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An internship report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of






Mahant Bachittar Singh College Of Engineering and Technology , JAMMU

The most popular type of Wireless Base Station deployment (cell site) consists of a
Base Transceiver Station (BTS) located in close proximity to the antenna tower. This
BTS connects to both the Mobile Switching Center (MSC), which directs hand-off
between towers for mobile users, and the Radio Frequency (RF) transmitters/receivers
antenna located on the tower structure. The “hut” at the base of the tower or in the
basement of a tall building is configured with the RF transceivers and RF amplifiers,
along with the baseband processing unit, test and alarm unit, ac power, battery back-up
systems, and a backhaul transport unit (MSC connection), all of which are typically
installed in a single rack enclosure. The RF amplifiers drive through the cables to the
antenna located at the top of the elevated tower. This typical setup requires climate
controls for the entire building structure, a large building site footprint, and a hefty
back-up system (large, bulky batteries); it also is subject to high signal and power losses
in the cable due to the length of the cable between the RF amplifiers and the
transmitter/receiver antennas mounted at the top of the tower. Tower Mounted
Amplifiers (TMAs) are sometimes required to boost this RF signal when the distance
between the tower-mounted antenna and the BTS location is too great. Some
architecture changes are being implemented to correct some of these long-standing
Five basic Base Station architectures are in use today:
1. Legacy architecture, with all of the equipment located inside the BTS hut, with
a coax connection to the top of the tower and a fiber/copper connection to the
MSC (illustrated in Figure 1).
2. Split architecture design, with the Base Band Unit (BBU) located indoors and a
Remote Radio Unit (RRU) located on the tower (illustrated in Figure 2).
3. “Hoteling” approach that uses a single BTS hut but connects to multiple towers
(illustrated in Figure 3).
Fig1: Legacy BTS (cell site). Radio tower and BTS equipment used in a typical cell site

Figure 2. Distributed BTS Architecture

Figure 3. “Hoteling” Distributed BTS Architecture

4. All-outdoor, zero-footprint BTS, with all components located on the tower

(essentially multiple boxes on the tower that travel via a combination of coax to
the antennas and fiber/copper to the MSC without a BTS hut in between, as
illustrated in Figure 4).
5. Capacity Transfer System (wireless BTS repeater concept) (illustrated in Figure

Figure 4. Zero-footprint BTS Architecture

Figure 5. BTS repeater concept (Capacity Transfer System)

Indoor Macro Base Station
Indoor macro base station, is the fourth generation base station developed by Huawei. It
features a multi-mode modular design and supports three working modes: GSM mode
(GO), GSM+UMTS dual mode (GU), and UMTS mode (UO) through configuration of
different hardware and software. In addition, the BTS3900 supports smooth evolution to
the Long Term Evolution (LTE) system.

1. BTS system overview
2. BBU hardware structure
3. RFU and RRU hardware structure
4. Auxiliaries hardware structure
5. Cable connection

BTS system overview

 Based on all IP platform
 Standardized modules shared by all MBTS types:
 BBU and RRU for distributed MBTS
 BBU and RFU for macro MBTS
Fig: MBTS module

Component of BTS
 Indoor macro cabinet

BTS Cabinet
\BTS Features

 When working in GSM mode, a single BBU supports the maximum cell
configuration of S24/24/24. One MRFU supports a maximum of 6 GSM TRX
based on the multi-carrier base station (Class2) in 3GPP TS 45.005 V8.2.0
 When working in GSM+UMTS dual mode, a BBU supports the maximum cell
configuration of GSM S24/24/24 + UMTS S8/8/8. One MRFU supports a
maximum of 6 GSM+UMTS carriers based on the multi-carrier base
station(Class2) in 3GPP TS 45.005 V8.2.0
 When working in UMTS mode, a BBU supports 24 cells, 1,536 CEs in the
uplink, and 1,536 CEs in the downlink. One MRFU supports a maximum of 4
UMTS carriers

BBU Hardware Structure

 The BBU3900 has a case structure. It can be installed in a 19-inch-wide and 2
U- high indoor space or outdoor protective cabinet
 The dimensions of the BBU3900 are 442 mm (width) x 310 mm (depth) x 86
mm (height)

Logical Structure of BBU

The BBU3900 consists of the transport subsystem, baseband subsystem, control
subsystem, and power module

Board configuration of BBU

The GSM Transmission, Timing, and Management Unit for BBU (GTMU) controls and
manages the entire BTS. It provides interfaces related to the reference clock, power
monitoring, OM, and external alarm collection.

The WCDMA Main Processing and Transmission unit is the BBU3900 main control and
transmission board that processes the signals and manages the resources for other boards.
Table: WMPT ports


 The WCDMA Baseband Process Unit (WBBP) board processes UL and DL

baseband signals
 The WBBP is classified into WBBPa and WBBPb:
Table: WBBP ports

The Universal BBU Fan type A (UBFA) is the fan unit, and it controls the fan speed,
detects the temperature of the fan board, and dissipates the heat in the BBU.
The Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit (UPEU) board provides power for
other boards and monitors external alarms.
The UPEU is classified into UPEUA and UPEUB:
 The UPEUA converts -48 V DC to +12 V DC
 The UPEUB converts +24 V DC to +12 V DC
Optional Boards
The Universal Environment Interface Unit (UEIU) board transmits monitoring
signals and alarm signals from external devices to the main control and
transmission unit.
The Universal Satellite Card and Clock Unit (USCU) is compatible with six
types of satellite card, provides absolute timing information and the 1 Pulse Per
Second (PPS) reference clock for the main control board, and provides the
RGPS ports and BITS port.
The Universal Transmission Processing unit (UTRP) board, as the transmission
extension board, it provides eight E1s/T1s, or one un channelized STM-1/OC-3
port, or four FE/GE electrical ports, or two FE/GE optical ports.
The Universal Baseband Radio Interface Board (UBRI) provides extended CPRI
optical or electrical ports to implement convergence, distribution, and multi-
mode transmission on the CPRI.

RFU & RRU Hardware Structure

RFU hardware structure
2.8.1 MRFU hardware structure
2.8.2 WRFU hardware structure
Appearance of the MRFU
 The Multi-mode Radio Filter Unit (MRFU) processes the baseband signals and
the RF signals of the GSM, and processes the RF signals of the UMTS.
 One MRFU supports up to 6 TRX in GSM mode, 4 carriers in UMTS mode, or
6 carriers in GSM+UMTS mode based on 3GPP class 2.

Logical Structure of the MRFU

Ports on the MRFU

Appearance of the WRFU

 The WCDMA Radio Filter Unit (WRFU) processes the RF signals of the UMTS
 One WRFU supports up to 4 carriers outputs
Logical Structure of the WRFU

Ports on the WRFU

Appearance of the RRU3908

The RRU3908 is an outdoor remote radio unit that processes the baseband signals and
the RF signals of the GSM, and processes the RF signals of the UMTS.

Logical Structure of the RRU3908

Panels of the DC RRU module

The RRU module has a bottom panel, a cabling cavity panel, and an area attached with

Auxiliar hardware structure

The FAN dissipates the heat in the cabinet. One FAN has four fans.
FAN Ports

Power Subsystem
The Direct Current Distribution Unit-01 (DCDU-01) supplies power to each component
in the cabinet.

DC/DC Power System

 The DC/DC power system converts +24 V DC power into - 48 V DC power
 The DC/DC power system consists of the PSUs (DC/DC) and power subrack
(+24 V)
The PSU is the Power Supply Unit. The PSU (DC/DC) converts +24 V DC power into -
48 V DC power.

Power Subrack (+24 V)

AC/DC Power System

 The AC/DC power system converts 220 V AC power into - 48 V DC power

 The AC/DC power system consists of the PMU, PSUs (AC/DC) and power
subrack (220 V)

The Power and Environment Monitoring Unit (PMU) performs the power system
management, power distribution detection, and alarm reporting functions.

The PSU is the Power Supply Unit. The PSU (AC/DC) converts 220 V AC power into -
48 V DC power.

Cable Connection
Power Cable Connection

Transmission Cable Connection

E1 cable connection:

FE/GE cable connection:

CPRI Cable Connection

Signal Cable Connection

 Alarm Box position
 ½ inch jumper cable
 Cabinet position
 CB (circuit breaker)
 Bias injector

Dimensions of alarm box

 Outline dimensions (including the dimensions of mounting ear)
252 mm [9.92 in.] x 258 mm [10.16 in.] x 98 mm [3.86 in.] .
 Outline dimensions (excluding the size of mounting ear)
252 mm [9.92 in.] x 219 mm [8.62 in.] x 91 mm
[3.58in.] (including the dimensions of the cord end terminal).
 252 mm [9.92 in.] x 209 mm [8.23 in.] x 91 mm
[3.58in.] (excluding the dimensions of the cord end terminal).

Appearance of EMU
Fig: EMU Appearance
Front Panel of EMU

Connection Sketch
Connection With BTS

Power Connection

3.2 Installing EMU on wall

Installing EMU on rack

In this situation/case, we will discuss with ROM to find out a suitable place for placing
the Huawei Alarm Box and will handle this type of issue case by case.
Fig: installing EMU on rack

½ inch jumper cable

In BTS3900 Huawei need to use ½ inch super flex short jumper cable for the following
two case.
 ½ inch feeder cable
 7/8 & 15/8 feeder cable
Cabinet position
In existing system GP using 900 & 1800 cabinet in different position. But in BTS3900
will be install in same place.
 Cabinet size: H×W×D=900mm×600mm×450mm
 Base size: H×W×D=400mm×600mm×420mm
 Weight: 57kg(empty) /142kg(full configuration)

BTS3900 door opening and space require

BTS3900 Cabinet Structure (for one cabinet)

BTS3900 Cabinet Structure (for two cabinets)

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