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Ou e–S
ab y Stabilityy
• Stability
y of Digital
g Systems
y • A very important property of a dynamic
– Internal Stability
– External Stability
system is its stability:
– Example – Internal stability
• Root Locus vs Time – External stability
– First Order • IInternal
t l stability
t bilit is
i concerned d with
ith th
– Second Order responses of all internal variables (a.k.a
• Stability
St bilit TTests
t “ t t ”)
– Jury Test
– Routh’s Criterion • External stability y studies the input-output
p p
• Example behaviour of a dynamic system.

Chapter 3 ME 534 2 Chapter 3 ME 534 3

Stability for Continuous-time

External Stability
• A systemt is
i asymptotically
t ti ll stable
t bl if it returns
t to
• Most common definition of appropriate its initial equilibrium state after the application of
response for external stability is that for an impulse.
every bounded input (BI), the dynamic • Stability is a property of the system and it is NOT
dependent on a specific input or initial
system should have a bounded output
( )
(BO). • A continuous-time
continuous time system (CTS) is stable if and
• If this condition is satisfied, the system is only if the real parts of its poles are all strictly
said to be BIBO stable
stable. negative.
– Poles must be located at left-hand side of the s-plane!

Chapter 3 ME 534 4 Chapter 3 ME 534 5

pp g between s- and z-plane
p Stabilityy of Control Systems

Consider the transfer function of the closed-loop control system shown:

Y ( s) Gc ( z )G p ( z ) B( z ) A( z ) = num{1 + Gc ( z )G p ( z )}
= = where
R( s) 1 + Gc ( z )G p ( z ) A( z ) A( z ) = a N z N + ... + a1 z + a0
Let s = σ + jω where j =
ˆ −1 N
⎡ Nr ⎤ ⎡ Nc ⎤
Hence, A( z ) =∑ a n z n = ⎢∏ ( z + ri )⎥ ⎢∏ ( z + pi + jci )( z + pi − jci )⎥
Since z =ˆ esT z = eσ T + jωT = eσ T ⋅ e jωT n =0 ⎣ i =42
1 1
4 434⎦ 1 ⎣ i =4
z = e{ 14ω
(cos T4+2j4 sin4ω4T
real poles complex conjugate poles

4 where N = Nr+2N
2Nc is called the system order
D i t unit
Depicts it circle
i l
Chapter 3 ME 534 6 Chapter 3 ME 534 7

Stabilityy ((Cont’d)) Example

a pe
• For a BIBO stable system,
system Determine the stability of the following system:
all poles [i.e. roots of
characteristic polynomial Y ( z ) 1.658 × 10 −7 z −1 + 6.6 × 10 −7 z −2 + 1.642 × 10 −7 z −3
A( )] mustt lie
A(z)] li iinside
id ththe R( z ) 1 − 2.98 z −1 + 2.96 z −2 − 0.9802z −3
unit circle.
• Systems with (dominant) S l ti
poles residing inside left-
hand semi-circular region Rearrange the transfer function in powers of z (not z-1):
hibit forced
f d oscillations
ill ti
at half the sampling Y ( z ) 1.658 × 10 −7 z 2 + 6.6 × 10 −7 z + 1.642 × 10 −7
frequency. =
R( z ) z 3 − 2.98 z 2 + 2.96z − 0.9802
– Very undesirable feature!

Chapter 3 ME 534 8 Chapter 3 ME 534 9

Solution – Roots (Cont’d)
( ) Solution – Matlab Script (Cont’d)
% *** Define the discrete
time TF
The characteristic polynomial A(z) becomes % The last argument (-1) tells Matlab that
A( z ) = z 3 − 2.98 z 2 + 2.96 z − 0.9802
% the sampling time is unspecified.
Gd = tf([1.658e-7 6.6e-7 1.642e-7],[1 -2.98 2.96 -.9802],-1);
Matlab function roots comes handy at this point: %
% *** Calculate impulse
p response
p for 120 sampling
p g steps...
([1 -2.98
2 98 2
96 -0.9802])
0 9802]) %
[y,k] = impulse(Gd,120);
Hence, the roots of A(z) are found to be %
% *** Plot the results
p1 = 1.0525; %
p2,3 = 0.9637
0 9637 ± j0.0499
j0 0499 xlabel('Time Index'); ylabel('Impulse Response');
Since p1 is outside the unit circle, the system is UNSTABLE!

Chapter 3 ME 534 10 Chapter 3 ME 534 11

Solution – Response
p ((Cont’d)) Testing
g Stability
0.035 t
x(t) Linear Time
0 invariant System y*(t)
For a unit impulse input, its output

Sampler y(0)
0.025 grows without a bound! y(T)
Impulse Re

0.02 t
0 T 2T


• To test the stability, a unit impulse is applied to
the system and its time response is observed.
0 005

• Let us assume that the impulse response is also
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time Index
sampled for sake of argument.
Chapter 3 ME 534 12 Chapter 3 ME 534 13
Time Response of a First Order Time Response vs. Root Locus of
Let the transfer function of a first order system be
1 y(t) y(t) y(t)
G( s) =
s+a 1 1 1

a. Since X(s) = L{δ(t)} = 1,

The system has one real root: p1 = -a. t t t

Y ( s) = G( s) X ( s) = ⋅1 5 4 3 2 1
y(t) y(t)
Therefore, the time response becomes
1 1
y(t ) = L−1 {Y ( s)} = L−1 {G( s)} = e − at t t

Chapter 3 ME 534 14 Chapter 3 ME 534 15

Time Response vs. Root Locus of Root Locus of DTS (Cont’d)

DTS Im z-plane y*(t)



Since y(t) = e-at, the sampled response y*(t) becomes y*(t) 4

y*(t) y*(t) 1

y * (t ) = y( kT ) = e − akT 1
1 t
y*(t) 3
Hence, its Z-transform
f leads to 1
5 4 3 2 1 t
Forced oscillations
1 z with f = 2/T are
Y ( z ) = Z {y( kT )} = = observed
b d iin thi
this y*(t) 2

1 − e −aT z −1 z − e −aT region!


Note that X(z) = 1. The corresponding discrete-time system has only y*(t) 1
one pole at p1= e-aT. 1

Chapter 3 ME 534 16 Chapter 3 ME 534 17

s-plane Analysis of Second Order s-plane
p Analysis
y ((Cont’d))

= 0.56

= 0.38

= 0.2
• If the complex
The transfer function of a second-order
conjugate poles are

system is expressed as
located alongg the

Const. n

Y ( s) Kωn2 lines, the damping

= 2
= cos X ( s) s + 2ζω n s + ωn2 ratio does not
Kωn2 change.
d ( s + ζω n + jωd )( s + ζω n − jωd ) • If the poles are
where ζ is the damping ratio; ωn is the l
locatedd on a particular
i l
natural frequency; ωd is called damped semi-circle, the
(natural) frequency: natural frequency is
ωd =ˆ ωn 1 − ζ 2 kept constant.

Chapter 3 ME 534 18 Chapter 3 ME 534 19

z-plane Analysis of a Second Order z-plane

p Analysis
y ((Cont’d))
• Mapping is slightly
The transfer function of a second-order discrete-time system becomes
ω nT more complicated!
Y (z) b1 z −1 + b2 z −2 • Numbers
N b along
l th
= radial direction shows
X ( z ) 1 − 2e −ζωnT cos(ωdT )z −1 + e −2ζωnT z −2 ζ
decreasing damping
The roots of the characteristic polynomial are
• Numbers
u be s a along
o g the
perimeter of the unit
p1,2 = e −ζωnT [cos(ωdT ) ± j ⋅ sin(ωdT )] circle indicate constant
natural frequency.

Chapter 3 ME 534 20 Chapter 3 ME 534 21

Matlab Script
p to Produce “zgrid”
g Stabilityy Criteria
wdT = linspace(0,pi,100)'; zeta = linspace(0,.9,10)';
p1 = zeros(100,10); p2 = p1; j = sqrt(-1);
• Modern computer programs such as Matlab directly give
% Plot constant damping contours the poles of a particular transfer function.
for i = 1:10
– Helps us determine the stability of that system right away!
sT1 = wdT*(-zeta(i)/sqrt(1-zeta(i)^2) + j);
sT2 = wdT*(-zeta(i)/sqrt(1-zeta(i)^2) - j);
• Sometimes, the control engineers wish to test for stability
p1(:,i) = exp(sT1); p2(:,i) = exp(sT2); for an entire class of systems:
close all; plot([p1 p2]); hold on
– Controller parameters (”gains”)
( gains ) are usually embedded into the
xlabel('Real'); ylabel('Imaginary'); axis('square') coefficients of the characteristic polynomial.
% Plot constant (wn*T) contours
– The range of control parameters (“design region”) that yield a
% stable system are sought
zeta = linspace(0,1,100)'; wnT = linspace(pi/10,pi,10)';
for i = 1:10
• In such cases, stability tests are utilized:
sT1 = wnT(i)*(-zeta + j*sqrt(1-zeta.^2)); – Juryy Test
sT2 = wnT(i)*(-zeta - j*sqrt(1-zeta.^2));
p1(:,i) = exp(sT1); p2(:,i) = exp(sT2); – w transforms along with the Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
plot([p1 p2]); zgrid % Comparison!

Chapter 3 ME 534 22 Chapter 3 ME 534 23

Juryy Test Routh’s Criterion for Discrete-time

S t
• Developed by Jury and Blanchard in 1961 for To apply the well-known Routh Criterion,
Criterion a continuous-time equivalent for
discrete-time systems. the discrete-time system must be obtained through Tustin’s transformation:
• A Jury array is formed employing the coefficients 2 ⎛ z −1 ⎞ 1 + s T2
of characteristic polynomial A(z). s= ⎜ ⎟⇒ z=
T ⎝ z +1 ⎠ 1 − s T2
– Most of the array elements are calculated via a Some engineers replace s by “w” and call the resulting operation as “w
i l computation
t ti procedure.
d transform” which states the fact that the equation above do not directly
• Similar to the Routh criterion, certain elements of take us back to the original s-plane! Anyhow,
the array must be all non
negative to get a Y (z) ⎛ 1 + s T2 ⎞ B' ( s )
stable system. = F ⎜z = ⎟⇒ F ' ( s) =
R( z ) z =1+ s T2 ⎜ 1 − s T2 ⎟ A' ( s )
⎝ ⎠
• Unfortunately,
Unfortunately the calculation of array elements 1− s T

can be quite complicated and tedious! where F(z) is the closed-loop transfer function. The coefficients of A’(s) is
used to form Routh’s array.
Chapter 3 ME 534 24 Chapter 3 ME 534 25
p Example
p ((Cont’d))

(120s + 1)( 2s − 1)
Determine the stability of the following system (with T = 1 sec) using Thus
Routh’s criterion:
F ' ( s) = −
Y (z) z + 0.9672 s( 0.0999
+ 1)
= F ( z ) = 0.0484
R( z ) ( z − 1)( z − 0.9048 ) The characteristic polynomial becomes

Solution: A' ( s) = 10.01s2 + s + 0

Tustin’s (bilinear) transformation leads to Routh Array:
1 + 2s s2: 10.01 0
+ 0.9672
1 − 2s All first-column coefficients are
F ( z ) z =1+ 2s ≅ F ' ( s) = 0.0484 s1: 1 0 bigger than zero ⇒ system is
1− 2s ⎛ 1 + 2s ⎞⎛ 1 + 2s ⎞
⎜⎜ − 1 ⎟⎟⎜⎜ − 0.9048 ⎟⎟ s0: 0≈ε
(marginally) stable.
⎝1 − 2 ⎠⎝ 1 − 2
s s

Chapter 3 ME 534 26 Chapter 3 ME 534 27

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