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The population living in Wah Cantt is using water from a deep spring, which is
considered to be relatively free from organic contamination but rich in calcium
bicarbonates and sulphates. On account of properties that spring water has, protects
people from:
a) Gastroenteritis
b) Ancylostomiasis
c) Atherosclerosis
d) Renal problems
e) Degenerative heart disease

Key: True: c
2. A well was present in a rural area where an unsanitary bore-hole latrine with lots of
flies was present within 10 feet of distance. The disease more likely to be transmitted
through drinking this well water is:
a) Leishmaniasis
b) Typhoid
c) Dental caries
d) Ancylostomiasis
e) Trachoma

Key: True: b
3. If a child has been drinking water containing 30 mg/L of nitrates the condition likely to
occur is:
a) Infantile Methemoglobinemia
b) E-coli enteritis
c) Botulism
d) Dental caries
e) Entrobiasis

Key: True: a
4. Required amount of chlorine was added to a large body of water after sedimentation.
The pH of water was 4.0 and level of sulphides was negligible. A contact period of one
hour was ensure Eventually, it was found that chlorination was not successful. The likely
reason was:
a) Low pH
b) Less contact time
c) Less amount of chlorine
d) Suspended impurities
e) Chemical antagonists

Key: True: a
5. People of a village reported a high prevalence of bacterial gastroenteritis even after
proper chlorination of water supply for the recommended duration. On water analysis,
level of chlorine in water was 0.01 mg/L and pH of water was 6.5. There were no
suspended impurities; levels of sulphides and ferrous were low. The likely reason of
increased bacterial gastroenteritis even after chlorination is:
a) Low residual chlorine
b) High pH leading to chlorination failure
c) Presence of sulphides
d) Low level of ferrous
e) Inadequate contact time

Key: True: a
6. A water sample was taken from a source where catchment area included a large
agricultural land. It was declared unfit for human consumption on account of raised
concentration of a chemical. The likely chemical which has resulted in making this water
unfit is:
a) Iodine
b) Calcium
c) Zinc
d) Chlorides
e) Nitrite

Key: True: e
7. During a sanitary inspection of a rapid sand filtration plant, slowing of the filtration
rate was observed owing to loss of head. Which method will you suggest to give head to
water in such a situation?
a) Addition of alum
b) Scraping the top layer
c) Increasing duration of storage
d) Back washing of sand bed
e) The addition of lime or soda ash

Key: True: d
8. You were required to chlorinate well water; you added required amount of bleaching
powder solution to the water and allowed an overnight contact tim What is your
recommendation regarding consumption of this water for drinking.
a) Fit for consumption
b) To be used after 12 hours
c) To be used after another 24 hours
d) Rechlorinate
e) May be used after boiling

Key: True: a
9. A dental surgeon appointed in rural health centre reports an increased incidence of
dental carries in the children of that are the relevant preventive measure that he should
suggest to the health authorities is:
a) Fluoridation of water
b) Chlorination of water
c) Use of bacterial filter
d) Use of boiled water
e) Softening of hard water

Key: True: a
10. Chlorination of water was done by addition of bleaching powder solution containing
10% available chlorine One hour contact time was ensure What is your recommendation
regarding use of this water for drinking?
a) Fit for consumption
b) Use after 06 hours
c) Use after 12 hours
d) To be used after another 24 hours
e) Rechlorinate

Key: True: e
11. Water samples from two villages of Punjab were sent to Health laboratory for
examination. Lab reports show fluoride levels ranging from 5.26 to 6.32 mg/lit. Use of
this water for drinking may lead to:
a) Dental caries
b) Dental fluorosis
c) Gingivitis
d) Periodontitis
e) Alveolar abscess

Key: True: b
12. An out-break of scabies was reported in a Kachi abadi consisting of 500 people. The
appropriate preventive measures suggested by you would be to:
a) Filter the water
b) Improve accessibility to water
c) Destroy breeding sites of insects
d) Chlorinate water
e) Avoid bare footed watering of fields

Key: True: b
13. A sample of water taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was to be
examined bacteriologically. A positive test of water sample by multiple tube method
refers to the presence of
a) Coli-form organisms
b) Fecal streptococci
c) Nitrites
d) Cl. Perfringens
e) Fungi

Key: a
14. An epidemic of gastroenteritis affected more than 500 people in a city. Samples of
water were taken from different sites of the supply system. Bacteriological examination
was positive for coli forms. Chemical analysis of water showed the presence of high
fluoride, nitrate, chloride and ph of 6. Which content is suggestive of water born
a) Nitrates
b) Chlorides
c) High pH
d) Coli-forms
e) Fluoride

Key: d
15. Different agents are used for chlorination of water on large scale. If after chlorination
taste of water is not much altered; level of residual chlorine is more stable and
persistent. The likely agent to be used for chlorination was:
a) Bleaching powder
b) Chlorine gas
c) Chloramines
d) Perchloron
e) Chloride ions

Key: a
16. In a poor community, there is high prevalence of acute diarrhea cases. The best
method for preventing this health problem in the long run is:
a) Anti-diarrheal drugs.
b) Immunization against cholera and typhoid
c) Provision of sanitary latrine
d) Use of boiled water.
e) Living in fly proof zone

Key: True: c
17. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense
itching with scratching in axillae, groin and hands; it is more marked at night. The most
likely diagnosis is:
a) Scabies
b) Dermatitis
c) Eczema
d) Psoriasis
e) Dermatitis

Key: a
18. In a house consisting of two living rooms, the door and windows are facing each
other. This will provide:
a) Low humidity
b) Aspiration
c) Cross ventilation
d) Diffusion
e) Acoustic discomfort

Key: c
19. A 12 members family was living in a house consisting of two rooms. Which disease is
most likely to be common in the given situation?
a) Asthma
b) Tuberculosis
c) CA Bronchus
d) Cystic fibrosis
e) Emphysema

Key: b
20. A 5 member family was residing in a small house. The available floor space to one
person was 30 sq ft. The problem which is more likely to be associated with this
available space is:
a) Psychosocial
b) Malnutrition
c) Typhoid
d) Enterobius vermicularis
e) Malaria

Key: a
21. A water sample was taken from a village near Taxila On chemical analysis the
fluoride level was found to be 0.03 mg/lit. The likely effect on the body is:
a) Dental flourosis
b) Dental caries
c) Skeletal flourosis
d) Caries spine
e) Abdominal colic

Key: b
22. A water sample taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was sent for
bacteriological examination in the laboratory. A test of water sample by multiple tube
method was found positive, which referred to the presence of:
a) Coli-form organisms
b) Fecal streptococci
c) Nitrites
d) Cl. Perfringens
e) Fungi

Key: a
23. An army troop while being transported to Himalayan station had to stay at the
altitude of 12,000 feet for 04 days. One of the soldiers developed pulmonary edema.
The best immediate measure to be taken is:
a) Antibiotic therapy
b) Suction of pulmonary fluids
c) Artificial respiration
d) Shift the patient to lower altitude
e) Administer diuretics

Key: d
24. A Person working in compressed air chamber presented with symptoms of cough,
dyspnoea and joint pains. This clinical presentation is suggestive of:
a) Pulmonary edema
b) Fat embolism
c) Air embolism
d) Rupture of spleen
e) Myocardial infarction

Key: c
25. The atmospheric pressure at earth’s surface close to the sea level averages 760 mm
of Hg. If a man lives at an altitude of 13000 feet above the sea level for few years, the
main physiological effect is:
a) Decrease in respiration
b) Increase in concentration of hemoglobin
c) Decrease in concentration of hemoglobin
d) Decrease in cardiac output
e) Increased concentration of urine

Key: b
26. Husband and wife belonging to low socioeconomic status of a village are brought to
the hospital with mental confusion, loss of memory, labored breathing eventually
leading to coma. There is history of using coal fire, what is the most probable diagnosis:
a) CO2 poisoning
b) CO poisoning
c) Hydrogen sulphides poisoning
d) Sulphur dioxide poisoning
e) Nitrogen dioxide poisoning

Key: b
27. In the “Blake Hole of Kalkata”, 146 prisoners were imprisoned in a room 18x14x10
out of whom only 23 survive There were two small windows which were adequate to
supply all the oxygen needs – even than only 23 survive What is the most likely cause of
a) Decreased oxygen
b) Increased carbon dioxide
c) Increase ammonia
d) Heat retention
e) Lack of sunlight

Key: d
28. A survey on air pollution was conducted in an urban area to determine the major
contaminant in air. The major contaminant estimated in all air pollution is:
a) Grit and dust
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Nitrogen dioxide
e) Smoke index

Key: b
30. A person presented with hearing loss after 12 hours of noise exposure. This hearing
loss disappeared shortly afterwards. The frequency of noise is likely to be between the
ranges of:
a) 1000 – 2000 Hz
b) 2000 – 4000 Hz
c) 4000 – 6000 Hz
d) 6000 – 8000 Hz
e) 8000 – 10,000 Hz

Key: c
1. To impart health education regarding child care to large number of mothers visiting
MCH centre it is decided to resort to method of group discussions. What could be
appropriate strength of each group for this purpose?
a) 3-5
b) 4-6
c) 6-12
d) 20-25
e) 20-30

Key: True: c
2. To develop effective AIDS control strategy for Pakistan, the experts from all over the
world are invited to devise the plan after relevant discussion. What name is given to this
a) Seminar
b) Group discussion
c) Symposium
d) Panel discussion
e) Workshop

Key: True: d
3. Persuasive communication was deliberately employed to manipulate feelings,
attitudes and beliefs of people regarding smoking, this method is known as:
a) Counseling
b) Motivation
c) Propaganda
d) Advising
e) Education

Key: True: c
4. Health education is the responsibility of
a) Health educationalist
b) Doctor
c) Paramedical staff
d) Every health worker
e) Community Nurse

Key: True: d
5. Diarrhoeal cases among children of an urban slum are on a rise. Almost all the
mothers are illiterate and belong to lower socioeconomic class. It seems difficult to
make them understand the use of ORS. What method can provide the best solution in
this scenario?
a) Role playing
b) Poster competition
c) Radio Programme
d) Lectures
e) T.V commercials

Key: True: a
6. There was a tableau held in POF Hospital, Wah Cantt on the world children’s day to
demonstrate the importance of ORS in dehydration with a back drop of ORS, breast
feeding and MCH service. This method is known as: COMMUNITY MEDICINE ...VERY
a) Poster competition
b) Role playing
c) Symposium
d) Lectures
e) Learning by doing

Key: True: b
7. After a thorough study of socio-demographic characteristics of a population in Dhok
Ratta, a relevant method of health education against smoking was employed to this
population. Upon assessing the population habits even after lapse of 2 years, no change
in the behaviour of the smokers was note what is likely to be missing in this programme
to achieve the desired results?
a) Reinforcement
b) Knowledge of cultures
c) Knowledge of beliefs
d) Required devotion
e) Appropriate methods

Key: True: a
8. In Pakistan about 50% population is illiterate and smoking is mostly prevalent among
the poor. Government has started giving pictorial warnings instead of written, to have a
greater impact of health education on people: This strategy is more focused on:
a) Message
b) Receiver
c) Sender
d) Channel
e) Planning

Key: b
1. A pregnant woman presented with pallor, shortness of breath, lethargy and
palpitation. Her blood examination revealed hemoglobin level of 9 gm/dl. In your
opinion what could be the probable deficiency in the woman?
a) Iron
b) Niacin
c) Vitamin C
d) Iodine

Globin Key: a
2. A 30 years old pregnant lady, gravidity 2 parity 1, visited the antenatal clinic at 32
weeks of gestation. She was a known smoker. On physical examination blood pressure
was found to be 120/80 mm Hg. Blood examination showed Hb level of 12.5 g/dl.
Ultrasound was suggestive of intrauterine growth retardation. Which factor during
pregnancy would have contributed to intrauterine growth retardation?
a) Age
b) Parity
c) Anemia
d) Hypertension

Smoking Key: e
3. A 28 years old pregnant lady, gravidity 1 parity1, visited the antenatal clinic at 32
weeks of gestation. She was a known alcoholic. On physical examination blood pressure
was found to be120/80 mm Hg. Blood examination showed Hb level of 12.5 g/dl.
Ultrasound was suggestive of intrauterine growth retardation, Microcephaly and
developmental delay. Which factor during pregnancy would have contributed to the
fetal conditions?
a) Maternal age
b) Parity
c) Anemia
d) Hypertension
e) Alcohol consumption

Key: e
4. A newly married couple visits family planning centre for contraception. Upon
investigation the woman has hyperlipidemia. The method of contraception which would
be used cautiously in this woman is:
a) Condom
b) Combined oral contraceptive pill
c) Second generation IUCD
d) Mini pill
e) Nor-plant

Key: b
5. A 35 years old woman was brought to hospital with toxic shock syndrome. She was
using some method of contraception. The method of contraception which had likely lead
to this condition is:
a) Condom
b) Diaphragm
c) Vaginal douching
d) Oral pills
e) Norplant

Key: b
6. A 34 years old woman presented in the emergency department to a lady doctor with
painful vulvar ulceration. On examination the ulcer had irregular margins with
undermined edges. The ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes were swollen and tender. The
most likely diagnosis is:
a) Syphilis
b) Herpes
c) Chancroid
d) Lymphogranuloma venereum
e) HIV

Key: c
7. A 30 years old lady having two kids wants to plan her family. On examination she is
found to be anemia. She also gives history of ectopic pregnancy last year. The best
method of contraception for her would be:
a) Lippe’s loop
b) Injectable contraceptives
c) Progestasert
d) Multi-load
e) Cu-T

Key: b
8. A 42 years old female wants to use oral contraceptive pills. She is 55 kg of weight and
beetle chewer. On general examination she was found to be suffering from mild
depression. This contraceptive method should be used cautiously in this woman because
of her:
a) Age
b) Excess weight
c) Low weight
d) Beetle chewing habit
e) Depression

Key: a
9. For long term contraception, a sub -dermal implant known as “nor-plant” is being
used now a days. The main disadvantage of Norplant is:
a) Spontaneous expulsion
b) Irregular menstrual bleeding
c) Pelvic inflammatory disease
d) Ectopic pregnancy
e) Venous thrombosis

Key: b
10. A primary Gravida with O- ve blood group comes to labour room with labour pains.
Her husband’s blood group is O+v In order to avoid Rh incompatibility in pregnancy,
which measure would you take:
a) Administer AntiRh immunoglobulins at delivery
b) Serial ultrasonography
c) Chorionic villous biopsy
d) Amniocentesis
e) Beta HCG monitoring

Key: a
11. An 8 weeks pregnant lady comes to gynae OPD for antenatal visit for the first time.
She told the doctor that she has come from far off area and it’s not possible to come for
her monthly antenatal visits. The doctor advised the minimum number of essential
antenatal visits is:
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) 8

Key: a
12. A 25 years old para 2 delivered a baby boy last month. She went to a family planning
center to seek advice for contraception. The frequency of breast feeding at night is mor
The best way to avoid conception in the first four months following delivery is the use
Oral contraceptive
Male pills
Injectable contraceptive
3rd generation IUCD
no contraception
key: e
13. A nulliparous woman is presented in the OPD with severe bleeding after taking some
contraceptive metho The gynecologist mimetically assessed that cause of bleeding was:
Copper T
Oral contraceptive
lippe?s loop
vaginal sponge
key: c
14. A primigravida with 30 weeks of gestation visit OPD for routine checkup. Her P was
found to be 160/90 mm Hg. The doctor advised to report immediately if she develops:
Abdominal pain
Vaginal bleeding
Swelling of the feet
Key: d

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