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臺北市立南門國中 106 學年度第一學期九年級英語科第三階段定期評量試題卷

佳音翰林版第五冊 Unit 7〜Review 3 科目代號 11

※第 1-34 題請用 2B 鉛筆在電腦答案卡上作答,第 35-45 題需用藍、黑原子筆寫在答案卷上才予以計分

第一部分:聽力測驗 28%

1. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) Today’s Career Day was very successful. (B) It’s very interesting to have one in the future.
(C) Well, I’ll be a farmer after I finish my study.
6. (A) Great! You should be proud. (B) It is a program that helps the homeless.
(C) Why don’t you join a volunteer program?
7. (A) I don’t know who Mary is like. (B) Mary didn’t like to talk to him.
(C) I asked his cellphone number for her.
8. (A) Yeah. She always follows her parents’ advice. (B) Right. She never listens to her parents.
(C) I think she should be more confident about herself.

9. (A) They are shopping online. (B) They are making a video call.
(C) They are looking for information online. 1/6 請翻頁作答
10. (A) Books about animals. (B) Trees in the rain forest.
(C) Garbage problems in the ocean.
11. (A) She thinks that she won’t pass it. (B) She thinks that math is not too hard.
(C) She thinks that she needs to study for it.
12. (A) It’s the name of a baseball team. (B) It’s a store that sells food.
(C) It’s a market that sells only vegetables.
13. (A) The play club. (B) The chess club.
(C) The English club.
14. (A) She is taking an English test now. (B) She enjoys listening to music.
(C) She doesn’t know how to study English.



15. Bella’s never been to Los Angeles, and .

(A) her sister has, too (B) so is Tracy (C) neither has Jade (D) Jade doesn’t, either

16. The pizza with cheese and tomatoes very delicious.

(A) don’t look (B) looks (C) which tastes (D) that doesn’t taste

17. The young girl performs a simple act of kindness every day.

(A) I like to be with (B) that everyone wants to know her

(C) that always wear a smile on her face (D) who giving the seat to an old man

18. Andrew took a picture with the woman .

(A) he met her in Canada last year (B) he worked for 10 years ago

(C) who he danced together at the party (D) that his brother bought some flowers

19. It right to me to talk about people behind their back, either.

(A) isn’t seem (B) seems (C) seemed (D) doesn’t seem

20. My friend told me he was the person .

(A) tried to help the homeless (B) she liked to chat online

(C) many people didn’t trust (D) that build a bridge after the typhoon

2/6 請翻頁作答

21. The shoes my grandma last year .

(A) gave me; cost a lot (B) sent it to me; was green

(C) bought for me; looks good (D) brought that to me; need to be cleaned.

22. A: The music they played was so beautiful. B: .

(A) You said it. (B) It’s very honest of you.

(C) You made my day. (D) Cross the bridge when you come to it.

23. Which sentence is correct?

(A) Ron sold the house that he was born in it. (B) The cats by the door looks like his pet.

(C) There are few things that he is afraid of. (D) The girl has long brown hair is my neighbor.

24. Which sentence is correct?

(A) My dad is good at cooking, and theirs is, too.

(B) Eating healthy food is important, so is doing exercise.

(C) He won’t buy a dozen eggs, neither won’t his father.

(D) He doesn’t know how to play chess, and his cousins doesn’t, either.

When was the last time you read a book? More and more people choose to play online games or
watch TV when they have free time. However, those who have developed reading 25. a hobby
know there are many benefits of reading a book. A study found that older people 26. often are
two and a half times less likely to have Alzheimer's. When teens read more than just their textbooks, they
generally do well in school. Reading can also help people reduce stress, and put them in a better mood. A
study showed that 27. for just six minutes can reduce stress levels up to 68%. Just like any other
muscle in the body, the brain needs exercise to keep it strong and healthy. So next time when you’re free,
28. a great book and give your brain a good workout.

develop 發展 benefit 益處 likely to 可能 Alzheimer's 阿茲海默症 reduce 減少 level 程度 muscle 肌肉

25. (A) to (B) in (C) for (D) as

26. (A) like to read (B) that is reading (C) have time to read (D) who read

3/6 請翻頁作答

27. (A) read (B) reads (C) reading (D) we read

28. (A) to choose (B) pick up (C) reading (D) to go buying

六、閱讀測驗(29-30 每題 2 分、31-34 每題 3 分,共 16%)

Bed in Summer 29. What does the writer want to tell us in the poem(詩)?

By Robert Louis Stevenson (A) Who has trouble getting up in winter.

In winter I get up at night
(B) Why the birds are still hopping at night.
And dress by yellow candle-light.
(C) How hard it is to go to bed in summer.
In summer, quite the other way,

I have to go to bed by day. (D) What time people like to walk in the street.

30. Which is most likely true about the writer?

I have to go to bed and see
(A) The writer needs to work at night in winter.
The birds still hopping on the tree,
(B) The writer likes to see birds during bedtime.
Or hear the grown-up people's feet
(C) The writer can sleep only when the weather is nice.
Still going past me in the street.
(D) The writer isn’t free to decide when to go to bed.

And does it not seem hard to you,

When all the sky is clear and blue,

And I should like so much to play, candle-light 燭光 hop 跳躍

To have to go to bed by day?

When Mary Grace Henry was just 12 years old, she decided to change the life of an African girl by
funding her to go to school. She asked for a sewing machine for her birthday and taught herself how to
make headbands. She planned to sell these headbands at her school’s bookstore and use the money to help
the girl. Soon, she raised enough money to pay the girl’s schooling. But she knew that she couldn’t stop
there: so many other girls in poor countries still couldn’t get education. Most girls don’t have the chance to
go to school because families believe it is better to invest in sons who will still be with them after they get
married than in daughters who will join their husbands’ families. So far, Mary Grace has made thousands of
headbands and has sent 66 girls in Kenya, Uganda, Paraguay and Haiti to school.

fund 資助 sewing 縫紉 headband 頭飾 education 教育 invest 投資 4/6 請翻頁作答

31. Why can’t most girls in poor countries go to school?
(A) Their parents don’t want to waste money. (B) Schools are not open to girls.
(C) Learning new things is too difficult for them. (D) They have to do all the housework.
32. How does Mary Grace help girls get education?
(A) She gives free headbands to them. (B) She raises money by selling headbands.
(C) She writes letters to their family. (D) She asks her friends to donate books to them.

Volunteers needed
Meals on Wheels

Meals and Wheels in Green Town needs volunteers who are good at cooking to prepare delicious meals to
the elderly living in our community. If you have the experience of working in a restaurant, you are the
one we want most. We also need someone who can drive a car or ride a motorcycle to help us deliver the
meals 2 times a day.
Polar Bear Library

We are a children’s library with a computer lab and study rooms. We need volunteers to help us with
cleaning and checking books out. We also need people who can teach children computer skills and help
them do their homework Monday to Friday. During the summer months, we welcome teenagers to join us
to read books to younger children every Wednesday and Friday.
Feeding All

Our food banks around the city need donations as well as helping hands. If you are free, you can help us
sort food, carry boxes, or hand food out. We have started a driver program in which volunteers drive our
vans to pick up donations at local businesses and then drop these donations off at local food banks.
Drivers are needed on Monday for 2 to 3 hours in either AM or PM. Teenagers may not have a lot of time
to work in the food banks, but they can take part in raising money on weekends.

community 社區 deliver 寄送 sort 分類 van 箱型車 local 當地的 either 兩者任一 take part 參與

5/6 請翻頁作答
33.Tabby is a 14-year-old girl and wants to be a volunteer on Sundays. She can .

(A) read books to kids (B) help children with their homework

(C) raise money for the food bank (D) deliver the meals to the old people

34. Which is NOT true?

(A) People can help collect donations for Feeding All on Monday morning.
(B) Teenagers can read books to kids at Polar Bear Library every day in summer.
(C) Meals on Wheels gives food to those in need, and so does Feeding All.
(D) People who can drive a car are needed at both Meals on Wheels and Feeding All.


35. Gill has no i t in playing sports; she likes to read at home.

36. People can make friends with s rs on the social network.

37. My mom got a r d from her boss because of her hard work.

38. The church p ded food and clothes for the homeless on Christmas Eve.

39. Many people don’t know that hippos are one of the most d s animals in Africa.

40. My brother likes to learn f n languages. He can speak Spanish, French and Japanese.


41. My friend shared the photos without asking me. I was in the photos.

42. The house was sold last week. The house stands between the two apartments.


43. 並非所有人都可以將他們的嗜好轉變為成功的事業。(3%)

44. 當一名志工不是唯一一件能讓他保持快樂的事。(3%)

45. 那些你多年沒有消息的朋友們可以在網路上找到你。(4%) 試題結束

臺北市立南門國中 106 學年度第一學期九年級英語科第三階段定期評量答案卷

班級 座號 姓名 得分 總分


35. 36. 37.

38. 39. 40.








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