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Book 1
The Nature of Statistics

Willard Long Thorp Professor of Economics, Emeritus
Amherst College
Copyright © 2021 by Heinz Kohler























The academic discipline of Statistics is a branch of mathematics that
develops and uses techniques for answering questions that arise in all areas of
human endeavor. Medical researchers use them to test the safety and
effectiveness of new drugs, devices and procedures or to appraise the effects
of lifestyle changes; nutritionists use them to investigate health claims
associated with foods or dietary supplements; business executives use them
to assess the results of marketing campaigns or the effect of new methods of
production on product quality. Economists use them to forecast the business
cycle; politicians to predict the outcome of future elections. Spies use them
decipher coded messages. The list goes on. No wonder that Statistics has
been called a universal guide to the unknown.
The field of Statistics, however, is so vast that no single textbook
can reasonably cover all of it. Nor can it anticipate which topics will be of
interest to any given person. This author, therefore, has divided the field into
24 sections that are made available as separate books from which readers can
select the subset that is most useful to them. Here is a list of topics covered
by this series:
Book 1: The Nature of Statistics
Book 2: Learning About Excel
Book 3: Finding Existing Data: From Print to Internet
Book 4: Generating New Data: Census Taking and Sampling
Book 5: Generating New Data: Controlled Experiments
Book 6: Presenting Data: Tables and Graphs
Book 7: Presenting Data: Summary Measures
Book 8: The Theory of Probability
Book 9: Discrete Probability Distributions
Book 10: Continuous Probability Distributions
Book 11: Sampling Distributions
Book 12: Estimation
Book 13: Hypothesis Testing: The Classical Technique
Book 14: Hypothesis Testing: The Chi-Square Technique
Book 15: Analysis of Variance
Book 16: Simple Regression and Correlation
Book 17: Multiple Regression and Correlation
Book 18: Model Building with Multiple Regression
Book 19: Time Series and Forecasting
Book 20: Index Numbers
Book 21: Hypothesis Testing Nonparametric Techniques
Book 22: Quality Control
Book 23: Decision Theory
Book 24: Issues in Medical Research
After reading this book, you will

1. come to know statistics as a field of study that develops and utilizes

techniques for the careful collection, effective presentation, and proper
analysis of numerical information,

2. get a preview of the kinds of problems you will learn to solve and, in the
process, come to see why statistics is said to facilitate wise decision-making
in the face of uncertainty and is viewed as a "universal guide to the

3. meet a number of basic statistical concepts, including statistical

populations, samples, variables, data, and more, and

4. learn to distinguish different types of data (such as nominal, ordinal,

interval, and ratio data) and, thus, develop an awareness of different data
(The latter is a crucial prerequisite for learning, in Book 2, about the
Microsoft Excel computer program associated with this series and its ability
to manipulate data. As you will discover in this book, however, certain
arithmetic operations, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and even
dividing nominal and ordinal data, are guaranteed to produce pure nonsense.
Yet a computer will dutifully perform such operations whenever you ask!)
And here is a typical problem you will be able to solve:

You just received Fortune magazine's latest Global 500 report, which
provides information on the world's 500 largest corporations. Besides each
company's name, country, industry code, and number of employees, the
report includes dollar amounts and rankings of each firm's revenues, profits,
assets, and stockholders' equity.

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this report? Which are they?

c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.

d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.

e. Can you find examples of nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data in this
report? Why would you care?
You are a film producer and your studio has just spent millions of dollars
on creating a new soap opera that seems destined to be shown on television.
Naturally, you want to make as much money as possible. Thus, it is time to
devise a marketing strategy. Several possibilities come to mind:

1. All rights to the new series could be sold to a distributor who is willing to
pay $125 million right now, and that could be the end of the story as far as
you are concerned.

2. The program could be offered to a TV network for review with these

possible results (in your judgment): a 60 percent chance of rejection (which
ruins all further chances of a sale to anyone and spells a $30 million loss) or
a 40 percent chance of getting a contract (which means a $300 million

3. You could hire a consulting firm, which is willing to offer advice on the
network's likely reaction for a $1 million fee. The consulting firm's "track
record" is given in Table 1.1 on the following page.
Table 1.1 Film Consultant's Track Record

During the past decade, the consulting firm has issued numerous reports
in similar situations. An ultimate rejection – an event here designated as E1 –
was preceded by a report predicting rejection, R1, 80 percent of the time, and
by a report predicting a contract offer, R2, 20 percent of the time. On the
other hand, an eventual contract offer – an event here designated as E2 – was
preceded by a report predicting rejection 30 percent of the time and by a
report predicting a contract offer 70 percent of the time.
What then is your optimal strategy? Should you grasp the sure thing and
pocket $125 million now by selling the rights? Should you take the –$30
million versus +$300 million gamble by showing the pilot to network
executives? Should you buy the advice and then take the action that
maximizes your likely revenue (sell the rights if report R1 is received; offer
the film to the network if report R2 is received)? Or should you buy the
advice now and, after having received your report, rethink the whole matter
in light of Table 1.1?
Surely, you can picture yourself now, with report R1 in hand, about to
make that $125 million deal with the distributor, yet thinking about the lost
chance of making $300 million if the report is wrong. Surely, you can see
yourself fretting all night, with report R2 in hand, about to contact the
network and collect that $300 million prize, while thinking about the very
real chance, if the report is wrong, of ending up $30 million in the red instead
of pocketing $125 million for sure .
All sorts of executives face decision-making problems like this every
day. Long before you have studied the last book of this series, you will be
able to solve this particular problem in no time. And you will acquire similar
skills in every book in-between.
Ask anyone to define the nature of statistics and, just as in the
dictionary, you are likely to get one of three answers. Some, like you perhaps,
are about to take a course in the subject. They will naturally think of statistics
as a field of study that somehow deals with the collection, presentation, and
interpretation of numerical data. There will be others, the vast majority of
people no doubt, who will instantly think of masses of data, seemingly
infinite in number, that constantly bombard us in our daily lives. Just think of
all those numbers ceaselessly spewing forth from television sets, radios,
newspapers, and sites on the world wide web: data about the weather and
sports events; election results and opinion polls; prices of bonds, stocks,
foreign monies, and commodity futures; rates of inflation, unemployment,
and economic growth . . . Finally, a few other people, already trained in the
discipline, will conjure up a highly technical meaning of the term that we,
too, will meet in later books. The term statistics can refer to summary
measures, such as sample averages and sample proportions, that have been
computed from relatively few data gathered by sampling a much larger
collection of data called a population.
In fact, these three definitions are linked. Statistics, viewed as a
scientific discipline, inevitably uses as raw material those very masses of data
that most people associate with the term. Indeed, statistics courses used to
have an ugly reputation precisely because they involved endless, boring hours
of manipulating masses of data. But such number crunching is no more.
Sophisticated computer software, such as Microsoft's Excel or the Minitab
program, for example, can perform powerful magic. As Book 2 illustrates,
upon starting Excel, you encounter a screen that is nicely divided into a series
of columns and rows and invites you to enter data, masses of them, if you
want. Indeed, in the case of Excel, a single Workbook contains 16 blank
spreadsheets. Each of these measures 256 columns by 65,536 rows. That
comes to 16,777,216 cells, which could be printed on a sheet of paper 19 feet
wide and 1,300 feet long! In the case of Minitab's Professional Version, an
eager user can fill in 150 million of those pretty cells (provided there is
sufficient computer memory), but even the lower limit of a mere 5,000 entries
in the Student Version can keep you busy for quite some time. Relax! You
won't have to do that in this series of books.
Having entered your data into Excel, for example, you must specify an
appropriate statistical technique. A few well-chosen keystrokes will do, and
wham! In a fraction of a second, you have your result. Times have certainly
changed. Not so many years ago, some of these calculations might have taken
weeks and even months or years of work.
Collecting Data
Finding Existing Data
Generating New Data
Any practical statistical work requires data, data, and more data. A
first branch of the discipline of statistics, therefore, focuses on the careful
collection of this crucial type of raw material. Such collection can proceed in
one of three ways: 1) A would-be investigator can look for data that already
exist because others have gathered them in the past. 2) Brand-new data can
be generated with the help of so-called observational studies that involve
census taking or sampling. 3) Brand-new data can be generated by
conducting carefully controlled experiments. These three approaches are
explained in Books 3, 4, and 5 of this series, respectively.

Finding Existing Data

When relevant information already exists somewhere, an investigator
need only find it. A business administrator, for example, might simply search
the firm's internal records for material that quietly resides in filing cabinets or
computer memories. Thus, customer records would provide names,
addresses, telephone numbers, data on amounts purchased, credit limits, and
more. Employee records would provide names, addresses, job titles, years of
service, salaries, social security numbers, and even numbers of sick days
used. Production records would contain lists of products, part numbers and
quantities produced, along with associated labor costs, raw material
consumption, and equipment usage. A government economist would,
similarly, have access to vast databases held by the Bureau of the Census, the
Department of Labor, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Office of
Management and Budget, to name but a few. From the point of view of the
business administrator or the government economist, respectively, all of the
sources just mentioned are internal sources.
In addition to scouring internal sources of information, our business
administrator or government economist could also look for external
depositories of already existing data and persuade their owners to share
information. Indeed, all kinds of organizations, ranging from Dow Jones and
Company to the Dun and Bradstreet Corporation to the Medical Economics
Company, routinely gather data and sell them to would‑be users in the private
sector and in government agencies alike. If you are a student, you are already
familiar with the use of preexisting data. When writing your next paper, you
are unlikely to generate brand‑new information (although you will learn how
to do so in this series). More likely, you will turn to some source of data
gathered by someone else. You might check out the Statistical Abstract of the
United States or one of the numerous other sources listed in its Appendix I,
"Guide to Sources of Statistics, State Statistical Abstracts, and Foreign
Statistical Abstracts," a perusal of which we highly recommend. Better yet,
you might check out the Internet's Fedstats site (introduced in Book 3) that
leads you to data collected by over 70 agencies of the U.S. federal
government. Or you might click on the link to any one of almost 200 foreign
government sites or visit the sites of any Fortune 500 company, every one of
which can be found in this book’s Appendix: Excel Data files and Add-in
Programs by clicking on the file HK00F500.xls. Yet, from the point of view
of the professional statistician, the matter of collecting data, especially
current data, is usually much more complicated than checking out internal or
external sources of already-existing data. More often than not, this question
arises: How can trustworthy new data be generated?
Generating New Data
New data about persons or objects possessing characteristics that
interest a statistician can be generated either by conducting a complete or
sample survey or by performing a controlled experiment. These two
approaches are presented in Books 4 and 5, respectively. Here we introduce
the general idea, which is conveyed by these definitions:

DEFINITION 1.1 The collection of data about persons or objects by

merely recording information about selected characteristics of interest
(such as A or B), while paying no attention to possibly widely diverging
other characteristics (such as C or D) that may affect the chosen
characteristics, is called an observational study or survey.

DEFINITION 1.2 The collection of data about persons or objects by

deliberately exposing them to some kind of change, while leaving all else
unchanged, and subsequently recording how identical persons or objects
respond to different types of change, or how different types of persons or
objects respond to identical change, is called a controlled experiment.
Generating Survey Data. In a survey, a characteristic such as the annual
salary of workers, for example, may simply be observed and recorded for
different workers without regard to factors, like length of service, education,
and work experience, that make workers different from one another. These
factors may, in fact, be responsible for the observed differences in their
salaries. If, by pure accident, a firm employs lots of recently-hired women
with little education and next-to-no work experience, while also employing
lots of men hired decades ago who are highly educated and have plenty of
work experience, you can guess what will happen: A survey of salaries that
ignores length of service, education, and work experience can easily create
the impression that women are being paid less than men merely because of
their sex.
This being said, you can, perhaps, anticipate an answer to the
following survey problem:

Excerpt from Book 4,

Generating New Data: Census Taking and Sampling
Domino's Pizza once was sued by Amstar, maker of Domino sugar, on the
grounds that use of this name confused people. Indeed, Amstar had
interviewed women shopping in supermarkets, had shown them a Domino's
Pizza box, and had asked whether they thought the pizza makers produced
any other product. Some 71 percent said "sugar." If you were a statistician
hired by the Domino's Pizza, how could you help your client?
Generating Experimental Data. Experimental data, in contrast to survey
data, are generated more carefully. Thus, a firm may divide its 40 new
employees into two groups of equal size (with the help of some random
device you will learn about in Book 4). It may then administer a special
training program to one of the groups only. If the 20 employees who went
through the program exhibited superior productivity later on, the training
program might justifiably be credited with those improvements. After all,
other factors that could account for this result, such as group differences in
age, motivation, or prior work experience, were effectively equalized by the
random division of the original group of 40 workers.
Can you anticipate an answer to the following question that you will
soon encounter?

Excerpt from Book 5,

Generating New Data: Controlled Experiments
Pharmaceutical companies can increase their sales by billions of dollars per
year if they are lucky enough to come up with a new best-selling drug. No
wonder they are always experimenting. One such company selected 100
adults at random and managed to persuade 80 of them to take calcium
supplements, which were suspected of lowering blood pressure. A
comparison of the subjects' before-and-after blood pressure readings
confirmed the suspicion. As a statistician hired by the Food and Drug
Administration, evaluate this experiment.

Despite the fact that experimental data tend to be more reliable or

"stronger" than survey data, most new data in economics, business, and many
other fields, are not generated by controlled experiments. More likely than
not, they are generated by (complete or sample) surveys. This happens
because it is often impossible, or extremely costly, to carry out experiments.
We could not easily divide the country's labor force (or even a segment of it)
at random into three groups and then subject each group to different tax rates
in order to study the effect of taxes on labor supply. Nor could we simply
divide the country's newly born (or even a segment of them) at random into
two groups and then subject only one of the groups to a lifetime of smoking
in order to study the effect of smoking on health. Nevertheless, as you will
learn later in this series, with proper statistical techniques, we can learn a
great deal about such matters even from surveys.
Our discussion so far, however, must not be misunderstood. The
modern scientific discipline of statistics is not very well described by the
popular image of statistics as a field of study that is preoccupied with the
acquisition and publication of masses of data. Much more so, statistics is
about the subsequent description and analysis of data. Indeed, most
textbooks, including this series, emphasize the latter two branches of the
discipline, that is, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, over
methods for collecting data.
Describing Data
Once we have collected data, they become the raw material for those
laboring in a second branch of the statistics discipline. The descriptive
statistician focuses on the post-collection task of effectively presenting data,
of organizing and condensing them, usually with the help of tables and
graphs (Book 6) or with the help of numerical summary measures (Book 7).
As we will see, unlike mere listings of masses of raw data, such as those that
the Internet provides, this type of presentation alone makes data
understandable and often reveals patterns otherwise hidden in unprocessed

DEFINITION 1.3 A branch of the discipline that is concerned with

developing and utilizing techniques for effectively presenting numerical
information so as to highlight patterns otherwise hidden in data sets is
called descriptive statistics.

Here are two examples of working with descriptive statistics:

Excerpt from Book 6, Presenting Data: Tables and Graphs

Imagine you were working for a chemicals firm that is interested in
expanding its fertilizer sales in California and Florida. You are supposed to
provide information about current fertilizer usage, and you instantly think of
oranges. Create a relevant cross tabulation for your next staff meeting. (Hint:
To find current data, visit, a site maintained by
the federal government.)

Excerpt from Book 7, Presenting Data: Summary Measures

Your boss wants to acquire a major software company. You are to gather
relevant information. Visit, a site maintained by
Fortune magazine. Identify the revenues, profits, and numbers of employees
of each of the Fortune 500 companies in the computer software industry.
Using Excel, compute and print out descriptive summary statistics on the
three types of data series just noted.
The importance of descriptive statistics is illustrated vividly by
numerous other examples found later in this series. As we will show, the
effective presentation of data can lead a production engineer to discover the
secret behind the recent breakdowns of motors produced by a firm, can help a
historian unravel the mystery of a disputed authorship, can aid spies in
cracking a secret code, and can enable managers to monitor quality in an
ongoing production process.
Useful as it may be, however, descriptive statistics, too, comprises
only a small part of the modern discipline of statistics. Contrary to another
common view that identifies data collection and descriptive statistics with the
entire field of study, another branch of the discipline is nowadays
considerably more important.
Analyzing Data
Drawing Inferences by Inductive Reasoning
Drawing Inferences by Deductive Reasoning
Looking Ahead
Modern statisticians direct most of their effort not toward collecting and
presenting numerical information but toward analyzing it. They are laboring
in a third branch yet of the statistics discipline. They focus on applying
reason to data in order to draw sensible conclusions from them. Their chief
concern is making reasonable inferences, from the limited information that is
available, about matters that are not known. Accordingly, some sixteen books
of this series (Books 8-23) deal exclusively with analytical or inferential

DEFINITION 1.4 A branch of the discipline that is concerned with

developing and utilizing techniques for properly analyzing (or drawing
inferences from) numerical information is called analytical statistics or
inferential statistics.

Sometimes a general truth is inferred from particular instances. At

other times, statisticians reverse the process and draw conclusions about the
particular from their knowledge of the general.
Drawing Inferences by Inductive Reasoning
Drawing inferences about an unknown whole from a known part is
inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is at work, for example, when a
statistician concludes that between 1 and 3 percent of a firm's total output is
defective because 2 percent of an output sample did in fact not meet quality
standards. (As we will learn, even this result may be clouded by uncertainty,
because the method used to derive this conclusion may provide correct results
only 95 percent of the time and incorrect results in the remaining cases.)

Drawing Inferences by Deductive Reasoning

On the other hand, drawing inferences about an unknown part from a
known whole is deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is at work, for
example, when a statistician concludes that a particular unit of a firm's output
(namely, a unit produced at plant 7, during the night shift, and with the help
of components supplied by firm X) has 5 chances in 100 of being included in
a quality test. This conclusion may reflect the facts that (a) 5 percent of the
firm's total output meets the above criteria and (b) the portion of output to be
tested is being selected from total output by a random process. Thus, it is
likely to reflect the characteristics of total output. As a matter of fact,
deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning complement one another. As we
will see, before statisticians can safely generalize from the part to the whole,
they must study how the part has been generated from the whole.

Looking Ahead
The importance of inferential statistics is illustrated by the rich array of
examples found throughout this series of books. Statistical techniques help
firms screen job applicants, budget research and development expenditures,
determine the quality of raw materials received or of output produced, and
decide whether sales personnel are better motivated by salary or commission.
Statistical techniques can, similarly, help firms choose the best one among
several product designs, leasing arrangements, oil‑drilling sites, fertilizer
types, and advertising media. And inferential statistics can tell firms precisely
how the quantity of their product that is demanded relates to the product's
price, to the prices of substitutes and complements, to consumer income, and,
perhaps, even to the consumer's sex.
Government officials are equally avid users of what this series has to
teach. Inferential statistics plays an important role in assuring the reliability
of space missions and of more mundane airport lighting systems. And
statistical techniques help answer questions such as these: Do motorcycle
helmets really reduce accident fatalities? Do nursing homes discriminate
against Medicaid recipients? Do the boxes of raisins marketed by this firm
truly contain 15 ounces as claimed? Do the firms in this state meet anti-
pollution standards? When is this recession likely to end? What is next year's
probable rate of inflation? This list, too, can be expanded at will.
Here, book-by-book, are some specific problems you will encounter
and learn to solve. Naturally, the list contains terms you haven't yet met.
Don't fret. You will learn about them in due course.

Excerpt from Book 8, The Theory of Probability

A wine producer has designed a new and distinctive bottle in the hope of
increasing sales. The manager views the probability of success as 50 percent
but also orders a survey of customers. The manager knows that when
consumers are enthusiastic and sales are about to rise, the type of survey
about to be taken will confirm that positive market climate 90 percent of the
time. But in 10 percent of the cases, the survey will say the opposite. When
consumers are unimpressed and sales prospects look dim, the survey will so
indicate 60 percent of the time. But in 40 percent of the cases, it will then say
the opposite. The survey is taken and shows great consumer enthusiasm
about the bottle. What is the manager's new assessment of the probability of
Excerpt from Book 9, Discrete Probability Distributions
An automobile manufacturer has fitted all of the firm's cars with an identical
pollution‑control device, designed to meet government standards. Yet
experience shows that 5 percent of cars tested perform below these pollution
standards. Assume that 20 cars coming off the assembly line during a given
month are selected at random. What is the probability that a government
inspector who tests 20 cars a month in the above fashion will unjustly accuse
the manufacturer of producing more than 5 percent of all cars below

Excerpt from Book 10, Continuous Probability Distributions

The city miles‑per‑gallon (mpg) rating of cars is a normally distributed
random variable with a mean of 25.9 and a standard deviation of 2.45. If an
automobile manufacturer wants to build a car with an mpg rating that
improves upon 99 percent of existing cars, what must the new car's mpg
rating be?
Excerpt from Book 11, Sampling Distributions
The manufacturer of batteries for aircraft emergency‑locator transmitters
claims that the lifetime of these batteries is normally distributed with a mean
of 30 months and a standard deviation of 3 months. An aircraft manufacturer
checks out 50 batteries and discovers a sample mean of only 29 months.
What is the probability that the battery manufacturer's claim is true?

Excerpt from Book 12, Estimation

United Parcel Service wants to determine the gasoline savings if all of its
trucks were switched from regular to radial tires. Some 150 trucks get new
tires. Half of them are regular tires; the others are radial tires. One truck in
each group, furthermore, is matched with one in the other group by make,
age, region of the world, and other aspects that might affect gasoline
consumption. After three months, the mileage on trucks with radial tires is
found, on average, to be 5 miles per gallon higher than on trucks with regular
tires. The sample standard deviation of the differences is 3 mpg. Construct a
98 percent confidence interval for the potential mileage gain if a similar
switchover were made on all of the firm's trucks worldwide.
Excerpt from Book 13. Hypothesis Testing: The Classical Technique
The Environmental Protection Agency is allowing a plant to dump its waste
into a river – as long as the effluent averages no more than 4 parts per million
(ppm) of a certain toxic substance. During the course of one week, the EPA
randomly samples the effluent and finds, in 64 samples, an average of 4.2
ppm of toxic substance, with a standard deviation of 1 ppm. Is the plant
violating EPA standards?

Excerpt from Book 14,

Hypothesis Testing: The Chi Square Technique
An advertising agency wants to know whether consumer preferences for
three brands of coffee are independent of their sex. The answer will
determine whether different ads must be created for men's and women's
magazines. A simple random sample of 100 persons yields Table 1.2 on the
following page. So, can we say that people's coffee preferences do not
depend on their gender?
Table 1.2 Preferences Indicated By Coffee Drinkers

Excerpt from Book 15, Analysis of Variance

An analyst wants to test whether the average price per share differs among
three stock exchanges, A-C. Independent random samples of eight stocks
from each market yield the following (in dollars per share).
A : 45, 56, 82, 49, 53, 61, 48, 51
B : 17, 19, 27, 22, 31, 41, 15, 16
C : 30, 19, 82, 49, 31, 19, 16, 51
Perform the desired test.

Excerpt from Book 16, Simple Regression and Correlation

A marketing manager wants to establish the relationship between the number
of cereal boxes sold, Y, and the shelf space devoted to them, X. Given the
data of Table 1.3 on the following page, determine an appropriate equation
relating Y to X.
Table 1.3 Cereal Boxes Sold and Shelf Space

Excerpt from Book 17, Multiple Regression and Correlation

An executive of a shoe manufacturing company wants to assess the
relationship between average daily sales at the firm's factory outlet stores, Y,
and a number of possible determinants. These include the number of
competitors within a 3-mile radius, X1, per capita annual income in the
county, X2, and the average price per pair of shoes, X3 . Given the data of
Table 1.4 on the following page, compute a multiple regression equation.
Table 1.4 Factory Outlet Stores Data
Excerpt from Book 18, Model Building With Multiple Regression
A textbook publisher has collected the data of Table 1.5. Create an economic
model that relates copies sold to the review ratio and the web site availability.
Table 1.5 Sample Data on Textbook Sales
Excerpt from Book 19, Time Series and Forecasting
The following time series represents U.S. corporate tax liabilities from
1959-1997 (in billions of dollars): 23.6–22.7–22.8–24.0–26.2–28.0–30.9–
a. Estimate the trend in the form of a 7-year moving-averages series.
b. On the basis of the slope of the trend line between the last two numbers
estimated in (a), forecast corporate taxes in 2004.

Excerpt from Book 20, Index Numbers

The manager of an orchard has collected the data of Table 1.6. Compute a
1995 Laspeyres quantity index for the orchard's output, based on 1985. Can
you see any problem with interpreting the index number?

Table 1.6 Orchard Data

Excerpt from Book 21,
Hypothesis Testing: Nonparametric Techniques
A business-school admissions board stands accused of manipulating
admissions according to a secret daily quota system based on sex. The
board denies the charge and claims that sex is never even considered during
the admission process. Therefore, the order of male/female admissions must
be random. Investigators acquire the information given in Table 1.7 for 60
successive admissions. (M = male, F = female, and data are to be read in
successive rows.) Make an appropriate hypothesis test and decide whether
the board discriminates on the basis of gender.

Table 1.7 Business School Admissions Data

Excerpt from Book 22, Quality Control
A production process is designed to fill bottles with 16.5 ounces of liquid
detergent on the average. The population of filling weights is normally
distributed and has a standard deviation of .8 oz. Inspectors take periodic
samples of 35 bottles. One sample yields a mean filling weight of 16.2 oz, the
next two yield 15.8 oz and 17.3 oz. Is the production process running

Excerpt from Book 23, Decision Theory

A U.S. firm plans to enter a new market in China. The firm's executives are
considering four alternatives: 1) building a plant in China, 2) hiring a Chinese
sales force to sell U.S.-made products exported China, 3) sending mail-order
catalogues to Chinese consumers, and (4) teaming up with Chinese firms that
would act as sales agents. The executives believe that the profit consequences
of each of these approaches will differ, depending on whether demand turns
out to be low, moderate, or huge. In millions of dollars, the next year profit
predictions are 2, 4, and 10 for (1), 3, 3, and 3 for (2), –5, –1, and +20 for (3),
and –2, 0, and 30 for (4). Assuming they want to maximize profits, what
should the executives do?
Excerpt from Book 24, Issues in Medical Research
Consider a scary piece of news from a doctor who says you tested positive
for a disease after being given a test that is 95 percent accurate if a person has
the disease, and 99 percent accurate if a person does not have the disease.
Furthermore, the test accuracy can be illustrated with the conditional
probability table below, based on a random sample of 100,000 people.

Table 1.8 A Conditional Probability Table

What is the likelihood of your actually having the disease? Is it 95 percent, as

most people will think?
[Just for fun here is a quick preview: Look at the highlighted numbers in the
last row of our table. Only 100 of 100,000 tested people had the disease while
99,900 did not. Now focus on column (1). Given the noted 95 percent test
accuracy with respect to sick people, 95 percent or 95 of these 100 people
will test positive, but 5 will show (false) negatives. Now turn to column (2).
Given the noted 99 percent test accuracy with respect to healthy people, 99
percent or 98,901of 99,900 people will test negative, but the remaining 1
percent or 999 people will show (false) positives. This gives us the totals in
the last column. What then is the probability of your having the disease?
Because 1,094 persons, like you, tested positive and 95 of those had the
disease, your chance of having the disease equals 95/1,094, which denotes a
probability of 0.087 or 8.7 percent. This is the amazingly low (conditional)
probability of one event (your having the disease), given the prior occurrence
of another event (a positive test result indicating the presence of the disease).]
Statistics—A Universal Guide to the Unknown
All of the previous examples have at least one thing in common. They
illustrate dramatically how inferential statistics can facilitate decision making
in the face of uncertainty. Indeed, one can argue that such is the main purpose
of the entire discipline.

DEFINITION 1.5 The field of study known as statistics is a branch of

mathematics that is concerned with facilitating wise decision making in the
face of uncertainty and that, therefore, develops and utilizes techniques for
the careful collection, effective presentation, and proper analysis of
numerical information.

This definition clearly incorporates all of the branches of statistics

discussed so far. In addition, by failing to specify who the decision makers
are, the above definition quite correctly suggests the universal applicability of
what statistics has to offer. As the earlier examples have shown, modern
statistical techniques routinely guide business executives, as well as
government economic‑policy makers, in making reasonable decisions in the
face of uncertainty. In addition, the same techniques are just as useful, and
are just as frequently applied, outside the fields of business and economics.
Like mathematics in general, statistics is a universal type of language that all
sciences use regularly. Drawing valid inferences from limited information is
just as important to historians and psychologists, to geneticists and medical
researchers, to astronomers and engineers as it is to business executives and
economists. We shall see examples of this universal use of statistics as well.
Among others, questions such as these will be posed and answered: How can
we decipher a secret code? How can we resolve the issue of a disputed
authorship? Were Mendel's genetics data fudged? Does smoking cause heart
disease? Is toothpaste A better than toothpaste B? Is ESP real?
Basic Statistical Concepts
Elementary Units and the Frame
Variables and Data
Qualitative and Quantitative Variables
Population Versus Sample

As is true of practitioners in all scientific disciplines, statisticians have

a language all of their own. In this section, we meet some of their favorite
terms. This will prove helpful in later books when we discuss issues of
collecting, describing, and analyzing data more fully.

Elementary Units and the Frame

A statistical investigation invariably focuses on people or things with
characteristics in which someone is interested. The persons or objects that
have characteristics of interest to statisticians are called elementary units.
Thus, someone who wanted to learn about the racial composition of a firm's
labor force would quickly identify the individual employees of that firm as
the elementary units. But someone concerned about the amount of credit
extended by that firm might view individual credit accounts as the elementary
units to be investigated. Even the flash cubes produced by the firm, the light
bulbs installed in its plants, or the boxes of cereal shipped by one of its
divisions could be regarded as elementary units--provided someone was
interested in discovering,
respectively, the percentage of defective flash cubes produced, the lifetimes
of light bulbs used, or the content weights of cereal boxes sold. A complete
listing of all elementary units relevant to a statistical investigation is called a
Consider a statistician who is hired to evaluate charges of racial and sex
discrimination allegedly occurring in one of those small firms that operate on
thousands of private airports across the United States. (Believe it or not, in
1999, there were over 18,000 operating airports in the United States, and over
13,000 of them were private.) Our airport operator's personnel records might
provide the information listed in Table 1.8 on the following page. In this
case, any one entry in column 1 is an elementary unit. All the entries in the
shaded portion of that column jointly represent the frame.
Table 1.9 Selected Characteristics of All Full‑Time Employees of
Mountain Aviation, Inc.; December 31, 2000

This table illustrates a number of basic statistical concepts. Column 1 lists 9

elementary units that jointly constitute the frame (shaded). The headings of
columns 2‑6 show various characteristics of the elementary units that are
called variables. They can be qualitative (race, sex, job title) or quantitative
(years of service, annual salary). Any single observation about a given
elementary unit is a datum (the plural is data). This particular table contains a
multivariate data set because it records observations about several variables
for each elementary unit. All possible observations about a given variable,
such as the shaded entries in column 3 or 6, constitute a statistical population.
Any subset of a population or frame, such as the boxed data in column 6, is a

Note: As you will learn in Book 4, many types of samples exist. Not all of
them are equally likely to reflect the makeup of the sampled population. For
example, the group of three salaries found in the column 6 box here might be
a convenience sample that was selected merely for the ease of illustration. It
might also be a simple random sample that was selected by some procedure
such as writing the nine salaries on slips of paper, mixing the slips in a bowl,
and pulling out three. In the latter case, as you will learn in Book 8, it is
possible to select 84 different samples of 3 out of 9. That would give us 1
chance in 84 of selecting the particular sample shown here.

Variables and Data

In general, any one elementary unit may possess one or more
characteristics that interest a statistician. In Table 1.9, five characteristics,
ranging from race and sex to annual salary, are listed in the headings of
columns 2‑6. Such characteristics of elementary units are always called
variables, presumably because observations about these characteristics will
likely vary from one elementary unit to the next.
Any single observation about a specified characteristic of interest is
called a datum. It is the basic unit of the statistician's raw material. Any
collection of observations about one or more characteristics of interest, for
one or more elementary units, is called a data set. A data set is univariate,
bivariate, or multivariate depending on whether it contains information on
one variable only, on two variables, or on more than two. The 45 entries in
columns 2-6 of Table 1.9 (namely, 5 data for each of 9 elementary units),
thus, constitute a multivariate data set.

Qualitative and Quantitative Variables

Table 1.9 teaches us something else: Any given characteristic of
interest to the statistician can differ in kind or in degree among various
elementary units. A variable that is normally described in words rather than
numerically (because it differs in kind rather than degree among elementary
units) is called a qualitative variable. Table 1.9 contains three qualitative
variables: race, sex, and job title. Qualitative variables can, in turn, be
binomial or multinomial. Observations about a binomial qualitative
variable can be made in only two categories: for example, male or female,
employed or unemployed, correct or incorrect, defective or satisfactory,
elected or defeated, absent or present. Observations about a multinomial
qualitative variable, in contrast, can be made in more than two categories;
consider job titles, colors, languages, religions, or types of businesses.
On the other hand, a variable that is normally expressed numerically
(because it differs in degree rather than kind among the elementary units
under study) is called a quantitative variable. Table 1.9 contains two of
them: years of service and annual salary. Quantitative variables can, in turn,
be discrete or continuous. Observations about a discrete quantitative
variable can assume values only at specific points on a scale of values, with
inevitable gaps between them. Such data differ from each other by clearly
defined steps. Consider observing the number of children in families, of
employees in firms, of students in classes, of rooms in houses, of cars in
stock, of cows in pastures. Invariably, the individual data will be
disconnected from each other by gaps on the scale of values. In the above
instances, they will look like 1, 2, 3 … and 49; never like 3.28 or 20.13. It is
impossible to have 3.28 children in a family or to observe 20.13 cows in a
pasture because these items come in whole units only. But note: the gaps
representing impossible values need not span the entire space between whole
numbers. Stock prices, for example, are reported in eighths of dollars (or to
the nearest $0.125). These discrete figures can take on values of 67 1/8, 67
2/8, 67 3/8 (or equivalent dollar decimals per share) but cannot take on values
between these. (The quoting of prices by eighths is a throwback to the old
pirate days and the Spanish gold "pieces of eight.")
Observations about a continuous quantitative variable can, in
contrast, assume values at all points on a scale of values, with no breaks
between possible values. Consider height, temperature, time, volume, or
weight. Weight, for instance, might be reported as 7 pounds or 8 pounds but
also as 7.3 pounds or even 7.3425 pounds, depending entirely on the
sensitivity of the measuring instrument involved. No matter how close two
values are to each other, it is always possible for a more precise device to find
another value between them.
The distinction between qualitative and quantitative variables is
visually obvious in Table 1.9. The observations about one type of variable are
recorded in words; those about the other type in numbers. Yet that distinction
can easily be blurred. Quantitative variables can be converted into seemingly
qualitative variables, and the opposite is also true. Thus, a statistician could
replace the column 5 and 6 numerical data by words, such as low,
intermediate, or high, although probably nobody would wish to give up the
more precise information recorded in Table 1.9. On the other hand, it is
common practice to code observations about qualitative variables with the
help of numbers. Thus, a statistician might turn the verbal entries of Table 1.9
into numbers by recording, say, "white" as 1 and "black" as 2 in column 2, by
recording "male" as 0 and "female" as 1 in column 3, and by assigning
numbers between 0 and 6 to the seven job titles in column 4. Nevertheless,
the distinction between qualitative and quantitative variables, although then
hidden, would remain.
Being aware of the distinction is important for this reason: Even when
qualitative data are encoded numerically, we cannot perform meaningful
arithmetic operations with them, whereas we can do so with quantitative data.
Thus, it would make no sense to report the "sum of races" in our firm as 12
(using the code just noted), but it would be valid to report the sum of annual
salaries as $365,000.
Population Versus Sample

We must finally consider two other concepts of particular importance.

DEFINITION 1.6 The set of all possible observations about a specified

characteristic of interest is called a statistical population.

DEFINITION 1.7 A subset of a statistical population, or of the frame

from which it is derived, is called a sample.

As Table 1.9 illustrates, it is possible to draw several statistical

populations from a given frame. We have one frame (the shaded list of
elementary units in column 1), but five variables (the headings of columns
2‑6). Hence our table contains five populations. The shaded entries in column
3, for example, make up the population of employee sexes; those in column 6
make up the population of employee salaries; and so on for columns 2, 4, and
Note that a statistical population consists of all possible observations
about a variable. Because they correspond to all the employees of our firm,
the entries in column 6 make up the population of employee salaries in our
hypothetical study. In a firm of only nine employees, it is easy to observe the
entire salary population. But imagine the difficulty of such an undertaking if
we attempted to carry out a similar study for the entire aviation industry or
even for the entire labor force of the United States!
Under such circumstances, statisticians often make observations
concerning selected elementary units only. They observe only n such units
out of the larger number N that exist. Naturally, they end up with a subset of
all the possible observations about the characteristic of interest, which is then
called a sample. The boxed entries in column 6 of Table 1.9, for instance,
make up one of many possible samples of employee salaries – namely, the
sample based on observing the salary characteristics of only Otis, West, and
Wolf. These three names themselves can, in turn, be viewed as a sample of
the frame.
What constitutes a population or a sample of that population depends
entirely on the context in which the question arises. If the goal were to study
salaries only at Mountain Aviation, Inc., the data in shaded column 6 of
Table 1.9 would, as a group, make up the relevant population. If the goal
were to study salaries in the entire aviation industry, however, the identical
column 6 data, even as a group, would constitute only a (pitifully small and
probably not very representative) sample of the much larger population of
salaries in the industry as a whole.
In addition, as you will learn in Book 4, it is important to note that
several types of samples exist and not all of them provide information of
equal quality. The particular sample illustrated in Table 1.9 may well be a
convenience sample, selected because the three salaries in question just
happened to be located next to one another. In fact, however, it would be
possible to select 84 different samples of size n = 3 from among the N = 9
salaries listed in Table 1.9. Thus, if we had used a random process to select a
random sample of 3 salaries in Table 1.9, we would have had only 1 chance
in 84 to select the particular sample shown there. (More about that in Book
Major Types of Data
Nominal Data
Ordinal Data
Interval Data
Ratio Data
No matter how hard they try to do a good job, data gatherers will
always come up with data of varying quality. This is so because different data
sets are inherently different, as another look at Table 1.9 can quickly show:
Observations about qualitative variables (columns 2‑4) are typically made in
words but are possibly coded into numbers later on for purposes of data
processing. Observations about quantitative variables, in contrast, are
numerical at the outset (columns 5‑6). Anyone who works with numbers,
therefore, must be very clear about their precise meaning.
Consider the numbers in the series 1, 2, 3 . . . 10, 11, 12. They could be
house numbers found along a street. They could be numbers on the Beaufort
scale, measuring wind velocity. They could be numbers on the Fahrenheit
scale, indicating temperature. They could be hourly wages paid different
workers in a factory. Believe it or not, despite the fact that we are looking at
the same numbers, 1 through 12, these four examples point to radically
different types of data. We must discuss these data types before we turn, in
Book 2, to the task of entering data into a computer. Not every data type is
suitable for the arithmetic operations that computers can perform so rapidly
and well.
In fact, the assignment of numbers to characteristics that are being
observed – which is measurement – can yield any one of four types of data.
In order of increasing sophistication, it can produce nominal, ordinal,
interval, or ratio data, and different statistical concepts and techniques are
appropriately applied to each type.

Nominal Data
Suppose you were working, as we will later in this series, with an
alphabetic list of the 100 largest multinational firms that maintained
headquarters in the United States. (Table 4.1 on page contains such a list.)
Continually referring to the actual company names, such as Goodyear Tire &
Rubber or Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, may soon become
awkward and unwieldy. So you decide to substitute numbers for those
company names, ranging from 00 for Abbott Laboratories to 99 for Xerox.
These numbers are nominal data. They merely name or label differences in
kind. Thus, they serve the purpose of classifying observations about
qualitative variables into mutually exclusive groups where the numbers in
each group can then be counted. (Numbers between 00 and 99, for example,
might refer to multinational companies; numbers between 100 and 159 to
other types of firms, and so on.)
In fact, we meet nominal data every day. House numbers provide a good
example. The green house at the corner might be assigned the number 1, the
yellow house across the street a 2, the white house in the middle of the street
a 6, and so on, until the brick house at the end is labeled with a 12. Similarly,
a statistician working with Table 1.9 above might code "male" as 0 and
"female" as 1 for the sake of mere convenience, but alternative labels of
"male" = 100 and "female" = 50 would serve as well.
Invariably, nominal data provide the weakest level of measurement in
the sense that they contain only the tiniest amount of useful information.
More importantly, as the slightest bit of thought about these examples can
confirm, it never makes sense to add, subtract, multiply, divide, rank,
average, or otherwise manipulate nominal data arithmetically. We can merely
count them. The presence of 12 numbers on a street denotes the existence of
12 different houses. Five 1s, according to one of the above codes, indicates
the presence of five females. And that is all.
Consider how adding all the house numbers on our street would yield a
meaningless number 78. Summing six 0s and three 1s to a total of 3 (because,
say, six men and three women are working in a firm) would be equally silly.
Ordering nominal numbers by size, or ranking them, would be senseless
as well. Although 2 is smaller than 6, in what sense is the yellow house
numbered 2 smaller than the white house numbered 6? Although 1 is greater
than 0, in what sense is "female" greater than "male"? Nor could we assume
that equal differences or intervals between nominal data carry any meaning at
all: Just because 12 -10 = 2 and 10 - 8 = 2 as well, could we assume that the
distance between house #12 and house #10 is the same as that between house
#10 and house #8? Hardly. And dividing one house number by another would
be pointless, too. True enough, the ratio of 12/6 is 2, but can we say that
house #12 is somehow twice as large or otherwise more important than house
#6 down the street?
Application 1.1 The Chinese Calendar
The Chinese calendar provides good example of the use of nominal
data. Years are named after animals (real or imaginary). The list repeats after
twelve years. Table 1.10 explains.

Table 1.10 The Chinese Calendar

Ordinal Data
The next level of measurement produces ordinal data. These are
numbers that label differences in kind, as nominal data do, but that, in
addition, by their very size also order or rank observations on the basis of
importance. Consider another list of those 100 multinational companies, but
this time let it not be alphabetical. Let the companies be ranked from the one
with the smallest profit, labeled 00, to the one with the highest profit, labeled
99. We can compare such ordinal numbers meaningfully as greater than,
smaller than, or equal to one another. But they contain no information about
how much greater or smaller one labeled item is compared to the other. Thus,
company 99 has a larger profit than company 63, and company 63 has a
smaller profit than company 69, but that is all we can say. Differences
between ordinal numbers or ratios of such numbers remain meaningless. Just
because 69 - 63 = 6 and 17 - 11 = 6 as well, can we conclude that the profit
difference between companies 69 and 63 comes to the same dollar figure as
that between companies 17 and 11? Certainly not. Just because (80/20) = 4,
can we conclude that the profit of company 80 is four times as large as that of
company 20? We cannot.
Just like nominal data, we encounter ordinal data often in our daily
lives. The Beaufort wind scale used by weather forecasters provides a good
example. It codes a wind velocity of less than 1 mile per hour (mph) as 0 or
"calm", a velocity of 1-3 mph as 1 or "light air", a velocity of 4-7 mph as 2 or
"light breeze", and so on, until velocities above 75 mph are reached and
labeled 12 or "hurricane." Clearly, the order of numbers matters here. The
larger the number, the stronger the wind. Yet these data make no statement
about how much stronger or weaker the assessment becomes as we move
along the scale in one direction or another. It may look as if moving along the
Beaufort scale from 0 to 12 in equal steps of 1 represents equal increases in
velocity, but such is not the case. Codes 1 and 2 represent average wind
speeds of 2 and 5.5 mph, respectively. Thus the difference between "light air
= 1" and "light breeze =2" comes to 3.5 mph. Yet codes 10 and 11 represent
average wind speeds of 59 and 69.5 mph, respectively. Thus the difference
between "whole gale =10" and "storm =11" is 10.5 mph.
Similar examples abound. Assessments of a product as superb,
average, or poor might be recorded as 2, 1, 0, as 250, 10, 2, or even as 10, 9,
4.5 – the important thing is that larger ordinal numbers denote a more
favorable assessment, or a higher ranking, while smaller ones do the
opposite. Yet, in such an assessment, a 2 is deemed better than a 1 but not
necessarily twice as good. A 250 is deemed better than a 10 but not
necessarily 25 times as good. A 4.5 is deemed worse than a 9 but not
necessarily half as good. And that is all.
Once again, meaningful arithmetic operations with ordinal data, as
with nominal data, are not possible.
Interval Data
Somewhat more information is contained in interval data. These are
numbers that possess all the characteristics of ordinal data and, in addition,
relate to one another by meaningful intervals or distances. This is so because
all numbers are referenced to a common (although admittedly arbitrary) zero
point. As a result, addition and subtraction are permissible, but multiplication
and division continue to make no sense.
Certain scales of calendar time, clock time, and temperatures provide
good examples of measurements that start from an arbitrarily located zero
point and then utilize an equally arbitrary but consistent distance unit for
expressing intervals between numbers. Consider how the Celsius scale places
zero at the water‑freezing point, whereas the Fahrenheit scale places it far
below the freezing point. Within the context of either scale, the distance unit
(degree of temperature) has a consistent meaning. Each degree Celsius equals
1/100 of the distance between water's freezing and boiling points. Each
degree Fahrenheit equals 1/180 of that distance. However, the zero point,
being arbitrarily located, does not denote the absence of the characteristic
being measured. Unlike 0° on the absolute (Kelvin) temperature scale that is
familiar to scientists, neither 0° F nor 0° C indicates a complete absence of
heat. As a result, any ratio of Fahrenheit or Celsius data fails to convey
meaningful information. For example, 90° F is not twice as hot as 45° F.
Indeed, the ratio of the corresponding Celsius figures (32.2° and 7.2°) does
not equal 2:1 but well over 4:1.
APPLICATION 1.2 Time in Cyberspace
A perfect example of the birth of interval data is provided by the
worldwide effort to replace the familiar 24-hour clock with a new type of
universal time. Such adjustments of our way of measuring time are nothing
new. In the United States, for example, different cities used to set their clocks
by the sun until the late 1800s. Then the railroads came along and introduced
the now-familiar time zones in order to coordinate their schedules and avoid
collisions. An 1874 treaty established Greenwich mean time that later served
lots of people very well, including ships and airlines. In 1960, scientists set
up an atomic clock in Paris, based on vibrations of the cesium atom. And
now there is the Swatch Group, the world's largest watchmaker, which wants
us to live on Internet time.
Figure 1.1 illustrates what is involved.
Figure 1.1 Standard Time and Internet Time

The new time starts at an arbitrary zero point and beats 000 at midnight
over the Swatch building in Biel, Switzerland. It also divides the day into
1,000 swatch beats, each equivalent to 86.4 good old seconds. So, if it's 3 PM
local time, or 15:00 hours, by the old clock, you are at 625 universal time, as
the display shows.
As you might have guessed, Swatch is selling an Internet watch around
the world ($70 at the time of this writing) and you can even download
software at its site to teach your computer a trick or two about the meaning of
Internet time.

[Sources: Adapted from and Amy Harmon, "It's

@786. Do You Know Where Your Computer Is?" The New York Times,
March 7, 1999, Section 4, p.2.]
Application 1.2 Revisited
The Swatch Group, noted in Application 1.2, once made comic strip
hero Dick Tracy's two-way wrist radio a reality when it introduced the
Swatch Talk Phone watch. The company hoped to carve itself a niche in the
world's cellular telephone market, which was expected to exceed 1 billion
phones by the end of 2003. The watch used GSM, the Global System for
Mobile Communication. But it was only one of several new Swatch watches.
Another one, the Internet Access watch, was designed to let people access e-
mail and Web sites with the help of a mouse pad. Other watches still imitated
credit cards and allowed users to pay for ski lifts, resorts, and train tickets.

[Source: "Dick Tracy's Cellular Swatch Watch," The New York Times, June
26, 2000, p. C8.]
Ratio Data

The highest level of measurement, producing the most useful

information, yields ratio data. These are numbers that possess all the
characteristics of interval data and, in addition, have meaningful ratios
because they are referenced to an absolute or natural zero point that denotes
the complete absence of the characteristic being measured. All types of
arithmetic operations, even multiplication and division, can be performed
with such data. Unlike in the Fahrenheit‑Celsius example, the ratio of any
two such numbers is independent of the unit of measurement because each
number is a distance measure from the same zero point. For example, the
measurement of hourly wages, monthly salaries, age, area, distance, height,
volume, or weight produces ratio data. So does a measurement of temperature
on the Kelvin scale the zero point of which is tied to zero molecular speed.
Consider hourly wages as a case in point.
Clearly, it makes sense to say that an hourly wage of $12 is larger than one of
$9, which is larger than one of $6. (In contrast, when working with those
nominal data taking the place of alphabetically ordered company names, it
made no sense to say that company 12 is larger than company 9, which is
larger than company 6.) Thus, hourly wage data give the kind of information
provided by ordinal data.
In addition, it makes sense to compare intervals between hourly wage
data and to say that the distance between $12 and $9 equals the distance
between $9 and $6. (In contrast, the difference between company 12 and 9, or
between company 9 and 6, carries no meaning.) Thus, hourly wage data also
give the type of information provided by interval data.
Further, hourly wage data are ratio data because we can safely describe
$12 as twice as much money as $6. The ratio (12/6) = 2 tells us so. (In
contrast, the ratio between company 12 and company 6 tells us nothing at all.
In Table 4.1, does dividing company 12 = Archer Daniels Midland by
company 6 = American International Group give us company 2 = Alcoa?) So
far as hourly wage data are concerned, even a change in the unit of
measurement, as from dollars to cents or from dollars to francs (at an
exchange rate of, say, 6 francs to the dollar) does not change this conclusion:
1,200 cents still is twice as much money as 600 cents. 72 francs still is twice
as much as 36 francs. Ultimately, this is true because zero dollars, zero
francs, and zero cents all mean precisely the same thing. (In contrast, 0° F ¹
0° C ¹ 0° K.)
The fact that ratios of numbers convey meaningful information is the
advantage of ratio data over interval data. No wonder that statisticians, when
they have a choice, prefer ratio data to interval data, interval data to ordinal
data, and ordinal data to nominal data. Table 1.11 on the following page
summarizes our discussion of data types.
Table 1.11 Major Data Types
Qualitative variables are usually described verbally. When coded, these
verbal descriptions turn into numbers that are nominal or ordinal data.
Arithmetic operations with such data‑-including adding, subtracting,
multiplying, dividing, or averaging‑-yield pure nonsense. In contrast,
quantitative variables are always described numerically, either by interval or
ratio data. Interval data allow some types of arithmetic operations, ratio data
allow all types.
Application 1.3 The Art of Measurement
However briefly, this book introduces the concept of measurement. As
Lord Kelvin, the 19th century British physicist put it, "when you measure
what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something
about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in
numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind."
Few students ever heard of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), which is a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
In cooperation with the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
(located in Sèvres, France), NIST has revolutionized the art of measurement.
Its main goal has been to dispose of traditional artifacts (like the metal bar
representing the meter) and replace them with values directly derived from
nature. Consider the Institute's atomic fountain clock, known as NIST-F1. It
is used to calibrate the Global Positioning Satellite System, because it is so
accurate that it gains or loses less than a second in 20 million years. The
clock is based on this definition of a second: the time passed when a cesium
atom vibrates 9,192,631,770 times. In turn, the meter (once defined as one 10
millionth of the distance between either one of the earth's poles and the
equator) is now redefined in terms of time: as the distance a beam of laser
light will travel through a vacuum in one 299,792,458th second. And a liter
now equals the volume enclosed by a cube with edges all equal to 1/10 meter,
as just defined. Finally, a kilogram equals the mass of 1 liter of water. For
more on the subject, go to Book 10 and see Application 10.1, Honest Weights
and the Normal Curve of Error.

[Source: Malcolm W. Browne, " Refining the Art of Measurement," The

New York Times, March 20, 2001, pp. D1 and 6.]
1. The term statistics has at least three different meanings to people. Some
think of it as a field of study that somehow deals with the collection,
presentation, and interpretation of numerical data. For others, the term
conjures up images of masses of data, seemingly infinite in number. Others
still, attribute a highly technical meaning to the term, thinking of summary
measures, such as sample averages and sample proportions, that have been
computed from relatively few data gathered by sampling a much larger
collection of data.

2. Masses of data are, indeed, the statistician's raw material, and a first branch
of the discipline of statistics focuses on the careful collection of data. Such
collection can proceed in one of three ways:
a. A would-be investigator can look for data that already exist because others
have gathered them in the past.
b. Brand-new data can be generated with the help of observational studies
that involve census taking or sampling.
c. Brand-new data can be generated by conducting carefully controlled
3. A second branch of the discipline of statistics, known as descriptive
statistics, is concerned with developing and utilizing techniques for the
effective presentation of numerical information so as to highlight patterns
otherwise hidden in a data set.

4. A third branch of the discipline of statistics, undoubtedly the most

important one, is concerned with developing and utilizing techniques for
properly analyzing (or drawing inferences from) numerical information and is
therefore called analytical statistics or inferential statistics.

5. In the end, the discipline of statistics is, perhaps, best viewed as a branch
of mathematics that develops and utilizes techniques for the careful
collection, effective presentation, and proper analysis of numerical
information. As such it facilitates wise decision-making in the face of
uncertainty and becomes a universal guide to the unknown.

6. The process of data collection, a crucial prerequisite for subsequent

descriptive and analytical work, employs a number of basic concepts. Thus, a
statistical investigation focuses on persons or objects, which are called
elementary units. These elementary units possess characteristics of interest,
called variables. Observations about them, which can be qualitative or
quantitative, are called data. The set of all possible observations about a
specified characteristic of interest is called a population. A subset of it (or of
the frame from which the population is derived) is referred to as a sample.

7. The assignment of numbers to characteristics that are being observed,

which is measurement, can yield any one of four types of data. In order of
increasing sophistication, it can produce nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio
data. Different statistical concepts and techniques are appropriately applied to
each type. Arithmetic operations with nominal and ordinal data, for example,
are out of the question.
Key Terms
analytical statistics
binomial qualitative variable
bivariate data set
continuous quantitative variable
controlled experiment
data set
deductive reasoning
descriptive statistics
discrete quantitative variable
elementary units
inductive reasoning
inferential statistics
interval data
multinomial qualitative variable
multivariate data set
nominal data
observational study
ordinal data
qualitative variable
quantitative variable
ratio data
univariate data set
Practice Problems

1. This is a fun question that elaborates on this book’s Preview. It challenges
you to do some serious thinking, but you can also learn much by merely
looking up the answers later in this book. First, study the solution that is
given here to this book’s Preview problem; then consider the questions that

If you forgo buying the consulting firm's advice, the optimal action is to sell
the rights for $125 million, which is illustrated in Figure 1.2.
FIGURE 1.2 The Soap Opera Decision Without Advice
Note: The 60 percent chance of rejection and the 40 percent chance of a
contract offer are indicated as probability of event E1 being .6 and probability
of event E2 being .4.

If you do buy the consulting firm's advice, the optimal action, now illustrated
in Figure 1.3 on the following page, is this: If R1 is received, sell the rights
and take the $125 million minus the $1 million fee. If R2 is received, offer the
film to the network and earn an expected $200 million.
FIGURE 1.3 The Soap Opera Decision With Advice

Note: You need not fully understand all of the entries in Figure 1.3 at this
a. Can you guess the meaning of the $102 million number at point b in Figure
b. Can you guess the meaning of the $154.4 million number at point b in
Figure 1.3?
c. Can you guess what strategy the filmmaker would be well advised to
follow: forgoing the advice or buying the advice?
d. What do you think is the maximum amount the filmmaker could be made
to pay for the (admittedly imperfect) advice?
The Collection of Data
2. This problem provides a preview of the type of material to be discussed at
length in Book 3. If you are connected to the Internet, visit, a site maintained by the U.S. federal
government. Click on Agencies and explore the manifold sources of U.S.
federal government statistics. Make a list of five agencies that supply data to
this site.

3. This problem provides a preview of the type of material to be discussed at

length in Book 3. If you are connected to the Internet, visit, a site maintained by Statistics Canada. Click on
English (unless you prefer French) > Canadian Statistics > The Economy:
The Latest Indicators. Then find the latest monthly Canadian merchandise
export figure.
4. This problem provides a preview of the type of material to be discussed at
length in Book 3. If you are connected to the Internet, visit, a site maintained by Mexico's National Institute
of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics. Click on English (unless you
prefer Spanish) > Economy > Short Term Economic Indicators > Financial,
Stock Market, and Monetary Indicators. Then find the latest monthly yield
figure for commercial paper.

5. This problem provides a preview of the type of material to be discussed at

length in Book 4. If you are connected to the Internet, visit, a site maintained by the Gallup
Organization. Check it out; then write an essay on what they tell you about
their sampling techniques.

6. This problem provides a preview of the type of material to be discussed at

length in Book 4. If you are connected to the Internet, visit, a site maintained by the Roper
Organization. Check it out; then write an essay of what they tell you about
their sampling techniques.
7. This problem provides a preview of the type of material to be discussed at
length in Book 4. If you are connected to the Internet, visit, a site maintained by the
Harris Organization. Check it out; then write an essay on the latest monthly
Harris poll.

8. The Collecting Data section above briefly anticipates issues that will be
discussed at length in later books. One of these issues is the difference
between surveys and experiments and the significance of exercising control
over elementary units whose characteristics are being scrutinized. Imagine
annual salaries of workers in a firm to equal $10,000 for everyone, plus
$1,000 for every year of work experience. Salaries are, thus, totally unrelated
to race. Then imagine that most of a firm's black workers are young (and,
therefore, have had little work experience), while most of its white workers
are older (and have had many years of experience on the job). Someone
merely surveying salaries might find an average salary of $15,000 a year
among blacks and of $28,000 a year among whites and might conclude, quite
incorrectly, that the firm's management is discriminating based on race.
In contrast, a controlled study would divide the firm's workers into
groups according to work experience and would compare salaries within each
group. Such a study would find identical salaries between (1) the few white
and (2) the many black workers in the younger and less experienced group.
And it would find identical but higher salaries between (1) the many white
and (2) the few black workers in the older and more experienced group. Thus,
the controlled study would avoid the false racial-discrimination charge.
Make up a detailed numerical example to corroborate the story told
by the numbers given here.
Basic Statistical Concepts
9. Consider Table 1.12, which contains selected data found in Fortune
magazine's 1999 Global 500 report.
Table 1.12
Selected Characteristics of the World's Largest Corporations in 1999

Source: Fortune, August 2,

1999, pp. F1, F16, F18, F19, and F21.
a. Identify the elementary units.
b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
10. In 1999, Fortune magazine surveyed more than 10,000 executives,
directors, and securities analysts to rank corporate reputations on the basis of
eight criteria, including innovativeness, quality of management, employee
talent, quality of products/services, long-term investment value, financial
soundness, social responsibility, and use of corporate assets. On the basis of
their answers, it created something like a report card that ranked U.S.
corporations from "most admired" = 1 to "least admired" = 469. Table 1.13
on the following page provides information about the top ten.
Table 1.13 Fortune's Most Admired U.S. Companies, 1998

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
11. In 1999, Fortune magazine surveyed more than 10,000 executives,
directors, and securities analysts to rank corporate reputations. On the basis
of their answers, it created something like a report card that ranked U.S.
corporations from "most admired" = 1 to "least admired" = 469. Table 1.14
provides information about the bottom ten.

Table 1.14 Fortune's Least Admired U.S. Companies, 1998

a. Identify the elementary units.
b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?

12. Consider the data of Table 1.15.

Table 1.15
Best Picture Nominees for the 1998 Academy Awards

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
13. Consider the data of Table 1.16.

Table 1.16
Best Picture Winners at 1993 to 1997 Academy Awards

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
14. Consider the data of Table 1.17.

Table 1.17 Best U. S. Video Sales, February 1-7, 1999

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
15. Consider the data of Table 1.18.

Table 1.18 Best U.S. Video Rentals, February 1-7, 1999

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
16. Consider the data of Table 1.19.

Table 1.19
Best U. S. Business Software Sales (Windows and DOS), December 1998.

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
17. Consider the data of Table 1.20.

Table 1.20
Best U. S. Business Software Sales (Macintosh), December 1998.

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
18. In each of the following cases, determine whether the data set is
univariate, bivariate, or multivariate:

a. A table contains income data for 50 consumers.

b. A table contains data on quantity produced and total cost for 7 factories.

c. A table contains data on total assets, revenue growth, and management

style for 100 firms.

d. A table contains data on job category, gender, years of experience, and

performance indexes for 500 employees.

e. A table contains interest rate forecasts by 30 so-called experts for

numerous financial instruments.
19. In each of the following cases, determine whether the data set is
univariate, bivariate, or multivariate:

a. A table contains data on last year's dollar purchases, estimated annual

income, and geographic location of 1 million customers.

b. A table contains data on the ask and bid prices for 25 different corporate

c. A table contains data on quality ratings (A = best and E = worst) for 10

types of refrigerators.

d. A table contains data on 100 incoming airline passengers who have been
questioned about the reason for their trip (10 categories, ranging from
business to honeymoon), the likely length of their stay, their likely
expenditures in town, and their type of accommodation (6 categories, ranging
from hotel to own home).

e. A table contains data on 50 shoppers concerning the number of CDs

bought in the past 12 months, their age, and their most favorite type of music
(10 categories, ranging from classical to rock).
20. Classify the following variables, first, as qualitative or quantitative and,
second, as binomial/multinomial or discrete/continuous:

a. the number of telephone calls made by someone during a day.

b. the dollar figures listed on a sheet of paper.
c. the genders of corporate executives.
d. the running times of participants in a race.
e. the employment/unemployment status of workers.
f. the types of hair coloring sold in a drugstore.

21. Classify the following variables, first, as qualitative or quantitative and,

second, as binomial/multinomial or discrete/continuous:

a. the weight lost by a dieter.

b. the types of skills found among a firm's employees.
c. the attendance record of students in a class.
d. the ages of applicants for a marriage license.
e. the types of cars seen in a parking lot.
f. the pressure required to fracture a casting.
22. Classify the following variables as qualitative or quantitative:

a. a firm's average cost of production.

b. a town's tax rate.
c. the religious affiliations of a firm's employees.
d. the national unemployment rate.
e. the brands of gasoline for sale in a city.
f. a listing of the states in which 50 firms achieved their highest sales.

23. Classify the following variables as qualitative or quantitative:

a. a list of foreign exchange rates.

b. the number of black executives in an industry.
c. the depth of tread remaining on aircraft tires after 1,000 landings.
d. the Dow‑Jones Industrial Average.
e. the political‑party affiliations of a firm's employees.
f. the types of sports practiced by a group of people.
24. Make a list of 6 variables that are qualitative and binomial.

25. Make a list of 6 variables that are qualitative and multinomial.

26. Make a list of 6 variables that are quantitative and discrete.

27. Make a list of 6 variables that are quantitative and continuous.

Major Types of Data

28. Identify the data types found in

a. Table 1.12.
b. Table 1.13.

29. Identify the data types found in

a. Table 1.14.
b. Table 1.15.

30. Identify the data types found in

a. Table 1.16.
b. Table 1.17.

31. Identify the data types found in

a. Table 1.18.
b. Table 1.19.
c. Table 1.20.
32. Review each of the cases in Practice Problem 18 and identify the data
types involved.

33. Review each of the cases in Practice Problem 19 and identify the data
types involved.

34. Review each of the cases in Practice Problem 20 and identify the data
types involved.

35. Review each of the cases in Practice Problem 21 and identify the data
types involved.

36. Review each of the cases in Practice Problem 22 and identify the data
types involved.

37. Review each of the cases in Practice Problem 23 and identify the data
types involved.
38. Among numbers describing the following, which are nominal data?

a. distances traveled
b. student I.D. numbers
c. net assets
d. room numbers
e. sound levels inside different airplanes
f. drivers' ratings of the handling characteristics of cars
g. football jersey numbers

39. Classify numbers describing the following as nominal, ordinal, interval,

or ratio data:

a. the location of voters by district

b. the ages of employees
c. the order in which cars finish a race
d. models of computers
e. the number of white blood cells found in a cubic centimeter
f. the colors of new cars
40. Classify numbers describing the following as nominal, ordinal, interval
or ratio data:

a. ratings of colleges
b. temperature readings at the airport
c. the daily receipts of a supermarket
d. consumer brand preferences concerning types of coffee
e. army ranks
f. a corporate hierarchy from president to janitor
g. calendar years

41. A product is produced in six alternative colors: blue, brown, green, red,
yellow, and white.

a. Code the colors with the help of nominal data.

b. Show why adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, ranking, or
averaging such data would be nonsensical.
c. Review Table 1.8 and code the column (2) data as "1" for "white" and "2"
for "black." Enter the nine data into a calculator and sum them. Comment on
the result.
42. Find a list of the names of the 50 states of the United States. (Your
telephone book area code listing might be a good start.)

a. Code the names in alphabetical order from Alabama = 1 to Wyoming = 50.

What kinds of data do you have?
b. Add the code numbers and divide by 50 to get the average. Interpret your

43. Make a list of 6 data types that are clearly nominal in nature.

44. Make a list of 6 data types that are clearly interval in nature.

45. Make a list of 6 data types that are clearly ordinal in nature.
46. Consider the following situations; identify the types of data involved:

a. A quality inspector has classified defective units of a product as 1 and

satisfactory units as 2.

b. A hotel manager has labeled rooms on the first, second, or third floors by
numbers in the 100s, 200s, or 300s, respectively, while also designating
rooms on the north or south side of the building by even or odd last digits.
Thus, 102, 104, 106 stand for first‑floor rooms to the north; 301, 303, 305 for
third‑floor rooms facing south.

47. Someone claims that coding Olympic "gold," "silver," and "bronze" as 3,
2, and 1 amounts to creating interval data. What do you think?
48. The Fujita or F scale measures the intensity of tornadoes, as follows:

0. Wind velocity 40-72 mph; damages chimneys, tree limbs, and sign boards.
1. Wind velocity 73-112 mph; flips cars, mobile homes, peels roofing.
2. Wind velocity 113-157 mph; tears roofs off houses, splinters mobile
3. Wind velocity 158-206 mph; tears roofs and walls off houses, uproots
4. Wind velocity 207-260 mph; levels frame houses, generates missiles.
5. Wind velocity 261-318 mph; hurls houses and cars long distances.

What kind of data are the intensity numbers 0-6 ?

49. Identify the types of data created when the following are coded from 1-5:

a. Movie ratings: G, PG, PG13, R, X

b. Restaurant ratings: *, **, ***, ****, *****
c. Soft drink sizes: baby, small, medium, large, extra large
d. Employee salary classes: GS1 GS2, GS3, GS4, GS5
e. Staff positions: president, vice president, department head, associate
department head, secretary

50. Identify the types of data created when the following are coded from 1-5:

a. Method of payment: cash, check, debit card, Visa card, Mastercard

b. The largest energy companies on Fortune's 1999 Global 500 list: Suez
Lyonnaise des Eaux, Enron, RAO Gazprom, Dynegy, Transcanada Pipelines

c. The largest aerospace companies on Fortune's 1999 Global 500 list:

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, Raytheon, AlliedSignal

d. The largest banks on Fortune's 1999 Global 500 list: Bank of America
Corporation, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, HSBC Holdings, ABN AMRO

e. The largest chemicals companies on Fortune's 1999 Global 500 list: E.I.
Du Pont de Nemours, Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, Dow Chemical

True/False Test

In each space below, write a T if the statement is true and an F if the

statement is false.

____1. An observational study involves collecting data about persons or

objects by merely recording information about selected characteristics of
interest (such as A or B), while paying no attention to possibly widely
diverging other characteristics (such as C or D) that may affect the chosen

____2. A controlled experiment involves collecting data about persons or

objects by deliberately exposing them to some kind of change, while leaving
all else unchanged, and subsequently recording how identical persons or
objects respond to different types of change, or how different types of
persons or objects respond to identical change.

____3. Because experimental data tend to be more reliable or "stronger" than

survey data, most new data in economics, business, and many other fields,
are generated by controlled experiments.

____4. A branch of the statistics discipline that is concerned with developing

and utilizing techniques for effectively presenting numerical information so
as to highlight patterns otherwise hidden in data sets is called inferential
____5. A branch of the statistics discipline that is concerned with developing
and utilizing techniques for properly analyzing (or drawing inferences from)
numerical information is called inferential statistics.

____6. The field of study known as statistics is best described as a branch of

mathematics that is concerned with facilitating wise decision making in the
face of uncertainty and that, therefore, develops and utilizes techniques for
the careful collection, effective presentation, and proper analysis of numerical

____7. Persons or objects that have characteristics of interest to statisticians

are called variables.

____8. A qualitative variable about which observations can be made in only

two categories is a bivariate data set.

____9. A multivariate data set is one that contains information on more than
two variables.

____10. A variable that is normally described in words rather than

numerically (because it differs in kind rather than degree among elementary
units) is a qualitative variable.

____11. A binomial qualitative variable is a qualitative variable about which

observations can be made in more than two categories.
____12. A discrete quantitative variable is one that can assume values only
at specific points on a scale of values, with inevitable gaps between them.

____13. A continuous quantitative variable is one that can assume values at

all points on a scale of values, with no breaks between possible values.

____14. Binomial qualitative variables are numbers that merely name or

label differences in kind and, thus, can serve the purpose of classifying
observations about qualitative variables into mutually exclusive groups where
the numbers in each group can then be counted.

____15. Interval data are numbers that label differences in kind, as nominal
data do, but that, in addition, by their very size also order or rank
observations on the basis of importance.

____16. A survey involves collecting data about persons or objects by merely

recording information about selected characteristics of interest (such as A or
B), while paying no attention to possibly widely diverging other
characteristics (such as C or D) that may affect the chosen characteristics.

____17. A controlled experiment involves collecting data about persons or

objects by merely recording information about selected characteristics of
interest (such as A or B), while paying no attention to possibly widely
diverging other characteristics (such as C or D) that may affect the chosen
____18. Despite the fact that experimental data tend to be more reliable or
"stronger" than survey data, most new data in business, economics, and many
other fields, are not generated by controlled experiments.

____19. A branch of the statistics discipline that is concerned with

developing and utilizing techniques for effectively presenting numerical
information so as to highlight patterns otherwise hidden in data sets is called
descriptive statistics.

____20. A branch of the statistics discipline that is concerned with

developing and utilizing techniques for properly analyzing (or drawing
inferences from) numerical information is called inferential statistics.

____21. Drawing inferences about an unknown whole from a known part is

deductive reasoning.

____22. Drawing inferences about an unknown whole from a known part is

inductive reasoning.

____23. Drawing inferences about an unknown part from a known whole is

deductive reasoning.

____24. Persons or objects that have characteristics of interest to statisticians

are called data sets.
____25. A complete listing of all elementary units relevant to a statistical
investigation is called a frame.

____26. Characteristics possessed by elementary units are called analytical


____27. Any collection of observations about one or more characteristics of

interest possessed by one or more elementary units is a data set.

____28. A bivariate data set is a quantitative variable that can assume values
at all points on a scale of values, with no breaks between possible values.

____29. A data set containing information on one variable only is called a


____30. A variable that is normally expressed numerically (because it differs

in degree rather than kind among the elementary units under study) is a
qualitative variable.

____31. A multinomial qualitative variable is one about which observations

can be made in more than two categories.
____32. A binomial qualitative variable is one that can assume values only at
specific points on a scale of values, with inevitable gaps between them.

____33. A multinomial qualitative variable is one that can assume values at

all points on a scale of values, with no breaks between possible values.

____34. The set of all possible observations about a specified characteristic

of interest is called a population.

____35. A subset of a statistical population or of the frame from which it is

derived is called a sample.

____36. Ratio data are numbers that possess all the characteristics of ordinal
data and, in addition, relate to one another by meaningful intervals or
distances, because all numbers are referenced to a common (although
admittedly arbitrary) zero point.

____37. Elementary units are numbers that possess all the characteristics of
interval data and, in addition, have meaningful ratios because they are
referenced to an absolute or natural zero point that denotes the complete
absence of the characteristic being measured.
Recognizing Key Terms

In each of the following sections identify the Key Term that is being defined.

a qualitative variable about which observations can be made in only two

a data set containing information on two variables

a quantitative variable that can assume values at all points on a scale of
values, with no breaks between possible values

the collection of data about persons or objects by deliberately exposing them
to some kind of change, while leaving all else unchanged, and subsequently
recording how identical persons or objects respond to different types of
change, or how different types of persons or objects respond to identical

any collection of observations about one or more characteristics of interest
possessed by one or more elementary units

any single observation about a specified characteristic of interest possessed
by an elementary unit; the basic unit of the statistician's raw material
drawing inferences about an unknown part from a known whole

a branch of the discipline that is concerned with developing and utilizing
techniques for effectively presenting numerical information so as to highlight
patterns otherwise hidden in data sets

a quantitative variable that can assume values only at specific points on a
scale of values, with inevitable gaps between them

persons or objects that have characteristics of interest to statisticians

a complete listing of all elementary units relevant to a statistical investigation

drawing inferences about an unknown whole from a known part

a branch of the discipline that is concerned with developing and utilizing
techniques for properly analyzing (or drawing inferences from) numerical
numbers that possess all the characteristics of ordinal data and, in addition,
relate to one another by meaningful intervals or distances, because all
numbers are referenced to a common (although admittedly arbitrary) zero

the assignment of numbers to characteristics that are being observed

a qualitative variable about which observations can be made in more than two

a data set containing information on more than two variables

numbers that merely name or label differences in kind and, thus, can serve
the purpose of classifying observations about qualitative variables into
mutually exclusive groups where the numbers in each group can then be

the collection of data about persons or objects by merely recording
information about selected characteristics of interest (such as A or B), while
paying no attention to possibly widely diverging other characteristics (such as
C or D) that may affect the chosen characteristics
numbers that label differences in kind, as nominal data do, but that, in
addition, by their very size also order or rank observations on the basis of

the set of all possible observations about a specified characteristic of interest

a variable that is normally described in words rather than numerically
(because it differs in kind rather than degree among elementary units)

a variable that is normally expressed numerically (because it differs in degree
rather than kind among the elementary units under study)

numbers that possess all the characteristics of interval data and, in addition,
have meaningful ratios because they are referenced to an absolute or natural
zero point that denotes the complete absence of the characteristic being

a subset of a statistical population or of the frame from which it is derived
a branch of mathematics that is concerned with facilitating wise decision
making in the face of uncertainty and that, therefore, develops and utilizes
techniques for the careful collection, effective presentation, and proper
analysis of numerical information

a data set containing information on one variable only

characteristics possessed by elementary units
Multiple-Choice Test

Circle the letter of the one answer that you think is correct or closest to

1. Ask anyone to define the nature of statistics and, just as in the dictionary,
you are likely to hear it defined as

a. a field of study that somehow deals with the collection, presentation, and
interpretation of numerical data.

b. masses of data, seemingly infinite in number, that constantly bombard us

in our daily lives.

c. summary measures, such as sample averages and sample proportions, that

have been computed from relatively few data gathered by sampling a much
larger collection of data called a population.

d. any of the above.

2. The collection of data about persons or objects by deliberately exposing

them to some kind of change, while leaving all else unchanged, and
subsequently recording how identical persons or objects respond to different
types of change (or how different types of persons or objects respond to
identical change) is

a. a controlled experiment.

b. an observational study.

c. a sample survey.

d. a complete survey or census.

3. A branch of statistics that is concerned with developing and utilizing
techniques for effectively presenting numerical information so as to highlight
patterns otherwise hidden in data sets is

a. descriptive statistics.

b. external statistics.

c. inferential statistics.

d. internal statistics.

4. The drawing of inferences about an unknown whole from a known part is

a. deductive reasoning.

b. inductive reasoning.

c. census taking.

d. a sample survey.

5. A statistical investigation invariably focuses on people or things with

characteristics in which someone is interested. The persons or objects that
have characteristics of interest to statisticians are called

a. data sets.

b. elementary units.

c. inferential statistics.

d. variables.
6. Characteristics possessed by elementary units are called

a. data sets.

b. descriptive statistics.

c. internal data.

d. variables.

7. If 1 observation were made for each of 7 characteristics possessed by 2

different elementary units, the resultant 14-number data set would be

a. bivariate.

b. multivariate.

c. univariate.

d. none of the above.

8. A variable that is normally described in words rather than numerically

(because it differs in kind rather than degree among elementary units) is

a. binomial.

b. multinomial.

c. qualitative.

d. quantitative.
9. The set of all possible observations about a specified characteristic of
interest is

a. a frame

b. a multinomial data set.

c. an observational study.

d. a population.

10. A single observation about a specified characteristic of interest is

a. a datum.

b. an elementary unit.

c. a sample.

d. a univariate data set.

11. Four types of data exist. In order of increasing sophistication, they are:

a. binomial, multinomial, discrete, and continuous data.

b. survey, sample, population, and experimental data.

c. nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data.

d. nominal, interval, ordinal, and ratio data.

12. With respect to nominal data, which of the following makes sense?

a. Adding them.

b. Subtracting them.

c. Multiplying them.

d. None of the above.

13. Multiplication and division make no sense for

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. any of the above.

14. Dividing ratio data produces meaningful results because such data

a. are referenced to an absolute or natural zero point that denotes the

complete absence of the characteristic being measured.

b. are referenced to a common (although admittedly arbitrary) zero point.

c. are correctly described by (a) or (b).

d. describe quantitative rather than qualitative variables.

15. Which of the following is a key advantage of ratio data over interval

a. The fact that intervals between numbers convey meaningful information.

b. The fact that ratios of numbers convey meaningful information.

c. The fact that addition and subtraction are permissible.

d. All of the above.

16. Sophisticated computer software, such as Microsoft's Excel, nowadays

performs serious number crunching. Indeed, a single Excel spreadsheet

a. about 5,000 cells.

b. about 16,000 cells.

c. about 100,000 cells.

d. about 4 million cells.

17. Any practical statistical work requires data. A first branch of the
discipline of statistics, therefore, focuses on the careful collection of this
crucial type of raw material. Such collection can involve

a. getting data that already exist because others have gathered them in the

b. generating brand-new data with the help of so-called observational studies.

c. generating brand-new data by conducting carefully controlled experiments.

d. any of the above.

18. Brand-new data can be generated by observational studies, including

a. census taking.

b. sampling.

c. either (a) or (b).

d. controlled experiments.
19. Which of the following are not internal data from the point of view of a
business administrator?

a. The firm's customer records providing names, addresses, telephone

numbers, data on amounts purchased, credit limits, and more.

b. The firm's employee records providing names, addresses, job titles, years
of service, salaries, social security numbers, and even numbers of sick days

c. The firm's production records containing lists of products, part numbers

and quantities produced, along with associated data on labor costs, raw
material consumption, and equipment usage.

d. The databases held by the Bureau of the Census, the Department of Labor,
the Federal Reserve Board, and the Office of Management and Budget.

20. The collection of data about persons or objects by merely recording

information about selected characteristics of interest (such as A or B), while
paying no attention to possibly widely diverging other characteristics (such as
C or D) that may affect the chosen characteristics is

a. a controlled experiment.

b. an observational study.

c. a sample survey.

d. a complete survey or census.

21. Most new data in economics, business, and many other fields, are
generated by

a. complete surveys (or censuses).

b. partial surveys (or samples).

c. observational studies (censuses or samples).

d. controlled experiments (because experimental data tend to be more reliable

or "stronger" than survey data).

22. Descriptive statistics focuses on the post-collection task of effectively

presenting data, of organizing and condensing them, usually with the help

a. tables.

b. graphs.

c. numerical summary measures.

d. any of the above.

23. The drawing of inferences about an unknown part from a known whole is

a. deductive reasoning.

b. inductive reasoning.

c. census taking.

d. a sample survey.

24. The careful collection of data might involve

a. finding pre-existing internal or external data.

b. taking complete or sample surveys to generate new data.

c. conducting controlled experiments to generate new data.

d. any of the above.

25. A complete listing of all elementary units relevant to a statistical

investigation is called a

a. bivariate data set.

b. frame.

c. multivariate data set.

d. population.
26. Which of the following might constitute the elementary units of a
statistical investigation?

a. The employees of General Motors.

b. The customers of General Motors.

c. The cars produced by General Motors.

d. Any of the above.

27. If 1 observation were made for each of 2 characteristics possessed by 8

different elementary units, the resultant 16-number data set would be

a. bivariate.

b. multivariate.

c. univariate.

d. none of the above.

28. If 1 observations was made about the same characteristic of 100

elementary units, the resultant 100-number data set would be

a. bivariate.

b. multivariate.

c. univariate.

d. multinomial.
29. Observations about a binomial qualitative variable

a. can be made in only two categories.

b. are normally expressed numerically.

c. differ in degree rather than kind among the elementary units under study.

d. are correctly described by all of the above.

30. Qualitative variables can be

a. binomial or multinomial.

b. discrete or continuous.

c. binomial or continuous.

d. discrete or multinomial.

31. Observations about a multinomial qualitative variable

a. can assume values at all points on a scale of values, with no breaks

between possible values.

b. can assume values only at specific points on a scale of values, with

inevitable gaps between them.

c. are normally expressed numerically (because they differ in degree rather

than kind among the elementary units under study).

d. can be made in more than two categories.

32. Length, volume, and weight are examples of

a. binomial qualitative variables.

b. continuous quantitative variables.

c. discrete quantitative variables.

d. multinomial qualitative variables.

33. Colors, job titles, languages, and religions are examples of

a. binomial qualitative variables.

b. multinomial qualitative variables.

c. continuous quantitative variables.

d. discrete quantitative variables.

34. Male or female, employed or unemployed, correct or incorrect, and

defective or satisfactory are examples of

a. binomial qualitative variables.

b. continuous quantitative variables.

c. discrete quantitative variables.

d. multinomial qualitative variables.

35. Which of the following qualitative variables is binomial?

a. Business type.

b. Gender.

c. Job title.

d. Race.

36. A subset of a statistical population, or of the frame from which it is

derived, is

a. a datum.

b. an elementary unit.

c. a sample.

d. a univariate data set.

37. Observations about qualitative variables

a. are typically made in words initially.

b. may be coded into numbers later on for purposes of data processing.

c. are correctly described by (a) and (b).

d. are numerical at the outset.

38. The assignment of numbers to characteristics that are being observed is

a. analytical statistics.

b. deductive reasoning.

c. measurement.

d. none of the above.

39. An alphabetic list of all Fortune 500 company names, even if encoded
numerically, is best viewed as a set of

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. ratio data.

40. With respect to nominal data, which of the following makes sense?

a. Adding them.

b. Averaging them.

c. Counting them.

d. All of the above.

41. A ranking of all Fortune 500 companies by size of profit is best viewed
as a set of

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. ratio data.

42. With respect to ordinal data, which of the following makes sense?

a. Adding them.

b. Multiplying them.

c. Dividing them.

d. None of the above.

43. Scales of calendar time, clock time, and temperatures provide good
examples of

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. ratio data.
44. With respect to interval data, which of the following makes sense?

a. Adding them.

b. Multiplying them.

c. Dividing them.

d. None of the above.

45. Numbers representing clock time are best viewed as

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. ratio data.

46. Parts numbers in an automotive catalog are best viewed as

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. ratio data.
47. Coded army ranks (private = 1, corporal = 2, etc.) are best viewed as

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. interval data.

d. ratio data.

48. Qualitative variables are usually described verbally. When coded, these
verbal descriptions turn into numbers that are

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. nominal or ordinal data.

d. interval data.

49. Arithmetic operations‑-including adding, subtracting, multiplying,

dividing, or averaging‑-yield meaningless results in the case of

a. nominal data.

b. ordinal data.

c. nominal or ordinal data.

d. ratio data.
50. Quantitative variables are always described numerically, either by

a. nominal data or ordinal data.

b. interval data or ratio data.

c. nominal data or ratio data.

d. ordinal data or ratio data.

51. Which of the following operations is permitted with nominal data?

a. Placing numbers into mutually exclusive groups and counting numbers in

each group.

b. Comparing numbers as greater than, smaller than, or equal to one another.

c. Adding and subtracting.

d. None of the above.

52. Which of the following operations is permitted with ordinal data?

a. Comparing numbers as greater than, smaller than, or equal to one another.

b. Adding and subtracting.

c. Multiplying and dividing.

d. None of the above.

53. Which of the following operations is permitted with interval data?

a. Placing numbers into mutually exclusive groups and counting numbers in

each group.

b. Comparing numbers as greater than, smaller than, or equal to one another.

c. Adding and subtracting.

d. All of the above.

54. Which of the following operations is permitted with ratio data?

a. Placing numbers into mutually exclusive groups and counting numbers in

each group.

b. Comparing numbers as greater than, smaller than, or equal to one another.

c. Adding and multiplying.

d. All of the above.

55. Which among the following are nominal data?

a. Two-digit codes from 00 to 99 for the 100 fastest growing firms.

b. Highway numbers.

c. Social security numbers.

d. All of the above.

56. Which among the following are ordinal data?

a. Two-digit codes from 00 to 99 for the 100 fastest growing firms.

b. Highway numbers.

c. Social security numbers.

d. None of the above.

57. Which among the following are interval data?

a. Three-digit codes for types of cars found in a showroom.

b. A list of all 20th century recession years.

c. A daily listing of the weight of garbage buried in a dump.

d. Coded answers to a survey (1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = undecided).

58. Which among the following are interval data?

a. Football uniform numbers.

b. A listing of all the Years of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar (1904,
1916, 1928, 1940 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024).

c. Satisfaction scores provided by restaurant customers.

d. All of the above.

59. Which among the following are ratio data?

a. A listing of the lengths of this year's movies.

b. A listing of all the Years of the Monkey in the Chinese calendar (1908,
1920, 1932, 1944 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028).

c. A listing of all the Years of the Rat in the Chinese calendar (1900, 1912,
1924, 2036 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032).

d. All of the above.


1. Here is a preview of matters you will learn much more about in Book 3.
Visit, a site maintained by the U. S. federal
government. Click on MapStats to get a profile of your state or county. Find
information on labor force, employment, and unemployment.

2. Consider Table 1.21 on the following page, which contains selected data
about the ten largest U.S. private companies
a. Identify the elementary units.
b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?
Table 1.21
Selected Characteristics of Largest U.S. Private Companies in 1999

3. In each of the following cases, determine whether the data set is

univariate, bivariate, or multivariate:

a. A table contains income data and e-mail addresses for 50 consumers.

b. A table contains data on quantity produced for 7 vineyards.
c. A table contains data on the bond ratings of 80 firms in an investment
d. A table contains data on job category, gender, years of experience, and
performance indexes for 2 employees.

e. A table contains data for all the houses currently for sale, including price,
type, lot size, number of rooms, availability of garage or swimming pool, and
4. Classify the following variables, first, as qualitative or quantitative and,
second, as binomial/multinomial or discrete/continuous:
a. the weights of cows at an auction.
b. the dollar figures listed on a sheet of paper.
c. the genders of airline pilots.
d. the styles of houses (1-story, 2-story, split level, etc.).
e. the grades of meat (prime, choice, good, utility).
f. the credit limits of customers.

5. Classify numbers describing the following as nominal, ordinal, interval, or

ratio data:
a. The location of retail outlets by county.
b. The salaries of employees in a plant.
c. The order in which workers finish an identical task.
d. Models of washing machines.
e. Flaws found per square foot of textiles.
f. Ratings of worker performance.
6. Provide illustrations of the fact that arithmetic operations with nominal
data make no sense.

7. Here is a preview of matters you will learn much more about in Book 3.
Visit, a site maintained by the U. S. federal
government. Click on Regional Statistics > Agriculture > Rankings by
State and Commodity > Crop Rankings by State to find data about your

8. Here is a preview of matters you will learn much more about in Book 3.
Visit, a site maintained by Statistics Canada. Find
employment data by industry after clicking on Canadian statistics >
Labour, employment, and unemployment.

9. Here is a preview of matters you will learn much more about in Book 3.
Visit, a site maintained by Chile's National Institute of
Statistics. Click on Indice de Precios to find the latest data on consumer
10. Here is a preview of matters you will learn much more about in Book 4.
Visit, a site maintained by the Gallup
Organization. Click Business & the Economy > Business & Industry and
find the results of the latest poll on corporations, business leaders, and

11. Here is a preview of matters you will learn much more about in Book 4.
Visit a site maintained by the Harris organization at Click International and
find out about the nature of the company's Global Network.

12. Consider Table 1.22.

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?

Table 1.22 Best U.S. Video Sales, October 23-29, 2000.

13. Consider Table 1.23.

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?

Table 1.23
Best U.S. Video Rentals, October 30-November 5, 2000
14 . Consider the data of Table 1.24.

a. Identify the elementary units.

b. How many variables can you find in this table? Which are they?
c. Identify the variables as quantitative or qualitative.
d. Identify variables as discrete/continuous or binomial/multinomial.
e. What kind of data set does this table contain?

Table 1.24
Best U.S. Business Software Sales (Windows and DOS), September 2000
15. In each of the following cases, determine whether the data set is
univariate, bivariate, or multivariate:

a. A table contains data on last year's dollar purchases by 1 million


b. A table contains data on the prices of 25 different corporate bonds.

c. A table contains data on quality ratings (A = best and E = worst) for 10

types of cars.

d. A table contains data on the average sales prices and times-to-sale of

houses in each of 500 zip code areas.

e. A table contains data about cabin airflow (feet per minute), bacteria count,
mold count, and respirable-particulates count on 11 sampled airline flights.

16. Classify the following variables, first, as qualitative or quantitative and,

second, as binomial/multinomial or discrete/continuous:

a. the number of computer crashes in the last month.

b. the types of airplanes that landed in the past hour.

c. the price per ounce of gold.

d. the average labor cost per item produced.

e. the number of shares traded on a stock exchange during a day.

f. the labor force participation status of 100 women.

17. Classify the following variables, first, as qualitative or quantitative and,
second, as binomial/multinomial or discrete/continuous:

a. The heights of 1-year-old lilac trees at a nursery.

b. The total number of telephone calls handled by a switchboard in a day.

c. The average lengths of telephone calls.

d. The average daily number of machines requiring repair at a factory during

a year.

e. The total number of people who purchased new washing machines in a

given year.

f. The average weights of castings produced at a foundry during a year.

18. Classify the following variables, first, as qualitative or quantitative and,

second, as binomial/multinomial or discrete/continuous:

a. The ages of job applicants.

b. The average time required to assemble a computer.

c. The volume of water withdrawn from a river for irrigation.

d. The races of customers at a clothing store.

e. The names of corporate executives.

f. The average lifetime of a light bulb.

19. Classify numbers describing the following as nominal, ordinal, interval,
or ratio data:

a. The dollar sales of a firm.

b. Telephone numbers.

c. Birth dates.

d. Computer models.

e. Temperature readings at a steel plant.

f. The number of unemployed in a state.

20. Provide illustrations of the fact that arithmetic operations with ordinal
data make no sense.
Solutions to Practice Problems
a. The $102 million represents the amount of money you would earn on
average, in the long run, if you continued to make films, repeatedly found
yourself in the same situation, and always offered your films to the network
for review. For example, given the assumed probabilities involved, 60 of the
next 100 films would be rejected and saddle you with a loss of 60 times $30
million = $1,800 million. However, 40 of these films would be accepted and
bring you a profit of 40 times $300 million = $12,000 million. Altogether, the
100 films would bring in –$1,800 million + $12,000 million = $10,200
million, or the indicated $102 million per film. Why then does the no-advice
strategy counsel selling the rights at once? It does so because that approach
brings $125 million per film.

b. The $154.4 million represents the amount of money you would earn on
average, in the long run, if you continued to make films, repeatedly found
yourself in the same situation, always hired the consulting firm, and then
followed its advice. For example, given the assumed probabilities involved,
60 of the next 100 films would receive a report predicting rejection;
therefore, you would sell them to the distributor and take in $125 million
minus the $1 million fee, or a total of $7,440 million. However, 40 of these
films would receive a report predicting a contract offer and you would show
them to the network. Sadly, given the consulting firm's track record, 30
percent of these films would, nevertheless, be rejected, bringing you a loss of
12 times $31 million (your $30 million of filming expenses plus the $1
million consulting fee) = $372 million. Finally, given the consulting firm's
track record, 70 percent of these films would be accepted, allowing you to
take in 28 times $299 million (the $300 million network fee minus the $1
million consulting fee) = 8,372 million. Altogether, the 100 films would
bring in $7,440 million –$372 million + $8,372 million = $15,440 million, or
the indicated $154.4 million per film.

c. It should buy the advice. In the long run, it would earn $154.4 million
instead of $125 million per film.

d. Given average earnings of $125 million per film without the advice and of
$154.4 million per film after having spent $1 million on advice, an additional
$154.4 – $125 million = 29.4 million could be extracted from the filmmaker
by a shrewd consulting firm. The maximum is $30.4 million per film.
2. Answers can vary. Among the many agencies listed, you will find the
Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the
Environmental Protection Agency, the National Center for Education
Statistics, and the Small Business Administration.
3. Answers can vary. At the time of this writing, the latest available figure,
for November 1999, was $31.351 billion.

4. Answers can vary. At the time of this writing, the latest available figure,
for October 1999, was 20.42 %.

5. Answers can vary.

6. Answers can vary.

7. Answers can vary.

8. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility:
Young workers (15 black, 2 white) have 2 years' work experience and, thus,
earn $12,000 each. Older workers (2 black, 15 white) have 20 years' work
experience and, thus, earn $30,000 each. Although there is no discrimination
by race, a mere survey of black and white workers finds this:
Black workers earn 15 ´ $12,000 plus 2 ´ $30,000, an average of $14,118 per
White workers earn 2 ´ $12,000 plus 15 ´ $30,000, an average of $27,882 per

a. The 15 company names are the elementary units here.
b. There are 5 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (6).
c. Quantitative: cols. (4) - (6); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).
d. Quantitative and continuous: cols. (4) and (5); quantitative and discrete:
col. (6); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).

e. This is a multivariate data set with 90 data.

a. The 10 company names are the elementary units here.
b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).
c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).
d. Quantitative and continuous: col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2)
and (3).
e. This is a multivariate data set with 30 data.


a. The 10 company names are the elementary units here.

b. There are 2 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) and (3).
c. Quantitative: col. (3); qualitative: col. (2).
d. Quantitative and continuous: col. (3); qualitative and multinomial: cols.
e. This is a bivariate data set with 20 data.
a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.
b. There are 2 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) and (3).
c. Quantitative: col. (3); qualitative: col. (2).
d. Quantitative and continuous: col. (3); qualitative and multinomial: col. (2).
e. This is a bivariate data set with 10 data.


a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 2 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) and (3).
c. Quantitative: col. (3); qualitative: col. (2).
d. Quantitative and continuous: col. (3); qualitative and multinomial: col. (2).
e. This is a bivariate data set with 10 data.
a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.
b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).
c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).
d. Quantitative and discrete (the numbers, most likely, must be separated by a
full penny): col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).
e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data.


a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).
c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).
d. Quantitative and continuous (the average rental could be a number such as
3.867543): col. (4): qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).
e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data

a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).

c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).

d. Quantitative and discrete (the numbers, most likely, must be separated by a

full penny): col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3). Note:
Even though there are only 2 publishers listed here, the variable is not
binomial; in principle, there are many publishers.

e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data.


a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).
c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).
d. Quantitative and discrete (the numbers, most likely, must be separated by a
full penny): col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).

e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data.


a. Univariate. One piece of information is recorded for each elementary unit.

b. Bivariate. Two pieces of information are recorded for each elementary


c, d, and e. Multivariate. More than two pieces of information are recorded

for each elementary unit.

19. Univariate: c; bivariate: b; multivariate: a, d, and e.


Qualitative and binomial: c, e.

Qualitative and multinomial: f.

Quantitative and discrete: a, b.

Quantitative and continuous: b, d.


Qualitative and binomial: c.

Qualitative and multinomial: b, e.
Quantitative and discrete: d.
Quantitative and continuous: a, c, d, f.
Note: Items c and d are listed twice because their proper classification
depends on how they are measured. Item c is qualitative and binomial, if
merely recorded as present/absent on a given day, yet it can be quantitative
and continuous, if measured as the percentage of time present or absent
during an entire year; consider 88.564%. Item d is quantitative and discrete if
merely measured in whole years to the closest birthday, yet it could be
measured more precisely as, say, 29.3456 years.

Qualitative: c, e, f.
Quantitative: a, b, d.
Qualitative: e, f.
Quantitative: a, b, c, d.

24. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: the recording of quiz answers
as true or false; a listing of product quality as satisfactory or defective; a
notice showing airway VOR beacons as on or off; a notice listing low-level
military flight routes as hot or cold (that is, active or not in use); a listing of
airport control towers as being active or closed; a record of Sigmets
(significant meteorological warnings issued to pilots) as being valid or

25. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: a list of more than two options
in a computer dialog box; a list of 19 aircraft types; a list of 3 types of
businesses; a list of the 10 hottest media stocks; a list of the 5 hottest TV
shows; a list of the 10 best-selling music albums.
26. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: the number of people who
have access to the Internet; this year's number of perfect SAT scores; the
number of times a pilot changes the transponder code during a given flight;
the number of shoppers who, when asked, recall a certain ad; the number of
wins a sports team has this season; the number of papers sold today by The
New York Times.

27. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: the percentage change in the
assets of fastest growing mutual fund companies; the tar content per cigarette;
the height above ground shown by an aircraft's radar altimeter; an aircraft's
true airspeed; the gallons of remaining fuel indicated on an aircraft's fuel
gauge; the time an aircraft requires on the average to fly from A to B.

a. nominal: cols. 2 and 3; ratio: cols. 4-6.
b. nominal: col. 3; ordinal: col. 2; ratio: col. 4.
a. ordinal: col. 2; ratio: col. 3.
b. nominal: col. 2; ratio: col. 3.


a. nominal: col. 2; ratio: col. 3.

b. nominal: col. 3; ordinal: col. 2; ratio: col. 4.

a. nominal: col. 3; ordinal: col. 2; ratio: col. 4.
b. nominal: col. 3; ordinal: col. 2; ratio: col. 4.
c. nominal: col. 3; ordinal: col. 2; ratio: col. 4.

32. Nominal data: management style, job category, gender. Ordinal data:
performance indexes. Ratio data: all others.
33. Nominal data: geographic location, trip reasons, accommodation types,
most favorite music type. Ordinal data: refrigerator quality ratings. Ratio
data: all others.

Nominal data: gender, employment/unemployment status, types of hair


Ratio data: all others.


Nominal data: types of skills, attendance record (if listed merely as

present/absent), types of cars. Ratio data: all others.

Nominal data: religious affiliations, brands of gasoline, list of states.

Ratio data: all others.


Nominal data: political party affiliations, types of sports.

Ratio data: all others.

38. Nominal: b, d, g

Nominal: a, d, f
Ordinal: c
Ratio: b, e

Ordinal: a, d, e, f
Interval: b, g
Ratio: c
a. Answers can vary. One possibility:
blue = 1; brown = 2; green = 3; red = 4; yellow = 5; white = 6.

Consider adding: Although 1 + 2 = 3, does blue + brown = green?
Consider subtracting: Although 5 – 4 = 1, does yellow minus red equal blue?
Consider multiplying: 2 ‰ 5 = 10, but there is no code 10.
Consider dividing: Although 6 ¸ 2 = 3, is white divided by brown equal to
Consider ranking: Although 5 > 4, in what sense is yellow larger than red?
Consider averaging 4 and 6, which is {(4 +6) ¸ 2} = 5. Is the average of red
and white equal to yellow?
The answer is always the same: Arithmetic operations with nominal data
make no sense at all.

c. The coded data are 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1. Their sum is 12.

Comment: Alert! Alert! The sum of these nominal data is totally meaningless.
One should never try to sum nominal data. Yet, a calculator or computer will
do so when employed for the purpose.

a. These are nominal data.

b. The sum equals 1,275 and the average is 25.5. It means absolutely nothing.
In what sense is the average of all states somewhere between Missouri = 25
and Montana = 26?

43. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: the grades (A to F) of all
students in a class; a list of all the products sold by Kmart; a list of all the
firms named in today's issue of the Wall Street Journal; the occupational
codes used by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (Fishing = 114110, dentistry
= 621210; religious organizations = 813000); airway numbers used by
aircraft throughout the world; bank account numbers.

44. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: the ancient Chinese calendar
that reckoned days and years in cycles of sixty; the Julian calendar prescribed
by Julius Caesar; the Gregorian calendar now in general use in most parts of
the world (first prescribed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to correct the Julian
year to the astronomical year); the Hebrew calendar which reckons the year
of creation as 3,761 B.C.; the Moslem calendar generally used in Moslem
countries and reckoning time from July 16, 622 A.D., the day following
Mohammed's flight from Mecca to Medina; the Republican calendar
instituted on October 5, 1793 by the first French republic.
45. Answers can vary. Here is one possibility: faculty ranks (Professor,
Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor); Standard and Poor's
bond rating (AAA,
AA, A, BBB, BB, B …DDD, DD, D); restaurant quality ratings (five-star to
one-star), the Beaufort wind scale (0 = calm and a wind speed is less than 1
mile per hour; 6 = strong breeze and a wind speed of 25-31 mph; 12 =
hurricane and a wind speed above 75 mph); the Richter earthquake scale
(ranging from 0 to 8.9, each whole number represents a tenfold increase in
earthquake magnitude), the decibel scale (a measure of sound intensity, being
the logarithm to the base of 10 of the ratio of two amounts of power). In all of
these cases, the differences between any two adjacent ratings cannot be
assumed to have identical meanings; therefore, these ratings are not interval
Note: A quick review of logarithms can show why scales based on
logarithms cannot be interval data. Consider logarithms to the base of 10.
Write down one 10 or two 10s or three 10s, as in column (1) and put
multiplication signs between numbers. The results of this multiplication,
shown in column (2), might represent the values to be recorded, such as
earthquake intensity or noise level. A different way of showing these values
is given in column (3). The exponents shown in column (3) become the
logarithms of the original values, as in column (4). Clearly, if logarithms,
such as 1, 2, and 3, are used in a data set (as they are on the Richter and
decibel scales) equal intervals between these logarithm numbers (here always
1) in no way assure us of equal intervals between the original numbers
(which, in fact are 90 and 900 here). Logarithms, thus, are not interval data.

Column (1) Column (2) Column (3) Column (4)

10 10 101 log10 = 1
10 ×10 100 102 log100 = 2
10 ×10 ×10 1000 103 log1000 = 3


a. Nominal data.
b. Ordinal data.

47. More likely, they are ordinal data. A coding of "gold," "silver," and
"bronze" as 3, 2, and 1 does imply that, in some sense, an Olympic gold
medal winner is more important than a silver or bronze medal winner, but no
one would be prepared to say that the difference in achievement between the
recipients of gold and silver was exactly the same as that between the winners
of silver and bronze, just because 3 - 2 = 1 and 2 - 1 = 1 as well.
48. These are ordinal data. The differences between any two adjacent ratings

cannot be assumed to have identical meanings; therefore, these ratings are


interval data.
Note: A quick review of logarithms can show why scales based on
logarithms (such as this one) cannot be interval data. Consider logarithms to
the base of 10. Write down one 10 or two 10s or three 10s, as in column (1)
and put multiplication signs between numbers. The results of this
multiplication, shown in column (2), might represent the values to be
recorded, such as tornado intensity. A different way of showing these values
is given in column (3). The exponents shown in column (3) become the
logarithms of the original values, as in column (4). Clearly, if logarithms,
such as 1, 2, and 3, are used in a data set (as they are on the Fujita scale)
equal intervals between these logarithm numbers (here always 1) in no way
assure us of equal intervals between the original numbers (which, in fact are
90 and 900 here). Logarithms, thus, are not interval data.

Column (1) Column (2) Column (3) Column (4)

10 10 101 log10 = 1
10 ×10 100 102 log100 = 2
10 ×10 ×10 1000 103 log1000 = 3
49. In all cases, these are ordinal data.

50. In all cases, these are nominal data.

Solutions to Self-Exams

True/False Test

In each space below, write a T if the statement is true and an F if the

statement is false.

1. T

2. T

3. F (They are generated by surveys, nevertheless.)

4. F (It is called descriptive statistics.)

5. T
6. T
7. F (They are called elementary units.)
8. F (It is a binomial qualitative variable.)
9. T
10. T
11. F (This is true about a multinomial qualitative variable.)
12. T
13. T
14. F (The statement describes nominal data.)
15. F (The statement describes ordinal data.)
16. T
17. F
18. T
19. T
20. T
21. F
22. T
23. T
24. F
25. T
26. F
27. T
28. F
29. F
30. F
31. T
32. F
33. F
34. T
35. T
36. F
37. F
Recognizing Key Terms

In each of the following sections identify the Key Term that is being defined.

1. binomial qualitative variable

a qualitative variable about which observations can be made in only two

2. bivariate data set

a data set containing information on two variables

3. continuous quantitative variable

a quantitative variable that can assume values at all points on a scale of
values, with no breaks between possible values

4. controlled experiment
the collection of data about persons or objects by deliberately exposing them
to some kind of change, while leaving all else unchanged, and subsequently
recording how identical persons or objects respond to different types of
change, or how different types of persons or objects respond to identical

5. data set
any collection of observations about one or more characteristics of interest
possessed by one or more elementary units

6. datum
any single observation about a specified characteristic of interest possessed
by an elementary unit; the basic unit of the statistician's raw material
7. deductive reasoning
drawing inferences about an unknown part from a known whole

8. descriptive statistics
a branch of the discipline that is concerned with developing and utilizing
techniques for effectively presenting numerical information so as to highlight
patterns otherwise hidden in data sets

9. discrete quantitative variable

a quantitative variable that can assume values only at specific points on a
scale of values, with inevitable gaps between them

10. elementary units

persons or objects that have characteristics of interest to statisticians

11. frame
a complete listing of all elementary units relevant to a statistical investigation

12. inductive reasoning

drawing inferences about an unknown whole from a known part
13. inferential statistics or analytical statistics
a branch of the discipline that is concerned with developing and utilizing
techniques for properly analyzing (or drawing inferences from) numerical

14. interval data

numbers that possess all the characteristics of ordinal data and, in addition,
relate to one another by meaningful intervals or distances, because all
numbers are referenced to a common (although admittedly arbitrary) zero

15. measurement
the assignment of numbers to characteristics that are being observed

16. multinomial qualitative variable

a qualitative variable about which observations can be made in more than two

17. multivariate data set

a data set containing information on more than two variables

18. nominal data

numbers that merely name or label differences in kind and, thus, can serve
the purpose of classifying observations about qualitative variables into
mutually exclusive groups where the numbers in each group can then be
19. observational study or survey
the collection of data about persons or objects by merely recording
information about selected characteristics of interest (such as A or B), while
paying no attention to possibly widely diverging other characteristics (such as
C or D) that may affect the chosen characteristics

20. ordinal data

numbers that label differences in kind, as nominal data do, but that, in
addition, by their very size also order or rank observations on the basis of

21. population
the set of all possible observations about a specified characteristic of interest

22. qualitative variable

a variable that is normally described in words rather than numerically
(because it differs in kind rather than degree among elementary units)

23. quantitative variable

a variable that is normally expressed numerically (because it differs in degree
rather than kind among the elementary units under study)

24. ratio data

numbers that possess all the characteristics of interval data and, in addition,
have meaningful ratios because they are referenced to an absolute or natural
zero point that denotes the complete absence of the characteristic being
25. sample
a subset of a statistical population or of the frame from which it is derived

26. statistics
a branch of mathematics that is concerned with facilitating wise decision
making in the face of uncertainty and that, therefore, develops and utilizes
techniques for the careful collection, effective presentation, and proper
analysis of numerical information

27. univariate data set

a data set containing information on one variable only

28. variables
characteristics possessed by elementary units
Multiple-Choice Test

1d 2a 3a 4b 5b
6d 7b 8c 9d 10 a
11 c 12 d 13 d 14 a 15 b
16 d 17 d 18 c 19 d 20 b
21 c 22 d 23 a 24 d 25 b
26 d 27 a 28 c 29 a 30 a
31 d 32 b 33 b 34 a 35 b
36 c 37 c 38 c 39 a 40 c
41 b 42 d 43 c 44 a 45 c
46 a 47 b 48 c 49 c 50 b
51 a 52 a 53 d 54 d 55 d
56 d 57 b 58 b 59 a
1. Answers can vary. Here is what the author found when looking for
statewide California data in the fall of 2000:

a. The 10 company names are the elementary units here.

b. There are 4 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (5).
c. Quantitative: cols. (3) - (5); qualitative: col. (2).
d. Quantitative and continuous: none; the cols. (3) and (4) dollar figures,
most likely, must be separated by a full penny); quantitative and discrete:
cols. (3)-(5); qualitative and multinomial: col. (2).
e. This is a multivariate data set with 40 data.


Univariate. One piece of information is recorded for each elementary unit: b

and c.
Bivariate. Two pieces of information are recorded for each elementary unit:
Multivariate. More than two pieces of information are recorded for each
elementary unit: d and e.

Qualitative and binomial: c

Qualitative and multinomial: d, e
Quantitative and discrete: b, f
Quantitative and continuous: a, b
Item b is listed twice because dollar figures that measure the value of coins
and paper bills in our pockets might be considered discrete, given that such
numbers are necessarily separated from each other by distances of one penny.
One could find such numbers as $17.23 and $17.24, but never as $17.237.
Dollar figures in other contexts, however, might be considered continuous. A
tax rate might be expressed as 66.75 mills, which equals 6.675 cents on the
dollar; an exchange rate might be stated as $8.9776 per unit of foreign
currency; and the average cost of production might equal $17.23684 per unit
of output.
Item f is only listed once. Whole dollar amounts only are likely. Even if
pennies are allowed, $5,000.56 is possible, but $5000.56895 is not.
Nominal: a, d
Ordinal: c, f
Interval: none
Ratio: b, e

6. Answers can vary.

Let students come from three backgrounds: African, Asian, and European.
Let these be coded as 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Addition: Even though 1 + 2 = 3, it makes no sense to say that African +
Asian = European.

Averaging: Even though the average of 1, 2, and 3 equals 2, it makes no

sense to say that Africans, Asians, and Europeans are Asians on the average.

Subtraction: Even though 3 – 2 = 1, it makes no sense to say that Europeans

minus Asians equal Africans.

Multiplication: Even though 1 times 2 equals 2, it makes no sense to say that

Africans multiplied by Asians equal Asians.

Division: Even though 3 divided by 2 equals 1.5, it makes no sense to say

that Europeans divided by Asians become persons halfway between Africans
and Asians.
7. Answers can vary. Here is what the author found when looking for
California data in the fall of 2000:
8. Answers can vary. Here is what the author found when looking for
countrywide data in the fall of 2000:
9. Answers can vary. Here is what the author found in the fall of 2000:
10. Answers can vary. Here is what the author found in the fall of 2000:
11. Answers can vary. Here is what the author found in the fall of 2000:

a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).

c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).

d. Quantitative and discrete (the numbers, most likely, must be separated by a

full penny): col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).

e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data.


a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).

c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).

d. Quantitative and discrete (the numbers, most likely, must be separated by a

full penny): col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).

e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data.


a. The 5 titles are the elementary units here.

b. There are 3 variables, noted in the headings of columns (2) to (4).

c. Quantitative: col. (4); qualitative: cols. (2) and (3).

d. Quantitative and discrete (the numbers, most likely, must be separated by a

full penny): col. (4); qualitative and multinomial: cols. (2) and (3).

e. This is a multivariate data set with 15 data.


Univariate. One piece of information is recorded for each elementary unit: a-


Bivariate. Two pieces of information are recorded for each elementary unit:

Multivariate. More than two pieces of information are recorded for each
elementary unit: e.


Qualitative and binomial: f

Qualitative and multinomial: b

Quantitative and discrete: a, e

Quantitative and continuous: c, d


Qualitative and binomial: none

Qualitative and multinomial: none

Quantitative and discrete: b, e

Quantitative and continuous: a, c, d, f


Qualitative and binomial: none

Qualitative and multinomial: d, e

Quantitative and discrete: none

Quantitative and continuous: a, b, c, f


Nominal: b, d

Ordinal: none

Interval: c, e

Ratio: a, f
Answers can vary. Here is one possibility:
Let students rate their professors as superb, average, or pathetic. Let these
ratings be coded as 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Addition: Even though 1 + 2 = 3, it makes no sense to say that superb plus
average equals pathetic.
Subtraction: Even though 3 – 2 = 1, it makes no sense to say that pathetic
minus average equals superb.
Multiplication: Even though 1 times 2 equals 2, it makes no sense to say that
superb times average equals average.
Division: Even though 3 divided by 2 equals 1.5, it makes no sense to say
that pathetic divided by average equals someone halfway between superb and
BIOGRAPHY 1.1 Adolphe Quetelet (1796 -1874)

Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet (1796-1874) was born in Ghent,

Belgium. He had an early interest in the fine arts (he painted, wrote poems,
and even produced an opera), but this interest was soon overshadowed by
his attraction to mathematics. His was the first doctoral dissertation at the
newly established University of Ghent and it was widely acclaimed as an
original contribution to analytic geometry. The dissertation resulted in his
election, at age 24, to the Brussels Académie Royale des Sciences et des
Belles-Lettres (in which he soon became the dominant spirit) and to a
position of teaching mathematics, physics, and astronomy at the Brussels
Athenaeum. He was a great teacher (students and visitors from all of
Europe crowded his lectures), and he was a prodigious writer, producing a
vast array of essays and books and editing a leading journal. Yet the
seemingly indefatigable energy that he poured into his career also changed
its orientation. His enthusiasm for astronomy that led, eventually, to the
building of an observatory in Brussels, and his directorship of it, also
brought him into contact with illustrious French mathematicians, such as
Fourier, Laplace (Biography 8.1) and Poisson (Biography 9.3). Their
interest in probability theory and its applications to social phenomena
excited Quetelet.
His subsequent active encouragement of the collection of empirical social
data led to the first national census in Belgium and Holland (in 1829), the
formation (in 1834) of the Statistical Society of London (now named the
Royal Statistical Society), and the organization (in 1841) of the Belgian
Central Statistical Commission, a central agency responsible for collecting
statistics. As president of the latter, Quetelet did much to inspire the
creation of statistical bureaus all over Europe and labored unstintingly to
promote internationally uniform methods and terminology in data
collection and presentation. Under his leadership, the first of a long series
of International Statistical Congresses was held in Brussels in 1853.
Although there had been forerunners in England, France, and Germany,
Quetelet earned the honor of being called the "father of modern statistics"
by the publication of his Sur l'Homme et le Développement de Ses Facultés
in 1835. In this book, Quetelet noted how social phenomena (such as crime
or suicides) reproduced themselves with amazing regularity. He argued
that such regularities were discoverable only by statistical techniques and,
even more important, could also be linked to causes with the help of such
techniques. Unlike earlier writers who had given a theological
interpretation to social regularities (seeing in them evidence of a divine
presence), Quetelet pointed to social conditions as causes. He suggested
that legislation could also ameliorate their effects (such as crime or
suicides). As he put it:
The constancy with which the same crimes repeat themselves every year
with the same frequency and provoke the same punishment in the same
ratios is one of the most curious facts we learn from the statistics of the
courts. … And every year the numbers have confirmed my prevision in a
way that I can even say: there is a tribute man pays more regularly than
those owed to nature or to the Treasury; the tribute paid to crime! Sad
condition of human race! We can tell beforehand how many will stain their
hands with the blood of their fellow-creatures, how many will be forgers,
how many poisoners, almost as one can foretell the number of births and

Quetelet believed, however, that masses of numbers had to be studied

before one could reach any reliable conclusions about causes:
It seems to me that that which relates to the human species, considered en
masse, is of the order of physical facts: the greater the number of
individuals, the more the influence of the individual will is effaced, being
replaced by the series of general facts that depend on the general causes
according to which society exists and maintains itself. These are the causes
we seek to grasp, and when we do know them, we shall be able to ascertain
their effects in social matters, just as we ascertain effects from causes in
the physical sciences.2

1From Sur I'Homme.,. as cited in Dictionary of Scientific Biography, vol.

XI (New York: Charles Scribner's, 1975), p. 237.

2Recherches sur le Penchant au Crime aux Différens Âges, 2nd ed.

(Brussels: Hayez, 1833), pp. 80-81.

For additional reading see Hankins, Frank H. "Adolphe Quetelet as

Statistician." In Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, vol. 31. New
York: Columbia University, 1908, pp. 443-576
Appendix: Excel Data Files and Add-in Programs
In the age of computers, numerous software programs facilitate the
computations that various statistical techniques require. This particular series
makes use of Microsoft’s Excel, a program widely used and thoroughly
explained in Book 2 of this series. As long as Excel 2000 or later versions are
installed on your computer, you can use the following data files and the
author’s add-in programs. Just click on a button below. Failing that, visit the
author’s accompanying website at and click on
a button in the Excel Data Files section.
Data Files
Add-in Programs
(See Sheet 1 for a listing of 56 add-in programs, covering Books 7, 12 - 14,
16 -17, and 19-21)
About the Author

HEINZ KOHLER was born in Berlin, Germany, where he grew up before

and during World War II. By the war's end, he found himself in rural East
Germany and spent years watching the Nazi tyranny give way to a
Communist one. He made it to West Berlin before the Wall went up and
came to the United States in the late 1950s. Since 1961, he was associated
with Amherst College, Massachusetts, where he became the Willard Long
Thorp Professor of Economics, taught Economics as well as Statistics and
published numerous textbooks on both subjects, including the recent Amazon
electronic series, Statistics: A Universal Guide to the Unknown.

Apart from his World War II memoir, My Name Was Five, his nontechnical
writings include Caution: Snake Oil! which shows how statistical thinking
can help us expose misinformation about our health, and another series of
electronic books, Surfing a Magical Internet, which shows how people
gathered information some 150 years ago before the current internet existed.
For a complete listing, follow these links:

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