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Information for Falsification


The undersigned, _____________, accuses _____________ of the crime of

FALSIFICATION, committed as follows, to wit:

That on or about _____________, at about _________ (a.m./p.m.), in the

City/Municipality of _____________, Province of _____________ and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused _____________ who is not a
passer of any professional board examination administered by the Professional
Regulations Commission (PRC), conspiring and conniving with the other accused
_____________, who was then and there was a records clerk of the PRC, did
there and them, willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously made up and printed a fake
PRC License Card bearing the name of the accused _____________ making it
appear therein that the latter is a board passer of the Electrical Engineering
Board given on _____________ and with a grade of _____________ and that he
is a Registered Electrical Engineer, knowing the said accused had neither the
legal right or title to the issuance of the said PRC License Card.

Contrary to law.

_____________, Philippines, __Date__.




(Certification of Preliminary Investigation)

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