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Production Technology‐  Tutorial.4
Packer and tubing load calculation

By :
Dr. Mofazzal Hossain  
Omar Al‐Fatlawi

Problem .1 – Packer force calculations
"tubing wt (8000 lb)" A packer is set at 7000 ft with a tubing weight  of 
8000 lbf (as shown in Figure below). The  annular 
salt water in annulus is filled with salt water with gradient  of 0.443 
annular   psi/ft (i.e. 0.052 psi/ft/ppg*8.5 ppg). 
8.5 lb/gal
pressure force (a) If oil with gradient of 0.354 psi/ ft (i.e. 
0.52*6.8) is injected through tubing with a 
crude oil in tubing surface  pressure of 1200 psi, determine 
whether this  injection will seat or unseat the 
6.8 lb/gal
(b) Determine maximum allowable injection 
Packer set   pressure
depth=   tubing pressure  
7000 ft force Given  that Casing OD = 5.5 inch, ID= 4.91 inch, 
and  Tubing OD: 2 3/8‐in. and ID = 1.99 inch.

Given: Casing: (OD: 5 ½ in.) ID = 4.91 in.

Tubing OD: 2 3/8-in. ID = 1.99 in.
Nominal weight of tubing is 4.7 lb/ft

Note: Conversion factor 
from ppg (lb/gal) to psi/ft is .052
From gm/cc to psi/ft is 0.433 psi/ft
Problem. 2
The 2 7/8‐in., 6.4 lb/ft, J‐55 NU tubing string in a 6000‐ft
oil well was designed based on the tubing's buoyant
weight in water. What additional load would be imposed
on the tubing if a rod pump were to be pressure tested to
500 psi after the well had been operating for some time
and the annulus pumped off? The well produces 30° API
oil (SG: 0.876) with no water. Water and steal density are
respectively of 1 and 8 gm/cc.
If company policy dictates the use of a design factor of
1.5 for joint strength, can this pressure test be safely  
carried out? Given that the API joint strength rating of 2  
7/8‐in., 6.4 lb/ft, J‐55, non‐upset tubing = 72,600 lb and  
Comment on your results.

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