TAG Child Protection 08 - 26 - 2015

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Thematic Area Guide for:

Guidelines for
Integrating Gender-Based
Violence Interventions in
Humanitarian Action
Reducing risk, promoting resilience
and aiding recovery
Camp Coordination
and Camp Management


Food Security
and Agriculture


Housing, Land
and Property

Mine Action




Shelter, Settlement
and Recovery

Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene

Humanitarian Operations
Support Sectors

Inter-Agency Standing Committee
This Thematic Area Guide (TAG) is excerpted from the comprehensive Inter-Agency Standing Committee
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk,
promoting resilience and aiding recovery (IASC, 2015), available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>. The lead
authors were Jeanne Ward and Julie Lafrenière, with support from Sarah Coughtry, Samira Sami and
Janey Lawry-White.

The comprehensive Guidelines were revised from the original 2005 IASC Guidelines for Gender-Based
Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings. The revision process was overseen by an Operations
Team led by UNICEF. Operations team members were: Mendy Marsh and Erin Patrick (UNICEF), Erin
Kenny (UNFPA), Joan Timoney (Women’s Refugee Commission) and Beth Vann (independent consul-
tant), in addition to the authors. The process was further guided by an inter-agency advisory board (‘Task
Team’) of 16 organizations including representatives of the global GBV Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR)
co-lead agencies—UNICEF and UNFPA—as well as UNHCR, UN Women, the World Food Programme,
expert NGOs (the American Refugee Committee, Care International, Catholic Relief Services, ChildFund
International, InterAction, International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam Interna-
tional, Plan International, Refugees International, Save the Children and Women’s Refugee Commission),
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and independent consultants with expertise in the
field. The considerable dedication and contributions of all these partners has been critical throughout the
entire revision process.

The content and design of the revised Guidelines was informed by a highly consultative process that
involved the global distribution of multi-lingual surveys in advance of the revision process to help define
the focus and identify specific needs and challenges in the field. In addition, detailed inputs and feedback
were received from over 200 national and international actors both at headquarters and in-country, rep-
resenting most regions of the world, over the course of two years and four global reviews. Draft content
of the Guidelines was also reviewed and tested at the field level, involving an estimated additional 1,000
individuals across United Nations, INGO and government agencies in nine locations in eight countries.

The Operations and Task Teams would like to extend a sincere thank you to all those individuals and
groups who contributed to the Guidelines revision process from all over the world, particularly the
Cluster Lead Agencies and cluster coordinators at global and field levels. We thank you for your input
as well as for your ongoing efforts to address GBV in humanitarian settings.

We would like to thank the United States Government for its generous financial support for the revision

A Global Reference Group has been established to help promote the Guidelines and monitor their use. The
Reference Group is led by UNICEF and UNFPA and includes as its members: American Refugee Committee,
Care International, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ChildFund International, International
Medical Corps, International Organization for Migration, International Rescue Committee, Norwegian Refugee
Council, Oxfam, Refugees International, Save the Children, UNHCR and Women’s Refugee Commission.

For more information about the implementation of the revised Guidelines, please visit the GBV Guide-
lines website <www.gbvguidelines.org>. This website hosts a knowledge repository and provides easy
access to the comprehensive Guidelines, the TAGs and related tools, collated case studies and monitor-
ing and evaluation results. Arabic, French and Spanish versions of the Guidelines and associated training
and rollout materials are available on this website as well.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or partners concerning the legal
status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers
or boundaries.

Design by: Prographics, Inc.

ii ii GBV Guidelines
Around the world, every day, gender-based violence blights the lives and futures of an untold
number of women and girls. Conflicts and humanitarian crises can greatly heighten this risk—
compounding the challenges already faced by people living through emergencies. But humanitarian
responders can greatly reduce the incidence of gender-based violence by working together across all
areas of emergency response—coordinating their efforts to prevent gender-based violence before it
occurs and working with those most vulnerable to mitigate harm.

Child protection professionals already play a critical role in helping children caught up in
humanitarian crises, working to prevent their exploitation and abuse and providing support to help
them overcome trauma when it does occur. By integrating interventions to prevent gender-based
violence explicitly into their existing programmes, they can do even more to protect the most
vulnerable children and their families.

Humanitarian emergencies—especially those in which community stability is undermined and

the rule of law suspended—expose women and girls to a greatly increased risk of gender-based
violence. Overcrowded refugee camps, proximity to armed forces and separation from family
members can all contribute to sexual exploitation and abuse, abduction by armed forces, trafficking
for sex, domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence.

Better-designed child protection programmes can help to mitigate such risks—from introducing
gender-based violence risk reduction activities into child-friendly community spaces to seeking out
hard-to-reach girls for participation, for example. And well-designed child protection programmes
can also support healing—for example by incorporating gender-based violence response efforts
in reintegration programmes for children who were formerly recruited by armed groups, and
supporting child-friendly systems of care.

This Thematic Area Guide (TAG) on child protection and gender-based violence is a portable
tool that provides practical guidance for child protection professionals working to prevent and
mitigate gender-based violence in humanitarian settings. Part of the newly updated comprehensive
Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action: Reducing
risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery (available at <http://www.gbvguidelines.org>), the
guidance in this TAG has been extensively reviewed and field tested, reflecting the wisdom and
experience of colleagues from the child protection sector and the wider humanitarian community.
It is meant to be used from the preparedness stage of emergency response through to the recovery

No single organization, agency or entity working in an emergency can prevent gender-based

violence alone. By implementing the guidance in this TAG in our work, and coordinating our efforts
in a comprehensive way, we can help more children live through emergencies and overcome the
trauma so many have suffered. In doing so, we can help families and communities both withstand
the impact of emergencies and become stronger in their aftermath. We owe that to them, and to our
common future.

Anthony Lake,
Executive Director

AAP Accountability to Affected Populations GA General Assembly
AoR area of responsibility GBV gender-based violence
AXO abandoned explosive ordnance GBVIMS Gender-Based Violence Information
Management System
CA camp administration
GPS Global Positioning System
CAAC Children and Armed Conflict
HC humanitarian coordinator
CAAP Commitments on Accountability to
Affected Populations HCT humanitarian country team
CaLP Cash Learning Partnership HIV human immunodeficiency virus
CBPF country-based pooled fund HLP housing, land and property
CCCM camp coordination and camp HMA humanitarian mine action
HPC Humanitarian Programme Cycle
CCSA clinical care for sexual assault
HR human resources
CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of
HRP Humanitarian Response Plan
Discrimination against Women
HRW Human Rights Watch
CERF Central Emergency Response Fund
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee
CFW cash for work
ICLA Information, Counselling and
CIVPOL Civilian Police
Legal Assistance
CLA cluster lead agency
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
CoC code of conduct
ICT information and communication
CP child protection technologies
CPRA Child Protection Rapid Assessment ICWG inter-cluster working group
CPWG Child Protection Working Group IDD Internal Displacement Division
CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child IDP internally displaced person
CwC communicating with communities IEC information, education and
DDR disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration IFRC International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies
DEVAW Declaration on the Elimination
of Violence against Women IGA income-generating activity
DFID Department for International IMC International Medical Corps
IMN Information Management Network
DRC Danish Refugee Council
IMS Information Management System
DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo
INEE Inter-Agency Network for Education
DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix in Emergencies
EA$E Economic and Social Empowerment INGO international non-governmental
EC emergency contraception
IOM International Organization for Migration
ERC emergency relief coordinator
IPPF International Planned Parenthood
ERW explosive remnants of war
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
IRC International Rescue Committee
FGD focus group discussion
IRIN Integrated Regional Information Network
FGM/C female genital mutilation/cutting
KII key informant interview
FSA food security and agriculture
LEGS Livestock Emergency Guidelines
and Standards

iv GBV Guidelines
Acronyms (continued)

LGBTI lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender SGBV sexual and gender-based violence
and intersex
SOGI sexual orientation and gender identity
M&E monitoring and evaluation
SOPs standard operating procedures
MDG Millennium Development Goals
SRH sexual and reproductive health
MHPSS mental health and psychosocial support
SRP strategic response plan
MIRA multi-cluster/sector initial rapid
SS&R shelter, settlement and recovery
STI sexually transmitted infection
MISP Minimum Initial Service Package
SWG Sub-Working Group
MoE Ministry of Education
TAG Thematic Area Guide
MPP minimum preparedness package
UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assessment
MRE mine risk education
and Coordination
MRM monitoring and reporting mechanism
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
NFI non-food item
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific
NGO non-governmental organization and Cultural Organization
NRC Norwegian Refugee Council UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees
OCHA Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
Human Rights
UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service
Oxfam Oxford Famine Relief Campaign
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
PATH Program for Appropriate Technology
USAID United States Agency for International
in Health
PEP post-exposure prophylaxis
UXO unexploded ordnance
PFA psychological first aid
VAWG violence against women and girls
POC Protection of Civilians
VSLA Village Savings and Loan Association
PSEA protection from sexual exploitation
WASH water, sanitation and hygiene
and abuse
WFP World Food Programme
PTA parent-teacher association
WHO World Health Organization
RC resident coordinator
WMA World Medical Association
RDC relief to development continuum
WPE Women’s Protection and Empowerment
SAFE Safe Access to Firewood and
alternative Energy WRC Women’s Refugee Commission
SC Security Council


Part One: Introduction

1. About This Thematic Area Guide .................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Overview of Gender-Based Violence............................................................................................................................ 4
3. The Obligation to Address Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Work......................................................... 13

Part Two: Background to Child Protection Guidance

1. Content Overview of Child Protection Guidance....................................................................................................... 19
2. Guiding Principles and Approaches for Addressing Gender-Based Violence..................................................... 33

Part Three: Child Protection Guidance

Why Addressing Gender-Based Violence is a Critical Concern of the Child Protection Sector........................... 39

Addressing Gender-Based Violence throughout the Programme Cycle................................................................... 41

Key GBV Considerations for Assessment, Analysis and Planning........................................................................ 41
Key GBV Considerations for Resource Mobilization............................................................................................... 44
Key GBV Considerations for Implementation............................................................................................................ 45
Key GBV Considerations for Coordination with Other Humanitarian Sectors..................................................... 55
Key GBV Considerations for Monitoring and Evaluation throughout the Programme Cycle............................ 57

Resources............................................................................................................................................................................ 61

vivi GBV Guidelines

GBV Guidelines
1. About This Thematic Area Guide
Purpose of This Guide
This Thematic Area Guide (TAG) is excerpted from the comprehensive Inter-Agency
Standing Committee Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions
in Humanitarian Action: Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery (IASC,
2015).1 The purpose of this TAG is to assist child protection actors and communities
affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies to
coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for the prevention
and mitigation of gender-based violence (GBV) across the child protection sector.2

As detailed below, GBV is a widespread international public health and human rights
issue. During a humanitarian crisis, many factors can exacerbate GBV-related risks.
These include—but are not limited to—increased militarization, lack of community and
State protections, displacement, scarcity of essential resources, disruption of community
services, changing cultural and gender norms, disrupted relationships and weakened

All national and international actors responding to an emergency have a duty to protect
those affected by the crisis; this includes protecting them from GBV. In order to save lives

and maximize protection, essential actions must be undertaken in a coordinated manner
from the earliest stages of emergency preparedness. These actions, described in Part
Three: Child Protection Guidance, are necessary in every humanitarian crisis and are
focused on three overarching and interlinked goals:

1. To reduce risk of GBV by implementing GBV prevention and mitigation strategies within
the child protection sector from pre-emergency through to recovery stages;
2. To promote resilience by strengthening national and community-based systems that
prevent and mitigate GBV, and by enabling survivors3 and those at risk of GBV to access
care and support; and
3. To aid recovery of communities and societies by supporting local and national capacity
to create lasting solutions to the problem of GBV.


The comprehensive Guidelines include guidance for thirteen areas of humanitarian operations, including camp coordination and

camp management (CCCM); child protection; education; food security and agriculture (FSA); health; housing, land and property (HLP);
humanitarian mine action (HMA); livelihoods; nutrition; protection; shelter, settlement and reconstruction (SS&R); water, sanitation and
hygiene (WASH); and humanitarian operations support sectors (e.g. logistics and telecommunications). Unlike this TAG, the comprehen-
sive Guidelines also include annexes with supplemental resources related to GBV prevention, mitigation and response. The annexes
are also available as stand-alone documents. The comprehensive Guidelines and stand-alone TAGs and annexes are available at
The different areas of humanitarian operation addressed in the comprehensive Guidelines and the stand-alone TAGs have been iden-

tified based on the global cluster system. However, both this TAG and the comprehensive Guidelines generally use the word ‘sector’
rather than ‘cluster’ in an effort to be relevant to both cluster and non-cluster contexts. Where specific reference is made to work
conducted only in clusterized settings, the word ‘cluster’ is used. For more information about the cluster system, see <http://www.
A survivor is a person who has experienced gender-based violence. The terms ‘victim’ and ‘survivor’ can be used interchangeably.

‘Victim’ is a term often used in the legal and medical sectors, while the term ‘survivor’ is generally preferred in the psychological and
social support sectors because it implies resiliency. This TAG employs the term ‘survivor’ in order to reinforce the concept of resiliency.

‘Prevention’ and ‘Mitigation’ of GBV
Throughout this TAG, there is a distinction made between ‘prevention’ and ‘mitigation’ of GBV. While there
will inevitably be overlap between these two areas, prevention generally refers to taking action to stop
GBV from first occurring (e.g. scaling up activities that promote gender equality; working with communities,
particularly men and boys, to address practices that contribute to GBV; etc.). Mitigation refers to reducing
the risk of exposure to GBV (e.g. ensuring that reports of ‘hot spots’ are immediately addressed through risk-
reduction strategies; ensuring sufficient lighting and security patrols are in place from the onset of establishing
displacement camps; etc.). In addition, some sectors undertake specialized response programming related
to survivor care and assistance. The overarching focus on this TAG is on essential prevention, mitigation and
response activities that should be undertaken within and across the child protection sector.

How This Thematic Area Guide is Organized

Part One introduces this TAG, presents an overview of GBV and provides an explanation for
why GBV is a protection concern for all child protection actors.

Part Two provides a background to and summarizes the structure of the child protection
guidance in Part Three. It also introduces the guiding principles and approaches that
are the foundation for all planning and implementation of GBV-related programming.

Part Three provides specific guidance for the child protection sector to implement program-
ming that addresses the risk of GBV.

Although this TAG is specifically tailored to the child protection sector, all humanitarian ac-
tors must avoid ‘siloed’ interventions. Child protection actors should strive to work with other
sectors to ensure coordinated response, and recommendations for coordination are outlined
in Part Three. It is also recommended that child protection actors review the content of the
comprehensive Guidelines—not just their TAG—in order to familiarize themselves with key
GBV prevention, mitigation and response activities of other sectors.


Assume GBV Is Taking Place

The actions outlined in this TAG are relevant from the earliest stages of humanitarian intervention and in any
emergency setting, regardless of whether the prevalence or incidence of various forms of GBV is ‘known’ and
verified. It is important to remember that GBV is happening everywhere. It is under-reported worldwide, due
to fears of stigma or retaliation, limited availability or accessibility of trusted service providers, impunity for
perpetrators, and lack of awareness of the benefits of seeking care. Waiting for or seeking population-based
data on the true magnitude of GBV should not be a priority in an emergency due to safety and ethical challeng-
es in collecting such data. With this in mind, all humanitarian personnel ought to assume GBV is occurring and
threatening affected populations; treat it as a serious and life-threatening problem; and take actions based on
recommendations in this TAG, regardless of the presence or absence of concrete ‘evidence’.

This TAG draws from many tools, standards, background materials and other resources
developed by UN, I/NGO and academic sources. At the end of Part Three there is a list of
resources specific to child protection; additional GBV-related resources are provided in
Annex 1 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.

2 GBV Guidelines
Target Audience
This TAG is designed for national and international child protection actors operating in settings
affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies, as well as in
host countries and/or communities
that receive people displaced by ESSENTIAL TO KNOW
emergencies. The principal audi-
ence is child protection program- GBV Specialists and GBV Specialized Agencies
mers—agencies and individuals Throughout this TAG, there are references to ‘GBV spe-
who can use the information to cialists’ and ‘GBV-specialized agencies’. A GBV specialist
incorporate GBV prevention and is someone who has received GBV-specific professional
mitigation strategies into the de- training and/or has considerable experience working on
sign, implementation, monitoring GBV programming. A GBV-specialized agency is one that
and evaluation of child pretection undertakes targeted programmes for the prevention of and
interventions. However, it is critical response to GBV. It is expected that GBV specialists, agen-
that humanitarian leadership—in- cies and inter-agency mechanisms will use this document
cluding governments, humanitarian to assist non-GBV specialists in undertaking prevention
coordinators, child protection coor- and mitigation activities—as well as response services for
survivors—within and across the child protection sector.
dinators and donors—also use this
This TAG includes recommendations (outlined under ‘Coor-
TAG as a reference and advocacy
dination’ in Part Three) about how GBV specialists can be
tool to improve the capacity of the
mobilized for technical support.
child protection sector to prevent

and mitigate GBV.4 This TAG can
further serve those working in development contexts—particularly contexts affected by cyclical
disasters—in planning and preparing for humanitarian action that includes efforts to prevent
and mitigate GBV.

This TAG is primarily targeted to non-GBV specialists—that is, agencies and individuals who
work in humanitarian response sectors other than GBV and do not have specific expertise in
GBV prevention and response programming, but can nevertheless undertake activities that
significantly reduce the risk of GBV for affected populations.5

For child protection actors, certain recommendations require GBV expertise to implement. In this
and other sectors—such as health, education and protection—programming will often extend
beyond basic prevention and mitigation activities to more specialized response activities: for


instance, providing counselling services to GBV survivors or building the capacity of police to re-
spectfully interview survivors and undertake investigations. Technical support should be sought
from GBV experts when undertaking any of these specialized GBV response activities.

The guidance emphasizes the importance of active involvement of all members of affected
communities; this includes the leadership and meaningful participation of women and girls
—alongside men and boys—in all preparedness, design, implementation, and monitoring
and evaluation activities.

Government, humanitarian coordinators, humanitarian country teams/inter-cluster working groups, cluster/sector lead agencies,

cluster/sector coordinators and GBV coordination mechanisms can play an especially critical role in supporting the uptake of this TAG
as well as the comprehensive Guidelines. For more information about actions to be undertaken by these actors to facilitate implementa-
tion of the Guidelines, see ‘Ensuring Implementation of the GBV Guidelines: Responsibilities of key actors’ (available at <www.gbvguide-
lines.org> as both a stand-alone document and as part of Part One: Introduction of the comprehensive Guidelines).
Affected populations include all those who are adversely affected by an armed conflict, natural disaster or other humanitarian emer-

gency, including those displaced (both internally and across borders) who may still be on the move or have settled into camps, urban
areas or rural areas.

2. Overview of Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is an umbrella Informed Consent

term for any harmful act that is perpetrated When considering whether an act is perpetrated
against a person’s will and that is based on against a person’s will, it is important to consider the
socially ascribed (i.e. gender) differences issue of consent. Informed consent is voluntarily and
between males and females. It includes acts freely given based upon a clear appreciation and
that inflict physical, sexual or mental harm understanding of the facts, implications and future
or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion, consequences of an action. In order to give informed
and other deprivations of liberty. These acts consent, the individual concerned must have all rele-
can occur in public or in private. vant facts at the time consent is given and be able to
evaluate and understand the consequences of an ac-
Acts of GBV violate a number of universal tion. They also must be aware of and have the power
human rights protected by international to exercise their right to refuse to engage in an action
and/or to not be coerced (i.e. being persuaded based
instruments and conventions (see ‘The
on force or threats). Children are generally considered
Obligation to Address Gender-Based
unable to provide informed consent because they do
Violence in Humanitarian Work’, below).
not have the ability and/or experience to anticipate the
Many—but not all—forms of GBV are
implications of an action, and they may not understand
criminal acts in national laws and policies;

or be empowered to exercise their right to refuse.

this differs from country to country, and
There are also instances where consent might not be
the practical implementation of laws and
possible due to cognitive impairments and/or physical,
policies can vary widely. sensory, or developmental disabilities.

The term ‘GBV’ is most commonly used to

underscore how systemic inequality between males and females—which exists in every soci-
ety in the world—acts as a unifying and foundational characteristic of most forms of violence
perpetrated against women and girls. The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination
of Violence against Women (DEVAW, 1993) defines violence against women as “any act of
gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological
harm or suffering to women.” DEVAW emphasizes that the violence is “a manifestation of
historically unequal power relations between men and women, which have led to the dom-
ination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full ad-

vancement of women.” Gender discrimination is not only a cause of many forms of violence
against women and girls but also contributes to the widespread acceptance and invisibility of
such violence—so that perpetrators are not held accountable and survivors are discouraged
from speaking out and accessing support.

The term ‘gender-based violence’ is also increasingly used by some actors to highlight the
gendered dimensions of certain forms of violence against men and boys—particularly some
forms of sexual violence committed with the explicit purpose of reinforcing gender inequi-
table norms of masculinity and femininity (e.g. sexual violence committed in armed conflict
aimed at emasculating or feminizing the enemy). This violence against males is based on
socially constructed ideas of what it means to be a man and exercise male power. It is used
by men (and in rare cases by women) to cause harm to other males. As with violence against
women and girls, this violence is often under-reported due to issues of stigma for the sur-
vivor—in this case associated with norms of masculinity (e.g. norms that discourage male
survivors from acknowledging vulnerability, or suggest that a male survivor is somehow
weak for having been assaulted). Sexual assault against males may also go unreported in
situations where such reporting could result in life-threatening repercussions against the

4 GBV Guidelines
survivor and/or his family members. Many countries do not explicitly recognize sexual violence
against men in their laws and/or have laws which criminalize survivors of such violence.

The term ‘gender-based violence’ is also used by some actors to describe violence
perpetrated against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons that is,
according to OHCHR, “driven by a desire to punish those seen as defying gender norms”
(OHCHR, 2011). The acronym ‘LGBTI’ encompasses a wide range of identities that share an
experience of falling outside societal norms due to their sexual orientation and/or gender
identity. (For a review of terms, see Annex 2 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available
at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.) OHCHR further recognizes that “lesbians and transgender
women are at particular risk because of gender inequality and power relations within families
and wider society.” Homophobia and transphobia not only contribute to this violence but
also significantly undermine LGBTI survivors’ ability to access support (most acutely in
settings where sexual orientation and gender identity are policed by the State).


Women, Girls and GBV

Women and girls everywhere are disadvantaged in terms of social power and influence, control of resources,
control of their bodies and participation in public life—all as a result of socially determined gender roles and rela-
tions. Gender-based violence against women and girls occurs in the context of this imbalance. While child protec-

tion actors must analyse different gendered vulnerabilities that may put men, women, boys and girls at heightened
risk of violence and ensure care and support for all survivors, special attention should be given to females due to
their documented greater vulnerabilities to GBV, the overarching discrimination they experience, and their lack
of safe and equitable access to humanitarian assistance. Child protection actors have an obligation to promote
gender equality through humanitarian action in line with the IASC ‘Gender Equality Policy Statement’ (2008). They
also have an obligation to support, through targeted action, women’s and girls’ protection, participation and em-
powerment as articulated in the Women, Peace and Security thematic agenda outlined in United Nations Security
Council Resolutions (see Annex 6 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>). While
supporting the need for protection of all populations affected by humanitarian crises, this TAG recognizes the
heightened vulnerability of women and girls to GBV and provides targeted guidance to address these vulnerabili-
ties—including through strategies that promote gender equality.

Nature and Scope of GBV in Humanitarian Settings

A great deal of attention has centred on monitoring, documenting and addressing sexual
violence in conflict—for instance the use of rape or other forms of sexual violence as a
weapon of war. Because of its immediate and potentially life-threatening health consequences,
coupled with the feasibility of preventing these consequences through medical care, addressing
sexual violence is a priority in humanitarian settings. At the same time, there is a growing recog-
nition that affected populations can experience various forms of GBV during conflict and natural
disasters, during displacement, and during and following return. In particular, intimate partner
violence is increasingly recognized as a critical GBV concern in humanitarian settings.

These additional forms of violence—including intimate partner violence and other forms of
domestic violence, forced and/or coerced prostitution, child and/or forced marriage, female
genital mutilation/cutting, female infanticide, and trafficking for sexual exploitation and/or
forced/domestic labour—must be considered in GBV prevention and mitigation efforts
according to the trends in violence and the needs identified in a given setting. (For a list
of types of GBV and associated definitions, see Annex 3 of the comprehensive Guidelines,
available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.)

In all types of GBV, violence is used primarily
by males against females to subordinate, ESSENTIAL TO KNOW
disempower, punish or control. The gender of Women and Natural Disasters
the perpetrator and the victim are central not
In many situations, women and girls are dis-
only to the motivation for the violence, but
proportionately affected by natural disasters.
also to the ways in which society condones or
As primary caregivers who often have greater
responds to the violence. Whereas violence
responsibilities related to household work,
against men is more likely to be committed
agriculture and food production, women may
by an acquaintance or stranger, women more
have less access to resources for recovery. They
often experience violence at the hands of those may also be required to take on new household
who are well known to them: intimate partners, responsibilities (for example when primary
family members, etc.6 In addition, widespread income earners have been killed or injured, or
gender discrimination and gender inequality of- need to leave their families to find employment).
ten result in women and girls being exposed to If law and order break down, or social support
multiple forms of GBV throughout their lives, in- and safety systems (such as the extended family
cluding ‘secondary’ GBV as a result of a primary or village groups) fail, women and girls are also
incident (e.g. abuse by those they report to, at greater risk of GBV and discrimination.
honor killings following sexual assault, forced
marriage to a perpetrator, etc.). (Adapted from Global Protection Cluster. n.d. ‘Strengthen-
ing Protections in Natural Disaster Response: Women
and girls’ (draft), <www.globalprotectioncluster.org/en/
Obtaining prevalence and/or incidence data on tools-and-guidance/protection-cluster-coordination-
GBV in emergencies is not advisable due to the toolbox.html>)

methodological and contextual challenges re-

lated to undertaking population-based research
on GBV in emergency settings (e.g. security concerns for survivors and researchers, lack of
available or accessible response services, etc.). The majority of information about the nature
and scope of GBV in humanitarian contexts is derived from qualitative research, anecdotal
reports, humanitarian monitoring tools and service delivery statistics. These data suggest
that many forms of GBV are significantly aggravated during humanitarian emergencies, as
illustrated in the statistics provided below. (See Annex 5 of the comprehensive Guidelines,
available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>, for additional statistics as well as for citations for the
data presented below.)

• In the Democratic Republic of the Congo during 2013, UNICEF coordinated with partners
to provide services to 12,247 GBV survivors; 3,827—or approximately 30 per cent—were

children, of whom 3,748 were girls and 79 were boys (UNICEF DRC, 2013).

• In Pakistan following the 2011 floods, 52 per cent of surveyed communities reported that
privacy and safety of women and girls was a key concern. In a 2012 Protection Rapid Assess-
ment with conflict-affected IDPs, interviewed communities reported that a number of women
and girls were facing aggravated domestic violence, forced marriage, early marriages and
exchange marriages, in addition to other cases of gender-based violence (de la Puente, 2014).

• In Afghanistan, a household survey (2008) showed 87.2 per cent of women reported one form
of violence in their lifetime and 62 per cent had experienced multiple forms of violence (de la
Puente, 2014).

In 2013 the World Health Organization and others estimated that as many as 38 per cent of female homicides globally were committed

by male partners while the corresponding figure for men was 6 per cent. They also found that whereas males are disproportionately
represented among victims of violent death and physical injuries treated in emergency departments, women and girls, children and
elderly people disproportionately bear the burden of the nonfatal consequences of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, and
neglect, worldwide. (World Health Organization. 2014. Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014, <www.who.int/violence_
injury_prevention/violence/status_report/2014/en>. Also see World Health Organization. 2002. World Report on Violence and Health,

6 GBV Guidelines
• In Liberia, a survey of 1,666 adults found that 32.6 per cent of male combatants experienced
sexual violence while 16.5 per cent were forced to be sexual servants (Johnson et al,
2008). Seventy-four per cent of a sample of 388 Liberian refugee women living in camps
in Sierra Leone reported being sexually abused prior to being displaced. Fifty-five per cent
experienced sexual violence during displacement (IRIN, 2006; IRIN, 2008).
• Of 64 women with disabilities interviewed in post-conflict Northern Uganda, one third
reported experiencing some form of GBV and several had children as a result of rape (HRW,
• In a 2011 assessment, Somali adolescent girls in the Dadaab refugee complex in Kenya
explained that they are in many ways ‘under attack’ from violence that includes verbal and
physical harassment; sexual exploitation and abuse in relation to meeting their basic needs;
and rape, including in public and by multiple perpetrators. Girls reported feeling particularly
vulnerable to violence while accessing scarce services and resources, such as at water points
or while collecting firewood outside the camps (UNHCR, 2011).
• In Mali, daughters of displaced families from the North (where female genital mutilation/
cutting [FGM/C] is not traditionally practised) were living among host communities in
the South (where FGM/C is common). Many of these girls were ostracized for not having
undergone FGM/C; this led families from the North to feel pressured to perform FGM/C on
their daughters (Plan Mali, April 2013).
• Domestic violence was widely reported to have increased in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami. One NGO reported a three-fold increase in cases brought to them (UNFPA,

2011). Studies from the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia also suggest a
significant increase in intimate partner violence related to natural disasters (Sety, 2012).
• Research undertaken by the Human Rights Documentation Unit and the Burmese Women’s
Union in 2000 concluded that an estimated 40,000 Burmese women are trafficked each year
into Thailand’s factories and brothels and as domestic workers (IRIN, 2006).
• The GBV Information Management System (IMS), initiated in Colombia in 2011 to improve
survivor access to care, has collected GBV incident data from 7 municipalities. As of mid-
2014, 3,499 females (92.6 per cent of whom were 18 years or older) and 437 males (91.8
per cent of whom were 18 years or older) were recorded in the GBVIMS, of whom over
3,000 received assistance (GBVIMS Colombia, 2014).


Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
As highlighted in the Secretary-General’s Bulletin on ‘Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation
and Sexual Abuse’ (ST/SGB/2003/13, <www.refworld.org/docid/451bb6764.html>), PSEA relates to certain
responsibilities of international humanitarian, development and peacekeeping actors. These responsibilities
include preventing incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by United Nations, NGO, and
inter-governmental organization (IGO) personnel against the affected population; setting up confidential
reporting mechanisms; and taking safe and ethical action as quickly as possible when incidents do occur.
PSEA is an important aspect of preventing GBV and PSEA efforts should therefore link to GBV expertise and
programming—especially to ensure survivors’ rights and other guiding principles are respected.

These responsibilities are at the determination of the Humanitarian Coordinator/Resident Coordinator

and individual agencies. As such, detailed guidance on PSEA is outside the authority of this TAG. This
TAG nevertheless wholly supports the mandate of the Secretary-General’s Bulletin and provides several
recommendations on incorporating PSEA strategies into agency policies and community outreach. Detailed
guidance is available on the IASC AAP/PSEA Task Force website: <www.pseataskforce.org>.

Impact of GBV on Individuals and Communities
GBV seriously impacts survivors’ immediate sexual, physical and psychological health,
and contributes to greater risk of future health problems. Possible sexual health effects
include unwanted pregnancies, complications from unsafe abortions, female sexual arousal
disorder or male impotence, and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Possible
physical health effects of GBV include injuries that can cause both acute and chronic ill-
ness, impacting neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, urinary, and reproductive systems.
These effects can render the survivor unable to complete otherwise manageable physical
and mental labour. Possible mental health problems include depression, anxiety, harmful
alcohol and drug use, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidality.7

Survivors of GBV may suffer further because of the stigma associated with GBV. Community
and family ostracism may place them at greater social and economic disadvantage. The physical
and psychological consequences of GBV can inhibit a survivor’s functioning and well-being—not
only personally but in relationships with family members. The impact of GBV can further extend
to relationships in the community, such as the relationship between the survivor’s family and
the community, or the community’s attitudes towards children born as a result of rape. LGBTI
persons can face problems in convincing security forces that sexual violence against them was
non-consensual; in addition, some male victims may face the risk of being counter-prosecuted
under sodomy laws if they report sexual violence perpetrated against them by a man.

GBV can affect child survival and development by raising infant mortality rates, lowering
birth weights, contributing to malnutrition and affecting school participation. It can further
result in specific disabilities for children: injuries can cause physical impairments; deprivation
of proper nutrition or stimulus can cause developmental delay; and consequences of abuse
can lead to long-term mental health problems.

Many of these effects are hard to link directly to GBV because they are not always easily
recognizable by health and other providers as evidence of GBV. This can contribute to mistak-
en assumptions that GBV is not a problem. However, failure to appreciate the full extent and
hidden nature of GBV—as well as failure to address its impact on individuals, families and
communities—can limit societies’ ability to heal from humanitarian emergencies.

Contributing Factors to and Causes of GBV


Integrating GBV prevention and mitigation into humanitarian interventions requires antici-
pating, contextualizing and addressing factors that may contribute to GBV. Examples of these
factors at the societal, community and individual/family levels are provided below. These
levels are loosely based on the ecological model developed by Heise (1998). The examples are
illustrative; actual risk factors will vary according to the setting, population and type of GBV.
Even so, these examples underscore the importance of addressing GBV through broad-based
interventions that target a variety of different risks.

Conditions related to humanitarian emergencies may exacerbate the risk of many forms of
GBV. However, the underlying causes of violence are associated with attitudes, beliefs, norms
and structures that promote and/or condone gender-based discrimination and unequal

For more information on the health effects of GBV on women and children, see World Health Organization. 1997. ‘Violence Against
Women: Health consequences’, <www.who.int/gender/violence/v8.pdf>, as well as UN Women. ‘Virtual Knowledge Centre to End
Violence against Women and Girls’, <www.endvawnow.org/en/articles/301-consequences-and-costs-.html>. For more information
on health effects of sexual violence against men, see United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2012. Working with Men and
Boy Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Forced Displacement, <www.refworld.org/pdfid/5006aa262.pdf>.

8 GBV Guidelines
power, whether during emergencies or during times of stability. Linking GBV to its roots
in gender discrimination and gender inequality necessitates not only working to meet the
immediate needs of the affected populations, but also implementing strategies—as early
as possible in any humanitarian action—that promote long-term social and cultural change
towards gender equality. Such strategies include ensuring leadership and active engagement
of women and girls, along with men and boys, in community-based groups related to child
protection; conducting advocacy to promote the rights of all affected populations; and
enlisting females as child protection programme staff, including in positions of leadership.

Contributing Factors to GBV

Society-Level • Porous/unmonitored borders; lack of awareness of risks of being trafficked
Contributing Factors • Lack of adherence to rules of combat and International Humanitarian Law
• Hyper-masculinity; promotion of and rewards for violent male norms/behaviour
• Combat strategies (e.g. torture or rape as a weapon of war)
• Absence of security and/or early warning mechanisms
• Impunity, including lack of legal framework and/or criminalization of forms of GBV, or
lack of awareness that different forms of GBV are criminal
• Lack of inclusion of sex crimes committed during a humanitarian emergency into large-
scale survivors’ reparations and support programmes (including for children born of rape)
• Economic, social and gender inequalities
• Lack of meaningful and active participation of women in leadership, peacebuilding
processes, and security sector reform
• Lack of prioritization on prosecuting sex crimes; insufficient emphasis on increasing
access to recovery services; and lack of foresight on the long-term ramifications for
children born as a result of rape, specifically related to stigma and their resulting social

• Failure to address factors that contribute to violence such as long-term internment or
loss of skills, livelihoods, independence, and/or male roles
Community-Level • Poor camp/shelter/WASH facility design and infrastructure (including for persons with
Contributing Factors disabilities, older persons and other at-risk groups)
• Lack of access to education for females, especially secondary education for adolescent girls
• Lack of safe shelters for women, girls and other at-risk groups
• Lack of training, vetting and supervision for humanitarian staff
• Lack of economic alternatives for affected populations, especially for women, girls and
other at-risk groups
• Breakdown in community protective mechanisms and lack of community protections/
sanctions relating to GBV
• Lack of reporting mechanisms for survivors and those at risk of GBV, as well as for
sexual exploitation and abuse committed by humanitarian personnel
• Lack of accessible and trusted multi-sectoral services for survivors (health, security,
legal/justice, mental health and psychosocial support)
• Absence/under-representation of female staff in key service provider positions (health

care, detention facilities, police, justice, etc.)
• Inadequate housing, land and property rights for women, girls, children born of rape and
other at-risk groups
• Presence of demobilized soldiers with norms of violence
• Hostile host communities
• ‘Blaming the victim’ or other harmful attitudes against survivors of GBV
• Lack of confidentiality for GBV survivors
• Community-wide acceptance of violence
• Lack of child protection mechanisms
• Lack of psychosocial support as part of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
(DDR) programming
Individual/Family- • Lack of basic survival needs/supplies for individuals and families or lack of safe access to
Level Contributing these survival needs/supplies (e.g food, water, shelter, cooking fuel, hygiene supplies, etc.)
Factors • Gender-inequitable distribution of family resources
• Lack of resources for parents to provide for children and older persons (economic
resources, ability to protect, etc.), particularly for woman and child heads of households
• Lack of knowledge/awareness of acceptable standards of conduct by humanitarian staff,
and that humanitarian assistance is free
• Harmful alcohol/drug use
• Age, gender, education, disability
• Family history of violence
• Witnessing GBV


Risks for a Growing Number of Refugees Living in Urban and Other Non-Camp Settings
A growing number and proportion of the world’s refugees are found in urban areas. As of 2009, UNHCR statis-
tics suggested that almost half of the world’s 10.5 million refugees reside in cities and towns, compared to one
third who live in camps. As well as increasing in size, the world’s urban refugee population is also changing in
composition. In the past, a significant proportion of the urban refugees registered with UNHCR in developing
and middle-income countries were young men. Today, however, large numbers of refugee women, children and
older people are found in urban and other non-camp areas, particularly in those countries where there are no
camps. They are often confronted with a range of protection risks, including the threat of arrest and detention,
refoulement, harassment, exploitation, discrimination, inadequate and overcrowded shelter, HIV, human smug-
gling and trafficking, and other forms of violence. The recommendations within this TAG are relevant to child
protection actors providing assistance to displaced populations living in urban and other non-camp settings, as
well as those living in camps.

(Adapted from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2009. ‘UNHCR Policy on Refugee Protection and Solutions in Urban
Areas’, <www.unhcr.org/4ab356ab6.html>)

Key Considerations for At-Risk Groups

In any emergency, there are groups of individuals more vulnerable to harm than other

members of the population. This is often because they hold less power in society, are
more dependent on others for survival, are less visible to relief workers, or are otherwise
marginalized. This TAG uses the term ‘at-risk groups’ to describe these individuals.

When sources of vulnerability—such as age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity,

etc.—intersect with gender-based discrimination, the likelihood of women’s and girls’
exposure to GBV can escalate. For example, adolescent girls who are forced into child
marriage—a form of GBV itself—may be at greater risk of intimate partner violence than adult
females. In the case of men and boys, gender-inequitable norms related to masculinity and
femininity can increase their exposure to some forms of sexual violence. For example, men
and boys in detention who are viewed by inmates as particularly weak (or ‘feminine’) may be
subjected to sexual harassment, assault and rape. In some conflict-afflicted settings, some
groups of males may not be protected from sexual violence because they are assumed to not
be at risk by virtue of the privileges they enjoyed during peacetime.

Not all the at-risk groups listed below will always be at heightened risk of gender-based
violence. Even so, they will very often be at heightened risk of harm in humanitarian settings.
Whenever possible, efforts to address GBV should be alert to and promote the protection
rights and needs of these groups. Targeted work with specific at-risk groups should be in
collaboration with agencies that have expertise in addressing their needs. With due consider-
ation for safety, ethics and feasibility, the particular experiences, perspectives and knowledge
of at-risk groups should be solicited to inform work throughout all phases of the programme
cycle. Specifically, child protection actors should:

• Be mindful of the protection rights and needs of these at-risk groups and how these may
vary within and across different humanitarian settings;
• Consider the potential intersection of their specific vulnerabilities to GBV; and
• Plan interventions that strive to reduce their exposure to GBV and other forms of violence.

10 GBV Guidelines
Key Considerations for At-Risk Groups

At-risk Examples of violence to Factors that contribute to increased risk

groups which these groups of violence
might be exposed
Adolescent • Sexual assault • Age, gender and restricted social status
girls • Sexual exploitation and • Increased domestic responsibilities that keep girls isolated in the
abuse home
• Child and/or forced • Erosion of normal community structures of support and protection
marriage • Lack of access to understandable information about health, rights
• Female genital mutilation/ and services (including reproductive health)
cutting (FGM/C) • Being discouraged or prevented from attending school
• Lack of access to • Early pregnancies and motherhood
education • Engagement in unsafe livelihoods activities
• Loss of family members, especially immediate caretakers
• Dependence on exploitative or unhealthy relationships for basic
Elderly • Sexual assault • Age, gender and restricted social status
women • Sexual exploitation and • Weakened physical status, physical or sensory disabilities, and
abuse chronic diseases
• Exploitation and abuse by • Isolation and higher risk of poverty
caregivers • Limited mobility
• Denial of rights to housing • Neglected health and nutritional needs
and property • Lack of access to understandable information about rights and
Woman • Sexual assault • Age, gender and restricted social status
and child

• Sexual exploitation • Increased domestic responsibilities that keep them isolated in
heads of and abuse the home
households • Child and/or forced • Erosion of normal community structures of support and protection
marriage (including wife • Dependence on exploitative or unhealthy relationships for basic needs
inheritance) • Engagement in unsafe livelihoods activities
• Denial of rights to housing
and property
Girls and • Sexual assault • Age, gender
women who • Sexual exploitation and • Social stigma and isolation
bear children abuse • Exclusion or expulsion from their homes, families and communities
of rape, • Intimate partner violence • Poverty, malnutrition and reproductive health problems
and their and other forms of • Lack of access to medical care
children domestic violence • High levels of impunity for crimes against them
born of rape • Lack of access to • Dependence on exploitative or unhealthy relationships for basic
education needs
• Social exclusion • Engagement in unsafe livelihoods activities
Indigenous • Social discrimination, • Social stigma and isolation

women, exclusion and oppression • Poverty, malnutrition and reproductive health problems
girls, men • Ethnic cleansing as a • Lack of protection under the law and high levels of impunity for
and boys, tactic of war crimes against them
and ethnic • Lack of access to • Lack of opportunities and marginalization based on their national,
and religious education religious, linguistic or cultural group
minorities • Lack of access to services • Barriers to participating in their communities and earning livelihoods
• Theft of land
Lesbian, gay, • Social exclusion • Discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity
bisexual, • Sexual assault • High levels of impunity for crimes against them
transgender • Sexual exploitation • Restricted social status
and intersex and abuse • Transgender persons not legally or publicly recognized as their
(LGBTI) • Domestic violence identified gender
persons (e.g. violence against • Same-sex relationships not legally or socially recognized, and denied
LGBTI children by their services other families might be offered
caretakers) • Exclusion from housing, livelihoods opportunities, and access to
• Denial of services health care and other services
• Harassment/sexual • Exclusion of transgender persons from sex-segregated shelters,
harassment bathrooms and health facilities
• Rape expressly used to • Social isolation/rejection from family or community, which can result
punish lesbians for their in homelessness
sexual orientation • Engagement in unsafe livelihoods activities

Key Considerations for At-Risk Groups (continued)

At-risk Examples of violence to Factors that contribute to increased risk

groups which these groups of violence
might be exposed
Separated • Sexual assault • Age, gender and restricted social status
or unac- • Sexual exploitation and • Neglected health and nutritional needs
companied abuse • Engagement in unsafe livelihoods activities
girls, boys • Child and/or forced • Dependence on exploitative or unhealthy relationships for
and orphans, marriage basic needs
including chil- • Forced labour • Early pregnancies and motherhood
dren associat- • Lack of access to • Social stigma, isolation and rejection by communities as a result of
ed with armed education association with armed forces/groups
forces/groups • Domestic violence • Active engagement in combat operations
• Premature parental responsibility for siblings
Women and • Coercion, social exclusion • Dependence on exploitative or unhealthy relationships for basic
men involved • Sexual assault needs
in forced and/ • Physical violence • Lack of access to reproductive health information and services
or coerced • Sexual exploitation and • Early pregnancies and motherhood
prostitution, abuse • Isolation and a lack of social support/peer networks
and child • Lack of access to • Social stigma, isolation and rejection by communities
victims education • Harassment and abuse from law enforcement
of sexual • Lack of protection under the law and/or laws that criminalize
exploitation sex workers
Women, • Sexual assault as • Poor hygiene and lack of sanitation
girls, men punishment or torture • Overcrowding of detention facilities
and boys in • Physical violence • Failure to separate men, women, families and

detention • Lack of access to education unaccompanied minors

• Lack of access to health, • Obstacles and disincentives to reporting incidents of violence
mental health and psycho- (especially sexual violence)
social support, including • Fear of speaking out against authorities
psychological first aid • Possible trauma from violence and abuse suffered before detention
Women, • Sexual harassment and abuse • Social stigma, isolation and higher risk of poverty
girls, men • Social discrimination and • Loss of land, property and belongings
and boys exclusion • Reduced work capacity
living with • Verbal abuse • Stress, depression and/or suicide
HIV • Lack of access to education • Family disintegration and breakdown
• Loss of livelihood • Poor physical and emotional health
• Prevented from having • Harmful use of alcohol and/or drugs
contact with their children
Women, • Social discrimination and • Limited mobility, hearing and vision resulting in greater reliance on
girls, exclusion assistance and care from others
men and • Sexual assault • Isolation and a lack of social support/peer networks

boys with • Sexual exploitation and • Exclusion from obtaining information and receiving guidance,
disabilities abuse due to physical, technological and communication barriers
• Intimate partner violence • Exclusion from accessing washing facilities, latrines or distribution
and other forms of domestic sites due to poor accessibility in design
violence • Physical, communication and attitudinal barriers in reporting violence
• Lack of access to education • Barriers to participating in their communities and earning livelihoods
• Denial of access to housing, • Lack of access to medical care and rehabilitation services
property and livestock • High levels of impunity for crimes against them
• Lack of access to reproductive health information and services
Women, • Social discrimination and • Weakened physical status, physical or sensory disabilities,
girls, men exclusion psychological distress and chronic diseases
and boys • Secondary violence as result • Lack of access to medical care, including obstacles and
who are of the primary violence (e.g. disincentives to reporting incidents of violence
survivors of abuse by those they report • Family disintegration and breakdown
violence to; honor killings following • Isolation and higher risk of poverty
sexual assault; forced mar-
riage to a perpetrator; etc.)
• Heightened vulnerability to
future violence, including
sexual violence, intimate
partner violence, sexual
exploitation and abuse, etc.

12 GBV Guidelines
3. The Obligation to Address Gender-
Based Violence in Humanitarian Work

“Protection of all persons affected and at risk must inform humanitarian

decision-making and response, including engagement with States and non-
State parties to conflict. It must be central to our preparedness efforts, as
part of immediate and life-saving activities, and throughout the duration of
humanitarian response and beyond. In practical terms, this means identifying
who is at risk, how and why at the very outset of a crisis and thereafter, taking
into account the specific vulnerabilities that underlie these risks, including
those experienced by men, women, girls and boys, and groups such as
internally displaced persons, older persons, persons with disabilities, and
persons belonging to sexual and other minorities.”

(Inter-Agency Standing Committee Principals’ statement on the Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action,
endorsed December 2013 as part of a number of measures that will be adapted by the IASC to ensure more effective
protection of people in humantarian crises.8 Available at <www.globalprotectioncluster.org/en/tools-and-guidance/

The primary responsibility to ensure that people are protected from violence rests with
States. In situations of armed conflict, both State and non-State parties to the conflict have
obligations in this regard under international humanitarian law. This includes refraining
from causing harm to civilian populations and ensuring that people affected by violence get
the care they need. When States or parties to conflict are unable and unwilling to meet their
obligations, humanitarian actors play an important role in supporting measures to prevent
and respond to violence. No single organization, agency or entity working in an emergency
has the complete set of knowledge, skills, resources and authority to prevent GBV or respond
to the needs of GBV survivors alone. Thus, collective effort is paramount: All humanitarian
actors must be aware of the risks of GBV and—acting collectively to ensure a comprehen-
sive response—prevent and mitigate these risks as quickly as possible within their areas
of operation.


Failure to take action against GBV represents a failure by humanitarian actors to meet their
most basic responsibilities for promoting and protecting the rights of affected populations.
Inaction and/or poorly designed programmes can also unintentionally cause further harm.
Lack of action or ineffective action contribute to a poor foundation for supporting the
resilience, health and well-being of survivors, and create barriers to reconstructing affected
communities’ lives and livelihoods. In some instances, inaction can serve to perpetuate
the cycle of violence: Some survivors of GBV or other forms of violence may later become
perpetrators if their medical, psychological and protection needs are not met. In the worst
case, inaction can indirectly or inadvertently result in loss of lives.

The Centrality Statement further recognizes the role of the protection cluster to support protection strategies, including mainstreaming

protection throughout all sectors. To support the realization of this, the Global Protection Cluster has committed to providing support
and tools to other clusters, both at the global and field level, to help strengthen their capacity for protection mainstreaming. For more
information see the Global Protection Cluster. 2014. Protection Mainstreaming Training Package, <www.globalprotectioncluster.org/en/

The responsibility of humanitarian actors to address GBV is supported by a framework
that includes key elements highlighted in the diagram below. (For additional details of
elements of the framework, see Annex 6 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available at

United Nations
Security Council

Why all
International Humanitarian
and actors must act Standards and
National Law to prevent and Guidelines
mitigate GBV

GBV-related protection rights of, and needs

identified by, affected populations

It is important that those working in settings affected by humanitarian emergencies under-

stand the framework’s key components and act in accordance with it. They must also use it
to guide others—States, communities and individuals—to meet their obligations to promote
and protect human rights.

International and national law: GBV violates principles that are covered by international hu-
manitarian law, international and domestic criminal law, and human rights and refugee law
at the international, regional and national levels. These principles include the protection of
civilians even in situations of armed conflict and occupation, and their rights to life, equality,
security, equal protection under the law, and freedom from torture and other cruel, inhumane

or degrading treatment.

United Nations Security Council resolutions: Protection of Civilians (POC) lies at the centre of
international humanitarian law and also forms a core component of international human rights,
refugee, and international criminal law. Since 1999, the United Nations Security Council, with
its United Nations Charter mandate to maintain or restore international peace and security, has
become increasingly concerned with POC—with the Secretary-General regularly including it in
his country reports to the Security Council and the Security Council providing it as a common
part of peacekeeping mission mandates in its resolutions. Through this work on POC, the Secu-
rity Council has recognized the centrality of women, peace and security by adopting a series
of thematic resolutions on the issue. Of these, three resolutions (1325, 1889 and 2212) address
women, peace and security broadly (e.g. women’s specific experiences of conflict and their
contributions to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and peacebuilding).
The others (1820, 1888, 1960 and 2106) also reinforce women’s participation, but focus more
specifically on conflict-related sexual violence. United Nations Security Council Resolution
2106 is the first to explicitly refer to men and boys as survivors of violence. The United Nations
Security Council’s agenda also includes Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) through which

14 GBV Guidelines
it established, in 2005, a monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM) on six grave children’s
rights violations in armed conflict, including rape and sexual violence against children. For
more details on the United Nations Security Council resolutions, see Annex 6 of the compre-
hensive Guidelines, available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.

Humanitarian principles: The humanitarian community has created global principles on

which to improve accountability, quality and performance in the actions they take. These
principles have an impact on every type of GBV-related intervention. They act as an ethical
and operational guide for humanitarian actors on how to behave in an armed conflict, natural
disaster or other humanitarian emergency.

United Nations agencies are guided by four humanitarian principles enshrined in two Gener-
al Assembly resolutions: General Assembly Resolution 46/182 (1991) and General Assembly
Resolution 58/114 (2004). These humanitarian principles include humanity, neutrality, impar-
tiality and independence.

Humanity Neutrality Impartiality Independence

Human suffering must be Humanitarian actors must Humanitarian action must be Humanitarian action must
addressed whenever it not take sides in hostilities or carried out on the basis of need be autonomous from the
is found. The purpose of engage in controversies of a alone, giving priority to the most political, economic, military
humanitarian action is to political, racial, religious or urgent cases of distress and or other objectives that any
protect life and health and ideological nature. making no distinctions on the actors may hold with regard
ensure respect for human basis of nationality, race, gender, to areas where humanitarian

beings. religious belief, class or political action is being implemented.
(Excerpted from Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). 2012. ‘OCHA on Message: Humanitarian principles’, <https://

Many humanitarian organizations have further committed to these principles by develop-

ing codes of conduct, and by observing the ‘do no harm’ principle and the principles of the
Sphere Humanitarian Charter. The principles in this Charter recognize the following rights of
all people affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies:
• The right to life with dignity
• The right to receive humanitarian assistance, including protection from violence
• The right to protection and security9


Humanitarian standards and guidelines: Various standards and guidelines that reinforce the
humanitarian responsibility to address GBV in emergencies have been developed and broad-
ly endorsed by humanitarian actors. Many of these key standards are identified in Annex 6 of
the comprehensive Guidelines, available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.


What the Sphere Handbook Says:

Guidance Note 13: Women and girls can be at particular risk of gender-based violence.
When contributing to the protection of these groups, humanitarian agencies should particularly consider
measures that reduce possible risks, including trafficking, forced prostitution, rape or domestic violence. They
should also implement standards and instruments that prevent and eradicate the practice of sexual exploitation
and abuse. This unacceptable practice may involve affected people with specific vulnerabilities, such as isolat-
ed or disabled women who are forced to trade sex for the provision of humanitarian assistance.

(Sphere Project. 2011. Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response,

For more information, see ‘The Humanitarian Charter,’ available at <www.spherehandbook.org/en/the-humanitarian-charter>.


Additional Citations
United Nations General Assembly. December 1993. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). 2008.
‘Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against ‘Policy Statement: Gender Equality in Humanitarian
Women’, A/RES/48/104, <www.un.org/documents/ga/ Action’, <https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/
res/48/a48r104.htm> system/files/legacy_files/IASC%20Gender%20Policy%20
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
(OHCHR). 2011. ‘Discriminatory laws and practices Heise, L. 1998. ‘Violence against Women: An integrated,
and acts of violence against individuals based on ecological framework’, Violence against Women,
their sexual orientation and gender identity’, A/ vol. 4, no. 3, June 1998, pp. 262–90, <www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
HRC/19/41, <http://www.ohchr.org/documents/issues/ gov/pubmed/12296014>

16 GBV Guidelines
GBV Guidelines
1. Content Overview of
Child Protection Guidance
This section provides an overview of the recommendations detailed in Part Three: Child
Protection Guidance. The information below:

u Describes the summary fold-out table of essential actions presented at the beginning of
Part Three, designed as a quick reference tool for child protection actors.
u Introduces the programme cycle, which is the framework for all the recommendations
within Part Three.
u Reviews the guiding principles for addressing GBV and summarizes how to apply these
principles through four inter-linked approaches: the human rights-based approach,
survivor-centred approach, community-based approach and systems approach.

Summary Fold-Out Table of Essential Actions

Part Three begins with a summary fold-out table for use as a quick reference tool. The
fold-out table links key recommendations made in the body of Part Three with guidance
on when the recommendations should be applied across four stages of emergency:
Pre-emergency/preparedness (before the emergency and during ongoing preparedness

planning), Emergency (when the emergency strikes)1, Stabilized Stage (when immediate
emergency needs have been addressed), and Recovery to Development (when the focus
is on facilitating returns of displaced populations, rebuilding systems and structures, and
transitioning to development). In practice, the separation between different stages is not
always clear; most emergencies do not follow a uniformly linear progression, and stages
may overlap and/or revert. The stages are therefore only indicative.


Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning

“Experience confirms that effective humanitarian response at the onset of a crisis is heavily influenced by
the level of preparedness and planning of responding agencies/organizations, as well as the capacities and

resources available to them.”

In the summary fold-out table, the points listed under ‘pre-emergency/preparedness’ are not strictly
limited to actions that can be taken before an emergency strikes. These points are also relevant to
ongoing preparedness planning, the goal of which is to anticipate and solve problems in order to facilitate
rapid response when a particular setting is struck by another emergency. In natural disasters, on going
preparedness is often referred to as ‘contingency planning’ and is part of all stages of humanitarian

(Quote from Inter-Agency Standing Committee. 2007. Inter-Agency Contingency Planning Guidelines for Humanitarian
Assistance, Revised version, p.7. <https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/system/files/legacy_files/IA%20

Slow-onset emergencies such as drought may follow a different pattern from rapid-onset disasters. Even so, the risks of GBV and

the humanitarian needs of affected populations remain the same. The recommendations in this TAG are applicable to all types of

In the summary fold-out table, minimum commitments2 for child protection actors appear in
bold. These minimum commitments represent critical actions that child protection actors can
prioritize in the earliest stages of emergency when resources and time are limited. As soon as
the acute emergency has subsided (anywhere from two weeks to several months, depending
on the setting), additional essential actions outlined in the summary fold-out table—and elab-
orated in the subsequent guidance—should be initiated and/or scaled up. Each recommen-
dation should be adapted to the particular context, always taking into account the essential
rights, expressed needs and identified resources of target community.

Essential Actions Outlined according to the

Programme Cycle Framework
Following the summary fold-out table, the guidance is organized according to five elements
of a programme cycle. Each element of the programme cycle is designed to link with and
support the other elements. While coordination is presented as its own separate element, it
should be considered and integrated throughout the entirety of the programme cycle. The
five elements3 are presented as follows:

Identifies key questions to be considered when integrating GBV concerns into as-
sessments. These questions are subdivided into three categories—(i) Programming,
(ii) Policies, and (iii) Communications and Information Sharing. The questions can
Assessment Analysis be used as ‘prompts’ when designing assessments. Information generated from the

assessments can be used to contribute to project planning and implementation.

and Planning

Promotes the integration of elements related to GBV prevention, mitigation and

response when mobilizing supplies and human and financial resources.

Lists child protection actors’ responsibilities for integrating GBV prevention, mitigation
and response strategies into their programmes. The recommendations are subdivided
into three categories: (i) Programming, (ii) Policies, and (iii) Communications and
Implementation Information Sharing.

Highlights key GBV-related areas of coordination with various sectors.


Defines indicators for monitoring and evaluating GBV-related actions through a

Monitoring and participatory approach.

Note that the minimum commitments do not always come first under each programme cycle category of the summary table. This is

because all the actions are organized in chronological order according to an ideal model for programming. When it is not possible to
implement all actions—particularly in the early stages of an emergency—the minimum commitments should be prioritized and the other
actions implemented at a later date.
These elements of the programme cycle are an adaptation of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). The HPC has been slightly

adjusted within this TAG to simplify presentation of key information. The HPC is a core component of the Transformative Agenda, aimed
at improving humanitarian actors’ ability to prepare for, manage and deliver assistance. For more information about the HPC, see:

20 GBV Guidelines
Integrated throughout these stages is the concept of early recovery as a multidimensional
process. Early recovery begins in the early days of a humanitarian response and should be
considered systematically throughout. Employing an early recovery approach means:

“focusing on local ownership and strengthening capacities; basing

interventions on a thorough understanding of the context to address root
causes and vulnerabilities as well as immediate results of crisis; reducing
risk, promoting equality and preventing discrimination through adherence
to development principles that seek to build on humanitarian programmes
and catalyse sustainable development opportunities. It aims to generate
self-sustaining, nationally-owned, resilient processes for post-crisis recovery
and to put in place preparedness measures to mitigate the impact of future
(Global Cluster on Early Recovery. 2014. ‘Guidance Note on Inter-Cluster Early Recovery’ [draft], p. 7, <www.

In order to facilitate early recovery, GBV prevention and mitigation strategies should be
integrated into programmes from the beginning of an emergency in ways that protect and
empower women, girls and other at-risk groups. These strategies should also address
under- lying causes of GBV (particularly gender inequality) and develop evidence-based

programming and tailored assistance.

Element 1: Assessment, Analysis and Planning

The programme cycle begins with
a list of recommended GBV-related ESSENTIAL TO KNOW
questions or ‘prompts’. These prompts
Initiating Risk-Reduction Interventions
highlight areas for investigation that
without Assessments
can be selectively incorporated into
various assessments and routine While assessments are an important foundation for pro-
monitoring undertaken by child gramme design and implementation, they are not required
protection actors. The questions link in order to put in place some essential GBV prevention,
to the recommendations under the mitigation and response measures prior to or from the

heading ‘Implementation’ and the onset of an emergency. Many risk-reduction interventions
three main types of responsibilities can be introduced without conducting an assessment. For
therein (see Element 3 below): example, child protection actors can support the creation
of girl- and boy-friendly spaces and establish separate
reception areas for unaccompanied girls and boys.
• Programming;
• Policies; and
• Communications and Information Sharing.

In addition to the prompts of what to assess, other key points should be considered when
designing assessments:

• Key stakeholders and actors providing services in the community

• GBV, gender and diversity specialists

• Males and females of all ages and backgrounds of the affected community, particularly
women, girls and other at-risk groups

• Community leaders
Who to
Assess • Community-based organizations (e.g. organizations for women, adolescents/youth,
persons with disabilities, older persons, etc.)

• Representatives of humanitarian response sectors

• Local and national governments

• Members of receptor/host communities in IDP/refugee settings

• At the outset of programme planning

When to • At regular intervals for monitoring purposes
• During ongoing safety and security monitoring

• Review available secondary data (existing assessments/studies; qualitative and


quantitative information; IDP/refugee registration data; etc.);

• Conduct regular consultations with key stakeholders, including relevant grass-roots

organizations, civil societies and government agencies

• Carry out key informant interviews

How to • Conduct focus group discussions with community members that are age-, gender-, and
culturally appropriate (e.g. participatory assessments held in consultation with men,
Assess women, girls and boys, separately when necessary)

• Carry out site observation

• Perform site safety mapping

• Conduct analysis of national legal frameworks related to GBV and whether they provide

protection to women, girls and other at-risk groups

When designing assessments, child protection actors should apply ethical and safety
standards that are age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive and prioritize the well-being of all
those engaged in the assessment process. Wherever possible—and particularly when any
component of the assessment involves communication with community stakeholders—
investigations should be designed and undertaken according to participatory processes
that engage the entire community, and most particularly women, girls, and other at-risk
groups. This requires, as a first step, ensuring equal participation of women and men
on assessment teams, as stipulated in the IASC Gender Handbook.4 Other important
considerations are listed below.

An online survey of humanitarian practitioners and decision makers by Plan International found that the participation of women in as-

sessment teams varies considerably, despite IASC standards. See The State of the World’s Girls 2013: In double jeopardy – Adolescent
girls and disasters, <http://plan-international.org/girls/reports-and-publications/the-state-of-the-worlds-girls-2013.php>

22 GBV Guidelines
DOs and DON’Ts for Conducting Assessments That Include GBV-Related Components

• Do consult GBV, gender and diversity specialists throughout the planning, design, analysis and
interpretation of assessments that include GBV-related components.
• Do use local expertise where possible.
• Do strictly adhere to safety and ethical recommendations for researching GBV.
• Do consider cultural and religious sensitivities of communities.
• Do conduct all assessments in a participatory way by consulting women, girls, men and boys
of all backgrounds, including persons with specific needs. The unique needs of at-risk groups
should be fairly represented in assessments in order to tailor interventions.
• Do conduct inter-agency or multi-sectoral assessments promoting the use of common tools and
methods and encourage transparency and dissemination of the findings.
• Do include GBV specialists on inter-agency and inter-sectoral teams.
• Do conduct ongoing assessments of GBV-related programming issues to monitor the progress
of activities and identify gaps or GBV-related protection issues that arise unexpectedly. Adjust
programmes as needed.
• Do ensure that an equal number of female and male assessors and translators are available
to provide age-, gender-, and culturally appropriate environments for those participating in
assessments, particularly women and girls.
• Do conduct consultations in a secure setting where all individuals feel safe to contribute to
discussions. Conduct separate women’s groups and men’s groups, or individual consultations
when appropriate, to counter exclusion, prejudice and stigma that may impede involvement.
• Do provide training for assessment team members on ethical and safety issues. Include

information in the training about appropriate systems of care (i.e. referral pathways) that are
available for GBV survivors, if necessary.
• Do provide information about how to report risk and/or where to access care—especially at
health facilities—for anyone who may report risk of or exposure to GBV during the assessment
• Do include—when appropriate and there are no security risks—government officials, line
ministries and sub-ministries in assessment activities.

• Don’t share data that may be linked back to a group or an individual, including GBV survivors.
• Don’t probe too deeply into culturally sensitive or taboo topics (e.g. gender equality,
reproductive health, sexual norms and behaviours, etc.) unless relevant experts are part
of the assessment team.
• Don’t single out GBV survivors: Speak with women, girls and other at-risk groups in general
DON’Ts and not explicitly about their own experiences.

• Don’t make assumptions about which groups are affected by GBV, and don’t assume that
reported data on GBV or trends in reports represent actual prevalence and trends in the extent
of GBV.
• Don’t collect information about specific incidents of GBV or prevalence rates without assistance
from GBV specialists.

(Adapted from GBV AoR. 2010. Handbook for Coordinating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings [provisional
edition]; CPWG. 2012. Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action; and UN Action. 2008. Reporting and Interpreting
Data on Sexual Violence from Conflict-Affected Countries: Dos and don’ts)

The information collected during various assessments and routine monitoring will help to
identify the relationship between GBV risks and child protection programming. The data can
highlight priorities and gaps that need to be addressed when planning new programmes or
adjusting existing programmes, such as:

u Safety and security risks for particular groups within the affected population.
u Unequal access to services for women, girls and other at-risk groups.
u Global and national sector standards related to protection, rights and GBV risk reduction
that are not applied (or do not exist) and therefore increase GBV-related risks.
u Lack of participation by some groups in the planning, design, implementation, and
monitoring and evaluation of programmes, and the need to consider age-, gender-,
and culturally appropriate ways of facilitating participation of all groups.
u The need to advocate for and support the deployment of GBV specialists within the
child protection sector.
Data can also be used to inform common response planning processes, which serve as the
basis for resource mobilization in some contexts. As such, it is essential that GBV be ad-
equately addressed and integrated into joint planning and strategic documents—such as
the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, the OCHA Minimum Preparedness Package (MPP), the
Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA), and Strategic Response Plans (SRPs).


Investigating GBV-Related Safety and Security Issues When Undertaking Assessments

It is the responsibility of all humanitarian actors to work within a protection framework and understand the safety
and security risks that women, girls, men and boys face. Therefore it is extremely important that assessment
and monitoring of general safety issues be an ongoing feature of assistance. This includes exploring—through a
variety of entry points and participatory processes—when, why and how GBV-related safety issues might arise,
particularly as the result of delivery or use of humanitarian services. However, GBV survivors should not be sought
out or targeted as a specific group during assessments. GBV-specific assessments—which include investigat-
ing specific GBV incidents, interviewing survivors about their specific experiences, or conducting research
on the scope of GBV in the population—should be conducted only in collaboration with GBV specialists and/
or a GBV-specialized partner or agency. Training in gender, GBV, women’s/human rights, social exclusion and
sexuality—and how these inform assessment practices—should be conducted with relevant child protection

staff. To the extent possible, assessments should be locally designed and led, ideally by relevant local government
actors and/or programme administrators and with the participation of the community. When non-GBV specialists
receive specific reports of GBV during general assessment activities, they should share the information with
GBV specialists according to safe and ethical standards that ensure confidentiality and, if requested by survi-
vors, anonymity of survivors.

24 GBV Guidelines
Resource Mobilization
Recognizing GBV Prevention and Response as Life-Saving
Resource mobilization most
Addressing GBV is considered life-saving and meets multiple
obviously refers to accessing
humanitarian donor guidelines and criteria, including the
funding in order to implement
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). In spite of this,
programming—either through GBV prevention, mitigation and response are rarely prioritized
specific donors or linked to from the outset of an emergency. Taking action to address
coordinated humanitarian funding GBV is more often linked to longer-term protection and
mechanisms. (For more information stability initiatives; as a result, humanitarian actors operate
on funding mechanisms, see Annex with limited GBV-related resources in the early stages of an
7 of the comprehensive Guidelines, emergency (Hersh, 2014). This includes a lack of physical and
available at <www.gbvguidelines. human resources or technical capacity in the area of GBV,
org>.) This TAG aims to reduce the which can in turn result in limited allocation of GBV-related
challenges of accessing GBV-related funding. These limitations are both a cause and an indicator of
funds by outlining key GBV-related systemic weaknesses in emergency response, and may in some
issues to be considered when instances stem from the failure of initial rapid assessments
drafting proposals. to illustrate the need for GBV prevention and response
interventions. (For more information about including GBV in
In addition to the funding points various humanitarian strategic plans and funding mechanisms,
specific to child protection that are see Annex 7 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available at
presented under the ‘Resource Mobi- <www.gbvguidelines.org>.)

lization’ subsection of Part Three, all
humanitarian actors should consider
the following general points:

Components of
a Proposal GBV-Related Points to Consider for Inclusion
HUMANITARIAN • Describe vulnerabilities of women, girls and other at-risk groups in the particular setting
NEEDS OVERVIEW • Describe and analyse risks for specific forms of GBV (e.g. sexual assault, forced and/or
coerced prostitution, child and/or forced marriage, intimate partner violence and other
forms of domestic violence), rather than a broader reference to ‘GBV’
• Illustrate how those believed to be at risk of GBV have been identified and consulted on
GBV-related priorities, needs and rights
PROJECT • Explain the GBV-related risks that are linked to the sector’s area of work
RATIONALE/ • Describe which groups are being targeted in this action and how the targeting is informed
JUSTIFICATION by vulnerability criteria and inclusion strategies

• Describe whether women, girls and other at-risk groups are part of decision-making
processes and what mechanisms have been put in place to empower them
• Explain how these efforts will link with and support other efforts to prevent and mitigate
specific types of GBV in the affected community
PROJECT • Illustrate how activities are linked with those of other humanitarian actors/sectors
DESCRIPTION • Explain which activities may help in changing or improving the environment to prevent
GBV (e.g. by better monitoring and understanding the underlying causes and contributing
factors of GBV)
• Describe mechanisms that facilitate reporting of GBV, and ensure appropriate follow-up in
a safe and ethical manner
• Describe relevant linkages with GBV specialists and GBV coordination mechanisms
• Consider how the project promotes and rebuilds community systems and structures that
ensure the participation and safety of women, girls and other at-risk groups
MONITORING AND • Outline a monitoring and evaluation plan to track progress as well as any adverse effects of
EVALUATION PLAN GBV-related activities on the affected population
• Illustrate how the monitoring and evaluation strategies include the participation of women,
girls and other at-risk groups
• Include outcome level indicators from the Indicator Sheets in Part Three of this TAG to
measure programme impact on GBV-related risks
• Where relevant, describe a plan for adjusting the programme according to monitoring
• Disaggregate indicators by sex, age, disability and other relevant vulnerability factors


The IASC Gender Marker

Despite universal acceptance that humanitarian assistance must meet the distinct needs of women, girls, boys
and men to generate positive and sustainable outcomes, evaluations of humanitarian effectiveness show gender
equality results are weak. The Gender Marker is a tool that codes, on a 0–2 scale, whether or not a humanitarian
project is designed well enough to ensure that women/girls and men/boys will benefit equally from it or that it
will advance gender equality in another way. If the project has the potential to contribute to gender equality, the
marker predicts whether the results are likely to be limited or significant. Although the gender mainstreaming
objectives of the Gender Marker differ in some ways from those of GBV prevention and response programming, in
order to be effective, they must both address issues of women’s and girls’ empowerment and gender equality and
include men and boys as partners in prevention.

(For links between the Gender Marker and GBV prevention and response projects, see Annex 8 of the comprehensive Guidelines,
available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>. For information on the Gender Marker, see: <https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/
system/files/legacy_files/IASC%20Gender%20Marker%20Fact%20Sheet.doc>. For information on trends in spending according
to the Gender Marker, see Global Humanitarian Assistance. 2014. Funding Gender in Emergencies: What are the trends? <www.

Importantly, resource mobilization is not limited to soliciting funds. When planning for and
implementing GBV prevention and response activities, child protection actors should:

u Mobilize human resources by making sure that partners within the child protection sector:

• Have been trained in and understand issues of gender, GBV, women’s/human rights,
social exclusion and sexuality.
• Are empowered to integrate GBV risk-reduction strategies into their work.
u Employ and retain women and other at-risk groups as staff, and ensure their active
participation and leadership in all community activities related to child protection.
u Pre-position age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive supplies where necessary and
u Pre-position accessible GBV-related community outreach material.
u Advocate with the donor community so that donors recognize GBV prevention, mitigation
and response interventions as life-saving, and support the costs related to improving
intra- and inter-sector capacity to address GBV.

u Ensure that government and humanitarian policies related to child protection program-
ming integrate GBV concerns and include strategies for ongoing budgeting of activities.

Element 3: Implementation
The ‘Implementation’ subsection provides guidance for putting GBV-related risk-reduction
responsibilities into practice. The information is intended to:

u Describe a set of activities that, taken together, establish shared standards and improve
the overall quality of GBV-related prevention and mitigation strategies—as well as
response services for survivors—in humanitarian settings.
u Establish GBV-related responsibilities that should be undertaken by all child protection
actors, regardless of available data on GBV incidents.
u Maximize immediate protection of GBV survivors and persons at risk.
u Foster longer-term interventions that work towards the elimination of GBV.

26 GBV Guidelines
Three main types of responsibilities—programming, policies, and communications and
information sharing—correspond to and elaborate upon the suggested areas of inquiry
outlined under the subsection ‘Assessment, Analysis and Planning’. Each targets a variety
of child protection actors.

1) Programming: Targets NGOs, ESSENTIAL TO KNOW

community-based organizations
(including the National Red Cross/ Active Participation of Women, Girls and Other At-Risk
Red Crescent Society), INGOs, Groups
United Nations agencies, and Commitment 4 of the IASC Principals’ Commitments on
national and local governments to Accountability to Affected Populations (CAAP) highlights
encourage them to: the importance of enabling affected populations to play a
u Support the involvement of decision-making role in processes that affect them. This is
women, girls and other at- reflected in recommendations within this TAG that promote
risk groups within the affected the active participation of women, girls and other at-risk
groups in assessment processes and as staff and leaders in
population as programme staff
community-based structures. Involving women, girls, and
and as leaders in governance
other at-risk groups in all aspects of child protection
mechanisms and community
programming is essential to fulfilling the guiding principles
decision-making structures.
and approaches discussed later in this section. However,
u Implement programmes that (1) such involvement—especially as leaders or managers—
reflect awareness of the particular can be risky in some settings. Therefore the recommen-
GBV risks faced by women, girls dations throughout this TAG aimed at greater inclusion of

and other at-risk groups, and (2) women, girls and other at-risk groups (e.g. striving for 50
address their rights and needs per cent representation of females in programme staff) may
need to be adjusted to the context. Due caution must be
related to safety and security.
exercised where their inclusion poses a potential security
u Integrate GBV prevention, risk or increases their risk of GBV. Approaches to their
mitigation and response into involvement should be carefully contextualized.

2) Policies: Targets programme planners, advocates, and national and local policymakers to
encourage them to:

u Incorporate GBV prevention and mitigation strategies into child protection programme
policies, standards and guidelines from the earliest stages of the emergency.

u Supportthe integration of GBV risk-reduction strategies into national and local
development policies and plans and allocate funding for sustainability.
u Support the revision and adoption of national and local laws and policies (including
customary laws and policies) that promote and protect the rights of women, girls and
other at-risk groups.

3) Communications and Information Sharing: Targets programme and community outreach

staff to encourage them to:

u Work with GBV specialists in order to identify safe, confidential and appropriate systems
of care (i.e. referral pathways) for GBV survivors; incorporate basic GBV messages into
community outreach and awareness-raising activities related to child protection; and
develop information-sharing standards that promote confidentiality and ensure anonymity
of survivors. In the early stages of an emergency, services may be quite limited; referral
pathways should be adjusted as services expand.

u Receive training on issues of gender, GBV, women’s/human rights, social exclusion,
sexuality and psychological first aid (e.g. how to engage supportively with survivors and
provide information in an ethical, safe and confidential manner about their rights and
options to report risk and access care).


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support: Providing Referrals and Psychological First Aid
The term ‘mental health and psychosocial support’ (MHPSS) is used to describe any type of local or outside
support that aims to protect or promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or treat mental disorder (IASC,
2007). The experience of GBV can be a very distressing event for a survivor. All survivors should have access to
supportive listeners in their families and communities, as well as additional GBV-focused services should they
choose to access them. Often the first line of focused services will be through community-based organizations,
in which trained GBV support workers provide case management and resiliency-based mental health care.
Some survivors—typically a relatively small number—may require more targeted mental health care from an
expert experienced in addressing GBV-related mental health issues (e.g. when survivors are not improving
according to a care plan, or when caseworkers have reason to believe survivors may be at risk of hurting
themselves or someone else).

As part of care and support for people affected by GBV, the humanitarian community plays a crucial role in
ensuring survivors gain access to GBV-focused community-based care services and, as necessary and
available, more targeted mental health care provided by GBV and trauma-care experts. Survivors may also

wish to access legal/justice support and police protection. Providing information to survivors in an ethical,

safe and confidential manner about their rights and options to report risk and access care is a responsibility
of all humanitarian actors who interact with affected populations. Child protection actors should work with
GBV specialists to identify systems of care (i.e. referral pathways) that can be mobilized if a survivor reports
exposure to GBV. It may be also be important to have GBV-specialist staff integrated into the operations of the
child protection sector.

For all child protection personnel who engage with affected populations, it is important not only to be able to
offer survivors up-to-date information about access to services, but also to know and apply the principles of
psychological first aid. Even without specific training in GBV case management, non-GBV specialists can go a
long way in assisting survivors by responding to their disclosures in a supportive, non-stigmatizing, survivor-
centred manner. (For more information about the survivor-centred approach, see ‘Guiding Principles’, below).

Psychological first aid (PFA) describes a humane, supportive response to a fellow human being who is

suffering and who may need support. Providing PFA responsibly means to:

1. Respect safety, dignity and rights.

2. Adapt what you do to take account of the person’s culture.
3. Be aware of other emergency response measures.
4. Look after yourself.

• Learn about the crisis event.

PREPARE • Learn about available services and supports.
• Learn about safety and security concerns.


28 GBV Guidelines

The three basic action principles of PFA presented below—look, listen and link—can help child protection
actors with how they view and safely enter a crisis situation, approach affected people and understand their
needs, and link them with practical support and information.

• Check for safety.

LOOK • Check for people with obvious urgent basic needs.
• Check for people with serious distress reactions.
• Approach people who may need support.
LISTEN • Ask about people’s needs and concerns.
• Listen to people, and help them to feel calm.
• Help people address basic needs and access services.
• Help people cope with problems.
• Give information.
• Connect people with loved ones and social support.

The following chart identifies ethical dos and don’ts in providing PFA. These are offered as guidance to avoid
causing further harm to the person; provide the best care possible; and act only in their best interests. These
ethical dos and don’ts reinforce a survivor-centred approach. In all cases, child protection actors should offer
help in ways that are most appropriate and comfortable to the people they are supporting, given the cultural
context. In any situation where a child protection actor feels unsure about how to respond to a survivor in a

safe, ethical and confidential manner, she or he should contact a GBV specialist for guidance.

Dos Don’ts

• Be honest and trustworthy. • Don’t exploit your relationship as a helper.

• Respect people’s right to make their own • Don’t ask the person for any money or favour
decisions. for helping them.
• Be aware of and set aside your own biases
and prejudices. • Don’t make false promises or give false
• Make it clear to affected people that even if they information.
refuse help now, they can still access help in • Don’t exaggerate your skills.
the future. • Don’t force help on people and don’t be intrusive

• Respect privacy and keep the person’s story or pushy.
confidential, if this is appropriate.
• Behave appropriately by considering the • Don’t pressure people to tell you their stories.
person’s culture, age and gender. • Don’t share the person’s story with others.
• Don’t judge the people for their actions
or feelings.

(Adapted from: World Health Organization, War Trauma Foundation and World Vision International. 2011. Psychological First
Aid: Guide for field workers, pp. 53–55, <www.who.int/mental_health/publications/guide_field_workers/en>; and World Health
Organization. 2012. ‘Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: 10 myths’, <www.who.int/
reproductivehealth/publications/violence/rhr12_17/en>. For more information on providing first-line support see World Health
Organization. 2014. Health Care for Women Subjected to Intimate Partner Violence or Sexual Violence. A clinical handbook
(Field-testing version), WHO/RHR/14.26, <www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/violence/vaw-clinical-handbook/en>.)

Element 4: Coordination
Given its complexities, GBV is best addressed when multiple sectors, organizations and disci-
plines work together to create and implement unified prevention and mitigation strategies. In
an emergency context, actors leading humanitarian interventions (e.g. the Office for the Coordi-
nation of Humanitarian Affairs; the Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator; the Deputy
Special Representative of the Secretary-General/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordi-
na- tor; UNHCR; etc.) can facilitate coordination that ensures GBV-related issues are prioritized
and dealt with in a timely manner. Effective coordination can strengthen accountability, prevent
a ‘siloed’ effect, and ensure that
agency-specific and intra-sectoral ESSENTIAL TO KNOW
GBV action plans are in line with
those of other sectors, reinforcing a Accessing the Support of GBV Specialists
cross-sectoral approach. Child protection coordinators and child protection actors should
identify and work with the chair (and co-chair) of the GBV
The ‘Coordination’ subsection coordination mechanism where one exists. (Note: GBV coordina-
of Part Three provides guidance tion mechanisms may be chaired by government actors, NGOs,
on key GBV-related areas for INGOs and/or United Nations agencies, depending on the con-
cross-sectoral coordination. text.) They should also encourage a child protection focal point
This guidance targets NGOs, to participate in GBV coordination meetings, and encourage the
community-based organizations GBV chair/co-chair (or other GBV coordination group member) to
(including National Red Cross/ participate in child protection coordination meetings. Whenever
Red Crescent Societies), INGOs necessary, child protection coordinators and child protection

and United Nations agencies, actors should seek out the expertise of GBV specialists to assist
national and local governments, with implementing the recommendations presented in this TAG.
and humanitarian coordination
GBV specialists can ensure the integration of protection
leadership—such as line ministries,
principles and GBV risk-reduction strategies into ongoing
humanitarian coordinators, sector
child protection programming. These specialists can advise,
coordinators and donors. Leaders
assist and support coordination efforts through specific
of child protection coordination
activities, such as:
mechanisms should also undertake
• Conducting GBV-specific assessments.
the following:
• Ensuring appropriate services are in place for survivors.
• Developing referral systems and pathways.
u Put in place mechanisms for • Providing case management for GBV survivors.
regularly addressing GBV at • Developing trainings for child protection actors on gender,

child protection coordination GBV, women’s/human rights, and how to respectfully and
meetings, such as including GBV supportively engage with survivors.
issues as a regular agenda item
and soliciting the involvement GBV experts neither can nor should have specialized knowledge
of GBV specialists in relevant of the child protection sector, however. Efforts to integrate GBV
risk-reduction strategies into child protection responses should
child protection coordination
be led by child protection actors to ensure that any recommen-
dations from GBV actors are relevant and feasible within the
u Coordinate and consult with sectoral response.
gender specialists and, where
appropriate, diversity special- In settings where the GBV coordination mechanism is not active,
ists or networks (e.g. disability, child protection coordinators and child protection actors should
LGBTI, older persons, etc.) to seek support from local actors with GBV-related expertise (e.g. so-
ensure specific issues of vulner- cial workers, women’s groups, protection officers, child protection
ability—which may otherwise specialists, etc.) as well as the Global GBV AoR. (Relevant contacts
are provided on the GBV AoR website, <www.gbvaor.net>.)
be overlooked—are adequately
represented and addressed.

30 GBV Guidelines
u Develop monitoring systems that allow child protection programmes to track their own
GBV-related activities (e.g. include GBV-related activities in the sector’s 3/4/5W form used
to map out actors, activities and geographic coverage).
u Submit joint proposals for funding to ensure that GBV has been adequately addressed in
child protection programming response.
u Develop and implement child protection work plans with clear milestones that include
GBV-related inter-agency actions.
u Support the development and implementation of sector-wide policies, protocols and
other tools that integrate GBV prevention and mitigation, as well as response services for
u Form strategic partnerships and networks to conduct advocacy for improved programming
and to meet the responsibilities set out in this TAG (with due caution regarding the safety and
security risks for humanitarian actors, survivors and those at risk of GBV who speak publicly
about the problem of GBV).


Advocacy is the deliberate and strategic use of information—by individuals or groups of individuals—to bring
about positive change at the local, national and international levels. By working with GBV specialists and a

wide range of partners, child protection actors can help promote awareness of GBV and ensure safe, ethical and
effective interventions. They can highlight specific GBV issues in a particular setting through the use of effec-
tive communication strategies and different types of products, platforms and channels, such as: press releases,
publications, maps and media interviews; different web and social media platforms; multimedia products using
video, photography and graphics; awareness-raising campaigns; and essential information channels for affected
populations. All communication strategies must adhere to standards of confidentiality and data protection when
using stories, images or photographs of survivors for advocacy purposes.

(Adapted from International Rescue Committee. 2011. GBV Emergency Response and Preparedness Participant Handbook, p. 93,

Element 5: Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is

a critical tool for planning, budgeting
resources, measuring performance GBV Case Reporting
and improving future humanitarian
For a number of safety, ethical and practical reasons, this
response. Continuous routine monitor-
TAG does not recommend using the number of reported
ing ensures that effective programmes
cases (either increase or decrease) as an indicator of
are maintained and accountability to
success. As a general rule, GBV specialists or those
all stakeholders—especially affected trained on GBV research should undertake data collection
populations—is improved. Periodic on cases of GBV.
evaluations supplement monitoring
data by analyzing in greater depth the
strengths and weaknesses of implemented activities, and by measuring improved outcomes
in the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of affected populations and humanitarian work-
ers. Implementing partners and donors can use the information gathered through M&E to
share lessons learned among field colleagues and the wider humanitarian community. This
TAG primarily focuses on indicators that strengthen child protection programme monitoring
to avoid the collection of GBV incident data and more resource-intensive evaluations. (For

general information on M&E, see resources available to guide real-time and final programme
evaluations such as ALNAP’s Evaluating Humanitarian Action Guide, <www.alnap.org/eha>.
For GBV-specific resources on M&E, see Annex 1 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available
at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.)

The ‘Monitoring and Evaluation’ subsection of Part Three includes a non-exhaustive set
of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the recommended activities at each phase of
the programme cycle. Most indicators have been designed so they can be incorporated
into existing child protection M&E tools and processes, in order to improve information
collection and analysis without the need for additional data collection mechanisms. Child
protection actors should select indicators and set appropriate targets prior to the start
of an activity and adjust them to meet the needs of the target population as the project
progresses. There are suggestions for collecting both quantitative data (through surveys
and 3/4/5W matrices) and qualitative data (through focus group discussions, key infor-
mant interviews and other qualitative methods). Qualitative information helps to gather
greater depth on participants’ perceptions of programmes. Some indicators require a mix
of qualitative and quantitative data to better understand the quality and effectiveness of


Ethical Considerations

Though GBV-related data presents a complex set of challenges, the indicators in this TAG are designed so
that the information can be safely and ethically collected and reported by child protection actors who do
not have extensive GBV expertise. However, it is the responsibility of all child protection actors to ensure
safety, confidentiality and informed consent when collecting or sharing data. See above, ‘Element 1:
Assessment, Analysis and Planning’, for further information.

It is crucial that the data not only be collected and reported, but also analysed with the goal
of identifying where modifications may be beneficial. In this regard, sometimes ‘failing’ to
meet a target can provide some of the most valuable opportunities for learning. For example,
if a programme has aimed for 50 per cent female participation in assessments but falls short
of reaching that target, it may consider changing the time and/or location of the consulta-
tions, or speaking with the affected community to better understand the barriers to female

participation. The knowledge gained through this process has the potential to strengthen
child protection interventions even beyond the actions taken related to GBV. Therefore,
indicators should be analysed and reported using a ‘GBV lens’. This involves considering
the ways in which all information—including information that may not seem ‘GBV-related’—
could have implications for GBV prevention, mitigation and response.

Lastly, child protection actors should disaggregate indicators by sex, age, disability and other
relevant vulnerability factors to improve the quality of the information they collect and to
deliver programmes more equitably and efficiently. See ‘Key Considerations for At-Risk
Groups’ in Part One: Introduction for more information on vulnerability factors.

32 GBV Guidelines
2. Guiding Principles and Approaches
for Addressing Gender-Based Violence
The following principles are inextricably
linked to the overarching humanitarian
responsibility to provide protection Do No Harm
and assistance to those affected by The concept of ‘do no harm’ means that humanitarian
a crisis. They serve as the foundation organizations must strive to “minimize the harm they
for all humanitarian actors when may inadvertently be doing by being present and
planning and implementing GBV- providing assistance.” Such unintended negative
related programming. These principles consequences may be wide-ranging and extremely
state that: complex. Child protection actors can reinforce the ‘do
no harm’ principle in their GBV-related work through
u GBVencompasses a wide range of careful attention to the human rights–based, survivor-
human rights violations. centred, community-based and systems approaches
described below.
u Preventing and mitigating GBV
(Adapted from Kahn, C., and Lucchi, E. 2009. ‘Are Humanitarians
involves promoting gender equality
Fuelling Conflicts? Evidence from eastern Chad and Darfur’,
and promoting beliefs and norms Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, No. 43, <www.odihpn.org/
that foster respectful, non-violent

gender norms.
u Safety, respect, confidentiality and
non-discrimination in relation to survivors and those at risk are vital considerations
at all times.
u GBV-related interventions should be context-specific in order to enhance outcomes and
‘do no harm’.
u Participation and partnership are cornerstones of effective GBV prevention.

These principles can be put into practice by applying the four essential and interrelated
approaches described below.


1. Human Rights-Based Approach
A human rights-based approach seeks to analyse the root causes of problems and to redress
discriminatory practices that impede humanitarian intervention. This approach is often
contrasted with the needs-based approach, in which interventions aim to address practical,
short-term emergency needs through service delivery. Although a needs-based approach
includes affected populations in the process, it often stops short of addressing policies and
regulations that can contribute to sustainable systemic change.

By contrast, the human rights-based approach views affected populations as ‘rights-holders’,

and recognizes that these rights can be realized only by supporting the long-term empowerment
of affected populations through sustainable solutions. This approach seeks to attend to rights
as well as needs; how those needs are determined and addressed is informed by legal and

moral obligations and accountability. Humanitarian actors, along with states (where they are
functioning), are seen as ‘duty-bearers’ who are bound by their obligations to encourage,
empower and assist ‘rights-holders’ in claiming their rights. A human rights-based approach
requires those who undertake GBV-related programming to:

u Assess the capacity of rights-holders to claim their rights (identifying the immediate,
underlying and structural causes for non-realization of rights) and to participate in the
development of solutions that affect their lives in a sustainable way.
u Assess the capacities and limitations of duty-bearers to fulfill their obligations.
u Develop sustainable strategies for building capacities and overcoming these limitations
of duty-bearers.
u Monitor and evaluate both outcomes and processes, guided by human rights standards
and principles and using participatory approaches.
u Ensure programming is informed by the recommendations of international human rights
bodies and mechanisms.

2. Survivor-Centred Approach

To be treated with Victim-blaming attitudes

dignity and respect

To choose Feeling powerless

To privacy and confidentiality

vs. Shame and stigma

Discrimination on the basis

To non-discrimination of gender, ethnicity, etc.

To information Being told what to do

(Excerpted from GBV AoR. 2010. GBV Coordination Handbook (provisional edition), p. 20, <www.gbvguidelines.org/tools-resources>)

A survivor-centred approach means that the survivor’s rights, needs and wishes are prior-
itized when designing and developing GBV-related programming. The illustration above

contrasts survivor’s rights (in the left-hand column) with the negative impacts a survivor may
experience when the survivor-centred approach is not employed.

The survivor-centred approach can guide professionals—regardless of their role—in their

engagement with persons who have experienced GBV. It aims to create a supportive envi-
ronment in which a GBV survivor’s rights are respected, safety is ensured, and the survivor
is treated with dignity and respect. The approach helps to promote a survivor’s recovery and
strengthen her or his ability to identify and express needs and wishes; it also reinforces the
person’s capacity to make decisions about possible interventions (adapted from IASC Gender
SWG and GBV AoR, 2010).

34 GBV Guidelines

Key Elements of the Survivor-Centred Approach for Promoting Ethical and Safety Standards
1) Safety: The safety and security of the survivor and others, such as her/his children and people who have
assisted her/him, must be the number one priority for all actors. Individuals who disclose an incident of GBV or
a history of abuse are often at high risk of further violence from the perpetrator(s) or from others around them.

2) Confidentiality: Confidentiality reflects the belief that people have the right to choose to whom they will,
or will not, tell their story. Maintaining confidentiality means not disclosing any information at any time to
any party without the informed consent of the person concerned. Confidentiality promotes safety, trust and

3) Respect: The survivor is the primary actor, and the role of helpers is to facilitate recovery and provide
resources for problem-solving. All actions taken should be guided by respect for the choices, wishes, rights
and dignity of the survivor.

4) Non-discrimination: Survivors of violence should receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their age,
gender, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other characteristic.

(Adapted from United Nations Population Fund. 2012. ‘Module 2’ in Managing Gender-Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies,
E-Learning Companion Guide, <www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/GBV%20E-Learning%20Companion%20Guide_ENGLISH.

3. Community-Based Approach
A community-based approach insists that affected populations should be leaders and key part-
ners in developing strategies related to their assistance and protection. From the earliest stage
of the emergency, all those affected should “participate in making decisions that affect their
lives” and have “a right to information and transparency” from those providing assistance.
The community-based approach:

u Allows for a process of direct consultation and dialogue with all members of communities,
including women, girls and other at-risk groups.
u Engages groups who are often overlooked as active and equal partners in the assessment,
design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of assistance.


u Ensures all members of the community will be better protected, their capacity to identify and
sustain solutions strengthened and humanitarian resources used more effectively (adapted
from UNHCR, 2008).

4. Systems Approach
Using a systems approach means analyzing GBV-related issues across an entire organization,
sector and/or humanitarian system to come up with a combination of solutions most relevant
to the context. The systems approach can be applied to introduce systemic changes that im-
prove GBV prevention, mitigation and response efforts—both in the short term and in the long
term. Child protection actors can apply a systems approach in order to:

u Strengthen
agency/organizational/sectoral commitment to gender equality and GBV-related
u Improve
child protection actors’ knowledge, attitudes and skills related to gender equality
and GBV through sensitization and training.

u Reach out to organizations to address underlying causes that affect child protection
sector-wide capacity to prevent and mitigate GBV, such as gender imbalance in staffing.
u Strengthen safety and security for those at risk of GBV through the implementation of
infrastructure improvements and the development of GBV-related policies.
u Ensure
adequate monitoring and evaluation of GBV-related programming (adapted from
USAID, 2006).


Conducting Trainings
Throughout this TAG, it is recommended that child protection actors work with GBV specialists to prepare and
provide trainings on gender, GBV and women’s/human rights. These trainings should be provided for a variety
of stakeholders, including child protection actors, government actors, and community members. Such trainings
are essential not only for implementing effective GBV-related programming, but also for engaging with and
influencing cultural norms that contribute to the perpetuation of GBV. Where GBV specialists are not available
in-country, child protection actors can liaise with the Global GBV Area of Responsibility (gbvaor.net) for support
in preparing and providing trainings. Child protection actors should also:

• Research relevant child protection training tools that have already been developed, prioritizing tools that have
been developed in-country (e.g. local referral mechanisms, standard operating procedures, tip sheets, etc.).
• Consider the communication and literacy abilities of the target populations, and tailor the trainings accordingly.

• Ensure all trainings are conducted in local language(s) and that training tools are similarly translated.
• Ensure that non-national training facilitators work with national co-facilitators wherever possible.
• Balance awareness of cultural and religious sensitivities with maximizing protections for women, girls and
other at-risk groups.
• Seek ways to provide ongoing monitoring and mentoring/technical support (in addition to training), to ensure
sustainable knowledge transfer and improved expertise in GBV.
• Identify international and local experts in issues affecting different at-risk groups (e.g. persons with
disabilities, LGBTI populations) to incorporate information on specific at-risk groups into trainings.
(For a general list of GBV-specific training tools as well as training tools on related issues, including LGBTI rights and needs, see
Annex 1 of the comprehensive Guidelines, available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.)

Additional Citations
Hersh, M. 2014. ‘Philippines: New approach to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2008.
emergency response fails women and girls’. Refugees UNHCR Manual on a Community Based Approach in
International Field Report, <http://refugeesinternational. UNHCR Operations, <www.unhcr.org/47f0a0232.pdf>
org/sites/default/files/Philippines%20GBV%20New%20 United States Agency for International Development.
Approach%20letterhead.pdf> 2006. Addressing Gender-Based Violence through
Inter-Agency Standing Committee. 2007. Guidelines on USAID’s Health Programs: A guide for health sector
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency program officers, <www.prb.org/pdf05/gbvreportfinal.
Settings, <https://interagencystandingcommittee. pdf>
Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender Sub-
Working Group (IASC Gender SWG) and GBV Area of
Responsibility (GBV AoR). 2010. Caring for Survivors
of Sexual Violence in Emergencies Training Guide,

36 GBV Guidelines

38 GBV Guidelines
honour killing, child marriage, differential WHAT THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR
access to food and services, and differ- CHILD PROTECTION IN HUMANITARIAN
ential access to education—dispropor- ACTION SAY:
tionately affect girls and young women
Standard 8

because of gender-based discrimination u Girls and boys are protected from physical violence
against females. In situations of armed and other harmful practices, and survivors have
conflict, girls and boys are at risk of being access to age-specific and culturally appropriate
abducted by armed forces/groups and responses.
subjected to different forms of violence. Standard 9
Girls in particular are often the targets of u Girls and boys are protected from sexual violence,

sexual slavery and other forms of sexu- and survivors of sexual violence have access to
age-appropriate information as well as safe,
• Child protection coordination mechanisms al violence and exploitation. Girls who
responsive and holistic response.
• Child protection actors (staff and leadership): NGOs, community-based organizations (including National Red Cross/ are unaccompanied or orphaned, single
(Child Protection Working Group [CPWG]. 2012. Minimum
Red Crescent Societies), INGOs and United Nations agencies heads of households, child mothers and Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,
• Local committees and community-based groups related to child protection girls with disabilities are among the most <http://toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1103/Minimum-
• Other child protection stakeholders including national and local governments, community leaders and civil society groups at risk.1 standards-Child_Protection.pdf>)

Child protection actors can play a central

role in enhancing the safety and well-being of children and adolescents by integrating GBV
prevention and mitigation measures into their programming, and by supporting child-friendly

Why Addressing Gender-Based systems of care (i.e. referral pathways) for survivors. Actions taken by the child protection

sector to prevent and respond to GBV should be done in coordination with GBV specialists and

Violence Is a Critical Concern actors working in other humanitarian sectors. Child protection actors should also coordinate
with—where they exist—partners addressing gender, mental health and psychosocial support

of the Child Protection Sector

(MHPSS), HIV, age and environment. (See ‘Coordination’, below.)

When establishing programmes aimed at preventing, mitigating and responding to GBV

against children and adolescents, child protection actors should remain attentive to how
Children and adolescents often face a heightened risk of violence in humanitarian settings due the particular needs and vulnerabilities of girls in emergency settings may differ from the
to the lack of rule of law, the breakdown of family and community protective mechanisms, needs and vulnerabilities of boys. Addressing all forms of violence against girls requires
their limited power in decision-making and their level of dependence. The strain on adults understanding and challenging the social norms and traditions that place females in a
caused by humanitarian crises may subordinate position to males. Addressing specific forms of violence against boys through
increase children’s risk of physical ESSENTIAL TO KNOW a gender lens will often focus on the negative effects for boys of socially determined norms
abuse, corporal punishment and of masculinity, in particular, norms of male power and violent masculinity. The needs and
Considering the Best Interests of the Child
other forms of domestic violence. vulnerabilities of transgender and intersex children tend to be particularly hidden, and
In all actions concerning children and adolescents, the

Children and adolescents are also at require correspondingly close attention and collaboration with local experts or aid workers
best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. experienced in working with these populations. Efforts to address violence against children and
risk of being exploited by persons in
This principle should guide the design, monitoring adolescents will be most effective when there is a thorough analysis of gender-related risk and
authority (e.g. through child labour,
and adjustment of all humanitarian programmes and protective factors.
commercial sexual exploitation,
interventions. Where humanitarians take decisions
etc.). Proximity to armed forces,
regarding individual children, agreed procedural
overcrowded camps and separation
safeguards should be implemented to ensure this principle
from family members further
is upheld. Children are people under 18 years of age. This
contribute to an increased risk
category includes infants (up to 1 year old) and most 1
For the purposes of this TAG, at-risk groups include those whose particular vulnerabilities may increase their exposure to GBV and other forms
of violence. adolescents (10–19 years). Adolescents are normally of violence: adolescent girls; elderly women; woman and child heads of households; girls and women who bear children of rape and their
children born of rape; indigenous people and ethnic and religious minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons;
referred to as people between the ages of 10 and 19.
persons living with HIV; persons with disabilities; persons involved in forced and/or coerced prostitution and child victims of sexual exploitation;
During emergencies, both girls and
persons in detention; separated or unaccompanied children and orphans, including children associated with armed forces/groups; and survi-
boys are at risk of sexual assault. (Child Protection Working Group [CPWG]. 2012. Minimum Standards vors of violence. For a summary of the protection rights and needs of each of these groups, see page 10 of this TAG. The Minimum Standards for
Many other types of violence against for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, pp. 15 and 221, <http:// Child Protection in Humanitarian Action refer to at-risk groups of children as those who are likely to be excluded from care and support. Some
toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1103/Minimum-standards- of the categories of children most often identified as excluded are children with disabilities, child-headed households, LGBTI children, children
children—including sexual exploita-
Child_Protection.pdf>. For additional information see UNHCR, 2008. living and working on the streets, children born as a result of rape, children from ethnic and religious minorities, children affected by HIV,
tion and abuse, trafficking for sex, Guidelines on Determining the Best Interests of the Child, <www. adolescent girls, children in the worst forms of child labour, children without appropriate care, children born out of wedlock and children living
female genital mutilation/cutting, unhcr.org/4566b16b2.pdf>.) in residential care or detention (p. 157).


PART 3: GUIDANCE 39 40 GBV Guidelines

Essential Actions for Reducing Risk, Promoting Resilience and Aiding Recovery throughout the Programme Cycle Stage of Emergency Applicable to Each Action
Pre-Emergency/ Stabilized Recovery to
ASSESSMENT, ANALYSIS AND PLANNING Preparedness Emergency Stage Development

Promote the active participation of children and adolescents—particularly adolescent girls—in all child protection assessment processes (according to ethical standards and processes)
Assess the level of participation and leadership of women, adolescent girls and other at-risk groups in the design, implementation and monitoring of child protection programmes (e.g. ratio of male/female child protection staff; participation in
child protection monitoring groups; etc.)
Identify the cultural practices, expected behaviours and social norms that constitute GBV and/or increase risk of GBV against girls and boys (e.g. preferential treatment of boys; child marriages; female genital mutilation/cutting; gender-based
exclusion from education; domestic responsibilities for girls; child labour; recruitment of children into armed forces/groups; etc.)
Identify the environmental factors that increase children’s and adolescents’ risk of violence, understanding the different risk factors faced by girls, boys and particularly at-risk groups of children (e.g. presence of armed forces/groups; unsafe
routes for firewood/water collection, to school, to work; overcrowded camps or collective centres; status as separated or unaccompanied child; being in conflict with the law; existence of child trafficking networks; etc.)
Map community-based child protection mechanisms that can be fortified to mitigate the risks of GBV against children, particularly adolescent girls (e.g. child protection committees; community watch committees; child-friendly safe spaces;
community-based organizations; families and kinship networks; religious structures; etc.)
Identify response services and gaps in services for girl and boy survivors (including child-friendly health care; mental health and psychosocial support; security response; legal/justice processes; etc.)
Assess the capacity of child protection programmes and personnel to recognize and address the risks of GBV against girls and boys and to apply the principles of child-friendly care when engaging with girl and boy survivors
Review existing/proposed community outreach material related to child protection to ensure it includes basic information about GBV risk reduction (including prevention, where to report risk and how to access care)

Develop proposals for child protection programmes that reflect awareness of GBV risks for the affected population and strategies for reducing these risks
Prepare and provide trainings for government, humanitarian workers, national and local security and law enforcement, child protection personnel, teachers, legal/justice sector actors, community leaders, and relevant community members on
violence against children and adolescents, recognizing the differential risks and safety needs of girls and boys
Train child protection actors who work directly with affected populations to recognize GBV risks for children and adolescents and to inform survivors and their caregivers about where they can obtain care and support
Target women and other at-risk groups for job skills training related to child protection, particularly in leadership roles to ensure their presence in decision-making processes

u Programming
Involve women, adolescent girls and other at-risk groups in relevant aspects of child protection programming (with due caution where this poses a potential security risk or increases the risk of GBV)
Support the capacity of community-based child protection networks and programmes to prevent and mitigate GBV (e.g. strengthen existing community protection mechanisms; support creation of girl- and boy-friendly spaces; etc.)
Support the provision of age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive multi-sectoral care and support for child survivors of GBV (including health services; mental health and psychosocial support; security/police response; legal/justice services; etc.)
Where there are gaps in services for children and adolescents, support the training of medical, mental health and psychosocial, police, and legal/justice actors in how to engage with child survivors in age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive ways
Monitor and address the risks of GBV for separated and unaccompanied girls and boys (e.g. establish separate reception areas for unaccompanied girls and boys; ensure family reunification and foster care programmes monitor and mitigate
potential risk of GBV; etc.)
Incorporate efforts to address GBV into activities targeting children associated with armed forces/groups (e.g. disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes)
Ensure the safety and protection of children in contact with the law, taking into account the particular risks of GBV within detention facilities
u Policies
Incorporate relevant GBV prevention and mitigation strategies into the policies, standards and guidelines of child protection programmes (e.g. standards for equal employment of females; procedures and protocols for sharing protected or confidential
information about GBV incidents; agency procedures to report, investigate and take disciplinary action in cases of sexual exploitation and abuse; etc.)
Support the reform of national and local laws and policies (including customary laws) to promote and protect the rights of children and adolescents to be free from GBV (with recognition of the particular vulnerabilities, rights and needs of girls
and other at-risk groups of children)
u Communications and Information Sharing
Ensure that child protection programmes sharing information about reports of GBV within the child protection sector or with partners in the larger humanitarian community abide by safety and ethical standards (e.g. shared information does not reveal
the identity of or pose a security risk to child survivors, their caretakers or the broader community)
Incorporate GBV messages (including prevention, where to report risk and how to access care) into child protection–related community outreach and awareness-raising activities, using multiple formats to ensure accessibility

Undertake coordination with other sectors to address GBV risks and ensure protection for girls and boys at risk
Seek out the GBV coordination mechanism for support and guidance and, whenever possible, assign a child protection focal point to regularly participate in GBV coordination meetings


Identify, collect and analyse a core set of indicators—disaggregated by sex, age, disability and other relevant vulnerability factors—to monitor GBV risk-reduction activities throughout the programme cycle
Evaluate GBV risk-reduction activities by measuring programme outcomes (including potential adverse effects) and using the data to inform decision-making and ensure accountability

NOTE: The essential actions above are organized in chronological order according to an ideal model for programming. The actions that are in bold are the suggested
minimum commitments for child protection actors in the early stages of an emergency. These minimum commitments will not necessarily be undertaken according to an
ideal model for programming; for this reason, they do not always fall first under each subcategory of the summary table. When it is not possible to implement all actions—
particularly in the early stages of an emergency—the minimum commitments should be prioritized and the other actions implemented at a later date. For more information
about minimum commitments, see Part Two: Background to Child Protection Guidance. Also refer to the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,
<http://toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1103/Minimum-standards-Child_Protection.pdf>. 39a
honour killing, child marriage, differential WHAT THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR
access to food and services, and differ- CHILD PROTECTION IN HUMANITARIAN
ential access to education—dispropor- ACTION SAY:
tionately affect girls and young women
Standard 8

because of gender-based discrimination u Girls and boys are protected from physical violence
against females. In situations of armed and other harmful practices, and survivors have
conflict, girls and boys are at risk of being access to age-specific and culturally appropriate
abducted by armed forces/groups and responses.
subjected to different forms of violence. Standard 9
Girls in particular are often the targets of u Girls and boys are protected from sexual violence,

sexual slavery and other forms of sexu- and survivors of sexual violence have access to
age-appropriate information as well as safe,
• Child protection coordination mechanisms al violence and exploitation. Girls who
responsive and holistic response.
• Child protection actors (staff and leadership): NGOs, community-based organizations (including National Red Cross/ are unaccompanied or orphaned, single
(Child Protection Working Group [CPWG]. 2012. Minimum
Red Crescent Societies), INGOs and United Nations agencies heads of households, child mothers and Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,
• Local committees and community-based groups related to child protection girls with disabilities are among the most <http://toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1103/Minimum-
• Other child protection stakeholders including national and local governments, community leaders and civil society groups at risk.1 standards-Child_Protection.pdf>)

Child protection actors can play a central

role in enhancing the safety and well-being of children and adolescents by integrating GBV
prevention and mitigation measures into their programming, and by supporting child-friendly

Why Addressing Gender-Based systems of care (i.e. referral pathways) for survivors. Actions taken by the child protection

sector to prevent and respond to GBV should be done in coordination with GBV specialists and

Violence Is a Critical Concern actors working in other humanitarian sectors. Child protection actors should also coordinate
with—where they exist—partners addressing gender, mental health and psychosocial support

of the Child Protection Sector

(MHPSS), HIV, age and environment. (See ‘Coordination’, below.)

When establishing programmes aimed at preventing, mitigating and responding to GBV

against children and adolescents, child protection actors should remain attentive to how
Children and adolescents often face a heightened risk of violence in humanitarian settings due the particular needs and vulnerabilities of girls in emergency settings may differ from the
to the lack of rule of law, the breakdown of family and community protective mechanisms, needs and vulnerabilities of boys. Addressing all forms of violence against girls requires
their limited power in decision-making and their level of dependence. The strain on adults understanding and challenging the social norms and traditions that place females in a
caused by humanitarian crises may subordinate position to males. Addressing specific forms of violence against boys through
increase children’s risk of physical ESSENTIAL TO KNOW a gender lens will often focus on the negative effects for boys of socially determined norms
abuse, corporal punishment and of masculinity, in particular, norms of male power and violent masculinity. The needs and
Considering the Best Interests of the Child
other forms of domestic violence. vulnerabilities of transgender and intersex children tend to be particularly hidden, and
In all actions concerning children and adolescents, the

Children and adolescents are also at require correspondingly close attention and collaboration with local experts or aid workers
best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. experienced in working with these populations. Efforts to address violence against children and
risk of being exploited by persons in
This principle should guide the design, monitoring adolescents will be most effective when there is a thorough analysis of gender-related risk and
authority (e.g. through child labour,
and adjustment of all humanitarian programmes and protective factors.
commercial sexual exploitation,
interventions. Where humanitarians take decisions
etc.). Proximity to armed forces,
regarding individual children, agreed procedural
overcrowded camps and separation
safeguards should be implemented to ensure this principle
from family members further
is upheld. Children are people under 18 years of age. This
contribute to an increased risk
category includes infants (up to 1 year old) and most 1
For the purposes of this TAG, at-risk groups include those whose particular vulnerabilities may increase their exposure to GBV and other forms
of violence. adolescents (10–19 years). Adolescents are normally of violence: adolescent girls; elderly women; woman and child heads of households; girls and women who bear children of rape and their
children born of rape; indigenous people and ethnic and religious minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons;
referred to as people between the ages of 10 and 19.
persons living with HIV; persons with disabilities; persons involved in forced and/or coerced prostitution and child victims of sexual exploitation;
During emergencies, both girls and
persons in detention; separated or unaccompanied children and orphans, including children associated with armed forces/groups; and survi-
boys are at risk of sexual assault. (Child Protection Working Group [CPWG]. 2012. Minimum Standards vors of violence. For a summary of the protection rights and needs of each of these groups, see page 10 of this TAG. The Minimum Standards for
Many other types of violence against for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, pp. 15 and 221, <http:// Child Protection in Humanitarian Action refer to at-risk groups of children as those who are likely to be excluded from care and support. Some
toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1103/Minimum-standards- of the categories of children most often identified as excluded are children with disabilities, child-headed households, LGBTI children, children
children—including sexual exploita-
Child_Protection.pdf>. For additional information see UNHCR, 2008. living and working on the streets, children born as a result of rape, children from ethnic and religious minorities, children affected by HIV,
tion and abuse, trafficking for sex, Guidelines on Determining the Best Interests of the Child, <www. adolescent girls, children in the worst forms of child labour, children without appropriate care, children born out of wedlock and children living
female genital mutilation/cutting, unhcr.org/4566b16b2.pdf>.) in residential care or detention (p. 157).


PART 3: GUIDANCE 39 40 GBV Guidelines


Children Associated with Armed Forces/Groups

The internationally agreed definition for a child associated with an armed force or armed group (child
soldier) is any person below 18 years of age who is, or has been, recruited or used by an armed force or
armed group in any capacity. This includes but is not limited to children, boys and girls, used as fighters,
cooks, porters, messengers, spies or for sexual purposes. It does not only refer to a child who is taking or
has taken a direct part in hostilities.

(Adapted from UNICEF. 2007. The Paris Principles: Principles and guidelines on children associated with armed forces or armed groups,

Addressing Gender-Based Violence

throughout the Programme Cycle

The questions listed below are rec-
ommendations for possible areas of
inquiry that can be selectively incor- Collecting and Reporting Information Related
porated into various assessments to Children
and routine monitoring undertaken The process of collecting and reporting information on
by child protection actors working physical violence and harmful practices affecting children
in humanitarian settings. Wherever should be in line with international ethical standards for
possible, assessments should be researching violence against children. It should also be in
inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary, line with national law and, when possible, the Inter-Agency
with child protection actors working in Child Protection Information Management System and the
partnership with other sectors as well Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian
as with GBV specialists. Action. Only staff trained on child-specific interviewing
techniques should interview children.
These areas of inquiry are linked to the

three main types of responsibilities de-
(For more general information on safe and ethical assessment, data
tailed below under ‘Implementation’: collection, and data sharing, see Part Two: Background to Child
programming, policies, and commu- Protection Guidance.)
nications and information sharing.
The information generated from these areas of inquiry should be analysed to inform planning of
child protection programmes in ways that prevent and mitigate the risk of GBV, as well as facilitate
response services for child survivors. This information may highlight priorities and gaps that need
to be addressed when planning new programmes or adjusting existing programmes. For general
information on programme planning and on safe and ethical assessment, data management and
data sharing, see Part Two: Background to Child Protection Guidance.


• Key stakeholders in child protection: governments; humanitarian workers; civil societies; local authorities;
police; teachers; family members and caregivers; community leaders and community members; child protection
committees; faith-based organizations; GBV, gender and diversity specialists
• Affected populations and communities, including children and adolescents where appropriate
• In IDP/refugee settings, members of receptor/host communities

POSSIBLE AREAS OF INQUIRY (Note: This list is not exhaustive)
Areas Related to Child Protection PROGRAMMING
Participation and Leadership
a) What is the ratio of male to female child protection staff, including in positions of leadership?
• Are systems in place for training and retaining female staff?
• Are there any cultural or security issues related to their employment that may increase their risk of GBV?
b) Are children, adolescents, and others who may be at particular risk for GBV consulted on child protection
• Is this done in an age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive manner?
• Are they involved in community-based activities related to protection, and in leadership roles when possible
(e.g. community child protection committees, etc.)?
c) Are the lead actors in child protection aware of international standards (including this TAG as well as the
comprehensive Guidelines) for mainstreaming GBV prevention and mitigation strategies into their activities?
GBV-Related Child Protection Environment
d) What cultural practices, behaviours and social norms within the affected population constitute GBV or
increase risk of GBV and other forms of violence against girls and boys (e.g. preferential treatment of boys;
child marriages; female genital mutilation/cutting; gender-based exclusion from education, particularly for
adolescent girls at the secondary school level; domestic responsibilities; recruitment of children into armed
forces/groups; child labour; etc.)?
• How do these practices and norms affect children of different ages and from different at-risk groups
(e.g. violence against children and adolescents with disabilities)?
• How have these changed (increased or decreased) as a result of the humanitarian emergency?

e) What cultural practices, behaviours and social norms help protect girls and boys from GBV and other forms of
violence? How have these changed as a result of the emergency?
f) What environmental factors increase girls’ and boys’ risk of GBV and other forms of violence (e.g. presence
of armed forces; unsafe routes for firewood/water collection, to school, to work; overcrowded camps or
collective centres; status as a separated or unaccompanied child; being in conflict with the law; existence of
child trafficking networks; etc.)?
• What are the different risk factors faced by girls and boys?
• Are there groups of children or adolescents who are particularly at-risk and/or excluded from care and support?
g) What are the capacities of children and their caregivers to deal with these risk factors?
• What community structures and supports (including informal avenues) might children and adolescents turn
to for help when they have experienced or are at risk of GBV and other forms of violence?
• What community-based protection mechanisms (e.g. child protection committees; watch committees;
child-friendly spaces; community-based organizations; families and kinship networks; religious structures
and other traditional mechanisms; etc.) can be mobilized or developed to monitor and mitigate the risk of
GBV and other forms of violence?
Child-Friendly Response Services
h) What services are in place for child survivors of GBV and other forms of violence (e.g. health care; mental

health and psychosocial support; security/law enforcement; legal aid; judicial processes; etc.)?
• Do these services address the differential needs of girl and boy survivors?
• Are services provided in a safe, confidential, child-friendly and respectful way?
• Are they provided in compliance with statutory laws and international standards, particularly in relation to
informed consent of child survivors and mandatory reporting laws and policies?
• Are providers trained in issues of gender, GBV, women’s and children’s rights, social exclusion and sexuality,
as well as in child-friendly principles and approaches to care?
• Are there Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in place to ensure quality of care and safe and effective
coordination and referral?
i) What social, attitudinal, physical and informational barriers might exclude children and adolescents from
accessing services?
• What systems need to be put in place to ensure access?
• Are services provided based on universal design and/or reasonable accommodation2 to ensure accessibility
for all children and adolescents, including those with disabilities (e.g. physical disabilities; injuries; sensory
impairments; cognitive impairments; etc.)?


For more information regarding universal design and/or reasonable accommodation, see definitions in Annex 4 of the comprehensive
Guidelines, available at <www.gbvguidelines.org>.

42 GBV Guidelines
POSSIBLE AREAS OF INQUIRY (Note: This list is not exhaustive)

GBV-Related Child Protection Needs of Specific At-Risk Groups

j) Are reception areas for separated and unaccompanied children staffed with mixed teams (males and
females)? Are these teams trained to provide immediate care and support for girl and boy survivors of GBV
and other forms of violence?
• Do alternative care and family reunification programmes monitor and address potential GBV risks, even
after long-term placement or reunification?
k) Do programmes for children associated with armed forces/groups take into account their GBV-related risks
and support needs?
• Do disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes have ways of identifying girls who may
otherwise be overlooked because they are dependents or ‘wives’ of members of armed forces/groups?
• Are non-stigmatizing support systems in place for reintegrating children formerly associated with armed
forces/groups who have been exposed to GBV and other forms of violence?
• Has support been provided to families and communities of reintegrated boys and girls to ensure
non-stigmatizing care of these children?
l) Are detention centres for children in conflict with the law monitored for GBV-related risks?
• Are girls and boys (as well as children and adults) held in separate facilities?
• Are safe alternative systems of care available for children at risk and for those who are unduly incarcerated?
Areas Related to Child Protection POLICY
a) Are GBV prevention and mitigation strategies incorporated into the policies, standards and guidelines of child
protection programmes?
• Are women, girls and other at-risk groups meaningfully engaged in the development of child protection
policies, standards and guidelines that address their rights and needs, particularly as they relate to GBV? In

what ways are they engaged?
• Are these policies, standards and guidelines communicated to women, girls, boys and men (separately
when necessary)?
• Are child protection staff properly trained and equipped with the necessary skills to implement these
b) What are the national, local and customary laws and policies related to children’s rights and GBV against
• Are these aligned with constitutional and international standards and frameworks that promote the rights
and safety of girls and boys, gender equality and the empowerment of girls?
Areas Related to Child Protection COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SHARING
a) Has training been provided to child protection outreach staff on:
• Issues of gender, GBV, women’s rights and children’s rights, social exclusion and sexuality?
• How to supportively engage with child survivors and their caregivers and provide information in an
ethical, safe and confidential manner about their rights and options to report risk and access care?
b) Do child protection–related community outreach activities raise awareness within the community about
children’s rights and GBV and other forms of violence against children and adolescents?

• Does this awareness-raising include information on prevention, survivor rights (including confidentiality
at the service delivery and community levels), where to report risk and how to access care for GBV and
other forms of violence?
• Is this information provided in age-, gender-, and culturally appropriate ways?
• Are males, particularly leaders in the community, engaged in these outreach activities as agents of change?
c) Are child protection–related discussion forums age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive? Are they accessible to
girls and other at-risk groups (e.g. facilitated by trained professionals; confidential; located in secure settings;
with females as facilitators of girls’ discussion groups; etc.) so that participants feel safe to raise GBV issues?

The information below highlights important considerations for mobilizing GBV-related
resources when drafting proposals for child protection programming. Whether requesting
pre-/emergency funding or accessing post-emergency and recovery/development funding,
proposals will be strengthened when they reflect knowledge of the particular risks of GBV
and propose strategies for addressing those risks.


Beyond Accessing Funds

‘Resource mobilization’ refers not only to accessing funding, but also to scaling up human resources,
supplies and donor commitment. For more general considerations about resource mobilization, see Part
Two: Background to Child Protection Guidance. Some additional strategies for resource mobilization
through collaboration with other humanitarian sectors/partners are listed under ‘Coordination’, below.

u Does the proposal articulate specific GBV-related safety risks, protection needs
and rights of girls and boys? Is this information disaggregated by sex, age, disability
HUMANITARIAN and other relevant vulnerability factors?

u Are risks for specific forms of GBV (e.g. sexual assault; commercial sexual exploita-
OVERVIEW tion; child marriage; intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic violence;
female genital mutilation/cutting; etc.) described and analysed, rather than a broad-
er reference to ‘GBV’?

u When drafting a proposal for emergency response:

• Is there an explanation of how the project will address the immediate GBV-related
child protection needs and promote safety from GBV exposure (e.g. ensuring child
protection monitoring addresses links between general child protection issues
and GBV risk; supporting safe and secure environments in camps and other
settings for children and adolescents; building capacity of service providers
to offer care and support to girl and boy survivors; etc.)?
• Is there a clear description of how the project will address and mitigate the
particular risks of violence against sub-groups of children (e.g. separated and
unaccompanied girls and boys; girls and boys associated with armed groups; girls
and boys in conflict with the law; etc.)?

• Are additional costs required to ensure the safety and effective working envi-
ronments for female staff in the child protection sector (e.g. supporting more
PROJECT than one female staff member to undertake any assignments involving travel, or
B. RATIONALE/ funding a male family member to travel with the female staff member)?
JUSTIFICATION • Is there a strategy for preparing and providing trainings for government, humani-
tarian workers, national and local security and law enforcement, child protection
personnel, teachers, legal/justice sector actors, community leaders and relevant
community members on violence against children and adolescents—recognizing
the differential risks and safety needs of girls and boys?
• Are additional costs required to ensure any GBV-related community outreach ma-
terials are available in multiple formats and languages (e.g. Braille; sign language;
simplified messaging such as pictograms and pictures; etc.)?
u When drafting a proposal for post-emergency and recovery:
• Is there an explanation of how the project will contribute to sustainable strategies
that promote the safety and well-being of children and adolescents, and to long-
term efforts to reduce specific types of GBV against children?
• Does the proposal reflect a commitment to working with the community to ensure


44 GBV Guidelines
u Do the proposed activities reflect guiding principles and key approaches (human
rights-based, survivor-centred, community-based and systems-based) for integrating
GBV-related work?
u Do the proposed activities illustrate linkages with other humanitarian actors/sectors
in order to maximize resources and work in strategic ways?
PROJECT u Are there activities that help in changing/improving the environment by addressing
C. DESCRIPTION the underlying causes of and contributing factors to GBV (e.g advocating for laws
and policies that promote gender equality and the empowerment of girls and other
at-risk groups, etc.)?
u Does the project promote/support the participation and empowerment of women,
girls and other at-risk groups—including as child protection staff and in community-
based child protection structures?


The following are some common GBV-related considerations when implementing child
protection programming in humanitarian settings. These considerations should be adapted
to each context, always taking into account the essential rights, expressed needs and

identified resources of the target community.

Integrating GBV Prevention and Response into

Child Protection PROGRAMMING
1. Involve women, adolescent girls and other at-risk groups in relevant aspects of child
protection programming (with due caution in situations where this poses a potential
security risk or increases the risk of GBV).
u Strive for at least 50 per cent representation of females within child protection programme
staff. Provide women with formal and on-the-job training as well as targeted support to
assume leadership and training positions.
u Ensure women (and where appropriate, adolescent girls) are actively involved in community-
based child protection–related committees, associations and meetings. Be aware of poten-
tial tensions that may be caused by attempting to change the role of women and girls in

communities and, as necessary, engage in dialogue with males to ensure their support.


LGBTI Children and Adolescents

In most areas of the world, transgender and intersex children and adolescents are at an increased risk of
violence due to institutionalized discrimination and oppression based on their gender identity. Lesbian, gay and
bisexual adolescents face similarly higher risks due to their sexual orientation. Both of these groups may face
discrimination at the hands of police or security personnel due to prejudice or criminalization laws. When as-
sessing the risk factors for children and adolescents in emergencies, child protection actors should work with
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) experts to assess the particular challenges faced by
LGBTI children and adolescents when accessing protection from violence. Capacity-building—including on
the GBV-related protection rights and needs of LGBTI children—may need to be integrated into broader train-
ing initiatives. LGBTI persons should be consulted (if this can be done in a safe and confidential way) on factors
that increase or decrease their sense of safety. When working with survivors, a safe and confidential space
should be made available to enable any child to discuss his or her gender identity and/or sexual orientation with
an expert in LGBTI issues.

u Employ adults from at-risk groups (e.g. persons with disabilities, indigenous persons and
religious or ethnic minorities, LGBTI persons, etc.) in child protection staff and leadership
positions. Solicit their input to ensure specific issues of vulnerability are adequately repre-
sented and addressed in programmes.

2. Support the capacity of community-based ESSENTIAL TO KNOW

child protection networks and programmes
to prevent and mitigate GBV. Adolescent Girls

u Strengthen the ability of community protection Adolescent girls between the ages of 10 and
mechanisms (e.g. child protection committees, 19 constitute one of the most at-risk groups
for GBV due to their physical development
watch committees, child protection monitoring
and age. These factors can lead to high
and outreach staff, community-based
levels of sexual assault, sexual exploitation,
organizations, families and kinship networks,
child marriage, intimate partner violence and
religious structures and other traditional
other forms of domestic violence. Services
mechanisms) to monitor risks of GBV against must be put in place (such as school and
children and adolescents. Build their capacity community-based programmes to increase
to provide information in an ethical, safe and their social skills; programmes that generate
confidential manner to girls and boys (and/or economic opportunities; etc.) that help them
their caregivers) about where to report risk and to develop in healthy ways and take into
how to access care. account their specific needs (e.g. childcare

responsibilities; obligations in the household;

u Integrate GBV prevention and mitigation
levels of literacy; etc.).
strategies into the design and implementation
(Adapted from Child Protection Working Group
of child-friendly community spaces. [CPWG]. 2012. Minimum Standards for Child
• Ensure community spaces are accessible to Protection in Humanitarian Action, p. 95, <http://
girls and other at-risk children (e.g. ensure Minimum-standards-Child_Protection.pdf>)
community spaces are located in safe areas;
monitor safety of children travelling to/from
spaces and provide escorts where possible; ensure opening times meet the needs
of different groups of children; provide accessibility features for children with
disabilities; provide childcare for adolescent mothers; etc.). Seek out and consult


Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

Children and adolescents with disabilities may be isolated, unable to flee violent situations or unable to
comprehend risks and protect themselves from exposure to GBV and other forms of violence. They are also
more likely to lack financial resources and access to information on GBV and basic services for survivors.
Further, adolescent girls and boys with disabilities are often excluded from peer and social networks that
might reduce their vulnerability to violence. Efforts are needed to ensure that children with disabilities remain
visible to GBV-related service providers, and that child protection activities are disability-friendly and can
be accessed by children and adolescents with disabilities, no matter where they live. Practitioners must
assist children with disabilities to meet their medical needs, as well as enhance their overall functioning and
connection to supports in their communities. Referral mechanisms should be developed to identify survivors,
refer them to accessible protection systems and provide them with specialized services through survivor
assistance programmes. Prevention efforts should also be undertaken to reduce risks of violence for children
with disabilities. Girls’ programmes that focus on safe spaces, network strengthening and mentoring should be
inclusive of girls with disabilities.
(For more information, see Women’s Refugee Commission, 2014. Disability Inclusion: Translating policy into practice in humanitarian
action, <http://womensrefugeecommission.org/programs/disabilities/disability-inclusion>)

46 GBV Guidelines
with hard-to-reach girls in the community to ensure that they are empowered to
access community spaces and that community spaces meet their needs.
• Train all staff working in community spaces in issues of gender, GBV, women’s
rights and children’s rights, social exclusion and sexuality; how to respectfully and
supportively engage with child survivors; and how to provide information about their
rights, where to report risk and how to access care.
• Wherever possible, include a mixed team of male and female GBV caseworkers as part of
the staff working in community spaces. These caseworkers can play an active role in iden-
tifying cases, providing immediate mental health and psychosocial support (such as psy-
chological first aid), and facilitating timely referrals for additional care and support. Ensure
these GBV caseworkers can apply safe and ethical procedures for addressing challenging
cases (e.g. when a child survivor’s family member is believed to be the perpetrator).


Identifying the Signs of Child Sexual Abuse

Signs of sexual abuse can vary from child to child and may not always be apparent. Any one sign or symptom
of distress—such as those listed below—does not mean that a child has been abused; however, the presence
of several signs may indicate that a child is at risk. It is important for child protection programme personnel and
people working in community protection networks to be aware of some of the common signs of distress among

children, and take these signs seriously as a possible indicator for sexual abuse.
Infants and Toddlers (0–5)
• Crying, whimpering, screaming more than usual.
• Clinging or unusually attaching themselves to caregivers.
• Refusing to leave ‘safe’ places.
• Difficulty sleeping or sleeping constantly.
• Losing the ability to converse, losing bladder control and other developmental regression.
• Displaying knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to their age.
Younger Children (6–9)
• Similar reactions to children ages 0–5. In addition:
• Fear of particular people, places or activities, or of being attacked.
• Behaving younger than their age (wetting the bed or wanting parents to dress them).
• Suddenly refusing to go to school.
• Touching their genitals a lot.

• Avoiding family and friends or generally keeping to themselves.
• Refusing to eat or wanting to eat all the time.
Adolescents (10–19)
• Depression (chronic sadness), crying or emotional numbness.
• Nightmares (bad dreams) or sleep disorders.
• Problems in school or avoidance of school.
• Displaying anger or expressing difficulties with peer relationships, fighting with people, disobeying
or disrespecting authority.
• Displaying avoidance behaviour, including withdrawal from family and friends.
• Self-destructive behaviour (drugs, alcohol, self-inflicted injuries).
• Changes in school performance.
• Exhibiting eating problems, such as eating all the time or not wanting to eat.
• Suicidal thoughts or tendencies.
• Talking about abuse, experiencing flashbacks of abuse.
(Adapted from International Rescue Committee and United Nations Children’s Fund. 2013. Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual
Abuse, <http://gbvresponders.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/CCS-Guidelines-lowres.pdf>)

• Support the development of specialized programmes within community spaces to
prevent and mitigate GBV (e.g. safe touch programmes for children; empowerment
and skills-building programmes for adolescent girls; discussion groups for girls and
boys—both separately and together—on violence and gender; sexual and reproductive
health education for adolescents; parenting support groups; etc.). Ensure parenting
support groups are extended to caregivers of children with disabilities, and include
disability sensitization as well as positive parenting skills or strategies.

3. Support the provision of age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive multi-sectoral care and
support for child survivors of GBV.
u Work with relevant child protection and GBV
specialists to identify safe, confidential and
appropriate systems of care (i.e. referral Referral Pathways
pathways) for child survivors of GBV. Ensure
A ‘referral pathway’ is a flexible mechanism
these systems of care include health and that safely links survivors to supportive and
medical care, mental health and psychosocial competent services, such as medical care,
support, security/police services, legal mental health and psychosocial support,
assistance, case management, education and police assistance and legal/justice support.
vocational training opportunities, and other
relevant services.

u Advocate for procedures for child survivors of GBV to be included within all Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) for multi-sectoral GBV prevention and response.
• Implement agreements on service-level coordination, information-sharing protocols,
and referral pathways among child protection actors, GBV actors, partner agencies
and service providers.
• Ensure that the SOPs provide information about how to report cases of GBV against
children and adolescents—with provisions for how to address this issue when the
alleged perpetrator is a family member.
u Compile a directory of child-friendly GBV-related services and make it available to child
protection staff, GBV specialists, multi-sectoral service providers (e.g. health-care providers,
mental health and psychosocial support providers, lawyers, police, etc.) and communities.


In Sudan, UNICEF agreed with the police headquarters to develop a gender appropriate investigation
process within the Children and Women Police Protection Units for child survivors, witnesses and
offenders. In order to ensure that investigations and police support to girls are carried out sensitively,
UNICEF is advocating for an increase in the number of female police.

(Adapted from Ward, J. 2007. From Invisible to Indivisible: Promoting and protecting the right of the girl child to be free from
violence, p. 62, <https://www.unicef.at/fileadmin/media/Infos_und_Medien/Info-Material/Maedchen_und_Frauen/From_

4. Where there are gaps in services for children and adolescents, support the training of
medical, mental health and psychosocial, police, and legal/justice actors in how to engage
with child survivors.
u Ensure service providers understand and apply basic steps and procedures for engaging
with child survivors in age-, gender-, and culturally appropriate ways. These include:
• Upholding the guiding principles for working with survivors (e.g. promoting the
child’s best interests; ensuring the safety of the child; comforting the child; ensuring

48 GBV Guidelines
appropriate confidentiality; involving the child in decision-making; treating every child
fairly and equally; and strengthening the child’s resiliencies).
• Following informed consent/assent procedures according to local laws and the age
and developmental stage of the child.
• Applying confidentiality protocols to reflect the limits of confidentiality, as in
circumstances where a child is in danger.
• Assessing a child survivor’s immediate health, safety, psychosocial and legal/justice
needs, and using crisis intervention to mobilize early intervention services that ensure
the child’s health and safety.
• Providing immediate mental health and psychosocial support (including psychological
first aid) to the child and, where necessary and available, providing referrals to longer-
time support.
• Ensuring, where necessary, that child safety
in family/social contexts is assessed in an
ongoing way after disclosure of abuse, and
that decisive and appropriate action is taken
when a child needs protection.
• Identifying strengths and needs to engage

the child and family in a resilience-based care
and support process.
• Proactively engaging any non-offending
• Knowing other child-friendly service
providers in the local area and initiating
referrals properly.


Core Child-Friendly Attitude Competency Areas

Service providers must have the ability and commitment to put child-friendly values and beliefs into practice,
and to ensure child-friendly attitudes are communicated during the provision of care. The overarching values
that are essential for service providers working with children include the recognition that:

• Children are resilient individuals.
• Children have rights, including the right to healthy development.
• Children have the right to care, love and support.
• Children have the right to be heard and to be involved in decisions that affect them.
• Children have the right to live a life free from violence.
• Information should be shared with children in a way they understand.
In addition, there are specific beliefs that are absolutely vital for service providers to have when working with
child sexual abuse survivors. They include the beliefs that:
• Children tell the truth about sexual abuse.
• Children are not at fault for being sexually abused.
• Children can recover and heal from sexual abuse.
• Children should not be stigmatized, shamed or ridiculed for being sexually abused.
• Adults, including caregivers and service providers, have the responsibility to help a child heal by believing
them and not blaming them for sexual abuse.
(Adapted from International Rescue Committee and United Nations Children’s Fund. 2013. Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual
Abuse, <http://gbvresponders.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/CCS-Guidelines-lowres.pdf>)

u Ensure service providers use age-
appropriate lengths of time to speak PROMISING PRACTICE
with children and adolescents about Children and adolescents of all ages can
their exposure to sexual assault or other benefit from a service provider who has
forms of violence: several methods of giving and receiving
information, such as drawings, stories or
• Thirty minutes for children under the
the use of dolls. As with all interventions,
age of 9;
these methods must be age-, gender-, and
• Forty-five minutes for children aged culturally appropriate. In a refugee camp, a
10–14 years; social worker interviewed a six-year-old boy
about his experiences with sexual abuse. The
• One hour for children 15–18 years old.
child had been sexually abused by an older
u Ensure service providers understand boy, and the child told the social worker that
national and/or local laws, policies he was hurt in his ‘bum’. The social worker
and procedures related to mandatory wanted to make sure that she, and her child
reporting of violence. Ensure they client, had the same understanding of the
apply best practices in settings where word ‘bum’. So she brought out her boy doll
mandatory reporting systems exist, and she asked the child survivor to show her
including: where the bum was located on the doll. The
boy took the doll and pointed to the doll’s rear
• Maintaining the utmost discretion and end. This confirmed for the social worker that
confidentiality of child survivors. she accurately understood what the child

• Knowing the case criteria that warrant survivor was saying.

a mandatory report and ensuring (Adapted from International Rescue Committee
and United Nations Children’s Fund. 2013. Caring
that mandatory reporting processes
for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse, <http://
are done in accordance with the best gbvresponders.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/
interests of the child. CCS-Guidelines-lowres.pdf>)

• Making verbal and/or written reports

(as indicated by law) within a specified time frame (usually 24 to 48 hours).
• Providing only the minimum information needed to complete the report; explaining to the
child and her or his caregiver what is happening and why; documenting the report in the
child’s case file; and following up with the family and relevant authorities.

5. Monitor and address the risks of GBV for separated and unaccompanied girls and boys.
u Staffreception areas for separated and unaccompanied children with a mixed team of

male and female GBV specialists and/or child protection personnel with GBV-related
expertise. Ensure they are trained to engage supportively and in an age-, gender-, and
culturally appropriate manner with girl and boy survivors and equipped to provide safe,
confidential and timely referrals for immediate care and support (including in cases
where children disclose violence that occurred prior to flight or in transit, and/or are
encountering ongoing violence).
u Design interim care placements and shelters for separated and unaccompanied children
in ways that protect against GBV risks:
• Undertake a protection risk assessment when identifying interim care placements in
order to support the best interests process.
• Ensure privacy for children, both girls and boys (e.g. sex-segregated washing facilities
and sleeping rooms).
• Regularly monitor the placements and facilities for GBV risks. Ensure ongoing
monitoring processes involve safe and confidential consultation with girls and boys.

50 GBV Guidelines
u When seeking long-term alternative care solutions
for separated and unaccompanied children, screen
kinship and foster care systems for potential GBV
risks to children in placement and implement
strategies to prevent exposure to GBV. Ensure
follow-up visits to monitor these placements.
u Ensure staff members and caregivers in placement
• Are carefully vetted.
• Understand and have signed a code of conduct on
the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.
• Receive training on gender, GBV, women’s
rights and children’s rights, social exclusion and
sexuality, and individual needs of children in their
• Understand and can implement SOPs related to
confidential systems of care for child survivors.
• Receive regular supervision and support.

u Prominently display GBV prevention messages—as well as information about where
children and caregivers can report risk and how survivors can access care for GBV—in
reception areas, shelters and other interim care placements. Ensure children are aware
of what constitutes abuse and what to do if abuse occurs in a placement.
u Include an analysis of GBV risks in follow-up visits to families reunified with their children.
Consider the need for specialized prevention and mitigation measures for children and
adolescents at high risk of GBV (e.g. targeted cash transfers and/or livelihoods support
to families where poor children are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation, or where
families may seek to place girls in early marriages; relocation for children who are being
sexually abused by family members, taking into careful consideration the potential negative
consequences of breaking family or community ties and support mechanisms; etc.).

6. Incorporate efforts to address GBV into activities targeting children associated with
armed forces/groups.

u Ensure that child protection actors working to prevent and respond to child recruitment
are sensitized to the differential and discrete risks for girls and for boys (e.g. risk of girls
being recruited and used for sexual purposes and/or child marriage, and boys being
recruited into fighting forces and/or subject to sexual abuse). Undertake advocacy and
facilitate coordination with relevant authorities and community-based groups to address
these discrete risks.
u Integratestrategies into disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes that
identify and assist girls who may otherwise be overlooked because they are dependents
or ‘wives’ of members of armed forces/groups. Address the particular needs of girls who
are pregnant or have children, and ensure support to their children.
u Undertake non-stigmatizing social reintegration programming for children formerly
associated with armed forces/groups who have been exposed to sexual and other forms
of GBV. Ensure that the concerned community benefits from the reintegration support
provided to boys and girls, and that family and community members are assisted in
protecting and supporting child survivors rather than stigmatizing them.

In Sierra Leone’s reintegration programming for girls, UNICEF worked with implementing partners to
provide educational opportunities to girls formerly associated with fighting forces. These programmes
combined classroom and vocational training with childcare and feeding programmes so that girls with
infants could attend while their children were nearby in a positive, safe environment. Importantly, schools
that received former captive children were ‘rewarded’ with additional supplies and books that benefited
all students in the community, thereby avoiding the appearance that only former captive children received
educational assistance. Additionally, accelerated schooling helped older girls gain basic literacy and
math skills they missed due to the length of time spent in fighting forces.

(Adapted from Ward, J. 2007. From Invisible to Indivisible: Promoting and protecting the right of the girl child to be free from
violence, p. 56, <https://www.unicef.at/fileadmin/media/Infos_und_Medien/Info-Material/Maedchen_und_Frauen/From_

7. Ensure the safety and protection of children in conflict with the law.
u Monitor detention facilities where children or adolescents are held to identify
potential GBV risks. Ensure that girls and boys are being held in separate facilities (or
departments of facilities), and that children are being held separately from adults. Raise
awareness among detention facility staff on issues of gender, GBV, women’s rights and
children’s rights, social exclusion and sexuality, and advocate for the establishment of

complaint-reporting mechanisms in detention facilities. Ensure that the input of girls and
boys is incorporated into the development of complaints mechanisms.
u Wherenecessary and appropriate, support the establishment of women’s desks and
gender desks in police stations.
u Analyse and monitor customary and informal law procedures in which children may be
involved to identify risks of violence. Ensure that such procedures protect the rights of
children who use or are subject to them.
u Advocate for the use of alternative sanctions in all cases to ensure that detention is only
ever used as a last resort. Monitor alternative sanctions such as probation or community
service to identify risks of violence.
u Advocate with authorities to ensure that children who have been exploited and abused
through commercial sexual exploitation are treated as survivors and are not subject to
prosecution or punishment.

Integrating GBV Prevention and Response into

Child Protection POLICIES
1. Incorporate relevant GBV prevention and mitigation strategies into the policies,
standards and guidelines of child protection programmes.
u Identify and ensure the implementation of programmatic policies that (1) mitigate the
risks of GBV and (2) support the participation of women, adolescent girls and other at-risk
groups as staff and leaders in child protection activities. These can include, among others:
• Policies regarding childcare for child protection staff.
• Standards for equal employment of females.
• Procedures and protocols for sharing protected or confidential information about
GBV incidents.
• Relevant information about agency procedures to report, investigate and take
disciplinary action in cases of sexual exploitation and abuse.

52 GBV Guidelines
u Circulate these widely among child protection staff, committees and management
groups and—where appropriate—in national and local languages to the wider
community (using accessible methods such as Braille; sign language; posters with visual
content for non-literate persons; announcements at community meetings; etc.).

2. Support the reform of national and local laws and policies (including customary laws)
to promote and protect the rights of children to be free from GBV.
u Review laws, regulations, policies and procedures, and advocate with relevant
stakeholders (including governments, policymakers, customary/traditional leaders,
international organizations and non-governmental entities) to promote adherence to
international laws and standards regarding the rights of children, gender equality and
the empowerment of girls.
u Where necessary, advocate for the revision of customary laws and processes
regarding harmful traditional practices against children (e.g. child marriage, female
genital mutilation/cutting, child labour, etc.) that are not aligned with constitutional
and international standards.
u Advocate for, and provide technical support on, the inclusion of the rights of children
in rule-of-law and security sector reform.
u Encourage attention to GBV against children and adolescents in all return, relocation

and reintegration frameworks; developmental action plans; and disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration programmes. Such frameworks and action plans
should contain measures to prevent and respond to GBV against children, provide
adequate care and support to child survivors, and support gender equality and the
empowerment of girls.
u Support relevant line ministries in developing implementation strategies for GBV-
related policies and plans. Undertake sensitization and awareness-raising campaigns
highlighting how such policies and plans will benefit communities in order to
encourage community support and mitigate backlash.

Integrating GBV Prevention and Response into


1. Ensure that child protection programmes sharing information about reports of GBV
within the child protection sector or with partners in the larger humanitarian community
abide by safety and ethical standards.
u Develop inter- and intra-agency information-
GBV-Specific Messaging
sharing standards that do not reveal the iden-
tity of or pose a security risk to child survivors, Community outreach initiatives should include
their caretakers or the broader community. dialogue about basic safety concerns and
Consider using the international Gender-Based safety measures for the affected population,
Violence Information Management System including those related to GBV. When
undertaking GBV-specific messaging,
(GBVIMS), and explore linkages between
non-GBV specialists should be sure to
the GBVIMS and existing Child Protection
work in collaboration with GBV-specialist
Information Management Systems.3
staff or a GBV-specialized agency.

The GBVIMS is not meant to replace national child protection or other information systems collecting GBV information. Rather, it is an effort
to bring coherence and standardization to GBV data collection in humanitarian settings, where multiple actors often collect information
using different approaches and tools. For more information, see: <www.gbvims.com>.

2. Incorporate GBV messages into child protection-related community outreach and
awareness-raising activities.
u Work with GBV specialists to integrate awareness-raising on GBV into child protection-
related messaging.
• Ensure this awareness-raising includes information on prevention, survivor rights
(including confidentiality at the service delivery and community levels), where to report
risk and how to access care for GBV.
• Conduct workshops with children on safe and unsafe touch and how to report abuse.
• Disseminate child-friendly versions of referral pathways and other key information,
using multiple formats and languages to ensure accessibility (e.g. Braille; sign language;
simplified messaging such as pictograms and pictures; etc.).
• Target affected populations and key stakeholders (including government, humanitarian
workers, local authorities, police, teachers, families, children, adolescents, religious and
community leaders, and community members).
• Engage (separately when necessary) women, girls, men and boys in the development
of messages and in strategies for their dissemination so they are age-, gender-, and
culturally appropriate.
u Thoroughly train child protection outreach staff on issues of gender, GBV, women’s rights,

children’s rights, social exclusion, sexuality and child-friendly psychological first aid (e.g.
how to engage supportively with child survivors and provide information in an ethical,
safe and confidential manner about their rights and options to report risk and access care).
u Engage males, particularly leaders in the community, as agents of change in child
protection outreach activities related to the prevention of GBV. Ensure that men are
actively engaged in discussions about the traditionally female area of childcare and day-
to-day child protection responsibilities.
u Consider the barriers faced by women, girls and other at-risk groups to their safe
participation in community discussion forums and educational workshops related to
child protection (e.g. transportation; meeting times and locations; risk of backlash related
to participation; need for childcare; accessibility for persons with disabilities; etc.).
Implement strategies to make discussion forums age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive (e.g.
confidential, with females as facilitators of separate girls’ discussion groups, etc.) so that

participants feel safe to raise GBV issues.

u Provide community members with information about existing codes of conduct for child
protection personnel, as well as where to report sexual exploitation and abuse committed
by child protection personnel. Ensure appropriate training is provided for staff and partners
on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.

54 GBV Guidelines
As a first step in coordination, child protection programmers should seek out the GBV
coordination mechanism to identify where GBV expertise is available in-country. GBV
specialists can be enlisted to assist child protection programmers to:
u Design and conduct safe and ethical GBV-related assessments and other data collection
related to child protection, and strategize about ways these risks can be mitigated.
u Conduct background research on the nature and incidence of specific forms of GBV against
children in the setting.
u Provide trainings for child protection staff on issues of gender, GBV and women’s rights.
u Identifywhere survivors who may report instances of GBV exposure to child protection staff
can receive safe, confidential and appropriate care, and provide child protection staff with the
basic skills and information to respond supportively to survivors.
u Provide
training and awareness-raising for the affected community on issues of gender, GBV,
women’s rights and children’s rights as they relate to child protection.

In addition, child protection programmers should link with other humanitarian sectors to
further reduce the risk of GBV. Some recommendations for coordination with other sectors
are indicated below (to be considered according to the sectors that are mobilized in a given
humanitarian response). While not included in the table, child protection actors should
also coordinate with—where they exist—partners addressing gender, mental health and
psychosocial support (MHPSS), HIV, age and environment. For more general information
on GBV-related coordination responsibilities, see Part Two: Background to Child Protection


u Work with CCCM actors to:
• Provide safe registration sites and accommodations for male and female children, taking into account the
Camp particular risks of GBV
Coordination • Promote the involvement of adolescents, especially females, in decision-making processes within the camp
• Provide child-friendly safe spaces and accommodation for separated and unaccompanied children,
and Camp child-headed households, child mothers and other children at heightened risk of GBV
Management • Ensure that spaces for children are located in safe locations (e.g. away from busy roads, markets, etc.)
(CCCM) • Increase camp lighting in strategic/insecure areas of the camp frequented by children and adolescents
• Monitor the safety of non-food item (NFI) distribution sites, and identify situations in which girls and boys are at
risk of violence or exploitation (consulting with boys and girls where feasible)

u Work with education actors to:

• Ensure GBV-related child protection concerns are reflected in the assessment, design, monitoring and
evaluation of education programmes
• Monitor instances of child violence, exploitation and abuse in and around educational settings, and imple-
Education ment strategies to mitigate these risks (e.g. escorts to and from school; codes of conduct for teachers and
staff, etc.)
• Develop vocational skills training programmes for children, especially girls, that reduce their risk of com-
mercial sexual exploitation. Link with livelihoods programmes to ensure vocational skills are utilized

u Collaborate with FSA actors to incorporate child protection standards into food security interventions and
ensure food distribution is aligned to protect children and adolescents from GBV, including protection from
Food Security sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA)
and Agriculture u Develop systems to ensure that child-headed households and children in foster care receive adequate
(FSA) food and supplements
u Coordinate to ensure that the process of obtaining registration and identity documentation does not act as
a barrier for girls and boys receiving food assistance

u Work with health actors to ensure girl and boy survivors have access to quality health services
delivered in a protective, child-friendly way that takes into account their age and developmental needs

Health u Support health actors in addressing GBV-related medical concerns of children and adolescents upon
their arrival at reception centres

u Work with livelihoods actors to:

• Plan and implement safe livelihoods opportunities for adolescent girls and boys, taking into account
minimum working ages and implementing strategies to mitigate risks of child labour
Livelihoods • Ensure that participants in livelihoods interventions include children most at risk of GBV
• Ensure age-, gender-, and culturally sensitive protection standards for children and adolescents are
incorporated into livelihoods interventions
• Carefully assess the benefits (e.g. increased income) and risks (e.g. school drop-out, exploitation) of
livelihoods opportunities for adolescent girls and boys

u Ensure girls and boys of all ages, especially pregnant and breastfeeding girls and child-headed
households, have access to safe, adequate and appropriate nutrition services and food.

Nutrition u Identify opportunities for improving children’s and adolescents’ nutritional status (e.g. background
gardens; supplemental foods; school feeding programmes; etc.)

u Enlist support of protection actors to link with law enforcement as partners in addressing GBV-related
safety needs of children and adolescents travelling to/from school and other venues
Protection u Work with protection actors to ensure detention centres for children in conflict with the law meet basic
international standards

u Work with SS&R actors to:

• Assess the number of children living alone or without shelter, paying particular attention to the location of
Shelter, child-headed households (e.g. ensuring they are not near the outer edges of a camp)
• Ensure SS&R staff are trained on child protection issues (including child labour) and can use referral
Settlement pathways for separated and unaccompanied children and child survivors of violence, abuse, exploitation
and Recovery and neglect
(SS&R) • Ensure that the processes of registration, obtaining ration/assistance cards and obtaining identity
documentation are not preventing girls or boys from receiving shelter assistance and putting them at
greater risk of GBV

Water, Sanitation u Support WASH actors in:

and Hygiene • Monitoring the safety and accessibility of WASH facilities for girls and boys
• Integrating safe and accessible WASH services in childcare centres, schools and other child-friendly spaces

56 GBV Guidelines


The indicators listed below are non-exhaustive suggestions based on the recommendations
contained in this TAG. Indicators can be used to measure the progress and outcomes of
activities undertaken across the programme cycle, with the ultimate aim of maintaining
effective programmes and improving accountability to affected populations. The ‘Indicator
Definition’ describes the information needed to measure the indicator; ‘Possible Data
Sources’ suggests existing sources where a child protection programme or agency
can gather the necessary information; ‘Target’ represents a benchmark for success in
implementation; ‘Baseline’ indicators are collected prior to or at the earliest stage of a
programme to be used as a reference point for subsequent measurements; ‘Output’ monitors
a tangible and immediate product of an activity; and ‘Outcome’ measures a change in
progress in social, behavioural or environmental conditions. Targets should be set prior to
the start of an activity and adjusted as the project progresses based on the project duration,
available resources and contextual concerns to ensure they are appropriate for the setting.

The indicators should be collected and reported by the child protection sector. Several
indicators have been taken from the child protection sector’s own guidance and resources
(see footnotes below the table). See Part Two: Background to Child Protection Guidance for
more information on monitoring and evaluation.

To the extent possible, indicators should be disaggregated by sex, age, disability and other
vulnerability factors. See Part One: Introduction for more information on vulnerability factors
for at-risk groups.

Stage of
Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators Programme



Inclusion of GBV- # of CP assessment that include Assessment 100%
related questions in GBV-related questions* from the reports or tools
child protection (CP) GBV Guidelines × 100 (at agency or
assessments4 sector level)
# of CP assessment
* See page 42 for GBV areas of inquiry that can be
adapted to questions in assessments

Female participation in # of assessment respondents Assessment 50%

assessments who are female × 100 reports (at
agency or
# of assessment respondents
sector level)
# of assessment team members
who are female × 100
# of assessment team members

Inter-Agency Standing Committee. 30 November 2012. Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at the Country Level.
IASC Transformative Agenda Reference Document, <https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/system/files/legacy_

Stage of




Existence of child- # of targeted communities that have a safe Direct Determine
friendly safe spaces in space for children during the assessment observation, in the field
a community during the × 100 W matrix
# of targeted communities during
the assessment
Existence of child- # of targeted communities with W matrix Determine
friendly multi-sectoral child-friendly multi-sectoral services* in the field
services for child for child survivors of GBV × 100
survivors of GBV5
# of targeted communities
* Multi-sectoral services include child-friendly health
care, mental health and psychosocial support, security
and legal/justice response

Inclusion of GBV risk # of CP funding proposals or strategies that Proposal review 100%
reduction in child include at least one GBV risk-reduction (at agency or
protection (CP) funding objective, activity or indicator from the GBV sector level)
proposals or strategies Guidelines × 100

# of CP funding proposals or strategies

Training of child Training 100%
protection staff on the # of CP staff/agencies who participated in a attendance,
GBV Guidelines training on the GBV Guidelines × 100 meeting
minutes, survey
# of CP staff/agencies (at agency or
sector level)

u Programming
Female staff in child # of staff in CP programmes who are Organizational 50%
protection programmes female × 100 records
# of staff in CP programmes
Ratio of boys and Quantitative: W matrix, Determine
girls in child-friendly organizational in the field
# of girls attending child-friendly

community spaces records, focus

community spaces
Disaggregate by age # of boys attending child-friendly discussion
groups (aged 0–6, 7–12, community spaces (FGD), key
13–18) Qualitative: informant
What are barriers to girls’ participation in interview (KII)
child-friendly safe environments? What are
barriers to boys’ participation?

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Humanitarian Indicators Registry,


58 GBV Guidelines
Stage of



u Programming
Consultations with the Quantitative: Organizational 100%
affected population on records, FGD,
# of services* for child GBV survivors
accessing services for KII
conducting consultations with the affected
child survivors of GBV5
population to accessing the service × 100
Disaggregate # of services for child GBV survivors
consultations by sex Qualitative:
and age What types of barriers do children
experience in accessing services for GBV?
* Services include health care, mental health and
psychosocial support, security and legal/justice

Service provider # of service providers* who, in response to Survey Determine

knowledge of core a prompted question, correctly say the core in field
child-friendly attitude child-friendly attitude competency areas**
competency areas × 100
# of surveyed service providers

* Service providers include medical, mental health
and psychosocial, police and legal/justice response;
criteria should be determined in the setting
** See page 49 for description of core child-friendly
attitude competency areas

Placements for W matrix, CP Determine

separated and # of placements for separated/ Information in the field
unaccompanied unaccompanied children who are receiving Management
children that are visits to monitor risk factors of GBV × 100 System
receiving visits to # of placements for registered separated/
monitor risk factors unaccompanied children
of GBV5
Coverage of services Organizational Determine
for child survivors # of DDR programmes that provide records, KII in the field
of GBV participating services* for child survivors of GBV × 100
in disarmament, # of DDR programs
demobilization and
* Services include medical, mental health and
reintegration (DDR) psychosocial, police and legal/justice response

Existence of # of specified locations with measures KII, desk review 100%
alternative measures other than detention for children in conflict
for children in conflict with the law × 100
with the law
# of specified locations
u Policies
Inclusion of GBV Desk review (at Determine
prevention and # of CP policies, guidelines or standards agency, sector, in the field
mitigation strategies that include GBV prevention and mitigation national or
in child protection strategies from the GBV Guidelines × 100 global level)
policies, guidelines or # of CP policies, guidelines or standards

Stage of



u Communications and Information Sharing
Staff knowledge # of staff who, in response to a prompted Survey (at 100%
of standards for question, correctly say that information agency or
confidential sharing of shared on GBV reports should not reveal programme
GBV reports the identity of survivors × 100 level)
# of surveyed staff
Inclusion of GBV # of CP community outreach activities Desk review, Determine
referral information programmes that include information on KII, survey in the field
in child protection where to report risk and access care for (at agency or
community outreach GBV survivors × 100 sector level)
# of CP community outreach activities

Coordination of # of non-CP sectors consulted with to KII, meeting Determine
GBV risk-reduction address GBV risk-reduction activities* × 100 minutes (at in the field
activities with other agency or
# of existing non-CP sectors in a given

sectors sector level)

humanitarian response
* See page 56 for list of sectors and GBV risk-reduction

60 GBV Guidelines
Key Resources
JJ United Nations Children’s Fund. 2010. Core Commitments for JJ International Rescue Committee and United Nations Children’s
Children in Humanitarian Action. New York: UNICEF, <www. Fund. 2012. Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse:
unicef.org/cholera/Chapter_1_intro/05_UNICEF_Core%20 Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in
Commitments_for_Children_in_Humanitarian_Action.pdf> humanitarian settings, <http://gbvresponders.org/wp-content/
JJ Child Protection Working Groups (CPWG). 2012. Minimum
Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, <http:// JJ World Health Organization. 2007. WHO Ethical and Safety
toolkit.ineesite.org/toolkit/INEEcms/uploads/1103/Minimum- Recommendations for Researching, Documenting and
standards-Child_Protection.pdf> Monitoring Sexual Violence in Emergencies, <www.who.int/
JJ International Rescue Committee, Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights, Save the Children, Terre des JJ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2008.
Hommes, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and Guidelines on Determining the Best Interests of the Child,
United Nations Children’s Fund. 2008. Action for the Rights of <www.unhcr.org/4566b16b2.pdf>
Children, <www.unhcr.org/3bb825cd2.pdf> JJ Child Protection Working Group. 2011. ‘Child Protection Rapid
JJ Handicap International and Save the Children. 2011. ‘Out from Assessment’, <www.alnap.org/resource/7481.aspx?tag=461>.
the Shadows. Sexual violence against children with disabilities’ A Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) is an inter-
(draft), <www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/CEDAW/ agency, cluster-specific rapid assessment, designed and
HarmfulPractices/HandicapInternationalandSavetheChildren. conducted by CPWG members in the aftermath of a rapid-onset
pdf> emergency. It is meant to provide a snapshot of urgent child
protection related needs among the affected population within
JJ Save the Children, United Nations Children’s Fund,
the immediate post-emergency context, as well as act as a
International Rescue Committee, International Committee of
stepping-stone for a more comprehensive process of assessing
the Red Cross, and World Vision. 2004. Inter-Agency Guiding

the impacts of the emergency.
Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children,
<www.unicef.org/protection/IAG_UASCs.pdf> JJ International Rescue Committee and University of California,
Los Angeles, Centre for International Medicine. 2008. Clinical
JJ Child Protection Working Group and GBV Area of
Care for Sexual Assault Survivors: A multimedia training tool –
Responsibility. 2014. Fundraising Handbook for Child Protection
Facilitators guide, <http://iawg.net/ccsas/ccsas-resources>
and Gender Based Violence in Humanitarian Action, <www.
FUNDRAISING_HANDBOOK.pdf>. This handbook has been
developed to help field practitioners meet the expectations of
donors when planning and implementing child protection and
GBV responses.

Additional Resources
JJ Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. 2011. JJ Handicap International. n.d. Disability Checklist for Emergency
Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, response, Response, <www.handicap-international.de/fileadmin/
recovery, <www.ineesite.org/eietrainingmodule/cases/ redaktion/pdf/disability_checklist_booklet_01.pdf>. This booklet
learningistheirfuture/pdf/Minimum_Standards_English_2010. provides general guidelines for the protection and inclusion of

pdf> injured persons and persons with disabilities in humanitarian
settings, and includes a page on protection related to women
JJ Ward, J. 2007. From Invisible to Indivisible: Promoting and
and children with disabilities.
protecting the right of the girl child to be free from violence.
New York: UNICEF, <https://www.unicef.at/fileadmin/media/ JJ Save the Children UK. 2008. No One to Turn To, <http://www.
Infos_und_Medien/Info-Material/Maedchen_und_Frauen/ savethechildren.org.uk/sites/default/files/docs/No_One_to_
From_Invisible_To_Indivisible_-_Rights_of_Girl_Child.pdf> Turn_To_1.pdf>
JJ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 2008. UNHCR JJ NGO Advisory Council for Follow-Up to the UN Study on
Handbook for the Protection of Women and Girls, <www.unhcr. Violence against Children. 2011. Five Years On: A global update
org/47cfae612.html> on violence against children, <https://www.crin.org/docs/
JJ Child Soldiers International. 2012. ‘Louder Than Words: An
agenda for action to end state use of child soldiers’, <http:// JJ Pinheiro, P. 2006. World Report on Violence against Children.
child-soldiers.org/global_report_reader.php?id=562>. For more United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against
information, see also <www.warchild.org.uk/issues/child- Children, <www.unicef.org/lac/full_tex(3).pdf>

62 GBV Guidelines

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