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Vice and Drug Education and Control

I. Course Code: CDRUGED

II. Course Name: Vice and Drug Education and Control
III. Course Description: This course deals with the study of drug abuse prevention and control program of the government that includes the
recognition and nature of extent of the drug problem in the society. It also includes the study of the drug abuse causes and influences, the
origin and history of its widespread use, drug identification and their properties, and their classification. It also deals with the study of the
approaches and counter measures to combat the drug problem. Likewise, it includes drug control measures undertaken by the pillars of
Criminal Justice System and the Introduction to Narcotic Operations and Investigations as mandated by the Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165)

IV. Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO1: Explain the concepts of Human rights and victim welfare in relation to drug and vice related crimes.
CLO2: Demonstrate competence and broad understanding regarding drugs and vices and its effect in law enforcement administration, public
safety and criminal justice.
CLO3: Utilize Criminalistics or Forensic Science in the investigation and detection of drug related crimes.
CLO4: Apply the Principles of and Jurisprudence of Criminal Law, evidence, and criminal procedure in drug cases.
CLO5: Collaborate effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
CLO6: Engage in lifelong learning and understanding of the need to keep abreast on the developments in the field Criminology and Criminal
Justice in relation to drugs and vices.
CLO7: Apply professional, social, and ethical standards in the practice of profession.
V. No. of Units: Lec: 3 Lab:
VI. Pre-Requisite: CFUNDCRIM
VII. No. of Hours Per Week: 3
VIII. Course Outline:
 Introduction To Drug Education
 Causes And Influence Of Drug Abuse
 Understanding The Drug Problem
 Treatment And Education
 Law Enforcement Approach On Drug Problem AND Salient Features Of Ra 9165
 Drug Related Laws And Issuances.
 Drugs Investigation Processes

 Concepts Of Vices
 Drug Abuse
 Problem Of Alcoholism & Its Legal Aspects
 The Problem Of Prostitution
 special Laws Enacted In Relation To Prostitutions
 Gambling As Vice Problem

IX. References:

 2015 Hanson, Glen R. (et al) Drugs and society 12th ed, Burlington, MA, Jones and Bartlett Learning
 2016 Brownstein, Henry H., ed. The handbook of drugs and society, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell
 2016 Cejes, Lourdeliza Gural, Drug education and vice control, Quezon City, Chapter House
 2016 Soriano, Oscar Gatchalian, Comprehensive drug education manual 3rd ed, Nueva Ecija, Jermilou's Books Publishing
 2017 Fields, Richards, Drugs in perspectives : causes, assessment, family, prevention, intervention, and treatment, New York,

X. Requirements: Comply and pass all academic requirements

XI. Computation of Grades: The passing score is 50% of the total items in the examinations, while the passing grade for the semester is 75%
or 3.00. The basis for the computation of the semester grade is as follows:
Midterm grade: 70% Class standing and 30% midterm examination
Final Grade: 70% Class standing and 30% final examination
Semester grade: 50% midterm grade and 50% final grade

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