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Breach of Contract

Essentially, breach of contract arises where the defendant acts as if no contract

ever existed!
Here are the essential elements:
1. Existence of an enforceable contract,
2. An act or failure to act that breaches the duty imposed by the contract.
3. Damages to the plaintiff proximately resulting from the breach.
What could be simpler?
Actually, there are pitfalls for the unwary in breach of contract cases.
First, a contract must be enforceable to provide the basis for a suit. 
Many contracts aren't enforceable.
For example, a contract in contemplation of marriage (e.g., Harriet tells Harry she
will give him title to her farm if he will marry her) is not enforceable in most
jurisdictions today.
Contracts for sale of goods valued at more than $500 cannot be enforced in most
jurisdictions unless committed to a writing signed by the defendant.
Contracts for the performance of services that cannot be performed in the space
of one year are only enforceable if committed to a writing signed by the
So, the first pre-requisite is that the contract be enforceable at law.
Second, the breach must be committed without justification. 
For example, Tom promises to deliver 75 bushels of apples to Bill on Tuesday for
$25. Tom shows up a day late with the apples. Bill has no obligation to pay. Tom
has no cause of action for breach of contract. Tom breached first.
Finally, there must be a direct "nexus" (i.e., connection) between the damages
suffered and the breach. In other words, the damages must be a proximate result
of the breach. 
Consequential or incidental damages are ordinarily not recoverable in a breach
of contract action. 
The most famous example is the case of Hadley v. Baxendale, an English case in
the Court of Exchequer (1854), brought by a mill owner against a millwheel
crankshaft repairman.
The learned appellate judges wrote in their opinion, "We think there ought to be
a new trial in this case; but, in so doing, we deem it to be expedient and
necessary to state explicitly the rule which the Judge, at the next trial, ought, in
our opinion, to direct the jury to be governed by when they estimate the
damages. It is, indeed, of the last importance that we should do this; for, if the
jury are left without any definite rule to guide them, it will, in such cases as these,
manifestly lead to the greatest injustice."
The court's instruction in law to the jury follows and should be noted carefully
by all students of law and, particularly, those seeking damages for breach of
"Now we think the proper rule in such a case as the present is this: Where two
parties have made a contract which one of them has broken, the damages which
the other party ought to receive in respect of such breach of contract should be
such as may fairly and reasonably be considered either arising naturally, i.e.,
according to the usual course of things, from such breach of contract itself, or
such as may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of both
parties, at the time they made the contract, as the probable result of the breach
of it. 
"Now, if the special circumstances under which the contract was actually made
were communicated by the plaintiffs to the defendants, and thus known to both
parties, the damages resulting from the breach of such a contract, which they
would reasonably contemplate, would be the amount of injury which would
ordinarily follow from a breach of contract under these special circumstances so
known and communicated. 
"But, on the other hand, if these special circumstances were wholly unknown to
the party breaking the contract, he, at the most, could only be supposed to have
had in his contemplation the amount of injury which would arise generally, and
in the great multitude of cases not affected by any special circumstances, from
such a breach of contract.  For, had the special circumstances been known, the
parties might have specially provided for the breach of contract by special terms
as to the damages in that case; and of this advantage it would be very unjust to
deprive them."
In other words, damages resulting from breach of contract cannot arise from
more than the obligation agreed to by the breaching party. Baxendale didn't
agree or consider that he'd be liable to Hadley for lost profits while the millwheel
shaft was being repaired. He only undertook to repair it as quickly as was
reasonably within his power to do, so the court decided (in an opinion that
continues to be honored by courts today) that damages for breach of contract
should only be those contemplated by the parties, i.e., damages for which they
agreed in their contract to be liable one to the other … not consequential or
incidental damages ... damages that proximately result from breach of the duties
promised by the contract itself and nothing more.
So, that being said, the essential elements in their barest form follow.
As stated at the beginning of this class, merely listing the elements (as opposed
to all of the ultimate facts necessary to establish the elements) exposes the
complaint to the defendant's successful motion to dismiss.
Sufficient ultimate facts must be alleged to establish each essential element as a
matter of law.
When does a contract arise? 
What constitutes a contract? 
These questions should be understood by all parties involved in a breach of
contract case.
A contract arises when two parties exchange promises. 
A contract is nothing more than a promise for a promise.
There must, however, be a meeting of the minds in order for a contract to arise.
For example, in the hypothetical case about the sale of a prize bull discussed
early in this class, there was no meeting of the minds about the bull being dead
or alive. The buyer reasonably believed the bull was living. The seller knew the
bull was dead. There was, therefore, no meeting of their minds. No enforceable
contract can arise where there is no meeting of the minds. If the seller delivered
a dead bull and demanded his $2,000, the buyer could refuse to pay without
being liable for breach of contract. 
There can be no enforceable contract without an exchange of promises and a
meeting of the minds.
If Jones makes an offer, and Smith accepts the offer before Jones withdraws the
offer, a contract is formed between them. If their contract is enforceable, either
can sue the other for breach and recover damages within the contemplation of
the parties. 
At the moment the offer is accepted, a contract is formed. 
Both are bound by their mutual promises.
If Jones withdraws his offer before Smith accepts, no contract is formed. 
The law of offer and acceptance, when an offer is accepted, when an offer by mail
can be accepted by telephone, and such like issues are beyond the scope of this
class. Later in this course you will find a class dedicated to the law of contracts.
In the meantime, let's continue learning about causes of action.
All foreclosure cases are contract cases. What you learn in this class will help you
with foreclosure cases as well as all other contract cases. The promissory note is
a contract, and the mortgage securing payment of the note is a contract. Apply
the same principles to foreclosure cases that you would apply to any other case
arising from breach of contract.
If the plaintiff abandons his contract through some overt act (e.g., pursuing
performance through a separate contract with another) the defendant may have
an affirmative defense to breach of contract. As with all affirmative defenses, he
should plead abandonment with the filing of his answer or by motion to dismiss.
Another class in this course covers affirmative defenses in detail.
Act of God  
If hurricane, lightning, flood, or other unforeseeable and unpreventable natural
circumstance makes performance of a contract impossible, there arises a defense
to breach, as defendant is unable to perform due to causes beyond his control.
Breach by Other Party
If plaintiff breaches first (e.g., refusal to pay sums when due) there arises a
defense to his complaint that should result in dismissal. Where there is only a
partial breach, however, defendant may be held liable for portions of the contract
and damages to the plaintiff resulting therefrom.
One compelled by force or threat of force to enter a contract is relieved of
liability to perform its obligations. Such a contract is voidable if the defendant
can prove he entered it under duress.
Failure of Consideration
A plaintiff who does not pay the purchase price, for example, is not entitled to
sue for delivery (unless the contract contemplated delivery would be tendered
before full payment). Moreover, if a contract is a unilateral promise without a
countervailing promise in return, it is unenforceable ab initio. For example, the
promise of a purely gratuitous gift cannot be enforced, since there is no
consideration flowing from the other side.
Fraud in the Inducement
Like contracts obtained by duress, contracts obtained by fraud cannot be
enforced. This defense is explained in detail in the class on defenses. Like causes
of action, such defenses have essential elements that must be alleged and proven
to prevail.
Hindrance of Performance
This defense is predicated on the common-sense doctrine that one who hinders
or prevents another from performing his contract should not be heard to
complain about the breach. It's that simple!
No contract that's illegal or contemplates an illegal result can be enforced at law.
This defense is an absolute bar to enforcement.
A contract that cannot possibly be performed, like delivery of a particular living
prize bull that has died, is not enforceable at law. However, any consideration
given for performance must be repaid, i.e., the parties must be put in the same
position they enjoyed before entering their agreement, to the extent it is possible
to do so.
A party may avoid the consequence of a contract if, after exercising due care, he
can prove he was excusably mistaken in his understanding of its terms and
obligations. The mistake must go to a material element of the contract and
comprise a substantial part of the value bargained for. Therefore, if one promises
to pay $6 million for the building on the corner of Maple and Elm only to later
discover the property being sold is at Main and Chestnut, the court may excuse
performance if the mistake is not the result of an inexcusable lack of due care or
the other party has so detrimentally relied on the contract that it would be
inequitable to deny enforcement.

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