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Dungeon World

Secrets and Sorcery Pack

Seven new base classes for Dungeon World

the Archaeologist,
the Enchanter,
the Spy,
the Dragon Knight,
the Guardian,
the Reaper,
and the Baron
and new rules for stress and madness within the dungeon

For use with the role-playing game Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel

Written by Peter Johansen. Version January 24, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.
The Archaeologist The Enchanter

Of all the treasures to be found in Dungeon The greatest of crafts is not in gold or gems,
World, what could be more valuable than but in the power of magic itself. As elves
knowledge? The ancient secrets that have shape supple wood and dwarves the hard
lain hidden away under the earth in long-lost stone, your artisanship is that of
catacombs or forgotten temples to dead enchantments. Whether alchemist or
gods? The hidden places and knowledge can artificer, your laboratory can pour forth
be brought back into the light once again. magical wonders, limited only by your
imagination. With a deft carving of magic
You are at home equally among libraries runes you make a sword strike with the force
and dungeons, and equally adept at drawing of thunder, or a shield that can turn away
out the secrets from both. Panache is your flames.
weapon against the agents of the darkness,
cunning your shield against deadly traps and But there is always more magic out there for
dangerous passages. Ancient wisdom awaits your to experience. To truly master your
your discovery in the deep and hidden craft, you must be willing to test yourself
places of the world, and you have the tools against the powers of magic that lie in the
to discover it. deepest of dungeons, and to study these
ancient enchantments so yours will be
Of course, if you find some golden idol greater. Your knowledge of arcane forces
covered in jewels, that’s good too. Just be makes you a powerful, if bookish ally, to
ready to run when you grab it. those who seek to plunder such treasures for

The Archaeologist specializes in both

scholarly research and dungeon exploration. As the name suggests, the Enchanter deals in
They are able to research key information enchanted objects. Their skill is in both the
about dungeons and lead expeditions creation and comprehension of magical
through these most dangerous of places. things. The limits of what an enchantment is
Indiana Jones is an obvious touchstone to capable of is only the Enchanter’s
this class. imagination and their willingness to invest
their resources on the affair. In combat, the
Enchanter wields a rune-empowered weapon
to defend themselves.
The Spy The Dragon Knight

What fascinating secrets are exchanged right The relationship between dragons and
under the noses of the common folk! Who mortals is long and complex. Sometimes
would have guessed that their neighbors worshipped, often fought against, and
hold membership in a secret order? They always feared, no creature is more iconic of
never gather openly, only trading notes power and lordly might than the dragon. To
through hollowed-out trees or clandestine those who have proven themselves worthy
gestures. What does it mean when the baker of forging a bond with a dragon, they
advertises sweet rolls one day and biscuits become the most awe-inspiring of knights.
the next? Oh, you know. It means that he Whether a bloody tyrant or a defender of the
has the information on the duked you asked realm, someone riding a dragon into battle is
him to uncover for you. a sight that will not soon be forgotten.

Whether an agent of the state or the right You are one of these chosen few, who bear
hand of a criminal empire, the secrets of the honor of bonding their immortal soul to
Dungeon World are your trade, trickled in that of a dragon. Dragon-fire flows in your
from a network of informants and data veins, just as your valor links your new
handlers. You may not know who they are, mount to you forever. You work in tandem
but your network is everywhere, feeding you with your dragon to overcome even the
the information you need to do your job. greatest of enemies, but the link between
Even the most closely guarded secrets can you is far from perfect. After all, dragons are
fall into your hands, and these will be the not tractable creatures, and have a will of
dagger with which you strike from the their own. How will the two of you learn to
shadows. trust one another?

Knowledge is power.

The Dragon Knight is the most awe-

inspiring of mounted warriors, riding into
The Spy is a different take on the Thief, one battle atop a young dragon. The knight and
who specializes in information gathering. A their mount both influence one another, and
skilled rogue in their own right, the Spy maintaining a link of mutual respect and
takes a more social approach to the guile and trust between the two is key to their success.
stealth normally associated with the trade,
relying on a network of informants to give
them just the knowledge they need.
We’ve also included a compendium class
version, if you prefer your dragon and
knighthood to be earned through play.
The Guardian The Reaper

Terrible things lurk in every corner of Death gets such a bad reputation. Everyone
Dungeon World. While there is no shortage struggles in vain to hold off Death for just a
of men who are willing to take up arms to few more precious moments. They don’t
fight against monsters, your conviction understand Death like you do. Death is not a
burns far greater than most. You know that force to be feared, but to be celebrated and
the wickedness of a lone goblin pales in understood. When you face Death with your
comparison to the cruelties that men can soul at ease, his secrets will open to you.
inflict upon one another.
You do not worship Death, but you revere
There is a flame in your soul that cannot be him, and perform services in his name to
extinguished. The fire within you can give ease the suffering of the dearly departed.
warmth and comfort to your allies, but it can Whether psychopomp or exorcist, you are a
also be used to destroy. When faced with the trusted lieutenant in Death’s service,
outrages of the world, the fire in you rises keeping his estate in order against those who
like an inferno, empowering you to mete out would despoil it or try to defy his judgment.
justice at the point of a sword. Against evil Through your deeds, the restless dead of
and injustice, you are judge, jury, and Dungeon World can finally be set to peace
executioner. To the ones you defend, not beyond the Black Gates.
even the wrath of Hell itself can turn aside
your shield. But will you be ready when your time
comes? What deals will Death make with
Sometimes terrible things happen to good you?
people. But you’re not one of the good
people. You’re one of the terrible things.
Like Death, the Reaper performs a valuable
service, helping the dearly departed rest in
The Guardian is both a defensive warrior peace while cleaning away any lingering
and a passionate force of justice. More spirits or undead which try to mar his order.
secular than the Paladin, the Guardian’s The Reaper focuses more on the dead and
power is in their conviction. When their the undead than the Cleric, and has a
righteous anger burns, they are a force to be stronger set of tools to defeat or comfort the
reckoned with. lost souls of Dungeon World.
The Baron

Through birthright or deeds, you are among We’ve included a new set of rules for
the world’s elite. You have earned the right dealing with stress and horror that builds off
to call yourself Lord over a stronghold, and of the Steel mechanics found in our previous
the lands it protects. Backed by your party publication. These rules deal with the long-
of loyal retainers, you are a shepherd to your term impacts of madness as well as the
people, guiding the growth of your lands and management of the stress that comes from
delivering justice to villains. Through your diving headfirst into danger and
deeds and wisdom, a humble hamlet may unfathomable evil, making them suitable for
grow into a mighty city. games that deal with horror or insanity, or
for groups that wish to explore the
But being a Baron is no life of idle luxury.
emotional impact that comes from dungeon
Foes from both outside and within your
walls seek to take what is rightfully yours.
Ravening hordes and scheming rivals both
covet your lands. When the walls of your
stronghold shield your people against the We’ve also included a compendium class
darkness of Dungeon World, do they also version of the Baron for character who earn
keep close the one who would betray you, their strongholds the hard way.
plotting your demise in the shadows?

Also, that butler you sent down into the For every story that we tell, the world gains
wine cellar yesterday hasn’t been seen since. that much more wonder. I remain grateful
You should probably look into that. for the support of my colleagues in the
Dungeon World G+ community, and the
valuable advice and critiques they have
The Baron is Dungeon World’s answer to given to help me refine and polish my ideas.
Apocalypse World’s Hardholder. The Baron Once again, I give due credit and thanks to
begins with control of their own personal Johnstone Metzger and Jeremy Strandberg
keep, and gives them the tools to grow and in particular. I would also like to
defend it as they see fit. However, this does acknowledge Robert Doe, David Perry, and
not mean that the Baron is entitled to an Andrea Serafini for their own contributions
unlimited safe haven! The stronghold is a to this body of work, and all the players of
magnet for both danger and intrigue. To Dungeon World around the world. This
maximize the stronghold’s potential, the work is dedicated to you, and all stories that
Baron must journey outside of their gates are yet to be told. Play to find out.
and face the threats to his lands head-on.
Dwarf: Garin, Daltri, Harrak, Rulin, Kaja, Brall, Nyssa, Gwillen Clever Eyes, Shrewd Eyes, or Glasses
Halfling: Bolger, Garret, Odo, Mellyn, Portia, Frega, Lirrin, Nelmi Untidy Hair, Balding, or Wide-Brimmed Hat
Human: Byron, Gertrude, Lawrence, Chapman, Fredrick, Morley, Virginia, Tatiana, Salah Weathered Clothing, Scholarly Clothing, or Practical Clothing
Tanned Body, Rugged Body, or Portly Body

o Good Antiquarian
Prevent an artifact or secret knowledge from being used to hurt When you closely examine an artifact or a piece of lost technology for the first time,
others. roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask the GM three of the following questions. *On 7-9, ask two. *On
a 6-, ask two anyway, but the GM will give you a false answer for one of them.
o Neutral • Who created this object and how old is it?
Discover long-lost knowledge or a culturally significant artifact • What is the purpose of this object, or what does it do?
or place. • Who would find this object valuable?
• How is this object dangerous to me?
o Chaotic • How is this object activated?
Leap into danger without a plan. • What has been done to or with it recently?
• What’s wrong with it and how could it be fixed?

Race W hip Tricks

o Dwarf A whip is a powerful tool in your hands. You can use your whip to grab small, unattended
When you use Antiquarian, the GM will always truthfully tell objects within reach range and swing upon it like a grappling hook, all without Defying
you who created the object and how old it is in addition to the Danger.
move’s other results, even on a miss.
You cannot Hack and Slash with your whip. Instead, when you crack your whip at an
o Halfling enemy within reach, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one:
You can always ask the GM “Where’s the best hiding place • You entangle one of their limbs, preventing them from using it as long as you
around here?” and get an honest answer. keep your whip wrapped around them
• You avoid any retaliation or counterattack
o Human • You move them to any place within reach range
When you Make Camp, if you possess adventuring gear with • You knock them prone or off-balance; the next person who takes advantage of
less than 5 uses, gain 1 use of that adventuring gear. this takes +1 forward
• You make them drop an object they are holding

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: When you spend at least a full day researching old tomes, dusty maps, and bits of lore
about a nearby location, roll+INT. *On a 10+, choose two from the list. *On a 7-9,
I need ___________’s help to find a valuable treasure. choose one. *On a 6-, choose one anyway, but don’t describe it yet. Instead, ask the GM
what it will cost you or what you must do to gain that benefit.
• You find part of a map, draw it out or otherwise present it to the group.
___________ may be the brawn of this group, but I’m the brain. • You learn of a trap or similar hazard, describe it and hold +1 preparation.
• You learn of a dangerous enemy or group in the area, describe and/or name
___________ joined me on my first expedition, and they’re still them and hold +1 preparation.
willing to work with me after the... you know. • You learn of a valuable treasure, describe it and where it’s kept.
• You learn something useful about the area’s history, layout, or politics; tell us
___________ thinks I take too many needless risks, but what do
they know? • You gain something that will be particularly useful in there (a key, a password,
etc.), tell us what you got.

Your Load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) a whip (1 weight), and a map to
someplace hidden, tell us where! Choose two:
o A bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Bandages (3 uses), antitoxin, and a short sword (close, 1 weight)
o A hand crossbow (near, reload, 1 weight) and a pack of bolts (3 ammo, 1

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Academic Reputation
When you Parley with someone who highly respects knowledge or o Careful Explorer
history, you may roll with INT instead of CHA. When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, you always spot trouble in
advance, as if you had taken the scout role and rolled a 10+. You can also
o Bookworm take on a second job, roll for it as normal.
When you make the Research move, you get +1 preparation in addition to
any of the move’s other effects. o Investigator
Requires: Sleuth
o Danger Sense When you Discern Realities, up to two of your questions can by anything,
When you take a moment to survey an area, you may ask the GM “Is there not limited by the list.
an ambush or trap here?” If the answer is “yes”, roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask
the GM three questions from the list below. *On a 7-9, ask one. o Master Looter
• What will trigger the trap or ambush? Requires: Treasure Hunter
• What will happen once it’s triggered? When you obtain a valuable treasure or artifact for the first time, hold 4
• How could it be disarmed or thwarted? on Treasure Hunter instead of 2.
• What else should I be on the lookout for?
o Mola Ram
o Moment of Insight When you use a magical item and force it to obey your will, instead of
When something supernatural makes you Defy Danger, take +1 forward using its effects as written, roll+INT. *On a 10+, you control the degree and
to Spout Lore about that threat. extent of its effects. *On a 7-9, you direct its effects, but choose one:
• You break it; it cannot be used again until it is fixed.
o Simon Belmont • You lose control, producing additional, unwanted effects.
Add the following option to the Whip Tricks list:
• You deal your damage o Society of Explorers
Requires: Well-Connected
o Sleuth When you make the Well-Connected move, on a hit your contact will also
When you Discern Realities, the GM will always tell you what happened have some useful information for you; choose an option from the Researcher
here recently in addition to the move’s other results, even on a miss. list for free once you have time to talk with them.

o Sneaky o Perfect Planning

Gain a move from the thief playbook. When you Defy Danger, you may spend 1 preparation to roll with INT
instead of whatever the GM says.
o Treasure Hunter
When you obtain a valuable treasure or artifact for the first time, hold 2. o Professor
Spend a hold to gain one of the following benefits: When you make the Antiquarian move, on a 12+ you may answer one of the
• Take +1 forward to Defy Danger questions yourself. Whatever you say, it is the truth.
• Deal +1d6 damage forward, no more than once per attack
• Heal yourself for 1d8 HP o Very Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook.
o W ell-Connected
When you declare that you know someone who can help you solve a task, o W hip Perfection
describe that person and roll+CHA. *On a hit, you can get help from your Replaces: Whip Mastery
contact. *On a 7-9, there’s a catch, choose one and explain why this is: When you use Whip Tricks, on a hit choose one additional option, and add
• You owe them a debt, or their help will cost you the following options to the list:
• You snatch an object they held or were guarding. Now it’s yours!
• Reaching them will be inconvenient or dangerous
• They’re not exactly trustworthy or reliable
o W hy’d it Have to be Snakes?
• They hold some enmity towards you
When you Spout Lore about a monster, on a 12+, in addition to the normal
effects, you may ask the GM any one question about the subject. Take +1
o W hip Mastery forward when acting on that information.
When you use Whip Tricks, on a 12+ choose three options from the list.
Dwarf: Andvare, Brokir, Silbar, Holda, Thora, Jari, Tongus, Clarana, Rosina, Zula Wise Eyes, Shrewd Eyes, or Curious Eyes
Elf: Arathel, Barien, Xylinna, Sedana, Eredania, Nalthanis, Dalinna, Mahtan Pointy Hat, Neat Hair, or Velvet Hood
Human: Karn, Argus, Orland, Lucan, Erin, Jalane, Nerida, Cwenhild, Tania Formal Robes, Runed Robes, or Travelling Robes
Stained Fingertips, Glowing Tattoos, or Crystal Glasses

o Good Craft Enchantments
Create something that helps someone else. You possess a kit of magical supplies and tools, which you use to place enchantments
upon mundane objects. It can hold an amount of Stock equal to your WIS+3. When you
o Neutral spend several hours in safety gathering and purifying reagents, refill your Stock to its
Discover something about a magical mystery. maximum.

When you set out to enchant an object, tell the GM what effect you want to accomplish
o Evil
and how you mark the object, then spend 1-3 Stock and roll+Stock spent. *On a 10+,
Gain power or influence for yourself at someone else’s expense.
choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• The enchantment is permanent, as long as the mark remains whole and
Race •
The enchantment does not have any known side effects
o Dwarf • The enchantment does not have any weird limitations
When you enchant an object that you have made with your *On a 6-, the item is cursed. The GM will tell you the nature of the curse, but only after it
own hands, take +1. is too late.

o Elf A given object can hold only one enchantment, but you can always end any enchantment
When you enchant an object, your mark is invisible to anyone you create by erasing your markings. Any item you enchant always has at least 1 weight.
who isn’t an elf.
Analyze Dweomer
o Human When you closely examine a magical object for the first time, roll+INT. *On a 10+, ask
When you duplicate an enchantment you have studied or the GM three of the following questions. *On 7-9, ask two. *On a 6-, ask two anyway, but
made before, you are refunded 1 Stock after rolling. the GM will give you a false answer for one of them.
• What does this do?
• How is it activated?
• Who created this object and how old is it?
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • Who used this object last?
• What has been done to or with it recently?
__________ needs me to do the heavy thinking, and I need them • What’s wrong with it and how could it be fixed?
to do the heavy lifting.

Ironically, __________ seems to have enchanted me.

Runic W eapon
When you mark a melee weapon with runes of battle and spend 1 Stock, choose one of
I have enchanted something for __________ before, but it didn’t the following options; the effect lasts until you erase your mark. The enchantment will
work out well. only function for you; you can’t enchant someone else’s weapon in this way.
o Rune of the Sun: The weapon sheds light at your command, about the equivalent
of a torch, and can affect insubstantial monsters as if they were solid.
o Rune of Thunder: Your weapon strikes like thunder, add the forceful tag.
o Rune of the Mountain: You may Defend with WIS instead of CON while you
wield this weapon.
o Rune of Ice: Your weapon chills your foes to the bone, add the stun tag.
o Rune of the Moon: While you wield this weapon you get +1 armor, and an
additional +2 armor against magic.

Your load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a Describe your enchanter’s tools:
staff (close, 2-handed, 1 weight) and your enchanting tools (1 weight). o Made patiently by my own hands
Choose two: o Passed down from my mentor, and my mentor’s mentor...
o Enchanted robes (1 armor, 1 weight) o A gift or reward from someone important
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight) o Stolen from a place of ancient power
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) o Many pouches of ground herbs, plants, and tree bark
o Bottles of carefully-mixed chemical compounds
o A wooden case of inks and brushes
o Jars of specially consecrated clays, paints and chalk
o A bag of crystals and semi-precious stones

S to ck:

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Admixture
While you are in an appropriate laboratory or place of power, when you o Enchanter’s Soul
roll+Stock spent, you are refunded 1 Stock after rolling. When you have time and safety with a magic item in a place of power,
you can empower that item so that its effects are amplified the next time you
o Affinity for M agic use it. The GM will tell you exactly how.
When you Discern Realities, on a hit, you may ask the GM “What here is
magical or enchanted?” in addition to your other questions. o Enchanter’s W ill
When you use a magical item and force it to obey your will, roll+INT.
*On a 10+, you control the degree and extent of its effects. *On a 7-9, you
o Battle Enchanter direct its effects, but choose one:
When you attack with your runic weapon, your damage die is a d8. • It is damaged and cannot be used again until repaired
• It slips out of your control, creating additional, unwanted effects
o Enduring Mark
When you create an enchantment, the markings you make will withstand the o Eternal M ark
ravages of time and nature. Only someone deliberately acting to remove your Replaces: Enduring Mark
mark can do so, and even then they take 1d6 damage of magical backlash When you create an enchantment, the markings you make cannot be
when they do. This does not affect you willingly erasing your own mark, removed by anything short of magic, and even then the person dispelling
which you can always do without risk. your mark takes 2d6 damage of magical backlash. This does not affect you
willingly erasing your own mark, which you can always do without risk.
o Hermetic Circle
When you draw a magical circle on the floor or ground and spend 1 o Master Craftsman
Stock, roll+INT. *On a 10+, you get both effects. *On a 7-9, choose one: When you craft an enchantment, on a 12+ the GM will tell you one further
• Name a type of creature, they cannot enter or leave the circle thing you can do to perfect your enchantment. When you do it, you get the
• No magic, save your own, can enter or leave the circle third option from the list.

o Maker’s Tether o Runic Mastery

When you concentrate, name an object you have enchanted. The GM will Requires: Runic Empowerment
tell you approximately where it is, as long as the enchantment is still intact. When you mark your weapon with runes, choose two runes instead of one.

o Risky Enchantment o Soulforger

When you craft an enchantment, you may choose to spend zero Stock. If you You may now enchant living objects, including people. Your subject must be
do, make the roll at -1. either willing or restrained for you to enchant them.

o Spellbreaker
o Runic Empowerment Add the following question to Analyze Dweomer:
Add the following runes to the Runic Weapon list:
• How can I remove or negate the magic on this object?
o Rune of Doom: Name a type of monster, the weapon deals +1d6
damage to the chosen type
o Tricky Enchantment
o Rune of Flame: Add the fiery tag
Replaces: Risky Enchantment
When you craft an enchantment, you may choose to spend zero Stock. If you
o Sagacity do, make the roll at +0.
When you use Analyze Dweomer, the GM will always truthfully tell you
what the object does, even on a 6-. o W ar Enchanter
Requires: Battle Enchanter
o W orldly Scholar When you attack with your runic weapon, you roll with WIS instead of the
When you Parley with someone who highly respects knowledge or the usual stat.
arcane, you may roll with INT instead of CHA.
o W ealth of Knowledge
When you Spout Lore or use Analyze Dweomer, on a 12+, GM will also ask
you a question about the subject. Whatever you answer, it is the truth.
Like you’d ever let anyone know your real name! Choose a name from another playbook Sharp Eyes, Shifty Eyes, or Monocle
that no one else is using. Hooded Head, Wide-Brimmed Hat, or Stylish Hair
Dark Clothing, Nondescript Clothing, or Stolen Clothing
Rotund Body, Lean Body, or Sexy Body

o Evil Network
Eliminate a threat to your society or employer. You have a group of informants and scouts who can trade information with you, describe
who or what they are! Every steading will have at least one contact from your network for
o Chaotic you to meet. When you spend some time trading information with one of your
Disrupt a power structure or organization. contacts, hold 2 plus your CHA. When you consult your contact’s intel, spend a hold to
ask the GM one of the following:
• What’s the greatest danger here?
o Neutral
Break into a secure place without being detected. • Where is __________ hidden?
• Where could I best hide or blend in around here?
• Who can help me out around here?
Background • Is there a trap or ambush here, and if so, where?
Choose any race, then choose how you came to be a spy: • Where’s my best way in, out, or through this place?
• Who does __________ serve?
o Criminal Mastermind • What does __________ most desire?
When you spend hold from Network to ask if a trap or • How can I best serve my society or employer around here?
ambush is present and get an answer of “No”, roll a d6. On a After meeting your contact, you must come up with some new information to pass on
3 or higher, the spent hold is refunded to you. before you can meet then again and gain more hold from this move.

o State Agent
Sleight of Hand
Hirelings you Recruit have +1 Loyalty.
When you pick locks or pockets, disarm a trap, or escape restraints, roll+DEX. *On a
10+ you succeed unnoticed, no problem. *On a 7-9 you are still successful, but the GM
o Private Investigator will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.
When you Discern Realities, the GM will always tell you what
happened here recently in addition to the move’s other results,
even on a miss. Cloak and Dagger
You are trained to fight dirty. When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a
melee weapon, either deal your damage or roll+DEX. *On a 10+ choose two. *On a 7-9,
choose one:
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • You deal your damage, ignoring armor
• One of their limbs or senses of your choice is crippled for a few moments
I know a dirty secret about ____________, but they don’t know • You disengage from combat before they can retaliate against you
• No one notices you make your attack, and your target doesn't make a sound
____________ has some ties to my organization or employer.

I’ve worked with ____________ before on a job; they’re


____________ is the most likely one to betray us, I’d better

watch my back around them.

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and a
set of thieves’ tools (2 weight). Choose three:
o Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight)
o Stiletto (hand, 1 weight), which is never found even if you are searched
o 3 throwing knives (thrown, near, 0 weight)
o Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Antitoxin
o 10 coins

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Acquisition
When you put out word to your contacts about something you want or o Black Ops
need, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone has it, just for you. *On a 7-9, you’ll When you use Cloak and Dagger, on a 12+ you get three choices from the
have to settle for something close or it comes with strings attached, your call. list.

o Agent Provocateur o Enigma

When you spend some time trading gossip in a community, roll+CHA. No force can make you betray your colleagues, not even Death itself. Any
*On a hit, you learn of an interesting opportunity nearby. *On a 10+, you can attempts to scry on your location, read your thoughts, or manipulate your
also start a rumor of your own; it will spread like wildfire. mind fail.

o Backup o Fade Away

While you are in a steading, you can spend a hold from Network to have an While you stay still or act meek and unobtrusive, even in broad daylight,
agent of your organization accompany you for one task. Treat them as a people only notice you if they are looking for you specifically.
hireling with skill points equal to your level, loyalty equal to your CHA, and
the cost, “service to our society”. After completing your task, they leave you o Field Agent
unless you spend another hold. You can spend preparation as if it were hold on Network.

o Blackmailer o Master Impersonator

Add the following option to Network: Replaces: Impersonation
• What could I use as leverage against __________? When you disguise yourself as a specific person, you look just like them.
Your actions may give you away, but anyone who does not know the person
o Data Handler intimately will be fooled by your appearance. When you meet someone who
When you gain hold from Network, you gain 1 additional hold. is intimately associated with the person you are impersonating,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are fooled, even by strange behavior, until you
o Impersonation give yourself away for certain. *On a 7-9, they are already suspicious of you.
When you disguise yourself as a specific person, roll+CHA. *On a 10+,
only that person’s most intimate associates can tell the difference. *On a 7-9, o Sealed Fate
only those who do not know the person are fooled. Add the following option to Network:
• How is __________ vulnerable to me?
o In Your Shadow
When you follow or shadow someone, roll+DEX. *On a 10+, you find out o Secret Stash
exactly what they’re up to without arousing suspicion. *On a 7-9, it’s either You may spend a hold from Network to reveal a stash of useful equipment
an impression of their doings or you can reveal yourself to learn more. hidden nearby, the GM will tell you what you got.

o Incognito o Social Psychology

When you blend into a crowd or the shadows, foes never spot you until When you Parley, on a hit you can ask their player a question from the
you draw attention to yourself or leave your cover. You can move while Network list, they must answer it truthfully to the best of their knowledge.
remaining in your cover, but no faster than a leisurely walk. This information comes from a slip of the tongue or their body language
giving it away. On a 10+ they don’t notice that they gave up their
o License to Kill information, on a 7-9 they do.
When you deal damage with a weapon with a range of hand or the
precise tag, deal +1d4 damage. o Very Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook.
o Sneaky
Gain a move from the thief playbook. o W eb of Contacts
When you put out word to your contacts that you want to meet with
someone, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, someone can set up a meeting, with
circumstances in your favor. *On a 7-9, you can meet with them, but there
are strings attached or the circumstances are less than ideal.
Names: Taya, Daine, Mallory, Shana, Ricard, Freya, Xaldin, Isabel, Minerva, Glenn Golden Eyes, Wary Eyes, or Disdainful Eyes
Ornate Helmet, Winged Circlet, or Fiery Hair
Dragon Names: Brodahmik, Heyvkaal, Venahkrin, Centhylion, Frethiel, Benthylios, Burnished Armor, Gilded Armor, or Crested Surcoat
Kenzodomu, Morokegos, Rovostraza, Strunvahlok, Tyraxes, Aurion Long Shanks, Regal Bearing, or Unblemished Body

o Lawful How to Train Your Dragon
Deliver justice to an evildoer. Your soul is linked with that of a young dragon, about the size of a horse. Give your
dragon a name! As long as you treat your dragon with respect, it will usually obey you.
o Good Your dragon is capable of speech like a human. When you whistle loudly for your
Endanger yourself to protect someone weaker than you. dragon when it is not nearby, it will quickly arrive at your side in dramatic fashion.
When your dragon dies, so do you, and vice versa.
o Evil
You have a stat called Link. Your Link is equal to your link stat, which depends on what
Gain wealth or power for yourself at someone else’s expense.
kind of dragon you ride. Your Link can never be less than zero. When you would reduce
your Link below zero, your dragon instead refuses to obey your orders for a while.
Dragon Choose a cost; your dragon expects its cost to be paid regularly like a hireling’s would.
When you pay your dragon’s cost, reset your Link to the value of your link stat.
Choose any race, then choose the type of dragon you ride: o Gold and jewels
o The blood of its enemies, specify who or what they are
o Chromatic Link stat: +CON o Ancient knowledge and magics
Your dragon is no stranger to combat, and neither are you. When o The cowering obeisance of mortals
you Defend, take +1 armor forward.
Choose three moves for your dragon. When you command your dragon to perform a
o Metallic Link stat: +WIS move it knows, roll+Link. *On a 10+, the move is done, no problem. *On a 7-9, the move
Your dragon is quite sociable, and so are you. You can write one happens, but there’s either a consequence or limitation, or reduce your Link by 1. If a
extra Bond with your companions, giving you a total of four. move would deal damage, roll your own damage die.
o Strike with fang and claw o Intimidate with a mighty roar
o Gemstone Link stat: +INT o Belch forth elemental fury o Harry from the air
Your dragon will always accept crystals as payment of its cost. o Scout from high above o Flap its wings to create a gust of wind
o Hunt or track by scent o Recall ancient lore

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: Your dragon is capable of flight, and can carry you and one passenger with it. When you
fly upon your dragon for a great distance or to someplace dangerous, say where you
____________ was with me when I first met my dragon. are going and roll+Link. *On a hit, you get where you need to be. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• A threat is waiting for you when you arrive
I’ve been burned by ____________ before, if you know what I • The ride exhausts or injures your dragon, and it cannot fly until it gets some rest
mean. • Reduce your Link by 1
• It takes longer than you expected to get where you want
My dragon seems to like ____________; they must be someone
I can trust. Voice of Fire
When you publicly impress yourself upon a group of people, by words or deeds,
roll+CHA. *On a 10+ the GM chooses two NPCs present that you have impressed and a
reaction. *On a 7-9, the GM chooses one. *On a 6-, you’ve attracted some unwanted
• They back you up, stand by your side, or support your cause.
• They come to you with something they think you want, need or could use.
• They come to you with valuable information.

Your load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), Choose a look for your dragon:
chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight), and a symbol of the bond between you and Great Horns, Barbels, or Ridged Crest
your dragon, describe it! Choose your armament: Sinuous Body, Powerful Body, or Spiny Body
o Spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight) and shield (+1 armor, 2 weight) Shining Scales, Stony Scales, or Fine Scales
o Recurve bow (near, 1 weight) and bundle of arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight)
o Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight) Choose strengths for your dragon equal to your
Choose one: Link:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight) Swift, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, agile,
o Broadsword (close, 1 weight) ferocious, intimidating, keen senses, cunning
o Poultices and herbs (2 uses, slow, 1 weight)
o Something that would satisfy your dragon’s cost, tell us what! Choose one weakness for your dragon:
Flighty, headstrong, prideful, hot-tempered,
vindictive, arrogant, easily distracted

L ink:

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Battle Standard
You have a symbol of some kind that you use to inspire others—maybe not a o Burninator
literal standard, but something visible and obvious. When you raise your When you command your dragon to use a move that deals damage, on a
standard in support of a cause, anyone who joins that cause gains 1d6 10+ add two of the following tags to the attack: piercing 3, forceful, messy,
temporary hit points until you lower your standard (by your own choice or area. On a 7-9, add one tag.
not) or they turn away from your cause. Any damage they take must reduce
these temporary hit points before being applied to their own hit points. o Conflagration
Requires: Ignition
o Dragon Eye When you draw upon the fire within your soul, roll+Link. *On a hit, you
You can always see through your dragon’s eyes as if they were your own, no breathe fire; deal your damage to all creatures in the path of the flames. *On
matter the distance. a 7-9, you also either deal your damage to yourself (ignoring armor), or the
flames get out of control.
o Faerie Dragon
Your dragon can shrink itself to the size of a housecat or back to its normal o Dragon Heart
size at your command, no need to roll. While in this small form your dragon When you Make Camp, hold 1. When you would reduce your Link, you may
cannot use any of its other moves. It can still fly, it just can’t carry you. spend this hold instead of reducing your Link.

o Fáfnir o Gold Standard

Treasure can never hide from you. When you are in the presence of Requires: Battle Standard
something hidden and valuable, you spot it right away. Those who join the cause you raise your standard for gain 2d6 temporary hit
points, instead of 1d6.
o Fiery Crusader
Gain a move of your level or lower from the paladin or immolator playbook. o Loyal Unto Death
When your dragon takes a blow that was meant for you, the damage is
o Ignition negated, but reduce your Link by 1.
When you draw dragon-wrath into your weapon, the weapon gains the
fiery tag as long as you wield it. o My Armor Is Like Tenfold Shields
While you are riding your dragon, you have armor equal to your Link.
o Mighty Charge
When you charge an enemy while riding your dragon, your attack is o My Teeth Are Swords, My Claws Spears
forceful and deals +1d6 damage, but on a 7-9 you are also dismounted after Requires: Mighty Charge
the attack. When you deal damage while riding your dragon, add your Link to the
o Targaryen o Paragon of Flame
Heat and flame can no longer harm you (though they can still burn or melt Gain a move of your level or lower from the paladin or immolator playbook.
your possessions).
o Thundering Voice
o W atch How I Soar When you use Voice of Fire, on a 12+ you can instead choose one NPC
When you use Dragonrider, on a 10+ choose one of the following: specifically to impress. The GM chooses their reaction from the list.
• You get there much quicker than you expected
• You get the drop on any danger waiting for you there o W yrm-Tongue
You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this world will
o W ell-Trained understand what you say, and you can understand them.
Choose another move for your dragon from the list.
Dwarf: Maran, Halnar, Donarak, Varas, Balgrim, Armeril, Skori, Kalna, Haegara Hard Eyes, Wary Eyes, or Eyepatch
Human: Wallace, Bertrand, Roger, Tomoe, Maeve, Emilia, Caterina, Halvard, Sigmund Helmet, Bald, or Long Ponytail
Old Uniform, Tattered Clothing, or Rust-Stained Clothing
Scarred Body, Bulky Body, or Toned Body


o Good I’ll Be There For You
Suffer or endure hardship so that someone else does not have to. When you make a promise to protect someone, they become your ward. You may only
have one ward at a time. When you Defend your ward, you get the following benefits:
o Lawful • You take +1 armor forward
Fulfill a promise to protect someone during a dangerous journey • If you get a 6- on your Defend roll, treat it as a 7-9 instead
or situation. • Add the following option to Defend: “Give your ward an opportunity to escape a
dangerous situation
o Chaotic
Upstage, humiliate, or dethrone an unjust or evil authority figure.
Payback Time
Choose two things that make you burn with righteous anger when you encounter them:
Race o Bullying, slavery, and oppression
o Dwarf o Wanton cruelty and unnecessary suffering
Choose a specific type of foe, such as demons, goblin-kin, o Injustice and inequality
dragon-kin, or undead. When you enter battle with your o Cowardice, treachery, and selfishness
chosen foe, you burn with righteous anger. o Threats to your loved ones
o The despoiling of beauty and innocence
o Violence to children, animals, and the innocent
o Human o Perversions of nature
You’re an experienced bodyguard. While you are Defending,
you do not need to spend hold to redirect an attack from the When you burn with righteous anger, hold 3 Payback. When you act on your anger,
thing you are defending to yourself; you just do it. spend a Payback to:
• Act despite pain, fear, or doubt
• Act suddenly and with conviction, catching your foe off-guard
• Add +1d6 damage and the forceful tag to your next attack
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
• Stand fast, keeping your position, stance, and course despite what befalls you
• Throw off the effects of being stunned, confused, or enchanted
__________ was one of my first wards, but things have changed
between us since then.
When there are no threats to you or your ward in sight, lose all of your held Payback.
I’ve saved __________’s life more than once.

__________ is always getting into trouble, I must protect them

from themselves. Make a Stand
When you call out someone’s villainous actions and demand they stand down,
__________ has been on the wrong side of my wrath before. roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they choose one:
• Cease what they are doing and back off
• Focus their attention on you and attack, and you take +1 forward against them
*On a 7-9, they can choose either of the above, or:
• Dissemble, stall, make excuses, defer to another, or argue the point

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
chain mail (1 armor, 1 weight), a shield, (+1 armor, 1 weight), and a melee
weapon of your choice (close, 1 weight). Choose one:
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o Healing potion
o Antitoxin and bandages (3 uses)
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Armored
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear. o Avenging Strike
When you spend a hold from Defend to deal damage, you deal +1d4
o Bastion damage and scar, mark, or diminish your target in some way, the GM will
When you Defend someone you have a bond with, you take +Bond armor tell you how.
forward. This is in addition to the armor bonus if they are your ward.
o Beacon of Hope
o Bodyguard When you make a stand against the darkness while in sight of your
When you use your promise of protection as leverage, you may Parley ward, your ward holds 1 Payback, which they can spend just like you can.
with CON instead of CHA, but on a hit they must become your ward until
your promise is fully kept. o Eternal Flame
If you are reduced to zero HP while you hold Payback, you keep fighting and
o Burning Bright don’t take your Last Breath until you spend all your Payback. When you take
Choose a third thing that makes you burn with righteous anger. damage when you are at zero HP, you lose 1 Payback.

o Crusader o Mirror Shield

Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest. While you have a shield equipped, add the following option to Defend:
• Redirect a spell or magical effect from the thing you defend to the
o Hell’s Gate ground, making it fizzle harmlessly
When your ward would take their Last Breath in your presence, you may
intercede with Death on their behalf. They will live for now, but Death will o Paragon
demand a favor or bargain from you in exchange. Gain a non-multiclass move from the paladin playbook, except Quest.

o Just Bring It o The People’s Champion

When you use Make a Stand, if your foe attacks you, you also get +1 Requires: Just Bring It
Payback. When you use Make a Stand, on a 12+ you fluster or intimidate your foe;
you choose how they react from the list.
o Shield Bash
When you Hack and Slash while wielding a shield, you may deal +1d6 o Shield Slam
damage. If you do, take -1 armor forward as well. Replaces: Shield Bash
When you Hack and Slash while wielding a shield, you deal +1d8 damage.
o Sleep W ith One Eye Open
When you stand watch for an entire night, you always see anything o Sleep W ith Both Eyes Open
approaching your camp in time to wake the camp and prepare a response, as Replaces: Sleep With One Eye Open
if you had rolled a 10+ to Take Watch. However, doing this exhausts your When you stand watch for an entire night, you always see anything
vigilance; you lose the benefits of having a ward until you get a proper approaching your camp in time to wake the camp and prepare a response, as
night’s sleep, then you can choose a new ward. if you had rolled a 10+ to Take Watch.

o Vigilant o Retribution
Add these to the list of Discern Realities questions: When you have engaged a foe in melee and they break off or make an
• How can I get my ward out of here? attack that doesn’t include you, you may deal your damage to them.
• What here poses the greatest threat to my ward?
o You Shall Not Pass
Add the following option to Payback Time:
• Glare at an approaching enemy, stopping them dead in their tracks
Names: Nihlath, Myrkul, Azoth, Mordecai, Nija, Nihasa, Prosperine, Zente, Dante Haunted Eyes, Dead Eyes, or Inky Black Eyes
Deep Hood, Bald, or Styled Hair
Tattered Robes, Heavy Cloak, or Funerary Attire
Bony Body, Pale Body, or Corpulent Body

o Lawful Undertaker
Carry out a spirit’s last request. When you perform last rites over a recently dead or dying sentient creature, you gain
1 Soul, and you may ask the deceased’s player the following questions, they must answer
o Neutral you truthfully:
Help someone to understand death or soothe their grief. • What caused your death?
• What regret burdens your soul?
o Evil You may hold a maximum of 3 Soul. You begin play with 2 Soul.
Exploit your power over death for personal gain.

Race Soul M agic

Death doesn’t care who or what you are. All are equal in his You can cast any spell from the Reaper spell list of your level or lower without needing to
eyes. Choose any race you want, it doesn’t matter. prepare them first. When you cast a Reaper spell, roll+WIS. *On a hit, the spell is
successfully cast. *On a 10+, choose a consequence from the list below. *On a 7-9, choose
two consequences.
• You spend 1 Soul
• The spell has other effects as well
• You may not cast this spell again until after the next time you Make Camp
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: • You draw attention to yourself or put yourself in a spot, the GM will tell you
One of __________’s ancestors gave me a message for them, but
I’m waiting for the right time to give it to them.
I brought __________ back from Death’s Door.
When you verbally rebuke an undead creature and spend 1 Soul, roll+CHA. *On a
10+, choose three. *On a 7-9, choose one.
__________ fears the power I wield over souls. I will help them
to understand. • You deal your damage to the target, ignoring armor
• You place a burden upon them, limiting their supernatural abilities
__________’s beliefs about the afterlife are wrong. I shall try to • The target may not come any closer to you, as long as you lock its gaze
show them the truth. • You may ask two questions from the Discern Realities list about the target

Death Lore
When you first encounter an important creature, location, or item that pertains to
spirits, the undead, or the afterlife, you can ask the GM any one question about it; the
GM will answer truthfully.

Additionally, when you Spout Lore about spirits or the lands beyond the Black Gate,
you roll with WIS instead of INT.

Your load is 6+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), two
coins, and the tools you use to perform last rites, describe them! Choose two:
o Scythe (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and antitoxin (0 weight)
o Sacrificial dagger (hand, 1 weight) and bandages (3 uses, slow, 0 weight)
o Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)
o Healing potion

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Ashes to Ashes
When you perform last rites, you may choose to turn the corpse you have o Cross the Veil
used to ashes. That corpse can never be raised again, including as an undead, When you step partially into the land of shadows and spend 1 Soul, you
nor can its spirit be contacted in any way, short of direct intervention by turn yourself insubstantial. Your can pass through solid objects, and
Death himself. mundane weapons will pass through you. You may still be repelled or
harmed by magic or energy. Attacking or casting a spell ends this effect.
o Canopic Jars
The maximum number of Soul you can hold is now 4. o Dust to Dust
Requires: Ashes to Ashes
o Exorcist When you reduce a living creature to zero HP, you may turn its corpse to
ashes, as per the Ashes to Ashes move. If you do, you instantly gain 1 Soul.
You can now use Castigate on spirits and extra-planar creatures. When you
do, add the following option to the Castigate list:
• You drive the target out of any person or object they are
o Expel
Requires: Exorcist
possessing, and prevent them from possessing anything else as
When you deal damage with Castigate, deal +1d6 damage, and when you
long as you are present
reduce an undead, spirit, ghost, or extra-planar creature to zero HP, it is
henceforth barred from appearing on the material plane in any form. If the
o Ferryman creature would be sent back beyond the Black Gates, Death will personally
When you Parley with ghosts and other intelligent undead, you may offer make sure it never leaves his domain again.
the comfort of oblivion as leverage. If they accept, they depart this world for
the one beyond the Black Gates. o Grim Reaper
Any weapon you wield draws power from beyond the Black Gates. Your
o I See Dead People weapon can affect insubstantial creatures as if they were solid, and your
You no longer have to roll to cast the spell Spirit Medium; you can just cast attacks get +Soul piercing.
it whenever you like. Additionally, Spirit Medium no longer has an ongoing
cost. o Memento Mori
When you take your Last Breath, take +Soul to the roll.
o Phantom Guard
While you have at least one Soul, you have 2 armor. o Phantom Armor
Replaces: Phantom Guard
o Reverence While you have at least one Soul, you have 3 armor.
Choose a spell from the cleric list. You may cast that spell as if it were one
of your own. o Rest In Peace
You no longer need to spend Souls to use Castigate.
o The Scales of Life and Death
When someone takes their Last Breath in your presence, they take +1 to o Soul M astery
their roll. When you cast a spell, on a 12+, choose no consequences.

o Spirits of Knowledge o Spirits of W arning

When you enter a new place, the spirits of the dead will tell you a fact from When you consult the spirits of those who died at your location,
the history of that location or something that has changed since you were roll+CHA. *On a 10+, a spirit will guide you past danger, keep you from
there last. becoming lost, or show you something hidden. *On a 7-9, a spirit will show
you a danger, but no more than that.
o Vital Transfer o Vital Infusion
When you touch someone, you can spend 1 Soul to heal them of 1d6 Requires: Vital Transfer
damage, as many times as you like, as long as you have Souls to spend. You When you use Vital Transfer, you heal 2d6 damage per Soul spent instead.
can use this ability on yourself if you wish.
First Level Spells
o Speak With Dead level 1 o Spirit Medium level 1 ongoing
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you While this spell is ongoing, you can detect and interact with ghostly,
pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it insubstantial, or extra-planar entities, and you take -1 to cast a spell. Any
gained in death. such creatures will be aware of you while this spell is ongoing, and more
likely to interact with you.
o Spook level 1 ongoing
Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the o Corpse Lantern level 1
object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, You draw a spiritual lantern from beyond the Black Gates, which floats
panic, beg, or fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. nearby you. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is
You cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical otherwise like a mundane lantern. You have complete control of the color of
constructs, undead, automatons, and the like). the lantern. The spell lasts until the next dawn.

Third Level Spells

o Séance level 3 o Shroud level 3 ongoing
Name the spirit you wish to contact (or leave it to the GM). You pull that Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and
creature through the planes; just close enough to speak to you. It is bound to shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
answer any one question you ask to the best of its ability.

Fifth Level Spells

o Grim Visions level 5 o Unholy Blight level 5 ongoing
Cast this spell and gaze into a reflective surface to see where Death thinks A swarm of vicious insects from beyond the Black Gates of Death fill the
you are needed most right now. The GM will reveal the details of a grim immediate area. Whenever a creature in the area takes damage it takes an
portent to you—a bleak event that will come to pass without your additional, separate 1d4 damage, which ignores armor. This spell persists so
intervention. They will then tell you something useful about how you can long as you can see the affected area, or until you dismiss it.
interfere with the grim portent’s dark outcomes.

Seventh Level Spells

o Death Grip level 7 o Mark of Death level 7
Touch an enemy and strike them with the power from beyond the Black Choose a creature whose true name you know. This spell creates permanent
Gates, dealing 2d8 damage to them and 1d6 damage to yourself. This runes on a target surface that will kill that creature, should they read them.
damage ignores armor.

Ninth Level Spells

o Final Judgment level 9 o Doom level 9
The mindless undead creature you touch is destroyed and you steal its Name a city, town, encampment, or other place where people live. Death will
negative energy to heal yourself or the next ally you touch. The amount of pay them a little “visit”, in the Biblical sense, during the next night.
damage healed is equal to the HP that the creature had remaining before you
destroyed it.

Names: Leofrick, Syrio, Favian, Beatrix, Cordelia, Kasper, Joren, Annette, Garnier, Coronet, Fancy Hat, or Flowing Locks
Maerwynn, Rhyannon, Eleanor Shrewd Eyes, Haughty Eyes, or Greedy Eyes
Family Names: Altard, Beaumont, Cline, Herzog, de Montfault, Lowe, Gaveston, Oberst, Ostentatious Clothing, Fashionable Clothing, or Military Dress
Perevel, Rostilav, Talbot, Volodier Rotund Body, Immaculately Groomed, or Graceful Body

o Good Master of Your Domain
Protect the lands you rule from evil. You have claim to a stronghold and its surrounding lands. Describe it and give it a name,
and place it on the map as a keep. Your stronghold begins with the following tags: Poor
o Evil Prosperity, Shrinking Population, Guard Defenses, and Oath(protection for nearby lands).
Increase your fortunes at the expense of another. Take the Stronghold sheet and choose features for your stronghold on it, and the GM will
then add Need(a resource of the GM’s choice).
o Neutral While your stronghold is secure and you are present to rule it unchallenged, at the
Increase the prestige of yourself or your stronghold. start of the session, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose two. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• Gain 1 Surplus

Stronghold •

Gain a unit of any resource your stronghold produces
Your stronghold is free from want or danger for the time being
o Conqueror
You seized your stronghold by force, and rule with an iron fist.
Castle Builder
When you command your retainers or make the Master of
When you endeavor to add or remove a feature to your stronghold tell the GM what
Your Domain move, roll with STR instead of CHA.
you’re trying to achieve. The GM will give you one to four of the following conditions,
when you meet them all, you get your desired change:
o Scion • You’ll need help from ________
Your family has held these lands for many generations. Your • You must spend some Surplus
stronghold begins with 1 Surplus, and name a relative who holds
• You must spend a unit of ________
a position of power in a nearby steading; they will usually be
• It will take weeks/months/years
willing to aid you for a reasonable price.
• First you must ________
• You’ll need to acquire ________
o Champion • You and your allies will risk danger from ________
You received this stronghold as reward for some prior service,
and people are eager to join your banner. When you recruit
from your lands, you automatically get a 10+ on the roll. Loyal Retainers
You have a few (4-7) loyal retainers who will back you up, follow your orders, impress
people, carry things, and help you conduct your business. Choose what type of people
compose your retainers:
o Noble Courtiers: When they help you Parley, on a 10+, ask your subject a
Fill in the names of your companions in at least one:
question; they must answer it truthfully.
o Seasoned Warriors: When they help you fight, your damage die is a d10.
__________ helped me get where I am today, and I owe them
o Stalwart Guards: When they help you fight, you get +1 armor.
for it.
o Wise Scholars: When they help you Spout Lore, you roll with CHA instead of
__________ is a great help to my stronghold. I always listen to
their council.
Treat your retainers as a single hireling with skill points equal to your level+1, and the
cost, “service to your stronghold”. When you command your retainers to do something
I tolerate __________ for the service they bring, but I wouldn’t
like you would a hireling, roll with CHA instead of Loyalty.
trust them.

__________’s family and mine have some history. I hope it

doesn’t cause us problems.

Your Load is 7+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight), a
melee weapon of your choice (close, 2 weight), a horse, and a signet ring
identifying you as a member of the nobility, describe your emblem or coat of
arms! Choose three:
o Chain mail (1 armor, 1 weight)
o Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
o Healing Potion
o Adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
o 1 Surplus
o Keg of dwarven stout (4 weight)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
o Bodyguards
When you Defend while accompanied by your retainers, you get +1 hold, o Court Intrigue
even on a miss. When you meet with someone for diplomatic affairs, ask the GM two
questions from the list below, they will answer truthfully:
o Council • Is there an ambush waiting for me?
When you call a council at your stronghold and spend 1 Surplus, ask the • What are they really feeling?
GM two of the following questions, they will answer truthfully: • What is my best way out of this?
• What is the greatest threat to my stronghold, right now? • Who is watching?
• Who would be willing to trade ________ for ________ with me?
• Who holds influence in/with ________? o Devoted Retainers
• What is the relationship between ________ and ________? Requires: Voice of Authority
You never need to roll to command your retainers; they will obey even the
most dangerous of orders from you without hesitation.
o Everyone W ants Something
When you Parley with someone or Discern Realities connected to them, o Diplomat
on a hit you can also ask the GM one of these questions; they will answer When you send a letter requesting a person’s presence in your
truthfully: stronghold, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they agree to visit with the expectation of
• What does this person really want from me? hospitality. *On a 7-9, they name some terms, meet them or they refuse.
• What does this person value most?
• What is the most valuable thing here? o Fantastic Estates
Requires: Wealthy Estates
o Festival When you use your influence to acquire something ridiculously rare or
You may spend 1 Surplus to make the Carouse move, even if you haven’t expensive, spend at least 1 Surplus and roll+Surplus spent. *On a hit, it will
returned triumphant. If you do, roll+CHA instead of coins spent, and on a be yours. *On a 7-9, there will be strings attached.
12+ you can choose as many options as you like.
o Field Marshal
o Hold Court When you organize your land’s defenses against a threat, your lands get
When you hold court and hear the problems of the people, the GM will +Defenses as long as you are present and involved.
tell you of at least one opportunity within your stronghold or the areas
surrounding it. o Masterful Strategist
Gain a non-multiclass move from the warlord playbook.
o Largesse
When you bestow gifts to a person or group, spend 1 Surplus and o Metropolis
roll+CHA. *On a 10+, they are impressed and feel the need to reciprocate. When you gain this move, your stronghold immediately gets +Population,
*On a 7-9, they are merely impressed and treat you with respect. Not +Prosperity, or +Defenses, your choice, and add the following to the list of
everyone in the community may feel this way, but the majority does. *On a available features for your stronghold that you can add with Castle Builder:
6-, they remain superficially cordial at least, but you’ve attracted unwanted o A mighty cathedral. Add Divine.
attention. o A wizard and their tower. Name them and add Arcane.
o Ambassadors and craftsmen from far-distant lands. Add either
Dwarven or Elven.
o Strategist
Gain a non-multiclass move from the warlord playbook.
o Spoils of W ar
When you return home triumphant after dealing with a threat to your
o Talented Retainers stronghold, you gain 1 Surplus.
Choose a second type of people that compose your retainers.
o Versatile Retainers
o Voice of Authority Choose a move from another playbook. You may use this move as long as
Take +1 to order hirelings, including your retainers. you are accompanied by your retainers.

o W ealthy Estates o You W in or You Die

When you use your influence to acquire something unusual or expensive, Requires: Council
spend at least 1 Surplus and roll+Surplus spent. *On a hit, it will be yours. When you call a council, ask three questions instead of two, and add, “Can I
*On a 7-9, there will be strings attached. trust ________?” and “Can I trust ________ to ________?’to the list of
questions you can ask.
Name your stronghold: _________________________________________ Stronghold tags

Describe your stronghold: (Choose at least one in each category) Defenses

_____________________________ Oath (protection for nearby lands)
o Set atop a promontory overlooking the sea
o Lonely, hidden and remote among the forest or moors Prosperity _____________________________
_____________________________ Need ( )
o Guards a major crossroads, either man-made or natural
o Built around, atop, or inside something interesting Population _____________________________

o Constructed in ancient times, yet well preserved _____________________________ _____________________________

o Rebuilt from the ruins of a much older structure
o Fresh and modern architecture, but untried in a real war _____________________________ _____________________________
o Notably unique in design or material

o Grim and foreboding, a gargoyle on every gutter

o A shining beacon of light, with graceful arches and soaring towers Resources in stock
o Stout and pragmatic, built for function rather than appearances
o Lavishly decorated with the most trendy of furnishings _____________________________ _____________________________

o Bears the marks of assaults turned back _____________________________ _____________________________

o Once a place of great wealth and commerce
o Has changed hands many times _____________________________ Surplus: ________________
o The site of a legendary mystical event
Surplus is not necessarily coin, but also building materials, goodwill,
o Labyrinthine, with hidden passages and catacombs political favors owed, and so forth. Resources may be turned into Surplus if
o A fortified monastery or similar religious structure you have a trading partner, or they can be used to build upgrades, or used as
o Steeped in intrigue and politics currency in negotiations with other steadings. In a pinch, you can turn 1
o Haunted by ghosts or similar spirits Surplus into 2d6 x your Charisma (the stat itself, not the modifier) in coins.
o Built by another race, either as slaves or inhabitants You cannot turn coins into Surplus.
o A patchwork of many different peoples and buildings
o Utilizes unique and unusual technology
o A forgotten history, full of secrets and riddles Notable features and persons
Choose three features for the lands your stronghold rules: _____________________________ _____________________________
o Sturdy walls and manned watchtowers. Add +Defenses.
o Skilled and seasoned warriors. Add +Defenses. _____________________________ _____________________________
o A bustling trade port on a good harbor. Add Market.
o A person of exceptional skill. Describe them and add Craft. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Hardworking and honest folk. Add either +Prosperity or
+Population. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Swift rivers and serene lakes, bringing fish and commerce. Add
Trade(a neighboring steading) and +Prosperity. _____________________________ _____________________________
o Rich farmland, dotted with manors. Add either +Population or
o A vast forest and all the hamlets and game therein. Add either Your retainers are: (Fill in the blanks for at least four)
Resource(timber) or Resource(game).
o Mountains, hills, and all the wild clans that live there. Add either • _____________________, who has served me the longest.
Resource(stone), Resource(iron) or Resource(horses).
o Sacred sites where the pilgrims come. Add Religion. • _____________________, the most reliable.
o A major highway leading to other nearby towns. Add Trade(a
neighboring steading) and +Population. • _____________________, the most cunning.
Choose one problem for your lands, and the GM chooses one as well:
• _____________________, the most fearsome.
o Someone else wishes to claim your lands for themselves. Describe
them and add Enmity.
• _____________________, who bears ____________________.
o There are monsters roaming about unchecked. Describe them and
add Blight.
o Your authority is weak, and discontent is rampant. Tell us why and • ___________________________________________________
add Lawless.
o You owe fealty, a debt, or support to someone else. Describe them • ___________________________________________________
and add Oath(your seigneur).
o Some sinister force lurks deep within a dungeon in your lands,
perhaps under your stronghold itself! Describe what it is or where Retainer skills:______________________________________________
it lurks, but not both.
o Within your lands is a source of something wild, chaotic, or ______________________________________________
dangerous, which may attract unwanted attention from beyond
your lands. Tell us what it is and what desires it, but not both. ______________________________________________

The Dragon Knight
Your dragon is capable of flight, and can carry you and one
passenger with it. When you fly upon your dragon for a
When your soul is bonded to the soul of a young dragon, great distance or someplace dangerous, say where you
the next time you level up you may choose to gain this are going and roll+CON. *On a hit, you get where you
move: want to be. *On a 7-9, choose one.
• A threat is waiting for you when you arrive.
⃞ How to Train Your Dragon • The ride exhausts or injures your dragon, and it
You are empathically bonded to a young dragon, about the cannot fly until it gets some rest.
size of a horse. As long as you treat your dragon with • It takes longer than you expected to get where
respect, it will usually obey you. Your dragon is capable of you want.
speech like a human. When you whistle loudly for your
dragon when it is not nearby, it will quickly arrive at your
side in dramatic fashion.
If you have the move How To Train Your Dragon, these
Choose a name for your dragon: count as class moves for you; you can choose from them
Brodahmik, Heyvkaal, Venahkrin, Centhylion, Frethiel, when you level up:
Benthylios, Kenzodomu, Morokegos, Rovostraza,
Strunvahlok ⃞ Dragon Eye
You can always see through your dragon’s eyes as if they
Choose a look for your dragon: were your own, no matter the distance.
Great Horns, Barbels, or Ridged Crest
Sinuous Body, Powerful Body, or Spiny Body
Shining Scales, Stony Scales, or Fine Scales ⃞ Faerie Dragon
Your dragon can shrink itself to the size of a housecat or
Choose two strengths for your dragon: back to its normal size at your command, no need to roll.
Swift, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, ferocious, While in this small form your dragon cannot use any of its
intimidating, keen senses, agile, cunning other moves.
Choose one weakness for your dragon:
Flighty, headstrong, prideful, hot-tempered, vindictive,
⃞ Well-Trained
arrogant, easily distracted
Choose another move for your dragon from the list.
Choose a cost; your dragon expects its cost to be paid
regularly like a hireling’s would.
o Gold and jewels ⃞ Mighty Charge
o The blood of its enemies, specify who or what When you charge an enemy while riding your dragon,
they are your attack is forceful and deals +1d6 damage, but on a 7-9
o Ancient knowledge and magics you are also dismounted after the attack.
o The cowering obeisance of mortals

Choose three moves for your dragon. When you command ⃞ Burninator
your dragon to perform a move it knows, roll+CHA. When you command your dragon to use a move that
*On a 10+, the move is done, no problem. *On a 7-9, the deals damage, on a 10+ add two of the following tags to
move happens, but there’s either a consequence or the attack: piercing 3, forceful, messy, area. On a 7-9, add
limitation. If a move would deal damage, roll your own one tag.
damage die.
o Strike with fang and claw
o Belch forth elemental fury ⃞ Wyrm-Tongue
o Scout from high above
o Hunt or track by scent You speak the language of dragons. Any creature of this
o Intimidate with a mighty roar world will understand what you say, and you can
o Harry from the air understand them.
o Flap its wings to create a gust of wind
o Recall ancient lore
The Baron o Some sinister force lurks deep within a
dungeon in your lands, perhaps under your
stronghold itself! Describe what it is or
When you lay claim to a stronghold, either by where it lurks, but not both.
birthright, conquest, or grant from someone else, o Within your lands is a source of something
gain the following moves: wild, chaotic, or dangerous, which may
attract unwanted attention from beyond your
lands. Tell us what it is and what desires it,
but not both.
You have claim to a great hall and its surrounding
lands. Describe it, and place it on the map as a keep.
Your hall begins with the following tags: Poor
Prosperity, Shrinking Population, Guard Defenses,
Oath(protection for nearby lands) and Need(a If you have the move Landed, these count as class
resource of the GM’s choice). moves for you; you can choose from them when you
level up:
Choose three features for the lands your
stronghold rules: ⃞ Hold Court
o Sturdy walls and manned watchtowers. Add When you hold court and hear the problems of the
+Defenses. people, the GM will tell you of at least one
o Skilled and seasoned warriors. Add opportunity within your lands.
o A bustling trade port on a good harbor. Add
Market. ⃞ Spoils of War
o A person of exceptional skill. Describe them
Requires: Hold Court
and add Craft.
When you successfully deal with a problem in your
o Hardworking and honest folk. Add either
lands set forth by the GM or successfully pursue
+Prosperity or +Population.
an opportunity you heard about while holding
o Swift rivers and serene lakes, bringing fish
court, you may add another feature to your lands
and commerce. Add Trade(a neighboring
from the list.
steading) and +Prosperity.
o Rich farmland, dotted with manors. Add
either +Population or Resource(crops).
o A vast forest and all the hamlets and game ⃞ Field Marshal
therein. Add either Resource(timber) or When you organize your land’s defenses against a
Resource(game). threat, your lands get +Defenses as long as you are
o Mountains, hills, and all the wild clans that present and involved.
live there. Add either Resource(stone),
Resource(iron) or Resource(horses).
o Sacred sites where the pilgrims come. Add ⃞ Call the Banners
Religion. When you recruit from your lands, treat a 6- as if
o A major highway leading to other nearby you had rolled a 7-9 instead.
towns. Add Trade(a neighboring steading)
and +Population.
⃞ Court Intrigue
Choose one problem for your lands, and the GM
When you meet with someone for diplomatic
chooses one as well:
affairs, ask the GM two questions from the list below,
o Someone else wishes to claim your lands for
they will answer truthfully:
themselves. Describe them and add Enmity.
• Is there an ambush waiting for me?
o There are monsters roaming about
• What are they really feeling?
unchecked. Describe them and add Blight.
o Your authority is weak, and discontent is • What is my best way out of this?
rampant. Tell us why and add Lawless. • Who is watching?
o You owe fealty, a debt, or support to
someone else. Describe them and add
Oath(your seigneur).
Stress and Horror II. Stress
Rules for Dungeon The core of the new mechanic presented here is
World called Stress. Stress is an abstraction of the
psychological fatigue and strain that comes from
prolonged exposure to dangerous environments and
the threat of sudden and imminent harm. Characters
accrue Stress by encountering things that are either
I. Preface physically or emotionally painful, by wearing down
their resolve over time, or by witnessing acts of
The following rules deal with incorporating stress horror. Coping with and removing Stress is key to
and madness into your game, for groups interested in survival.
exploring a darker or grimmer Dungeon World. The
material presented herein may be unsettling to some All characters begin with zero Stress. This amount
people. Please let courtesy and respect be your guide will wax and wane as the characters explore the
in dealing with disturbing things. Feel free to make dungeon, confront both literal and figurative demons,
use of the X-Card if things are getting too and find ways to cope with their experiences. Stress
uncomfortable for you. ( can never go below zero. While Stress normally
rpg) accrues over time spent in the dungeon, it is not a
direct threat to the characters until they encounter
To reflect the needs of a game about such things, add something that truly tests their nerve.
the following to your list of GM principles:
New basic move: Steel Yourself
Address the characters’ humanity When you steel yourself against extreme pain,
Rarely do people return from adventures unscathed stress or horror and power through, roll+Stress.
and unchanged. Events and actions take a toll on *On a 6-, you’re okay for now. *On a 7-9, choose
people. Sure, you may have emerged from the one. *On a 10-11, choose two.
dungeon with the lich’s treasure, but now you don’t
• You flinch or hesitate from the fear or pain.
dare sleep at night. Because that’s when you see the
• Your nerves are rattled; take -1 forward
horrible things the lich’s magic revealed to you, and
when you act against the source of your fear.
you wake up screaming.
• You gain 1 Stress.
This principle emphasizes that a life of adventure
*On a 12+, gain 1 Stress, and choose a reaction from
also takes an emotional toll on a person. Achieving a
this list:
goal will require a sacrifice. What price is too high?
• Run screaming in terror until the threat is
How far will you go to get what you want?
out of your sight.
• Drop whatever it is you’re holding, and
freeze in shock until someone or something
snaps you out of it. Anything that happens
around you goes unnoticed.
Reference Material, Suggested Reading, and • Fly into an uncontrolled rage until the threat
Touchstones: is gone. Expect collateral damage.
• Gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
Darkest Dungeon:
Deathtrap Dungeon World, an article by Sersa Note that for this move, you want to roll low. You do
Victory: not mark XP on a 6- from this move.
Stress is primarily relieved by seeking solace in a New auxiliary Stress moves:
vice or other activity that eases the tormented soul. When you fulfill your alignment goal or resolve a
There are many ways to accomplish this, but most Bond at the end of a session, you may remove 1
people have some preference. When you create your Stress instead of marking XP.
character, choose your preferred solace from the
following list: When you Recover, every two days you do nothing
• Faith: You prefer to seek solace through but rest in comfort and safety, you also remove 1
intense prayer or similar rituals. This may Stress.
include penance, tithing, or self-flagellation.
• Gambling: You prefer to seek solace in When you willingly and deliberately lose your cool
games of chance or by taking risks. while acting under stress, remove 1d4 Stress and
• Hedonism: You prefer to seek solace with gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
wild revelry or by indulging in the pleasures
of the flesh. When your Stress reaches 10, it all becomes too
• Catharsis: You prefer to seek solace by much. You either go permanently, incurably mad or
letting it pour out of you violently, perhaps suffer a fatal heart attack. Either way, this is the end
in a fighting pit or through hours of harsh for you.
training or similar physical exertion.
• Narcotic: You prefer to seek solace with
strong drink or some other drug that lets you New GM move: Inflict Stress
forget your troubles. “Nothing like marching through freezing, rank
stagnant water while your armor chafes and your
New basic move: Seek Solace heavy backpack cuts into your shoulders. Except
When you spend an evening seeking solace to maybe doing all of this surrounded by darkness that
relieve Stress, spend 3d6 coins and roll: hides things that want to rend you limb from limb.
• +1 if you have someone to watch your back Oh look, there go some half-eaten corpses floating
and confide in while you indulge by. Hey, I think I know one of those guys. Wonder if
that will be me soon? And now the map has gotten
• +1 if you have a safe place to indulge that is
wet and we can’t read it anymore. Gods, I hate you
firmly in your control
• +1 if you have just returned victorious
• +1 if you are indulging in your preferred
Adventuring is full of all kinds of horrifying things
that can take a toll on both body and mind. When the
• -2 if you can’t—or won’t—pay the coin
characters endure things that would make most
normal people turn tail and run for home, inflict some
*On a hit, remove 2d4 Stress. *On a 7-9, choose one
Stress on them. For low intensity stressors over a
or the other. *On a 6-, both:
prolonged period of time (a long march in the cold
• You only remove 1d4 Stress instead
with little sleep, food, or comfort), or a sudden
• Your actions cause some trouble, or draw stressful event without a persistent threat (a trap
unwanted attention suddenly harming someone), just tell them to gain 1
Stress. If the source of the stress is something more
Examples of trouble: potent or an active danger that must be confronted,
• You lost a lot of money at the gambling ask them to Steel Yourself, especially if the
table, and now you owe someone. characters are trying to act in the face of the stress.
• Something was stolen from you while you Charging into battle against a monster with the
were passed out drunk. terrifying tag is a good example of an action that
• The priest won’t grant you absolution until would trigger Steel Yourself.
you do something for him first.
III. Quirks List of Quirks

Quirks are the result of maladaptive responses to Gambler: Take an inadvisable risk to acquire wealth.
stress. The character has become slightly unhinged as
a result of their experiences, and has acquired a way Compulsion: Investigate something interesting while
to deal with stress that is potentially harmful to them ignoring the obvious risks.
socially in the long term. When you acquire a Quirk,
the GM will choose one from the list that they think Paranoia: Refuse help from, or refuse to help an ally
is appropriate to the stress acting upon you. when you could have.

A Quirk replaces your normal alignment move. Phobia: Run away from or go to great lengths to
Instead of gaining XP or relieving Stress at the end of avoid __________.
the session from fulfilling your alignment, you gain
this benefit when you fulfill your Quirk’s goal. Greed: Take more than your fair share of the party’s
Quirks also have an additional downside: At the end loot, or refuse to share your possessions with others.
of the session, if you did not fulfill your Quirk, you
gain 1 Stress. Withdrawal: Avoid putting yourself in harm’s way
when you could have helped someone by doing so.
Quirks should ideally create tension or conflict
between the characters, or get the character in trouble Guilt: Take on a responsibility you can’t handle.
with the environment. They are not an excuse to
disregard the group’s social contract or behave in a Savage: Reject the comforts that civilization offers
manner that creates resentment between players. As a when they would otherwise help you.
courtesy, please be mindful of your fellow players’
enjoyment when acting on a Quirk. Fearful: Act preemptively against a possible source
of harm.
A character can have multiple Quirks at once. If you
do have multiple Quirks, you must fulfill them all to Hopeless: Refuse to address an imminent threat.
gain the end of session benefit of marking XP or
relieving stress. If you have multiple Quirks that you Selfish: Choose short-term emotional comfort over
did not fulfill at the end of the session, you gain 1 the long-term benefit to your allies.
Stress for each Quirk that went unfulfilled. Having
multiple Quirks can add up the Stress in a hurry. Addiction: Relieve stress by __________, regardless
of the cost or convenience.
Removing Quirks is a matter of GM discretion, but
should involve some fairly significant confrontation Abusive: Lash out at an undeserving ally.
of one’s personal demons. Knowingly and willingly
acting against your Quirk and paying a considerable Masochistic: Put yourself in a position where you
price for doing so (at least 1 Stress, most likely more) will be physically injured.
is one possible way that Quirks can be removed.
Gluttony: Over-indulge in food, drink, or trappings
Upon removal of all of a character’s existing Quirks, of wealth to the point of extravagance or waste.
their normal alignment move returns to play.
Avarice: Hoard possessions and wealth, and don’t
use them, even if they would be helpful.

Megalomania: Make others recognize your

IV. New Moves If you prefer not to use the Stress mechanic but still
want to be able to test your characters’ steel, you can
The following advanced moves may be taken as part use this version of Steel Yourself instead:
of the normal Level Up process:
When you steel yourself against extreme pain,
New Barbarian advanced move: Gallows Humor stress or horror and power through, roll+WIS or
When you laugh boisterously in the face of certain CON, your choice. *On a 10+, you hold it together,
doom, everyone who can hear you takes -1 forward and may act as you please. *On a 7-9, choose one.
to Steel Yourself, including yourself. (This is a good • You flinch or hesitate from the fear or pain.
thing, since you want to roll low for this move.) • Your nerves are rattled; take -1 forward
when you act against the source of your fear.
New Bard advanced move: Inspiration *On a 6-, choose a reaction from this list:
When anyone you have a Bond with Seeks Solace • Run screaming in terror until the threat is
while in your company, they remove +Bond out of your sight.
additional Stress. • Drop whatever it is you’re holding, and
freeze in shock until someone or something
New Cleric advanced move: Absolution snaps you out of it. Anything that happens
When you cast a spell that heals HP, roll 1d4. If the around you goes unnoticed.
roll is higher than the amount healed, you also • Fly into an uncontrolled rage until the threat
remove 1 Stress from the target. is gone. Expect collateral damage.
• Gain a Quirk of the GM’s choice.
New Druid advanced move: Athelas
When you use herbs and poultices, you may remove At the end of the session, if you did not fulfill your
1 Stress from the target instead of healing HP. Quirk, take -1 ongoing to Steel Yourself for each
Quirk unfulfilled until you finally accomplish the
New Fighter advanced move: Battle Trance Quirk’s requirement.
While you are actively in combat, you never have to
Steel Yourself.

New Paladin advanced move: Zeal

While you are standing on the front lines against
the darkness, everyone who can see you gets -1
ongoing to Steel Yourself, including yourself.

New Ranger advanced move: Therapy Pet

Your animal companion always counts as someone to
watch your back and confide in while you relieve

New Thief advanced move: Den of Iniquity

When you ask your contacts in the criminal
underworld, they’ll tell you of a place where you can
relieve stress that is safe and firmly under your/their

New Wizard advanced move: Rationalist

While your Stress is less than or equal to your
INT, you take -1 to Steel Yourself.

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