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March 25, 2021

Dhanuka Laboratories Limited: Ratings reaffirmed; removed from watch

with negative implications; Stable outlook assigned
Summary of rating action
Previous Rated Amount Current Rated Amount
Instrument* Rating Action
(Rs. crore) (Rs. crore)
[ICRA]BBB- /[ICRA]A3 reaffirmed;
Fund-based Working Capital ratings removed from watch with
41.00 81.00
Facilities negative implications; Stable
outlook assigned
[ICRA]A3 reaffirmed; ratings
Non-fund Based Working
62.00 62.00 removed from watch with
Capital Facilities
negative implications
Fund-based and Non-fund
Based - Working Capital 20.00 0.00 -
Non-fund Based Facilities 50.00 0.00 -
Total 173.00 143.00
*Instrument details are provided in Annexure-1

For arriving at the ratings for Dhanuka Laboratories Limited (DLL or the company), ICRA has taken a consolidated view of the
financials of DLL (standalone), Synmedic Laboratories (Synmedic), a partnership firm involved in the manufacturing of
formulations with DLL's share at 98%, and Orchid Pharma Limited, which DLL acquired in March 2020 under the Insolvency
and Bankruptcy Code (IBC)process.
The ratings were placed on watch with negative implications in July 2019, following the approval of DLL’s resolution plan for
Orchid Pharma Limited by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), under the IBC. As the acquisition of Orchid Pharma is
now completed, the ratings have been removed from watch with negative implications. The rating reaffirmation factors in
DLL’s established relationships with anti-bacterial formulation companies in the Cephalosporin active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API) segment, its diversified product profile, successful acquisition of Orchid Pharma as well as strong financial
flexibility and support from its associate company, Dhanuka Agritech Limited (DAL) (rated [ICRA] AA-(Positive)/[ICRA]A1+).
ICRA favourably considers the company's increasing presence in the non-Cephalosporin APIs and intermediates segment,
which have enhanced its product profile and is likely to supplement its revenue growth prospects over the medium term. The
non-Cephalosporin segment currently drives around 16-25% of the company’s revenues on a standalone basis and lends
support to the company’s profitability through some of its high realisation products.
With the acquisition of Orchid Pharma, the company’s business profile has strengthened significantly as Orchid Pharma is a
major player in Cephalosporin APIs/ intermediates with significant presence in regulated markets such as the US, the EU and
Japan. DLL, which mainly supplies APIs to domestic and semi-regulated markets like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, etc, would
get access to the regulated markets to launch its products, thus providing a plethora of cross selling opportunities. The
company would also share synergies with Orchid Pharma on the API manufacturing technology front and could capitalise on
Orchid’s cutting edge R&D infrastructure for new product development and its huge portfolio of active patents and drug filings
to expand its geographic footprint.
Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in FY2021, the demand for antibiotics and anti-bacterial drugs fell significantly as
there were low patient footfalls in the hospitals for medical procedures. This resulted in decline in Cephalosporin API sales
across semi-regulated and regulated markets, thus impacting API revenues for both DLL and Orchid Pharma. However, sales

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for certain non-Cephalosporin APIs, such as Montelukast, which are used primarily for cough and fever, improved significantly
In FY2021. With the company’s increasing focus on APIs with high average realisation, the operating profitability improved to
7.9% in FY2020 and 10.6% in H1 FY2021 compared to 4.1% in FY2019. The ramp-up of Synmedic facilities was slower than
anticipated as there was delay in getting the regulatory approval from Vietnam for site-transfer of Faridabad plant to Keshwana
(Rajasthan) plant. Due to cost reduction initiatives taken by DLL’s management, Orchid Pharma reported OPM of 17% in Q1
and Q2 FY2021. In Q3 FY2021, due to decline in antibiotic demand in regulated markets, which were its main markets, a lot of
production was sold in non-regulated markets, resulting in significant decline in gross margins, resulting in 11% OPM for the
9M FY2021 period.
The acquisition outlay of Rs. 610 crore for Orchid Pharma was funded by a term loan of Rs. 427 crore (on Orchid’s books),
unsecured debt of Rs. 143 crore raised from promoters and promoter entities through Optionally Convertible Debentures
(OCDs) (on DLL’s books) and equity infusion of Rs. 40 crore by promoters. With increase in debt level, the interest costs and
debt repayments increased significantly to Rs. 50-55 crore and Rs. 90-100 crore, respectively, resulting in stretched coverage
indicators. The working capital requirements also increased significantly with the acquisition and the company has already
requested for additional working capital of Rs. 75 crore for Orchid Pharma, which is under sanction process. Although the
acquisition has resulted in increased debt levels, the company is planning to deleverage Orchid Pharma through the sale of its
non-core assets, such as its formulation unit in Irrungattukottai (Tamil Nadu) / IKKT plant and Orchid Towers in Chennai, which
would reduce the external debt by Rs. 180-220 crore by FY2022-FY2023. DLL also has to reduce its equity stake in Orchid
Pharma by 8% as mandated by SEBI, which would bring additional funds of Rs. 80-90 crore and could be used to pay off the
debt. ICRA would continue to monitor DLL’s non-core asset monetisation plans and take appropriate rating actions.
The Stable outlook on the rating reflects ICRA’s expectation that an improvement in the performance of Orchid Pharma,
coupled with a stable operational performance for DLL benefitting from its established relationships with its customers, would
help it maintain a stable credit profile. While the progress on monetisation of non-core assets would remain a key rating
sensitivity, ICRA expects access to financial support from associate concern, DAL, to help DLL meet its debt servicing
requirements in a timely manner.

Key rating drivers and their description

Credit strengths
Strong financial support from associate concern, DAL – DAL (rated [ICRA]AA- (Positive) /[ICRA]A1+), an associate company of
DLL, is the strongest rated company in the Dhanuka Group. DAL’s directors, Mr. MK Dhanuka and Mr. Arun Kumar Dhanuka,
also sit on DLL’s board. There is a long track record of DAL providing financial support to the company. In FY2020, DAL enhanced
the credit line to Rs. 50 crore for Dhanuka Labs from Rs. 25 crore earlier. DAL’s promoters even pledged a part of their
shareholding in DAL, to raise debt for part funding for the acquisition of Orchid Pharma. However, there was a change in the
funding mix of the acquisition later and, accordingly, all the DAL’s shares pledged were released. Thus, the company’s enjoys
strong financial flexibility and comfort with support from DAL.

Established relationships with customers in cephalosporin segment; diversification into non-cephalosporin API/
intermediates helped enhance product profile – DLL manufactures mature Cephalosporin APIs and intermediates that are
sold to pharmaceutical formulators, who convert these into various dosage forms, viz. capsules, tablets and dry syrups. The
company’s diversified product profile helps tide over the fluctuations in raw material prices and the demand for mature
molecules. DLL has maintained strong relationships with its clientele in both the domestic and export markets over the years.
It has a well-diversified customer base with the top five customers contributing ~35% to the revenues. To further diversify its
product profile, the company set up a new plant in Keshwana (Rajasthan), which became operational in December 2017, for
manufacturing non-Cephalosporin APIs. The facility has ramped up production over the past two years, and constitutes almost
16-25% of the total DLL (standalone) revenues. The key APIs manufactured under the non-Cephalosporin segment are
Montelukast, Telmisartan and Levetiracetam. In addition to the domestic market, the company is focussed on gaining business
from semi-regulated markets over the medium term.

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Acquisition of Orchid Pharma to provide access to regulated markets and API manufacturing technology; ramp-up of
facilities to support revenue growth – DLL mainly exports ~50% of its API products to non-regulated overseas markets such as
South Korea, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Turkey, etc, which are fettered with high competitive intensity and lower
margins. The acquisition of Orchid Pharma, an export oriented unit (EOU) with significant presence in regulated markets, such
as the US, the EU, Japan, etc, provides significant geographic diversification to DLL on a consolidated basis. DLL would also gain
synergies on the API manufacturing technology front considering Orchid has state-of-the-art and GLP compliant R&D
infrastructure for process research and pharmaceutical research near Chennai. The total size of patent portfolios with Orchid
Pharma was 196 as of March 31, 2020, out of which 48 patents are active indicating strong R&D capabilities.. Orchid Pharma’s
manufacturing facilities are currently operating at capacity utilisation of ~40%, clocking annual revenues of around Rs. 500-
550 crore. Thus, the company has significant installed manufacturing capacity to double its revenues without incurring any
additional growth capex.
Focus on high average realisation APIs supported operating profitability in FY2020 and FY2021 YTD; expected significant
OPBITDA contribution with ramp-up of Orchid’s facilities – The company has increased its focus on products with high average
realisation rates both in Cephalosporin and non-Cephalosporin segments, resulting in improvement in DLL’s (standalone)
operating profitability to 7.9% (PY: 4.1%) in FY2020. The prices of some non-Cephalosporin products, such as Montelukast,
used primarily for cough and fever, increased significantly in FY2021, thereby aiding OPM to ~10.5% for H1 FY2021 (provisional
financials). Since Orchid Pharma exports almost 80-85% of its products to regulated markets, it witnesses healthy gross margins
of around 45-55% compared to 20-25% for DLL, which mainly exports to non-regulated markets. Following the acquisition, OPL
reported positive OPBITDA of Rs. 39.4 crore during H1 FY2021 with OPM of 17%, although it dropped to 11% for 9M FY2021
as a lot of its production was sold to non-regulated markets in Q3 FY2021 due to the drop in antibiotic demand in regulated
markets, such as Europe. Thus, as antibiotic demand improves in regulated markets, OPM is expected to improve considering
its contribution of ~50% to DLL’s (consolidated) revenues.

Credit challenges
Decline in Cephalosporin API revenues in FY2021 due to Covid-19 impact on antibiotic demand in regulated as well as non-
regulated markets – Due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was significant decline in the medical operations and
surgeries in hospitals, which impacted the demand of antibiotics and anti-bacterial drugs, the main consumers of
Cephalosporin APIs. One of DLL’s key products, Ceftibuten, which drove 18% of revenues in FY2020 and is mainly exported to
Turkey and Bangladesh, performed the worst in FY2021, resulting in decline in DLL’s sales to Rs. 132.7 crore in H1 FY2021
(FY2020: 207 crore). The impact was also witnessed in regulated markets, such as Europe, which had lockdowns till Q3 FY2021.
As a result, a lot of Orchid Pharma’s API production was sold at lower realisation in non-regulated markets, resulting in
significant drop in GM. Although antibiotic demand started picking up slowly from Q4 in Europe, it would take a few quarters
to reach the pre-Covid levels.

Acquisition of Orchid Pharma leads to enhanced borrowings; sale of non-core assets remains key for deleveraging plans –
With the acquisition of Orchid Pharma, DLL added Rs. 427 crore of external term debt to DLL’s consolidated profile; the total
debt on the consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2020 was Rs. 765.5 crore. Due to increase in debt level, the interest
costs increased to Rs. 50-55 crore (PY: 18.1 crore) and debt repayments increased to Rs. 90-100 crore from FY2022 onwards.
The company is aggressively pursuing plans to monetise Orchid Pharma’s non-core assets, such as the IKKT formulation plant
and Orchid Tower (in line with the resolution plan for Orchid Pharma) to bring down the debt levels by Rs. 180-220 crore by
FY2022-FY2023. The sale of non-core assets would remain a key monitorable.

Liquidity position: Adequate

DLL’s liquidity position is adequate, characterised by an expectation of stable retained cash flows of ~Rs. 40-60 crore on a
consolidated basis annually, moderate utilisation of working capital limits (buffer of ~Rs. 10-15 crore), additional working
capital facility of Rs. 75 crore under process and low capex requirement of ~Rs. 10-15 crore over the next three years. DLL is
expected to have annual debt repayments of ~Rs. 90-100 crore/annum over FY2022-FY2023, with its cash flows likely to be
adequate to help repay the same in a timely manner. The company is expected to earn funds from the monetisation of non-
core assets such as its IKKT formulation plant and Orchid Tower, which would contribute around Rs. 180-220 crore and would

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be used for pre-payment of its debt. There would also be 8% stake sale by DLL’s promoters through OFS before September 2020,
as mandated by SEBI, which is expected to bring additional funds of Rs. 80-90 crore in FY2022. The track record of funding
support from the promoters and financial flexibility in the form of access to credit line from an associate concern, DAL, provides

Rating sensitivities
Positive factors – A faster-than-expected ramp up in scale of operations of the Orchid API facilities, or higher than expected
receipt of funds from the sale of non-core assets, resulting in strengthening of the consolidated entity's credit profile, would
be favourably considered for a rating upgrade.

Negative factors – A rating downgrade could be triggered if the ramp up in Orchid Pharma’s and Synmedic’s facilities is slower
than expected, weakening the financial risk profile of the entity. Also, the inability to deleverage the company through the
monetisation of non-core assets or Orchid Pharma would negatively impact the credit profile. Further, a decline in financial
flexibility available to the entity from its associate concern, DAL, would remain a key rating monitorable.

Analytical approach
Analytical Approach Comments
Corporate Credit Rating Methodology
Applicable Rating Methodologies Rating Methodology for Entities in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Impact of Parent or Group Support on an Issuer’s Credit Rating
The rating assigned to DLL factors in the very high likelihood of its associate concern,
DAL, extending financial support to it because of the close business linkages
Parent/Group Support between them. ICRA also expects DAL to be willing to extend financial support to
DLL out of its need to protect its reputation from the consequences of a Group
entity's distress.
For arriving at the ratings, ICRA has considered the consolidated financials of DLL.
Consolidation/Standalone As on March 31, 2020, the company had two subsidiaries that are enlisted in
About the company
DLL has been involved in manufacturing and marketing APIs and advanced intermediates of Cephalosporin antibiotics, since
the commencement of its commercial operations in 1998. The company is promoted by the Dhanuka Group, whose flagship
company, Dhanuka Agritech Limited is rated [ICRA]AA- (positive) /[ICRA]A1+. DLL is a supplier of Cephalosporin products to
domestic and overseas non-regulated markets, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, South Korea, China, etc, through its
manufacturing facility in Gurgaon (Haryana). The company diversified its portfolio to non-Cephalosporin APIs/ intermediates
through its Keshwana facility in Rajasthan.

The company completed the acquisition of Orchid Pharma Limited in March 2020 under the IBC process. Established in 1992,
as an EOU, Orchid Pharma is a listed company that makes Cephalosporin APIs and formulations, with significant presence in
regulated markets, such as the US, the EU, Japan, etc. Orchid Pharma has two major manufacturing facilities—an API facility
in Alathur (Tamil Nadu) and a finished dosage form (FDF)/ formulations facility (IKKT unit) in Irrungattukottai (Tamil Nadu).
Apart from operating in the API segment, DLL is present in formulation segments through Synmedic, which was acquired by
DLL in 2013. At present, Synmedic operates a manufacturing facility in Faridabad (Haryana) and mainly sells its products to
south-east Asian nations such as Vietnam, The Philippines, Cambodia, etc. Synmedic has also set up another plant in Rajasthan
to increase its manufacturing capacity for formulations.

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Key financial indicators (audited)
DLL Consolidated FY2019 FY2020*
Operating Income (Rs. crore) 438.4 436.0
PAT (Rs. crore) 4.7 2.4
OPBDIT/OI (%) 3.9% 7.4%
PAT/OI (%) 1.1% 0.5%
Total Outside Liabilities/Tangible Net Worth (times) 2.3 1.0
Total Debt/OPBDIT (times) 10.5 23.6
Interest Coverage (times) 1.1 2.3
PAT: Profit after Tax; OPBDIT: Operating Profit before Depreciation, Interest, Taxes and Amortisation
Source: DLL, ICRA research
* Profit and Loss statement of Orchid Pharma not considered as acquisition happened in March 2020

Status of non-cooperation with previous CRA: Not applicable

Any other information: None

Rating history for past three years
Chronology of Rating History
Current Rating (FY2021)
for the past 3 years
Date &
Instrument Amount Amount Date &
Date & Rating in FY2020 Date & Rating in FY2019 Rating in
Type Rated Outstanding Rating in
(Rs. crore) (Rs. crore)
25-Mar-21 18-Dec-19 2-Jul-19 25-Feb-19 24-Jan-19 18-Jan-18
Fund-based - Long
Working Term/
1 81.0 - (Stable)/ / / (Stable)/ (Stable)/ (Negative)/
Capital Short
Facilities Term
Based -
2 Working 62.0 - [ICRA]A3 [ICRA]A3 @ [ICRA]A3 @ [ICRA]A3 [ICRA]A3 [ICRA]A2
Fund-based [ICRA]A3 @ [ICRA]A3 @ [ICRA]A3 [ICRA]A3 [ICRA]A2
and Non- Long
fund Based - Term/
3 0.0 - -
Working Short
Capital Term
4 Based 0.0 - - [ICRA]BBB- @
@ Under watch with developing implications

Complexity level of the rated instrument

ICRA has classified various instruments based on their complexity as "Simple", "Complex" and "Highly Complex". The
classification of instruments according to their complexity levels is available on the website

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Annexure-1: Instrument details
Date of Issuance / Amount Rated Current Rating and
ISIN No Instrument Name Coupon Rate Maturity Date
Sanction (RS Crore) Outlook
Fund-based - Working [ICRA]BBB- (Stable)/
NA NA NA FY2024 81.0
Capital Facilities [ICRA]A3
Non-fund Based -
NA Working Capital NA NA FY2024 62.0 [ICRA]A3
Source: Company

Annexure-2: List of entities considered for consolidated analysis

Company Name DLL Ownership Consolidation Approach
Synmedic Laboratories Full Consolidation
(rated entity)
Orchid Pharma Limited 98.00% Full Consolidation
Source: DLL annual report
Note: ICRA has taken a consolidated view of the parent (DLL), its subsidiaries and associates while assigning the ratings.

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Shamsher Dewan Rohan Kanwar Gupta
+91 124 4545328 +91 1244545808
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+91 124 4545374 +91 9971013432
[email protected] [email protected]

Jayanta Chatterjee
+91 80 4332 6401
[email protected]


Ms. Naznin Prodhani
Tel: +91 124 4545 860
[email protected]

Helpline for business queries

+91-9354738909 (open Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 6 pm)
[email protected]

About ICRA Limited:

ICRA Limited was set up in 1991 by leading financial/investment institutions, commercial banks and financial services
companies as an independent and professional investment Information and Credit Rating Agency.

Today, ICRA and its subsidiaries together form the ICRA Group of Companies (Group ICRA). ICRA is a Public Limited Company,
with its shares listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange. The international Credit Rating Agency
Moody’s Investors Service is ICRA’s largest shareholder.

For more information, visit

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which may lead to revision in ratings. An ICRA rating is a symbolic indicator of ICRA’s current opinion on the relative capability of the issuer concerned to
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