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Past papers questions
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Figure 1

Figure 1 shows a sector AOB of a circle with centre O and radius r cm.

The angle AOB is 1.25 radians.

Given that the area of the sector AOB is 15 cm2

(a)  find the exact value of r,

(b)  find the exact length of the perimeter of the sector. Write your answer in simplest form.
(Total for question = 5 marks)

The triangle XYZ in Figure 4 has XY = 6 cm, = 9 cm, ZX = 4 cm and angle ZXY = α.

The point W lies on the line XY.

The circular arc ZW, in Figure 4, is a major arc of the circle with centre X and radius 4 cm.

(a)  Show that, to 3 significant figures, α = 2.22 radians.

(b)  Find the area, in cm2, of the major sector XZWX.
The region, shown shaded in Figure 4, is to be used as a design for a logo.


(c)  the area of the logo

(d)  the perimeter of the logo.
(Total for question = 12 marks)

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows a plot of the curve with equation y = sin θ,     0 ≤ θ ≤ 360°

(a)  State the coordinates of the minimum point on the curve with equation

y = 4 sin θ,     0 ≤ θ ≤ 360°

A copy of Figure 3, called Diagram 1, is shown here.

Diagram 1

(b)  On Diagram 1, sketch and label the curves

(i)  y = 1 + sin θ,     0 ≤ θ ≤ 360°
(ii)  y = tan θ,     0 ≤ θ ≤ 360°
(c)  Hence find the number of solutions of the equation
(i)  tan θ = 1 + sin θ that lie in the region 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2160°
(i)  tan θ = 1 + sin θ that lie in the region 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1980°
(Total for question = 7 marks)

Figure 5

Figure 5 shows a sketch of part of the curve C with equation , where x is measured in
radians. The point M shown in Figure 5 is a minimum point on C.

(a)  State the period of C.

(b)  State the coordinates of M.

The smallest positive solution of the equation , where k is a constant, is α.

Find, in terms of α,

(c)  (i)  the negative solution of the equation that is closest to zero,

(ii)  the smallest positive solution of the equation .

(Total for question = 4 marks)

A sector AOB, of a circle centre O, has radius r cm and angle θ radians.

Given that the area of the sector is 6 cm2 and that the perimeter of the sector is 10 cm,

(a)  show that

(b)  Hence find possible values of r and θ.
(Total for question = 7 marks)

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows a plot of part of the curve with equation   y = cos 2x   with x being measured in radians.

The point P, shown on Figure 2, is a minimum point on the curve.

(a)  State the coordinates of P.

A copy of Figure 2, called Diagram 1, is shown at the top of the next page.

(b)  Sketch, on Diagram 1, the curve with equation   y = sin x

(c)  Hence, or otherwise, deduce the number of solutions of the equation
(i)  cos 2x = sin x   that lie in the region   0 ≤ x ≤ 20π
(ii)  cos 2x = sin x   that lie in the region   0 ≤ x ≤ 21π
(Total for question = 6 marks)

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows the design for a structure used to support a roof.

The structure consists of four wooden beams, AB, BD, BC and AD.

Given AB = 6.5 m, BC = BD = 4.7 m and angle BAC = 35°

(a)  find, to one decimal place, the size of angle ACB,

(b)  find, to the nearest metre, the total length of wood required to make this structure.
(Total for question = 6 marks)
A parallelogram ABCD has area 40 cm2

Given that AB has length 10 cm, BC has length 6 cm and angle DAB is obtuse, find

(a)  the size of angle DAB, in degrees, to 2 decimal places,

(b)  the length of diagonal BD, in cm, to one decimal place.
(Total for question = 5 marks)

Figure 2

The shape ABCDA consists of a sector ABCOA of a circle, centre O, joined to a triangle AOD, as shown in
Figure 2.

The point D lies on OC.

The radius of the circle is 6 cm, length AD is 5 cm and angle AOD is 0.7 radians.

(a)  Find the area of the sector ABCOA, giving your answer to one decimal place.
Given angle ADO is obtuse,

(b)  find the size of angle ADO, giving your answer to 3 decimal places.
(c)  Hence find the perimeter of shape ABCDA, giving your answer to one decimal place.
(Total for question = 10 marks)
(a)  Prove that

(b)  Hence solve, for 0 ≤ θ < 2π

Give your answers to 3 decimal places.

(Total for question = 9 marks)

Figure 2 shows the plan view of a house ABCD and a lawn APCDA.

ABCD is a rectangle with AB = 16 m.

APCOA is a sector of a circle centre O with radius 12 m.

The point O lies on the line DC, as shown in Figure 2.

(a)  Show that the size of angle AOD is 1.231 radians to 3 decimal places.
The lawn APCDA is shown shaded in Figure 2.

(b)  Find the area of the lawn, in m2, to one decimal place.

(c)  Find the perimeter of the lawn, in metres, to one decimal place.
(Total for question = 9 marks)

(a)  Use the substitution t = tan x to show that the equation

12 tan 2x + 5 cot x sec2x = 0

can be written in the form
5t4 – 24t2 – 5 = 0
(b)  Hence solve, for 0 ≤ x < 360°, the equation

12 tan 2x + 5 cot x sec2x = 0

Show each stage of your working and give your answers to one decimal place.
(Total for question = 8 marks)

Figure 3 shows part of the curve C1 with equation y = 3sinx, where x is measured in degrees.
The point P and the point Q lie on C1 and are shown in Figure 3.

(a)  State
(i)  the coordinates of P,
(ii)  the coordinates of Q.
A different curve C2 has equation y = 3 sinx + k, where k is a constant.

The curve C2 has a maximum y value of 10

The point R is the minimum point on C2 with the smallest positive x coordinate.

(b)  State the coordinates of R.

(Total for question = 5 marks)

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