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Nome: _________________________________ Nº _____ Ano: 6º ___

Data: ___/___/2012 Bimestre: 2º
Professor: Cristina Disciplina: Inglês

Orientações para estudo:

1. Estudar o caderno, a apostila e refazer os exercícios da apostila.

2. Esta lista de exercícios deverá ser entregue no dia da avaliação de recuperação, 10/08.

1- What time is it?

2:15 ________________
8:00 ________________

2- Escreva no plural.
a) knife _______________
b) country _____________
c) glass _______________
d) box ________________
e) tooth _______________
f) sandwich ____________
g) brush________________
h) book ________________
i) class ________________
j) boy _________________
k) hero ________________
l) wolf ________________
m) life _________________
n) lady ________________
o) potato ______________
p) church ______________
q) child ________________
r) foot _________________
s) man _________________
t) toy __________________

Professora: Cristina– Inglês – 6º ano – 2º bi Página 1

3- Reescreva no plural.

a) The boy has a new toy.


b) There is a child in the garden.


c) My brother is tall.

d) You are a good student.


e) This book is old.


f) This is my toy.

g) That is the new house.


4- Write the ordinal numbers.

1st ________________
2nd ________________
3rd ________________
4th ________________
5th ________________
6th ________________
7th ________________
8th ________________
9th ________________
10th _______________
11th _______________
12th _______________
13th _______________
14th _______________
15th _______________
16th _______________
17th _______________
18th _______________
19th _______________
21st _______________
22nd _______________
23rd _______________
24th _______________
25th _______________

Professora: Cristina– Inglês – 6º ano – 2º bi Página 2

26th _______________
27th _______________
28th _______________
29th ________________
30th ________________
31st ________________
5- Complete the sentences. Use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS of the verbs in parentheses.
a. They _______________ dinner. (cook)
b. I_________________ a magazine. (read)
c. He _______________ now. (sleep)
d. Lisa ______________ a bike. (ride)
e. She _________________ her homework. (do)
f. We _______________ Spanish. (study)
g. Peter ________________ at a bank. (work)
h. He ________________a letter. (write)
i. They __________________ at the park. (run)
j. I ____________________ tennis. (play)
6- Reescreva na forma negativa.
a. She is visiting her parents now.

b. They are going to London right now.


c. He is giving her a new job.


d. It is working very well.


e. Tom is doing his homework.


7- Reescreva na forma interrogativa.

a. She is washing her face.


b. He is going home now.


c. They are waiting for the bus.


d. We are eating breakfast.


e. My brother is playing soccer.


Professora: Cristina– Inglês – 6º ano – 2º bi Página 3

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