HSEQ-QA-CMS0020-CIV-2914 CMS Dynamic Pile Test Rev1

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Palembang City Sewerage Project

Construction Method Statement for PDA Test




Revision History

Rev Date Description Author Reviewer Approver Approver

0 01/10/2020 For Review and Approval Doni Triatmojo Andri Ari S. Tommy W.A David F.

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Palembang City Sewerage Project
Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

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1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................3
1.1 Objective......................................................................................................3
1.2 Definition......................................................................................................3
1.3 Scope of Works...........................................................................................3
2 JOB RESPONSIBILITY......................................................................................3
2.1 Site Manager...............................................................................................3
2.2 Civil Engineer...............................................................................................4
2.3 Civil Supervisor............................................................................................4
2.4 HSE Officer..................................................................................................5
2.5 QC Inspector................................................................................................5
3 PROCEDURE.....................................................................................................6
3.1 Flowchart.....................................................................................................6
3.2 Safety Preparation.......................................................................................6
3.3 Testing Preparation.....................................................................................7
3.4 Testing Execution........................................................................................9
3.5 Reporting...................................................................................................10
4 ACTIVITY SCHEDULE / MILESTONES..........................................................11
5 CONSTRUCTION RESOURCES....................................................................11
5.1 Personnel & Training Requirements.........................................................11
5.2 Subcontractors & Suppliers.......................................................................11
5.3 Plant & Equipment.....................................................................................12
5.4 Material......................................................................................................13
6 INSPECTION & TESTING...............................................................................13
8 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL / SUBSTANCES....................................................15
9 HSE TASK ANALYSIS AND JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS..................................16
10 SAFETY PRECAUTION & PROGRAM........................................................16
11 QUALITY MANAGEMENT............................................................................17
11.1 Quality Assurance..................................................................................17
11.2 Quality Control........................................................................................17
12 REVIEW & APPROVAL................................................................................18
13 CMS BRIEFING SHEET...............................................................................19

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Palembang City Sewerage Project
Construction Method Statement for PDA Test


1.1 Objective
This method describes the general procedure of High Strain Dynamic Test. This
method statement is carried out to ensure the work executed safely and effective.
Metode ini menjelaskan tentang prosedur umum pelaksanaan pekerjaan penerimaan
material pancang. Metode kerja ini dibuat untuk memastikan pekerjaan berlangsung
dengan aman dan efektif.

1.2 Definition
Table 1. Project Definition

Project Name Palembang City Sewerage Project

Location Palembang City, South Sumatera

Owner Dinas Pekerjaan Umum & Penataan Ruang Kota Pelembang

Contractor MDI – PP KSO

1.3 Scope of Works

The scope of work explained on this method includes work sequences, preparation,
requirement of tools and materials, and the supporting system for pile material
Ruang Lingkup pekerjaan yang dijelaskan dalam metode ini mencakup tahapan
kerja, persiapan, kebutuhan alat dan bahan, dan sistem pendukungnya untuk
pekerjaan penerimaan material pancang.


2.1 Site Manager

• Prepare work to be carried out in safe conditions according to safety standards
and procedures
• Coordinate and communicate with contractor key persons, supervisor, civil
engineer, engineers and related parties in connection with such work

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Palembang City Sewerage Project
Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

• Monitor the implementation of occupational safety systems in the performance of

the work
• Provision all required resources, safe equipment, and safe environmental
• Provide Risk Assessment and Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA) to
reflect the current condition
• Mempersiapkan pekerjaan agar dilaksanakan dalam kondisi yang aman sesuai
standar dan prosedur keselamatan kerja
• Melakukan koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan personil utama proyek, supervisor,
tim teknik, konsultan, dan pihak terkait sehubungan dengan pekerjaan tersebut
• Memonitor pelaksanaan sistem keselamatan kerja dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan
• Menyediakan semua sumber daya yang dibutuhkan, alat yang aman, dan
lingkungan yang aman
• Menyediakan analisis resiko, analisis keamanan dan lingkungan pekerjaan
(JSEA) agar mencerminkan kondisi terkini

2.2 Civil Engineer

• Check the stages of work in the field
• Prepare work methods used as references in the field in the form of tools and
• Check drawing prior start the work
• Memeriksa tahapan pekerjaan di lapangan
• Menyiapkan metoda kerja yang digunakan sebagai acuan di lapangan berupa
alat, dan material
• Cek gambar sebelum memulai pekerjaan

2.3 Civil Supervisor

• Organize and supervise the work to conform to the implementation method and
pre-defined work order
• Provide solutions if there are deviations and obstacles that occur
• Ensure access safe to use for workers and emergency response
• Keep track of each job and the volume of work each day
• Conduct tool box meetings before carrying out the work

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Palembang City Sewerage Project
Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

• Communicate work plans to everyone involved

• Develop work methods according to the field conditions
• Report a daily work
• Mengatur dan mengawasi pekerjaan agar sesuai dengan Metoda Pelaksanaan
dan urutan pekerjaan yang telah ditentukan
• Memberikan solusi jika terdapat penyimpangan dan kendala yang terjadi
• Pastikan akses aman untuk digunakan pekerja dan respon darurat
• Mencatat setiap pekerjaan dan volume pekerjaan setiap hari nya
• Melakukan tool box meeting sebelum melaksanakan pekerjaan
• Mengkomunikasikan rencana kerja kepada semua orang yang terlibat
• Mengembangkan metode kerja sesuai dengan keadaan lapangan
• Membuat laporan kerja harian

2.4 HSE Officer

• Arrange tool box meeting in every working day in the morning time before work
• Ensure equipment, sign, support tools, work platform, and work area are inspected
safe to use by competent person
• Melaksanakan tool box meeting setiap pagi di hari kerja di sebelum pekerjaan
• Memastikan peralatan, rambu, alat bantu kerja, lantai kerja dan lokasi kerja aman
digunakan oleh orang yang berkompeten

2.5 QC Inspector
• Coordinating Work Inspection Request
• Conduct inspection of work in accordance with the stages mentioned in the ITP
and ensure the results of the work are made and stored properly
• Make a report of deviations that occur [NCR] and follow up
• Create a working quality report (RFI, ITP, ITR and Documentation)
• Mengkoordinir Permintaan Inspeksi Pekerjaan (WIR)
• Melaksanakan pemeriksaan hasil kerja sesuai dengan tahap-tahap yang tersebut
dalam ITP dan memastikan hasil pekerjaan dibuat dan disimpan dengan baik

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

• Membuat laporan penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang terjadi [NCR] dan

• Membuat laporan kualitas kerja (RFI, ITP, ITR dan Dokumentasi)


3.1 Flowchart


Work Permit
CEP Preparation
CMS Persiapan
Equipment & Manpower
Mobilization Persiapan Pengujian
Testing Preparation

Pelaksanaan Pengujian
Testing Execution



Figure 1. Flowchart

3.2 Safety Preparation

a. Install the safety equipment as described on JSEA and ensure all personnel use
their PPE according to their requirement.
Memasang perlengkapan keselamatan sesuai dengan JSEA dan memastikan
semua personil memakai APD sesuai kebutuhannya.
b. Do prestart meeting and daily inspection prior to work for each tools. Ensure
workers in fit/healthy condition for doing the work.
Lakukan prestart meeting dan pengecekan alat setiap hari sebelum memulai
pekerjaan. Pastikan pekerja dalam kondisi fit untuk melakukan pekerjaan.
c. Ensure the environmental is safe prior to commencing the works.
Pastikan lingkungan aman sebelum memulai pekerjaan.

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

d. Ensure traffic management before starting work.

Pastikan adanya manajemen lalu lintas sebelum memulai pekerjaan.
e. Ensure equipment have inspection and ready to use
Pastikan alat test sudah diinpeksi dan layak untuk digunakan.
f. Make sure the PDA Test has been properly prepared and approved by the client
for number and point.
Pastikan PDA Test sudah dipersiapkan dengan baik dan disetujui oleh client
untuk jumlah dan titiknya.
g. All unauthorized personnel are outside the lift area.
Semua personel yang tidak berwenang berada di luar area angkatan.

3.3 Testing Preparation

a. Pile test must have a minimun length af 3x diameter pile or minimun 1,5 m.
Supply 220 V, 60 Hz, 30 Amp of AC electrical power to operate the PDA
equipment. Direct current welders or non constant power sources are
Tiang uji harus mempunyai panjang diatas tanah 3x diameter pancang atau
minimal 1,5 m. Menyediakan arus listrik AC dengan daya 220 V, 60 Hz dan 30
Amp untuk mengoperasikan alat PDA. Daya listrik dari mesin las atau daya tidak
stabil tidak diperbolehkan.

1,5 m

Figure 2. Pile Test Minimum 1,5 m

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

b. PDA Test is carried out to estimate the axial bearing capacity of the pile. Provide
a suitable shelter to protect the PDA equipment and operator from conditions of
sun, water, wind and temperature. If necessary, the shelter to maintain a
temperature between 20 and 30 degrees C. Place the shelter within 75 ft (23 m)
of the pile such that the PDA cables reach the computer and the operator can
clearly observe the pile. The Engineer may waive the shelter requirement if
weather conditions allow.
Menyediakan tempat perlindunga untuk melindungi alat PDA dari kondisi panas
matahari, air, angin, dan temperature. Jika diperlukan dengan suhu 20-30 derajat
celcius. Letakan tempat perlindungan kurang lebih 15-20 m dari tiang, sehingga
kabel PDA dapat sampai dengan computer PDA dan operator dapat mengawasi
tiang. Tenaga ahli boleh mengabaikan temat perlindungan apabila cuaca
c. Drill up to a total of 16 bolt holes in either 2 or 4 sides of the pile, as directed by
the PDA Consultant or the Engineer, at an approximate distance equal to 3 times
the pile diameter below the head of the pile. If the PDA Consultant or the Engineer
choose to drill the bolt holes, provide the necessary equipment, tools and
assistance to do so. A hammer drill is required for concrete piles and up to 2
hours may be required to drill the holes.
Bor sampai dengan total 16 lubang baut di kedua sisi atau 4 sisi tiang, seperti
diarahkan oleh Konsultan PDA atau Engineer, dengan perkiraan jarak sama
dengan 3 kali diameter tiang di bawah kepala tumpukan. Jika Konsultan PDA
atau Engineer memilih untuk bor lubang baut, menyediakan peralatan yang
diperlukan, peralatan dan bantuanuntuk melakukannya. Sebuah bor palu
diperlukan untuk tiang pancang beton dan sampai 2 jam mungkin diperlukan
untuk mengebor lubang.

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

Figure 3. Strain Transducer and Accelerometer

3.4 Testing Execution

a. Monitor secara Menerus - Continues monitoring

Drive the pile to the required bearing capacity and specified tip elevation, if
applicable, as shown on the plans or as directed by the PDA Consultant or the
Engineer. During pile driving, the PDA will be used to evaluate, including but not
limited to, the following: hammer performance, bearing capacity, distribution of soil
resistance, pile driving stresses, energy transfer, pile integrity and various soil
Penumbukan tiang sampai dengan daya dukung yang diperlukan dan evaluasi
ujung tiang yang ditentukan, jika ada seperti yang di tunjukan pada rencana atau
seperti yang di arahkan oleh konsultan PDA atau insinyur. Selama melakukan
penumbukan, PDA akan digunakan untuk mengevaluasi data, termasuk tetapi
tidak terbatas pada : Kinerja palu, daya dukung, distribusti tahanan tiang, tekanan
maksimum dari tiang, transfer energi, keutuhan tiang dan berbagai parameter
b. Monitor Pukulan Ulang - Redrive Monitoring
When directed by the engineer, reattach the PDA instruments and restrike or
redrive the pile. Obtain the required stroke and penetration (at least 150 mm) or
as directed by the PDA operator or the Engineer. The PDA operator or the
engineer will record dynamic measurements during restriking and redriving. The
Engineer may require restriking and redriving more than once on the same pile.

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

The Engineer or PDA operator will determine when PDA testing has been
satisfactorily completed.
Ketika diarahkan oleh Engineer, pasang kembali instrumen PDA dan pukul ulang
tiang. Dapatkan stroke diperlukan dan penetrasi (setidaknya 150 mm) atau
sebagaimana diarahkan oleh Operator PDA atau Insinyur. PDA operator atau
Engineer akan mencatat pengukuran dinamis selama pemukulan ulang. Insinyur
mungkin memerlukan pemukulan ulang lebih dari sekali pada tiang yang sama.
Insinyur atau operator PDA akan menentukan kapan tes PDA telah selesai.

Figure 2. PDA Test Execution

3.5 Reporting
a. The report of all the tests shall be provided explaining how the results are laid out
and what they mean with a summary teble of the results.
Pengujian PDA. Laporan dari semua pengujian harus disediakan yang
menjelaskan bagaimana hasil diuraikan dan apa artinya dengan tabel ringkasan
b. The report shall consist of pille details, geotechnical information, equipment and
instrumentation used for the testing, result of field monitoring and CAPWAP
Laporan terdiri dari rincian pille, informasi geoteknik, peralatan dan instrumentasi
yang digunakan untuk pengujian, hasil pemantauan lapangan dan analisis
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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

Figure 3. Reporting


Table 3. Activity Schedule / Milestones

Estimated Commencement
Estimated Completion Date Duration (Day)
October 2020 Mei 2021 -


5.1 Personnel & Training Requirements

All equipment shall be operated by suitably qualified and experienced personnel.

Specialised labour requirements for the works that will be involved are divided into
function/role, qualification/license required and activity specific training required.
Semua peralatan harus dioperasikan oleh personel yang berkualifikasi dan
berpengalaman. Persyaratan tenaga kerja khusus untuk pekerjaan yang akan
dilibatkan dibagi menjadi fungsi / peran, kualifikasi / lisensi diperlukan dan
pelatihan khusus kegiatan yang diperlukan.

Table 4. Personnel & Training Requirements

Function / Role Qualification / licence Activity specific Training

Required Required
Supervisor Nil Nil

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

Function / Role Qualification / licence Activity specific Training

Required Required
PDA Operator Nil Nil

5.2 Subcontractors & Suppliers

Subcontractors & suppliers for the works will be involved are divided into scope of
works, name of subcontractor/suppliers, contact person and contact details.

Subkontraktor & pemasok untuk pekerjaan yang akan dilibatkan terbagi dalam
lingkup pekerjaan, nama subkontraktor / pemasok, contact person dan detail

Table 5. Subcontractors & Suppliers

Name of Sub- Contact Details

Scope of works Contact Person
contractor / Suppliers
PDA Test Megah Adhi Karya TBA TBA

5.3 Plant & Equipment

Plant and equipment associated with the works will be in good working order and
have the capacity to safely and efficiently do the work required. The type, size and
number of machines used will depend on the quantity of material, scheduling and
access restrictions. Necessary plant inspections and operator competency
assessments will be undertaken as part of the Project Safety Management Plan.
Plant dan peralatan yang terkait dengan pekerjaan akan berfungsi dengan baik dan
memiliki kapasitas untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang diperlukan dengan aman dan
efisien. Jenis, ukuran dan jumlah mesin yang digunakan akan tergantung pada
jumlah material, penjadwalan dan pembatasan akses. Inspeksi instalasi yang
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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

diperlukan dan penilaian kompetensi operator akan dilakukan sebagai bagian dari
Rencana Manajemen Keselamatan Proyek.
Table 6. Plant & Equipment

Powered Plant and Equipment required for Type of Works

the works:

PDA-8G Pile Driving Analyzer

Two strain transducer Measuring force

Two accelometer Measuring wave response on the pile

Connection cable Wireless transmitter

Tools Tools

5.4 Material

Materials incorporated into the works will be compliant with the IFC drawings,
technical specifications, relevant standards and manufacturer’s instructions.
Material yang dimasukkan ke dalam pekerjaan akan sesuai dengan gambar IFC,
spesifikasi teknis, standar yang relevan, dan instruksi pabrik.
Table 7. Material

Specific Material required for the works: Type of Works

Steel Pipe Pile Main Material


ITP(s) documents will be prepared to summarize inspection and testing protocols.

At predetermined stages of works, the appropriate inspections or tests shall be
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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

undertaken and submitted as specified. Subsequent works will then proceed upon
meeting the specified criteria.
Dokumen ITP akan disiapkan untuk meringkas protokol inspeksi dan pengujian.
Pada tahap pekerjaan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, inspeksi atau pengujian
yang sesuai harus dilakukan dan diserahkan sebagaimana ditentukan. Pekerjaan
selanjutnya akan dilanjutkan setelah memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan.
Table 8. Inspection & Testing

Person or organisation
ITP Number Title / scope responsible for

CIV-0004 Piles : Related Materials Putu Wisnu P.

PIL-0102 Tests On Pile Putu Wisnu P.



Hazard identification, risk assessment and control will be principally managed and
documented through use of the HSE Risk Register (HSEQ-HS-TEM003-GEN-ALL).
Relevant SWI’s, SOPs and EPIs will be implemented and followed. JSEA / SWMS’s
will be prepared to cover specific risks associated with the works.
Development and implementation of the JSEA / SWMS and the associated
documentation (SWI’s; SOP’s; EPIs; etc...) will be undertaken with the personnel
involved in the works. These documents can then be viewed by the Client’s
representative prior to work commencement.
All personnel will complete the project site induction before being allowed access to
the works. Operator competency will be recorded and plant inspections will be
undertaken prior to any activity commencing. Daily start up meetings will be
conducted and documented by Supervisors to ensure all safety measures are in
place for the day’s activities. OHS&E hazard identification, risk assessment &
control that will be involved are divided into JSEA, development responsibility (role)
and due by.
Identifikasi bahaya, penilaian dan pengendalian risiko pada prinsipnya akan dikelola
dan didokumentasikan melalui penggunaan HSE Risk Register (HSEQ-HS-
TEM003-GEN-ALL). SWI, SOP, dan EPI yang relevan akan diterapkan dan diikuti.

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

JSEA / SWMS akan disiapkan untuk menanggung risiko spesifik yang terkait
dengan pekerjaan.
Pengembangan dan implementasi JSEA / SWMS dan dokumentasi terkait (SWI;
SOP; EPI; dll ...) akan dilakukan dengan personel yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan.
Dokumen-dokumen ini kemudian dapat dilihat oleh perwakilan Klien sebelum
pekerjaan dimulai.
Semua personel akan menyelesaikan induksi lokasi proyek sebelum diizinkan
mengakses pekerjaan. Kompetensi operator akan dicatat dan inspeksi pabrik akan
dilakukan sebelum aktivitas dimulai. Pertemuan awal harian akan dilakukan dan
didokumentasikan oleh Supervisor untuk memastikan semua tindakan keamanan
tersedia untuk aktivitas hari itu. Identifikasi bahaya OHS & E, penilaian &
pengendalian risiko yang akan dilibatkan dibagi menjadi BEJ, tanggung jawab
pengembangan (peran) dan masa berlaku.
Table 9. OHS&E Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control

JSEA/SWMS Title / Activity description (What) Due By
Responsibility (Role)

14/MDI-PP/JSEA/X/2020 Pekerjaan Dynamic Pile

Site Manager 24/09/2020

Table 10. Required SWI for Activities / Tasks

Activity description (What) SWI (No. + Name)

Using Electric Equiment - IND Rev1.0 REF-HSEQ-HS-SWI014-GEN-IND-[BA]

Table 11. Environmental Aspects Identification, Risk Assessment & Controls

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

Implementation Responsibility
Aspect (What) Control (How)



Table 12. Hazardous Material / Substances

Hazardous Materials / Substance Specific task / activity it is required for


Note: the above list is not intended to be exhaustive, and is limited to the scope of work as identified
at the time of the Risk Register Workshop.


The HSE and Engineering to identified the following risks / hazards associated with
this work and a set Job Safety & Environment Analysis (JSEA) / Hazard
Identification, Risk Assessment to be prepared as per actual condition for each risk /
HSE dan Teknik untuk mengidentifikasi risiko / bahaya berikut yang terkait dengan
pekerjaan ini dan harus membuat format analisa keselamatan kerja & lingkungan
(JSEA) / identifikasi bahaya dan pengendalian resiko agar disiapkan sesuai dengan
kondisi nyata untuk setiap resiko/bahaya.


The purpose of the safety requirement is intend to guide the concerned personal such
as Site Manager, Civil Supervisor, Operator, and Worker or employees in managing
HSE during sheet pile installation and other general HSE activities.
Tujuan dari persyaratan keselamatan ini adalah untuk membimbing orang yang
bersangkutan seperti Site Manager, Supervisor, Operator, dan Pekerja atau

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karyawan dalam mengelola HSE selama pemasangan sheet pile dan kegiatan HSE
a. Key personnel at site shall provide PTW and approved job safety & environment
analysis (JSEA), and ensure all team involved working at the area on fit health for
work condition on daily basic, if the worker not in fit condition immediately shall
goes to the clinic and take a rest base on recommendation.
Personil utama di lapangan harus menyediakan PTW dan analisis keselamatan
kerja & lingkungan yang disetujui (JSEA), serta memastikan semua tim yang
terlibat bekerja di area pekerjaan dalam kondisi sehat yang sesuai dengan kondisi
kerja sehari-hari, jika pekerja tidak dalam kondisi sehat harus segera pergi ke klinik
dan mengambil istirahat berdasarkan rekomendasi.
b. Prior to start the work, all workers involved are to be recorded, briefed, fully
complied with mandatory PPE.
Sebelum memulai pekerjaan, semua pekerja yang terlibat harus dicatat, dibriefing,
dan sepenuhnya mematuhi PPE wajib.
c. Toolbox meeting prior start the work is mandatory for workers involved.
Toolbox meeting sebelum pekerjaan dimulai wajib bagi semua pekerja yang


11.1 Quality Assurance

a. Ensure the work is performed in accordance with the approved work methods.
Pastikan pekerjaan dilakukan sesuai dengan metode kerja yang disetujui.
b. The working method should be known by everyone involved in the job.
Metode kerja harus diketahui oleh semua orang yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan.
c. Providing an Inspection Test Plan (ITP) and ensuring the internal checks of
preparatory work have been fulfilled before the work is carried out.
Memberikan Rencana Uji Inspeksi (Inspection Test Plan / ITP) dan memastikan
pemeriksaan internal pekerjaan persiapan telah dilakukan sebelum pekerjaan
d. Identify all materials, tools, procedures, resources and management in order to
achieve good work.
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Identifikasi semua bahan, peralatan, prosedur, sumber daya dan manajemen agar
bisa mencapai hasil yang baik.

11.2 Quality Control

a. Controlling ITP and guaranteeing can be done.

Pengawasan ITP dan penjaminan bisa dilakukan.
b. Update ITP to improve the quality of work result.
Update ITP untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil kerja.
c. Preparing plans, procedures and work related documents.
Menyiapkan rencana, prosedur dan dokumen terkait pekerjaan.
d. The order of each job following the work method including termination.
Urutan setiap pekerjaan mengikuti metode kerja termasuk pemberhentian.
e. Conducting quality control on work results in accordance with ITP and ensuring the
records are stored properly.
Melakukan pengendalian kualitas hasil kerja sesuai dengan ITP dan memastikan
catatan disimpan dengan benar.

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Table 13. Review & Approval

Position Name Signature Date

Author: Engineer Doni Triatmojo

Reviewed By: Coordination Manager Andri Ari S.

Reviewed By: Supervisor Alam S.

Reviewed By: Site Manager Aris Suseno

Reviewed By: Quality Mgr Rep Putu Wisnu P.

Reviewed By: Safety Officer Rep Rizky Yuli I.

Approved By: Project Manager Tommy Wiranata A.

Approved By: Contractor’s Rep. David Forgan

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Prior to commencement of work covered by the CMS, arrange a briefing with the
delivery team. Areas to be covered should include :
Sebelum memulai pekerjaan yang dicakup oleh CMS, atur pengarahan dengan tim
yang dituju. Area yang akan dicakup harus mencakup:

 Key steps in the construction methodology

Langkah-langkah kunci dalam metodologi konstruksi
 Hazards and controls identified in the Construction Risk Assessment Workshop
Bahaya dan pengendalian diidentifikasi dalam Lokakarya Penilaian Risiko
 Plant and equipment required
Plant dan alat yang dibutuhkan
 Materials to be used including any hazardous chemicals and associated risk and
Bahan yang akan digunakan termasuk bahan kimia berbahaya dan risiko serta
kendali terkait
 Environmental Control
Kontrol lingkungan
 Any specific training qualifications or high risk work licenses required
Semua kualifikasi pelatihan khusus atau izin kerja berisiko tinggi diperlukan

This information will assist supervisors and their teams to develop any JSEAs required to
complete the work.

Informasi ini akan membantu supervisor dan timnya untuk mengembangkan JSEA yang
diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

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Construction Method Statement for PDA Test

Table 14. CMS Briefing Sheet

Name Signature Date

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