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SUSPECT: ROMEO G. JALOSJOS, accused-appellant.





Upon arraignment accused-appellant refused to
enter a plea. Hence, the trial court entered a plea
of not guilty for him. At the trial, the prosecution
presented eight (8) main witnesses and seven (7)
rebuttal witnesses as well as documentary
January 29, 1997 evidences marked as Exhibits A to EEEE, inclusive
of sub markings. The defense, on the other hand
presented twenty-six (26) witnesses. Its
documentary evidence consists of Exhibits 1 to
153, inclusive of sub markings. The records of the
case are extremely voluminous.
Rosilyn first met accused-appellant, Romeo
Jalosjos, at his office located near Robinson’s
Galleria. Rosilyn and Simplicio were brought there
and introduced by a talent manager by the name
of Eduardo Suarez. Accused-appellant promised to
help Rosilyn become an actress. When he saw
Rosilyn, accused-appellant asked how old she was.
Simplicio answered, "10. She is going to be 11 on
May 11." Accused-appellant inquired if Rosilyn
February 1996 knows how to sing. Simplicio told Rosilyn to sing,
so she sang the song, "Tell Me You Love Me."
Accused-appellant then asked if Rosilyn has nice
legs and then raised her skirt up to the mid-thighs.
He asked if she was already menstruating, and
Simplicio said yes. Accused-appellant further
inquired if Rosilyn already had breasts. When
nobody answered, accused-appellant cupped
Rosilyn’s left breast. Thereafter, accused-appellant
assured them that he would help Rosilyn become
an actress as he was one of the producers of the
TV programs, "Valiente" and "Eat Bulaga."
Simplicio and Rosilyn returned to accused-
appellant’s condominium unit at Ritz Towers.
When accused-appellant came out of his bedroom,
Simplicio told Rosilyn to go inside the bedroom,
while he and accused-appellant stayed outside.
June 14, 1996/8:30 to 9:00 p.m. After a while, accused-appellant entered the
bedroom and found Rosilyn watching television.
He walked towards Rosilyn and kissed her on the
lips, then left the room again. Simplicio came in
and bid her goodbye. Rosilyn told Simplicio that
accused-appellant kissed her to which Simplicio
replied, "Halik lang naman."
Accused-appellant roused her from sleep and
June 16, 1996 bathed her. Again, he rubbed soap all over her
body, washed her hair, and thereafter rinsed her
body and dried her hair. While accused-appellant
was bathing Rosilyn, he asked her to fondle his
penis while he caressed her breasts and inserted
his finger into her vagina. After their shower,
accused-appellant ate breakfast. He gave Rosilyn
P5, 000.00 and told her to just wait for Simplicio in
the condominium unit. On their way home,
Simplicio told Rosilyn that if accused-appellant
tries to insert his penis into her vagina, she should
Simplicio brought Rosilyn to the Ritz Towers. They
found accused-appellant sitting on the bed in his
bedroom. Simplicio told Rosilyn to approach
accused-appellant, then he left. Accused-appellant
took off Rosilyn’s clothes and dressed her with a
long T-shirt on which was printed a picture of
accused-appellant and a woman, with the caption,
"Cong. Jalosjos with his Toy." They watched
June 18, 1996/8:00 p.m. television for a while, then accused-appellant lay
beside Rosilyn and kissed her on the lips. He raised
her shirt and parted her legs. He positioned
himself between the spread legs of Rosilyn, took
off his own shirt, held his penis, and poked and
pressed the same against Rosilyn’s vagina. This
caused Rosilyn pain inside her sex organ.
Thereafter, accused-appellant fondled her breasts
and told her to sleep.
When Rosilyn woke up the following morning
accused-appellant was no longer around but she
found P5, 000.00 on the table. Earlier that
morning, she had felt somebody touching her
June 19, 1996 private parts but she was still too sleepy to find
out who it was. Rosilyn took a bath, and then went
off to school with Simplicio, who arrived to fetch
Accused-appellant stripped her naked and again
put on her the long shirt he wanted her to wear.
After watching television for a while, accused-
June 21, 1996/9:00 PM appellant knelt beside Rosilyn, raised her shirt,
caressed her breasts and inserted his finger into
her vagina. Then, he clipped his penis between
Rosilyn’s thighs, and made thrusting motions until
he ejaculated. Thereafter, Rosilyn went to sleep.
Rosilyn was awakened by accused-appellant who
was kissing her and fondling her sex organ. She,
June 22, 1996 however, ignored him and went back to sleep.
When she woke up, she found the P5,000.00
which accused-appellant left and gave the same to
Simplicio Delantar, when the latter came to pick
her up.
Rosilyn again went to the Ritz Towers. During that
visit, accused-appellant took photographs of
Rosilyn. He asked her to pose with her T-shirt
June 29, 1996 pulled down thereby exposing her breasts. He also
took her photographs with her T-shirt rolled up to
the pelvis but without showing her pubis, and
finally, while straddled on a chair facing the
backrest, showing her legs
Rosilyn and Simplicio returned to the Ritz Towers.
Rosilyn had to wait for accused-appellant, who
arrived between 12:00 to 1:00 a.m. He again
dressed her with the long white shirt similar to
July 2, 1996/7:00 p.m. what he was wearing. While sitting on the bed,
accused-appellant kissed her lips and inserted his
tongue into her mouth. He then fondled her
breasts and inserted his finger into her vagina,
causing her to cry in pain. Accused-appellant
stopped and told her to sleep.
Simplicio again brought Rosilyn to the Ritz Towers.
Accused-appellant was waiting in his bedroom. He
took off Rosilyn’s clothes, including her panties,
and dressed her with a long T-shirt similar to what
he was wearing. After watching television,
accused-appellant kissed Rosilyn on the lips,
inserted his tongue in her mouth and fondled her
July 20, 1996 breasts. Then, he made Rosilyn lie on the bed,
spread her legs apart and placed a pillow under
her back. He inserted his finger in her vagina and
mounted himself between her legs with his hands
rested on her sides. After that, he lifted his shirt,
then pointed and pressed his penis against her
vagina. Accused-appellant made thrusting
motions, which caused Rosilyn pain. Thereafter,
accused-appellant told her to sleep.
Rosilyn felt somebody touching her sex organ, but
July 21, 1996 she did not wake up. When she woke up later, she
found P5, 000.00 on the table, and she gave this to
Simplicio when he came to fetch her.
Rosilyn and Simplicio went to the Ritz Towers at
August 15, 1996/7:00 p.m. around 7:00 p.m. Accused-appellant was about to
leave, so he told them to come back later that
evening. The two did not return.
August 23, 1996 Rosilyn was examined by Dr. Emmanuel L. Aranas
at Camp Crame
June 16, 1996/9:40 a.m. More specifically, accused-appellant claims that he
was on the Philippine Airlines (PAL) 9:40 a.m. flight
from Manila to Dipolog.
Accused-appellant further alleges he again took
the 9:40 a.m. flight from Manila to Dipolog City.
On the same flight, he met Armando Nocom of the
June 28, 1996/9:40 a.m. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Upon arrival and after
talking to his representatives, he proceeded to his
residence known as "Barangay House" in
Taguinon, Dapitan, near Dakak Beach resort, and
spent the night there.
Accused-appellant attended the fiesta at Barangay
San Pedro. He stayed in the house of Barangay
June 29, 1996 Captain Mila Yap until 5:30 p.m. Then, together
with some friends, he visited the Rizal Shrine and
the Pirate Bar at Dakak Beach Resort. Thereafter,
he retired in the "Barangay House" in Taguilon.
Accused-appellant alleges that he attended a city-
wide consultation with his political leaders at the
June 30, 1996 Blue Room of Dakak, which lasted till the
afternoon. In the evening, he went home and slept
in the "Barangay House."
July 1, 1996 He attended the whole day celebration of Dipolog
Day. He spent the night in the "Barangay House."
He attended the inauguration of the reception hall
July 2, 1996 of Dakak Beach Resort. The blessing ceremony was
officiated by Assistant Parish Priest Adelmo Laput.
he was the guest in the inaguration of the 3rd
July 3, 1996 Engineering District of Dapitan City. After the
mass, he visited the Jamboree site in Barangay
Taguilon, Dapitan City.
He further contended that after his arrival in
Dipolog on June 28, 1996, there was never an
June 28, 1996/July 9, 1996 instance when he went to Manila until July 9,
1996, when he attended a conference called by
the President of the Philippines.
Accused-appellant likewise alleged that he took
the flight of PAL from Manila to Dumaguete City.
July 21, 1996/5:00 a.m. From there, he was flown by a private plane to
Dipolog, where he stayed until the President of the
Philippines arrived.

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