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Frostgrave Monsters

Acrisbird, 6 Small, 3
Adult Dragon, 10 Death Cultist, 4
Advisory Council, 7 Demon
Alchemical Monstrosity, 5 Imp, 3
Alentha Lemedes, Spiritualist, 7 Major, 3
Ambronnax, Endower of Senescence, 6 Minor, 3
Amplipede, 4 Devourer, 4
Ancient Dragon, 11 Dog
Animated skull, 3 Chronohound, 10
Balkren, Barbian Summoner, 6 Wild, 3
Ballista II, 9 Dragon
Banshee, 4, 7 Adult, 10
Barbarian Ancient, 11
Berserker, 6 Gremolean, 11
Infantryman, 6 Old, 11
Knight, 6 Trigareous, Young Dragon, 12
Man at Arms, 6 Young, 10
Templar, 6 Dying Construct, 5
Thief, 6 Elemental
Thug, 6 Starfire, 5, 8
Treasure Hunter, 6 Enraged Half-Breed, 9
Barbed-thrasher, 12 Eye Demon, 13
Basilisk, 4 Failing Wretch, 6
Bat Fire-Flingers, 5
Bone, 11 Floating Orb, 13
Bears, 3 Florissa Undine, Sonancer, 7
Betrayer Prince, 9 Foulhorn, 5
Bile Hound, 6 Frost Giant
Blood Crow, 4 King, 12
Bloodwave, 7 Queen, 12
Boars, 3 Warrior, 12
Bog Man, 7 Frost Wraith, 4
Bog Monster, 12 Genie, 3
Bone Bat, 11 Ghoul
Borock, 9 King, 4
Burning Skeletons, 5 Ghoul, 3
Chilopendra, 6 Giant
Chronohound, 10 Frost, 3
Coal Man, 7 Frost Giant King, 12
Collegium Porter, 7 Frost Giant Queen, 12
Construct Frost Giant Warrior, 12
Ballista II, 9 Giant rat, 3
Dying, 5 Giant worm, 3
Fire-Flingers, 5 Glass Spider, 7
Floating Orb, 13 Gnoll
Guardian, 9 Barbarian, 5
Large, 3 Chieftain, 4
Medium, 3 Infantryman, 4
Security, 13 Knight, 4
Frostgrave Monsters – Index

Man at Arms, 4 Slime Lord, 12

Shaman, 4 Small construct, 3
Templar, 4 Small Slime, 12
Thug, 4 Snake
Treasure Hunter, 4 Large Vapour Snake, 10
Golem Vapour Snake, 10
Granite, 5 Snow leopard, 3
Grakyura, 6 Snow trolls, 3
Gremolean, Old Dragon, 11 Spectre, 4
Hellcrow, 10 Spider
Hound Glass, 7
Bile, 6 Ice, 3
Hydra, 5 Matriarch, 10
Hyena, 5 Starfire Elemental, 5, 8
Ice toad, 3 The Ghoul King, 4
Imp, 3 The Granite Golem, 5
Kalish Kareen, Distortionist, 8 The Guardian Construct, 9
Kaylakid, 6 The Wraith of Malcor, 9
Keeper of the Keys, 11 Tiszirain, 6
Kornovik, Barbarian Outcast, 6 Toravor, 6
Large construct, 3 Tormented Half-Breed, 9
Large Slime, 12 Trigareous, Young Dragon, 12
Lourrent, Vampiric Chronomancer, 5 Troll
Magmite, 10 Snow, 3
Major demon, 3 Two-Headed, 5
Manaworm, 10 Zombie, 4
Mantoadeus, 8 Truvith Reginold, Astromancer, 8
Matriarch, 10 Two-Headed Troll, 5
Medium construct, 3 Undead
Mimics, 9 Banshee, 7
Minor demon, 3 Bog Man, 7
Minotaur, 5 Burning Skeleton, 5
Nullmen, 5 Coal Man, 7
Old Dragon, 11 Collegium Porter, 7
Ordovacer Nords, Fatcaster, 8 Frost wraith, 4
Orobos, 13 Ghoul, 3
Phase Cat, 8 Reaver Wight, 10
Planar Lurker, 10 Spectre, 4
Rangifer, 4 Vampire, 3
Doe, 11 Vampiric Chronomancer, 5
Ravenous Beast, 12 Wraith, 4
Reaver Wight, 10 Wraith of Malcor, 9
Scarback, 13 Zombie, 4
Security construct, 13 Zombie troll, 4
Sewer Slime, 5 Vampire, 3
Shrieking Wolf, 8 Vaplorhine, 5
Skeleton, 3 Vapor Snake
Armoured, 3 Large, 10
Burning, 5 Vapour Snake, 10
Skull Violent Fungus, 5
Animated, 3 Werewolf, 3
Slime White gorilla, 3
Large, 12 Wild dog, 3
Lord, 12 Wizard Shade
Sewer, 5 Alentha Lemedes, Spiritualist, 7
Small, 12 Kalish Kareen, Distortionist, 8

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Frostgrave Monsters – Main Rulebook

Ordovacer Nords, Fatcaster, 8 Frost, 4

Truvith Reginold, Astromancer, 8 Knight, 4
Wraith of Malcor, 9 Malcor, 9
Wizard Shade Wraith Knight, 4
Florissa Undine, Sonancer, 7 Xantes, 11
Wolf, 3 Young Dragon, 10
Shrieking, 8 Zombie, 4
Wraith, 4 Zombie Troll, 4

Main Rulebook
Name M F S A W H Notes
Animated skull 3 +0 +0 10 -2 1 Levitate, Undead
Armored skeleton 6 +2 0 12 0 1 Pack Hunter, Undead
Bear 6 +4 0 12 0 14 Animal, Large, Strong
Boar 6 +2 0 12 +2 8 Animal, Bounty (10gc), Horns
(Technically Tusks)
Frost giant 6 +5 0 15 +4 25 Elemental Resistance (2), Large,
Genie 7 +3 +3 13 +5 14 Demon, Immune to Normal
Ghoul 6 +2 0 10 +2 10 Undead
Giant rat 6 0 0 6 0 1 Animal, Pack Hunter
Giant worm 7 +4 0 10 +5 20 Burrowing, Large
Ice spider 6 +1 +0 8 +0 4 Animal, Expert Climber, Venom
Ice toad 4 +2 +0 10 +0 5 Amphibious, Animal, Powerful
Imp 6 +1 0 10 +4 6 Demon
Large construct 4 +4 0 13 0 14 Construct, Large, Strong
Major demon 6 +5 0 12 +6 15 Demon, Large, Strong, True Sight
Medium construct 5 +3 0 12 0 12 Construct
Minor demon 6 +3 0 11 +4 12 Demon
Skeleton 6 +1 0 10 0 1 Undead
Small construct 6 +1 +0 11 +0 10 Construct
Snow leopard 8 +3 +0 10 +2 10 Animal, Expert Climber
Snow troll 4 +4 0 14 +2 16 Large, Strong
Vampire 7 +4 0 12 +5 14 Immune to Normal Weapons,
Magic Attack, Mind Lock, True
Sight, Undead
Werewolf 7 +4 0 11 +5 12 Bounty (20gc), Expert Climber
White gorilla 6 +4 0 12 +8 14 Animal, Strong
Wild dog 8 0 0 8 0 4 Animal, Pack Hunter
Wolf 8 +1 0 10 0 6 Animal, Pack Hunter

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Frostgrave Monsters – Thaw of the Lich Lord

Name M F S A W H Notes
Wraith 6 +2 0 10 +3 6 Energy Drain, Ethereal, Immune
to Normal Weapons, Magic
Attack, Undead
Zombie 4 +1 0 12 0 6 Undead

Thaw of the Lich Lord

Name M F S A W H Notes
Banshee 9 0 0 10 +5 10 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to
Non-Magic Weapons, Wail
Blood Crow 9 0 0 14 +3 1 Animal, Flying
Death Cultist 6 0 0 10 +5 10
Frost Wraith 6 +2 0 10 +3 6 Undead, Icy Grasp (+2 F Vs Living)
The Ghoul King 8 +4 0 12 +6 14 Undead, Immune to Control
Undead, Savage
Rangifer 7 +2 0 12 +3 12 Hate Undead (+1 F Vs Undead)
Spectre 9 0 0 10 +10 8 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to
Non-Magic Weapons
Wraith Knight 6 +3 0 10 +5 10 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to
Non-Magic Weapons, Immune to
Control Undead, Drain Life
Zombie Troll 4 +4 0 14 +2 10 Undead, Large, Huge Weapon

Into the Breeding Pits

Name M F S A W H Notes
Amplipede 5 -2 0 7 0 1 Animal, Poison
Basilisk 4 +3 0 13 +2 14 Large, Petrify (12)
Devourer 4 +6 +6 15 0 22 Burrowing, Large, Peaceful Until
Hurt, Savage, Spit Larvae
Gnoll Chieftain 7 +4 0 12 +5 14 Hand Weapon, Shield, Leather
Gnoll Shaman 6 +1 0 11 +5 12 Poison, Inspiring
Gnoll Thug 6 +2 0 10 -1 10 Hand Weapon
Gnoll Infantryman 6 +3 0 11 0 10 Two-Handed Weapon, Leather
Gnoll Man at Arms 6 +3 0 12 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Shield, Leather
Gnoll Treasure 7 +4 0 11 +2 12 Hand Weapon, Dagger, Leather
Hunter Armor
Gnoll Knight 5 +4 0 13 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Shield, Mail Armor
Gnoll Templar 5 +4 0 12 +1 12 Two-Handed Weapon, Mail Armor

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Frostgrave Monsters – Folio

Name M F S A W H Notes
Gnoll Barbarian 6 +4 0 10 +3 14 Two-Handed Weapon
Hydra 5 +3 0 14 +4 16 Animal, Large, Multiple Heads,
Hyena 7 0 0 10 +3 6 Animal
Minotaur 6 +3 0 12 +4 14 Bull Rush, Large, Savage
Sewer Slime 4 +2 0 20 +6 10 Immune to Critical Hits, Magic
(12) Vulnerability
Two-Headed Troll 4 +4 0 14 +2 16 Large, Two Heads, Huge Weapon
Vaplorhine 6 +1 0 10 +4 8 Extremely Fast (2 Activations)
Violent Fungus 4 0 0 10 +6 6 Fungus, Immune to Poison,
Poisonous Spoors, Spell Immunity

Name M F S A W H Notes
The Granite Golem 6 +4 +2 13 +6 16 Construct, Large, Throw Rock,
Huge Weapon, Shake Off Control,
Nullmen 6 +1 0 12 +10 5 Drawn to Magic, Immune to Magic
The Alchemical 5 +4 0 13 +6 20 Lashing Tentacles, Limited Spell
Monstrosity Immunity, Never Wounded, Immune
to Critical Hits
Fire-Flingers 5 +1 +3 12 0 12 Construct, Fling Fire
Burning Skeletons 6 +1 0 10 +1 1 Undead, Burning
Foulhorn 7 +4 0 12 +5 12 Horns
Starfire Elemental 5 +7 0 6 +5 1 Levitate, See Through Terrain,
Immune to Normal Weapons,
Destroyed If Inflicts Damage,
Limited Spell Immunity
Lourrent, Vampiric 7 +5 0 12 +9 28 Undead, Immune to Non-Magic
Chronomancer Weapons, Immune to Critical Hits,
Spell Caster
Decay (6), Petrify (6), Crumble (8),
Control Undead (6), Control
Construct (7), Will Power (10)
Dying Construct 4 +5 0 14 +6 20 Undead, Construct, Two-Handed

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Frostgrave Monsters – Forgotten Pacts

Forgotten Pacts
Name M F S A W H Notes
Ambronnax, Demon, Levitation, Magic Attack,
Endower of 4 +6 0 15 12 28 True Sight, Two Heads, Decaying
Senescence Touch, Time Decay
Ring of Protection (+1 A), Blade of
Feasting, True Name (Tiszirain)
Bind Demon (8), Brew Potion (14),
Balkren, Barbian
6 +4 0 11 +5 16 Fog (10), Imp (6), Plague of
Insects (8), Spell Eater (12), Steal
Health (10), Strength (8), Summon
Deamon (10)
Bile Hound 8 +2 0 10 +1 10 Demon, Acid Bite
Chilopendra 6 +4 0 12 +4 14 Demon, Horns, Poisonous
Failing Wretch 5 +1 0 10 +4 10 Demon, Decaying Touch
Grakyura 6 +3 0 15 +3 12 Demon, True Sight, Fling Opponent
Demon, Grasping Tentacles,
Kaylakid 5 +1 0 12 0 12
Levitation, Static Discharge
Two-Handed Weapon, Bow, Mail
Kornovik, Barbarian
7 +5 +4 12 +6 18 Armor, Two Heads, Horns, Limited
Toravor 6 +2 0 12 0 12 Demon, Burrowing, Two Heads
Demon, Large, Horns, Horrific,
Tiszirain 9 +8 0 16 +10 30 Invulnerability, Magic Attack, Mind
Lock, Poisonous
Barbarian Two-Handed Weapon, Leather
6 +3 0 11 0 10
Infantryman Armor
Barbarian Man at Hand Weapon, Shield, Leather
6 +3 0 12 +1 12
Arms Armor
Barbarian Treasure Hand Weapon, Dagger, Leather
7 +4 0 11 +2 12
Hunter Armor
Barbarian Knight 5 +4 0 13 +1 12 Hand Weapon, Shield, Mail Armor
Barbarian Templar 5 +4 0 12 +1 12 Two-Handed Weapon, Mail Armor
Barbarian Berserker 6 +4 0 10 +3 14 Two-Handed Weapon
Barbarian Thug 6 +2 0 10 -1 10 Hand Weapon
Barbarian Thief 7 +2 0 10 0 10 Dagger

The Maze of Malcor

Name M F S A W H Notes
Acrisbird 6 +3 0 12 0 8 Animal, Immune to Mind Control

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Frostgrave Monsters – The Maze of Malcor

Name M F S A W H Notes
Advisory Council 6 +3 0 10 +3 12 Undead, Immaterial, Drain Life,
Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Control Undead
Alentha Lemedes, 6 +3 0 10 +3 12 Undead, Immaterial, Magic Attacks,
Spiritualist (Wizard Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Shade) Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Control Undead, Immune to Critical
Call Wraith (5), Command
Ethereal (6), Ethereal Form (5),
Inhabit (5), Nightmare (5), Speak
with the Dead (5), Bone Dart (6),
Control Undead (6), Heal (6),
Shield (5)
Banshee 9 0 0 10 +5 1 Undead, Immaterial, Immune to
Non-Magic Weapons, Wail
Bloodwave 5 +3 0 10 +6 6 Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Poison, Immune to Critical Hits,
Never Wounded, Opponents Use
Will When Fighting, Treats All
Enemies as Armor 10
Bog Man 5 0 0 10 0 6 Undead, Potential Marsh Gas Cloud
Coal Man 4 +3 0 12 0 14 Construct, Large, Armor Bonus vs
Elemental Magic or Fire
Collegium Porter 5 +4 0 13 +3 14 Construct, Never Attacks Spell
Casters, Possible Scroll, 3 Item
Florissa Undine, 6 +3 0 10 +2 14 Undead, Immaterial, Magic Attacks,
Sonomancer (Wizard Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Shade) Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Control Undead, Immune to Critical
Charm (5), Imbue Instrument (5),
Humming Blade (5), Stael Voice
(6), Sound Cloud (5), Sound Wave
Glass Spider 5 0 0 11 0 8 Construct, Acid Attack, Explosive

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Frostgrave Monsters – The Maze of Malcor

Name M F S A W H Notes
Kalish Kareen, 6 +5 0 10 +8 15 Undead, Immaterial, Magic Attacks,
Distortionist (Wizard Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Shade) Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Control Undead, Immune to Critical
Break Armor (6), Collapse (5),
Fracture (7), Misstep (6), Whiplash
Mantoadeus 5 +4 0 12 +4 6 Animal, Powerful, Flying, No
Supporting Bonus
Ordovacer Nords, 6 +3 0 10 +5 15 Undead, Immaterial, Magic Attacks,
Fatcaster (Wizard Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Shade) Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Control Undead, Immune to Critical
Blood Wager (5), Fickle Finger (6),
Mischance (5), Scatter (5),
Serendipity (5), True Gold (5),
Mind Control (7)
Phase Cat 6 0 0 8 +2 8 Animal, Limited Teleportation
Shrieking Wolf 1 +1 0 15 +4 18 Construct, Shriek
Starfire Elemental 5 +7 0 6 +5 1 Levitate, See Through Terrain,
Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Destroyed If It Inflicts Damage,
Limited Spell Immunity
Truvith Reginold, 6 +3 0 10 +5 15 Undead, Immaterial, Magic Attacks,
Astromancer (Wizard Immune to Non-Magic Weapons,
Shade) Immune to Mind Control, Immune to
Control Undead, Immune to Critical
Alignment (5), Meteor Strike (7),
Misalignment (5), Shade Starfire
Elemental (7), Starfall (7), Starfire
Bolt (7)

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Frostgrave Monsters – The Wizards Conclave

Name M F S A W H Notes
The Wraith of Malcor 6 +3 0 10 +5 15 Undead, Immaterial, Drain Life,
Magic Attacks, Immune to Non-
Magic Weapons, Immune to Mind
Control, Immune to Control the
Undead, Immune to Critical Hits
Decay (6), Fleet Feet (6), Petrify
(5), Slow (5), Time Store (8), Time
Walk (10), Meteor Strike (10),
Starfall (8), Starfire Bolt (10), Call
Wraith (8), Serendipity (6),
Collapse (6), Fracture (8),
Implode/Explode (10), Steal Voice
Items: Wand of Casting (10) [Call
Wraith], Wand of Casting (6)
[Implode/Explode], Wand of
Casting (4) [Starfire Bolt], Wand of
Casting (6) [Steal Voice]

The Wizards Conclave

Name M F S A W H Notes
Mimic 3 +3 +1 13 +8 8 Magic Attack, Teleport, Animated
Treasure Token, Construct
The Guardian 4 +4 0 14 +2 20 Construct, Large Huge Weapon
The Tormented Half- 6 +3 0 11 +4 16 Demon, Immune to Bind Demon,
Breed Immune to Non-Magic Attacks,
Tormented, Blinding, Unholy Vigor
The Enraged Half- 6 +4 0 11 +4 1 Demon, Immune to Bind Demon,
Breed Boundless Fury
The Betrayer Prince 6 +6 0 15 +6 20 Large, Huge Weapon, Deceiver,
Immune to All Damage While At
Least One Sacred Flame Is on The

Perilous Dark
Name M F S A W H Notes
Ballista II 4 +3 +2 13 +4 14 Construct, Large, Bow, Heavy
Arrows (+2 Damage, 2" Pushback),
Limited Ammunition
Borock 6 +5 0 12 +6 16 Large, Two-Handed Weapon,
Immune to Mind Control

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Frostgrave Monsters – Spellcaster magazine

Name M F S A W H Notes
Chronohound 8 +3 0 10 +8 10 Animal, Limited Spell Immunity,
Never Wounded, See Invisible,
Always Have Line of Sight
Hellcrow 6 +1 0 10 +3 6 Demon, Flying, Diving Attack, Acidic
Bile, Always Have Line of Sight
Magmite 5 +3 0 13 +4 6 Deamon, Lava Splash, Potential
Weapon Destruction, Elemental
Resistance (5), Powerful Claws
Manaworm 4 +1 0 8 +4 6 Animal, Magic-Sense, Dispelling
Attack, See Invisible, No Move
Penalty for Climbing and Rough
Matriarch 6 +3 0 12 +6 13 Animal, Large, No Move Penalty for
Climbing and Rough Ground,
Venom, Poisonous Ichor, Reduced
Support Bonus, Re-Roll Dead
Planar Lurker 6 +2 0 10 +6 25 Drawn to Magic, Half Damage from
Magic Attacks, Immaterial, Unique
Reaver Wight 6 +4 0 11 +6 14 Undead, Immaterial, Limited
Immunity to Non-Magic Weapons,
Spectral Blades, Limited Spell
Vapor Snake 6 +1 0 11 0 10 Shooting Attack Damage Maximum,
Flammable, Immune to Mind
Large Vapor Snake 5 +3 0 12 0 12 Shooting Attack Damage Maximum,
Flammable, Immune to Mind

Spellcaster magazine
Name M F S A W H Notes
Young Dragon 6 +5 0 14 +6 22 Large Powerful, Immune to Poison
Adult Dragon 7 +7 0 15 +8 26 Large, Flying, Powerful, Immune to
Poison, Elemental Damage
Resistance +2, Breath of Fire or
Spit Poison, Horrific, Immune to
Critical Hits, Immune to Mind
Control, Self-Preservation

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Frostgrave Monsters – Spellcaster magazine

Name M F S A W H Notes
Old Dragon 7 +9 0 15 10 30 Large, Flying, Powerful, Magic
Attacks, Immune to Poison,
Elemental Damage Resistance +3,
Breath of Fire or Spit Poison,
Horrific, Immune to Critical Hits,
Immune to Mind Control, Self-
Banish (8), Call Storm (10),
Combat Awareness (12), Crumble
(10), Explosive Rune (10), Fog (8),
Mind Control (12), Reveal Invisible
(8), Spell Eater (8), Steal Health
(10) Wizard Eye (8)
Ancient Dragon 7 +8 0 16 +14 40 Large, Flying, Powerful, Magic
Attacks, Immune to Poison,
Elemental Damage Resistance +4,
Breath of Fire or Spit Poison,
Horrific, Immune to Critical Hits,
Immune to Mind Control, Self-
Banish (5), Call Storm (5), Combat
Awareness (7), Crumble (6),
Explosive Rune (6), Fog (5), Mind
Control (5), Reveal Invisible (5),
Spell Eater (5), Steal Health (6)
Wizard Eye (5)
Gremolean, Old 7 +8 0 15 +10 36 Large, Flying, Powerful, Magic
Dragon Attacks, Immune to Poison,
Elemental Damage Resistance +3,
Breath of Fire, Horrific, Immune to
Critical Hits, Immune to Mind
Bind Demon (5), Control Animal
(6), Control Construct (8), Control
Undead (8), Imp (5), Mind Control
(8), Possess (8), Spell-eater (5),
Steal Health (6), Summon Demon
Bone Bats 6 0 0 10 0 1 Undead, Glide
Keeper of the Keys 4 +4 0 14 +6 16 Undead, Large, Two-Handed
Xantes 7 +4 0 12 +4 14 Undead, Immune to Normal
Weapons, Spellcaster:
Bone Dart (7), Control Undead (6),
Steal Health (8), Raise Zombie (5)
Rangifer Doe 7 0 0 12 0 8 Hate Undead, Antlers

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Frostgrave Monsters – Spellcaster magazine

Name M F S A W H Notes
Frost Giant Warrior 6 +5 0 15 +4 25 Large, Huge Weapon, Immune to
Critical Hits
Frost Giant Queen 7 +7 0 13 +10 30 Extra Action, Large, Huge Weapon,
Elemental Resistance, Immune to
Poison, Immune to Mind Control,
Immune to Critical Hits
Slow (10), Call Storm (12),
Destructive Sphere (10),
Elemental Ball (10), Beauty (8),
Control Undead (12), Push (8),
Banish (10)
Frost Giant King 7 +8 0 15 +12 35 Extra Action, Large, Huge Weapon,
Elemental Resistance, Immune to
Poison, Immune to Mind Control,
Immune to Critical Hits
Petrify (10), Elemental Shield (8),
Elemental Bolt (10), Monstrous
Form (8), Push (8)
Trigareous, Young 4 +5 0 14 +6 22 Large, Powerful (+2 Damage),
Dragon Immune to Poison, Immune to
Critical Hits
Barbed-thrasher 8 +2 0 10 0 6 Random Target, Hooked Tentacles
Slime Lord 3 +5 +0 14 +8 18 Immune to Critical Hits and Mind
Control, Immune to Bo, Crossbow,
And Javelin Attacks. Immune to
Slime Damage. Spellcaster
Small Slime 3 +2 +0 18 +0 1 No Movement Penalty for Rough
Ground, Immune to Critical Hits and
Mind Control, Immune to Bo,
Crossbow, And Javelin Attacks,
Explosive Demise to Elemental
Magic, Absorb Weapon
Large Slime 3 +3 +0 20 +1 1 No Movement Penalty for Rough
Ground, Immune to Critical Hits and
Mind Control, Immune to Bo,
Crossbow, And Javelin Attacks,
Explosive Demise to Elemental
Magic, Absorb Weapon
Bog Monster 4 +4 +0 16 +5 10 Immune to Mind Control and Critical
Hits, Powerful (+2 Damage), No
Movement Penalty for Rough
Ravenous Beast 6 +3 +0 12 +5 10 Powerful Jaws (+2 Damage)

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Frostgrave Monsters – Spellcaster magazine

Name M F S A W H Notes
Scarback +2 +0 +0 16 +0 20 Plant, Demon, 2" Force Combat,
Never Pushed Back, Amphibious,
Maximum Missile Weapon Damage,
Set on Fire, Methodical Walkers,
Immune to Critical Hits and Poison
Security construct 6 +2 +0 12 +0 14 Construct. Treat as Using Two-
Handed Weapon
Eye Demon 5 +5 +0 12 +8 24 Demonic Strength, Levitation, Magic
Sink, Mind Lock, Petrifying Stare,
True Sight, Two Heads
Elemental Bolt (6), Spell II (6),
Spell III (6)
Floating Orb 6 +2 +0 16 +0 1 Construct, Levitate, Maximum
Damage (2), Immune to Mind
Control, Steal Heath, And Any Spell
Cast by Orobos
Orobos 5 +5 +0 12 +8 24 Spell Caster: Elemental Ball (6),
Demonic Strength, Levitation, Magic
Sink, Mind Lock, Petrifying Stare,
True Sight, Two Heads

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