RP8-8.1 Force Level for Calculation of Diaphragm Deflection

It is recommended that diaphragm deflections be calculated using Fpx forces. Reasons include:
• This is the current best available indicator of design forces and therefore design deflections for
• In a multi-story building, Fx at lower floors will underestimate diaphragm forces and therefore
diaphragm deflections, and most notably the deflection of the second floor diaphragm with respect
to the ground floor, and
• Use of Fpx prevents the disparity shown in the example in Section RP8-5 where the Fx forces used
to calculate the deflection can imply overstress in the diaphragm.

RP8-8.2 Amplification of Diaphragm Deflection

Four methods are suggested for determining the amplification of diaphragm deflections, based on the
method used to determine the design level Fpx forces used in diaphragm deflection calculations. These
methods are recommended for use as follows:
• When using diaphragm design forces determined in accordance with Section 12.10.3, it is
recommended that Method 3 be used.
• When using diaphragm design forces determined in accordance with Section 12.10.4, it is
recommended and intended that Method 4 be used.
• When using diaphragm design forces determined in accordance with Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2,
either Method 1 or Method 2 can be used, but Method 2 is recommended.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Method 1. For diaphragm deflections calculated using design level Fpx forces determined in accordance
with Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2, deflections are to be multiplied by 0.7R, using R in accordance with
Table 12.2-1. Method 1 is roughly equivalent to multiplying by the Cd for the vertical elements of the
seismic force-resisting system, but removes the concern regarding variability of Cd factors that was
discussed in Section RP8-4. For purposes of this method, R might be limited to not greater than five; this
will compensate for diaphragm design forces in some cases being controlled by minimum required F px
forces. This is the least preferred amplification method because it relies on force levels and amplifications
that are representative of the vertical elements of the SFRS, and not necessarily good predictors of
diaphragm response.
Method 2. For diaphragms deflections calculated using design level Fpx forces determined in
accordance with Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2, deflections are to be multiplied by Fpx as calculated in
Section 12.10.3 and Rs as determined in Section 12.10.3, and divided by Fpx as determined in Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2. Because the Rs factor will cancel out when determining deflections with this method,
it is possible to use this for any diaphragm system, whether or not it has a listed Rs-factor. Method 2
recognizes Section 12.10.3 Fpx times Rs as the best available estimate of anticipated diaphragm forces for
near-elastic behavior. By multiplying the deflection at design level forces by this ratio, a best estimate of
diaphragm inelastic deflection is provided.
Method 3. For diaphragm deflections calculated using design level forces determined in accordance
with Section 12.10.3, amplification of diaphragm deflections by Rs is recommended.
Method 4. For diaphragms designed in accordance with Section 12.10.4, use of the provided C d-diaph
factor is required and appropriate.

RP8-8.3 Patterns of Diaphragm Deflection

Sections RP8-2 and RP8-3 discuss patterns of diaphragm deflection that might be of concern when
considering deformation compatibility. The drift imposed on elements of the gravity load-carrying system
at any point in the structure is determined by the combination of the drift of vertical elements of the SFRS
and deflections of the diaphragms. It is recommended that consideration be given to likely patterns of force
and deflection in vertical elements and each diaphragm when determining drift levels imposed on the
gravity load-carrying system.

RP8.8-4 Further Steps

For future development, it is recommended that available information be collected from numerical studies
and instrumented buildings to develop Cd-diaph factors for all diaphragm design methods and diaphragm
systems. This effort would be intended to result in guidance for designers, replacing the interim guidance
provided above. It is also recommended that systematic consideration be given to the patterns of diaphragm
deflection to be used in design of multi-story buildings, further pursuing the discussion in Section RP8-3.
Some sources of strong motion records for flexible diaphragm can be found in the following papers: Wood
and Hawkins (1998), Graf and Malley (2004), and Freeman et al. (1995).

ASCE, 2017. Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, 2016
Edition (ANSI/ASCE 7-16), American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.

AWC, 2015. Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS), American Wood Council, Leesburg, VA.
BSSC, 2019. Provisions Update Committee Proposal RS-1. See BSSC ballot archives.
FEMA, 2009. Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors (FEMA P-695), Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Washington, DC.

Part 3, Resource Paper 8

FEMA, 2015. Seismic Design of Rigid Wall-Flexible Diaphragm Buildings: An Alternative Procedure
(FEMA P-1026), Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
Freeman, S.A., Gilmartin, U.A., and Searer, G.R., 1995. “Tilt-up Construction: Proposed Seismic Design
Procedures Developed from Strong Motion Research.” Proceedings of the NEHRP Conference and
Workshop on Research on the Northridge, California Earthquake of January 17, 1994. Consortium of
Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, Richmond, CA
Graf, T. and Malley, J., 2004. Evaluation and Application of Concrete Tilt-Up Assessment Methodologies
(PEER 2004/03), Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Koliou, M; Filiatrault, A; Kelly, D.J.; and Lawson, J, 2016. “Distributed Yielding Concept for Improved
Seismic Collapse Performance of Rigid Wall – Flexible Diaphragm Buildings,” Journal of Structural
Engineering, February, 2016, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Lawson, 2013. Seismic Design of Timber Panelized Roof Structures, WoodWorks, Wood Products Council,
Washington DC.
Lawson, 2019. “Improving the Accuracy of Wood Diaphragm Deflection Computations and its Impact on
ASCE 41 Pseudo-Lateral Force Estimates,” 2019 SEAOC Convention Proceedings, August, 2019,
Structural Engineers Association of California, Sacramento, CA.
NEHRP, 2015. “One-Story, Flexible Diaphragm Buildings with Stiff Vertical Elements,” Recommended
Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures (FEMA P-1050-2), 2015 Edition, Volume II:
Part 3 Resource Papers, pp. 111-161, Building Seismic Safety Council and the National Institute of Building
Sciences, National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program, Washington, DC.
Schafer, 2019. Research on the Seismic Performance of Rigid Wall Flexible Diaphragm Buildings with
Bare Steel Deck Diaphragms. CFSRC Report 2019-2.
SEAOC, 2016. 2015 IBC SEAOC Structural/Seismic Design Manual – Vol. 2, Structural Engineers
Association of California, Sacramento, CA.
Wood, S. and Hawkins, N., 1998. “Measured Response of Two Tilt-up Buildings,” The Loma Prieta
Earthquake of October 17, 1989 – Building Structures, United States Geological Survey Professional Paper
1552-C, United St

2020 NEHRP Provisions


During the 2020 NEHRP update cycle, Issue Team 3 (IT-3) reviewed and considered potential updates to
the existing Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) method of ASCE 7-16 Section 12.9.1. RSA is one of the
recommended methods of lateral analysis of structures and has traditionally been considered superior to the
Equivalent Lateral Force Analysis (ELF) of Section 12.8. RSA, (or the more advanced Linear Response
History Analysis), is therefore the required elastic analysis procedure for structures that possess certain
irregularities or for flexible buildings taller than 160 feet in height. The effort of the IT-3 was intended to
focus on reviewing the existing state of the RSA and suggest improvements as appropriate.

IT-3 identified a list of tasks at the beginning of the provision update cycle. These tasks included the
1. Application of the response modification factor, R only to first mode response, assuming that higher
mode structural response typically does not include significant nonlinear behavior.
2. Consideration (or reconsideration) of the appropriateness of current approaches for scaling to the
results of ELF including drift, base shear, overturning moment, etc.

3. Application of a multi degree of freedom factor to RSA scaling.

4. Revision of triggers for RSA in ASCE 7.
Note that currently ASCE 7-16 requires RSA for the following structures in SDC D, E and F:
a. Structures exceeding 160 ft in structural height with any structural irregularity or T >3.5Ts
b. Structures not exceeding 160 ft in structural height and having horizontal irregularities of Type 1a,
1b or 5 in Table 12.3-1 or vertical irregularities of Type 1a, 1b, 2 or 3 in Table 12.3-2.
As part of this study, trigger a and horizontal irregularity 1a and vertical irregularity 1a, 2 of trigger b
were investigated.
Recommendations derived from the studies by the IT-3 committee for Tasks 1 through 4 are
summarized at the end of the paper.


IT-3 studied a series of analytical models of archetype structures to address the tasks listed in the previous
section. The various archetypes and models studies are listed below:
• Low to Mid-Rise (3-story, 6-story and 9-story) Steel Special Moment Frame study (2D Model).
• 20-Story Regular Steel Moment Frame Study (2D Model).
• Low to Mid-Rise (3-story, 6-story and 9-story) Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame Study (2D
• 20-Story Steel Moment Frame Study with mass irregularities at 5th, 10th and 15th level (2D Model).
• 20-Story Steel Moment Frame Study with Stiffness Irregularity at 10th and 15th level (2D Model).

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

• 8-Story Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall building with (a) no plan irregularity (b) plan irregularity
about one axis and (c) plan irregularity about both axes.

• Reinforced Coupled Concrete Shear Wall buildings (study conducted by UCLA).

For the purpose of the above studies, all buildings except the ductile coupled wall buildings were
located in Los Angeles with SDS = 1.3 and SD1 = 0.73. A standard RSA was first performed on all the models
using ASCE 7-16. This was followed by a nonlinear response history analysis (NLRHA) using the software
program PERFORM-3D (Version 7.0.0). The moment frame designs for the 3, 6 and 9-story buildings were
based on Sanchez et al. (2017). Hence the same seven sets of ground motion mentioned in that paper were
utilized for the NLRHA with different sets of scale factors used for the various archetypes (same scale
factor was used when the periods were relatively close). These sites correspond to relatively high seismicity
areas with Strike-slip, Reverse or Reverse-oblique faulting mechanisms, maximum expected moment
magnitudes, Mw of 6-8 and a distance to the Rjb greater than 10 km, therefore, not affected by fault
directivity effects. In addition, a shear wave velocity, vs30 of approximately 750 ft/sec corresponding to stiff
soil or Site Class D was assumed for the site. The various ground motions are listed in Table 1. Note that
ASCE 7-16 Site Class D specific scaling of Fv to 2.5 was not followed. However, it is our opinion that this
scaling will not affect the conclusions derived at the end of this study.
Ground motions were amplitude scaled per ASCE 7 Section 16.2.3 to match the DE spectra. For each
pair of ground motions, the maximum direction spectrum (ROTD100) was obtained from the PEER
Database. The motions were then scaled in the period ranges of 0.2 to 1.5 times the fundamental period of
the structure such that the average of the maximum direction spectrum did not fall below 90% of the target
spectrum in that period range. A sample scaling for the 3, 6 and 9-story moment frames is shown in Figure
1. The fundamental periods for these three buildings are 0.41 sec, 0.77 sec and 1.26 sec respectively. The
same scale factor was used for all three buildings for the sake of simplicity.
Table 1 – Characteristics of Selected Ground Motions

Earthquake Year RSN# * Station Name Mw Mechanism
Imperial Valley 1940 6 El Centro Array #9 6.95 Strike Slip 2.60

Kern County 1952 15 Taft Lincoln School 7.36 Reverse 2.77

1954 20 Ferndale City Hall 6.50 Strike Slip 2.50

San Fernando 1971 57 Castaic Old Rdg Rte 6.61 Reverse 2.19

Friuli, Italy 1976 125 Tolmezzo 6.50 Reverse 2.15

Imperial Valley 1979 164 Cerro Prieto 6.53 Reverse 2.26

Coalinga 1983 340 Parkfield-Flt Zone 16 6.36 Reverse 3.39

RSN = Record Sequence Number used in the NGA-West 2 Online Ground Motion Database

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Figure 1 Maximum Direction Spectra Illustrating the ASCE 7 Scaling Procedure

Low to Mid-Rise Moment Frame Study: For the purpose of this study, the steel moment frames that
were designed by Sanchez et al. (2017) were used. Typical elevations and plan view of the three frames are
shown in Figure 2. To calculate the drifts for the standard case (Response Modification Coefficient (R)
applied uniformly), all spectral ordinates were scaled by Cd. For the case where R was only applied at the
fundamental period, only that spectral ordinate was scaled by Cd. All other ordinates were left unscaled.
This was done because low to mid-rise moment frames are principally first mode governed and hence any
inelastic behavior of members is more than likely to govern the first (fundamental) mode.
Recommendations of ASCE 41-13 were used to model the nonlinear beam and column hinges for the
time history analysis (refer to Figure 2). All beam-to-column connections were assumed to be standard
WUF-W per AISC 358-16.
Figure 3 shows the results of this study for the 9-story and 6-story moment frames. As can be seen from
this Figure, the differences in drift between the models where R is only used in the first mode versus all
modes, as is the current practice, is not as pronounced as the behavior of these buildings are predominantly
governed by the fundamental mode. However, it is obvious from the 6-story moment frame plot that both
the scaling approaches seem to under predict the drift when compared to the nonlinear analysis results
illustrating the inappropriateness of Cd value. The use of Cd = R is perhaps more justified in the case of the
6-story structure. Results of the 3-story building are similar to the 6-story structure.

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

ASCE 41-13 Modeling Parameters for Beam Hinges

Figure 2 Typical Elevation, Plan View and Nonlinear Modeling Parameters for the Low-
Mid Rise Moment Frame Study.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Drift Results for 9 Story Moment Frame Drift Results for 6 Story Moment Frame

Figure 3 Comparison of Elastic Story Drifts Scaled to Cd/R to Drifts from NLRHA for Low
to Mid Rise Steel Moment Frames.
20-Story Regular Moment Frame Study: The 20-story moment frame was analyzed following a similar
procedure to the low rise moment frames. The mid-rise 20-story building was redesigned using ASCE 7-
16 MRSA (base shear scaled to 100% ELF) and the subsequent nonlinear model was analyzed to the suite
of seven scaled time histories. Figure 4 shows the comparison of the nonlinear story shear to the elastic
response spectral story shear for the cases where the spectrum is scaled uniformly by R and when the
spectrum is scaled by R only in the fundamental mode. The results indicate that the unscaled base shear
(base shear not set to code specified shear) for the case where the spectrum is scaled only in the first mode
exceeds the uniformly scaled spectrum results significantly. However, the drifts predicted by both the
scaling approaches do not differ by the same amount. The drifts calculated using Cd = R match the nonlinear
drifts better than either of the individual scaling approaches.

Comparison of Story Shear Comparison of Story Drift

Figure 4 Comparison of Story Shear and Story Drifts between RSA with Different Scaling
Approaches to NLRHA.
Figure 5 shows the two RSA and nonlinear analyses compared to the ELF results for the 20-story
moment frame. In these plots, the base shear of the two RSAs were scaled to the ELF base shear. The plots
suggest that the uniformly scaled RSA analysis is closer to the ELF results both for prediction of story shear

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

at all floors. In addition, the ELF predictions of the inelastic drifts are closer to the nonlinear results and
certainly better than either of the RSA approaches.

Comparison of Story Shear Comparison of Story Drift

Figure 5 Story Shear and Story Drift Comparison between RSA, ELF and NLRHA for
Twenty Story Moment Frame
Low to Mid-Rise (3-story, 6-story and 9-story) Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame Study: Behavior of
three different heights of Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame (BRBF) structures were examined as part of
this study. The same plan and mass as for the moment frame study shown in Figure 1 was used. The braces
were first designed assuming the building to be located at the same location in Los Angeles with SDS = 1.3
and SD1 = 0.73. The unscaled base shears of the two differently scaled RSA were then compared with the
nonlinear time history results. These results are plotted in Figure 6. The drifts from the MRSA are also
compared with the drifts from the nonlinear analysis which are presented in Figure 7.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Comparison of Story Shear for 9-Story BRBF Comparison of Story Shear for 6-Story BRBF

Comparison of Story Shear for 3-Story BRBF

Figure 6 Comparison of RSA and NLRHA Story Shear Plots for 9, 6 & 3-Story BRBFs.
As can be seen from Figure 6, the unscaled (not scaled to code minimum) base shears for 9-story and
6-story BRBFs exceed the uniformly scaled RSA base shears significantly. This is because of the modal
participation of the higher modes are significant for the taller BRBFs. Since the responses at these modes
are not scaled by the R-factor, the overall responses for the taller frames tend to exceed the uniformly scaled
RSA. For the 3-story BRBF, the fundamental mode happens to have the largest participation which results
in the two RSAs producing very similar results. The drift plots indicate that the results produced by the two
scaling methods produce fairly similar results. It should be mentioned here that elastic drift values obtained
from the response spectrum cases have been amplified by Cd for both cases. For response spectrum analysis
with reduction applied in the first mode, Cd was also applied to the first mode only (since other modes are
assumed to be elastic). Thus, the drift results for both the response spectrum methods appear quite similar
although there is a significant difference in the unscaled base shears.

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

Comparison of Story Drift for 9-Story BRBF Comparison of Story Drift for 6-Story BRBF

Comparison of Story Drift for 3-Story BRBF

Figure 7 Comparison of RSA and NLRHA Story Drift Plots for 9, 6 & 3-Story BRBFs.
20-Story Moment Frame Study with Mass Irregularities at 5th, 10th and 15th Levels (2D Model): As
part of the study on mass irregular buildings, behavior of a 20-story moment frame with mass irregularities
at 5th, 10th and 15th floors respectively were compared. At these floors, the mass was doubled compared
to the adjacent floors immediately above and below, thereby triggering a mass irregularity per ASCE 7.
Figure 8 plots the unscaled base shear (not scaled to ELF) for the three irregular buildings and compares
them to two differently scaled RSA to the nonlinear analysis results. Note that the design base shear for
these buildings is around 750 kips. In general, the first mode scaled RSA always produces higher base
shear compared to the uniformly scaled RSA for reasons similar to the taller BRBF buildings. Figure 9
compares the results of the RSAs and ELF drifts to the nonlinear analysis. For both buildings, the ELF
drifts exceed the predictions of the RSA. Figure 10 compares the RSA drift to the nonlinear drift. The drifts
from the two RSAs are very similar though the drift with Cd = R compares more favorably to the nonlinear
analysis results than the ASCE/SEI 7-16 Table 12.2-1 value of 5.5. In addition, it is also clear from the
plots that the location of the mass irregularity has no effect on the overall conclusion

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Comparison of Story Shear for Irregularity at 5th Flr. Comparison of Story Shear for Irregularity at 10th Flr.

Comparison of Story Shear for Irregularity at 15th Flr.

Figure 8 Story Shear Plots for Mass-Irregular Buildings.

Mass Irregularity at 10th Floor Mass Irregularity at 15th Floor

Figure 9 Comparison of Story Drift between RSA, ELF and NLRHA for Mass Irregularity at
Levels 10 and 15.

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

Comparison of Story Drift for Irregularity at 5th Flr. Comparison of Story Drift for Irregularity at 10th Flr.

Comparison of Story Drift for Irregularity at 15th Flr.

Figure 10 Comparison of Story Drift between RSA and NLRHA for Mass Irregular
20-Story Moment Frame Study with Vertical Geometric Irregularity at 10th and 15th Level: In this study
the behavior of a 20-story building with vertical geometric irregularity at 10th and 15th floors were compared.
The vertical geometric irregularity was created by enlarging the moment frame bays by 2 compared to the
floor immediately above (the floor above has 3 bays of moment frame compared to 5 bays below). The
results of the base shear distribution, overturning moment and drifts are presented in Figure 11. In these
plots, the base shear for the two RSAs were scaled to 100% of the ELF base shear. As can be seen from the
Figure, the overturning moment and drift prediction from ELF exceeds either of the RSA methods. The
uniformly scaled RSA produces higher shear distribution over significant height of the building compared
to the RSA scaled to the fundamental mode. Similarly, the overturning prediction from the uniformly RSA
produces higher values compared to the RSA scaled to the first mode only. ELF drifts provide generally
better match to the nonlinear results compared to either of the RSA results. The difference between the
RSA and ELF drift predictions appear to be more pronounced when the irregularity is at the 15th floor. For
that case, RSA uniform also provides marginally better prediction than the RSA first mode.

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Comparison of Story Shear for Geom. Irreg. 10th Flr. Comparison of Story Shear for Geom Irreg. at 15th Flr.

Comparison of OTM for Geom. Irreg. at 10th Flr. Comparison of OTM for Irregularity at 15th Flr.

Comparison of Story Drift for Geom. Irreg. at 10th Flr. Comparison of Story Drift for Irregularity at 15th Flr.

Figure 11 Comparison of Story Shear, Overturning Moment and Story Drifts between
RSA, ELF and NLRHA for the Geometrically Irregular Buildings.

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

8-Story Concrete Shear Wall Building: In this study, the behavior of an 8-story concrete shear wall
building modeled after a design used in the ATC-123 document was studied. Three design cases were
considered as follows: (a) walls are symmetrically arranged in plan and there is no torsional irregularity (b)
walls are arranged in plan in such a way that there is torsional irregularity about one axis and (c) walls are
arranged in plan in a way that there is torsional irregularity about both axes. Please refer to Figure 12 for
the three cases.

Figure 12 8-Story Shear Wall Cases

As before, it was assumed that the building would be located in Los Angeles with seismic parameters
presented earlier. A code design of the building with R = 5 (Bearing Shear Wall Building) was performed
and the wall flexural and shear reinforcement were calculated. Following this the walls were modeled in
PERFORM-3D and a nonlinear analysis with appropriately scaled bidirectional ground motion was
performed. Figure 13 shows a comparison of the most critical drifts (captured at the building corner
producing the worst drift) for the regular building with the drifts obtained from the case where there is
torsional irregularity about both axes. For both cases, the ELF approach produces a more conservative
estimate of lateral drifts compared to the RSA approach. In addition ELF also produces drifts that exceed
the NLRHA drifts for this case.

No Torsional Irregularity Irregularity About both Axes

Figure 13 Comparison of Story Drifts for 8-Story Shear Wall Buildings

Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Wall (RCDCW) Buildings: Results for this system was provided
by Tauberg et al. (2019). In this study, they assessed the collapse potential of RC Coupled Wall Archetypes

2020 NEHRP Provisions

representative of common practice according to ASCE 7-16 and ACI 318-19 provisions and then performed
nonlinear pushover and incremental dynamic analyses to quantify the system overstrength and adjusted
collapse margin ratios. Following the FEMA P695 methodology, values for the response modification
factor R = 8, the deflection amplification factor Cd = R = 8, and the system overstrength Ω0 = 2.5 were
proposed for Reinforced Concrete (RC) Ductile Coupled Walls.
A series of forty-one coupled wall buildings were designed using a range of variables expected to
influence the collapse margin ratio, with primary variables of building height (i.e., 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, and 30
stories), wall cross section (i.e., planar and flanged walls), coupling beam aspect ratio (ln/h) ranging from
2.0 to 5.0, and coupling beam reinforcement arrangement (i.e., diagonally and conventionally reinforced).
The range of variables are chosen considering those used to define a Ductile Coupled Wall system in ACI
318-19. The resulting designs have the minimum wall area (length and thickness) required which is
governed by shear amplification and the requirement that walls sharing a common shear force not exceed
a shear stress of 8√𝑓′𝑐 𝐴𝑐𝑣 .
The designs were for Risk Category II structures with an importance factor Ie = 1.0. It incorporated
provisions of ASCE 7-16 and ACI 318-19, which includes new requirements for wall shear amplification
(ACI 318-19 Section 18.10.3) and a drift capacity check (ACI 318-19 Section, as well as the
seismic design parameters specified in FEMA P695 (importance factor, redundancy factor, and site class
and spectral values). The redundancy factor ρ was taken equal to 1.0, since the use of a larger value would
increase seismic loads (and capacities) and produce more conservative designs. The seismic spectral
acceleration values used are summarized below for seismic hazard Dmax as specified in FEMA P695.
SS = 1.5g Fa = 1.0 SDS = 1.00 g
S1 = 0.6g Fv = 1.5 SD1 = 0.60g
Seismic design forces were determined using the Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) method of ASCE
7, subject to scaling the base shear to 100% of the Equivalent Lateral Force base shear of ASCE 7 for a
period T = CuTa. Modal damping ratio was assumed to be 5%, and the Complete Quadratic Combination
(CQC) method was used to combine modal responses.
The story heights were taken equal to 10 feet for all designs. Building stories, the fundamental period
T1, the design period T = CuTa, the design coefficient Cs, and the design base shear Vb are summarized in
Table 2 as follows:
Table 2 - Coupled Wall Archetype Design Information
# of Stories T1 (s) T (s) Cs Vb (kips)

6 0.83 0.604 0.124 1062

8 1.27 0.749 0.100 1200

12 2.14 1.1015 .074 1360

18 3.14 1.376 .0545 1490

24 3.39 1.707 0.044 1654

30 3.62 2.018 0.044 2112

It should be noted that incorporating wall shear amplification in the design was necessary because
preliminary analysis results using R = Cd = 8 and designed conforming to ACI 318-14 shear provisions, did

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

not meet the FEMA P695 acceptability criteria due to a high number of shear failures experienced during
incremental dynamic analysis. The wall shear amplification requirement per the new code provision of ACI
318-19 amplifies the code level shear force (Vu) by a flexural overstrength factor (Ωv) and a dynamic shear
amplification factor (ωv) that accounts for higher modes. The dynamic shear amplification factor (ωv),
depends on number of stories (ns). The overstrength factor (Ωv) is the ratio of probable moment strength
Mpr to code required strength Mu, which shall not be taken less than 1.5 per ACI 318-19. In this study, the
ratio of Mpr to Mu was set equal to 1.5 for all designs so that the designs would not be overdesigned for
shear strength and represent the governing case for collapse analysis.
Two-dimensional nonlinear models were created for each design using the structural analysis software
Open Systems for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees), and nonlinear static pushover (NSP)
and incremental dynamic analyses (IDA) were performed in accordance with FEMA P695. For the IDAs,
a set of twenty-two pairs of far-field horizontal ground motion records of FEMA P695 were used.
The dynamic analyses were conducted at DE and MCE hazard levels, as well as at ground motion
intensities representative of the collapse capacity of each design. The collapse capacity was determined by
incrementally increasing the intensity of the 44 ground motion records until just less than half of the records
cause collapse of the Archetype building as represented by the established failure modes of the model.
Figure 14 compares the story shears from the ELF, RSA, RSA design amplified shear demand (Ve), and
NLRHA results for DE level shaking. In general, ELF wall shear and moment demands exceed RSA
demands along the building height. The NLRHA values shown include the mean of the maximum story
shears from the 44 ground motions as well as mean ± standard deviation values. The story shears represent
the sum of the individual shears of the coupled wall piers. The NLRHA results highlight the effects of wall
shear amplification as nonlinear shear demands range about 2 to 4 times the design shear demands at the
lower levels. However, the RSA design amplified demand (Ve) exceeds the NLRHA mean + standard
deviation shears at almost all levels.
Figure 15 compares the story drifts including the drifts at the center of mass from the RSA designs
using Cd = R = 8, the 2% drift limit, and the mean as well as mean ± standard deviation of the nonlinear
story drift results from 44 ground motions scaled to the DE level shaking. The resulting ELF drifts using
Cd = R = 8 have also been added for reference. However, it is important to note that the Archetypes were
designed using RSA, and a different building design would have been required had ELF been used.
Mean nonlinear story drifts match closely with design drifts for the shorter 6, 8, and 12-story coupled
wall designs. However, the design story drifts for the taller 24- and 30-story designs exceed the drift values
determined from NLRHA.
The design drifts in this study were obtained using a wall flexural effective stiffness Ieff = 0.75Ig based
on input from our advisory panel for effective stiffness values commonly used in practice for RC coupled
walls. This effective stiffness assumption results in lower design drifts than if, for example, Ieff = 0.5Ig were
used in design. However, since the designs have been for amplified shear demands and conform to the drift
capacity check per the new provisions of ACI 318-19, the designs were not drift-governed and the wall
piers were thicker and stiffer than if designed per
ACI 318-14. The maximum design drifts observed at the center of mass among any of the Archetypes was
less than 1.6% when using Ieff = 0.75Ig and less than 2% when using Ieff = 0.5Ig (per ACI 318-14 where this
value is permitted to compute drifts).

2020 NEHRP Provisions

8H-DR-3.0 12H-DR-3.0
8 12
Amplified V e Amplified V e
Mean Mean
Mean+std 10 Mean+std
Mean-std Mean-std
6 9

Floor Level

Floor Level


3 4


1 1
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Story Shear (kips) Story Shear (kips)

Comparison of Story Shear for 8-Story RCDCW Comparison of Story Shear for 12-Story RCDCW

18H-DR-3.0 30H-DR-3.0
18 30
17 RSA 28 RSA
16 Amplified V e 27 Amplified V e
15 Mean 25 Mean
Mean+std 24 Mean+std
14 Mean-std 23 Mean-std
13 21
12 20
11 18
Floor Level

Floor Level

10 16
9 15
8 13
7 11
6 10
5 8
4 6
3 4
2 3
1 1
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Story Shear (kips) Story Shear (kips)

Comparison of Story Shear for 18-Story RCDCW Comparison of Story Shear for 30-Story RCDCW

Figure 14 Comparison of Story Shears for Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Wall

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

6H-DR-2.0 8H-DR-3.0
Roof Roof
Limit Limit
Mean 8 Mean
Mean+std Mean+std
Mean-std Mean-std

Story Level
Story Level



2 2
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Story Drift Ratio Story Drift Ratio

Story Drift Ratio of 6-Story RCDCW Story Drift Ratio of 8-Story RCDCW

12H-DR-3.0 18H-DR-3.0
Roof Roof
Limit 17 Limit
Mean Mean
11 Mean+std 16 Mean+std
Mean-std 15 Mean-std
9 13
Story Level

Story Level


7 10
6 8

5 7
4 5
2 2
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Story Drift Ratio Story Drift Ratio

Story Drift Ratio of 12-Story RCDCW Story Drift Ratio of 18-Story RCDCW
24H-DR-3.0 30H-DR-3.0
Roof Roof
24 RSA 30 RSA
23 28
Limit Limit
22 27
Mean Mean
21 Mean+std 26 Mean+std
20 Mean-std
25 Mean-std
19 23
18 22
17 21
16 20
Story Level
Story Level

15 18
14 17
13 16
12 15
11 13
10 12
9 11
8 10
7 8
6 7
5 6
4 5
3 3
2 2
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Story Drift Ratio Story Drift Ratio

Story Drift Ratio of 24-Story RCDCW Story Drift Ratio of 30-Story RCDCW
Figure 15 Comparison of Story Drift Ratio for Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Wall

2020 NEHRP Provisions

The Cd factor for RC Ductile Coupled Walls was assessed using the ratio of a median value of nonlinear
inelastic roof drifts (δ) from 44 records at DE level shaking to the design level drifts (δE/R). Table 2
summarizes the drifts and resulting Cd values for a subset of Archetypes. The computed Cd values for these
archetypes result in a median value of Cd = 8.8 (cov = 0.13). For the subset of Archetypes listed in Table 3,
adjusting the nonlinear RHA roof drift values for 5% damping results in a median Cd value of 8.4. Therefore,
a deflection amplification factor of Cd = R = 8 was proposed and approved by the BSSC PUC at the April
18, 2019 meeting in San Francisco for RC Ductile Coupled Walls.
Table 3 - Assessment of Cd based on drifts from a Subset of Archetypes
Design Median Cd
# hn
Archetype (δE/R)/hn RHA δ / hn δ/
stories (ft.)
(%) (%) (δE/R)
30H-DR-3 30 300 0.145 1.14 7.9

18H-DR-3 18 180 0.111 1.22 10.9

12H-DR-3 12 120 0.161 1.58 9.8

8H-DR-3 8 80 0.127 1.14 9.0

6H-DR-2 6 60 0.109 0.94 8.6

6H-CR-5 6 60 0.130 1.05 8.1


Following are the conclusions and recommendations obtained from the study:
1. A change to use R only in the first mode rather than in all modes as in current practice is not
justified. If R is used in the first mode only, the resultant design base shear will be significantly
higher than the ELF base shear.
2. The range of buildings studied as part of this effort include:
• Structures exceeding 160 ft in height with Vertical Structural Irregularity 1a and 2 per Table
12.3-2 of ASCE 7-16
• Structures exceeding 160 ft with T>3.5Ts
• Structures lower than 160 ft in height with Horizontal Structural Irregularity Type 1a per
Table 12.3-1 and Vertical Structural Irregularity Type 1a and 2 per Table 12.3-2.
For the above buildings ELF provides more consistent story shear, overturning moment and story
drift results than MRSA when compared to nonlinear dynamic response at design level earthquake.
Based on these studies and evidence from existing literature, it is recommended that ELF be allowed
for all building types irrespective of irregularities and building height. Other irregularities and
combinations in Tables 12.3-1 and 12.3-2 were not studied. There may exist a class of buildings
(such as one with highly irregular mass distribution, certain long span dynamically sensitive
structures etc.) where ELF might yield un-conservative design forces. The engineer is expected to
use his/her judgement regarding the use of appropriate analysis methodology under those

Part 3, Resource Paper 9

3. For large majority of buildings use of Cd = R provides a better estimate of the nonlinear dynamic
story drift response than the current Cd values in ASCE/SEI 7-16 for the buildings in this study.
However, it is important to conduct a more exhaustive study before Cd = R is adopted by ASCE 7.
The reader is referred to the Part 3 Resource Paper authored by Issue Team 2 of the 2020 NEHRP
Provisions Update Committee for further information.

ATC 123 Preliminary Phase III Report (2017). “Improving Seismic Design of Buildings with Configuration
Irregularities”, Applied Technology Council, 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240, Redwood City,
California 94065.
Part 3 Resource Paper (2020); “Seismic Design Story Drift Provisions-Current Questions and Needed
Studies”, Issue Team 2, 2020 NEHRP Provisions Update Committee.
Sanchez, J., Mohr, B., Harris, S., Aviram, A., and Goings, C. (2017). “Parametric Study of Steel Moment
Frames Considering Foundation Rocking.” Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January, 2017.
Tauberg, N.A., Kolozvari, K., and Wallace, J.W. (2019). “Ductile Reinforced Concrete Coupled Walls –
FEMA P695 Study”. Report No. SEERL 2019/01, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering.

2020 NEHRP Provisions


This appendix includes all the contributors who are involved in the development of the Volume II Resource
Papers. All the papers have been evaluated and approved for inclusion in this volume by the Provisions
Update Committee and the BSSC member organizations, which are listed in Volume I Appendix.


Ibrahim Almufti Arup
David Bonowitz David Bonowitz, S.E.
Nicolas Luco U.S. Geological Survey
Robert Pekelnicky Degenklob Engineers
Jeffrey Soulages Intel Corporation
C.B. Crouse AECOM
John Hooper Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Nicolas Luco U.S. Geological Survey
Jonathan Stewart University of California, Los Angeles
Richard Bennett University of Tennessee
Jeffrey Berman University of Washington
Michel Bruneau University of Buffalo
Jon-Paul Cardin American Institute of Steel Construction
Jason Collins PCS Structural Solutions
Kelly Cobeen Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
David Fields Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Larry Fahnestock University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Joe Ferzli Cary Kopczynski & Company
S. K. Ghosh S. K. Ghosh Associates
John Hooper Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Gino Kurama University of Notre Dame
Dawn Lehman University of Washington
Philip Line American Wood Council
Laura Lowes University of Washington
Rafael Sabelli Walter P. Moore
Andrew Taylor KPFF Consulting Engineers
Amit Varma Purdue University
John Wallace University of California, Los Angeles
Tom Xia DCI Engineers

Part 3, Resource Paper 9


Scott J. Brandenberg University of California, Los Angeles
Maria Giovanna Durante University of Texas, Austin
Jonathan Stewart University of California, Los Angeles
David Bonneville Degenkolb Engineers
Kelly Cobeen Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
John Gillengerten SE, Retired OSHPD
John Harris National Institute of Standards and Technology
Jim Harris James Harris & Associates
Jon Heintz Applied Technology Council
Conrad "Sandy" Hohener Degenkolb Engineers
John Hooper Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Edwin Huston Smith & Huston
Charlie Kircher Charles Kircher & Associates
Dawn Lehman University of Washington
Philip Line American Wood Council
Bonnie Manley American Iron and Steel Institute
Robert Pekelnicky Degenkolb Engineers
Benjamin Schafer Johns Hopkins University
Kelly Cobeen Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
John Lawson Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
S.K. Ghosh S. K. Ghosh Associates
Ron La Plante California Division of the State Arch
Ben Schafer Johns Hopkins University
Tom Sabol Engelkirk & Sabol
Patrick Bodwell Vulcraft/ Verco Group
Dan Dolan Washington State Universtiy
Matt Eatherton Virginia Tech
Andre Filiatrault SUNY University at Buffalo
Christopher Gill Hilti North America
Dave Golden ASC Steel Deck Div. of ASC Profiles
Jerome (Jerry) Hajjar Northeastern University
Steve Hobbs Vulcraft
Maria Koliou Colorado State University
William Holmes Rutherford + Chekene
Philip Line American Wood Council
Bonnie Manley American Iron and Steel Institute
Walt Schultz Nucor

2020 NEHRP Provisions

Andrew Shuck Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates

Robert Tremblay Polytechnique Montreal
Tom Xia DCI Engineers
Kelly Cobeen Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
John Lawson Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
S.K. Ghosh S. K. Ghosh Associates
Ron La Plante California Division of the State Arch
Ben Schafer Johns Hopkins University
Tom Sabol Engelkirk & Sabol
Patrick Bodwell Vulcraft/ Verco Group
Dan Dolan Washington State Universtiy
Matt Eatherton Virginia Tech
Andre Filiatrault SUNY University at Buffalo
Christopher Gill Hilti North America
Dave Golden ASC Steel Deck Div. of ASC Profiles
Jerome (Jerry) Hajjar Northeastern University
Steve Hobbs Vulcraft
Maria Koliou Colorado State University
William Holmes Rutherford + Chekene
Philip Line American Wood Council
Bonnie Manley American Iron and Steel Institute
Walt Schultz Nucor
Andrew Shuck Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
Robert Tremblay Polytechnique Montreal
Tom Xia DCI Engineers
Kelly Cobeen Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
John Lawson Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Part 3, Resource Paper 9


Kelly Cobeen Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
John Lawson Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
S.K. Ghosh S. K. Ghosh Associates
Ron La Plante California Division of the State Arch
Ben Schafer Johns Hopkins University
Tom Sabol Engelkirk & Sabol
Patrick Bodwell Vulcraft/ Verco Group
Dan Dolan Washington State Universtiy
Matt Eatherton Virginia Tech
Andre Filiatrault SUNY University at Buffalo
Christopher Gill Hilti North America
Dave Golden ASC Steel Deck Div. of ASC Profiles
Jerome (Jerry) Hajjar Northeastern University
Steve Hobbs Vulcraft
Maria Koliou Colorado State University
William Holmes Rutherford + Chekene
Philip Line American Wood Council
Bonnie Manley American Iron and Steel Institute
Walt Schultz Nucor
Andrew Shuck Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
Robert Tremblay Polytechnique Montreal
Tom Xia DCI Engineers


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