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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations


The objective of the examination is to ensure that candidates have an introduction to global securities
services and administration as far as this relates to the needs of operations and administration staff.

The examination will test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the following elements:

• Securities
• Main Industry Participants
• Settlement Characteristics
• Other Investor Services
• Aspects of Taxation
• Risk

For the purpose of this syllabus the selected markets referred to herein are defined as:

UK; US; Japan; Australia; Euronext; Germany; Spain; India; Hong Kong; Singapore; Korea; Brazil


The unit is divided into elements. These are broken down into a series of learning objectives.

Each learning objective begins with one of the following prefixes: know, understand or be able to
calculate. These words indicate the different levels of skill to be tested. Learning objectives prefixed:

• know require the candidate to recall information such as facts, rules and principles

• understand require the candidate to demonstrate comprehension of an issue, fact, rule or


• be able to calculate require the candidate to be able to use formulae to perform calculations


Candidates are reminded to check the ‘Candidate Update’ area of the Institute’s website ( on a
regular basis for updates that could affect their examination as a result of industry change.

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations


Each examination paper is constructed from a specification that determines the weightings that will be
given to each element. The specification is given below.

It is important to note that the numbers quoted may vary slightly from examination to examination as there
is some flexibility to ensure that each examination has a consistent level of difficulty. However, the
number of questions tested in each element should not change by more than plus or minus 2.

Examination specification
50 multiple choice questions

Element number Element Questions

1 Securities 10
2 Main Industry Participants 10
3 Settlement Characteristics 10
4 Other Investor Services 14
5 Aspects of Taxation 3
6 Risk 3
Total 50


A 1 hour examination of 50 multiple choice questions.

Candidates sitting the examination by Computer Based Testing will have, in addition, up to 10%
additional questions as trial questions that will not be separately identified and do not contribute to the
result. Candidates will be given proportionately more time to complete the test.

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations


1.1 Securities
1.2 Principles of Trading
2.1 Investors and Custody Service Suppliers
2.2 International Central Securities Depositories and Central Securities Depositories
2.3 Communications and Technology
3.1 Pre-settlement
3.2 Settlement
3.3 Failed Settlement
4.1 Safekeeping
4.2 Corporate Actions
4.3 Cash Management
4.4 Securities Lending
5.1 General
6.1 Identifying and Managing Risk
6.2 Mitigating Risk through Reconciliation

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations


1.1 Securities
On completion, the candidate should:

1.1.1 understand the characteristics of ordinary shares:

• ranking in liquidation

• dividends

• voting rights / non-voting shares

• deferred shares

• registration

• bearer / unlisted securities

• transfer restrictions

1.1.2 understand the characteristics of preference shares:

• ranking in liquidation

• dividends

• voting rights / non-voting shares

• cumulative / non cumulative

• participating

• redeemable

• convertible

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

1.1.3 understand the characteristics of Depositary Receipts:

• American Depositary Receipt

• Global Depositary Receipt

• Depositary Interest

• transferability / registration / transfer to underlying

• how created / pre-release facility

• rights

• stamp duty and conversion fees

1.1.4 understand the characteristics of warrants and covered warrants:

• what are warrants and covered warrants

• how they are valued

• affect on price of maturity and the underlying security

• purpose

• detachability

• exercise and expiry

• benefit to the issuing company and purpose

• issue by a third party

• right to subscribe for capital

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

1.1.5 understand the characteristics of fixed income instruments:

• corporate bonds

• eurobonds

• convertible bonds

• government bonds

• discount securities

• floating rate notes

• coupon payment intervals

• coupon calculations (may be tested by the use of simple calculations)

• accrued interest calculations (may be tested by the use of simple calculations):

o actual/actual
o 30/360

• clean and dirty prices

• mortgage backed securities

• asset backed securities

• index linked bonds

1.1.6 know the characteristics of:

• exchange traded funds

• mutual funds

• hedge funds

• investment trusts

• real estate funds

• private equity

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

1.1.7 know how securities are identified:




• tickers

1.1.8 understand how securities are issued:

• equities:
o offers for subscription
o offers for sale
o introductions
o placing
o offer to tender

• government bonds:
o auction
o tap
o tranche

• eurobonds:
o lead manager
o syndicate
o underwriting

1.2 Principles of Trading

On completion, the candidate should:

1.2.1 know the characteristics of the Regulated Markets and Multilateral Trading Facilities

1.2.2 understand the differences between:

• on exchange / MTF

• over the counter

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

1.2.3 understand the main characteristics of:

• order driven markets

• quote driven markets

• principal trading

• agent trading

• agency crosses (systematic internalisers)

• multilateral trading facilities

• dark pools

1.2.4 know the roles of:

• market makers / liquidity providers

• sales traders

• proprietary traders

1.2.5 know the principles of programme trades, algorithmic trading and high frequency

1.2.6 understand the principles of multiple listed shares

1.2.7 know the settlement periods for equities and bonds in the selected markets

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations


2.1 Investors and Custody Service Suppliers

On completion, the candidate should:

2.1.1 know the characteristics of the following types of participant:

• individual

• institutional

• investment manager

• prime broker

• broker

• inter-dealer broker

• investment bank

• central bank

2.1.2 understand the advantages, disadvantages and purposes of the following types of

• global

• sub-custodian

2.1.3 understand the purpose and provisions of custody and sub-custody agreements

2.1.4 understand the purpose of a Request For Proposal (RFP) in the selection of a global
custodian by an investor

2.1.5 understand the requirements of a Service Level Agreement between an investor and
its custodian

2.1.6 understand how legislation can affect the appointment of custodians

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

2.2 International Central Securities Depositories and Central Securities Depositories

On completion, the candidate should:

2.2.1 understand the roles of ICSDs and CSDs generally for the selected markets:

• depositories available

• participation requirements

2.2.2 understand the concepts of certificated, immobilised and dematerialised securities

2.2.3 understand the roles played by Euroclear and Clearstream including the Bridge

2.2.4 know how securities and cash are held by ICSDs and CSDs

2.2.5 know the range of custody and settlement services offered by the ICSDs

2.2.6 know the proposed intentions of Target2-Securities

2.2.7 know the structure and functions of Link-Up Markets

2.3 Communications and Technology

On completion, the candidate should:

2.3.1 understand the advantages of straight-through processing

2.3.2 know the features and benefits of SWIFT and SWIFT messaging

2.3.3 know the features and benefits of FIX Protocol messaging

2.3.4 know the communication methods used with Euroclear and Clearstream


3.1 Pre-settlement
On completion, the candidate should:

3.1.1 understand the data required for matching of settlement instructions

3.1.2 understand the process of clearing (matching and the assumption of risk – trade for
trade versus central counterparty)

3.1.3 understand the role of third party service providers in the pre-settlement process e.g.

3.1.4 understand netting in pre-settlement

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

3.2 Settlement
On completion, the candidate should:

3.2.1 know the role of the following types of financial institutions in the settlement process:

• brokers

• investment banks

• investment managers

• custodians

• sub-custodians

• Central Counterparty Clearing Houses (CCPs) and clearing members

• ICSDs and CSDs

3.2.2 know the characteristics of the following cash systems:




• Fedwire


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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

3.2.3 understand the following settlement concepts:

• trade for trade

• netting – bilateral and multilateral

• trade date netting, continuous net settlement

• fixed date settlement

• rolling settlement

• free of payment transactions

• delivery vs. payment

• book entry settlement

• physical settlement

• foreign exchange settlement

3.2.4 understand the transfer of legal title:

• bearer

• registered

3.2.5 understand Contractual Settlement Date Accounting (CSDA) and Actual Settlement
Date Accounting (ASDA)

3.2.6 know the main Giovannini Barriers to the creation of a harmonised market for

3.3 Failed Settlement

On completion, the candidate should:

3.3.1 understand the main reasons for failed settlement:

• failure to match

• insufficient stock

• insufficient cash

• counterparty default

• corporate event

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

3.3.2 understand the risks associated with:

• buy-ins

• sell-outs

• interest claims

• settlement fines

• matching fines

• suspension of trading

• short sale fines

3.3.3 understand interest claims (ICMA rules on fixed income and ISITC for equities)

3.3.4 be able to calculate interest claims based on the above rules


4.1 Safekeeping
On completion, the candidate should:

4.1.1 understand the principles of safekeeping client assets:

• to safeguard assets

• to segregate safe custody investments

• to reconcile safe custody investments

• to maintain records and controls in respect of the use of mandates

4.1.2 understand the requirements of substantial shareholding reporting

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

4.1.3 understand the functions of nominee companies and the following concepts:

• legal title

• beneficial ownership

• pooled nominee holdings

• designated nominee holdings

• nominee as bare trustee

• omnibus accounts

• segregated accounts

4.1.4 understand how a custodian charges for the services it provides to its clients

4.1.5 be able to calculate the cost of custody for a given portfolio given a value of assets
held and the basis point price

4.2 Corporate Actions

On completion, the candidate should:

4.2.1 know the characteristics of the following mandatory events:

• dividends (cash and scrip)

• interest and coupon payments

• capitalisation issues

• splits and consolidations

• capital repayments / redemptions

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

4.2.2 know the characteristics of the following voluntary events:

• rights issue subscription

• conversions

• takeovers

• exchanges

• initial public offers

• proxy voting

• exercise of warrants

4.2.3 understand the importance of receiving timely and accurate corporate action data
and the risks involved

4.2.4 understand the following terms: record date; ex date; pay date; effective date; cum
benefit; ex benefit and special ex and special cum

4.2.5 be able to calculate corporate actions related data on capitalisations, scrip and rights
issues and the effect on the underlying share price

4.3 Cash Management

On completion, the candidate should:

4.3.1 understand the importance and use of cash management

4.3.2 understand the advantages and disadvantages of operating single and multi-
currency accounts

4.3.3 know what is meant by the terms sweeping and pooling as they relate to base
currency and settlement currency

4.3.4 understand the importance of cash forecasting tools

4.4 Securities Lending

On completion, the candidate should:

4.4.1 understand the role of a custodian in securities lending and the risks and rewards to
those involved

4.4.2 know the definition, legal ownership implications and the advantages and
disadvantages to the market

4.4.3 understand the reasons for securities lending

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations

4.4.4 understand the reasons why loans might be delayed or prevented

4.4.5 understand the use of repo agreements

4.4.6 understand the lenders’ and borrowers’ rights (including manufactured dividends and
voting rights)

4.4.7 understand collateral and marking to market

4.4.8 know the role of a Stock Borrowing and Lending Intermediary

4.4.9 understand the reasons why a loan might be recalled


5.1 General
On completion, the candidate should:

5.1.1 understand the tax treatment of dividends

5.1.2 understand the tax treatment of bond interest

5.1.3 understand capital gains tax as it applies to equities and bonds

5.1.4 understand the tax treatment of discount securities

5.1.5 understand the advantages, disadvantages and uses of:

• withholding tax

• double taxation treaties

• relief at source

• tax reclamation

• being an authorised US approved Qualifying Intermediary

• FATCA rules

5.1.6 understand transaction based taxes

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Unit 6 – Global Securities Operations


6.1 Identifying and Managing Risk

On completion, the candidate should:

6.1.1 know the following major categories of risk:

• market

• counterparty

• issuer

• settlement

• operational

• political

• regulatory

6.1.2 understand the factors that should be taken into account when conducting risk
reviews of market infrastructures and sub-custodian networks

6.1.3 understand the areas of global custody risk and appropriate countermeasures

6.1.4 know the purpose of a ISAE 3402 report

6.1.5 understand the concept of shareholder limits and restrictions

6.2 Mitigating Risk through Reconciliation

On completion, the candidate should:

6.2.1 understand the risks associated with a failure to reconcile the following:

• open trades

• counterparty cash

• corporate actions

• cash accounts

• custodian holdings

• client assets

• entitlements

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