Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics I. Objective

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

I. Objective

At the end of a 60-minute session ,100% of the pupils attain at least 80% proficiency and should

a. Be able to solve numbers using the four-basic operation

b. Be able to solve Problems involving the four-basic operation
c. Be able to relate the four- basic operation in real life
II. Subject matter
Topic: Operation of whole numbers
Values of Integration:

III. Procedure



Daily Routine

Good Afternoon Class! Good Afternoon Teacher

Please Bow our Head and Pray (Pupils Pray)

Okay class have a seat. (Pupils will seat down)

Who’s not here today? None Ma’am

B. Motivation

Before we proceed to our lesson for today, let us

have an activity first. We are going to play “The
Boat is Sinking” in virtual version.
Since the game is about groupings, the group will
serves as our given numbers and we are about to
apply the different operations.
Consider one of this heart is you, and the others
are your classmates.
First I want you to count how many hearts are
there? Anyone? Sir?
Yes Mary joy?

There are 40 hearts sir.

Okay very good!

Now let us start the game.
Group yourselves into 6!

(Students raise their hands)

Six sir.
How many group of 6 are there?
Yes Angelica? Thirty-six sir!
Right, it is six. If you were to multiply six into six?
What would be the answer?
Very good angelica!

Now, there are four hearts eliminated, as they

cannot complete 6 as a group.

If you will subtract 4 to 36, what would be the


32 sir?
Yes Cheska?
Correct it is 32!

So class, as you group the hearts into six, you

already did the division operation, and at the
same time, it helps you to do multiplication

Sir, I observed that there are different operations in

C. Lesson Proper
solving different worded problems that have been used
From our activity a while ago, what have you
in our activity.

(student will answer)

Now class, our topic for today we are going to use the

four-basic operation in solving worded problems.

1.468 2. 22 3. 450 4. 4
Let us have a review

1. 234 2. 56 3. 45 4. 20

+234 -34 x10 ÷5

In addition
Same sign – add and take the sign

(-3) +(-3) =-6

3+3 = 6

Different Sign- Subtract and take the sign of the of the

largest absolute value.

(-5) + 9=4

(-13) +8=-5


Change to add the opposite

(-3) -(+4) = (-3) + (-4) =-7

(-5) -(-9) = (-5) +(+9) = 4


Same sign=positive answer

Different sign= negative answer

There are four basic operations with whole numbers that

is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The

first operation with whole numbers is addition and the

inverse operation of this is subtraction.

Now let us discuss the steps in solving worded Problems

using the AGONSA

- Analyze the Problem

- Look for word clue

- Organize the given information

- And Consider Using


- What is Asked?

- What are given?

- What is the operation to be used?

- Number Sentence

- Solution

- Answer

Now let ‘shave some examples.

Example #1.

Daniel removes 4436 blocks from a jar. There were

originally 5000 blocks in the jar. How many blocks are left

in the Jar?

What is Asked?

: The number of blocks left in the jar.

What are the given?

: 5000 blocks and 4436 blocks

What is the operation to be used?

: Subtraction

What are the numbers?

: 5000 and 4436

What is the Solution?


What is the answer?

There are 564 blocks left in the jar. A: The number of marbles Laura has all in all

Another example. G: Laura’s 82 Marbles and Dennis 74 marbles

Example # 2 O: addition

Laura has 82 marbles. Dennis gives Laura 74 more. How N: 82 and 74

many marbles does Laura have all in all? S: 82 + 74=156

A: Laura has 156 marbles

. A: The number of stickers each child has

Example # 3 G: Randy’s 63 Stickers and 9 children

Randy has 63 stickers he gave it to 9 children with the O: Division

same number of stickers. How many stickers does each N: 63/9=

child has? S: 63 /9= 7

A: There are 7 stickers in each child

Example # 4
A: The number of cookies they brought to school
Cindy’s mom baked 41 cookies. Paul’s Dad baked 38
cookies. Cindy and Paul ate 6 cookies each and then
G: Cindy’s 41 cookies, Paul’s 38 cookies and 6 cookies
brought them to school for a party. How many cookies
they ate each
did they bring to school altogether?
O: addition and subtraction

N: (41-6) +(38-6) =N

S: 41-6=35



A: There 67 cookies they brought together

So now class lets have some exercise solve the following

Problem by using the Agonsa.

1. 114 birds were sitting on s tree. 21 more birds

flew up to the three. How many birds were there


2. Beth has 74 crayons. She gives 25 of them away

to Jen. How many crayons does Beth have left?


In Solving worded problem involving the four basic

operation we have to consider.

- Analyze the Problem

- Look for word clue

- Organize the given information

- And Consider Using


- What is Asked?

- What are given?

- What is the operation to be used?

- Number Sentence

- Solution

- Answer

Is that clear Class?

Yes sir

F. Valuing

Now, class what are the importance of knowing the

4 basic operations in real life?

Yes, Angelica?

The 4 basic operation will help us in our daily living. In

school, home, market and in our everyday lives.

Very good!

What else?

(Mary Joy raises Her hand)

Okay Mary Joy how about yours.

The 4 basic operations will us in computing our

expenses and debt

Yes, Indeed! How about the AGONSA Julie?

The agonsa will guide us to solve worded problems. It

will help us to organize the data and distinguish the

operation that we will use.

So the four basic operation will guide us in our daily lives.

When counting money, computing our allowances,

budget for the month and more without the four

operation we cannot do things like that.

Class bring out your notebook, and answer the following worded problems.

After you finished answering the problems, we’re going to check your answers.

Alden has 4000 dollars in his checking account. He received from his job a check for his job a check for
12000 dollars and deposit the amount in his checking account. How much money does he have in his
checking after the deposit?

Shane has 200 pesos in his pocket. He buys vanilla Ice Cream for 80 pesos from the best ice cream shop
in the neighborhood. How much money Shane’s left?
A game rewards a player 20 points every time the player finds a treasure chest. How many points will
the player get if he finds 5 treasure chests?
In one night, a movie theater sold tickets 6450 dollars. Each ticket costs 15 dollars. How many people
purchased a ticket?


For your assignment copy the following problems and we’re going the check it next meeting:


A stadium has 10,500 seats and 8 VIP boxes. The stadium is divided into 12 equal sections: 2 premium
sections and 10 standard sections. A seat at the premium section costs $48 per game. A seat at the
standard section costs $27 per game.

1. How many seats are there in each section?

2. If there are 35 seats in each row, how many rows are in each section?

3. If all the seats in the premium section are sold out for a game, how much will the stadium get from
those ticket sales?

A fitness center has a swimming pool and a gym. There are 3,924 members in the fitness club. There are
two kinds of membership: regular and VIP. Each regular member pays $25 per month and each VIP
member pays $480 per year.

1. There are 2,915 regular members. How many VIP members are there?

2. How much membership fees does the fitness center receive from the regular members each month?

3. How much more does a VIP member pay than a regular member over a year for the fitness center


Prepared by:

Elmer D. Arcilla
Aaron Daylo
Jeff Morriss Madrid

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