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Singular and Plural Nouns

A) Write the right plural for each word.

Church = Churches

Kimono = Kimonos

Story = Stories

Hero = Heroes

Box = Boxes

Bufalo = Bufaloes

Tax = Taxies taxes

Motto = Mottoes

Dancer = Dancers

Boy = Boys

Office = Offices

Girl = Girls

Instrument = Instruments

Day = Days

Canoe = Canoes

Paper = Papers

Mango = Mangos

Taxi = Taxis

Class = Classes

Video = Videos
Baby = Babies

Cargo = Cargoes

Zero = Zeros

Fox = Foxes

Watch = Watches

Volcano = Volcanos

Carrot = Carrots

Peacock = Peacocks

Pilot = Pilots

Singer = Singers

Street = Streets

Song = Songs

Bank = Banks

Ruler = Rulers

Candy = Candies

Sash = Sashes

Car = Cars

Ox = Oxs

Fish = Fish

Phone = Phones

Doctor = Doctors

Computer = Computers

Backpack = Backpacks
Friend = Friends

Tomato = Tomatoes

Chef = Chefs

Person = People

Speaker = Speakers

Dragon = Dragons

Cactus = Cactus

Family = Families

Holiday = Holidays

Zebra = Zebras

Book = Books

B) Complete the sentences with the right plural.

1.The girls (girl) are happy because they have got new toys (toy).

2.These are the ways (way) to school.

3.Angie has candies (candy).

4.My mother has mangos (mango) for me.

5.My glasses (glass)for the sun.

6.That is the busses (bus) to school.

7.She is in ten photos (photo).

8.Tony is 2 years (year) old.

9.My grandfather has three radios (radio).

10.These are my book stories (story).

11.These are your keys (key).

12.The map has hundreds of countries (country).

13.I have many wishes (wish ) for Christmas.

14.Those are new computers (computer)

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