Agilent 5530 Dynamic Calibrator - Update Information

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Agilent 5530 Dynamic Calibrator -- Update Information

22 January 2009

Agilent 55291A CNC Upload/Download Software

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1.0 SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Installation ................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.1 Installing version F.04.04 .................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Software, Driver, and Firmware Revisions Chart ............................................... 3
1.2 Enhancements and Bug Fixing Version F.04.04 ....................................................... 3
1.3 Known Issues in Version F.04.04 .............................................................................. 3
1.4 Version Differences ................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 Changes made for versions F.04.04 .................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Changes made for versions F.04.00 .................................................................... 3
1.4.3 Changes made for versions A.03.40 and C.03.40 ............................................... 4
1.4.4 Changes made for versions A.03.32 and C.03.32 ............................................... 4
1.4.5 Changes made for versions A.03.31 and C.03.31 ............................................... 5
1.4.6 Changes made for versions A.03.30 and C.03.30 ............................................... 5
1.4.7 Changes made for versions A.03.20 and C.03.20 ............................................... 6
1.4.8 Changes made for versions A.03.00 and C.03.00 ............................................... 7
1.5 Known Anomalies ..................................................................................................... 8
1.5.1 Saving and Recalling Data .................................................................................. 8
1.5.2 Compensation and Interpolation ......................................................................... 8
1.5.3 Squareness and Parallelism ................................................................................. 8
1.5.4 Timebase measurement limitations ..................................................................... 9
1.5.5 Environmental sensor data not being printed (v3.30 and 3.31 only). ................. 9
1.6 End Point Timeout ..................................................................................................... 9
2.0 ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN LOCALIZED VERSIONS ........................................ 10
4.0 Historical Software Version .................................................................................... 11


1.1 Installation

1.1.1 Installing version F.04.04

Be sure to backup all important data prior to installing or un-installing any programs on your

To install, simply run the Setup.exe program and follow the onscreen prompts.
Note that if this is a re-installation of the software, or you are updating a prior version, it may be
faster to un-install the prior version first.

1.1.2 Software, Driver, and Firmware Revisions Chart

Software 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.04

Firmware N/A N/A N/A N/A
Please see software Versions for 5529 in Section 4.0 Historical Software Version

1.2 Enhancements and Bug Fixing Version F.04.04

No enhancement in this release.

Bug Fixings since F.04.02:

Bug ID Description
11523 Remote control on E1735A does not always record
12806 Wrong title of print report for ISO 230-2 1988
13666 Encoder: value of Encoder reading is twice as actual value
12576 Remove extended resolution checkbox from all screens

1.3 Known Issues in Version F.04.04

• Help file 5530help.hlp can’t be opened on Vista. Please visit
334CD175D4BB&displaylang=en to download WinHlp32.exe, and then 5530help.hlp can be
• TimeBase: Laser Position doesn't refresh in Setup Laser window. As it is just for display and
doesn’t impact the result of Timebase. Workaround is to go to collect Data windows laser
Position refresh well at that window.
• TimeBase: Setup Laser Window responses slowly, during switching from Velocity to Laser

1.4 Version Differences

1.4.1 Changes made for versions F.04.04

Bug Fixings since F.04.00:

Bug ID Description
11042 TimeBase: miss last point in Start-Position, End-No of Point mode
11061 Record Button on 10888A causes multiple measurements
11521 Software shows different sign from 5529
11498 Test Record Button does not work
11056 Timebase mode crashes with period >= 1 second
11629 Test Record button does not work in way straightness screen
12806 Wrong title of print report for ISO 230-2 1988
11523 Remote control on E1735A does not always record
13666 Encoder: value of Encoder reading is twice as actual value
12576 Remove extended resolution checkbox from all screens

1.4.2 Changes made for versions F.04.00

• Support Vista (32bit)

• Support Chinese Standard GB/T 17421.2-2000
• Increased timebase measurements from 100k to 1M points
• Korean language support
• New hardware supported in 5530 Rev F.04.00 is listed as Table below.

Agilent Part# Description Brief Specification

E1735A USB axis Axis card
USB sensor To connect to air sensors and material sensors.
E1736A hub
Material To measure material temperature
E1737A sensor
Air sensor To measure temperature, pressure and humidity
E1738A of air

• Change 55292.ini to 5530.ini

• 55292A USB Box is not supported;
• Support both ISO 230-2 1988 and ISO 230-2 1997;
• Do not support pin 8 of the A-Quad-B connector as an external trigger

1.4.3 Changes made for versions A.03.40 and C.03.40

The following enhancements have been designed into Version 3.40:

• Added support for the new 55290B Rotary Table.

• Added “55290B_Epsilon” key value to the .INI file. This epsilon value is used in the AUTO
trigger mode with the 55290B Rotary table to specify the minimum angular position change
that will hold off the auto trigger. As long as successive readings change by this amount or
more, the auto trigger will not occur.

• Un-did the minor format change in the Print to File output that was done in the v3.20 to v3.30
software update
• Fixed various bugs, including but not limited to:

- incorrect Start temp for ISO 230-2 env. data.

- time base data sets only allow the Sigma value to be 3
- some ISO settings are not cleared when VDI is pressed
- travel mode operation not updated properly
- incorrect reporting of expansion coefficient in ISO-2 plot
- display of Min and Max temp values
- intermittent software “connection” to remote control box
- sometimes not all the environmental data is saved
- run time error #9 after recalling some time base data files
- some time base data may be erased without warning

1.4.4 Changes made for versions A.03.32 and C.03.32

Version 3.32 fixes a bug that, in certain circumstances, prevents the software from periodically
reading the environmental sensors For more information on this bug, see the work around that
applies to versions 3.30 and 3.31 in section 1.3.6.

1.4.5 Changes made for versions A.03.31 and C.03.31

Version 3.31 uses updated firmware (v2.9) that prevents a lockup condition on the 10887 board
which will cause the Remote Reset and Remote Record buttons to stop functioning.

1.4.6 Changes made for versions A.03.30 and C.03.30

Both software versions, A.03.30 and C.03.30, are shipped as part of both the standard single axis
Agilent 5529A/55292A Dynamic Calibrator product and as part of the Agilent 5529A/55292A
(2-axis) Dynamic Calibrator product.

The following enhancements have been designed into Version 3.30:

• Added support for greater than ±10.6m range in Timebase Mode.

• Added SI units as units option.

• Added documentation for 55292.INI file settings.

• Added support for extended resolution in Linear Auto mode.

• Added display of both driver and firmware version numbers.

• Added additional precision to temperature and pressure conversion constants.

• Enhanced user interface of the FLASH.EXE utility program.

• Added support for installing more than one language.

• Allow use of straightness optics in Timebase mode (see section 1.3.5 below).

• Fixed various bugs, including but not limited to:

- Prevent application from crashing when invalid error values are entered from the keyboard
(NOTE that entries causing an error will be changed to 0.000).
- Changed default data file extension from .LIN to .TXT.
- Properly save and recall user settings in 55292.INI file.
- Fixed window re-sizing errors.
- Corrected operation of "Timed Print" mode for angular and straightness measurements.
- Retain user's Target Window setting when going between Collect Data and Setup
Measurement screens.
- Corrected operation of the Stop Auto Trigger button.
- Corrected handling of the hardware counter overflow, which caused the position to jump.
- Added confirmation dialog if about to overwrite a plot file.
- Eliminated incorrect fonts being used for printing.
- Eliminated intermittent operation of remote control button in some measurement modes.
- Allow use of colors in Timebase mode printouts.
- Adjusted button sizes to accommodate all languages.

• Fixed and updated some translations in the language DLLs.

1.4.7 Changes made for versions A.03.20 and C.03.20

Version A.03.20 is shipped as part of the standard single-axis Agilent 5529A/55292A Dynamic
Calibrator product. Version C.03.20 is shipped as part of the Agilent 5529A/55292A (2-axis)
Dynamic Calibrator product.

The following enhancements have been designed into Version A.03.20:

• Added support for Microsoft Windows XP.

• Added a Create Directory button to the Save Data dialog.

• Added a "Timed Print" mode for Angular and Straightness measurements.

- Select Auto Triggering and set Targets to 0 (encoder must not be enabled).
- Note that the timing interval is driven by Windows, not the hardware, and as such may not
have high accuracy.

• Enabled Beep On Record capability for all trigger modes but Timebase.

• Enabled Extended resolution for Angular and Straightness measurements in Auto Trigger

• Enabled pin 8 of the A-Quad-B connector to be used as an external trigger.

- Requires updating the firmware in the 55292A USB Expansion Module to version 1.9 (or
later) - see Appendix E of the 55292A Installation Guide (55292-90001_000700.pdf).
- Pulling pin 8 of this connector low is the same as pressing the record switch on the remote
control box, but without the 20Hz bandwidth limitation. This signal should be a "clean"
(debounced) signal to prevent multiple triggers.

• Added the following minor enhancements:

- Included "average material temp" on screen and in file when no sensors connected.
- Changed upper display options on Collect Data screen for STR, SQR, & PAR to Laser
Position and Keyboard Error.
- Changed upper display options on Collect Data screen for ANG to Laser Position and
Keyboard Error for Pitch and Yaw and to gray out Laser Error for Angle.
- Display the Angle option for DUALAXIS:ANG.
- Adjusted the Plot routine to deal with negative target ranges and have better resolution when
inches are selected.
- Calculate and print in the numerical analysis box the raw repeatability forward for
unidirectional and runs >=2.
- Updated Edlen equation coefficients to improve its accuracy from +-0.05 ppm to +-0.03 ppm.
- Added option to move the Flatness Closure Error from the center of Lines 7 & 8 to their ends
(to enable option insert the line MoodyAdjust=1 into the 55292.ini file some place in the [Red
Storm] section.
• Fixed various bugs from previous versions, including, but not limited to:

- Prevent application from hanging when recalling timebase data without USB box connected.
- Properly deal with counter overflow during linear measurements.
- Adjust operation of Custom button to work as documented in manual.
- Properly ripple Linear Scaling Factor from Environmental screen to all data.
- Correct a coefficient in equation for calculating TCN from English units.
- Remove Acceleration display option from Timebase - Linear - Change Parameters screen.
- Remove Velocity and Acceleration display options from Timebase - Angular - Change

Parameters screen.
- Prevent computer from hanging during plot of ISO 230 for large timebase data sets.
- Correct angle calculation for timebase measurements.
- Correct units display for encoder display when setting up Angular measurements.
- Adjust operation of Auto Trigger mode for proper dwell and stop operation.
- Fix various resize and plot bugs.

• Fixed and updated some translations in all language DLLs.

1.4.8 Changes made for versions A.03.00 and C.03.00

Version A.03.00 is shipped as part of the standard single-axis Agilent 5529A/55292A Dynamic
Calibrator product. Version C.03.00 is shipped as part of the Agilent 5529A/55292A (2-axis)
Dynamic Calibrator product.

The following enhancements have been designed into Version A.03.00:

• Added ISO 230-2 1997 standard.

• Added resize capability.

• Increased measurements from 32k to 100k points in the 5529A USB software.

• Support of long filenames for 5529A USB software.

• Implemented standard Windows drive list for AutoSave on Setup Measurement.

• Implemented specification limit.

• Added the following minor enhancements:

- Changed default sigma and labels in Setup Graph for some standards.
- Error band lines are plotted on +Limit Lines and -Limit Lines.
- Changed "JIS B6330" to "JIS B6192", and changed the default sigma from "3" to "2".
- Changed "ANSI B5.54" into "ANSI B5.54/B5.57".
- Changed "VDI/DGQ 3441" to "VDI 3441/2617".
- For BSI 3800, changed the default sigma from "3"to "2".
- Changed color levels of the beam strength:
Rev 2.41: From green to yellow if below 60%
From yellow to red if below 20%
Rev 3.0: From green to yellow if below 20%
From yellow to red if below 10%
- Changed the check for unidirectional measurements for calculating the repeatability from "3"
to "2" runs.
- When angular has been chosen and the angle option has been switched on, the laser
position option will be switched on. If not, then the laser position will be switched off.

• Fixed various bugs from previous versions.

1.5 Known Anomalies

Below is a partial list of anomalies known to exist in the 5530 Dynamic Calibrator

1.5.1 Saving and Recalling Data

Usually, saving setup and data produces a "snapshot" of the entire system which can be recalled
and reproduced later, allowing you to continue where you left off.

However, there are several areas where you might get into trouble:

• Manual environmental values are not saved.

• Incomplete Way Straightness and Flatness runs are not saved. Incomplete Linear, Angular,
Straightness, Squareness, and Parallelism runs can be saved and recalled, but this is
generally considered poor data acquisition technique. Incomplete data runs cannot be
analyzed in the Analyze Data window.

• Path names longer than 225 characters cause problems for long file names. Make sure the
directory structure is less than 225 characters.

1.5.2 Compensation and Interpolation

Interpolation for compensation tables is provided so you are not forced to take a data point for
every compensatable point, but can instead interpolate between points. In general, it is best to
avoid interpolation because it is by nature less accurate than acquiring real data. However, if
interpolating data is more convenient, use the following procedure:

• Specify an interpolation Start Position and End Position that are entirely within the original
target list. The system cannot extrapolate beyond the target list.

• Specify the sign of the Interval to be the same as that of (End Position - Start Position).

• Specify the Interval such that (End Position - Start Position)/Interval is fewer than 2800

1.5.3 Squareness and Parallelism

Squareness and Parallelism are multi-axis measurements which require additional care during
data collection. The procedure to use that provides the highest degree of success is to measure
Axis #1 first, followed by Axis #2.

Axis #1 can be retaken as long as Axis #2 has not been started. Once Axis #1 has been taken
correctly, save it in a data file so that it can be recovered later if necessary.

Pressing [Next Axis] on the Analyze Data window begins Axis #2 configuration.

Axis #2 can be taken and retaken an indefinite number of times.

Alternately, make a Straightness measurement for each axis, saving each data set to its own file.
Then go to the Recall Data dialog and select "Sqr (2 *.str)" or "Par (2 *.str)" under Data File Type.
Be sure to follow the proper optical setup and sequence for making either a Squareness or
Parallelism measurement instead of that for a single Straightness measurement.

1.5.4 Timebase measurement limitations

The distance range for TIMEBASE:LINEAR measurements is from -10 meters to +10 meters for
software versions prior to version 3.3.

Extended resolution is disabled for TIMEBASE measurements. The resolution limit for
TIMEBASE:ANGULAR and TIMEBASE:STRAIGHTNESS measurements is the lambda/64,
where lambda is the laser wavelength. To use the straightness optic in TIMEBASE mode
(versions 3.3 and later), set the software for linear optics, and set the linear scaling factor on the
environmental page to 36 times the calibration number stamped on the optic (360 times the value
for long range straightness optics).

The Stop Timer button does not work when searching for the Start position. Use the Previous
button to cancel this operation.

The Reset button on the Remote Control box is disabled during TIMEBASE data collection (while
the Stop Timer button is RED).

The Start Direction is determined by the relationship between Start Position and Current Position.
This direction is set such that data collection will start when position goes through Start position
when coming from Current position, even if Current position is between Start and Stop positions.
Thus when Start = 1, Stop = 10, and Current = 5, data collection will start when the Current
position is less than 1 and will stop when Current position is greater than 10.

Data collection at 1KHz may not work for fast (>=~3GHz) computers. Higher data rates are OK,
but sample periods from 0.0009990 thru 0.0010006 cause a data collection error, and collection
will stop after 5 to 35 seconds with an error message displayed.

1.5.5 Environmental sensor data not being printed (v3.30 and 3.31 only).

When making a measurement using a recalled setup, the software fails to periodically read the
environmental sensors, and thus does not properly compensate the measurements or print out
the environmental data. To clear the condition that causes this problem, the Erase button on the
Collect Data screen must be pressed and the Erase All Runs selected in the resulting dialog box.
Doing this before collecting any data will ensure that the software reads the environmental
sensors during the measurement. Note that only software versions 3.30 and 3.31 have this

1.6 End Point Timeout

Note: This information is not intended for beginners.

End Point Timeout specifies how long the 5530 calibrator will wait at the end of an axis
for the machine being calibrated to go outside the target window and come back into it.

In normal usage, autotriggering is enabled when the 5530 calibrator determines that
the machine being calibrated has gone outside the target window and then come back into it, and

stayed within it for the time specified by Trigger Dwell on the Set Up Measurement window. In
some situations -- typically at the end of an axis -- it may not be possible or desirable to have the
machine being calibrated move far enough to go outside the target window.

End Point Timeout allows an autotrigger to be generated if the machine being calibrated remains
within the target window for a specified time. The default End Point Timeout value is three times
the Trigger Dwell time. If you are an expert user with a special need, you can set some other End
Point Timeout value by adding the following line to the 5530.ini file -- following the
[Red Storm] line, and before any other section (identified by text in brackets "[<text>]"):


where "n" is the desired timeout value in milliseconds, from 55 to 65000.


As a convenience to our non-English using customers, several localized versions of the

Agilent5530 software are available on the standard set of disks. The language to be used is
specified when the Agilent 5530 calibrator Setup program is run. If you want to select a
language other than the one you are currently using, simply run the Setup program and select the
language you want from the list of those available.

Be aware that there are cases when you may see an English label or text when you are running a
localized version of the Agilent 5530 calibrator software. This is planned, not an error.

The first case is when a feature is newly released. In order to make the feature available as soon
as possible, it is released in the English version. We expect to have the localized version
available at the next software release.

The second case when you may see an English label or text is for certain supporting help topics,
such as in the Table of Linear Expansion Coefficients for Materials. In these cases, we do not
plan to provide localized versions.


The Agilent 55291A CNC Upload/Download Software enables communication between a

personal computer (PC) and a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine via an RS-232C
interface. This software has these features:

• It can convert Pitch Error Compensation (PEC) data from the 5530 Compensation
Table to a format that can be used by a supported CNC and copy that data to the CNC.
• It can copy CNC parameters, programs, "G" codes, or data, to the PC for safekeeping.

• It can copy "G" codes, programs, or CNC parameters, from the PC to the CNC.

• It is currently compatible with these CNC controllers: Fanuc 0M, 6M, 10M, 11M, 12M, 15M,
16M, 18M, 20M, 21M.

• It can be invoked directly from the 5530 calibrator via the Custom button.

Contact Agilent Technologies for compatibility, availability, and pricing.

4.0 Historical Software Version

Software 3.00 3.20 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.40

Driver 1.013 2.001 2.003 2.003 2.003 2.003
Firmware 1.7 2.0 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.9


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