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Dated: 18th December, 2020 TOTAL MARKS 40
Tick the right option. Attempt all the questions TIME 01:45
MCQ.1 The table shows some characteristics of four types of cell.
Which cell could be a root hair cell?
Nuclues Chloroplast
a) P P
b) P O
c) O P
d) O O
MCQ.2 The graph shows the effect of changing light intensity on the rate of
photosynthesis in a plant at two different carbon dioxide concentrations.

Which statement is correct?

a) At low light intensities carbon dioxide is the limiting factor.
b) At high light intensities carbon dioxide is the limiting factor.
c) When the carbon dioxide concentration is high, there is no limiting factor.
d) When carbon dioxide concentration is low, the plant cannot photosynthesis

MCQ.3 Which statement explains why humans are said to have a double circulation?
alimentary canal
a) As blood circulates it passes twice through the heart.
b) Each side of the heart has two chambers.
c) Each side of the heart has two valves.
d) There are two different sets of arteries leaving the heart
MCQ.4 The diagram shows a typical plant cell after being placed in a concentrated
salt solution for ten minutes.

Which numbered structures are partially permeable?

a) 1 and 2 only
b) 1 and 3 only
c) 1 only
d) 2 only
MCQ.5 What is produced as a result of digestion by a protease?
a) Amino acids
b) Fatty acids
c) Glucose
d) Glycerol
MCQ.6 Which is an example of active transport?
a) Movement of glucose into the cells of the villi
b) Movement of glucose molecules down a concentration gradient
c) Movement of ions in blood plasma
d) Movement of water in the transpiration stream
MCQ.7 An experiment was set up to investigate the effect of an enzyme on coagulated
egg albumen. The results, after three hours, are shown in the diagram.

Where in the digestive system is the enzyme produced?

a) Liver
b) Pancreas
c) Salivary glands
d) Stomach wall
MCQ.8 The diagram shows the investigation of blood flow in the veins of the lower arm.

A cloth is tightly wrapped round the arm at point Z and the veins stand out
clearly. One finger presses on the vein at W.
When another finger strokes the vein, as shown in the diagram, the vein lies
flat between points W and Y.
Some possible explanations are listed.
1 The bandage at Z prevents backflow of blood.
2 The finger pressed at W prevents more blood entering the vein
3 A valve at Y prevents backflow.
4 A valve at Z prevents more blood from entering the vein.
Which explanations of the vein lying flat are correct?
a) 1 and 2
b) 1 and 4
c) 2 and 3
d) 2 and 4
MCQ.9 Similar shaped pieces of potato are placed in sucrose solutions of different
concentrations. After three hours, the mass of each potato piece is measured.
Which graph shows the results of this experiment?

MCQ.10 The diagram shows cells in fresh blood and the same cells after the blood
has been mixed with liquid X.

Which statement describes the water potential of liquid X?

a) It is equal to that of pure water.
b) It is equal to that of the cell cytoplasm.
c) It is higher than that of the cell cytoplasm.
d) It is lower than that of the cell cytoplasm.
MCQ.11 The diagram shows two plant cells.

Cell Y Cell X
Plant cells become turgid when they take up water by osmosis. In
Which of these cells does being turgid provide support?
cell X cell Y
a) No No
b) No Yes
c) Yes No
d) Yes Yes
MCQ.12 The table shows the nutrients in different parts of a meal.
Which food would be most useful in preventing constipation?

energy protein fat fiber

food carbohydrate g
kJ g g g
a) Apple juice ripe 163 0.1 0 9.4 0
b) banana salad 466 1.5 0.4 27 4.9
c) sandwich 1054 19 7.3 27 6.1
d) toffee bar 458 2.1 3.3 19 1.1
MCQ.13 The figure show as the plant cell

Which features are not found in animal cells?

a) 1 and 2
b) 1 and 3
c) 2 and 4
d) 2 and 5
MCQ.14 What are found in plants cells but not in animal cell
1 Cell membrane
2 Nucleus
3 Cell wall
4 Chloroplast
a) 1 and 2
b) 1 and 4
c) 2 and 3
d) 3 and 4
MCQ.15 How do veins differ from arteries?

width of wall elastic muscles in

lumen thickness fibers wall
a) narrower thicker more less
narrower thicker less more
c) wider thicker more more
d) wider Thinner less less

MCQ.16 Which is a difference between plasma and tissue fluid?

plasma tissue fluid
a) less dissolved glucose more dissolved glucose
b) dissolved glucose no dissolved glucose
c) more protein molecules fewer protein molecules
d) no white blood cells white blood cells

MCQ.17 1. The diagram represents a cross section of a leaf under the microscope.
Where is light energy converted into chemical energy?




MCQ.18 In an experiment to investigate the transport of water, the roots of a plant are placed
in water colored with a dye.
The diagrams show sections of the leaf, stem and root

2 1 ######## #######

Which numbered parts will become stained by the dye as the water is
initially absorbed?
leaf stem root
a) 1 3 5
b) 2 3 6
c) 1 4 6
d) 2 4 5
MCQ.19 The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated structures.

Bile Duct

a) ileum gall bladder
b) ileum pancrease
c) stomach gall bladder
d) stomach pancrease
MCQ.20 Which are properties of enzymes?
reusable many specific in their unaffected by
times action temperature
a) P P P key
b) O O O P =yes
c) P O P O =no
d) O P P
MCQ.21 The surface area of the small intestine is increased by the villi in the intestine wall.
How does the increased surface area help absorption of digested materials?
a) It makes peristalsis more efficient.
b) More mucus is produced for lubrication.
c) More starch and protein can be absorbed.
d) There is a greater chance of food molecules diffusing into the blood
MCQ.22 Some people wear clothing that covers large areas of their skin. They are at risk4
of a dietary deficiency disease where sunlight is in short supply.
Which nutrient do they lack?
a) calcium
b) Iron
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D
MCQ.23 Which row shows what happens in photosynthesis?

immediate product storage product

energy conversion
of photosynthesis of photosynthesis

a) chemical energy to light glucose starch

b) energy chemical energy to starch glucose
c) light energy light energy to glucose starch
d) chemical energy starch glucose
MCQ.24 The diagram shows a cross-section of a dicotyledonous leaf.

initially absorbed?
Which labelled parts of the leaf carry out photosynthesis?
a) 1,2 and 3
b) 1,3 and 4
c) 2,5 and 6
d) 4,5 and 6
MCQ.25 A surgical procedure involves the removal of the gall bladder.
What are patients who have undergone this procedure not able to do?
a) Mix food with gastric juice
b) Produce bile
c) Store bile
d) Store urine
MCQ.26 The diagram shows a section of the wall of the small intestine.
Into which structure are most of the lipid components of the diet absorbed for
transport to the rest of the body?

MCQ.27 Which statement describes the function of the stomach?

a) It absorbs indigestible food material.
b) It is the place where protease and bile work.
c) It is the first place in the alimentary canal where starch digestion happens.
d) It secretes protease and strong acid.
MCQ.28 Starch is digested to maltose by the enzyme amylase.
According to the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis, which is the ‘key’
and which is the ‘lock’?
key lock
a) amylase maltose
b) amylase Starch
c) Starch amylase
d) Starch maltose
MCQ.29 Where and how does carbon dioxide enter a plant?
MCQ.30 The diagram represents blood flow through the human body.

a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 3 and 4
d) 4 and 1
MCQ.31 What are the advantages of chewing food at the start of digestion?
increasing making food
lubricating food
surface area soluble
a) P P P key
b) P P O P =yes
c) P O P O =no
d) O O P
MCQ.32 Which row correctly gives a good source of vitamin C and its deficiency symptom?

good source deficiency symptom

a) egg yolk softening of bones

b) egg yolk bleeding gums
c) fresh green vegetables softening of bones
d) fresh green vegetables bleeding gums
MCQ.33 The diagram shows a plant cell.

Compared with the rest of the cell, which row describes the concentrations of
oxygen and magnesium inside structure P during the daytime?
Oxygen Magnesium
a) high high
b) high low
c) low high
d) low low
MCQ.34 Some organisms live at the bottom of the seas where it is very dark. To synthesize
glucose, they use energy from chemicals in the very hot water that comes out
of volcanoes.
What is a distinguishing feature of these organisms?
a) An enzymes are easily denatured by heat.
b) They do not need carbon dioxide.
c) They do not need to be green.
d) They obtain energy only as carnivore
MCQ.35 When a complete ring of bark is removed from the trunk of a tree, it will eventually
die because this action cuts off the supply of
a) Mineral salts to the leaves.
b) Nutrients to the roots.
c) Oxygen to the roots.
d) Water to the leaves
MCQ.35 The graph shows the amount of oxygen produced by a green plant, growing
outdoors, during a 24-hour period.
Which letter represents midday?

MCQ.37 Which substances are needed in the diet to prevent rickets?

a) calcium and vitamin C
b) calcium and vitamin D
c) iron and vitamin C
d) iron and vitamin D
MCQ.38 The photomicrograph shows onion epidermis.

Which term describes this onion epidermis?

a) Cell
b) Organ
c) Organ system
d) Tissue
MCQ.39 The diagram shows a section of the small intestine in which partially digested food
is being pushed along.

What is the state of the longitudinal muscles at 1and 2?

1 2
a) contracted contracted
b) contracted Relaxed
c) Relaxed contracted
d) Relaxed Relaxed
MCQ.40 Which cannot be an example of excretion?
a) Carbon dioxide is breathed out from the lungs.
b) Undigested food leaves the body through the anus.
c) Urea leaves the body in urine.
d) Water is removed through the kidneys

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