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“Ethics deals with the right actions of individuals.” Who said?

(a) Peter F. Drucker
(b) C. S. Rao
(c) J. R. Betty
(d) C. Zahe

Which one of the following is not principle business ethics?

(a) Principle of universality
(b) Principle of humanity
(c) Principle of autonomy
(d) Principle of dissatisfaction

The word ethics stands for . . . .

(a) Substances
(b) Properties of chemicals
(c) Both A and C
(d) Understanding human nature

. What do we mean by ethics?

(a)Moral judgements
(b)Determinants of what is right or wrong
(c)Rules or standards governing a profession
(d)Elements of all of the above

Which of the following is a disadvantage of social responsibility

(a)Possession of resources
(b) Ethical obligation
(c) Public image
(d) Violation of profit maximisation

Ethics is derived from the Greek word


Which of the following statements is correct?

(a)Business ethics is not a real concept as the rules and ethics of everyday life don't apply to the world of business
(b)Business Ethics is the study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed
(c)Business ethics cannot be defined as a real concept as it is an oxymoronic term.
(d) Business ethics is concerned with the study of assessing the activities of a business based on their profitability.

____ is a problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual, group, or organization to choose among several actions th
(b)Ethical issue

Most companies begin the process of establishing organizational ethics programs by developing:
(a) ethics training programs.
(b) codes of conduct.
(c) ethics enforcement mechanisms.
(d) hidden agendas.

When a firm charges different prices to different groups of customers, it may be accused of:
(a) cultural relativism
(b) money laundering
(c) facilitating payments
(d) price discrimination

Codes of conduct and codes of ethics

(a) are formal statements that describe what an organization expects of its employees.
(b) become necessary only after a company has been in legal trouble.
(c) are designed for top executives and managers, not regular employees.
(d) rarely become an effective component of the ethics and compliance progra

An organisation’s obligation to act to protect and improve society’s welfare as well as its own interests is referred to as
(a) organisational social responsibility
(b) organisational social responsiveness
(c) corporate obligation
(d) business ethics

Which of the following is not usually the objective of a code of ethics?

(a)to create an ethical workplace
(b)to evaluate the ethical components of the proposed actions of the employees
(d) to enhance the profits of the business continuously

Pick the correct description of the following term: Utilitarianism is…

(a)theory which states that an action is morally incorrect if it promotes the greatest good for the greatest number incorrect
(b) theory which states that an action is morally right if it promotes the greatest good for the decision maker incorrect
(c) theory which states that an action is morally right if it promotes the greatest good for the smallest number incorrect
(d) theory which states that an action is morally right if it promotes the greatest good for the greatest number correct

definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility recognize that:

(a) companies have a responsibility for their impact on society and environment.
(b) the natural environment should be the main focus of CSR activities.
(c) business ethics is a complex issue.
(d) companies must pay equal attention to business ethics
Who said that the "only one social responsibility of business is to increase profits"?
a) Edward Freeman
b) Milton Friedman
c) Michael Porter
d) Michael Freeman

Mark Kramer said that:

a) Social responsibility does not matter for firm strategies.
b) Socially responsible firms act against the interests of shareholders.
c) Social responsibility can help firms to discover future business opportunities.
d) Social responsibility is a long-term investment in a company's advertising and public relations.

Which is the element of business ethics??

(a)A discipline
(b)It is an art & science both.
©Good intention.
(d)All of the above.

Which is the principle of corporate responsibility?

(a)Trusteeship principle
(b)Principle of stewardship
©Principle of the charity
(d)All of the above

Principle of Utility” as a method was the idea of:

(a)James Mill
(b)Herbert Spencer
©Jeremy Bentham

Which of the following choices does NOT describe a situation that is covered by the concept of rights?
(a)The absence of prohibitions against an activity
(b)The authorization to do something to secure one's interests
©The necessity of doing something required by authority
(d)The existence of prohibitions on others to enable individuals to pursue an activity

Utilitarianism suggests that it is ethical to make decisions based on:

(a)Moral virtues
(b)Common decency
(c )What is best for most people.
(d)None of the given

Which kind of theory Utilitarianism has?

(c )Behavioral
(d)None of the above

What is meant by ethics?

(a)Moral values
(b)Moral principle
(c )Decision between right and wrong
(d) All of above

What is meant by CSR?

(a)Corporate social responsibility
(b)Company social responsibility
(c )Corporate society responsibility
(d)Company society responsibility

Which of the following does the term corporate social responsibility relate to?
(a)Ethical conduct
(b)Environmental practice
(c)Community investment
(d)All of above

What is ethics to do with?

(a)The wider community
(c )Right and wrong

Which is not a characteristic off corporate social responsibility?

(a)Product safety
(b)Consumer right
(c )Environmental policies
(d)Price fixing

Ethics deals with the right actions of individuals who said?

(a)C S Rao
(b)P F Drucker
(c )J R Belty
(d)DC Zane

Which legislation relates to the concept of business ethics?

(a)Freedom of Information Act
(b)Food Act
(c )Building regulations
(d)All of these
evaluated as right or wrong.

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