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WEEK 1 – 3

NAME: : __________________________________GR AND STRAND: 12 – HUMSS CLUSTER: ___________

Good day, learners! It is very exciting to know how fast or zippy you are in responding society’s demand when it comes to
trends. Are you ready to know the latest? Are you in or out? Well, let’s fasten our seatbelt to discover something new! Enjoy learning!
Trend is an emerging phenomenon that last for a long period of time and transmit existing ventures to the future generations.
Trend Analysis Is an examination of these phenomenon and speculations on the likely impact they will have in the future. Any
given phenomenon and prediction which likely to happen or any craze/fad or trend that would likely emerge needs to be examined.
a. Trends are composed of wide variety of information from an existing fields of complex ideas.
b. Trends use overwhelming recognition and pattern identification to create presages in knowing the future.
c. Trends evolution are being evaluated and observed by the use of timeframes.
Trending is a phenomenal scenario that is currently popular to the eyes and taste of the many. It allows preemptive judgments and
reactions up to future events. It is something that people follows either in social media or in fashion. Trends are considered as “complex
fusion” of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Fad is a very popular form of interest or fashion that only exist for a short span of time. Fad is an exquisite societal pattern but did not
last longer. It spreads widely and effectively to the demands of every individual. Moreover, it is a temporary form of fashion, interest, or
any crazing activity that people become enthusiastic.
Trends and fads are actually existing in their respective phenomena that will last depending on the performance of the people
who follows the trends and fads. During this scenario a trend will become a fad and this make a difference between the two.

a. Long life span a. Short life span
b. A style for longer years b. Emerge and go quickly
c. Rising slow in popularity c. Rising quickly in popularity

Activity1: CIRCLE OF TREND. Do it on a separate sheet of paper.

a. On the upper right corner, write one emerging trend.
b. On the lower right corner, write the things about that trend.
c. On the lower left corner, write the things that can be done for that trend.
d. On the upper left corner, write the concrete thing that you can actually do for that trend.


Trendspotting is seeking to overlook or foresee the situation of the future in the present. Trend is a continuous event that gives
impact to the people and leaves a particular effect. The following statements spot what trend is. A gradual change or development that
produces a particular result that is known as a trend is:
a. trend towards/to: “Devices are trending toward touch screen mobiles and laptops.
b. trend in: “The latest trends in social media is….”
c. an upward/downward trend: “Wars, famines, epidemics and so could cause reversals on the downward trend in morality.”
d. follow a trend: “Everyone seems to be following the trend for planting indoor plants.”
e. buck the/a trend (not to be affected by a general trend): “Although industry profits were down, MFG is expected to buck the
trend and increase profits.
ACTIVITY 2: 100-Word Essay
Choose one (1) from any of these lines and give your opinion. Provide separate sheet of paper for your answer.
a. Which Fad or Trend Shall I Accept or Reject?
b. How Do I Accept or Reject a Trend?


Whether it’s memes, viral videos, catchphrases, or the latest design trends, why do certain ideas or activities capture the
public imagination? What define a trend as opposed to a short-lived fad?
It is often difficult to spot the start of trends because they boil down to social forces among which styles or tastes change.
Once the changes have been shared and adopted by a critical mass, they gain a footing, become firmly embedded in the public
psyche, and may even find themselves returning as part of a cyclical process.
There’s no magic involved. According to Henrik Vejlgaard, the author of Anatomy of a Trend: “There is nothing mysterious
about it and it never just happens out of the blue; though it may sometimes appear to be so. That it is a social process means it’s
created by human beings.
A trend becomes a trend through a constant cycle of innovation and emulation. It’s the way people embrace one another and
interact with one another. People are obsessed with trends because joining a trend means your part of a group; you are in, you belong.
a. Duration of Time The lifespan of products or ideas that become trends do not disappear quickly. Trends have long staying power and
enjoy a long period of time.
b. Acceptability Trends are popularly accepted by many industries and people.
c. Cultural Basis A trend is rooted on the people’s cultural traditions, beliefs, and values. A trend persists and continues because
people have seen it as part of a society’s culture.
d. Transitory Increase or Decrease A trend shows a transitory increase or decrease of a particular idea, event or phenomenon.
e. Driver, Enabler, Blocker Agents in trend.
What is a characteristic? It is a special quality or trait that makes a person, thing, or group different from others. Its shows
special qualities or traits of a person, thing or group.
a. Innovation. A trend should introduce changes and something absolutely new to a community. It is the cat or process of introducing
something new like ideas, devices, or methods.
b. Consistency. One thing after the other, people can still recognize that this style or trend or culture or language is a trademark or a
mark of a country or a place. Identity has become a part of it.
c. Versatility. A trend always appreciated by people despite the difference in culture, place and race. It is the quality or a state of being
versatile (able to do many things).

ACTIVITY 3: WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? Using the speech callout, share some experiences and
ideas on what will be the characteristics of a trend to call it as trending. Write your statement on
a separate sheet of paper.

LESSON 5: Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Strategic Thinking
According to Urgel, E (2017), Strategic analysis and planning have five essential components. These components are the
1.Committed people. The initial step in strategic planning is getting the right people at the right time. They are essential in effectively
carrying out a strategy. These people comprise the management staff, officers, and stakeholders. They are also called engagers.
2. Long-term strategic objectives. The objectives are poised to enhance the organizations performance. There is need to identify
the beneficiaries in the operation who will receive the benefit from the gains brought by improved efficiency in the operations and
delivery of services of the organization. The people involved in setting the objectives are referred to as aimers.
3.Strategic alternatives. The planning team should be able derive options from brainstorming and SWOT Analysis. These
alternatives may be of higher quality than the current strategy or may enable the organization to respond with the ease, speed, and
effectiveness when changes occur in the environment.
4. Evaluation and choice of strategies. The process of formulating a strategy which involves evaluating and picking out which
strategies could facilitate the attainment of long-term improvements. It should include all those revealed by Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the organization.
5. Monitoring of strategy implementation. There should be a plan for formal and regular reporting and other measures of plan
implementation. These will enable the organization to know whether or not the plan is carried out properly and the objectives are
Intuitive Thinking
The components of intuitive thinking differ from those of strategic analysis and planning. According to Amy Baylor (1997),
there are three components of intuition and intuitive thinking: immediacy, sensing relationship, and reason.
1. Immediacy. This refers to the timing in intuitive thinking. The time involved in intuitive thinking is quick where decisions, actions, and
solutions come up fast without planning or deliberation. Baylor quotes George Mandler (1995), named it as “mind popping” when
thoughts, ideas, and solutions come to mind non-deliberately.
2. Sensing Relationship. This refers to the establishment or formulation of connections among ideas. This is basic in intuition. The
establishment of connection is necessary is associated with a person’s knowledge, and
3. Reason. It deals with intuition which involves certain type of reasoning.
The table below shows the differences between strategic thinking and intuitive thinking based on Urgel, E. (2017)


Direction: Write an essay on the picture that you think based from the supplementary reading picture.

I. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on space provided before each item.
____1. An emerging phenomenon that lasts for a long period of time and transmit existing ventures to the future generations. a.
Trend spotter b. Trend c. Fad d. Trendspotting
____2. What characteristic of a trend that introduces something new like ideas, devices, or methods?
a. Innovation b. Consistency c. Versatility d. None of the above.
____3. The following are fads, except ___________.
a. Beeper b. Loombands c. Brick Game d. Mobile legends
____4. What element of trend is rooted on the people’s cultural traditions, beliefs, and values?
a. Duration of Time b. Acceptability c. Cultural Basis d. Driver, Enabler, Blocker
____5. The following are characteristics of a trend, except ______________.
a. Innovation b. Consistency c. Creativity d. Versatility
____6. Any given phenomenon and prediction which likely to happen is examined by?
a. Trendspotting b. Trend Analysis c. Trend spotter d. Fad
____7. The following are elements of a trend, except _____________
a. Driver b. Enabler c. Blocker d. Trend spotter
____8. Trends are popularly accepted by many industries and people are called?
a. Acceptability b. Cultural Basis c. Duration of time d. Fad
____9. The lifespan of products or ideas that become trends do not disappear quickly is known as?
a. Transitory Increase/Decrease b. Cultural Basis c. Acceptability d. Duration of Time
____10. It is a trend that shows a transitory change of a particular idea, event, or phenomenon.
a. Acceptability b. Cultural Basis c. Transitory Increase/Decrease d. Diver, Enabler, Blocker
____11. A characteristic of a trend that people can still recognize that this trend is a trademark.
a. Versatility b. Consistency c. Duration of Time d. Innovation
____12. Seeking to overlook or foresee the situation of the future in the present is known as ________________.
a. Trend spotter b. Trend c. Fad d. Trendspotting
____13. It is a very popular form of interest or fashion that only exist for a short span of time.
a. Trend spotter b. Trend c. Fad d. Trendspotting
____14. The following are trending today, except _______________.
a. Miss Everything b. Online selling c. Tiktok d. Dota
____15. A trend that is always appreciated by people despite the difference in culture, place, and race.
a. Innovation b. Versatility c. Consistency d. Acceptability
Directions: Based on your observation, make a comic script on how a trend in your community becomes a trend. Create your own title
and do it in a long bond paper.
Layout – 15
Illustration – 13
Grammar/ Mechanics – 12
TOTAL – 40 points

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