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Learning Centered and Outcomes Based

Activity No. 11
“A World of Regions”
Name: Ladao, Jimuel V. Score/Rating: _
Year/Section: 3rd Year Faculty: Mr. Rainville R. Balase
Degree Program: Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering
Direction(s): Read the lectures the “Global Divide” and answer the following
(1) The “double divide” is caused by political power, economic dependency and
importation/exportation of resources. Explain this statement.
(2) Discuss your concept on the “divide” among governments of Asian

(1) This is because the double divide is done with neocolonialism and that is by
making poorer countries be more dependent on more developed countries
and are able to do exportations inside them.
(2) This divide, for my own conception, goes with the modernization theorists’
idea of the countries who hold more of their oriental-oriented tradition and
beliefs will be behind in the race of modernism. The Asia, unlike the West,
has more traditions and it’s seemingly that these contry will be undercover
of this double divide.


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