Analytical Chemistry 1-Recitation 2

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Recitation 2

2020-2021 Fall Semester

Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7
• 4-40. Exactly 750.0 mL of a solution that contained 480.4 ppm of
Ba(NO3)2 were mixed with 200.0 mL of a solution that was 0.03090 M
in Al2(SO4)3. (a) What mass of solid BaSO4 was formed? (b) What was
the molar concentration of the unreacted reagent [Al2(SO4)3 or
4-32. Describe the preparation of
(a) 5.00 L of 0.0500 M KMnO4 from the solid reagent.
(b) 4.00 L of 0.250 M HClO4, starting with an 8.00 M solution of the reagent.
(c) 400 mL of a solution that is 0.0250 M in I-, starting with MgI2.
(d) 200 mL of 1.00% (w/v) aqueous CuSO4 from a 0.365 M CuSO4 solution.
(e) 1.50 L of 0.215 M NaOH from the concentrated commercial reagent [50%
NaOH (w/w), sp gr 1.525].
(f ) 1.50 L of a solution that is 12.0 ppm in K+, starting with solid K4Fe(CN)6.
4-21. Sea water contains an average of 1.08 x 103 ppm of Na+ and 270
ppm of SO4-2.
(a) the molar concentrations of Na+ and SO4-2 given that the average
density of sea water is 1.02 g/mL.
(b) the pNa and pSO4 for sea water
4-16. What is the mass in grams of solute in
(a) 250 mL of 0.264 M H2O2?
(b) 37.0 mL of 5.75 x 10-4 M benzoic acid (122 g/mol)?
(c) 4.50 L of a solution that contains 31.7 ppm of SnCl2?
(d) 11.7 mL of 0.0225 M KBrO3?
6.20) Nine samples of illicit heroin preparations were analyzed in
duplicate by a gas chromatographic method. The samples can be
assumed to have been drawn randomly from the same population.
Pool the following data to establish an estimate of s for the procedure.
Sample Heroin, % Sample Heroin, %
•1 2.24, 2.27 6 1.07, 1.02
•2 8.4, 8.7 7 14.4, 14.8
•3 7.6, 7.5 8 21.9, 21.1
•4 11.9, 12.6 9 8.8, 8.4
•5 4.3, 4.2
• 7-12. A chemist obtained the following data for percent lindane in the
triplicate analysis of an insecticide preparation: 7.23, 6.95, and 7.53.
Calculate the 90% confidence interval for the mean of the three data,
assuming that (a) the only information about the precision of the
method is the precision for the three data. (b) on the basis of long
experience with the method, it is believed that s σ 0.28% lindane.
7.31) Apply the Q test to the following data sets to determine whether
the outlying result should be retained or rejected at the 95%
confidence level.
(a) 85.10, 84.62, 84.70
(b) 85.10, 84.62, 84.65, 84.70
7-8) An atomic absorption method for determination of copper in fuel
samples yielded a pooled standard deviation of spooled = 0.27 mg Cu/mL
(s σ ). The analysis of an oil from a reciprocating aircraft engine
showed a copper content of 7.91 mg Cu/mL. Calculate the 95 and 99%
confidence intervals for the result if it was based on
(a) a single analysis,
(b) the mean of 4 analyses,
(c) the mean of 16 analyses.
7-10. How many replicate measurements are necessary to decrease the
95 and 99% confidence limits for the analysis described in Problem 7-8
to 6 0.20 mg Cu/mL?

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