Unit 8 - Film

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We use “although, in spite of, despite, however and nevertheless” to express

contrast. (Chúng ta sử dụng các liên từ nối diễn tả sự tương phản)
1. Although + S + V, S + V
Ex: Although my homework was difficult, I finished it before bed time.
(Or) I finished my homework before bed time, although it was difficult.
2. in spite of/ despite + -ing form, subject + verb
(or) in spite of/ despite + noun, subject + verb
Ex: In spite of revising for hours, I didn't do well in the test.
Despite my revision, I didn’t do well in the test.
(Or) I didn’t do well in the test, despite revising for hours.
3. S + V. However, S + V
Ex: We believed that we would find a solution. However, we went wrong.
4. S + V. Nevertheless, S + V
Ex: Thomas has lived in the village for 10 years. Nevertheless, the villagers still
considered him to be an outsider.


I. Put the words in the box into two groups.

walked looked stopped acted wanted disappointed

volunteered bored convinced terrified appeared laughed
amazed fascinated starred washed shocked interested
/t/ /d/ /id/

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. loved B. liked C. wished D. gripped
2. A. safely B. pavement C. animation D. female
3. A. bored B. amazed C. excited D. enjoyed
4. A. filled B. opened C. played D. wanted
5. A. ended B. shocked C. laughed D. missed
III.Find which word does not belong to each group.
1. A. tired B. exciting C. bored D. exhausted
2. A. film B. cartoon C. cinema D. comedy
3. A. director B. editor C. actor D. comedy
4. A. science fiction B. animation C. documentary D. romantic
5. A. shocking B. acting C. entertaining D. exciting
I. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.
1. The movie on TV last night made me .
A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boredom
2. I was to learn that the director of that gripping film has won the first prize.
A. interest B. interests C. interested D. interesting
3. We were with the latest film of that director.
A. Satisfy B. satisfying C. satisfactory D. satisfied
4. They were very disappointed her acting.
A. of B. with C. in D. on
5. Lets go to the Victor Cinema. I’m sure you'll find the film .
A. excites B. excite C. excited D. exciting
6. Mr. Beans Holiday is a film - I was laughing from beginning to end.
A. hilarious B. violent C. scary D. moving
7. We are really about going to the cinema tonight.
A. excited B. interested C. amused D. pleased
8. The film was so . However, my father saw it from beginning to end.
A. interesting B. exciting C. boring D. fascinating
9. We found the plot of the film .
A. bored B. boring C. interested D. acting
10. The cinema changed completely at end of 1920s.
A. an – the B. the - a C. a - the D. the - the
11. I enjoyed the film on TV yesterday evening nobody in my family liked it.
A. although B. yet C. in spite of D. so
12. Last night, I didn’t go to bed early being very tired.
A. despite of B. in spite of C. although D. because
13. I thrillers to action films.
A. like B. prefer C. would rather D. enjoy
14. We like the film very much. The are unforgettable and the plot is
A. characters B. acting C. style D. action
15. A is a film that tries to make audiences laugh.
A. Horror B. sci-fi C. comedy D. documentary
II. Choose the correct word.
1. We were all (horrifying/horrified) when we heard about the disaster.
2. It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money.
3. Are you (interesting/interested) in football?
4. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite (exciting/excited).
5. It was a really (terrifying/terrified) experience. Afterwards everybody was very
6. I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really (amazing/amazed) when I was
offered it.
7. The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really (disgusting/ disgusted).
8. Do you easily get (embarrassing/embarrassed)?
III.Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence.
1. This film made a strong impression on me. IMPRESS
2. Have you ever seen this comedy? It’s really funny . FUN
3. The film was unsuccessful though they spent millions of
SUCCEED dollars making it.
4. I love action films. The/re very exciting . EXCITE
5. Big Ben Down is about a group of terrorists who take TERROR
control of Big Ben.
6. We were satisfied with the service at the cinema. SATISFY
Everything was terrible.
7. There are always cowboys in a western . WEST
8. The film is a big disappointment . It is boring from
DISAPPOINT beginning to end.
9. A drama is a play in a theatre or on television or radio, or plays ACT
and acting generally.
10. The film is about two hijackers who threaten to blow THREAT
up the plane.
IV. Choose the correct word.
1. I was disappointing/disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.
2. Are you interesting/interested in football?
3. The football match was very exciting/excited. I enjoyed it.
4. It’s sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.
5. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed?
6. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered
7. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/astonished progress.
8. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/amused.
9. Why do you always look so boring/bored? Is your life really so boring/bored?
10. He’s one of the most boring/bored people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he
never says anything interesting/interested.
V. Complete the sentences. Use “although” + a sentence from the box.

I didn’t speak the language he has a very important job

I had never seen her before we don’t like them very much
It was quite cold the heating was on
I’d met her twice before we’ve known each other a long time

1. Although he has a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid.

2. , I recognized her from a photograph.
3. She wasn’t wearing a coat .
4. We thought we’d better invite them to the party .
5. , I managed to make myself understand.
6. , the room wasn’t warm.
7. I didn’t recognize her .
8. We’re not very good friends, .
I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

explain should their consisted been

way any now when plenty
The world’s first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste
Lumiere. Although it only (1) of short, simple scenes, people loved it and
films have (2) popular ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the
screen to (3) the story.
Soon the public had (4) favorite actors and actresses and, in this (5) ,
the first film stars appeared. In the 1927, the first “talkie”, a film with sound, was shown and
from then on, the public (6) only accept this kind of film.
Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (7) produced 95% of
all films. With the arrival of television in 1950s, (8) people went to see films, but in
(9) years audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce
films that influences film-making and there are currently (10) national film industries.
II. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
“A Kid in King Arthurs Court” is directed by Michael Gottlieb. The main (1) in
the film is a teenager called Calvin Fuller. Calvin is (2) Thomas Ian Nicholas.
This film is a modern retelling of Mark Twain’s (3) book Connecticut Yankee.
Calvin lives in California, USA. He is a very shy boy and he is not very good at sports. At
the beginning of the film, Calvin is playing baseball when there is a (4)
earthquake. A hole opens in the ground and Calvin falls through it. He lands in the past, in
the (5) of King Arthur.
Calvin meets King Arthur and Merlin, the wizard. King Arthur is played by joss Ackland
and Merlin is played by Ron Moody. They think that Calvin is (6) because he plays
them modern music on his CD player and he show them (7) to make rollerblades and
a mountain bike. Calvin is trained to be a knight and he becomes more (8) . Calvin
helps King Arthur to beat his enemy, Lord Belasco, and then Merlin sends Calvin back to the
future. Calvin finds himself back in the baseball game, (9) this time he wins the
The special effects in A Kid in King Arthur’s Court are very good. Michael Gottlieb is a
great director and the actors’ performances are good. The film is funny and (10) .
It’s a comedy, a drama, and an action film all in one.
1. A. author B. name C. character D. actress
2. A. played B. did C. made D. created
3. A. classify B. class C. classic D. classical
4. A. terrify B. terrible C. terrifying D. terribled
5. A. period B. decade C. moment D. time
6. A. amazed B. amazing C. amaze D. amazes
7. A. what B. whatever C. how D. which
8. A. confident B. confidence C. confide D. confided
9. A. although B. but C. despite D. even
10. A. excite B. excited C. excites D. exciting
1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.
 In spite of___________________________________________________________
2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick.
 Because of __________________________________________________________
3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.
 Despite_____________________________________________________________
4. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick.
 In spite of___________________________________________________________
5. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home.
 Because of__________________________________________________________
6. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad.
 Despite_____________________________________________________________
7. Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman.
 Despite_____________________________________________________________
8. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.
 Although____________________________________________________________
9. Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep.
 In spite of___________________________________________________________
10. In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies.
 Even though_________________________________________________________

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