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Keenan Saulter

From: Celia Meza < Celia.Meza@cityofchicago,org >

Sent: Tuesday, March 23,2021 6:17 PM
To: Keenan Saulter
Subject: RE: Anjanette Young v. City of Chicago, et al.; Case No.: 2021 -L-001939-FOR

Mr. ulter,
lam in receipt ofyour email and phone message. lwill ensure you are contacted by Friday, March 26th


Colla MEza I Acting Corpo,atlon Counsel

City of Chicago I Law Department
312-7 44-5323

From: Keenan Saulter <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 6:20 PM
To: Celia Meza <[email protected]>
subiect: RE: Anjanette Young v. City of Chicago, et al.; Case No.: 2021-L-001939-FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES ONLY NOT

[Warning; External email]


I hope you had a good weekend. I just called you to discuss my email from last week. Please let me know
when you have time to discuss the same. Thank you.


Keenan J. Saulter

& S^r"r"* Lrw P.C.

3 I2.986.8335 Direct/Text

As a result ofthe ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic and rcsulting Publc Health Emergency, Our office is following medical advice and our scaff will
be working remote r:ntil rhis crisis passes. To Fac itate this, wc ask thar you correspond by e-mail, facsimile or rdcphonc. As much as practicablc
we ask thar you avoid sending lerrea and packages by regular nrail as it is unpredicablc at this time.

Thank you for your parimce and cooperation.

This messagc is intended for rhe individua.l or entiry named above and may constitute a attomey-clienr privileged and confidcnrial communication.
lfyou are nor rhe intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use, or disclose rht nressage. Please notif| rlre sender by rcplying to this message, and
then ddete the message from your system,

From: Keenan Saulter

Sent: Thursday, March 18,2021 10:01 PM
To: Celia Meza <Celia.Meza C c hica o
Subject: Anianette Young v. City of Chicago, et al.; Case No.: 2021-L-001939-FOR SETTLEM ENT PURPOSES ONLY NOT TO


I hope thismessage fi.nds you well. Attached please frnd the Cover Letters that we included with the
Summonses and Complaints which were served on The City, yesterday March 17, 2O2l uia certified
mail-pursuant to the City Clerk's Office instructions re: service ofprocess in person and on the
individual offrcer defendants at the Chicago Police Department today.

As you know, on January 21,2021my client made a demand to you in the amount In the
demand letter, initially we required a response by January 28,2021.

You responded and indicated that your client needed additional time to provide an ofier.

Subsequently, you advised:

That you were hiring outside counseli

That the City wished to mediate the Casei and

That the City would pay for the mediation

We last diseussed this case in early to mid-February.

I can only assume based on your lack of a response regarding initiating mediation and the fact that you
have not made a counteroffer to our demand that it is no longer your intention to attempt an early

If my assumption is in error, please:

advise me who the outside counsel handling this matter will bei

make a counter"offer to our demand; and,

facilitate (or direct your outside counsel to facilitate) getting this matter scheduled for mediation.

I have a list of acceptable mediators at both JAMS and ADR here in Chicago that I am prepared to
share-if we are serious about attempting to resolve this in the near term.
Ms. Young has been very patient with the City, however her patience has run out.

If the City intends to mediate this aatter, we will need a reasonable counter-offet to our demand by the
COB on Friday March 26 2021-which is two months past ow iaitial deadline.

I look forward to hearing from you and can be available for a call tomorrow (Friday) or Monday ifyou
would like to discuss any of this further.

Thank you.


Keenan J, Saulter
Arromey at Law

h s^*rr* L,rw P.C.

900 Ridge Road, Suite 300
P.O. Box 1475
Homewood, Illnois 60,130
3 I2.986.8335 Direct/Text
708.573.0060 OfIice
708.573.006I Facsimile
[email protected]

sPlease Reade
As a result of che ongoing COVID- I9 pandernic and resuldng Public Heafth Emergency, Our office is following rnedical advice and
our suff will be working rerrote until rhis crisis passes. To Facilitate this, we ask d.rat you correspond by e-mail, facsimile or
telephone. As much as pracricable we ask thar you avoid sending lerters and packages by regular mail as it is unprcdictable at rhis tirnc.

Thank you for your petience and cooperation.

This message is inrended for dre individual or entiry rumed above and may corstitute a attorney-client privileged and confidential
commrurication. Ifyou are nor the intended recipienr, please do not read, copy, use, ot disclose this message. Please notifi the sender
by replying ro this message, and rhen delere the message from yout systenr

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