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1. Distinguish the difference between belief in spirits and belief in the Holy Spirit.

There are several differences between belief in spirits and belief in the Holy Spirit. One
of these is that belief in spirits is referring to the existence of spirits or spirit of someone
who died. On the other hand, belief in Holy Spirit is the existence of Holy Spirit which is
something sacred that will enable us to have strong faith. We actually need Holy Spirit in
life. More so, it is believed that spirits are said to be living with us until they are done with
their mission here on earth. Holy Spirit, in contrary, exists and living within us.
Furthermore, belief in spirits pertains to the spirits of our loved ones who are
continuously watching us over and serve as our guardian angels. They maybe physically
gone, but spiritually, they are not. Some spirits can actually communicate with us still.
Meanwhile, Holy Spirits can give us strength, attain the true essence of life and have a
faithful life which can be an instrument to be united with God.

2. What is the relationship between religion and spirituality?

The relationship between religion and spirituality is harmonious. There is a strong bond
or connection between the two. As a matter of fact, the two are interrelated with each
other. Religion and spirituality compliments each other. They have the same goal which
is faith. Both are sacred. Religion and spirituality balances our life.

3. Give at least two kinds of spiritual beliefs (animism) in the Philippines. What are the
reasons for having those spiritual beliefs?

One of the two kinds of spiritual beliefs(animism) in the Philippines is what we call
“Pagpag” which we do often after attending a wake. Before we go straight home, we go
first to other place to do pagpag. It is because it is believed that we need to do “pagpag”
in order not to bring the dead’s spirit at home as well as the dead will not follow us at
home. Although it’s just a belief, we obey it since nothing is wrong with it. The other kind
of spiritual belief (animism) in the Philippines is that we believe in saints. More so, we
believe that the saints have power to heal people and we have our guardian angels who
are watching us over. They are here to protect us all.

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