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1.1. Background of the study

Auditing is an important activity for all types of organization where
governmental, private for profit, non profit or any other. Auditing is systematic
process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertion
about economic action and event to ascertain in degree of correspondence
between those assertion and established criteria and communication the to
interested user(korath 1999 ,p2) .

Auditing is the accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to

determine and report on degree of independency correspondences between the
information and established criteria auditing should be done by a competent
independent person(Arenas 1997,p.2).Proper internal auditing practice is a
base for preserving the stability of any company. The study faces on describing
and analyzing the important control directions that are related to internal
auditing practice, in regard to see the existing and applicability of attributes
and the standards in Abyssinia bank of Kombolcha branch performance to
increase the quality of audit work. Raising awareness of the role and
significance of internal auditing to the achievement of specific objectives in
reasonable assurance, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency of operations,
reliability of financial reporting in compliance with applicable laws and
regulations (Sawyer, lawyer B, 1989, p.21).
1.2Historical background of Abyssinia bank

A bank is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channel deposit

into lending activities either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital
markets. A bank links customer that have capital deficit and customer that
with capital surpluses. There are nineteen head quarter banks exist Ethiopia
currently. Each head quarter has it own branches (merriam Webster).

A centurial bank has great role to over see the commercial banking system.
Central bank possesses a monopoly of printing or issuing currency that serve
as a legal tender. Due to this central banks are called issued banks. In fact of
history of banking in Ethiopia dates back to the turn of the century when in
1905 the bank of Abyssinia was established in Addis Ababa under the reign of
Minilk. This event marked the introduction of banking in the country (Mishkin

In 1905 bank of Abyssinia was established by Britain at the request reign of

minilik. Even as Abyssinia which is the name Ethiopia used to one of the
cradle of the civilization and even the bank of Abyssinia shall be a standard
bearer within the banking industry in Ethiopia as well as an international
player capable of being compared favorably with best institution of its kind.
The mission of the bank of Abyssinia is to provide domestic and international
banking service through an innovative and optimal utilization of technology
(Arnido Muir 1886)
1.3 Statement of the problem
According to ( Dawuda,2010 ) Internal audit is essential for ensuring performance of
the organization. To achieve organizational objectives, internal audit plays a great role
by providing value adding service. Internal auditing is examination of internal
control system in which it functions by measuring and evaluating effectiveness
of other control on the other hand external auditor has reasonability to report
on the truth and fairness of the account of the company. The absence of proper
indenting in the organization leads many problems. The absence of primarily
internal auditing in the organization will result in lack of continuous assurance
service. (Konrath, 1999, p. 676)

The second problem in achieving internal auditing practice is the degree of

limited independence of internal auditor since internal auditors are employees
of company this serve, they can’t achieved the certified public accountants
(CPA) independence in fact. This limited independence reduces their role with
company to the lever of the more assistance to the top management. The other
problem is that inadequate internal control can expose the company to various
identifiable risk, such as waste of company available resource, fraud by
employees and lack of control over asset. By not having adequate internal
auditing activities, the company will loss substantial amount of resource and
have difficulty to achieve its intended objectives.( Arena, 1997)

All the above mentioned point made the researchers to under take a study of
this nature. Here in this paper, the researcher wants to assess the existing
internal auditing system.

1.4 Research question

Depending on the above problem the researcher raises the following question:-

 Are the principles of internal auditing apply in practice in Abyssinia bank

kombolcha branch?
 What is the quality of internal audit work in terms of competence,
objective and independence?
 How internal audit practice affects external auditing function and what is
their relationship?
 What is the degree of independence of the internal auditor from those
task they reviewing?

1.5. Objective of the Study

1.5.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study is to assess internal auditing practice in
Abyssinia bank of kombolcha branch

1.5.2. Specific Objective

The specific objectives of this study are:

 To examining the application of the internal audit practice in the bank

 To identify the quality of internal audit work.
 To identify the degree of independence of the internal auditor from those
who task they reviewing.
 To identify the effect of internal audit on external audit function and
their relationship.

1.6 Research methodology

1.6.1. Research Design

For this study the researcher was used descriptive types of research design to obtain desired result of
for the study and to discover detailed evidence about the problem. This would have been designed to
examine the assessment of internal auditing practice in Abyssinia bank of kombolcha branch

1.6.2. Source of data and method of data collection

The researcher was used both primary and secondary source of data to achieve
objective of the study. The primary data was collected from the employees of
the bank through questionnaires where as interview was conducted to the
manager of the bank. While the secondary source of data collected from the
written documents such as books and other related review literature. In order
to collect the primary data the researcher was used both open ended and close
ended questions was distributed for the employees of the banks and interview
question was conducted to the manager of the banks.

1.6.3. sample techniques and sample size

In Abyssinia banks of kombolcha branch there are 17 employees .The researcher selected all
employees of the bank as sample by using census sampling techniques. Because the population number
is small.

1.6.4. Method of data analysis, presentation and interpretation

The raw data that collected through questionnaires, interviews and written
documents was organized and interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively.
Responses obtained from the closed ended question was organized
quantitatively. Whereas the data obtained from open ended question and
interview was analyzed qualitatively. The collected data was presented within
explanation, interpreted and analyzed through table and percentage.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The major benefits and importance of this study are the following:-

 It will be enable the managers to be aware of the importance and use of

internal audit in achieving intended objective.
 It will be help the auditor in this organization to know their role in the
 It will be allowed the researcher to practice a larger similar study that
could be performed in other organizational sector.
 It will be used as an additional reference to the existing restructure and
can be used as a spring boards for other research, who wishes to
conduct a research in the same area.

1.8. Scope of Study

Even though,the Abyssinia Bank of Ethiopia have many branches, the study
would been focused on the assessment of internal auditing practice in
kombolcha branch because of shortage of time and financial limitation.

1.9. Limitation of the Study

There are some limitations to conduct the study, since the study does not cover
all branch of Abyssinia Bank, the result of the study may not give full
information about internal auditing practice because of:-

 Financial source is not sufficient to gather all relevant information.

 The time allocated for data collections is not sufficient to gather all the
relevant information.
 Questionnaire method is primary used to gather primary data. However,
the information may not free from personal bias of respondent.
 Some of the respondent may not give response sincerely.

1.10. Organization of paper

This study has four chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction part
which containing, the background of the study, statement of problem, objective
of the study, research methodology, significance of the study, scope of the
study, limitation and organization of the paper . Chapter two summarizes
review of literature. Chapter three deal with the data analysis and
presentation. Chapter Four deals with summery, conclusion and

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