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04 Activity 2 ARG

Friedman’s Traditional view

Plus (Advantage)
Friedman specifically argued that business organizations should not concern themselves with
the promotion of desirable social ends. He described business owners who talked about “social
conscience” as “unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the
basis of a free society these past decades.”
The profitability of a business promotes an environment conducive for investment that, in turn,
fosters capitalism and the creation of free market enterprises. In addition, a thriving business
would result in the introduction of competitive products and the creation of jobs, as well as in
the payment of taxes to the government. Hence, Friedman explained that the profitability and
success of a business would eventually benefit the society.
Minus (Disadvantages)
The corporate social responsibility theory of Milton Friedman is a counterargument to the
stakeholder theory or socioeconomic model. It also forms one of the major criticisms against
modern corporate social responsibility.
Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best
interests of their environment and society as a whole. The crux of this theory is to enact policies
that promote an ethical balance between the dual mandates of striving for profitability and
benefiting society as a whole.
Carroll’s 4 Responsibilities of Business
Plus (Advantage)
Social responsibility is the duty of business to do no harm to society. In other words, in their
daily operations, businesses should be concerned about the welfare of society and mindful of
how its actions could affect society as a whole. We know that social responsibility doesn’t
always happen, despite the seemingly best efforts of a company.
Minus (Disadvantages)
 Costs. The factor of costs impacts an organization in two ways when it embeds the system
of CSR into its operations.
 Clashing of business objectives.
 Interests of the shareholders.
 Competitive Disadvantage.
 Impact upon the reputation of the Corporation.

Carroll's four part definition of CSR was originally stated as follows: “Corporate social
responsibility encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary (philanthropic)
expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time” (Carroll 1979, 1991).
My Decision

The most effective approach that I recommended to achieve organizational success is the Carroll’s 4
responsibilities of business because this approach was focusing on how and why organizations should
meet their social responsibilities. CSR is built on the foundation of profit – profit must come first. Then
comes the need for a business to ensure it complies with all laws & regulations.

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