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(ISO 14001)

1. Scope

The scope of this Environmental Aspects Register covers the following operational areas:
Aberdeen Region (A); Cumbernauld Region (C); Warrington Region (W); London Region (L).

2. Purpose

The purpose of this Environmental Aspects Register is a follows:

a) To make information available to management and all third parties.

b) To provide a record and understanding of the current environmental aspects at each location and enable updating as required

c) To enable screening of the environmental aspects and decisions to be made on the focus of environmental programmes.

3. Amendment Record.

Audit / review carried out on an annual basis, but maybe amended at any time due to changes in legislation, activities, services etc.

Review Issue Issue Date Description Authorised by

1&2 2008; 1.12. 2012 Original document reviewed

3 01.01.2015 Audit and review of register in tandem with OP4 issue 3 D Morris-Roblin

OP4 .1 Environmental Aspects Register 01.01.15 DMR


4. A guide to Scoring Aspects & Qualitative Ranking

Using this Aspects Register , the significance of each environmental aspect is computed as [ 1 ,2, or 3 of (a)] x [1 ,2, or 3 of (b)] x [1 ,2, or 3
of (c]) x [1 ,2, or 3 of (d) ] = score rating

(a) Severity (Perception, hazard, (b) Probability of failure of control or (c) Pathway/Frequency (d) Resource Depletion (Use of energy,
volume and potential legal loss of customer/staff confidence (Based paper, water, gas and other
exposure on existing controls such as physical consumables)
controls, competence, procedures,
Minimum client concern, no incidents, non-conformities, complaints)
Waste/substances remain Optimised use of energy and
1 significant environmental effect, 1 1
1 Very low probability within designated containment consumables
low volumes sporadic use, and/or
no breach of legislation likely or activity rarely carried out
Some client concern moderate Process controlled but not
2 Possible Waste/substances remain 2
2 volumes in routine use, noxious, 2 optimised
within facility or building or
combustible, flammable, and/or
activity routinely carried out
potential breach
Significant public and client Waste/substances enter drains
concern, significant volumes in 3 Process not managed
3 3 3 or the outside environment or
routine use, corrosive, easily
activity frequently carried out
flammable, toxic, environmentally Likely
damaging and/or actual breach

Qualitative of Numeric Ranking

1-4 Aspects poses little or no threat (or opportunity) to the environment or the Organization/Client

6 - 16 Aspects controlled & poses only a moderate threat (or opportunity) but , an aspect may require further research, where identified
, to establish the true extent of any threat (or opportunity ).
24 - 36 Aspects are controlled but poses great threat (or opportunity) to the to the environment or the Organization/ Client. Activity to be
reviewed for improvements.

54 - 81 Aspects are controlled weakly and poses great threat (or opportunity) ) to the to the environment or the Organization/ Client.
Activity must cease until controls strengthened.

IMS005 Issue 3 01.01.2015


5. Aspect Analysis

Aspect Activity or service Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Ranking Regulations/Control

A. Facilities Management
Asbestos Maintenance Release of asbestos Air pollution with asbestos 2x1x2x1=4 Control of Asbestos Surveys in place for A,
fibres C and W. L home work
Use of boilers Providing water Use of energy Greenhouse effect from 1x1x2x2 =4 Control of Pollution Act
production of electricity Boilers maintained in A & C
adversely affects environment
Use of air conditioning Office temperature Use of energy Greenhouse effect from 1x1x2x2 = 4 Maintained
units control production of electricity Aircon only in A and C
adversely affects environment
Vehicles on hard Staff vehicle Potential for accidental Potential to contaminate 1x1x3x1 = 3 Water Resources Act
standing outside of protection and spillage of petrol, oil and controlled waters and The Control of Pollution Act. Vehicles well
offices parking diesel sewerage from accidental spills maintained.
into the surface drains Spills Instruction
Use of cleaning Office cleaning Use of hazardous material Potential to case harm to 1x1x2x2 =4 CHIP & COSHH Regulations
chemicals humans or pollute the Materials used are not harmful. Very small
sewerage system quantities used
Weed control Grounds maintenance Use of pesticides Potential harm to humans, 1X1X2X1=2 Pesticides not used. A is in partnership with
Production of garden waste flora and fauna neighbors. W is covered as part of lease, C
and L are not applicable
Storage of materials Potential for accidental Potential to contaminate 2x1x2x1=4 Segregated, racked.
(warehouses) spillage controlled waters and Spill kits in A, C and W. L is n/a.
sewerage from accidental spills Spills procedures in place for A, C and W. L
into the surface drains is n/a. COSHH assessments in place.
Gas Bottles held in external cage and
locked, only applicable at A
Location pest control Removal of seagull Acidic droppings on cars Health and hygiene 1x 1x2x1=2 Contracted pest control services
nests and persons Damage
B. Waste Management
Generation of General waste Use of natural resources Greenhouse effect adversely 2x1x3x1 = 6 Duty of Care Regulations
controlled waste produced by all staff and/or release of pollutants affects environment from The Controlled Waste Regulations
members degradation of waste. Special Waste Regulations
Human/life threat from Waste Management Licensing Regulations
uncontrolled disposal to land Controlled Waste (Registration and Seizure
of Vehicles) Regulations
Waste Management Procedure
Sent to landfill using a licensed carrier.
Records maintained

IMS005 Issue 3 01.01.2015


5. Aspect Analysis

Aspect Activity or service Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Ranking Regulations/Control

Generation of kitchen Waste produced in Production of Greenhouse effect adversely 1x1x1x1 =1 Duty of Care Regulations & other waste
waste the kitchens biodegradable waste affects environment regulations as above. Waste Management
Procedure. Recycling in place
Generation of waste Paper no longer Use of natural resource Greenhouse effect adversely 1x1x1x1 =1 Duty of Care Regulations & other waste
paper required for used and/or release of pollutants affects environment from regulations as above
degradation of waste. Waste Management Procedure
Recycling in place
Generation of electrical Discarded Use of natural resource Greenhouse effect adversely 1x1x2x1 = 2 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
waste electrical/electronic and/or release of pollutants affects environment Regulations
equipment Special Waste Regulations
Waste Management Procedure
Generation of waste Cups and bottles Use of natural resource Non-biodegradable. Toxic 1x1x1x1=1 Duty of Care Regulations & others as above
plastics and/or release of pollutants fumes from incineration. Waste Management Procedure
Generation of used Used as part of the Detectors contain trace May cause harm to wildlife of 2x1x1x1 = 2 Radioactive Substances Act. Exemption
smoke detectors fire detection system amounts of radioactive humans if not disposed of in a Order (Smoke Detectors) applicable to
substances controlled and approved substances of low activity . Very small
manner quantities disposed of at a time. Specialist
Generation of Office activities Accidental spillage of Potential pollution of 1x1x2x1=2 Special Waste Regs
Special/Hazardous special / hazardous waste. watercourse. No routine generation of special waste.
Waste Special waste resulting from an oil spill
clean up etc will be dealt with in
accordance with regulations
Generation of waste Waste pallets Creation of waste pallets / Waste pallets / packaging 1x1x1x1=1 Pallets returned.
packaging and pallets resulting from packaging. Cardboard recycled
deliveries. Plastic sent off site as controlled waste
Generation of waste Bottles Use of natural resource Depletion of natural resources. 1x1x1x1 = 1 Duty of Care Regulations & others as above
glass and/or release of pollutants Use of energy in production. Waste Management Procedure
C. Impact on communities
Noise from machinery Office cleaning Noise pollution Nuisance 1x1x1x1 = 1 Statutory Nuisance
use equipment Environmental Protection Act
Noise impact minimal
Light from buildings Use of artificial Light pollution Nuisance, use of natural 1x1x3x1 = 3 Statutory Nuisance
and facilities lighting in building resource Environmental Protection Act
and outside Not left on unnecessarily

IMS005 Issue 3 01.01.2015


5. Aspect Analysis

Aspect Activity or service Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Ranking Regulations/Control

Use of vehicles Visits to clients, Generation of combustion Greenhouse effect, use of Control of Pollution Act. Road Traffic Act
meetings etc gases, production of noise, natural resources eg fossil fuels 2x1x2x2 = 8 1988
Delivery to sites dust, odour, pollution and , air pollution with oxides of Trained, licensed drivers
Vehicle used for vibration, increased traffic nitrogen, sulphur and carbon Vehicle maintenance, efficient use of
service delivery vehicles All company owned vehicles are all
fitted with a tracker device. System
monitored and appropriate action taken
Journeys optimised where practical
Neighboring companies Indirect Potential pollution resulting Pollution and nuisance 1x1x1x1=1 Environmental Protection Act
and shared site from their activities Emergency Plan
Visual impact of Office buildings at Aesthetics Visual appearance 1x1x1x1=1 Environmental Protection Act
buildings each location
D. Use of Consumables
Use of paper Office activities Use of a natural resource Reduction in natural resources, 1x1x1x1=1 Minimal use
Greenhouse effect adversely
affects environment Paper Policy Recycling undertaken
Use of electricity Power and Heat Use of energy Reduction in natural resources. 2x1x2x2 =8 Metered and monitored, and use
Greenhouse effect from minimised
Use of Gas Heat Use of natural resources Reduction in natural resources. Gas appliance Rgs 95,& installations & Use
Greenhouse effect from Regs98 Ozone & F gas regs. Competent
generation Corgi engineers used for service etc
Use of water Kitchen and welfare Use of natural resource Reduction in natural resource 1x1x1x3 = 3 Usage monitored and minimised where
facilities practicable
Use of vehicles Use of Fuel Use of fossil fuels Reduction in natural resources 2x1x3x1 = 6 Control of Pollution Act. Road Traffic Act
Trained, licensed drivers
Vehicle maintenance, efficient use of
All company owned vehicles are all fitted
with a tracker device. System monitored
and appropriate action taken
Journeys optimised where practical
Furniture, electrical Use in office activities Use of natural resource Reduction in natural resources, 1x1x1x1 =1 Recycle /reuse where possible
equipment and plastic greenhouse effect adverse
products effect on environment

IMS005 Issue 3 01.01.2015


5. Aspect Analysis

Aspect Activity or service Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Ranking Regulations/Control

E. Management of Contractors
Use of contractors Routinely used to Use of eco-toxic and Potential to pollute ground and 1x2x2x2 =8 Contractor Procedure. Environmental
provide servicing and polluting materials water courses aspects are considered when placing
preventive maint’ce, contracts. Induction training given
window cleaning etc Work supervised
Use of Form part of the staff Use of natural resources Reduction in natural resources, 1x1x2x2 =4 Competent staff working to company
temporary/agency office team e.g. paper, energy etc greenhouse effect adverse processes and procedures
office staff effect on environment
Use of contractors Occasional use for Using eco-toxic and Potential to pollute ground and 1x2x2x2 = 8 Contractor Procedure. Environmental
“one off” contracts polluting materials water courses aspects are considered when placing
contracts Induction Training & supervision
F. Delivery of Service
Purchase of uniforms Regular use of work Use of resources for Depletion of natural resources 1x1x1x2=2 Purchasing procedure
and personnel clothing and PPE clothing and PPE End of life disposal and waste QP 03
protective equipment
Use of electrical Essential regular use Use of energy for electrical Use of energy 2x1x2x1=4 Purchasing procedure
equipment of cleaning electrical equipment QP 03. CE marking
Use of hand tools Regular use of hand Use of energy and natural Depletion of natural resources 1x1x1x2=2 Replacement monitored to ensure efficient
tools resources End of life disposal and waste use.
Use of cleaning Regular and routine Use of cleaning materials Potential to pollute the clients 2x1x2x1=4 COSHH assessments in place. Purchasing
material use of cleaning premises procedure QP 03. Spills procedure
materials Use of resources for cleaning Stock monitored for excessive use
Provision of Security Regular site Occupation of site and Potential to pollute the clients 2x1x1x1=2 Trained and competent staff working to
Services inspections and installation of CCTV for premises Andron procedures, policies and local
manning; installation supply of security services Potential to damage client assignment instructions. Performance is
and operation of property monitored. Any failures to comply are
CCTV Use of clients’ resources reported and appropriate action taken.
Scope of work confined to terms and
conditions of contract.
Provision of Cleaning Regular site presence Use of and within the Potential to pollute the clients 2x1x1x2=4 Trained and competent staff working to
services for cleaning activities clients’ premises. premises Andron procedures, policies and site packs
Potential to damage client Performance is monitored. Any failures to
property comply are reported and appropriate
Use of clients resources action taken. Scope of work confined to
terms and conditions of contract.

IMS005 Issue 3 01.01.2015

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