Draft Bio Fuel Policy For Karnataka: Balakrishna Gowda

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Balakrishna Gowda
University of Agricultural Sciences,Bangalore.
Email:[email protected]
The Background

India, one of the largest consumers of petroleum

energy in the world
Import 70%
Local production 30%

Demand growing for this liquid fuel at 30% for every 5 years

In this context bio fuels provide a ray of hope to offset a

reasonable margin of the imports serving as a good substitute
for the fossil fuels.
Bio fuels focused in the policy are


This is particularly because

wider acceptance due to its environment friendly,
providing energy security at grass root level
providing employment to rural community and
improved income generation.
Bio diesel is made from the raw oil from plant sources
of non-edible type, used vegetable oil
through trans- esterification

- little or no engine modifications up to 20% blend

- minor modification for higher percent blends.

- bio diesel use, considerable reduction of un-

burnt hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and
particulate maters
almost no sulphur, no aromatics
has about 10% build in oxygen,
which helps it to burn fully,
Its higher cetane number also improves
The western world uses even the edible vegetable oil for
bio fuels like soybean, sunflower, rapeseed etc.

Thailand uses palm oil,

Ireland uses frying oil and animal fats.

In India it is proposed to use only non-edible oil for

manufacture of bio diesel.

¾ Alternative to the petroleum based fuels that is

petrol and diesel

¾ Bio fuels are environmentally superior fuels and their use

becomes compelling if the prescribed emission norms
are to be achieved

¾ Need to meet the global environmental concern about

climate change

¾ Ensure energy security, reduce imports, generate

employment for the poor

¾ Achieve a number of other objectives of the country plan.

Problems in the use of petroleum derived High speed

¾ fossil fuels makes way for addition of extra carbon to the


¾ diesel adds particulate matter that affects human beings

¾ emits carbon monoxide, sulphur, hydrocarbon on a higher


¾ incompletely burnt oil is known to have carcinogenic


¾ Biodiesel superior to HSD from environment point of view

¾Use of bio diesel helps in maintaining emission standards
¾Provide energy security to the country
¾Provide additional employment
¾Improvement of land resource through soil and water
¾Greening of the surroundings
¾Address the issues of global warming
¾Reduce crude oil imports
¾Benefits from carbon trading

The state has over 120 different species of plants that yield oil
in the range of 20 -70% in their seeds.

Large number of species that can suit to different agro climatic

and ecological conditions providing oil seeds over a period of
6-8 months in a year providing substantial feed stock for
expelling oil.

The diverse species dependence brings down issues of

monoculture, disease and pest attack etc. and provides scope
for sustainability for both industry and to the community.

Major species considered for initiation of the activity in the

state and also immediate take of the program as most of the
stock plants are already available in the rural set up.

Bevu (Neem ) The oil content in seeds varies from 35-40%.

Turukaharalu (Jatropha)
The kernel contains 35-45% of oil.

Honge (Karanja )
The kernels contain 27-39% of oil.

Paradise tree (Simarouba)

The tree yields about 10-20 kg of seed/ tree. The kernel contains 55-60% oil

Kokum (Garcinia)
The oil content of the kernel is about 40%

Hippe (Mahua) The kernel contents about 50% oil.

Surahonne Yield about 55-65 % oil in the seeds.


Production of ethanol:
Raw material
Starch as grain, corn, tubers etc.
Sugar plants (sugar beet, sugar cane, sweet sorghum)
Cellulose plants (plant biomass)
Karnataka state is one of the major sugarcane growing
states in the country, producing sugarcane around 350-400
lakh tonnes annually.
The state has 47 sugar factories with a crushing capacity of
1.39 lakh tonnes per day and crushes about 275 lakh tonnes
in a season.
The molasses production on this quantum of crushing at 4%
is around 11.00 lakh tonnes.
Sugarcane ethanol, major alternative to petrol is a boon to
the country
a renewable source
reduction in oil import
save foreign exchange
scope for higher price to farmers
The present policy of 5% blend of ethanol with petrol in the
country, expected to be raised to 10%.

The present consumption of petrol in Karnataka is around

55000 kiloliters per month.

Blending of ethanol at 5% gives a demand of 2750 kilolitres

per month and 33000 KL per year.

One tonne of molasses yields 240 litres of ethanol.

To meet the requirement of 33000 KL ethanol per year will

require about 1.40 lakh tonnes of molasses.

In Karnataka there are 5 ethanol units attached to the

distilleries of sugar factories and one independent distillery.

The production capacity is 210 KL per day.


• availability of raw material (molasses available on a large

• ethanol production enterprise can go in a big way
• low project cost for implementation
• economically feasible
• State road transport successful use of ethanol blend upto
7.7% with diesel
• Problems of excess sugar production could be balanced
linking it to ethanol production
Policy proposals for ethanol

Mandatory blending of 5% ethanol with petroleum fuels

increasing it to 10 % in the coming years

Tax holiday for ethanol being used as blend with petroleum

fuels for the next 10 years

Policy for production of sugar / ethanol ratio

based on sugar demand
Free trade provision

Interstate movement of ethanol

Ethanol and other bio fuels to covered under ‘Declared Goods’
for the purpose of CST act.

Bio-diesel activity has steadily emerged as a major program in

the last 5-6 years from a trial production in backyard type pilot
plants to full industrial scale production. Efforts are made in
developing marketing system.

It is gaining popularity owing to its multitude benefits ranging

from energy security, employment generation to low
environmental problem and has now emerged as a viable
technology option as a bio fuel in many countries.
The experience of the University Agricultural Sciences,
Bangalore and Dharwad, Department of Agriculture,
Government of Karnataka, SUTRA, SAMAGRA
VIKAS for the past five years has developed proven
strategies for augmenting the feed stock supply.

The state of Karnataka is blessed with variety of

environmental conditions and a large array of plant
species that yield oil in substantial quantity for
exploiting the oil content for use as direct fuel as well
as conversion in to bio diesel.

A model initiated in Doddaballapur taluk on the lines of Milk

cooperative for collection, processing and marketing of
products has found to be viable.

The University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore initiated

a mega model “BIOFUEL PARK” in Hassan District to be
replicated elsewhere.

Training / awareness camps conducted across the state for
the farming communities / ngo’s, lead department staff to
take up growing of biofuel plants with a view to build feed
stock resource base

¾Promote growing of bio fuel crops in the rural and urban

areas utilizing the back yards, bunds, waste lands,
community lands etc. and build feed stock resource
base without affecting agriculture production

¾Establish models that provides additional income over

and above the farm income periodically

¾Employment generation to rural people for about 15-60

days in a year in the village

¾Establish collective market system on the lines of milk

unions with assured price and purchase policy

¾Value addition to oil seeds at village and community level

¾Optimize utilization of land resources and improve
green cover and conserve soil and water
¾Derive benefits of Kyoto protocol through carbon
¾Participation of industries and user groups on larger
footing to establish efficient system of bio fuel
production which includes bio diesel and
¾ Establish end to end linkages involving the farmers
and entrepreneurs

¾ Establish a Board to oversee the implementation of

bio fuel policy, research and development,
monitoring etc.

¾Provide quality planting material to the farmers and growers

to assure better yield

¾Provide facilities for value addition to oil seeds by way of oil

expelling at home scale / community scale

¾Establish market network for procuring the seeds / oil at

village level

¾Establish bio diesel / ethanol production plants at district level

/ sugar factories
¾Assured purchase of oil for use by state run road
Transport Corporation, Railways, Fleet operators
and other institutions at the first instance to
popularize the use of bio fuel
¾It shall be mandatory for all state machineries to use Bio
fuel for state owned vehicles including public sector
undertaking and also corporate bodies with static
machineries like generators, oil engines etc.
¾The cost of Bio fuel at present may be little more than
that of Diesel (this fact should not be hindrance to
the bio fuel production industry)- this shall be
absorbed in appropriate ways to encourage use of
bio fuels
“To meet the bio-fuel needs of the state reasonably and improve rural
economy” Actions Plans Building the resource base

¾ Identify all sources of seed borne oil yielding perennial crops on a

sustainable basis. Initially promote Pongamia, Jatropha, Simarouba,
Neem,Mohua can be utilized in this respect.
¾ The state does have vast area of waste lands- the barren and cultivable
wastes together constitute 720000 ha. Use all wastelands, marginal
lands, bunds, back yards etc. for growing oil yielding plants
¾ Selection of best suited species for different agro climatic zones
¾ Ex. Pongamia and neem can be promoted in dry zones. Jatropha in
transition zones, Mohua in hilly and transition zones.
¾ Identification of elite plant material and mass multiplication and planting in
appropriate areas.
¾ Maintenance of germplasm at UAS of state for further improvement
¾ Cultivation of Sweet sorghum, Sugar cane, Sweet corn and Sugar
beet to produce fuel grade ethanol
Program for resource assessment

¾Assessment of available stock of the selected oil yielding species

Viz. Pongamia, Neem etc. dominent in certain regions of the state
like Pongamia in Tumkur, Chitradurga, Bidar, Koppal, Kolar,
Mysore, Hassan etc. where the average availability of stock of seeds
vary from 25000 to 50000 tons/ year while Neem is in the range of
10000 to 20000 tons/year
¾Planting of growing stock – need to be carried out both on farmers land
(margins, bunds backyards etc.) and community land (schools,
gomals, temple, burial ground, panchayath land, village forest etc.)
¾Quality planting material is produced using identified candidate plus trees
in model nurseries at taluk places and at various research stations of
the university.
¾Model plantations be established on government lands / Institutional
farms for demonstration
¾Monitoring and evaluation of the activity be undertaken through
governmental agencies using remote sensing and GIS
Harvest and Processing

¾Harvest and semi processing / processing (shelling,

dehusking, oil expelling) be done at village level
¾The government to fecilitate initially to install small
scale processing units / encourage establishment
with financial support processing units at
Panchayat / Hobli level – to be managed by
community / entrepreneurs
¾Provide simple technologies for de shelling, de husking,
oil expelling and other related activities
¾Establish efficient oil expelling units at Taluk / Hobli level
/ Village level
¾Establish units to produce bio-diesel / ethanol at District
Establish marketing network:

¾Establish efficient collection and storage of yields from

farmers at village level
¾Provide assured purchase price for the produce

¾Network establishment on the model of Milk unions

functioning in the state

¾Participation of SHG’s and other voluntary organizations

be encouraged in this regard

¾Marketing network shall be within a 20 km radius to

minimize the transport cost

Assured minimum price for all seeds above 30 %

Assured procurement of all produce

Assured price for the oil expelled at village / community level

Actions for sustaining the bio-fuel production activities

¾Use oil cake from oil expeller locally to improve the soil
¾Setting up rural industries for use of Glycerin and other
byproducts obtained during bio-fuel production
¾Provide tax holiday / exemption / benefits for equipments
used in production of bio-fuel
¾Remove Excise bottleneck in use of ethanol produced in
sugar industry for use as bio fuel
¾As a first step, state transport corporation to use bio-diesel /
blend in their vehicles
¾Encourage growing of Sweet sorghum, Sweet corn, Sugar
beet to produce fuel grade ethanol during lean period for
optimal use of land resource
¾Subsidize the bio diesel in the initial years to promote use
of the same as a blend with fossil fuel.
Bio Fuel Board

¾Constitution of state level Bio fuel board for monitoring

and to facilitate production, processing, marketing,
R&D usage of products and maintenance of quality
standards at various levels of activities
¾The bio fuel board – an autonomous body headed by a
senior officer of the state with members drawn from
various fields
¾Integrated development of bio fuel crops and technology.
¾Thrust on research and development to support bio fuel
program in the state as an ongoing program
¾Technology development in improved production
technology of bio fuels
Farming network

Involvement of farmers on greater footing

Involvement of farmers in community growing of bio fuel

crops on waste lands, forest lands etc. on the lines of joint
forest planning and management

Stake holding in production of oil and biofuel


Additional income generation for the farming community

Saving on import of oil and foreign exchange

Greening of the land mass & Ecosystem sustainability

Improvement in soil and water conservation

Eco friendly fuel reducing green house effect and global


Benefits from Carbon trading as per Kyoto Protocol

Minimized methane production

Meet the requirement of Carbon emission reduction by

2012 as per Kyoto protocol agreement
Gradual increase in blending proportion of bio fuel
2012 -5%
2015 -10%
2020 -15%
2025 onwards -20%

Sale tax / customs / excise / income tax exemptions at all levels of bio
fuel production including Machinery

Decentralised activities to minimise the costs

To bring legislation to use bio fuel

Provide financial subsidy and working capital facility

Support for by-products of bio fuel industry

Providing all support for increasing the feed stock supply

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