Course Overview Diploma of Project Management

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Diploma of Project Management

Course Overview
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Welcome.......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 The Victorian Chamber Team .................................................................................................. 2

2. BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management.................................................................................... 2

2.1 Program Information ................................................................................................................ 2

2.2 Entry Requirements and Pathways.......................................................................................... 3

2.3 Course Content........................................................................................................................ 4

2.4 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / Credit Transfer ............................................................. 7

2.5 Training Delivery ...................................................................................................................... 8

2.6 Attendance .............................................................................................................................. 8

2.7 Assessment Methods and Requirements ................................................................................ 8

2.8 Time Commitment and Course Duration ................................................................................. 9

2.9 Workshops Schedule ............................................................................................................. 10

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
1. Welcome
Welcome to your Diploma of Project Management course at the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This course overview has been developed to provide you with important facts regarding the program. Please read
it carefully. If you require further information please speak to your facilitator or the Training Administrator whose
details appear below.

1.1 The Victorian Chamber Team

Belinda Tierney My trainer is: Sabina Bennett

Executive Manager, Training Services ________________________ Training Administrator
Email: Phone: Email:
[email protected] [email protected]
Phone: (03) 8662 5345 Phone: (03) 8662 5493
Address: Address:
Level 2, 150 Collins Street, Level 2, 150 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000 Melbourne 3000

2. BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

2.1 Program Information

This qualification has been designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge, skills and attributes
required to work effectively in project management roles that require conceptual, operational and supervisory
It is expected that participants will establish a sound theoretical knowledge base and demonstrate a range of
specialised, technical and managerial competencies to initiate, plan, execute and evaluate their own work and / or
the work of others.
The learning outcomes of this course include:
 application of project management competencies with the workplace
 the concept of integration within an organisational environment
 an overview of how business benefits are achieved
 the techniques and strategies required to get problem projects back on track
This qualification reflects the roles of individuals who manage projects in a variety of contexts, across a number of
industry sectors, having project leadership and management roles and being responsible for achieving project
The skills you gain from this course will prepare you for a range of Project Management careers, including:
 Project manager (generic / industry specific)
 Project leader
 Project team leader
 Project contract manager
 Project vendor manager
This course provides the opportunity to formalise and to develop project managerial skills to perform at a higher
level in the workplace, and receive a nationally accredited qualification.

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
Key features of the program include:
 Flexible delivery, combining face-to-face workshops and self-directed learning or workplace-based
applied learning
 Nationally recognised competencies that can be applied on the job
 Units of study that reflect industry and workplace context
 A wide range of learning opportunities
Flexible and focussing on workplace development of skills and knowledge and their immediate applicability on job,
this program ensures its industry relevance and currency to participants.
The learning outcomes of the course include:
 application of project management competencies within the workplace
 the concept of integration within an organisational environment
 an overview of how business benefits are achieved
 the techniques and strategies required to get problem projects back on track

2.2 Entry Requirements and Pathways

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Enrolment Requirements
As this qualification requires participants to apply and practice their new skills over a period of time across an
organisation, have access to different occupational groups and circumstances, and also to base their assessment
solutions in a workplace environment, it is strongly recommended that participants are employed or otherwise
engaged in an project management or related role.
Assessment assistance may be provided, if this is not possible.
Participants must be over 18 years of age.
Pathways into the qualification

Participants may enter the qualification demonstrating potential to undertake vocational education and training at
Diploma - level, including:
 With a Certificate IV in Project Management Practice; OR
 With extensive vocational experience in project roles where they may have had some limited responsibility
for the output of others, but do not have a formal project management qualification
Participants seeking entry based upon their vocational experience or for workplace-based traineeship enrolment
should generally be in job roles including:
 Project coordinator
 Project management officer
 Project team member
 Project or program administrator
 Experienced managers who are already managing projects in an organisation and wish to have their skills
formally recognised
 Individuals requiring formal project management qualifications for promotion or other employment
 External consultants experienced in Project Management who wish to gain a formal qualification

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
Pathways to completion and further studies

Pathways to completion of this qualification include:

 Course attendance and assessment
 RPL / Credit Transfer for partial or full qualification
 A combination of the above
Units completed in this program may be credited towards other qualifications through a national recognition
After achieving this qualification participants may undertake the Advanced Diploma of Program Management or
other advanced diploma qualifications.

2.3 Course Content

Packaging rules:

Total number of units = 12

8 core units, plus
4 elective units, which may be selected from the list in this Training Package or any endorsed Training Package or
accredited course at Diploma level or higher.
Units of competency to be studied

The following units of competency have been selected in consultation with the industry and they must all be
successfully completed by participants to become eligible for the Diploma of Project Management.
Code Title Nominal Hours
Core Units ( 8)
BSBPMG511 Manage project scope 40
BSBPMG512 Manage project time 40
BSBPMG513 Manage project quality 40
BSBPMG514 Manage project cost 40
BSBPMG515 Manage project human resources 40
BSBPMG516 Manage project information and communication 40
BSBPMG517 Manage project risk 40
BSBPMG521 Manage project integration 60
Elective Units (4)
BSBPMG518 Manage project procurement 40
BSBPMG519 Manage project stakeholder engagement 40
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan 70
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness 60
Total nominal hours 550

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
Other electives options

To facilitate increased flexibility and better provide for students’ diverse work and learning needs, other electives
may be selected by participants for RPL/ CT purpose only, by the traineeship trainees, or for customised courses
according to the Packaging Rules.
Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF
qualification level alignment, and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. Other elective
options must be approved by the Executive Manager, Training Services and conditions apply.
Examples of other elective units for RPL / Credit Transfer purpose, for traineeships or for customised courses may
include the following:
BSBINM501 Manage an information or knowledge management system
BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement
BSBPMG520 Manage project governance
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
BSBXBD501 Develop big data strategy
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
BSBWHS516 Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining an organisation’s WHS management
ICTICT511 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the enterprise
ICTICT515 Verify client business requirements
MSS015002 develop strategies for more sustainable use of resources
PSPETH003 Promote the values and ethos of public service

The unit BSBPMG522 Undertake project work- cannot be chosen as an elective.

Unit descriptor and application

The following units apply to individuals responsible for managing and leading a project in an organisation, business,
or as a consultant.
1. BSBPMG511 Manage project scope

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine and manage project scope. It involves obtaining
project authorisation, developing a scope management plan, and managing the application of project scope

2. BSBPMG512 Manage project time

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage time during projects. It involves determining and
implementing the project schedule, and assessing time management outcomes.

3. BSBPMG513 Manage project quality

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage quality within projects. It involves determining
quality requirements, implementing quality control and assurance processes, and using review and evaluation to
make quality improvements in current and future projects.

4. BSBPMG514 Manage project cost

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify, analyse and refine project costs to produce a
budget, and to use this budget as the principal mechanism to control project cost.

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
5. BSBPMG515 Manage project human resources
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage human resources related to projects. It involves
planning for human resources, implementing personnel training and development, and managing the project team.

6. BSBPMG516 Manage project information and communication

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to link people, ideas and information at all stages in the
project life cycle. Project communication management ensures timely and appropriate generation, collection,
dissemination, storage and disposal of project information through formal structures and processes.

7. BSBPMG517 Manage project risk

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage risks that may impact achievement of project
objectives. It involves identifying, analysing, treating and monitoring project risks, and assessing risk management

8. BSBPMG518 Manage project procurement

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake procurement in projects.

9. BSBPMG519 Manage project stakeholder engagement

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage stakeholder relationships.

10. BSBPMG521 Manage project integration

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to integrate and balance overall project management
functions of scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk and procurement across the project
life cycle; and to align and track project objectives to comply with organisational goals, strategies and objectives.

11. BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor implementation of the operational
plan to provide efficient and effective workplace practices within the organisation's productivity and profitability
Management at a strategic level requires systems and procedures to be developed and implemented to facilitate
the organisation’s operational plan.
This unit applies to individuals who manage the work of others and operate within the parameters of a broader
strategic and/or business plan.

12. BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams in the workplace and to actively engage with
the management of the organisation.
It applies to individuals working at a managerial level who facilitate work teams and build a positive culture within
their work teams. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse methods and procedures
requiring the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision
making strategies.
Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
2.4 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / Credit Transfer

Participants are advised upon registration that RPL and Credit Transfer options are available, and they must start
upon enrolment, and preferably be completed before the course commences.
This will allow participants who were unsuccessful, to enrol in and complete all the required units in their
Students are not permitted to enter RPL arrangements after they have attended their units (or missed them), after
missing assessment deadlines or after being assessed NYC (or in any other similar situations).
The RPL option must not be used by students as a means to avoid consequences for non-attendance and/ or non-
submission of assessments, during the course delivery or within the allocated assessment period after the
National Recognition

Under the national recognition process, RTOs are required to recognise qualifications and statements of attainment
issued by another RTO.
As such, direct credit under the national recognition requirement will be granted for previously achieved units of
competency that have the exact same code and title as the units in the current qualification the student is enrolled
RPL and Credit Transfer

Victorian Chamber may grant credit transfer for equivalent common units from superseded or other qualifications
previously achieved by participants (or for other electives; conditions apply).
An indicative list of equivalent units that might be used towards credit transfer is provided in the table below, as
reference only:
BSBPMG511 Manage project scope BSBPMG511A Manage project scope
BSBPMG512 Manage project time BSBPMG512A Manage project time
BSBPMG513 Manage project quality BSBPMG513A Manage project quality
BSBPMG514 Manage project cost BSBPMG514A Manage project cost
BSBPMG515 Manage project human resources BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources
BSBPMG516 Manage project information and BSBPMG516A Manage project information and
communication communications
BSBPMG517 Manage project risk BSBPMG517A Manage project risk
BSBPMG518 Manage project procurement BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement
BSBPMG519 Manage project integration BSBPMG519A Manage project integration
BSBPMG521 Manage project stakeholder engagement BSBPMG521 Manage project stakeholder engagement
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness BSBWOR502A/B Ensure team effectiveness

If credit transfer is not suitable, students may consider the RPL path, which draws on a variety of types of evidence
(e.g. prior learning and education, past and current work experience, volunteering, etc.) to confirm competency in
a particular subject.
Refer to your Participant Handbook or call the Training Administrator for more information on the RPL / CT and
national recognition processes.

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
2.5 Training Delivery

This training course will be provided through a range of flexible delivery and assessment methods to meet the
individual needs of students and employers, including:
 Classroom-based (non-traineeship)
 Workplace-based traineeship (structured, on/ off-the-job and workplace-based applied learning)
 Onsite classroom-based (non-traineeship)
This program is delivered through a combination of guided learning workshops, reading through and undertaking
the activities in the Participant Guide (textbook) to understand the underpinning theoretical concepts, and self-
directed learning and workplace-based assessment activities.
The traineeship course will be provided on-the-job, off-the-job or a combination of these, as most appropriate for
the needs of the participants and the employers, and it also involves the undertaking the non-routine applied
learning activities in the workplace, along with the completion of workplace-based assessments.
The trainers will use a variety of techniques to introduce the learning topics, which may include: presentation, group
discussion, demonstration, role play, simulation, and practice activities.
The workplace-based learning and assessment schedule and activities for participants enrolled in a traineeship
course are provided to you as guidelines in Part 3 of your Training Plan.

2.6 Attendance

Attendance at all scheduled training sessions is compulsory. The assessments will also be discussed during those
workshops and students’ engagement and participation will be observed by the trainer/assessor. Students who
missed classes, will have to attend make-up classes, as directed by the Victorian Chamber. Assessments
submitted without attending the unit unfortunately cannot be considered as there will be no evidence of actual
participation in training for that unit, as required.
For more information about attendance and make-up classes please refer to you Participant Handbook or contact
the Training Administrator.

2.7 Assessment Methods and Requirements

To demonstrate competency for the units in this qualification, participants will be required to complete all the unit
assessment tasks and activities provided.
The assessment should gather evidence that demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced in the project management field of work. Therefore, the assessment will comprise a number of
assessment tasks to be undertaken in the workplace or in a simulated work environment.
The methods of assessment may include the following: written assessment tasks (e.g. reports, analyses, and
discussions), questions and answers, case studies/ scenarios, projects and portfolio, and for traineeships, training
log and supervisor report.
If the assessment requires samples of documentation from the workplace, they must be attached to the
corresponding task, careful to remove / block out any confidential information.
Participants should answer the assessment tasks using the information provided in the learning material and the
context of their own workplace (or provided case studies/scenarios).
All participants will be supported by their facilitator to complete their out-of-class assessments via email and
telephone as needed. The Victorian Chamber regularly monitors course progress and participants are also
encouraged to liaise with their facilitator regarding their progress or to arrange for an assessment consultation, if

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
It is expected that non-traineeship participants will informally contact their assessor to discuss assessment
progress and clarify issues as needed for the duration of the course, for up to two hours per unit in total (i.e. not in
a 2-hours block).
Traineeship participants may have scheduled a one hour assessment-related session with their assessor each
month for the duration of their course. The trainers/assessors will visit the traineeship trainees regularly in the
workplace as agreed prior, and arrangements will be made to ensure that workplace-based participants have the
opportunity and support for learning, practice and completing of assessments.

2.8 Time Commitment and Course Duration

The Volume of Learning includes all activities that are required to be undertaken by the typical student to achieve
the learning outcomes (including classes/ workshops, self-paced individual study, research, learning activities and
practice in the workplace and assessment activities). According to the Australian Qualifications Framework, the
recommended volume of learning for a diploma course is 1 – 2 years (or 1200 - 2400 hours), based on full-time
The total course duration for this qualification under the current Training and Assessment Strategy is 15 months
(total amount of training 1500 hours), which includes a total of 550 nominal hours.
The classroom-based program includes 66 PUSH, consisting of the scheduled workshops (42hrs) and the
estimated assessment consultations and workplace-based tasks (min 24hrs).The traineeship program includes
56.5 PUSH, as detailed in the Training Plan.
To successfully complete all the requirements to gain the qualification as part-time study, within the course
duration, requires a significant personal time commitment from participants. Participants should allocate an
average of 15 hours per week to work through the Participant Guide, undertake the self-directed learning activities
and complete the assessments.
For the classroom-based course, there are 6 face-to-face workshops scheduled for delivery one day per fortnight
over 11 weeks (6 days x 7 hours).
Each scheduled workshop requires participant’s presence for 7 hours in the classroom (excluding breaks).
The participants in a non-traineeship enrolment will have 12 months from the date of the last scheduled workshop
to submit all the assessments and complete the course. You will have to email your assessments to the Training
Administrator, unless otherwise instructed. All assessment work must be submitted by the end of the course.
Where participants are able to demonstrate extenuating circumstances, however, an extension for assessment
submission may be granted.
It is highly recommended that from the beginning of your course you schedule study time in your routine and plan
to prepare and submit your assessments progressively during the course, and not try to fit everything in as the
deadline approaches.
The traineeship assessments will be scheduled in agreement with the participant, and are expected to be
completed progressively. Assessments must be submitted (handed over) to the assessor on the agreed dates.
This scheduling allows a reasonable time for self-directed study, workplace practice and assessment preparation.
The nominal course end date (non-traineeship) is 12 months from the date of the last scheduled workshop; this is
when all the assessments are due, at the latest.
For more detailed information about the training and assessment process, methods and requirements, refer to the
Participant Handbook.

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166
2.9 Workshops Schedule

Session Course
Day Week

1 Manage project integration Week 1

Manage operational plan

Manage project scope

2 Week 3
Manage project quality

Manage project time Week 5

Manage project cost

Manage project human resources

4 Week 7
Lead and manage team effectiveness

Manage project stakeholder engagement

5 Week 9
Manage project information and communication

Manage project risk

6 Week 11
Manage project procurement

Course Overview_ BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

Version 5.1 / Mar 2020
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / RTO 4166

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