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NAME_________________ SOCI 1301 (Dr.

DATE_________________ Day_______ Time ______
Critical Thinking Exercise: “Wild Child: The Story of Feral Children”
One Submission per Student

Directions: Read the directions under each section. Complete Part I before watching the
documentary. As you watch the documentary, take notes in part II. You will use your notes in parts
III and IV. The more notes you take, the easier parts III, and IV will be.

Part I: Essential Definitions -- Use your class notes and textbook to locate definitions for the following
terms; define them in the space below:

Agents of socialization:


Natural experiment:



Part II: Biography of a Wild Child -- In addition to taking notes about Genie Wiley’s life, choose one of the
following children in the documentary. Fill out the chart below.
▢ Victor of Aveyron ▢ Edic (Eastern Europe) ▢ Oksana (Eastern Europe)
Important Characteristics ________________ Genie Wiley
(Name of Child)

● Where case occurred

● Location when found
● Physical condition when found
● Estimated age when found
● Actual age
● Able to acquire language?
● Able to communicate? (If so,
● Other factors?
NAME_________________ SOCI 1301 (Dr. Rolo)
DATE_________________ Day_______ Time ______
Part III: Connections -- Below is a list of terms from different chapters of our book. Choose one term from each box;
define your terms and state one example of each term from the film.

Vocabulary I Vocabulary II Theories and Experiments

Material Culture Generalized Other ● Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Nonmaterial Culture Gender Socialization ● Looking-Glass Self
Dyad Hidden Curriculum ● Skeels/Dye Experiment
Triad Resocialization ● Deprived Animal Study
Ideal Culture Anticipatory Socialization ● Intersectionality
Status (Achieved or Ascribed) Primary Group ● Applied Sociology
Role Secondary Group ● Symbolic Interactionism
Self Dependent Variable ● Dramaturgical Theory
Independent Variable Human Subjects Protocol ● Social Construction of Reality

Part IV: Critical Thinking -- For this assignment, you will need to write 2-3 critical thinking paragraphs applying
sociological concepts to one of the questions below. Use this space below to outline what you will write about.
1) Choose one definition from Section I, one definition from Section III, and a theory from Section III. How do they
relate to your chosen case in Section II?
2) Choose one definition from Section I, one definition from Section III, and a theory from Section III. How do they
relate to the case of Genie Wiley in Section II?
3) Compare and contrast the cases of Genie Wiley and your chosen case in section II. What was different? How
does one of the following theories apply to these cases -- Spair-Whorf Hypothesis; Intersectionality; Looking-
Glass Self?
4) Which cases utilized the scientific process and how? Were there any ethical concerns, and if so, what were
they? Were Human Subjects Protocols used?
5) In the film, Dr. Susan Curtiss notes that although Genie was able to learn words, she could not learn syntax or
grammar. What does this indicate about language and brain development? How does this relate to your
chosen case in section II? How does this relate to your chosen vocabulary words and theory?

To receive a full grade on this assignment: (1) Post a photograph of your worksheet to the Critical Thinking padlet; (2)
Submit your three paragraphs to the “Wild Child Critical Thinking Assignment” on BlackBoard

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